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Snowpiercer | Now in Theaters and VOD

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I have a feeling you'll have mixed feelings on the movie if you ever watch it. Like you would think the movie is good, well-made and well-acted, but it pissed you off somehow and left you disturbed. That's pretty much my bf's stand on the movie. So for that reason, I wouldn't recommend.But then I want to see your reaction towards a scruffy bearded angsty Chris Evans too :P


I can do disturbing to a degree. I will watch it though. Maybe tonight.

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Lucky enough to see it in theatres today and thought it consistently well-done. There was a pleasing sense of unpredictablility; Bong gives just enough free rein to the violent and absurd elements without allowing either to overwhelm the film. Acting was quite good on the whole. Special marks to Tilda Swinton who was an absolute scene-stealer.


Agree with others that the ending was a bit of a step down.


The big reveal in the monologue before the last gate hit the wrong notes for me. "Babies taste the best." Seriously? At least a few people in the theatre laughed. Was that the intent? There was a definite loss of forward momentum once the door opened and Ed Harris got involved.


Troubles with the last act weren't enough to leave me disappointed. The mood this film evoked is going to stay with me.


On a side note, 2014 is turning out to be a very good year for smart sci-fi.

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I'm honestly confused by that reaction to that moment. Either you're completely disconnected with the film (fair enough, I guess) or you're laughing to cover up how horrific and troubling it is. I thought it was very powerful.


I agree, I thought it was a completely sold and earned moment in a very powerful monologue. 


I know some thought it was funny because it was so seemingly bizarre but mainly what little I heard in the theater sounded more like shocked nervous laughter.  It wasn't like the fish moment, or some of Allison Pill  or Tilda's shenanigans, meant to be absurdly funny.

Edited by TalismanRing
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I'm honestly confused by that reaction to that moment. Either you're completely disconnected with the film (fair enough, I guess) or you're laughing to cover up how horrific and troubling it is. I thought it was very powerful.

I also thought it was powerful, but it's also very Bong-ish in its bizarreness. A very dark type of "humor". Like how in The Host where you really felt for the Dad, his sadness, his sorrow, but then, at the same time, it's also beyond pathetic and messed up that just made things ironic. I don't know about this one though, neither me nor my audience laughed at the scene. So different strokes for different folks I guess?
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Oh, certainly, it was nervous snorting rather than laugh out loud funny. And it was just a couple of people. I just thought the phrasing was wrong. It reminded me too much of punchlines to juvenile jokes.


Telemachos, suggesting someone is completely disconnected from a film because they had a reaction contrary to yours is rather insulting.

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Oh, certainly, it was nervous snorting rather than laugh out loud funny. And it was just a couple of people. I just thought the phrasing was wrong. It reminded me too much of punchlines to juvenile jokes. Telemachos, suggesting someone is completely disconnected from a film because they had a reaction contrary to yours is rather insulting.

Tele wasn't suggesting anything, that was actually what one of our members here feel about the movie iirc (can't remember who it was)
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Oh, certainly, it was nervous snorting rather than laugh out loud funny. And it was just a couple of people. I just thought the phrasing was wrong. It reminded me too much of punchlines to juvenile jokes. Telemachos, suggesting someone is completely disconnected from a film because they had a reaction contrary to yours is rather insulting.

I wasn't trying to be insulting. Grim he said he wasn't particularly connected, which is why I mentioned it. There are all sorts of films that I disconnect from, for a variety of reasons.
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Harvey is now returning phone calls.  A great write up Anne Thomson & Tom Bruggerman with a very detailed break down of preliminary VOD numbers and numbers from a possible wide theatrical release.




1. Not in the article but Snowpiercer came out in France late Oct -  months after Weinstein forced Bong to pull his film from TIFF and presented him wit his own rough edit


2. It rather seems like Harvey has never seen any other Bong films if he thought he was getting a straight action picture without "artistic flourishes" in the first place. But I find this hard to believe especially since it's not the first Asian film he's bought, butchered or even shelved. :P

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