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Jack Nevada

2014 Academy Awards: The Official Thread (ALL NOMINEES IN THE FIRST POST)

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My local Regal is stupid. they are playing 2 movies for Best Picture (Hustle and Wolf) even though I already seen them I would like to see them again with people who haven't. So I look at the listings for this weekend and they are getting rid of both of them.


ARE YOU KIDDING ME??  Its a 10 screen theater, you can't keep the Oscar films.


But they got Osage County coming on Friday. :blink:  :blink:


By the way in the debate about American Hustle I will say that the music is great in the movie and the performances are great but the movie wasn't as good as Wolf or Gravity or Her or Nebraska. Jennifer Lawrence deserves a nomination but not to win this year. Still a good movie just not great.

My theater is losing Llewyn... which now seems oddly prophetic

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I think if anyone were to be nominated from AH, it should be Jeremy Renner. He played very much against type as a tragic figure whose good faith is taken advantage of.


If AH gets any acting nominations at the BOF awards and Renner is snubbed, I will freak out at y'all. Freaking amazing work there; basically the only reason I want to recut the movie (presuming that the DVD has like 30 min of deleted scenes with more Renner)

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I'd just like to say that I'd be really frustrated if I were Bradley Cooper. Jennifer Lawrence keeps co-starring in his movies and getting more awards attention despite him giving much better performances.

I agree with SLP but wtf@AH. Easily the worst performance of the five

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Actually think that Leo has a real shot at winning.  You could easily have the best actor nominees from Dallas and 12 yrs splitting the PC "Oscar bait" performances and Leo walks right in to the Academy Award.  


The more I think about it, the more I believe Joaquin Phoenix gave the best performance of the year.  And Scarlett Johansson should have won for Supporting Actress.  And I'm not a fan of hers at all.


Wonder if Emma Thompson hurt herself with that sloshed performance at the Golden Globes?

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I like that the tech categories like make up and visual effects don't give a damn if the movie has bad reviews or a big box office flop, if they feel that tech people made good work in a bad movie then so what if it has bad reputation, for what is worth the one who nominates in those categories  are supposed to be experts in their field anyway.


I'm glad Before Midnight was not snubbed for Screenplay, I know it was expected based on the track record but since it's not player anywhere else and such a competitive I felt it was vulnerable. I'm so glad it didn't

Edited by forg
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I don't think so, considering it was in two different categories.


Yeah, but Academy voters don't necessarily vote the way you think they do. Sometimes they think, who's a big star/well respected person who has a movie this year. Then they vote for them. There is quite a bit of blind voting going on. So, some voters might've chosen to rewards Hanks for Banks and others for Phillips. 



Fuck Streep. She's an old hag who overacts in nearly all her recent movies, and she goes on rants that you and other Meryl Streep worshippers bow down too. Well, move over Streepites, I'm making a new religion


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PREACH IT!!!  :worthy:  :worthy: :worthy:


Oh please. Your Pagan pales in comparison with true greatness. 

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Wonder if Emma Thompson hurt herself with that sloshed performance at the Golden Globes?


No. Voting was already closed. And also, Meryl didn't hurt Thompson with her NBR sermon. That was like literally 12 hours before (or was it the night after?) the deadline. The effect is negligible. And even if there was a small effect, she shouldn't have been affected if she was as locked as all of you guys think she is. 


(And also have you guys ever considered that Adams bumped out Thompson? Let's be honest here. MERYL WAS ALWAYS GOING TO GET IN. FACT. The Academy worships Meryl and she gets in every time. So, Adams is obviously the new addition to the line-up that the Academy switched out with Thompson. I think this logic works better for everyone involved in this.)

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So will Harvey make Philomena win something? :P

Screenplay or Score are the only places where the chances are even existent. So probs not. 



I agree with SLP but wtf@AH. Easily the worst performance of the five


It was just down right awful and cringeworthy. Especially the first scene she's in. I mean seriously? I actually had to close my eyes. That was how bad it got. 

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