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Really good interview with Clancy Brown

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Last night I rented a low budget horror film called Nothing Left to Fear.  It stars Anne Heche and Clancy Brown.  It was a pretty decent horror film that kind of had shades of Wicker Man, Rosemary's Baby and about a dozen low budget horror films I've seen.  That doesn't mean it was cliched, just that it had elements that I recognize from other films.  


Dread Central interviewed one of my all time favourite character actors for the film, Clancy Brown.  Most of you will know him as the asshole prison guard from Shawshank Redemption but his career dates back about 30 years.  He was in Highlander and he played one of my favourite characters in Walter Hill's Extreme Prejudice.  Recently he was in Homefront and Cowboys and Aliens.  


This interview is for the movie but it also touches on his career a bit and he offers up some really interesting stories.  I know most of you won't really care about him or the interview, but for those of you who do check it out, it's a really insightful look at some of his career and what he has to say is pretty compelling.






From the psychopathic, Christopher Lambert-bothering Kurgan in Highlander to tyrannical prison warden Byran Hadley in The Shawshank Redemption through to new recruit-maiming drill sergeant Zim in Starship Troopers, it's safe to say that I am one of the many movie fans who have more than just a handful of favourite Clancy Brown roles.

Brown joins an impressive cast that includes Anne Heche and James Tupper for Nothing Left To Fear, the first horror film to come from former Guns 'N' Roses guitarist Slash's production company 'Slasher Films'. Akin to Seventies horror classics The Wicker Man and Rosemary's Baby, Anthony Leonardi III's debut feature channels fears of the occult, secret societies and the supernatural with a modern twist.

We snapped up the chance to get the first word from Clancy himself on his latest role as the ominous Pastor Kingsman, head of a mysterious Baptist church that seems to have much more influence on the residents of its small home town than you may realise...

Aaron Williams: Which of your roles are you most fond of?

Clancy Brown: That's not a fair question; I like them all! If it's sunny outside, I like one; if it's rainy, I like another. God, which one am I most fond of? I love the Highlander, I love the Kurgan. They're all emblematic of a time in my life. Shawshank was the role I was doing when I got married, so I like that one. I like the role I was doing when my daughter was born, Starship Troopers, so I have great affection for that. I like Pastor Kingsman because he's sort of a next iteration of these preachers I've been playing, which I think is kind of a fascinating theme. I was a prison guard for a while, and now I'm the guy who plays a pastor. It's an interesting phase I'm going through.

Read more: http://www.dreadcentral.com/news/74081/clancy-brown-talks-having-nothing-left-fear#ixzz2xk0Siq3N 

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Really? I had no idea anyone else had really heard of him.  But I guess it doesn't surprise me that you are fond of him as well.  What role would you say is your favourite, or what roles do you remember him in?

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My favourite line from Brown was from Extreme Prejudice.  He plays a mercenary who is out to rob a bank, thinking that his work is sanctioned by the government, covertly.  Then he is told by his superior, Michael Ironside, that they have to kill Nick Nolte, who is a Texas Ranger.


Very unusual... ordering the termination of an American civilian peace officer clearly loyal to the country and in the process of bringing a known criminal to justice.

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