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Chasmmi's Winter Game - Grey Ghost is the WINNER!

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On 11/19/2015, 5:28:49, chasmmi said:

Week 5 results:


Name Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Total
Movieman89 16000 0 2000 18000
Telemachos 10000 6000 0 16000
Wrath 14000 0 4000 18000
filmovie 14000 0 2000 16000
Chasmmi 11000 0 2000 13000
Avi  7000 6000 2000 15000
Wrathofhan 7000 5000 4000 16000
infernus 11000 0 2000 13000
glassfairy 12000 0 0 12000
Exxdee 12000 0 2000 14000
Grey Ghost 7000 5000 4000 16000
kayumanggi 10000 0 4000 14000
Darkelf 10000 0 4000 14000
damienRoc 12000 0 0 12000
MikeKaye42 12000 0 0 12000
background 10000 0 2000 12000
Kalo 10000 0 0 10000
misafeco 9000 0 0 9000
jajang 9000 0 0 9000
Dajk 8000 0 0 8000
Blankments 8000 0 0 8000


(Tele and Avi both get 1000 bonus points for being crazy close with their predictions (precedent for this began last year where I gave them out now and again)


As a result of The 33 being in 5th and not The Martian, i've revised the places scores... if i make any errors, pm me or Chasmmi and we will tidy up :)


i'm not reordering them just updating the scores so i can post the overalls :)

Scores highlighted in red are modified.


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On 11/19/2015, 5:33:28, chasmmi said:

I'll do the SOTM marking either Thursday or Friday (SOTM 2 can be scored too now as nobody predicted higher than film 7 I believe)


i'm updating the overalls anyway so i'll score this one now if thats alright ?

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SOTM 2 Answer:


This is a minor twist on a classic summer SOTM question.

We haven't had a big breakout in the first(let's face it, probably gonna be 3) weeks, so I decided to lumps a few films together. Therefore the question is:

Which of the following grosses will the combine final gross of Goosebumps, Paranormal Activity and The Last Witch Hunter pass before the end of the game?

1) Saw IV   - 63.3M  (2000 / 0)

2) I know what you did last Summer -   72.5M   (3000  / 1000)


3) Freddy vs Jason -   82.6M  (4000  /  2000)


4) Scream 3   - 89.1M  ( 5000  /  4000)


5) The Others   - 96.5M  (6000  /  6000) 


6) Interview with the Vampire    105.2M  (7000  /  8000)


7) Ghostbusters 2    112.5M  (8000  /  10000)


8)  Van Helsing    120.1M  (10000  /  12000)


9)  Shutter Island    128M   (12000  /  15000)


10) The Conjuring    137.4  (15000  /  20000)


11)  Gremlins    153.1M   (20000  /  25000)


12)   Halloween 1978 (Adjusted)     167.5M  (25000  /  30000)



Simply Pick a number and if that number is correct you win the left hand points total, if it is incorrect, you lose the right hand points total.


You do not have to be in the exact window between two films to score the points. If you predict film number 3 (82.6M) and the films make 400M combined you still score your 4000 points. It just meant the potential to score more points that you did was not realised.



There are no abstains as Option 1 contains no risk of losing points.


Deadline is Thursday 29th October at 11:59PM


Good Luck 


Current Results are : 


Goosebumps = 74.3m

Paranormal Activity = 18.0m

The Last Witch Hunter = 26.5m

TOTAL = 118.8m


Therefore, 7) Ghostbusters 2    112.5M  (8000  /  10000) is the current answer.  now yeah, this will likely push past #8 and maybe even #9, but as chasmmi has already said the highest predicted was #7 meaning everyone who answered gets it right :D


Scores in next post

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SOTM 2 Scores


(No ordering or Tables for this one :P)


Telemachos = 6000

Wrath = 8000

avi = 7000

exxdee = 7000

infernus = 8000

glassfairy = 6000

DAJK = 6000

WrathofHan = 7000

darkelf = 6000

MikeKaye42 = 7000

Blankments = 6000

Movieman89 = 7000

Filmovie = 8000

Kalo = 8000

chasmmi = 8000

damienroc = 7000

Alfred = 8000

Jajang = 7000

misafeco = 8000

kayumanggi = 8000

the background character (thatoneguy) = 8000 (yes we took your 2nd post luckily - please try to remember to edit rather than repost..)

grey ghost = 8000

bcf26 = 7000


Everyone else is getting 0.  Any quries with the scores as always PM me or Chasmmi.


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On 11/19/2015, 6:56:20, Infernus said:

Adjusting the list with the only change that occurred with the actuals (Martians's Sunday, which lost me 5,000 on week 5's questions while gaining Movieman 5,000, thus interchanging our positions..) - 

damienroc: +20,000

glassfairy: +20,000

MovieMan89: +19,000

darkelf: +16,000

Filmovie: +13,000

Infernus: +13,000

Telemachos: +10,000

Wrath: +7,000

DAJK: +4,000

Exxdee: +4,000

Chasmmi: 0

ThatOneGuy: -3000

grey ghost: -6,000

Jajang: -6,000

Kalo: -6,000

WrathOfHan: -6,000

kayumanggi: -10,000

misafeco: -11,000

Blankments: -14,000

MikeKaye42: -24,000

avi: -47,000 



 I am using these scores .. if there are any errors.. PM away!


Thanks infernus!

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Overall Scores

Updated  to:

  • Week 5 included
  • SOTM 2 & 4 both included

Going forward i won't show history ..  - just totals with the new numbers being added. (all other info is still there i'm just hiding it to simplify the table.)

As before - PM if there is an error.

(GRAND TOTAL = PreSeason Total + SOTM Total + Weekly Total)

# User Pre- season Entry GRAND TOTAL PreSeason Total SOTM Total SOTM 2 SOTM 4  Weekly's Total  Week 5
1 Movieman89 YES 143000 10000 26000 7000 19000 107000 18000
2 Infernus YES 132000 10000 21000 8000 13000 101000 13000
3 darkelf YES 130000 10000 22000 6000 16000 98000 14000
4 glassfairy YES 124000 10000 26000 6000 20000 88000 12000
5 DAJK YES 122000 10000 10000 6000 4000 102000 8000
6 DamienRoc YES 122000 10000 27000 7000 20000 85000 12000
7 Exxdee YES 119000 10000 11000 7000 4000 98000 14000
8 WrathofHan YES 117000 10000 1000 7000 -6000 106000 16000
9 Wrath YES 116000 10000 15000 8000 7000 91000 18000
10 chasmmi YES 113000 10000 8000 8000 0 95000 13000
11 thatoneguy (Background Char) YES 113000 10000 5000 8000 -3000 98000 12000
12 Filmovie YES 108000 0 21000 8000 13000 87000 16000
13 Telemachos YES 108000 10000 16000 6000 10000 82000 16000
14 grey ghost YES 91000 10000 2000 8000 -6000 79000 16000
15 Jajang YES 91000 10000 1000 7000 -6000 80000 9000
16 kayumanggi YES 88000 0 -2000 8000 -10000 90000 14000
17 Blankments YES 84000 10000 -8000 6000 -14000 82000 8000
18 misafeco YES 81000 10000 -3000 8000 -11000 74000 9000
19 MikeKaye42 YES 66000 10000 -17000 7000 -24000 73000 12000
20 Kalo YES 59000 10000 2000 8000 -6000 47000 10000
21 bcf26 YES 57000 10000 7000 7000 0 40000 0
22 avi YES 44000 10000 -40000 7000 -47000 74000 15000
23 Alfred YES 42000 10000 8000 8000 0 24000 0
24 99 Trees YES 36000 10000 0 0 0 26000 0
25 Baumer YES 10000 10000 0 0 0 0 0
26 laguy03 YES 10000 10000 0 0 0 0 0
27 The Panda YES 10000 10000 0 0 0 0 0
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5) Will at least 2 films make more than 140M OW domestic?

Answer correctly: 15,000 points
Answer incorrectly: lose 10,000 points
State that you abstain: 3,000 points



Answer: NO





WrathOfHan: -10k

avi 15k

MovieMan89 -10k

baumer* -10k

chasmmi -10k

treeroy -10k

Exxdee -10k

grey ghost 15k

The Panda -10k

Blankments -10k

Wrath 3k

misafeco -10k

glossfairy -10k

ThatOneGuy -10k

DAJK -10k

MikeKaye42 -10k

The Dark Alfred -10k

Kalo         3k

darkelf -10k

Filmovie -10k

kayumanggi -10k

bcf26 +15k

Jajang -10k

Infernus -10k

damienroc 3k

Telemachos -10k

laguy03 -10k


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1 hour ago, Jajang said:

Overall Scores

Updated  to:

  • Week 5 included
  • SOTM 2 & 4 both included

Going forward i won't show history ..  - just totals with the new numbers being added. (all other info is still there i'm just hiding it to simplify the table.)

As before - PM if there is an error.

(GRAND TOTAL = PreSeason Total + SOTM Total + Weekly Total)

# User Pre- season Entry GRAND TOTAL PreSeason Total SOTM Total SOTM 2 SOTM 4  Weekly's Total  Week 5
1 Movieman89 YES 143000 10000 26000 7000 19000 107000 18000
2 Infernus YES 132000 10000 21000 8000 13000 101000 13000
3 darkelf YES 130000 10000 22000 6000 16000 98000 14000
4 glassfairy YES 124000 10000 26000 6000 20000 88000 12000
5 DAJK YES 122000 10000 10000 6000 4000 102000 8000
6 DamienRoc YES 122000 10000 27000 7000 20000 85000 12000
7 Exxdee YES 119000 10000 11000 7000 4000 98000 14000
8 WrathofHan YES 117000 10000 1000 7000 -6000 106000 16000
9 Wrath YES 116000 10000 15000 8000 7000 91000 18000
10 chasmmi YES 113000 10000 8000 8000 0 95000 13000
11 thatoneguy (Background Char) YES 113000 10000 5000 8000 -3000 98000 12000
12 Filmovie YES 108000 0 21000 8000 13000 87000 16000
13 Telemachos YES 108000 10000 16000 6000 10000 82000 16000
14 grey ghost YES 91000 10000 2000 8000 -6000 79000 16000
15 Jajang YES 91000 10000 1000 7000 -6000 80000 9000
16 kayumanggi YES 88000 0 -2000 8000 -10000 90000 14000
17 Blankments YES 84000 10000 -8000 6000 -14000 82000 8000
18 misafeco YES 81000 10000 -3000 8000 -11000 74000 9000
19 MikeKaye42 YES 66000 10000 -17000 7000 -24000 73000 12000
20 Kalo YES 59000 10000 2000 8000 -6000 47000 10000
21 bcf26 YES 57000 10000 7000 7000 0 40000 0
22 avi YES 44000 10000 -40000 7000 -47000 74000 15000
23 Alfred YES 42000 10000 8000 8000 0 24000 0
24 99 Trees YES 36000 10000 0 0 0 26000 0
25 Baumer YES 10000 10000 0 0 0 0 0
26 laguy03 YES 10000 10000 0 0 0 0 0
27 The Panda YES 10000 10000 0 0 0 0 0


2nd Place? Pretty Good!

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2 hours ago, Jajang said:

 I am using these scores .. if there are any errors.. PM away!


Thanks infernus!


Yeah, I only slightly adjusted WrathOfHan's scored list. Also, neither of us checked to see whether everybody gave the same answers as in the weekly questions so you might want to check that.

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Btw we got another answer for our SOTM-3. We have all but the 3rd one. That one can still go both ways although Peanuts has a much higher chance.


1) Peanuts Opening 5 days (until Tuesday)  vs  Spectre's best 2 days of its OW

2) Peanuts Opening Tuesday percentage change vs Spectre Opening Tuesday Percentage Change 

3) Peanuts' Final Gross - Epic Final Gross (107.5M)   vs   Spectre's final gross - Quantum of Solace Final Gross (168.4M)

4) Peanuts' 2nd Weekend % drop  vs  Spectre's 4th Weekend % drop

5) Days it takes Peanuts to overtake Goosebumps vs Days it takes Spectre to Overtake Hotel Transylvania 2 (Fastest is winner)

6) Peanuts Total from Day 15 of release vs Spectre total from day 15 of release

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5 minutes ago, Infernus said:

Btw we got another answer for our SOTM-3. We have all but the 3rd one. That one can still go both ways although Peanuts has a much higher chance.


1) Peanuts Opening 5 days (until Tuesday)  vs  Spectre's best 2 days of its OW

2) Peanuts Opening Tuesday percentage change vs Spectre Opening Tuesday Percentage Change 

3) Peanuts' Final Gross - Epic Final Gross (107.5M)   vs   Spectre's final gross - Quantum of Solace Final Gross (168.4M)

4) Peanuts' 2nd Weekend % drop  vs  Spectre's 4th Weekend % drop

5) Days it takes Peanuts to overtake Goosebumps vs Days it takes Spectre to Overtake Hotel Transylvania 2 (Fastest is winner)

6) Peanuts Total from Day 15 of release vs Spectre total from day 15 of release

We haven't reached 4 yet, that's next week (although Spectre will likely win).

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7 minutes ago, WrathOfHan said:

We haven't reached 4 yet, that's next week (although Spectre will likely win).


Yeah, I know that but we already know that Spectre won't be dropping 45% on Thanksgiving Weekend. And that actually means Peanuts will win, I mistakenly (is this the right word?) bolded Spectre in that post :P 

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Just now, Infernus said:


Yeah, I know that but we already know that Spectre won't be dropping 45% on Thanksgiving Weekend. And that actually means Peanuts will win, I mistakenly (is this the right word?) bolded Spectre in that post :P 

Spectre will highly likely have a lower drop than Peanuts' second weekend so you were right

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5 minutes ago, WrathOfHan said:

Spectre will highly likely have a lower drop than Peanuts' second weekend so you were right


Yeah it will definitely have the lower drop but we had to answer for what will have or do the higher or faster, for whatever was asked in the questions. Peanuts' drop will be higher, so it wins.

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7 minutes ago, Infernus said:


Yeah it will definitely have the lower drop but we had to answer for what will have or do the higher or faster, for whatever was asked in the questions. Peanuts' drop will be higher, so it wins.

Crap, I thought is meant what will have the lower drop.

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Estimated Week 6 results:


Part 1.


1. Will Hunger Games Open to more than $120M? No

2. Will Hunger Games Open to more than $132.5M? 2000 No

3. Will Hunger Games Open to more than $145M? No

4. Where will Mockingjay 2's OW rank alongside the other franchise instalments (1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th)? 4th

5. Will The Night Before's OW be at least 10% the gross of MJ2's OW? 3000 No

6. Will MJ2's Friday be above $55M? No

7. Will MJ2 drop less than 35% on Sunday? No

8. Will MJ2 have a Saturday PTA above $10,000? No


9. Will the Secrets in their Eyes open in the top 4? No

10. Will Peanuts drop less than 48%? Yes

11. Will legend have a PTA above $32,000? 2000 No

12. Will Spectre cross $150M by Saturday? No

13. Will Love the Coopers stay above The Martian? 3000 Yes

14. Will Goosebumps remain above Bridge of Spies yet again? No

15. Will Prem Ratan Dham Payo have a PTA above $4000? No

16. Will My All American stay in the top 15? No


17. Will The Last Witch Hunter actually do what it is supposed to and drop over 52% this weekend? Yes

18. Will Hotel Transylvania's weekend be at least 10% of Peanuts'? 2000 No

19. Will By the Sea finish above Trumbo? No

20. Will a film drop at least 47% on Sunday? Yes

21. Name any film that drops less than 33% this weekend (or choose none)? 3000 None

22. Will the 3 new openers combine to at least $150M? No

23. Will Jem Rock the Kasbah cross $2.9M by the end of the weekend? Yes

24. Will Bridge of Spies' Total Gross overtake The Visit's Total Gross by the end of the weekend? 2000 Yes

25. Does Tyrian Lannister die at the end of MJ2? (Note any actual spoiler answers will result in death by cannon  ) Valar Morghulis



15/25 2000

16/25 3000

17/25 4000

18/25 5000

19/25 6000

20/25 8000

21/25 10000

22/25 12000

23/25 15000

24/25 17000

25/25 20000


Part 2:


1. What will MJ2's OW be? 5000 $101,025,000

2. What will The Night Before's OW gross be as a percentage of MJ2's OW? 5000 9.9%

3. What will Legend's PTA be? 5000 $20,750

4. What will The Martian's total gross be by the end of Sunday? 5000 $213,039,442

5. What will Paranormal Activity's percentage drop be? 5000 77.6%


Part 3:




3. The Peanuts Movie

6. Love the Coopers

9. The 33

11. Goosebumps

14. Prem

17. The Last Witch Hunter


 2000 each

4/6 2000 bonus

5/6 5000 bonus

6/6 8000 bonus


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