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BOF: The Murder Mystery (Chapter Ten - The End!)

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Of course you did. Loved that you incorporated shades of Marlon Brando sensuality, Boris Karloff nefariousness and Tex Avery physical comedy into my character all in one appearance!  :bravo:


Yup. You were a treat to write.

Edited by Pokearcher
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I don't know if your character will be back Spidey-Freak, but I can definitely say that your character left a good impression on me.


Your character is probably going to show up when all the suspects get rounded up.

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I don't know if your character will be back Spidey-Freak, but I can definitely say that your character left a good impression on me.


Your character is probably going to show up when all the suspects get rounded up.


I need to be doing more suspicious stuff and should be found at the wrong place at the wrong time.  :lol:

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Chapter Three: Things Get Unreal


Continuing off from where the previous chapter left us. Ethan and Tele are talking, unbeknownst to the two, two ninjas are very close to them, and they are about to attack.

Tele: So that’s why I prefer the old time actors from the past instead of the new ones from today.


EthanHunt aka Augustus Walters: Bah! The movies they starred in were boring.


As Tele and Ethan speak, the two ninjas jump next to them.

Tele: Huh! What’s going on?


EthanHunt: All I know is, looks like we gotta fight back.


As the two put their hands out, ready to attack, the door breaks down, the ninjas respond by running through the hole nearest to them.


Tele: Who are you?


As Tele and Ethan look, a dark skinned fellow walks up to them.


EthanHunt: If we’re not careful he could pull out a knife and try to kill one of us.


Jandrew: Don’t worry. I have no intention of causing any violence. I just left my wallet in this theater.


EthanHunt and Tele look as Jandrew looks around on the floor.


Jandrew (on his feet, searching around near the chairs): Where is it? Come on! I need it. I’ve got something important I’ve got to do.


Tele: Say I didn’t even know they were playing movies at the party tonight.


Jandrew (turns his face to look at Tele and Ethan): Yeah. I thought the party got kinda boring, so I decided to walk upstairs and look for something else. I managed to find this movie theater. Sadly for me they were playing a very boring documentary about the life and times of CaptainJackSparrow.


Tele: I don’t know what else to say, but since MrPink was killed things has been kinda getting strange around here.


Jandrew: Yeah, well… I gotta get going.


Jandrew runs out of the room, Tele and Ethan watch.

EthanHunt: Is it just me or is he in a real hurry?


As Jandrew runs down the long stairs. He ends running into Jack Nevada, and accidentally hit him on his arm.


Jack Nevada: Hey, hey, hey. Where do you think you’re going?


Jandrew: I’m about to leave, excuse me.


Jack Nevada: We need to talk.


Jandrew: Sir, if you think I had anything to do with the murder of MrPink, I’m sad to report, but you’ll be disappointed.


Jack Nevada: I don’t care if you claim you didn’t have anything to do with the murder. Sit down, we need to talk.


Jack Nevada pulls up a chair, which Jandrew sits down on.


Jandrew: Fine, fine. Let’s get this over with, I’m already wasting my time.


Jack Nevada (pacing back and forth): Alright, alright (points his finger). What were you doing around 9 O Clock PM today?


Jandrew: Watching a boring documentary about a man who loves himself too much.


Jack Nevada (continues to pace back and forth): Then what about (points his finger again) what about yesterday at 2 o clock in the afternoon?


Jandrew: I was having a turkey sandwich.


Jack Nevada: Ah ha, no mere normal human being would lunch at 2 o clock in the afternoon.


Jandrew: No! I had to finish a script around then.


Jack Nevada: So you tell me you were finishing a script around then. Mighty suspicious of you.


Jandrew: Can you please stop asking me questions. I’ve got to be somewhere in a little bit.


Jack Nevada: And I’ve got an important date to attend tomorrow, that doesn’t stop me from solving crimes.


Jandrew gets up from chair and walks off.


Jandrew: You know what, you can’t do this to me.


Jack Nevada: Where are you going? Come back here! I’ve got free candy bars!!


Jandrew walks off. Jack Nevada can’t see him in the dark.


Jack Nevada: Drat. If he stayed any longer, he could have had some of my liquor.

The scene changes to Blanks and Empire who have left the mansion and are now walking around the neighborhood.


Empire: Alright if I see anything suspicious, I’ll report it you Blanks.


Blanks: I’ll probably see it anyway knowing my track record.


As Empire and Blanks walk, they see Jandrew come up next to them, and come near them, they move as he approaches near them.


Jandrew: Sorry bout that dudes. Just gotta be somewhere.


Empire: Huh? Blanks! Isn’t that kind of strange, that guy seemed like he was in a bit of a hurry?


Blanks: Doesn’t everyone seem like there in a bit of a hurry tonight?


As Blanks and Empire walk around, they here a sound. Blanks turns his head and sees that something is moving in the bushes.


Blanks: It just had to be me, who had to see it first. I can’t catch any breaks, can I?


Empire turns his head and sees that something is moving in the bushes. Both Blanks and Empire walk over to the bush. The two put their hands in the bush, and feel a human body.


Voice: Get your crummy hands off me, you stupid detectives.


As Empire and Blanks watch a man falls out of the bushes.


Empire: Alright what are you doing so close next to CaptainJackSparrow’s House.


Mulder: Ah! I’m glad you asked. My name is Mulder and I’m trying to get some sleep, but my next door neighbor, who is CaptainJackSparrow always plays loud music every night. It disrupts my sleep. I was going to call the police, but then I decided I’d go over there and shut it down myself, since the last time I called the authorities, that lunatic was able to find a loophole that prevented them from shutting down that awful music.


Empire: Well its mighty odd that’d you be hiding in the bushes, like you were planning or had done something that were trying to hide.


Mulder: When I got to the house, the music was off, but I had already been hiding in this bush for an hour waiting for the perfect moment to strike, which sadly never actually happened, much to my luck.


Blanks: We need to question you.


Mulder: What do you need to question me about? Okay, so I was on somebody else’s property, when I shouldn’t have been, but come on you’d be too if you had to listen to that same beat rap every single night.


Empire and Blanks look at each other.


Empire: Think he’s guilty Blanks.


Blanks: We can put his name on our suspect list, but I can’t imagine why somebody like him would try to kill MrPink. If anything he would attempt to off CaptainJackSparrow.


The two shank hands.


Mulder: What are you shaking hands for? Can’t you see I’m on the ground and my butt hurts?

The two help to get Mulder off on the ground.


Blanks: You better thank us.


Empire: Yeah, that kind of helpfulness only comes around once in a lifetime.


Mulder: Alright, thanks, now if you don’t mind I’m going to my house to take care of my lousy feet.


Mulder walks off. Empire and Blanks look, as they do, Empire sees some blood on the ground.


Empire: Hey Blanks.


Blanks: Yeah Empire.


Empire: Remember that scientist Spaghetti who was at the party previously.


Blanks: What are you trying to suggest? That we need to talk to him?

Empire: Remember he had that machine that was said to predict the future?


Blanks: Empire get to the point already.


Empire: I was thinking. He’s obviously strikes me as an intelligent guy. Well, you see, I found some blood near where Mulder was, and I was wondering is that MrPink’s blood?


Blanks looks down on the ground, seeing the spilled blood.


The scene changes Spidey-Freak is out in the garden, walking around, making humming noises.


Spidey-Freak: Hmm, hmm, hmm! I sure hope that sneaky girl isn’t hiding around here anymore. My plants are looking beautiful. Wouldn’t want anything bad to happen to them, or I might lose it completely.


The scene changes as we see Claire Holt Drew, walking pass the garden and near the cemetery.


Claire Holt Drew: Lucky for him, I’m uninterested in getting a shovel whammed into my head.


Claire Holt Drew walks further.

Claire Holt Drew: I must say, it’s rather creepy how CaptainJackSparrow has a cemetery right next to his mansion. I can’t imagine how MrPink was buried, uhh. I don’t even wanna try.


As Claire Holt Drew walks near the cemetery, she sees a fog start to appear.


Claire Holt Drew: Of the all of the nights for a fog to roll in. It had to be one where somebody was murdered. Oh my. I’m actually super excited now that I think about it.


Claire Holt Drew walks further into the cemetery, looking around for clues. As she looks at some of the graves, one gravestone in particular stands out to her. The gravestone reads “here lies Reddevil18 1987 – 2014”.


Claire Holt: Reddevil18’s dead. That’s strange. I didn’t see him get murdered at the party.

Claire Holt Drew walks over to the grave.


Claire Holt Drew: Sometimes I wish my curiosity didn’t get the better of me.


As Claire Holt Drew walks over to the grave, it opens up and a hand appears out of it.


Claire Holt Drew: AHHH!! COOL!! A zombie!

As Claire Holt runs over to where the hand is, it falls back into the grave, which closes up.


Claire Holt Drew: That’s odd, yet super exciting.


As Claire Holt Drew talks, Spidey-Freak walks over.


Spidey-Freak: What are you doing this time?

Claire Holt Drew: Didn’t you see it?


Spidey-Freak: See what?


Claire Holt Drew: A hand popped out of that grave. It was incredible, it was unbelievable. Could be the sign of a zombie invasion.


Spidey-Freak: Miss. I have been working in these gardens and this cemetery for 8 years now, and let me tell something, I have not once seen a hand pop out of a grave or anything that would suggest that the dead are rising again. Now get out of here before I have to get my shovel again, or worst the lawnmower.


Claire Holt Drew runs off where Spidey-Freak is.

Claire Holt Drew: I swear I saw a hand rise up from the ground. But how?

Claire Holt Drew thinks.

Claire Holt Drew: Whatever’s going on here, definitely means there’s more this mansion then meets the eye.

Edited by Pokearcher
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Another good chapter Fancyarcher. 


I like how you write Blanks and me. :lol:


Also, the stuff with Jandrew was really good. 


Thanks. You guys are the best part, hence why you tend to get a lot of screentime each chapter.


Jandrew was disappointed he wasn't in the story yet, so I figured he'd be included as the first real approached suspect, like in a usual detective story.

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Thanks. You guys are the best part, hence why you tend to get a lot of screentime each chapter.


Jandrew was disappointed he wasn't in the story yet, so I figured he'd be included as the first real approached suspect, like in a usual detective story.


Yeah, I figured you liked writing us since we have a lot of screentime. :lol:

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Chapter Four: A Throwback


As the chapter opens we see Blanks and Empire walking up to a building near some apartment. Blanks knocks on the door. Spaghetti opens the door.

Spaghetti: What? What do you two want? Can’t you see I’m busy blowing stuff up, in the name of science?


Empire: We need to speak you Spaghetti, and we need to speak now.


Spaghetti: Come in, before it starts to rain and you potentially get the carpet wet.


Empire and Blanks walk in, Spaghetti shuts the door.


Spaghetti: Okay what do you two need from me? Preferably, I’d like it, if you two approached me with clear and sophisticated words.


Empire pulls out a plastic bag from his pants.


Empire: We need you to examine this blood. We need to know if this is MrPink’s blood.


Spaghetti: Very well, gimme that bag of blood please.


Empire hands the bag of blood to Spaghetti, who proceeds to walk to a red machine.

Spaghetti: My scientific mind is at an all-time high, I don’t want it to be ruined by any sort of distraction, so please don’t make any loud sounds.


Spaghetti puts the blood through the machine and it starts to examine it. Empire and Blanks watch.


Blanks: Hmm. I wonder. What would it be like if we used one of these machines? I know I’d wanna try.


Blanks looks over at the machines and he’s about to touch one, when Spaghetti slaps him.


Spaghetti: Don’t touch that! That thing cost me fortune to make.


The machine makes a sound and a sheet appears from out of it. Spaghetti looks at it. He has a thinking expression on his face.


Spaghetti: Huh!


Empire: What? What do you find out?


Spaghetti: It is indeed MrPink’s blood, but there’s something else odd about it. Apparently it’s already been tested on.


Empire: Already been tested on? That must mean that somebody left it on the grass, hence why we were able to find it there.


Blanks: Perhaps it was done as a distraction of sorts.

Empire: Clearly there are darker forces at work that we have no idea about.


Spaghetti: I’m glad I could be of assistance to you guys. Now if you don’t mind, I’d like to go back to working on my next experiment. It’ll be groundbreaking. It’ll change the way we think of leave. I’ll make millions, I’ll be a name a star a…


Empire: Okay, I think will leave.


Blanks: Bye!


As Blanks and Empire walk out of Spaghetti’s house, Spaghetti watches from the window.

Spaghetti: Indeed go, go as fast as you can, you’ll need the speed.


We cut to Claire Holt Drew who is wandering aimlessly around the backside of the house.


Claire Holt Drew: Whatever clues I have they just don’t add up. Why the heck would Reddevil18 be deceased? And even if he is, did his zombie come back to life? Oh I’m so confused.


As Claire thinks she slaps herself.


Claire Holt Drew: Snap out of it Drew. There are far more important things to be doing right now than to be losing it because you can’t control your thoughts.


Claire Holt looks. After a few seconds of looking, she walks near the door, when she sees a man walk out of it. She doesn’t recognize the person as anyone she’s familiar with. She loudly walks up to him.


Claire Holt Drew: Hey scuess me sir can I help you with anything?

231steverywhere: Oh hello, I didn’t see you there.


Claire Holt Drew: You look like you were trying to get out of the house in a hurry.


213steverywhere: Oh don’t mind me. I was just visiting my cousin CaptainJackSparrow. I’ll be back in the house in a little bit, I’m just going out to get something.


Claire Holt Drew notices that 213steverywhere is carrying a blue sheet in his hand.


Claire Holt Drew: Why are you holding that blue sheet? Are you perhaps trying to hide something important?


213steverywhere: Oh this is just a sheet that I like to put on my head sometimes. It makes me comfortable in tense situations.


Claire Holt Drew: That’s odd.


213steverywhere: Well CaptainJack always did say I was a strange cousin.


As 213steverywhere walks the blue card slips out of his hand by accident. Claire Holt comes running over and grabs it.

Claire Holt: Gotcha!

She looks at the card. It reads “meet me at the St. Evers around 1 o clock signed your best pal”.


Claire Holt: Who’s your best pal?


21steverywhere: Hey, give me that!


21steverywhere grabs the card out of Holt’s hand and puts it back in his own.


21steverywhere: I don’t even know what you’re talking about. I just grabbed this card out of random. Now please, if you excuse me I have to be on my way.


As 21steverywhere walks off. Claire Holt watches.


Claire Holt: That’s it. He’s clearly up to something. People just don’t randomly pick cards out of the blue that happen to have dates on them. This is no coincidence, this is clearly a conspiracy of sorts.


The scene cuts inside the mansion, with Tele who is talking to CaptainJackSparrow.


CaptainJackSparrow: I appreciate what you guys are doing, but I’d like if it you and the rest of the mystery solving buddies kept it quiet, I’m trying to sleep.


Tele: Eh, aside from Ethan and even then are friendship has just barely begun, I find it rather insulting that you were consider those rookies to be my buddies. We have no relation to each other.

CaptainJackSparrow: Yeah, yeah, whatever. Just lower the volume a little bit please.

Tele: Fine, but if I find the murdered don’t be surprised if it gets really really loud. These mysteries aren’t easily solved without some tussling being involved.

CaptainJackSparrow walks off to his room, shutting the door. Tele looks out the window.

Tele: Hmm, nothing suspicious out here. There’s got to be a clue around here and I just can’t find it.

The scene changes, again back to Blanks and Empire who are walking around the quiet town.


Blanks: Empire I’m afraid we might be lost.


Empire: Blanks, please don’t say that. I need to be enthusiastic.


As Empire and Blanks walk, the two hear voices right next to them. They see that a house is next to them, with a light on it. The two approach the house and see there’s a door in the back. The two walk over to it.


Empire: Alright Blanks, you put your ear skills to the test and see what those guys are saying.


Blanks: Me? What if they turn out to be monsters or aliens or something?

Empire: Don’t be so paranoid Blanks.


As soon Empire says that, Jack Nevada comes running through.


Jack Nevada: I can’t believe I’ve been wondering the streets for so long and haven’t found anything. That mansion gave me no clues or leads, and this city isn’t helping that much more.


Empire: Looks Blanks its Jack Nevada, that Finnish or Swedish speaking detective who seems to have an attitude problem.


Jack Nevada: I don’t have an attitude problem. I’m just doing the right thing. Anyway I overheard you guys talking about trying to hear a conversation or something.


Blanks: How did you know that?

Jack Nevada: I’ve got super hearing. I can hear things from a considerably distant. It always comes in handy when I have to solve crimes.


Empire: Jack, we heard that some people were talking in that St. Evers building next to us.


Jack Nevada: Yeah, I can hear voices in that room as well.


Empire: Well we were wondering would you mind putting your super hearing skills to the test, so we can discover what those people are exactly talking about. We don’t amazing hearing skills like you do after all.


Jack Nevada: Fine. It’s not like I’ve got much to lose anyway.


Jack Nevada walks over and places his ears near the door. He starts to hear some deep voices.

Voice 1: Ha, we sure fooled those chums.


Voice 2: Yeah, but they weren’t that hard to fool in the first place. I mean one of them is a no nonsense female, another is an ignorant fool, while one of them is an inexperienced kid.


Voice 3: Let’s not forget the old dude. I’m sure he’d much rather be playing golf and sleeping instead of solving crimes.

Voice 1: Yeah! Heh! I’d have to say though, the worse would have to be those two bumbling partners. Do they ever get anything right? Seems like there better at causing more accidents than they are at finding clues.

Voice 2: I must say, the ninja getup certainly was a great idea.


Voice 3: Yeah, just wait till the boss hears what we did.


As Jack Nevada places his ears away from the door of the building, he turns his head and looks at Blanks and Empire.

Empire: So did you find anything important out.


Jack Nevada: Yeah, I think I think I’m gonna give those deep voiced dudes a taste of their own medicine.


Empire: I mean did you find anything of note?


Jack Nevada: Oh well, apparently those three dressed up as Ninjas and work for somebody.


Empire: Ninjas? A higher force? I must say this mystery is getting stranger and stranger by the minute. What say you Blanks.


Blanks (stretching his arms out): I don’t know. I think I’m getting tired.


Empire: Tired? Blanks how can you be tired when you trying to solve a mystery?


Blanks: Its 1 o clock at night. A man can only go so far during the night.


As soon as Blanks says that. The three turn their heads when Jack Nevada hears voices.

Voice 2: Hey you hear something?


Voice 1: Yeah sounded like it was coming from outside.

Voice 3: Let’s go check out the door.


Jack Nevada: Everybody I suggest we hide.


Jack Nevada, Blanks and Empire all hide behind boxes next to them, as the door slowly opens.


Edited by Pokearcher
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Haha, I love how this has shades of everything: Doyle, Christie, Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew etc.  Btw, this thread should be pinned. It's easy to miss.


I was into reading lots of different mysteries when I was young, so that no doubt helps.


This thread definitely needs to be pinned. I was going to ask for that to happen, but I didn't end up doing it. Thanks for mentioning that Spidey Freak.

Edited by Pokearcher
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Chapter Five: The Ninjas Strikes Back


As Jack Nevada, Blanks and Empire watch in slight terror as the door opens, Jack Nevada waves his hand.


Jack Nevada: Hey guys, lets hide over here next to this dumpster.


Blanks: Why didn’t I think of that?

Empire: It was clearly more of a spur of the moment thing Blanks.


Blanks, Empire and Jack Nevada hide behind the dumpster next to them, as the door opens, and the three hooded ninjas appear from out of it. All three of the ninjas speak with very deep voices.

Ninja 1: It appears that we just heard nothing.


Ninja 2: Don’t let your guard down it could be a trap.


Ninja 3: The last time we took orders from you, it ended in disaster.


Ninja 2: Well how I was supposed to know that those detectives and that Finish Swedish speaking cop would become a burden to our task.


Ninja 1: Enough. Let’s look around.


The three hooded ninjas all begin to search, as Blanks, Empire and Jack Nevada hide behind the dumpster.


Jack Nevada: (trying to speak very quietly): Alright guys, don’t make a sound. We don’t wanna get caught. Those no telling what the three hooded ninjas could do to us.


Blanks: Hey they could be three kid ninjas for all we know.


Empire: Blanks, nobody gets that reference so shut up.


Blanks: Just mentioning it. Come on!


As the three sit behind the dumpster watching as the Ninjas walk around. Blanks teeth begin to chatter.


Jack Nevada: Hey dude, Blanks. Could you quit the chattering, we’re trying to be quiet.


Blanks: I can’t help it. In really stressful situations like the one we’re currently in I start to get anxiety. Just get this over with please, I can’t take much more of it.


As Blanks says that The Three Ninjas overhear his voice.


Ninja 1: Alright, looks like we got out culprits trapped.


Jack Nevada: Alright everyone, RUN!


Jack Nevada, Blanks and Empire get up off of the ground, and run away from the dumpster, as The Three Ninjas spot them.


Ninja 3: There they are.


Ninja 1: GET THEM!


The ninjas put their arms up and chase our hero around in a very Scooby Doo styled chase sequence played to some corny 60’s song. Among the things that happen include our three heroes running next to an abandoned library, breaking down the door, and running through it, as The Ninjas follow after them. The three run through the library in separate directions as The Ninjas follow after them. First Blanks hides behind a book case, as one of The Ninjas, Ninja #1 comes up to him. Blanks proceed to hit the Ninja with a book entitled “Idiot’s guide to being an Olympic swimmer”. The next sequence involves Empire being chased by one of the zombies across a long section of books, as Empire runs, he starts to scream. Ninja #2 looks behind as Empire runs and suddenly a pile of books end up falling all over him. Lastly Jack Nevada runs near the computers as Ninja #3 sneaks up behind him. Jack Nevada defends himself, and then Ninja #3 accidentally hits one of the computer, causing it to shock him somehow. Jack Nevada proceeds to head-butt him, causing him to fall to the ground. As he does that, he reunites with Blanks and Empire.  The three run around the room, eventually they end up running on a treadmill that Empire accidentally starts as The Ninjas follow them into the room. The ninjas get on the treadmill with them. The ninjas don’t really try to catch the heroes, instead they just follow them on the treadmill as they run. Eventually after a while of running, our three heroes are blasted up in the sky, and are get thrown out of the building as they land near a chicken coop. We cut to Ethan aka Augustus and Tele who are in the same area.


Ethan: Well nothing suspicious over here.

Tele: Me either, I think we should just turn back.


Ethan: There’s mysterious to be found though and I love me a good mystery. Bring on the murderer!


Tele: Aside from the piece of paper I found, we haven’t actually found any clues. This mystery is really turning into a mystery of its own.


As the two are talking, Blanks, Empire and Jack Nevada fall near the chicken coop, and end up with colliding with our heroes, causing them to hit each other.


Tele: Ow! Young-ins these days!


As Tele moves up his body up from ground, eventually getting back on up his feet, he looks and sees that Empire, Blanks and Jack Nevada are right next to him.

Tele: What are you three doing here? Don’t you realize that me and Ethan are also trying to solve the mystery and that this is our turf? Besides its incredibly odd that you guys should appear from out of nowhere.


Jack Nevada: Well it wasn’t like we asked to be blasted out of a library.


Ethan: What?


Jack Nevada: Yeah, me Blanks and Empire were being chased around by three ninja dudes near a library, when the treadmill we were on somehow managed to send us flying out near a window, where we landed next to this chicken coop.


Tele: You saw the ninjas too? Me and Ethan were attacked by them while we were in the movie theater in Captain Jack Sparrow’s house.

Ethan: Guys, can I please just take a moment to talk about how absolutely pathetic my love life is? My girlfriend just called me a half an hour and said she was going to dump me. My life is ruined.


Blanks: That’s nothing. I’ve heard Fancyarcher hasn’t even gone on a date yet and he’s already in his twenties.

Tele: Not now Ethan. Besides the minute you get a new girlfriend, you’ll completely forget about the previous one.


Ethan: Well, I don’t wanna.


Empire: Okay Ethan, we’re trying to solve a mystery here. Let’s gets back to the basics.


Ethan: Fine, I’ll just talk about my love life tomorrow. I have a lot to say anyway.

Blanks and Empire let out a long sigh!


Blanks: So now what are we gonna do? I suggest we go back to Captain Jack Sparrow’s mansion and finish this mystery once and for all. I think we have enough clues to finish this mystery.


Ethan: Uh! Pardon me! But what clues do we have.


Blanks: Well I don’t know if you guys found any clues, but me and Empire have found some blood of Mr. Pink that wasn’t in the house.


Tele: And I have a piece of broken newspaper.


Jack Nevada: Can you read that piece of newspaper to us Tele?


Tele: Yeah, it talks about the water supply, but I’m not really sure how it relates to this mystery at all to be honest.


Blanks: Tele can I please see that piece of paper.

Tele hands the paper over to Blanks. Blanks looks at the paper and sees that the other side of it has been torn up.


Blanks: Wait a minute.


Blanks searches into pants pockets and pulls out another part of a broken piece of paper.


Ethan: Say where’d you fine that?


Empire: Yeah Blanks where did you find that?


Blanks: Oh, it was offscreen but while me and Empire were walking I saw a broken part of a newspaper that was on the ground. It looked like somebody was trying to get rid of it or something?


Tele: Let’s put two and two together, and see what we get.


The three detectives and Jack Nevada the cop look as Blanks puts the two newspapers together. The article reads “Cleaners N Services about to go out of business, will need at least four million if it wishes to survive ”.


Jack Nevada: Cleaners and services? Say who runs cleaners and services?

Blanks: I don’t know. I’m familiar with the name, but I don’t think I’ve ever been there.


Tele: I’ve been there. It’s a place where you can get your car washed or have you clothes cleaned and what not. It’s pretty efficient. I’m surprised it’s going out of business though.


Empire: Say didn’t Mr. Pink run a similar business that become sort of a rival to Cleaners and Services?

Ethan Hunt: He did. I think I remember seeing it once while I was taking a walk. I believe it was called Pink’s Washing Banderas. I know I remember seeing people bringing thezir flags over there to clean.


Tele: Alright gang, I mean guys. Looks like we’ve got ourselves another part of the mystery to solve. It’s time we head down to Cleaners and Services and see what we can find.


Edited by Pokearcher
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LMAO, that was great. I just caught up on all of these. Interesting stuff.


Thanks. I've always loved mysteries, and I've written short mystery stories in the past, but never to this degree of length.


This is actually my longest work yet, its almost 10000 words so far. Plus I'm having a blast writing it.


The person behind the murder is meant to be someone you really don't expect (at least I hope you don't expect).

Edited by Pokearcher
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