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Helix | Play God. Pay the Price.

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The new Syfy show has been receiving excellent reviews and it is already considered Syfy's best show in many years. After last year's Defiance, it seems that Syfy is finally back with the goods.




I already saw the season premiere, and loved it. The writing is great, it is thrilling and intense, it has strong performances and great production values for a Syfy show. Can't wait for next week!


io9 review:


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Sarah isn't infected so far. At least not in the 2 episodes I saw.


In ep.3 Sarah creates a fast detector of the virus, so they can teste people, and separate the infected from the healthy. In the end of ep 2 you see Peter kissing Julia at the end, and infecting her. They administer the test, but hers is negative = not infected. At the end of the episode, after they separated infected from healthy we Julia discoverez she is infected, and checks the tests again, she discoveres it did not work. She trties to warn the others, but it's too late, because Daniel (i think that's his name) blew up the Communications Array (so that Alan cannot call the army). Last shot of the episode we see Sarah undersseing and she has a big scar on her back, and it looks fresh. Also, her hands were shaking, she was sweating....




I hope what I wrote makes sense, because my english is not very strong.

Edited by Doctor Who
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Holy crap episode 3!

It was obvious the test wasn't viable since we knew Julia was infected for sure. Sarah doesn't seem to be infected so far. Peter doesn't have a big scar on his body. I just think there is some sort of dark past in Sarah's history, and that is why she is so nervous and sweating and shit. Also, WOW at the virus exploding inside the box!

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Just watched the 2-hour premiere on my DVR. Solid start with some very good atmospheric tension scenes. I do like that they got out of the way the fact that there's a conspiracy/Big Bad behind the virus in the first episode and are now slowly revealing the "man behind the curtain" bit by bit.The preview following the premiere indicates things may end up degenerating Resident Evil-style.Will wait for Friday for Episode 3.

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Two big things in the final minutes. Army guy kills blondie to prevent the info of the viral genetic delivery from getting to Alan. And Hataki is clearly some form of master carrier, it's the only explanation for why that Vector didn't make a move on him.Though I suppose a Hiroyuki Sanada death stare has enough badassery to make a Vector poop its pants in fear.

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Two big things in the final minutes. Army guy kills blondie to prevent the info of the viral genetic delivery from getting to Alan. And Hataki is clearly some form of master carrier, it's the only explanation for why that Vector didn't make a move on him.Though I suppose a Hiroyuki Sanada death stare has enough badassery to make a Vector poop its pants in fear.

The obvious logic explanation.


It probably has something to do with his shiny eyes we saw in episode 2 or 3.

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