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1st Annual Forum Games! - PART 21 - 116 - FINAL PART ON 117 - WE HAVE A "WINNER" - AFTER CREDIT SCENE - Page 119

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Geez it's too early to be up. And shut it Red, I updated the time! Anyway, Part 18! Don't ask how long this took to write, it took a longgg ass time. I tried my best though to make it the grandest and most exhilarating part. I strongly suggest listening to the soundtrack in the background on Youtube, they make the scene more intense. If you cant the first time, then try to come back later and listen. Well I hope this completely blows you guys away! And makes you cry! Please no spoilers, some people are at work.


The score is 18-0, Lebron. K1stpierre is on the verge of a severe breakdown. Lebron can't be happier. He checks the ball and Kelli dribbles. Lebron trips on his shoelace and falls and Kelli heads for the basket. She shoots! She misses! She aims too high and the ball goes over the goal. Lebron gets the ball back, fakes Kelli out, and dunks so hard, it can be heard as far as Asgard. The score is now 19-0. The crowd is wild as apes. A whistle blows for timeout and Angelina Jolie comes back on court.

Angelina Jolie: Is this a game or what! The crowd cheers hard. 19 to 0, Lebron. And look at Lebron, he's not even sweating! Just to remind everyone, the game is being played to 21. If Lebron makes two more baskets, well...and if Kelli somehow defies all laws of probability and reality and comes back to win, then she will be crowned the winner of the 1st Forum Games, and all the other players will perish! 

K1stpierre: Wait, what do you mean perish!? I was just told I'd be the winner, I wasn't told that others would die.

Angelina Jolie: There can only be one winner, my dear. Better pray up, the odds aren't look too in your favor right now. (to the crowd) So let's go! Everyone cheers! I'd like to thank our second set of sponsors: Nike at Nite, Microsoft, Victoria's Secret, Mellow Yellow, Publix, the stray dogs that have taken over Detroit, the year 1977, KY Jelly, and Walt Disney Pictures. Go see Maleficent in theaters...wait, you already have! Everyone cheers and applauds as the Dame walks off court.

Spectators: We love you, Dame!/Adopt me, Angie!/You're the best, Angie!/I already have tickets for Unknown!/Brad sold me drugs! The ball is given to Kelli. "An Ideal of Hope" from Man of Steel. She checks it to Lebron and he checks it back. She heaves the basketball and it flies in the air...swoosh! It's in! A 2 pointer! Kelli and the crowd celebrate.

Lebron James: Good job, girl on fire. It's still 19-2. Lebron is checked the ball and knocks Kelli over and does another supersonic dunk. 20-0. Ding. That ominous bell that you always hear in movies when something eerie is about to happen, is heard. It's do or die for Kelli. Spaghetti, Mango, Heretic, and Dragon are watching.

Dragon: If we don't do something now, Kelli will die! 

Mango: What's our plan!? Kelli shoots the ball, but it rolls out of bounds. The ref prepares to give Lebron the ball.

Heretic: Chaos is our plan! "Ideal of Hope" picks up. Heretic shoots through the glass and climbs through, the others follow. Heretic runs down an aisle, firing warning shots in the air. Spaghetti, Mango, and Dragon knock and trip spectators down. They run and scream. Lebron and Kelli stand on the court, but it becomes swarmed with spectators. 

K1stpierre: What is happening!? A spectator knocks Kelli down.

A hand reaches out for Kelli. She looks up, Heretic. Heretic helps her up, and without hesitation, kisses her. They embrace on the court. Spaghetti, Mango, and Dragon run up in panic.

Mango: Guys! Guys! We have to go! Surely Jandrew is watching this! We need to get out of here. 

K1stpierre: Jandrew isn't behind this! Mod police start shooting. They all fall to the ground. Spectators run and scream and stamped. The gang runs through the crowd, but the rush of 20,000 spectators is too much. A Mod appears and grabs Dragon by the hair.

Dragon: Ow, bitch! She goes straight Gal Gadot and whips her hair and roundhouse kicks the Mod. She takes his gun and shoots two Mods coming for Spaghetti and Mango. They keep making their way through the crowd. Another mod shoots at Mango and grazes him in the shoulder. Dragon aims and the Mod takes a human shield. RIP. A sharp car key goes across the Mod's throat. K1stpierre. The Mod drops and Kelli turns to the panicked spectator.

K1stpierre: Here's your car keys back, miss. Sorry about that. They all run back to the glass.


Baumer is watching the chaos unfold on TV in the control room.

Baumer: WHAT IS THIS!? What is happening!? How did they get in the arena!? How did they get in the CAPITAL!?

Neo: I don't know!?
Baumer: That's it! Initiate the 3 plagues! All the rooms. All the halls! Gas it. Burn it. Flood it. Now. Neo looks uneasy, but rolls to the keyboard.


IJack is looming over Jandrew. He grabs Jandrew's face and BK007 comes lunging out of the vent. IJack turns and Jandrew trips him with his feet. IJack smacks the ground face first and is knocked out cold. BK007 runs over to Jandrew and releases his chains.

Jandrew: Who are you!?

BK007: Don't worry about me, let's get out of here and-- BK007 gets a text from fellow rouge member ALPHA. Oh my God...

Jandrew: What is it?

BK007: We gotta go! We gotta! This place is about to face the 3 plagues! Help me with this! They chain IJack to the seat and run out.


In Gotham City, the instrumental for "Let It Go" by Idina Menzel sets the scene as the action goes down. Stingray prepares to grapple off the building. Damien Roc shoots, but misses and Stingray falls. Stingray sees Damien Roc and runs. He jumps off of the building onto a truck below. Damien Roc shoots again, but Stingray rolls off. Stingray runs into an alley. Suddenly, seizing light. Punishment has activated Batman's strobe light gun thing. Stingray becomes disoriented. He stumbles in the alley and Punishment approaches. He tries to aim the grenade launcher, but Punishment knocks it out of his hand. Stingray kicks Punishment in the gut and he drops the strobe gun and falls. Stingray charges and Punishment snatches the grenade launcher and shoots. The normal version of "Let It Go" hits the big chorus.The grenade punches Stingray in the stomach, ala The Rock, and sends him flying into the air.

Stingray: Nooooooooooooooooooo! BOOM! Let it Goooo! Let it Gooo! Stingray goes crashing into an office building and the rocket explodes, blowing up the building. The explosion sends glass and sharp debris flying. 

Punishment: These Games never bothered me any way.


Numbers finds a Gotham SWAT van and pulls off onto the avenue. Walt Disney base jumps off of the ledge. 


IJack wakes up and starts coughing uncontrollably. He notices the green gas coming from the vent. He gets up, but is yanked back down by the chain. He tries to get it off, but starts to bleed from the mouth. He coughs and yaks up blood. His skin starts to burn off and he screams in agony. He falls over. He's dead.


Tarzan looks down at his tick and notices 2 minutes left. "Taking A Stand" from Cap: The Winter Solider plays.

Tarzan: Hey, Fancy! You coming or what!? Fancyarcher crawls inside and rapidly sprays the poison mist. The acid eats away at equipment. Tarzan hides behind the hospital bed and Fancy shoots. The bed rusts and collapses and Tarzan comes lunging out. Fancy drops the gun. Tarzan gets a few good swings on Fancy, but Fancy knees him off. Fancy reaches for the gun, but Tarzan kicks a defibrillator in the way, knocking it away. Tarzan notices 30 seconds left on his tick. He gets up and find a surgical knife. Fancy gets up and braces. Tarzan's tick starts to beep. 

Fancyarcher: Any last words? Tarzan cuts off his foot. Fancy is utterly baffled.

Tarzan: Yeah. I hope you have a foot fetish! Tarzan charges and takes his severed foot and shoves it in Fancy's mouth. Tarzan pushes Fancy out of the window through the glass. BOOM, Fancyarcher explodes in mid-air. The explosion captures Disney's attention. He glides over towards Gotham General. Tarzan finds bandages for his foot and hops off. He falls through a hole in the eroded floor.


He gets up and looks over to the window, SMASH, Disney comes flying in and tackles him. He picks Tarzan up and Tarzan swings. Smack. Smack. They exchange punches. Disney knocks a surgical knife off the pan and jabs at Tarzan. They fight ala Cap and WS. Disney thrusts the knife and Tarzan catches his arm. The knife gets closer and closer to Tarzan's chest. AH! Tarzan gets a sudden surge of power and throws Disney back. Tarzan grabs a lunch tray and uses it as a shield. Disney kicks and blocks, but is blocked by the shield. Disney looks down and kicks Tarzan in the nub. Tarzan screams in pain and Disney smashes his face with the tray and then snatches it from him. Tarzan snatches a dirty, infected needle and holds it at Disney.

Tarzan: Don't make me do this! Don't make me be the villain here! 

Walt Disney: Sometimes, being the villain is necessary. Walt Disney tosses the tray, disorienting Tarzan, and kicks him onto the gurney. He takes the belt and swiftly straps Tarzan in.

Tarzan: What are you doing!? Unstrap me! Now!

Walt Disney: I'm sorry, but you're being transferred to another hospital. One that treats blunt force trauma. Disney shoves the gurney and it goes smashing out of the window, 10 stories in the air. The gurney, with Tarzan strapped in, plummets to the ground below. CRASH. Disney looks at his tick and an hour is added.


Jesus of Suburbia and Reddevil are still hiding under the table. The Mods run out and they crouch confused.

Reddevil: What? They're gone? A gas starts to fill the room. They peek from under the table and see the green gas filling the room. What is that!

Snoopy of Suburbia: Well let's do the math. Mods leave, plus sudden green gas, equals poisonSnoopy crawls from under the table and grabs Reddevil. The instrumental for "Fast Lane" by Bad Meets Evil begins. A Mod in a gas mask comes in and grabs Snoopy. He drops Red. AH! The Mod throws Snoopy onto the table. Red helps himself up and takes a chair and bashes the Mod on the back of the head with it, knocking off his mask. Snoopy rolls out of the way as the Mod hits the table. They begin to cough. A latter is sitting up in the room (they were painting the walls, okay) and Snoopy climbs. Red snatches the pencil cup off the table and throws it to Snoop. The Mod begins to get up. Red, get out of here!

Reddevil: No! The Mod draws a gun and Red notices at the last second. POW, Red drops, the Mod missed. The Mod aims for Snoopy, and a rolley chair goes flying. The Mod sees and it SMACKS him in the face. Red. Snoopy yanks the pens out of the cup and jumps - a moment of intense slo-mo, THWACK, Snoopy lands and his momentum jabs the pens into the Mod, all over - throat, eye, chest, etc.

Mod: AHHHHH! The Mod spits up blood. "Aftermath" from Fast 6 begins. Red picks up the gas mask. His skin starts to burn. 

Reddevil: We have to go! My skin is burning! Snoopy looks down and sees blood coming from his chest where a pen is residing. He looks scared. His skin starts to burn.

Snoopy of Suburbia: No, you have to go.

Reddevil: I'm not leaving you, come on! 

Snoopy of Suburbia: You have no choice, we have one gas mask! Snoopy turns around and Red sees the wound. I want you to save yourself. I want you to win. Don't let...Snoopy begins to cough profusely, and his nose begins to bleed. Go! Red runs over and gives Snoopy a kiss. Red hesitates to put on the mask. Snoopy then grabs the mask and puts it on him. He pushes Red away and begins to bleed and his skin burns. Ahhhh!!! Go! I don't want you to see this!! AHHH! Red runs out down the hall. The hall fills with the poisonous smoke and hobbles through. Reddevil drops.

Reddevil: (though the mask) NOOOOOOOOOOOO! Red feels defeated. A figure yanks Red up and practically drags him down the hall. Red is shoved into a bathroom, and the figure turns on the vent. He then turns on the lights and unwraps the shirt from his face. Films.


"Rush Hour" from Speed. AndyLL and Blankments are running down the street. They're armed with Uzi's. They start to hear a loud vroom and get back. They see Empire approaching in a school bus.

AndyLL: Let's ambush and take that school bus!

Empire passes and they jump on the back of the bus, hitching a ride. They climb the bus and sit on the top, waiting to attack. They notice Punishment running out of an alleyway. Hey! Target! On the count of three! BLITTTTTTT! Blankments unloads his bullets on Punishment. Punishment falls. AndyLL shoves him. What the fuck, Blank!? We were supposed to shoot at the same time! Now I don't get an extra hour, you fucking idiot!

Blankments: We have to do what we have to do!

AndyLL: I trusted you! I helped you! For God sakes, I had mercy on you!

Blankments: Only one of us can survive, Andy! We have to introduce a little anarchy! AndyLL is pissed as hell. He jumps Blankments on top of the bus. Empire hears commotion. Numbers swerves onto the street and sees Empire approaching. Empire mashes the gas.

Numbers: Who is that?...Empire? Wait, and there's people on the top? I can get 3 extra hours! Come on, Empire! Numbers swerves onto the avenue and speeds off, trying to lure Empire. AndyLL and Blank fight. The uzi's have rolled off of the bus. AndyLL holds Blank over the edge and Blank punches. AndyLL stumbles back and Blank crawls to the front. AndyLL grabs Blank's ankle, but Blank kicks him in the face. Blank appears in the windshield, startling Empire. Empire mashes the breaks and Blanks goes flying onto the hood. 

Empire: Get off my fucking school bus!

Blankments: I need it! Blankments punches at the windshield, cracking it. Empire swerves right, left, trying to throw Blank off. He then speeds up towards Numbers. Blank throws another punch, but AndyLL jumps on the hood. Numbers turns hard left and Empire does the same. AndyLL grabs a windshield wiper and Blank grabs the hood. 

AndyLL: I fucking trusted you, Blankments! AndyLL throws a punch. Jab. Jab. Blank counters. They fight on the hood in front of Empire. Empire tries to swerve to throw them off, but they hold on to windshield wipers with one hand and punch and swing with the other. Empire looks around for a weapon while he drives.


Punishment breathes. He rubs his chest. He was wearing a bullet-proof Gotham police vest. Bruce Wayne's Lamborghini is parked. He runs over, push to start, VROOM, he drives off. Damien Roc is running in search of Stingray. He hears an approaching noise, with lots of horsepower. He turns and sees Punishment bearing on him. He takes aim in the scope and shoots, but Punishment swerves. Damien Roc jumps and Punishment is just seconds from hitting him. Punishment turns around and stands off with Damien Roc. Damien is out of ammo.

Punishment: I'm winning these games! I'm not feeling sorry for anyone, anymore! 

Damien Roc: Come at me. Bro. Damien Roc just stands in the street.

Punishment: If that's how you want it! Vroommmm! Punishment goes pedal to the metal. He comes flying at Damien. Punishment is just yards and way. Damien pulls out an Elsa gloves from his back pocket and aims it at the ground, then builds up. He creates an ice ramp. Punishment tries to brake, but the Lambo goes flying up the ramp. It scrapes the side of a building and crashes and rolls and rolls and rolls. It ignites, and explodes. Damien Roc looks down and sees an extra hour.


Pink is carrying Sam down the hallway. He hears commotion from a room and puts Sam down. He cocks one of the guns and busts open the door. It's Ecstacy and Ed arguing. 

Ed: Pink! You found weapons! Pink hears footsteps looming and grabs Sam and drags her into the room and closes the door.

Ed: Where did you find guns? 

Pink: We took out two Mods.

Ecstacy: You killed Mods? So they are out there. They sit silent for a minute. 

Ed:...So, are we gonna talk about any of this? Insert intense action thriller score here. Hissssssss, they look over and see an orange gas coming through the vents. 

Pink: I think we need to go! Sam awakes and Pink pulls her out. They run into the hallway and close the door. They run down the hall and find two Mods in fire retardant suits. Pink shoots and tosses a gun to Sam. Mod #1 shoots, the bullet nearly striking Ecstacy in the ear. She bitch-kicks the Mod and Sam wastes him with holes. Mod #2 shoots, but is out of ammo, and ninja stars his gun. It smacks Pink in the face and he drops his gun. #2 charges. Ecstacy tries to jump him, but he grabs her by the throat and throws her on the wall. He turns to Ed and swings, but Ed ducks. The Mod snatches up Ed. Pink grabs the gun. Ed! The Mod throws Ed and Pink throws the gun. In slo-mo, Ed catches the gun in mid-air, ala Liam Neeson in Non-Stop, and BANG BANG, Ed wastes 2 holes in the Mod, who collapses. They all gather.

Sam: Why are they wearing fire suits? They haven't worn them before? Hisssssss, they look up and see a gas filling the air. Cover your faces! SPARK, SPARK, WOOOSHH, the gas catches on fire and the hallway ignites. They drop to the ground. 

Ecstacy: (covering her mouth) Run! Run! The fire fills the halls. It becomes hard to see. A Mod in a fire suit appears and smacks Pink across the face. Pink falls and coughs. Ecstacy jumps on the Mods back. Sam pulls the pistol. Just as she shoots, the Mod turns, POW POW, the bullets hit Ecstacy in the back. She falls dead. 

Sam: No! Ecstacy! Sam drops the gun in shock.

Ed: E! E!! Ed charges the Mod. Ed punches the Mod and takes off the mask to his suit. Sam, inhaling smoke, collapses to the ground. The Mod grabs Ed by the throat and choke slams him. He picks Ed back up and throws him in the air. Ed smacks the fiery ceiling and tumbles back down. His clothes are ignited and he rolls around in agony. AH! AH! Pink tackles the Mod and mashes his fingers in his eyes. The Mod screams in pain and grabs Pink's throat. They roll over and Mod lands a blow on Pink. He lands another, and another, and another. He strangles Pink - that and the lack of oxygen make him dizzy fast. Ed, who is on fire, jumps onto the Mod. He pulls the Mod back and rolls onto him, catching his hair and face on fire. The Mod screams in pain and chokes on the no o2. His face practically melts and he stops responding. "Time" by Hans Zimmer begins to plays. Pink, barely holding on, pulls Sam and Ed away, extinguishing Ed's flames. He pulls them into the adjacent hallway to a spot with oxygen. Ed is wheezing, his body more burnt than a Pop Tart left in the toaster for 10 minutes. Pink cradles Ed.

Pink: Ed! ED! Ed's vocal cords are seared, he can't speak. Speak to me, Ed! Speak! Ed coughs. I'm sorry for everything I said! You're too good for Joss! You're not Gary Oldman, you didn't break my back! Remember, we're like Batman and Robin, but we're both Batman! We're covalent bonds, remember? Kim Jong-un! The sex tapes! We never got all the Ipads back! Ed slowly points to his pocket. Pink digs in it. No homo. Pink pulls out ripped up pieces of Ed's card. Pink puts the pieces together to reveal the erotic Chris Nolan birthday card. (sobbing like Tobey in SM3) You remembered!...

Sam awakens. She coughs and coughs, her lungs are burning.

Sam: (sounding like a 55 year old smoker) Pink!...I think I inhaled too much smoke! Pink? She sees Pink cradling Ed. (cough) Ed! (to Pink) What happened?

Pink: (sobbing) He saved my life. Sam moves over Ed. The scene is like SM3 when Harry passed. Pink holds the birthday card pieces tight. Ed tries to speak, he can barely open his mouth.

Ed: (weak, practically in-audible) Pink...hail...Nolan...Ed passes away. "Time"  hits the main chorus. Pink breaks down. He's hysterical. Sam can barely hold it together herself. She tries not too, but ends up shedding tears.


Sam: Pink! (coughing and wiping her face) We have to go! Sam clutches her chest and gets up. Pink lays Ed down. He tears off Nolan's head from the ripped card and places it on Ed's chest. Suddenly the music changes from "Time" to heavy "Deshi Basara". Pink has a fire in his eyes. He and Sam move down the smokey hall. The guilt hits Sam for accidentally killing Ecstacy. Her expression turns cold. The Widow is now out for blood. Pink's vengeful expression doesn't change either. A new Pink has been born. Pink, is the new black.


"Debris" from Gravity begins. Mango, Dragon, Spaghetti, Heretic, and K1stpierre are running. They hear a rumble and quake and they stop.

Heretic: What?...They turn the corner and a wave of water comes rushing at them. They turn and run for their lives. "Debris" gets heavy. The water is too fast and sweeps them up. They bob like apples as the water gets higher and deeper. Water is splashing in their faces, blinding them. Mango tries to grab Dragon. He grabs her hand, but the current knocks her face first into the wall and she goes under. Mango takes in a wave of water through the nose and loses control. (bobbing) Every...body...grab...onto some..thing...Heretic goes under, but resurfaces and grabs a sign on the wall. Mango, 'Ghetti, and Kelli grab hanging lights. They use all their strength to not get swept away.

Mango: Wait...(coughing) where's Dragon!? DRAGON! 

Spaghetti: She's gone! The lights begin to break off the ceilings and they get swept away again. They go over, under, over, under. Heretic grabs onto Kelli...

K1stpierre: Gu---guys---guys! The rush of the wave is too powerful. Mango knocks into Heretic, causing him to let go of Kelli. They all struggle to grab a hold of each other. Lights on the ceiling spark. Heretic tries to grab another light, but his hand slips. They get swept further and further down the hall. Furniture and debris are swept away as well, knocking into them. K1stpierre slips under. She resurfaces, but the hall banks left. The current follows and they all smack the wall and flow left. The struggle becomes as intense as it can be. Theres a pipe sticking out of the ceiling and Heretic grabs hold. He grabs Kelli who grabs Mango. Mango extends his arm for Spaghetti, but a piece of furniture flows through and Spaghetti is carried away.

Spaghetti: (gargling the water) Noo..oo..oo... (spitting out the water)..oo!

The pipe then brakes out of the ceiling and they're carried. Spaghetti, barely being able to see, notices a room sign just inches about the tide. He dives under the water and kicks open a door. The water begins to flow in the room and the deepness level begins to drop. Kelli, Heretic, Mango, and Spaghetti all get sucked in the room. Spaghetti swims over and tries to close the door, but the water pressure is too great. Just as he's about to give up and pass out, Mango and Heretic swim over and lend help. They manage to pry the door close. The room is mouth deep in water. They climb on desks and are finally able to breathe. They all pant dangerously hard and try to collect themselves, soaking wet.

K1stpierre: Oh my, God! Oh my, God! Oh my, God! Kelli has a panic attack, shes coughing up water. Heretic swims over and tries to calm her down.

Heretic: It's okay! It's okay! (coughing) It's okay! We're safe!...(panting) We're all safe...It dawns on them that Dragon is not there. The room is somber and quiet. Also no signs of Jaws.


Empire and Numbers are still speeding down the avenue. "Rush Hour" from Speed.

Empire: That's it! Empire mashes the gas and rams into Numbers. Blank tumbles and hangs onto the grill. Empire speeds up again, but Numbers swerves. They're going over 60 MPH (over 97 KPH).

AndyLL: (to Empire) This is my kill! AndyLL lays flat on the hood. Empire keeps break checking to try to throw him off, but AndyLL stays focused. 

Blankments: (hanging on) I'm going to kill you, Andy!

AndyLL: Well you'll have to meet me somewhere, this is your exit! AndyLL stands up and kicks Blankments hard in the face. Blank slips under the bus and is ran over. Empire break checks and AndyLL tumbles and now he is hanging on the grill. Empire speeds up to squish him, but AndyLL crawls back on the hood just in time and leaps...onto Numbers' SWAT van. AndyLL hangs onto the back roof. Empire repeatedly rams Numbers to make AndyLL fall. AndyLL gets strength and pulls himself up.

Empire: Isn't he like 40!?

Numbers makes another hard left and so does Empire. Empire swerves the bus to the left and drives up beside Numbers. Numbers turns his sword into a crossbow and shoots out of the window. The arrows miss. Empire rams into Numbers and he swerves. Numbers yanks the steering wheel left and rams Empire. They're going 60 MPH (97 KPH). (to Numbers) Too bad it's not a snowmobile!

Numbers: I'm not surprised you can drive a short bus! AndyLL hangs on helplessly to the top of the van. Numbers tries to pit maneuver and almost loses control. AndyLL has had enough. He crawls on the top of the van while Empire and Numbers ram and swerve back and forth. Numbers almost hits a tree in the median and swerves right. AndyLL rolls and almost rolls off. Numbers swerves back left and hits Empire hard. AndyLL crawls back over and reaches down and opens Numbers' door.

Numbers: Hey, what tha-- AndyLL snatches Numbers' crossbow and lays on the roof and aims at the school bus. 

AndyLL: (soft, too himself) No more games. He loads it, swish. An arrow breaks through the glass and goes through Empire's head. He drops onto the steering wheel and the bus swerves and loses control, doing a couple rolls and crashing into an office building.

Numbers: Hey! SCREECHHH. Numbers mashes on the brakes and the van yanks to a halt. AndyLL goes flying off over 10 yards and smacks the asphalt and rolls. Numbers watches stunned, with an ounce of remorse. Lost for words. 


Jandrew and BK007 are running down hall G. Terminator 2 plays the rest of the way through.

Jandrew: Will you please tell me who you are and what's going on!?

BK007: A revolution! Now just follow me, we have to get him! BK007 gets a call. He answers, it's Alpha. Alpha is sitting in the monitor room. Alpha! Where do we go! 

Alpha: Hall C! Hall C! Then get to Hall A, that's the monitor room. The 3 plagues have been released, hall by hall, room by room, so you better hurry! I was able to shut off the gas line to some of them, but not all! I'm going to try to direct the other members here and we'll strategize!

BK007: Sounds good! BK007 hangs up and runs. Jandrew follows.

Jandrew: Wait! Tell me, where-are-we-going!

BK007: To get ShawnMR! Jandrew grows surprised. The hears sparks and look behind them and see the hall filling with gas. POOF, it fills with fire and they run like hell.


Baumer is in the control room. He pages the Mods. 

Baumer: Mods. Once you kill these stowaways, bring the bodies. Every body. I want to send a message. A live message. Neo, drain the halls, put out the fires, cut the gas lines.

Vanilla: Are we still keeping operations here?

Baumer: For now. Just bring the bodies.

Vanilla: Sir, IJack is dead. He's in the room Jandrew was supposed to be in...

Baumer: What! NO! NO!

Vanilla: I'm sorry, sir.

Baumer: Just bring-me-the bodies! IJack's as well. Call the labs and tell them to prepare for Winter. And you, prepare the Exodus.

Neo: The Exodus? Are you sure? That's...that's our last resort in case of...

Baumer: --Get the Exodus ready. Prepare for a Judgment Day. Baumer walks away. Dun dun dun, dun dun, dun dun dun, dun dun. Cut to black.


Snoopy of Suburbia, Ed, AndyLL, Blankments, Punishment, Stingray, Ecstacy, Dragon, Tarzan, Fancyarcher, Empire. 


End credits. Mind Heist plays. Every living player is now feeling some type of way. Some type of pain. The Mods have taken things too far. It's time - for a revolution.

Edited by Ayy Lmao
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