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1st Annual Forum Games! - PART 21 - 116 - FINAL PART ON 117 - WE HAVE A "WINNER" - AFTER CREDIT SCENE - Page 119

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Oh wow, back in the main forum? Thanks! Part 3 out tomorrow morning. Expect a cycle of about every 2 days. This week will be a little different since my gf is coming to town, but I'll try my hardest to have Part 4 out this weekend. But yeah just expect about every 2 days now.


Part 3 will be more like 1, not everyone will be in it because then it would be too long, but remember, if you don't show up, then you don't die, so appreciate that haha.

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I suppose if I was doing this I would pick all the names for all rounds beforehand, so I could go in knowing exactly how to craft the story (building foreshadowing for who the heroes and villains will be, stuff like that).


Though I suppose doing that would remove some of the spontaneity.

Edited by Numbers the One True King
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I suppose if I was doing this I would pick all the names for all rounds beforehand, so I could go in knowing exactly how to craft the story (building foreshadowing for who the heroes and villains will be, stuff like that). Though I suppose doing that would remove some of the spontaneity.

be sure to write an epilogue about the survivors (all of us paired off obv (and our kids are all names of our fallen friends)) sending their kids off to hogwarts
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be sure to write an epilogue about the survivors (all of us paired off obv (and our kids are all names of our fallen friends)) sending their kids off to hogwarts

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Or 'There can be only one' but I couldn't find a decent gif for that :D

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Team Monstars hike through Skull Island. They walk across a narrow, wooden truss bridge, fatigued from the humidity and the jagged topography.

AC Slater: This actually hasn't been so bad, so far. BOOM. The bridge shimmies. They all stop in their tracks and look around.

Dar: You just had to say that? Crack! Snap! Crack! They keep hearing a cracking and breaking noise, but can't figure out where it's coming from. 

BoxOfficeZ: Everyone look around! Find out where that noise is coming from! They nervously survey their surroundings. Crack, snap, break, crack, the noise doesn't stop. Tarzan looks down, and sees something...

Tarzan: Uhm, guys...we're gonna need a bigger bridge...

Dar: What are you talking about, Tarzan? Crack, snap, break.

Tarzan: We need to get off this! Tarzan begins to run, but no one follows. He turns around and motions hard for them to follow. BOOM. The south side of the bridge begins to buckle in. They all fall and see the horror below. A MUTO is breaking each support plank of the bridge, one by one.

AC Slater: (Tucci-esque) OHHH MY GOOOODD! They all get up and start to run. Dramatic music follows in the background. The MUTO snaps plank after plank and the south end of the bridge buckles in. They all stumble, but keep trying to make their way across. 

Tarzan: Don't stop! Don't stop! BOOM! The MUTO busts out of the bridge right in front of Tarzan. It goes vertical, but then speeds back down like a hawk. It snaps at Tarzan, but he ducks just in time. The MUTO crashes repeatedly into the bridge on purpose, breaking off bit by bit. The main span begins to shimmy and buckle. 

Dar: Guys, we only have one shot! We have to jump the gap!

Tarzan: (pointing to where the MUTO busted out from) That gap!? It's too big!

Mango: That's what she said! Everyone stops and just looks at Mango. He shrugs.

Mango: Just trying to add some humor?... The MUTO smacks into Mango and carries him away. 

BoxofficeZ: Cantelope!...I mean Mango! 

Dar: We have to jump! You guys do what you want, but I'm jumping! Dar gets back and jumps the gap. He makes it. AC Slater, BoxOfficeZ, Mulder, and Tarzan do the same. The main span buckles in and crashes below. The MUTO comes flying back, Mulder dangling on its legs. The team runs and the MUTO flies from behind, breaking the bridge. It begins to collapse from behind them. They hold their balance as good as they can and jump off onto land. Mango lets go of its legs and tumbles. The group lands on a fragile, rocky edge terrain: it collapses. They all go tumbling below, into the blue...


On top of the Hoover Dam. Bay, okay? surveys around.

Water Bottle: So how are we gonna get off this dam?

Stingray: That's a good question. SWOOSH, SWOOSH, SWOOSH...

Mattrek: I don't like the sounds of that...

Telemachos: It could be a transformer. Everyone brace. 

Michael Gary Scott: With what, Tele? A helicopter appears over the canyon, it hovers over to team Bay, okay? and stops. The team stands confused. A hatch in the helicopter opens and a crate comes falling out.

Alfredstellar: Look out! They all jump out of the way, and the crate crashes. They stand their ground for a second, but then approach.

Jesus of Surburbia: Care package? They gather around. Water Bottle pulls the top of the crate off. Wingsuits...


We arrive back in the Metropolis subway. As the team is walking, they begin to see a light. It begins to grow closer.

Bballman24: Anybody carrying a flashlight? No? The light grows closer and closer and the tracks begin to rumble.

Lilmac: Uhh...maybe we should get off this? They all begin to run. The light gets closer and closer and the tracks vibrate harder and harder. BWAAHHHHHHMM. They hear the Inception horn. They all turn around and see a maglev train right in their faces. AH! 

Sun's Sun: Platform! Jump! They all jump to the platform on the right. They all land on the tile just in time as the train passes. 

Chd: (panting) Well...at least it's on time. The maglev train begins to slow, then stop. They all stand on the platform confused. The doors open.

Reddevil: Um? Should we go in?...

Ed: I'm from New York, this is how this works. Yes. They all shrug and walk inside. The doors close and the maglev train starts up and heads on above ground. A mile away, a portal opens up in the sky (the portals are via tesseract btw, I forgot to tell yall, anyway) and Team Monstars come falling out. Thump. They land on the concrete of the empty train stop.

Dar: Ouch.

Mango: My stomach and my ass! They get up and look around.

Tarzan: Where are we? When did Skull Island get so...urban? Suddenly, a maglev train pulls up. The doors open and they stand confused.

BoxOfficeZ: Should we get in? 

Dar: It would be rude not too. They walk inside and the doors close. The train moves on...


Elsewhere, SpideyFreak, Ruthie, DamienRoc, and Walt Disney walk towards Arendelle, dashing through the snow. 

Ruthie: So what do we do when we get to Arendelle?

Walt Disney: Start looking for weapons, items, anything we could use to survive.

Spidey Freak: (smirking) Hmm, maybe Elsa's bedroom is a good place to start. They then notice something and stop. Snowmobiles. 

Spidey Freak: Is that a snowmobile? 4 snowmobiles, all gassed up, sit there. They run up and hop on. Damien Roc starts his and it purrs.

Damien Roc: Well, let's go. Vroom, vroom, beep beep! They take off towards Arendelle...


In the train, Team Black/Very Dark Grey sits. 

Reddevil: Where is this train supposed to go, Grim?

Grim22: Just in an oval between Gotham and Metropolis. I don't know what the exact stops are though. Sun's Sun looks around, and sees something...a figure sitting a cabin ahead.

Sun's Sun: Hey, guys, who is that? They all get up and look. They see a couple figures through the glass.

Cmasterclay: Holy shit! That's another team, I think! Cmasterclay takes off his bag. My bag had a grenade in it. May I? 

Everyone else: You may.

Dragon: We all need to move back then. I'm not getting caught in that blast. They do. They move to the back of the cabin, while Grim, Cmasterclay, and Sun's Sun sneak up to the occupied cabin. Team Monstars is sitting in it, enjoying the ride. Cmasterclay opens the door very slowly, no one on Monstars noticing. He unpins the grenade and rolls it in. It lands at Mango's feet. Cmasterclay, Suns Sun, and Grim retreat. Sun Sun's foot gets stuck in the door. Mango picks up the grenade.

BoxofficeZ/Mango: Grenade! Toss it!/Shit! Mango heaves the grenade in Black/DG's direction and they all drop. BOOM! It explodes. Cmasterclay, Sun's Sun, and Grim fall from the force of the blast. It causes the cabins to separate and Sun's Sun falls through the gap below.

Mulder: Someone else is here! Tarzan, still on the ground, sees an automatic gun taped under the seat. He pulls it out and notices another one. "Property of Sal Maroni and them Boyz" is labeled on the guns.

Tarzan: Guns under the seat! Everybody grab one! They do and get up. Cmasterclay and Grim22 reunite with their team. 

Cmasterclay: (wounded) I think we got 'em.

Lilmac: Good. Here. Lilmac hands Grim and Cmasterclay automatics. We found these under the seats.

Grim22: Good. Let's go test them out in the Marvel zone. PEW, PEW, PEW! BRBRBRBRBRBR! They drop the ground! Team Monstars starts shooting. BRBRBRBRBRB! (I don't know how to type rapid shooting sounds.) Mulder, Tarzan, and Dar run outside the cabin and climb a service ladder to the top. Everyone takes cover behind the train seats and the currently on-fire door.

Dragon: What do we do!?

Ed: Shoot back! A fire fight begins in the cabin. Smoke, electrical sparks, and flames at the door occupy them. BRBRBRBRB! Team B/DG shoots out the glass. Tarzan, Dar, and Mulder run across the top of the train to the other end of the cabin. They jump down and open the door. BRBRBRBRB! They shoot heavy un-suppressed, pervasive fire at Team B/DG from behind. Fancyarcher, Ed, and Dragon are hit in extremities from behind. They drop behind the seats. 

Pink: You shot Ed! You shot my Robin/Batman! (They haven't decided yet who's who) You wan't fire? Imagine this! Pink shoots like Rambo, bullets fly and the fabric from the seats and glass from the windows turn into confetti. Mulder gets up to shoot back and shoots Pink in the shoulder. Pink drops. Mulder turns to Tarzan, but WHACK, a bullet goes clean through his neck. Ed. Mulder falls. 

Tarzan: Mulder!

Dar: (to Tarzan) We need to retreat! Dar runs out of the cabin and Tarzan follows. On the other end, Mango, AC Slater, and BoxofficeZ are exchanging fire with the other half of Team B/DG. Dar and Tarzan run on top of the train and jump back into the cabin with their team. Bullets still fly back and forth.

Dar: Mulder's dead! We need to retreat! Does anybody have anything useful in their bags? A grenade? Bomb? C4? D5?

AC Slater: I just had a bunch of crayons! Dar looks out of the window and sees Metropolis River below.

Dar: A river! Let's jump! They have no choice. Team Monstars shoot through the train windows, climb over the seats, and they all swan dive out. Team B/DG notices the frenetic gunfire has stopped.

Bballman24: Where did they go? 

Dragon: I don't know?

Bballman24: I'm going to search the cabin. Chd, cover me. They cock and load, and squat over to the other cabin. Bballman, making sure not to get near the flames, sticks his head through, but no one is there. He nods at Chd.

Chd: (yelling) They're gone! Cough, cough, cough. Grim22 and Cmasterclay look down and see Dragon, Ed, Fancyarcher and Pink stained with blood, sitting on the ground.

Grim22: (motherly) Are you guys okay?

Ed: I'm fine. The bullet hit my forearm. 

Dragon: And my calf.

Pink: We're all going to live.

Fancyarcher: Where's Sun's Sun? 

Grim22: I don't know, but this cabin is filling with smoke. We have to retreat before we pass out. Grim puts Pink over his shoulder, Lilmac does the same with Dragon, Bballman24 with Ed, and Chd with Fancyarcher. They grab their guns and fall back.


Back in Snow Mountain, the group is speeding towards Arendelle on the flashy snowmobiles. They dodge trees and bushes. As they grow closer, Walt Disney suddenly cuts in front of Ruthie.

Ruthie: (yelling over the powerful s-mobile engine) Hey, move! Walt Disney swerves out of the way. BOOM, CRASH! Ruthie mobiles right into a tree. The snowmobile explodes. Spidey Freak and Damien Roc are confused.

Spidey Freak: Ruthie!

Spidey Freak turns around and rides back towards Ruthie. As Spidey Freak passes, Walt Disney holds out his arm. He clotheslines Spidey Freak, who falls off of his snowmobile and tumbles, banging his head on a tree. Walt Disney and Damien Roc stop. Damien Roc rides away. Walt Disney pulls out his walkie talkie.

Walt Disney: (to his team, through the walkie) Guys, Damien Roc has gone rogue. He killed Spidey Freak and Ruthie, and he tried to kill me, but I played dead. He's heading back towards you all. If he catches you, don't let him fool you.

AndyLL: (through the walkie talkie) What? Really? Okay, we'll keep a look out. We'll take care of him and head on to Arendelle. Stay safe. Walt Disney puts away his walkie and rides on back towards Arendelle. The doorbell rings. Sun's Sun, Ruthie, Mulder, and Spidey Freak appear in the sky...

Edited by Jandrew
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