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Rogue One honestly made me appreciate Jurassic World more (spoiler tagging because new policy)



The relationship between Bryce Dallas Howard and Chris Pratt was botched, but it wasn't as botched as Felicity Jones and Diego Luna's relationship. At least JW hints the characters have had a history and are at least familiar with each other. NOTHING in Rogue One indicates FJ and DL are romanced by each other.


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I'm just going to put this out there before I get attacked for my character comments: a movie does not need good characters in order to be a good movie. However, if the movie has poorly developed characters and asks to care about them, that will undoubtedly go against it. Mad Max: Fury Road is the perfect example of a movie that shows and doesn't tell. In my opinion, Nux is the best character in the film. He's not an EXTREMELY WELL DEVELOPED CHARACTER early on, but he has a charming personality and we know he's someone dedicated to Immortan Joe and wants his respect. When he fails to impress Joe, we feel bad for him, and his redemption has all the more impact. 

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5 minutes ago, WrathOfHan said:

I'm just going to put this out there before I get attacked for my character comments: a movie does not need good characters in order to be a good movie. However, if the movie has poorly developed characters and asks to care about them, that will undoubtedly go against it. Mad Max: Fury Road is the perfect example of a movie that shows and doesn't tell. In my opinion, Nux is the best character in the film. He's not an EXTREMELY WELL DEVELOPED CHARACTER early on, but he has a charming personality and we know he's someone dedicated to Immortan Joe and wants his respect. When he fails to impress Joe, we feel bad for him, and his redemption has all the more impact. 


Fury Road develops its characters through every single thing they do and say, down to even the smallest gestures. Rogue One just has a bunch of people show up and decides that's enough. 

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43 minutes ago, WrathOfHan said:

Well, you used a gif of a shot that's not even in the movie :redcapes: Rogue One is a movie that relies on nostalgia and goodwill built on previous entries in the series and brings almost nothing new or noteworthy to the table. It's cool to see Darth Vader mow down some rebels, but that's the penultimate scene of the movie and a short moment. None of the new characters are interesting, and when the movie asks for the audience to care for them in emotional moments, I felt nothing because of how poorly developed they were. The Force Awakens relied on nostalgia too, but that film at least introduced exciting new characters. It speaks measure when the best character in the film appears for only two scenes.








So they were supposed to have a movie about the days leading toward A New Hope with nothing familiar? Of course it's going to have similarities to the original trilogy because it takes place hours before. Does that mean that's all the movie has to offer? No. Most of the characters are completely new adding to the mythos, there a three main scene with Jyn and her father that were extremely powerful (Jyn childhood flashback, Jyn watching her father's hologram, Jyn failing to save her father).There are battle scenes that and the closest Star WARS came to showing war, the planets being destroyed had way more impact than TFA, The droid was K-2SO was genuinely clever and funny in new ways, the acting was better than most SW movies by a long shot, the ending with Carrie was beyond glorious.


Also didn't you like TFA, a movie that relies on nostalgia far more?:kitschjob:

The weird thing is that RO had different tone and energy than any other Star Wars movie which gave the film a unique voice. It wasn't the plastic, soulless copy you're implying.


There are no ewoks, Jar Jar, embarassing "noooooo's", abundants green screen, lengthy trade dispute discussion, bad acting, etc. So RO is already ahead of the prequels and possible even ROTJ. That means its only competition is ANHTFA and ESB.


Also this is the most realistic and relatable Star Wars movie. Some of the good guys make questionable orunsavory decisions, major characters don't make it through, rebels are scared or out of touch with why they fight. There are shades or grey and complexity to this Star Wars world. Everything isn't black and white or baby food.


Then you had the relevance. Star Wars hasn't been this relevant since the 1970's. RO couldn't have been released at a better time. The films beautifully explores the challenges of rebelling against authoritianism. It's the Star Wars movie we needed even if it's not the one some fanboys wanted. 


BTW - it doesn't matter everything in the trailer wasn't in the movie. There are plenty of well executed money shots that did make it.




Edited by grey ghost
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2 minutes ago, grey ghost said:
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So they were supposed to have a movie about the days leading toward A New Hope with nothing familiar? Of course it's going to have similarities to the original trilogy because it takes place hours before. Does that mean that's all the movie has to offer? No. Most of the characters are completely new adding to the mythos, there a three main scene with Jyn and her father that were extremely powerful (Jyn childhood flashback, Jyn watching her father's hologram, Jyn failing to save her father.There are battle scenes that and the closest Star WARS came to showing war, the planets being destroyed had way more impact than TFA, The droid was K-2SO was genuinely clever and funny in new ways, the acting was better than most SW movies by a long shot, the ending with Carrie was beyond glorious. Also didn't you like TFA, a movie that relies on nostalgia far more?:kitschjob:

The weird thing is tha RO had different tone and energy than any other Star Wars movie whicg gave the film a unique voice. It wasn't the plastic, soulless copy you're implying.


There are no ewoks, Jar Jar, embarassing "noooooo's", abundants green screen, lengthy trade dispute discussion, bad acting, etc. So RO is already ahead of the prequels and possible even ROTJ. That means its only competition is ANHTFA and ESB.


Also the is the most realistic and relatable Star Wars movie. Some of the good guys make questionable or unsavory decisions, major characters don't make it through, rebels are scared or out of touch with why they fight. There are shades or grey and complexity to this Star Wars world. Everything isn't black and white or baby food.


Then you had the relevance. Star Wars hasn't been this relevant since the 1970's. RO couldn't have been released at a better time. The films beautifully explores the challenges of rebelling against authoritianism. It's the Star Wars movie we needed even if it's not the one some fanboys wanted. 


BTW - it doesn't matter everything in the trailer wasn't in the movie. There are plenty of well executed money shots that did make it.




*cracks knuckles*



So they were supposed to have a movie about the days leading toward A New Hope with nothing familiar? Of course it's going to have similarities to the original trilogy because it takes place hours before.


I'm not saying the movie shouldn't have references, but it relied on them way too much. Whether it's Bail Organa namedropping Obi Wan or C3P0 and R2 quipping a joke, the movie is asking you to applaud.


Does that mean that's all the movie has to offer? No. Most of the characters are completely new adding to the mythos, there a three main scene with Jyn and her father that were extremely powerful (Jyn childhood flashback, Jyn watching her father's hologram, Jyn failing to save her father.


I'm gonna stop you right there. Exactly what do these characters add to the mythos? The emotional moments with Jyn were poorly handled, and she barely reacted to the hologram. Mads was doing most of the work in that scene, and even then he was sort of sleepwalking through it.


There are battle scenes that and the closest Star WARS came to showing war, the planets being destroyed had way more impact than TFA,


That's all fine and dandy, but if the movie prioritizes stuff outside of the action, I need to take that stuff into account as well. I'm also going to disagree with you on the planet part; the Starkiller scene in TFA had a great monologue from General Gleeson and beautiful music by John Williams.


The droid was K-2SO was genuinely clever and funny in new ways,


He was amusing, but definitely not GROUNDBREAKING.


the acting was better than most SW movies by a long shot,


Yeah, no. Characters rarely emote, and when they do, it's poorly handled. 


the ending with Carrie was beyond glorious.


You and I can agree on this at least.


Also didn't you like TFA, a movie that relies on nostalgia far more?


I did. In fact, I loved The Force Awakens. However, one of the reasons I loved TFA so much was because of the new characters. I cared about Finn and Rey, and it continued the story I love. Rogue One continues the story I love, but it doesn't make me care about the new characters they introduce. No amount of action, humor, or fanservice can substitute for characters in movies like Star Wars.


The weird thing is tha RO had different tone and energy than any other Star Wars movie whicg gave the film a unique voice. It wasn't the plastic, soulless copy you're implying.


I'm not necessarily criticizing the dark tone, but it's one of the stupidest things to praise. So many blockbusters have dark tones all the time. I don't care that it strays from the Star Wars formula; if anything, this just makes it more like a modern blockbuster.


There are no ewoks, Jar Jar, embarassing "noooooo's", abundants green screen, lengthy trade dispute discussion, bad acting, etc. So RO is already ahead of the prequels and possible even ROTJ. That means its only competition is ANHTFA and ESB.


Sure, but what INTERESTING things does Rogue One offer? FWIW, I only have the first two prequels below Rogue One.


Also the is the most realistic and relatable Star Wars movie.


A FUCKING SPACE STATION CAN DESTROY A GODDAMN PLANET! None of the Star Wars movies are supposed to be realistic! 


Some of the good guys make questionable or unsavory decisions, major characters don't make it through, rebels are scared or out of touch with why they fight. There are shades or grey and complexity to this Star Wars world. Everything isn't black and white or baby food.


Cool, but they still aren't developed.


Then you had the relevance. Star Wars hasn't been this relevant since the 1970's. RO couldn't have been released at a better time. The films beautifully explores the challenges of rebelling against authoritianism. It's the Star Wars movie we needed even if it's not the one some fanboys wanted. 


The original trilogy has those themes too! It isn't some relevant movie just because it regurgitates themes at a time when Donald Trump is President. At its core, the film is an action blockbuster that's a prequel to a beloved classic.








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