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In the reboot of Thor, Thor will be a woman!

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Well, I'm okay with Thor as a woman. That's cool. Introducing some dynamics into my Big Three. But then, no more Steve Rogers as Cap though. Fuck! :angry:

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I'm of two minds about a new Cap.


Before The Winter Soldier movie came out, I started going through Cap's comics, ranging from the first series, to Escape from Dimension. As well as some Avengers comics.


The thing that dawned on me was that while Steve Rogers still works in the Avengers, and could still have cool stories, there's not much left to do with the character as Captain America, he's doesn't have much to say that he hasn't said before. The conclusion of of Escape from Dimension Z was also sort of Steve coming full circle, or mirroring himself, post-hibernation.


He was frozen in time, then found himself in the future. For him only seconds had passed, but the world had jumped ahead years. His biggest connection that time (Bucky), gone. The woman he loved (Peggy), also gone from his life.


In Escape from Dimension Z, Steve spends over a decade away from the world, and when he returns, barely any time has passed at all. His biggest connection to that place (Ian), gone. The woman he loved (Sharon), also gone from his life.


Unless the character of Steve is bastardized ( see the Chuck Austen run), I can't see many new things from the character. Even the much lauded run by Mark Gruenwald had to make some big changes to Steve, one of which I don't think really worked at all.


I can see him continuing to provide cool moments, and enjoyable stories, which I'd be fine with, I guess, but if Marvel can actually get a new Captain America that's able to honor Steve, while still having his/her own thing to say as Captain America, I'd welcome it. As well having Steve enter a new phase of his life.


Comic characters have gone successfully transitioned from one role to another (probably the most relevant example I can think of right now is Barbra Gordon going from Batgirl to Oracle, and becoming a superior character in the process), so there's no reason as why it couldn't work.


Only problem with that though, is that I think it's a little bit premature. There are still a few unexplored areas, and we need more World War II Captain America stories, because the stories from volume 1 are too one-note.

Edited by Nephenee
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Not the last time, but two of my favorites were the return of Bucky as the Winter Soldier in the 00s, and the introduction of the Cassandra Nova in the 00s.


Kid Loki in Journey into Mystery was also my favorite version of the character, and although the character returned to old habits (though it lasted longer than a year), the final issue pointed out how the character was going to regress because fans/editors wouldn't allow the change to progress or stick. Also in the 00s.


More recent stuff as well, which I can get into later (Change of status quo with Daredevil, for example).


All-New X-men has been a "long-lasting" change to the status quo for some characters. And mostly for the better.



Do tell me the last time Marvel's changed and it was written well/not retconned a year later.


what comics have you enjoyed lately?

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All-New X-men has been a "long-lasting" change to the status quo for some characters. And mostly for the better.


Morrison's X-Men was huge progress for the X-Men and I rank it as the best X-Men run ever, even better than the original Claremont, stuff, though I do have some problems with it, but I think, while Marvel stuck with certain elements of it (Emma/Scott, Secondary mutations), they regressed from what Morrison had positioned for the X-Men franchise to keep moving forward.


Not a condemnation of the quality of the X-books after his departure, but it's more like they've been moving a little bit forward, a little bit backwards, and side to side, rather than just marching right on forward.


But like you said, it did have a lasting impact on certain characters.

Edited by Nephenee
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Terrible writing there. Making Nick Fury into a guy who knows how to depower Thor.


Thor isn't depowered, he's become unworthy.


Not quite the same thing, and him unable to to use the hammer when not worthy is completely consistent with the character. Not even the first time it's happened.


And Nick Fury knowing such information is also consistent with that character. It's simply taking the standing of his information to the next level.


Whether it's terrible or not will depend on what exactly it was that made Thor unworthy.

Edited by Mitsuru Kirijo
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Most of Thor's power is FROM the hammer. Making him unworthy is basically depowering him. Fury was never THAT in-the-know ever.


No, he's still an Asgardian without it. This isn't the Donald Blake era, where Mjolnir was essential to maintaining Thor's powers. His durability, strength, stamina, and non-Mjolnir lightning powers are independent to the hammer.


If you notice, Thor is still in space unaided, despite unable to wield his Mjolnir.


Fury was never THAT in-the-know ever


Which is why this is taking it to another level. Having such information is an elevation of what's already been established about the character.


This is not a case of Nick Fury knowing how to make anyone that was worthy into unworthy, it's specific to Thor, and we'll find out what it is in the new Thor series.

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What else would he be considered if he's taking down heroes left and right. 


It would depend on the context, wouldn't it?


The latest issue of Captain America also had Ian Rogers taking on some the Avengers, and he isn't a villain. Over in Fantastic Four, we've got Sue Storm taking on some of the Avengers, and she isn't a villain either.


Fighting heroes doesn't necessarily mean someone's a villain, and this dates back all the way to the 60s.

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Well, I'm okay with Thor as a woman. That's cool. Introducing some dynamics into my Big Three.But then, no more Steve Rogers as Cap though. Fuck! :angry:

I wont support any comic that messes with Thor oor the original avengers. You can make a girl that has thors power, but dont call her thor. There is only one Thor..  Im boycotting marvel if they do that shit in the movie universe.


Same as if they had made Superman a  black Will Smith. Some heroes you dont want changes to them period!!


But I dont mind say DC making a hero near supermans power level thats black american or some other ethnicity.

Folks like their heroes unchanged.. This is going to really mess up their comic sales. Just watch.


Thor is not a woman! :(

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Same as if they had made Superman a  black Will Smith. Some heroes you dont want changes to them period!!


Always funny to see people decry changes to characters, after having seeing them praising other character deviations. :lol:


By the way. :nudgewink:


Posted Image


Marvel is starting to get even more ludcrious than DC's new 52


What were the last DC and Marvel comics you actually read?


Folks like their heroes unchanged.. This is going to really mess up their comic sales. Just watch.


This is all but guaranteed to increase sales. Whether it maintains new readership depends on what whether people like what they read.

Edited by Mitsuru Kirijo
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Always funny to see people decry changes to characters, after having seeing them praising other character deviations. :lol:



What were the last DC and Marvel comics you actually read?

big fan of Superman, Bats, WW, FF4,  Spidey, Hulk, Wolverine, Uncanny Xmen and more

dc and marvel stories between 1988-2004-2006era

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