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Box Office.com's Top 100 films of All Time (2014 edition)- List Complete! Everyone is Disappointed!

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Gravity better than Spiderman 2, TDKR, Bourne Ultimatum, Frozen, Curse of the Black Pearl???

Not to mention some movies that didn't make the list at all... *cough*Transformers *cough *

I liked Gravity, but better than Bourne?! (among others) :rofl:

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Are you frustrated about JURASSIC PARK being in 1.85:1 as well?


No, not at all. 


it bothers me for some movies. Jurassic Park is theme park, grandiose.  It makes sense for the size of the dinosaurs and the scale. Pacific Rim is another example. 


I think Aliens lost just a tinkle of that sense of Claustrophobia. It doesn't really effect my enjoyment of the movie at all. Its just a note of something I would change.

Edited by Jay Hollywood
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I couldn't get into the 2009 version of Star Trek. It didn't feel like Star Trek at all, and moreover, I just found it to be another derivative of Star Wars.


Really? Because it was far better that any SW movie and I'm not a fan of any of these universes. Haven't watched any Star Treks except for the new ones.

Edited by James
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Really? Because it was far better that any SW movie and I'm not a fan of any of these universes. Haven't watched any Star Treks except for the new ones.

Far better.....yeah, no.

But the issue is that even if Star Trek was way better, it still feels like antagonistic to what Star Trek is. I'm not one of those people who feels that an adaptation has to be aligned with the material 100%, but this time, it really felt like the film didn't get the spirit of the shows. And let's assume that it did align with the original material, I still wouldn't put it so high on the list.


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Since my fun's been spoiled on the AoU thread, I suppose I've got time to do a few entries before I go to bed.


38. The Truman Show (1998) 28 points- 13 votes

"Good morning, and in case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!"




In this movie, Truman is a man whose life is a fake one... The place he lives is in fact a big studio with hidden cameras everywhere, and all his friends and people around him, are actors who play their roles in the most popular TV-series in the world: The Truman Show. Truman thinks that he is an ordinary man with an ordinary life and has no idea about how he is exploited. Until one day... he finds out everything. Will he react?


Trivia: People on the set were forbidden from uttering phrases from Jim Carrey's past "silly" movies.


Ruk's Comments


"It's a shame that Jim Carrey's attempted career resurrection last year went so poorly. Because if The Incredible Burt Wonderstone and Kick-Ass 2 had ended up being as good as this film, then we'd have been in for a treat. (Although, to be fair, I don't think anyone was really expecting Kick-Ass 2 to be that good).


Taking full advantage of both Carrey's comedic and dramatic talents, while also provided a commentary on our obsession with reality TV, this film really is something special."

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Since my fun's been spoiled on the AoU thread, I suppose I've got time to do a few entries before I go to bed.


38. The Truman Show (1998) 28 points- 13 votes

"Good morning, and in case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!"




In this movie, Truman is a man whose life is a fake one... The place he lives is in fact a big studio with hidden cameras everywhere, and all his friends and people around him, are actors who play their roles in the most popular TV-series in the world: The Truman Show. Truman thinks that he is an ordinary man with an ordinary life and has no idea about how he is exploited. Until one day... he finds out everything. Will he react?


Trivia: People on the set were forbidden from uttering phrases from Jim Carrey's past "silly" movies.


Ruk's Comments


"It's a shame that Jim Carrey's attempted career resurrection last year went so poorly. Because if The Incredible Burt Wonderstone and Kick-Ass 2 had ended up being as good as this film, then we'd have been in for a treat. (Although, to be fair, I don't think anyone was really expecting Kick-Ass 2 to be that good).


Taking full advantage of both Carrey's comedic and dramatic talents, while also provided a commentary on our obsession with reality TV, this film really is something special."


It was not a comment, back in 1998, reality tv didn 't even exist. I think the usa had big brother ( and that s it) but in a lot of other countries reality tv started in the early 2000's.

The movie was really visionnary.

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37. Dr Strangelove: Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964) 29 points- 12 votes





Paranoid Brigadier General Jack D. Ripper of Burpelson Air Force Base, he believing that fluoridation of the American water supply is a Soviet plot to poison the U.S. populace, is able to deploy through a back door mechanism a nuclear attack on the Soviet Union without the knowledge of his superiors, including the Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Buck Turgidson, and President Merkin Muffley. Only Ripper knows the code to recall the B-52 bombers and he has shut down communication in and out of Burpelson as a measure to protect this attack. Ripper's executive officer, RAF Group Captain Lionel Mandrake (on exchange from Britain), who is being held at Burpelson by Ripper, believes he knows the recall codes if he can only get a message to the outside world. Meanwhile at the Pentagon War Room, key persons including Muffley, Turgidson and nuclear scientist and adviser, a former Nazi named Dr. Strangelove, are discussing measures to stop the attack or mitigate its blow-up into an all out nuclear war with the Soviets. Against Turgidson's wishes, Muffley brings Soviet Ambassador Alexi de Sadesky into the War Room, and get his boss, Soviet Premier Dimitri Kisov, on the hot line to inform him of what's going on. The Americans in the War Room are dismayed to learn that the Soviets have a yet as unannounced Doomsday Device to detonate if any of their key targets are hit. As Ripper, Mandrake and those in the War Room try and work the situation to their end goal, Major T.J. "King" Kong, one of the B-52 bomber pilots, is working on his own agenda of deploying his bomb where ever he can on enemy soil if he can't make it to his intended target.


Trivia: While shooting aerial footage over Greenland, the second unit camera crew accidentally filmed a secret US military base. Their plane was forced down, and the crew was suspected of being Soviet spies.


Ruk's Comments


"I won't lie, I was a little surprised that this film ended up being the highest ranking Kubrick film. Not that I think it's entirely undeserved. Hell, it's probably my favourite Kubrick film (except for possibly Paths of Glory which I consider one of his most underrated works). Even with the Cold War long dead, it still packs a hell of satirical punch and is a ton of fun to watch. And it cemented George C. Scott as one of my favourite all time actors (even if his performance in this is mostly accidental.)


But, of course, if we have to talk about actors here, huge credit must go to Peter Sellers who really defines this film. True story: First time I watched this film, I had no idea he was playing multiple characters. That's how good he was. But to be honest, everyone's good in this film. That's what makes it so great."

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It was not a comment, back in 1998, reality tv didn 't even exist. I think the usa had big brother ( and that s it) but in a lot of other countries reality tv started in the early 2000's.

The movie was really visionnary.


Not really true, stuff like MTV's "The Real World" was around since the beginning of the 90s.

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36. Finding Nemo (2003) 29 points- 13 votes

"I shall call him Squishy and he shall be mine and he shall be my Squishy."




A clown fish named Marlin lives in the Great Barrier Reef loses his son, Nemo. After he ventures into the open sea, despite his father's constant warnings about many of the ocean's dangers. Nemo is abducted by a boat and netted up and sent to a dentist's office in Sydney. So, while Marlin ventures off to try to retrieve Nemo, Marlin meets a fish named Dory, a blue tang suffering from short-term memory loss. The companions travel a great distance, encountering various dangerous sea creatures such as sharks, anglerfish and jellyfish, in order to rescue Nemo from the dentist's office, which is situated by Sydney Harbor. While the two are doing this, Nemo and the other sea animals in the dentist's fish tank plot a way to return to Sydney Harbor to live their lives free again.


Trivia: Andrew Stanton pitched his idea and story to Pixar head John Lasseter in an hour-long session, using elaborate visual aids and character voices. At the end of it, the exhausted Stanton asked Lasseter what he thought, to which Lasseter replied, "You had me at 'fish'."


Ruk's Comments


"Okay guys, I'm about to admit a secret that some of you may find shocking. I generally prefer anime to Western Animation. I know I know, I covered it up very well. But even with that in mind, I have no shame in admitting I love the hell out of this movie. Easily my favourite Pixar. I always loved visiting aquariums as a kid and this film has such a scope and style to it that I don't think any other underwater animated film could possibly recapture. (Seriously though, Shark Tale can go straight to hell).


Also, Marvin is the sort of protagonist I've really come to respect and like more and more over time. He's a coward terrified of his own shadow but just the length and determination he has to find and rescue his son... you just don't see as many sympathetic parent characters like that in animations nowadays. Admittedly, I went through the opposite with Dory (liking her less and less through time) but I'd hesitate to call her bad and when she has her emotional moments she knocks it out of the park. 


So yeah, I really love this movie. Much more than any of the other 4 Pixars on this for which I shall revert to my typical animation snob persona. Serves you all right for leaving Wolf Children off the list."

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Last one for today. Tomorrow, (provided I do the full 5) we've got three films to talk about with the number 2 in! (Technically four if I make a very bad pun). One of which may surprise you with how low it scored. But for now, let's talk about...


35. Die Hard (1988) 29 points- 14 votes

"Now I have a machine gun. Ho ho ho."




New York City Detective John McClane has just arrived in Los Angeles to spend Christmas with his wife. Unfortunatly, it is not going to be a Merry Christmas for everyone. A group of terrorists, led by Hans Gruber is holding everyone in the Nakatomi Plaza building hostage. With no way of anyone getting in or out, it's up to McClane to stop them all. All 12!


Trivia: Hart Bochner's line "Hans... Bubby!" was ad-libbed. Alan Rickman's quizzical reaction was genuine.


Ruk's Comments


"Fuck. Yeah.


For me, Die Hard is the quintessential action movie. Great protagonist. Great villain. Great action. It walks the line between seriousness and humour perfectly and the dialogue is snappy and memorable. It's a simple premise, one that a million films have tried to copy with varying success, but this film just makes it work so very well.


Honestly, for me, the only straight action film that comes close in recent memory, is the Raid. And plotwise, that was pretty fucking close to this movie."

Edited by Rukaio Alter
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