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Chasmmi's Winter Game | In a big shock | Wrath & The old man (Tele) crash the party stealing the win from Jake Gittes.... DamienRoc crashed and burned.....

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8 hours ago, Telemachos said:

Since we're all contributing our two cents, I'd actually be happy with reducing the amount of weekly activity. It's a lot of work to do weeklies with SOTMs almost every week as well -- particularly when some of the bonuses deal with placements below 12th. And while I know that separates the dedicated player from the more casual ones, I know there are people interested in playing but they feel overwhelmed by the amount of work it takes.


IMO, I'd be fine with the same amount of weeklies/SOTMs if some of the more esoteric bonuses were pulled back a touch... and I think the Oscar question starts to dabble heavily in non-box-office trends (since not only do we need to predict grosses for the movies, but then predict their reception within the Academy). I know that's not a factor for the Summer Game, of course.


Maybe a way to give the weeklies more of a heft would be to increase bonuses for some of the placement questions (sections 2 & 3) as well as increasing bonuses either for the harder individual questions or for the overall number of correct questions.


Just spit-balling here.


I agree. Maybe we can just have a fixed number of questions for the weeklies? 10 questions maybe? Just adjust the scoring.

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1 hour ago, chasmmi said:

Also anyone complaining about SOTM and Weekly points not being as heavily weighted as preseasons, I believe there were about 3,000,000 points up for grabs in SOTMs alone this winter. 


And weeklies also could have got you a total of about 2.3Million.


That is over 5 million points right there.


You all just failed a lot 



I resemble that remark.


Edit - Also, following on others' suggestions, what about something like alternating longer weeklies (like the ~20 question ones this time) with shorter ones plus SotMs? So, if SotM + Weekly, then shorter question list. If no SotM, then longer question list?

Edited by Wrath
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Make standard weeks lower scoring so if u miss a week the impact is less. While blockbuster weeks such as week 1, Memorial Day etc get more questions and more points. 


Im fine with big and small SOTMs just not 1 every week is my concern. SOTM questions should be at random times and not aligned too weeklies to much. 

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Well maybe 10 questions whether it's a holiday or not or if there is a big release or not. Just increase the points I guess if they're for big releases. If we'll get more questions for the big ones, it might not be that different from what we have been doing since every month has big movies now.


It's really difficult since I, and I guess most of us, do research first. 20 questions is just too much, imo. And this does not even include the weekly SOTMs.

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15 hours ago, Wrath said:

True, but my score was a serious outlier. I managed the weird feat of doing great on the pre-season while genuinely sucking at the weeklies and SOTM. Its kind of amazing, really, how my insight into box office success declined as we got closer to the release dates.


Eliminating the last few folks off the list, the average person's pre-season score was 1.7-1.8 times their combined Weeklies + SoTMs. But there's an incredibly wide range. My 2.8 multiplier isn't really that much farther away from the mean than the bottom score of 1.0, and there were at least 4 other people who also managed over a 2.0. And I've certainly seen this go the other way. Iirc, two years ago when I first played the summer game, I was maybe 8th (barely in the top 10) after weeklies and SotM's, and my pre-season questions bounced me to 21st. Sometimes you're the windshield, sometimes you're the bug.


That having been said, I don't really have a problem with slightly shifting down the weight of the pre-season scores. Maybe knock off a handful of questions and some of the top 15 bonus categories? I dunno. 


Honestly, whatever Chasmmi and JJ-8 feel like doing sounds good to me.


I picked the two of us because we were probably the biggest outliers, in both directions. But my point is that because the weight is so heavily towards the preseason, it's almost like we're playing box office quidditch. We spend all this time and effort doing these weekly things, only to find out, nope, it was all in something that took a comparitively small amount of time.


I get that we want to reward people who do a good job of doing their early predictions. (Although there are quibbles I have there: because we're doing predictions at a fixed time AND there's a specific end date, the predictions for films late in the game are a lot more haphazard.) But I also don't like the feeling that much of the ongoing effort seems relatively meaningless.


Consider three players. Player A is a pre-season monster. They make some good and lucky guesses and hit things pretty well, overall. However, they tend to lag behind on the weekly efforts. Player B is pretty balanced, they do pretty good on the preseason predictions and the weeklies. Player C is lacking in preseasons, but does very well on the weeklies.


In my thinking, player B should probably have about an even score breakdown: 50% preseasons, 50% weeklies. Player A could be seeing their preseason edge up into the 60-70% range. Player C might see the reverse, their weeklies accounting for 60-70% of the total score.


We still have a case where the preseasons are heavily important, but not overwhelmingly so.


(Just for curiosity, I took a look at the Summer Game scores. they were quite a bit lower overall, and while the preseasons did count for more than the in-season scores, that mostly had to do with the SOTMs being far less important overall. It wasn't really a case where the preseasons had ballooned in importance, which seemed to be the case here in the Winter Game.)



I don't want any of this to be taken like I'm angry. I love the game. It's probably the highlight of the forum for me.

Edited by DamienRoc
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1 hour ago, chasmmi said:

I have listened, taken on board, considered and then disregarded every comment and suggestion mentioned in the past few pages :) 


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... or have I? :ph34r:





I love cliffhangers!

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On 05.03.2017 at 9:46 PM, chasmmi said:


Grey slots into 2nd place and a guaranteed top 7 finish and Jake foils another challenger. However they are inching closer and closer. Is it a matter of time? 



1st: JakeGittes - 4,184,500



There were no other challengers.











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