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The Top 100 Movie Characters - Results (Results are in)

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Very surprised Luke made it this high. He's usually second fiddle in popularity to Darth Vader and Han Solo.


Speaking of, have either of those two made an appearance yet?

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5: Han Solo – Harrison Ford, Star Wars Episode 4-6

(130pts and 11 votes)


And Star Wars continues to run riot through the top 10 like a plague of Locusts devouring all other characters as they come. Mostly a bit-part TV actor before 1977, Ford – like most of the cast – was given his big break by Star Wars. The cool ladies’ man foil to Luke Skywalker’s more homely persona, Han Solo cemented himself as one of the most vital cogs of the Star Wars machine (an even more impressive feat when you consider he spends most of his time next to some yeti-like creature that keeps orgasming at full voice into his ear).


Another A grade to be given to whoever was head of casting for A New Hope, Ford’s Partnership with Lucas is now good for over $3.5 Billion (and about $17 Trillion adjusted for inflation). With rumours that he will return for parts 7-9, who knows where the final figure may eventually fall?


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Very surprised Luke made it this high. He's usually second fiddle in popularity to Darth Vader and Han Solo.


Speaking of, have either of those two made an appearance yet?


Sadly no, they hadn't... well not until that last post of mine at least

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4: The Joker – Heath Ledger, The Dark Knight

(145pts and 11 votes)


The only character in the top 16 to only have appeared in one single film is testament to the performance that Ledger put in for this role. I’m not going to discuss the whole ‘it was the role that killed him’ mythos or waste time arguing about whether ‘it’s only viewed so highly because he died crap’ because I only care about the performance on screen and this may well have been the best single performance of any character on this list. Ledger transformed himself in a way that nobody thought possible, be consumed the role and became the embodiment of sadism that Bale’s Joker required.


It cannot be overstated enough how much impact this role had on comic book villains and characters both past and present. I touched upon before how Nicholson’s Joker was seen by many as one of the greatest on screen villains pre-Dark Knight and it was, but Ledger just blew that performance out of the water. Just let that sink in for a moment… Heath Ledger was able to play a character previously played in a box office smash hit by one of the most respected actors that’s ever lived, directed by one of the most popular directors and didn’t just exceed the marker that had been laid down, but obliterated it. You want to talk about why The Dark Knight Rises was seen as disappointing by some? Look no further than the fact that Bane isn’t fit to wear the lipstick of Ledger’s Joker.


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3: Rocky – Sylvester Stallone, Rocky 1-6

(151pts and 11 votes)


There’s not much left to gush about Stallone that I didn’t already gush when Rambo came up, but let’s just revisit one small detail: This guy created, wrote and directed two characters who both finished easily inside the top 20 of the best characters ever and still can’t get the respect he deserves from some quarters. Rocky Balboa is the ultimate underdog, the epitome of nice guy done good. He may not be very bright but he has a good heart and tries to use it.


The original rocky is probably the best sports film ever made: the slow build, the character development and the jaw-dropping boxing match at the end, just make it a joy to watch from start to finish. (A side thought, have you ever felt so happy at the end of a film after watching a final scene where the hero actually loses?) Rocky’s high finish in this list is testament to the fact that while other 80’s action guys like Arnie and Bruce had a good share of on screen gravitas, Stallone had that little something extra that make him Sylvester fucking Stallone


For a bit of fun let’s look at all those action heroes head to head: (In First Name Alphabetical Order)


Arnold Schwarzenegger: The Terminator: 8th, Harry Tasker (True Lies) 335th, Julius Benedict (Twins) 518th


Bruce Willis: John McClane: 9th, James Cole (12 Monkeys):514th


Chow-Yun Fat: Tequila Yuen (Hard Boiled): 248th


Mel Gibson: Martin Riggs: 46th, Brett Maverick: 115th, William Wallace: 379th*,


Steven Seagal: Casey Ryback (Under Siege): 486th, Gino Felino (Out for Justice): 507th


Sylvester Stallone: Rocky: 3rd, Rambo: 13th, John Spartan (Demolition Man): 419th,


Wesley Snipes: Blade: 481st



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Incredible work so far chas  :)

Definitely. Once this is over, I'm going to have to go through and like every post you've put here. Except the one with MoS Superman.

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2: Darth Vader – James Earl Jones, Star Wars Episode 4-6

(171pts and 10 votes)


So your favourite villain (come is anybody still in the dark about who is in first place by now? DO I really need to make sure I don’t give you too many clues? If you are you really need to just give up on life [spoiler ALERT! It’s Indiana Jones] is the grand Nemesis of the Star Wars universe and lil’ Luke’s daddy: Darth Vader. Speaking through a respirator that can give Bane hope that one day his voice will be cypherable by the human ear, James Earl Jones lends the voice talent to the role and his tone is the right level of menacing for a G rated film to feel ominous without scarring the small kids that may be watching. The Emperor may have technically been the mastermind behind everything, but Vader was certainly the villain most vile and the speaker of the most famous plot twist line of all time.



Darth Vader rounds off a very strong showing for the Star Wars folks, X in the top 10, X in the top 20, and X in the full 100. The strong Star Wars surge in the top 10 managed to beat off Marvel for the best-represented franchise on the list. Just to show how dominant the franchise was, let’s allow the top few to face off head to head below:


Star Wars


Darth Vader: 2nd, Han Solo: 6th, Luke Skywalker: 7th, Yoda: 9th, Obi Won Kenobi (Guinness): 21st, Emperor Palpatine: 48th, Princess Leia: 50th, R2D2: 76th, Chewbacca: 132nd, Obi Won Kenobi (McGregor): 159th, Darth Maul: 200th, C3PO: 253rd


Marvel (Comic not Studio)


Iron Man: 12th, Wolverine: 37th, Captain America: 42rd, Thor: 59th, Magneto (Ian): 65th, Spiderman (Maguire): 93rd, Loki: 100th, Hulk: 101st, Nick Fury 125th, Professor Xavier (Pat): 127th, Magneto (Fass): 134th, Spiderman (Garfield): 153rd, Professor Xavier (James): 159th, Black Widow: 251st, Gwen Stacy: 269th, Marie/Rouge: 280th, Bobby Drake: 306th, Norman Osborne: 357th, Mystique (JLaw): 441st, Storm: 460th, Sebastian Shaw: 541st




Wall E: 18th, Woody: 27th, Buzz Lightyear: 43rd, Remy: 92nd, Mike: 110th, Rex: 147th, Ham: 169th, Slinky Dog: 226th, Sully: 229th, Jesse: 240th, Mr. Incredible: 242nd, Eve: 263rd, Dory: 319th, Doug: 322nd, Elastagirl: 398th, Marlin: 437th, Boo: 481st, Dash Parr: 494th, Violet Parr: 553rd,


Disney Animation  


Genie: 66th, Mulan: 91st, Scar: 106th, Simba: 112th, Baloo: 136th, Sebastian: 150th, Peter Pan: 175th, Aladdin: 190th, Belle: 195th, Fix-it Felix: 202nd,  Kronk: 212nd, Lumiere: 214th, Robin Hood: 225th, Yzma: 233rd, Beast: 234th, Pinocchio: 244th, Flynn Rider: 266th, Jiminy Cricket: 277th, Ariel: 298th, Captain Hook: 310th, Gaston: 330th, Timon: 362nd, Pumba: 363rd, Tinkerbell: 369th, Mufasa: 440th, Cinderella: 489th, Cruella De Vil: 491st, Little John: 521st, Pongo: 530th, Snow White: 544th, Timothy Q Mouse: 549th, Ursula: 552nd,




Gandalf: 32nd, Gollum: 36th, Aragorn: 50th, Merry: 124th, Pippin: 126th, Bilbo (Freeman): 137th, Sam: 148th, Frodo: 239th, Saruman: 366th, Faramir: 402nd, Legolas: 427th, Arwen: 475th, Boromir: 482nd, Eawyn: 498th, Eomer: 502nd




The Joker (Ledger): 4th, Batman: 28th, Superman (Reeves): 44th, The Joker (Jack): 62nd, Bane: 70th, Superman (Cavil): 81st, Lex Luthor (Hackman): 143rd, Alfred (Caine): 163rd, Catwoman (Pfeiffer): 178th, Batman (Keaton): 194th, General Zod (Stamp): 332nd, Lex Luther (Spacey): 429th, Superman (Routh): 460th, The Riddler: 547th,

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1: Indiana Jones – Harrison Ford, Indiana Jones 1-4

(203pts and 11 votes)


Was it ever in Doubt? Well actually yes as at different points in the voting. Both Rocky and Joker were at number 1 (Vader Surprisingly never was as the Star Wars Mob was a little later to the party voting wise)). Star of between 2 and 4 classic films depending on your views on (usually) Temple and Kingdom, Indiana Jones is the perfect hero in every sense. He is rugged, quick-witted, loves a fight, a drink and a woman (in any order) and has been fortunate enough to have world beating films in which to do it all. Harrison Ford is either a genius at being to create this great characters or the luckiest actor on the planet to have been handed so many iconic roles (Jack Ryan 169th, President Marshall 360th, Rick Deckard 532nd to add to the two in the top 100), my vote is for the former.


I mentioned earlier of how audiences are willing to forgive a character like John McClane for a movie misstep and still be prepared to see the next installment; that works triple time for Indiana Jones. Although I actually love Temple of Doom almost as much as 1 and 3, Crystal Skull did piss me off somewhat, yet because it’s Indy, I wouldn’t just be merely ok with a 5th installment, I am actively excited about the prospect of him donning the hat and whip one more time. In fact I’d be willing to sit through 5 god awful outings in a row with a 95 year old Harrison Ford chasing the crown of thorns or whatever in a mobility scooter if there was a 2% chance that one of them can recreate the Indiana Jones of old.


Averaging over 18 (the value of placing a character 4th on average) points per vote, you cannot deny, that Indiana Jones has a place in peoples’ hearts that very few, if any other characters can manage. Well done that man. With that I am finished. Enjoy the final Youtube clip:


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So the full 100 (hopefully)



Indiana Jones Harrison Ford Indiana Jones 11 203
Darth Vader James Earl Jones Star Wars 10 171
Rocky Sylvestor Stallone Rocky 11 151
The Joker Heath Ledger  The Dark Knight 11 145
Han Solo Harrison Ford Star Wars 11 130
Luke Skywalker Mark Hamill Star Wars 9 123
Terminator Arnold Schwarzenegger  Terminator  10 118
Yoda Frank Oz Star Wars 9 113
John Mclean Bruce Willis Die Hard 8 107
Don Corleone Marlon Brando Godfather 5 99
Tony Stark Robert Downey Jr Ironman  11 94
Ripley Sigourney Weaver Alien 9 94
Rambo Sylvestor Stallone Rambo 7 85
Jack Sparrow Johnny Depp Pirates of the Caribbean 9 79
Jason Bourne Matt Damon Bourne Trilogy 8 76
Martie Mcfly Michael J Fox Back to the Future 8 75
Forrest Gump Tom Hanks Forrest Gump 8 70
Wall E Pixar Wall E 6 68
Roger 'Verbal' Kint / Keyser Soze Kevin Spacey The usual Suspects 5 68
Obi wan Kenobi  Alec Guiness Star Wars 5 67
Hannibal Lector Anthony Hopkins Silence of the Lambs 6 62
Jules Winfield Samuel Jackson Pulp Fiction 7 60
Doc Brown Christopher Lloyd Back to the Future 7 58
Colonel Hans Landa Christopher Waltz Inglorious Basterds 7 56
The Man with no Name Clint Eastwood The good, the bad and the Ugly 4 56
James Bond Sean Connery James Bond 6 55
Woody Tom Hanks Toy Story 5 53
Batman Christian Bale Dark Knight Trilogy 6 52
Hans Gruber Alan Rickman Die Hard 6 49
Michael Corleone Al Pacino Godfather 5 49
Rick Blaine Humphrey Bogart Casablanca 5 49
Gandalf Ian McKellen Lord of the Rings 5 49
Neo  Keanu Reeves Matrix 5 49
Freddy Krueger Robert Englund Nightmare on Elmstreet 4 47
Shrek  Mike Myers Shrek  4 46
Gollum Andy Serkis Lord of the Rings 5 43
Wolverine Hugh Jackman Xmen 7 42
James Bond Daniel Craig Skyfall 5 42
Katniss Everdeen Jennifer Lawrence Hunger Games 5 42
E.T Pat Welsh E.T 5 42
Juror 8 Henry Fonda 12 Angry Men 3 39
Steve Rogers Chris Evans Captain America 6 38
Buzz Lightyear Tim Allen Toy Story 5 38
Superman Christoper Reeves Superman 5 38
Martin Riggs Mel Gibson Lethal Weapon 4 36
Peter Venkman Bill Murray Ghostbusters 6 35
Emperor Palpatine Ian McDiarmid Star Wars 5 35
Maximus Russell Crowe Gladiator 4 35
Princess Leia Carrie Fisher Star Wars 3 34
Aragorn Viggo Mortensen Lord of the Rings 5 32
Ian Malcolm  Jeff Goldblum Jurassic Park 4 31
Dirty Harry Callahan Clint Eastwood Dirty Harry 5 30
Truman Burbank Jim Carrey The Truman Show 5 29
Rose Dewitt Kate Winslet Titanic 5 28
The Bride Uma Thurman Kill Bill 5 28
Dorothy Judy Garland Wizard of Oz 5 28
Mary Poppins Julie Andrews Mary Poppins 3 28
John Coffey Michael Clarke Duncan Green Mile 2 28
Thor Chris Hemsworth Thor 6 27
Axel Foley Eddie Murphy  Beverly Hills Cop 4 27
Willy Wonka Gene Wilder Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory 3 27
The Joker Jack Nicholson Batman 4 26
Scrat Karen Disher Ice Age 3 2 26
Jack Dawson  Leonardo Dicaprio Titanic 5 25
Magneto Ian McKellen Xmen 4 25
Genie Robin Williams Aladdin 4 25
Tyler Durden Brad Pitt Fight Club 3 25
Wicked Witch of the West Margaret Hamilton Wizard of Oz 3 25
The Little Tramp Charlie Chaplin City Lights 1 25
Bane Tom hardy The Dark Knight Rises 4 24
Anton Chigurh Javier Bardem No Country for Old Men 3 23
Norman Bates Anthony Perkins Psycho 3 22
Ferris Bueller Matthew Broderick Ferris Bueller's Day off 3 22
Catherine Tramell Sharon Stone Basic Instinct 3 22
R2D2 Kenny Baker Star Wars 5 21
HAL 9000 Douglas Rain 2001: A Space Odyssey 4 21
Morpheus Laurence Fishborne Matrix 2 21
Puss in Boots Antonio Banderes Shrek  4 20
Scarlett O Hara Vivian Leigh Gone With the Wind 3 20
Donkey Eddie Murphy  Shrek  2 20
Superman Henry Cavill Man of Steel 2 20
Professor Kate Jack Lemmon The Great Race 1 20
Harry Potter Daniel Radcliffe Harry Potter 5 19
Ace Ventura Jim Carrey Ace Ventura 4 19
Lloyd Christmas Jim Carrey Dumb and Dumber 3 18
George Bailey Jimmy Stewart It’s a Wonderful Life 3 18
Gru Steve Carell Despicable Me 2 18
Gromit Alumpof Clay Wallace and Gromit 1 18
Agent Smith Hugo Weaving Matrix 4 17
Andy Dufresne Tim Robbins Shawshank Redemption 4 17
Mulan Ming-Na Mulan 3 17
Remy Petton Oswalt Ratatouille 3 17
Spiderman Toby Maguire Spiderman 2 17
Chunk Jeff Cohen The Goonies 3 16
Ellis Boyd 'Red' Redding Morgan Freeman Shawshank Redemption 3 16
Tony Montana Al Pacino Scarface 3 16
Martin Brody Rob Scheider Jaws 3 16
Agent J Will Smith Men in Black 3 16
Sarah Conner Linda Hamilton Terminator 3 16
Loki Tom Hiddlestone Avengers 3 16
Bruce Banner / Hulk Mark Ruffalo Avengers 3 16
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Little surprise there, but a worthy winner nonetheless. 


Also, great job hosting this Chas. You'll get those likes in a moment.


In the meanwhile, I need to start work on that 'characters who deserved to be on here more than Cavill's Superman' list....

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