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Date- July 20th

Genre- Comedy/Romance

Rating- PG- language and mild sensuality

Theaters- 3,295 theaters

Budget- 12 million

Running Time- 93 minutes or 1 hour and 33 minutes

Studio- O$corp Pictures

Director- Elizabeth Allen

Actors and Actress- Unknowns


Plot: When a mermaid named Sarah is banished to the human world for not being willing to marry a merman that she was engaged to, she befriends a loner high school girl named Britney. Sarah after a few days of human life discovers that she has fallen in love with John the quarterback of the high school’s football team. Sarah telling Britney that if you help a mermaid you will get whatever you wish for compels Britney to help her get John. After a few hilarious incidents in which Sarah tries to attract John, John and Sarah fall in love. Sarah’s father hears about Sarah and plans to destroy John however Britney intercedes and tells Sarah’s father about true love. John discovers that Sarah is a mermaid and he says that he still loves her. Sarah’s father cast a spell that makes John a merman and Sarah and John live happily ever after in the ocean. Meanwhile Britney gets her wish of being with her love interest forever.

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The Screwtape Letters


Date- April 6th

Genre- Drama

Rating- R- graphic violence, disturbing images, language, and sexual content

Theaters- 2,921 theaters

Budget- 40 million

Running Time- 123 minutes or 2 hours and 3 minutes

Studio- O$corp Pictures

Director- Darren Aronofsky

Actors and Actress:

Screwtape: Colin Firth

Wormwood: Taron Egerton

John: Chris Pine

Amy: Abbie Cornish

Satan: Anthony Hopkins





“And Satan fell from heaven like lightening.”


We see a shot of heaven in all of its glory. The camera turns downward and plummets rapidly through Purgatory and then enters Hell. We see a stunning shot of Pandemonium. It is the city of the Devil. It lies on an island of fire and lava. All kinds of wickedness dwells here. We zoom into a house with a library. In it sit two demons.  The two demons are named Screwtape and Wormwood. Screwtape is an older demon and the uncle of Wormwood a young demon who will soon go out into the world to tempt and corrupt humans. Screwtape is a legendary demon who has sent thousands of human souls to hell to burn forever. Wormwood is excited to go out and tempt humanity. Screwtape tells Wormwood that his goal is to make humans turn away from the Great Enemy aka God and to make them follow Our Gracious Father aka Satan. He also tells Wormwood who is planning to tempt his “patient” with extravagantly wicked sins, that the safest path to hell is the gradual one and to not tempt his “patient” but to confuse and befuddle the person, which will lead them to corruption. He says make the person believe almost everything about God, but make them believe several key false things thus the person will think they are a follower of God but really aren’t. He tells Wormwood that this is what he did with the Pharisees and others when Jesus walked the earth. Wormwood shrugs off these remarks and leaves for earth. He has been assigned to corrupt a young man named John who lives in New York City.


Wormwood reaches New York City and discovers that John is a new Christian and he must make John fall away. We see a shot of New York City with people walking around and each person is followed invisibly by a demon who tempts them. We see what the demons are capable of inflicting like suicide, murder, theft, destruction of earth, sexual immorality, and following false religions. Wormwood unsuccessful tempts John to dull his new faith. John resists the attacks from Wormwood. Wormwood discovers that he can change shape into humans, animals, and things to tempt John. He finds that he can influence John’s mind.


The film briefly moves to John and we learn about his past. John grew up in a poor and unreligious home. We find out that his teen and college years were difficult and saddening. After several shocking things (death of parents, abandoned by girlfriend, and diagnosis with cancer, which however is in remission) John has converted to Christianity because he desired hope.


The film moves back to Wormwood and Screwtape. Screwtape communicates to Wormwood through letters. Wormwood struggles to make John fall away from Christianity. Screwtape becomes frustrated with Wormwood and tells him to make John angry at God for the hardships in his life and to make him irresponsible with his faith. Wormwood however is arrogant and doesn’t listen. Wormwood tempts John with sexual pleasures including taking the form of a beautiful woman. Wormwood also tempts John with pride, gluttony, wealth, power, and other religions. While John falls into some sin, he repents and continues to follow God. Screwtape infuriated with Wormwood tells him of the days when he tempted mankind. We see a flashback to Screwtape tempting renowned people like Cain, Pharaoh of Egypt, Nero, Muhammad, several of the Popes, Queen Mary of England, Joseph Smith, Hitler, and Osama Bin Laden. An angered Screwtape divulges to Wormwood that God is genuine in his love for humanity and Earth. Screwtape realizes his mistake in telling Wormwood this and flees Pandemonium to escape punishment from Satan.


Wormwood upset with the present situation becomes neglectful in tempting John, which allows John to end up falling in love and marrying a Christian woman named Amy. Wormwood who realizes he is a failure becomes desperate. He meets with a outcaste Screwtape on Earth and the two devise a plan.


The day comes when all angels report to God and along with them comes a few demons including Screwtape and Wormwood. Screwtape and Wormwood ask God to allow them to physically, mentally, and emotionally destroy John and Amy to prove their devotion to God. God allows them to do this, but doesn’t allow them to kill John and Amy. Screwtape and Wormwood leave God’s presence. Screwtape tells Wormwood that Wormwood must do this on his own. Wormwood leaves to tempt John and his wife.


Wormwood inflicts torment on John’s life. John loses his job and suffers from depression. Wormwood harasses him daily. Amy frustrated with John’s odd and depressing behavior divorces John, which leaves John traumatized. Wormwood tells John that God is dead and why would a good God hurt John’s faithful life. He tells John that God doesn’t love him and has abandoned him. Wormwood confident of victory plans to strike the final blow. He strikes John with cancer again, which rapidly spreads throughout his body. John lies in agony in the hospital bed alone and without a single person by him. John begins to cry and says he should end it all by killing himself. Wormwood encourages John to commit suicide since it will banish his soul forever to Hell.


Meanwhile in Heaven, God hears John’s cries and looks down on him. God seeing John’s misery and bemoans the fact that he (God) is not strong enough to defeat evil despite being all loving. He has watched John’s faithfulness to him. God reaches down from Heaven and strikes John, killing him. John’s soul is saved and he goes to Heaven.


Wormwood witnessing this immediately goes into a fit of rage. Wormwood triggers a massive explosion, which destroys the entire hospital. Wormwood returns to Hell. Meanwhile Screwtape being the cunning individual he is, sees a chance of redemption with Satan. Going to Satan’s palace in Pandemonium, Screwtape tells of Wormwood’s failure. Satan angered at Wormwood, punishes Wormwood to death. The film ends with Wormwood is torn alive and eaten by his fellow demons including his cunning uncle Screwtape.



Edited by Hiccup23
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The Island


Date- November 9th
Genre- Psychological Thriller
Rating- R
Theaters- 3,467 theaters
Budget- 65 million
Running Time- 120 minutes or 2 hours
Studio- O$corp Pictures
Director- Guillermo del Toro
Actors and Actress-
Emrys- Tom Holland 
Case- Ansel Elgort
Rose- Anya Taylor Joy
Dr. Watson- Patrick Wilson
Dr. Angelia- Marion Cotillard
Philip- Matthew Goode




The film takes place in the 1940s. The camera zooms into the bedroom of Emrys. Emrys is lying in his bed sleeping. Lightning flashes across the room and we hear the patter of the rain against the windows. The camera moves into Emrys’s dream. He sees a burning boat floating in the middle of a lake. The burning boat slowly floats off into the mist. A loud boom of thunder sounds and Emrys awakens. Emrys lies awake in bed. He begins to hear voices whispering to him. He puts his hands to his ears to try to block out the sound of the voices. Downstairs we hear his uncle and aunt fighting. Emrys slowly gets out of his bed. The voices fad off. Emrys slowly walks down stairs. He peers around the corner. He uncle and aunt are yelling angrily at each other. His uncle tells his wife that they can’t keep Emrys anymore and that he will give him to the orphanage. He says that Emrys clearly needs a doctors help and would be better off in an asylum. He says Emrys is probably insane. Emrys’s aunt says that she promised her dying sister that she would protect and care for Emrys. She says Emrys is a strange boy but she will not let him be put away in an asylum. She tells Emrys’s uncle that he is selfish. She slaps him across the face. Emrys’s uncle pushes her and she trips backwards. She falls and her neck snaps on the counter. We hear a crack. Emrys runs into the room. Emrys sees his dead aunt and tells his uncle he killed her. Emrys’s uncle grabs a pot and knocks Emrys out. Emrys falls to the ground. Emrys’s uncle grabs the phone and calls the police. When they arrive he tells them that Emrys is the one who killed his wife. He discusses some things with the police and they nod in agreement. Emrys’s uncle takes Emrys who is still unconscious into his car and they drive off.


Emrys slowly opens his eyes. The car drives quickly down the road. Emrys looks out of the window and in the distance he sees an island in the middle of a large lake. As they get closed he sees that the island is really a close network of islands connected by bridges. Dark and old foreboding buildings rest on the islands. The sky is cloudy and raining falls from the sky. As they drive up to the lake edge, a security guard questions Emrys’s uncle. Emrys’s uncle signs a paper and the gate to a tunnel opens. When they emerge from the other side, Emrys sees that the only one island is connected via the mainland by a tunnel only. Emrys asks his uncle where in the hell is he. Emrys’s uncle says that Emrys has done bad things and that he will live at the psychiatric hospital until things get better. Emrys says that he is not mentally unstable, but Emrys’s uncle says that Emrys says he hears voices and suffers hallucinations. He says Emrys had a mental breakdown and killed his aunt. He says this will be good for Emrys. He says Emrys needs help. The car drives up to a large office like building on the first island. Several guards come out and take Emrys. Emrys tells his uncle that he can’t do this. Emrys’s uncle tells them to take Emrys inside. Emrys is dragged off. Emrys’s uncle is approached by a man identified as Philip. Philip says that he is the director of Atcliff Mental Asylum. He says that he has Emrys’s paperwork in his office. When the two men sit down, Philip hands Emrys’s uncle the papers. He tells him to check off the appropriate disabilities, therapy and sign his name. Philip tells Emrys’s uncle that Emrys will receive all the care that he can get. Emrys’s uncle nods. Philip briefly explains what Atcliff Mental Asylum is. The camera follows to each narrated location. Titles appear on the screen.He says that it is made up of six islands which lie in a circle and are connected by tunnels, bridges, and boat. The island they are on is not available to patients but is where the doctors and security guards house. This island is also the office and security base. It is the only one of the islands to connect to the mainland via the underground tunnel. Secondly, there is the Common Island where patients socialize and eat. Thirdly, there is the Hospital Island where patients are treated. Forth, there is the Housing Island where both males and females are housed. Fifth, there is the University Island where patients who do not suffer debilitating mental issues can get an education. Lastly, there is the Prison Island which lies in the middle of the circle. He says that this island can only be reached by boat and it houses the most dangerous and mentally insane people. Philip glances over the papers and says that he will start Emrys in the normal area and if he grows extremely violent he will be moved to the Prison Island. The two men shake hands and Emrys’s uncle leaves the island.


Meanwhile, Emrys is being lead by the guards through the security stations. He asks the guards where he is been taken but they tell him to be silent. They cross the heavily guarded bridge onto the Common Island. The massive stone Commons building is covered by ivy and patients sit or walk around the gardens outside. For the most part, they appear normal and peaceful. Suddenly, a patient screams and attacks another patient. Two guards run from the security station and separate the patients by beating them with clubs. The bloody patients are dragged off. Emrys is shocked that the other patients seem to not even notice this utter act of brutality. Emrys is quickly led through the Commons and onto the Hospital Island. He is checked in with his doctor, Dr. Watson. After a quick interrogation with Dr. Watson and Philip who has returned from talking to Emrys’s uncle, Dr. Watson says that Emrys will have a scheduled lobotomy. He says that it will help Emrys to achieve a normal mental stability which will allow him to be released from the asylum. Emrys states that he is not mentally insane. He says he did not kill his aunt. Dr. Watson asks about the voices and hallucinations. Emrys says those are real. Dr. Watson asks if anybody else has seen the hallucinations or heard the voices. Emrys looks down at the floor and says no. Philip tells the guards to show Emrys to his room. The guards lead Emrys out of the room. 


Philip turns to Dr. Watson and says that the government is having it's yearly scheduled check-up of Atcliff Mental Asylum around the same time Emrys is to have his lobotomy. He says that the government has announced lobotomy illegal. Dr. Watson says that Philip has nothing to worry about. Dr. Watson warns that if the government finds that Philip and the guards are been abusive to the patients they could all go to jail. Philip says that they have covered up their medical practices for many years and he is not at all worried about it. 


Meanwhile, as Emrys is being lead away, he hears the voices whispering in his ears. It is revealed it is Dr. Watson and Philip talking. Emrys hears everything they say. Emrys closes his eyes. He jumps to that night. He sees Philip dining in the main hall with the government officials and the island workers. He sees security guards relaxed and most interested in the festivities being held in the main hall. He then sees an island worker opening a door to a checkpoint with a key. He suddenly opens his eyes and flashes back to reality. He is pushed by one of the guards who tells him to get moving. 


When he reaches his boarding room, the guards tell him that he will share it with a fellow patient. They leave Emrys alone in the room and lock the door behind him, Emrys walks into the room and finds the other patient sitting at a desk reading. Emrys says hello. The other patient jumps and turns around. He asks if he is the patient that will be rooming with him. Emrys says that he is. The other patient says that his name is Case and Emrys introduces himself. Emrys asks how long Case has lived on the island. Case says that he was sent to this hell four years ago. Emrys says that he doesn’t plan to stay here that long. Case amused by this asks how long Emrys plans to stay. Emrys says he is going to get out of this place before his lobotomy which is in a week. Case laughs and asks him how he is going to do that. Emrys says that he overheard Philip saying that the government is coming for a review of the island. Emrys says that they are having a dinner in the main hall for the government officials and the island workers. Emrys says that security will be thin and escape will be fairly easy. Case says that it is a completely brilliant suicide plan.  Case says that even if what Emrys said was true, he would will never able to get past the security checkpoints without a worker's’ keys which can unlock the gates. Plus he would never be able to get through the tunnel, which will be the most heavily guarded point. Emrys says that when he was crossing the bridge he saw boats. Case says that the boats will be locked away since he presumes Emrys will try to do this at night. Case tells Emrys that the guards on this island are not fools. Emrys says that he have to get an key from one of the workers. Case then asks Emrys how he heard Philip talking about this and knows all this information when he just got to the island. Emrys says he heard the voices of Dr. Watson and Philip talking and has a premonition of that night. Case grows skeptical. He asks why Emrys was sent to the asylum. Emrys tells him why. Case shakes his head and says Emrys didn’t hear anything or see anything. He says Emrys is like the rest of them. Emrys gets frustrated and says he is not. Case throws himself on his bed and says that Emrys is not the only one planning an escape from the island. He says that another patient and good friend named Rose is planning to escape from the island to. He says that Rose has being planning her escape for two years and still has not found a way to escape. He says that Rose and Emrys could work together though, but he again says that he does not think they will succeed. Emrys asks if Case is joking. Case says he isn’t. Emrys asks if Case will help them. Case is silent. Emrys says that it is Case’s only way to get back to the real world. Case after a long pause finally agrees but only because life here is boring. Case says that tonight at dinner they will meet with Rose.


That night, Case and Emrys are lead into the massive dining hall in the Commons. After getting the food which looks more like garbage, they sit down at a table. A lovely girl walks into the dining hall. The guards’ smile and shout comments at her. She walks sternly and gets her food and walks over toward Emrys and Case. Case says that is Rose. Rose sits down next to Case. Case introduces Emrys. Rose flashes a quickly smile at him. Case says that Emrys is planning and an escape to. Rose looks up quickly from her food. Emrys explains his plan. Rose says Emrys should be silent and not speak so bluntly in a public place. She says that the guards are also armed with guns, knives, and clubs. The group is silent. Case then breaks the silence and explains to Rose how Emrys can hear voices and see premonitions/hallucinations. Rose smirks. She asks if Emrys saw a premonition of him coming to the island. Case laughs. Emrys blushes and says no. Rose gives a small laugh and says that Emrys is actually right about the government coming to the island and the banquet at the main hall. Rose says that Dr. Angelina, the teacher on the University Island is going to have her perform for the government officials as entertainment. She hints that might be a good time to secure the keys. Emrys asks if he and Case could perform with her that way they will all be together. She says that she will ask Dr. Angelina. After dinner, the three get their medication and walk together outside. They walk into a garden area. Rose turns and says that they first need to get their hands on a key and weapons. They will need to attack three guards so they each can have a key and have enough weapons. Then on the night of the escape, they will perform for the government officials at the banquet. Following that they will make their way to the boats and escape. Case asks what time is Emrys’s lobotomy. Emrys says he doesn’t know. A guard approaches and the three begin to walk silently again. Emrys and Case head off to their rooms since it getting dark and the guards will start to round up any patients outside. As Emrys and Case walk away, Rose turns to Emrys and says maybe he should embrace his “abilities”. 


The next morning, after breakfast Case is taken to the Hospital Island for therapy. Emrys meets up with Rose and they are escorted by guards to University Island. While they are walking to the island they witness guards brutally treating patients. Emrys asks if they will be attacked ever. Rose says that as long as they keep to themselves and obey the orders they will be fine. Emrys asks Rose why she is here. Rose says that she can speak to animals and can control them. Emrys gives a small laugh. Rose lightly punches Emrys and tells him to shut up. She says she isn’t making it up or insane. Emrys tells her to prove it. Rose says that no animals live within miles of this god forsaken place. They enter the school building. The building is a one room schoolhouse with a massive stage at one end. Dr. Angelina tells the guards that she has got them from here. The guards leave. Dr. Angelina tells the students/patients that today they will be discussing the sciences. After class, she dismisses the students; Rose approaches Dr. Angelina and says that she was wondering if Emrys and Case could perform with her in front of the government officials. Dr. Angelina says that they can perform with Rose since she sees no harm in it. She says that they must rehearse tomorrow immediately since they only have few days left. Rose says thank you and leaves with Emrys. 


That night, Emrys tells Case what happened. He asks Case how is therapy was. Case says it was the typical dehumanizing hell. He then asks Case how he came to the asylum. Case says he was sent to the asylum because he suffers nightmares. Case says he sees a boat burning in a misty lake. Emrys says he also has the same dream. Case asks if after Emrys sees the boat if he finds himself burning in the boat. Emrys says no. Case says that he does and it is very real and vivid. He says he has been haunted every night by it since he can remember. Emrys says it is strange that they both have the same boat burning on the misty lake. Case agrees and says maybe it has something to do with them coming to the asylum on the island. They both begin to talk about what the dream could possibly mean. Neither can reach a conclusion. Emrys then says that it seems weird Case would be sent to the asylum just because he has a dream of him burning to death in a boat. Case adds that he is also physically stronger than most people. Emrys looks skeptical. Case gets off his bed and picks up his bed with easy. Emrys says Case is like the people in the circus. Case sets the bed down on the floor. He says that his family saw him as a freak and sent him to the island because they were afraid what people would think of him and his family. Emrys says that Case’s abilities are amazing. The two continue to talk for the rest of the night.


The film then shows life on the island over the next few days. We learn more about the personalities of Emrys, Case, and Rose. Emrys is focused and determined even throughout his horrific outdated therapies. Case is the joker of the group and is also light hearted and playful. Rose is most quiet but she as she hangs out with Case and Emrys more begins to smile and show more personality. We also see the mundane life they live and the brutality of the guards.  We see the outdated and gruesome practices done to patients. The sun rarely shines and most of the time it is cloudy and raining. The three rely on each other to keep each other sane and not give into to hopelessness.

Emrys undergoes hydrotherapy and shock therapy. With each shock though, his ability to hear voices and see things grows stronger. Emrys experiences disjointed visions of the future in, which the media talk about a great hero. He sees a great futuristic city on a hill and the world’s people bowing toward it. He is unable to explain these continuous visions. Emrys also continues to suffer the same dream of the boat burning in the misty lake and Case also has the same dream. The two still don’t understand why they have the same dream or what it means. Emrys during this time also discovers that the voices he ears are actually coming from other people on the island. He finds out he can hear what people are saying and what they are thinking. Emrys also begins to develop other abilities. He can move things with his mind. He discovers one day in the dining hall when he knocks over his water by accident that he is able to stop the water from hitting the ground and is able to move it back to the cup. He shows Rose and Case his abilities. Both are amazed by it. Case says that his strength has also grown. They share with Rose the weird common dream they share and how their abilities have rapidly grown since they met each other. Rose says Case and Emrys somehow are connected and feed off each other. She says they need to find out why this is happening.  


One night, we see Rose being led by the guards to the school. She asks what is going on but the guards tell her to be quiet. She is thrown into the school room and the guards lock the doors behind her. Philip walks out of the darkness and says that Rose is a lovely girl. Rose begs him not to. Philips forces himself on her and she tries to push him off but he is to strong. While Rose is being assaulted, we see flashbacks of her being raped by a group of men in an alley before her imprisonment on the island. She screams in terror and breathes exhaustively. Philip after he is finish kicks her and then walks out. He tells the guards to leave her. Rose lies on the floor crying and still experiencing flashbacks. The guards look at each other. One guard opens his pants and begins to rape Rose again. Rose cries and screams out for help. We see hear hands begin to shake and suddenly her eyes open. They are black and her iris is now green. Suddenly a flock of ravens appear and begin to attack the guards. The ravens viciously attack the guards and drive them away. Rose is left crying on the ground. 


The next day we see Rose crying in the school room. Dr. Angelina walks in and asks what is wrong. Rose says that Philip assaulted her last night and it brought back flashbacks of her rape. Dr. Angelina comforts her. She says that Philip will pay for this. We see Dr. Angelina angrily storm into Philip’s office. She demands why he attacked Rose last night. Philip says that she is so beautiful. Dr. Angelina slaps him. She says that he is a filthy monster and that he belongs in the Prison Island. Philip angrily yells at Dr. Angelina to be silent or she will be sent there. Dr. Angelina says that his harsh rule of the island is over today. She begins to tell him how she knows about the abuse he oversees on the island. She says she is going to go to the government with his and expose him. Philip says the government will not believe her. He says she is nothing more than a psychiatrist who is only working here on this island because she is pretty enough to get hired. Dr. Angelina glares at him. She grabs a letter opener off the table and rushes at Philip. Philip tries to evade her, but she stabs him in the shoulder. He yells in pain. She pulls the letter opener out to strike again, but Philips reaches in his desk and pulls out a gun and shoots her. She falls over dead. The letter opener falls to the ground with a rattle. Philip calls to the guards and they help him to the Hospital Island.


That morning Emrys and Case can’t find Rose or Dr. Angelina for practice plus the University Island is shut down. They sit on a bench overlooking University Island. They chat about their old lives outside of the asylum. Suddenly they see Rose coming up from the bridge leading to the University Island. She looks dirty and tired. Emrys asks what happened. She says that she was raped by Philip. She says that she can’t do this anymore- trying to escape the island. She says that she is forever trapped here and can’t escape. Emrys tells Rose that they have to escape. He says this is their only hope and that they have nothing to lose. He says they must try. He says he and Case will protect Rose. Rose is silent. She finally nods her head. She says that she will meet them for rehearse in a few hours. When Rose walks away. Emrys tells Case that whatever they do they have to make sure Rose escapes this hell hole.


Later that day they practice and rehearse their song. They notice Dr. Angelina is gone still but they are too afraid to ask where she is. After practicing, Case asks how they are going to get all the materials they need. Emrys says that the backstage will be filled with guards. He says that guards will escort them into the back changing rooms then they will get their supplies from the guards. Emrys asks if they are ready. Case and Rose says they are. Emrys goes over the plan once more. He says that they will do their show then they will leave and sneak off to the Main Island where they will get the boats and head for the shore. Then they will get as far away from the island as possible. Case says that it all begins tomorrow.


The next night, Emrys, Case, and Rose are escorted to the back rooms on the Commons Island. In the back rooms, they quickly dispose of the guards using Case’s strength and Emrys powers. They secretly arm themselves. Outside Philip addresses the officials, he says that Dr. Angelina who was attacked by a mad patient worked with the patients on academics and arts. He says that she had patients perform on stage to release the fear or anger they had. The curtain opens and Emrys, Case, and Rose appear and sing “Insanity.” During the performance Case and Emrys use their powers, which the audiences believes are simply magic tricks. When they finish the crowd wildly applauses, the general turns to Philip and says that Philip has done an excellent job. Philip tells the general thank you. Backstage Emrys, Case, and Rose quickly exit.


They quickly make their way through the Common Island as they try to avoid the guards. Case says that the island is more guarded than thought. Emrys says that they can still make it out. As the approach the bridge, they are spotted by the guards. Emrys says that they have to make a dash for it. Case manages to tear the lock off the gate preventing them from crossing the bridge to the administration island with the boats. Guards quickly rush in from Common Island and begin to chase them across the bridge. Guards from the tower overlooking the bridge begin to fire at the trio. Case says that he has an idea. He pulls out a match and lights it. He then throws it at a station on the bridge. Emrys turns and uses his powers to cause the match to reach the station and cause the station to explode in a massive explosion. The explosion causes the bridge to begin to collapse as the trio dash across it. The three quickly race across just in time. Emrys says that will only briefly stop them and they have to move quickly.


Meanwhile, a guard approaches Philip and says that the prisons have escaped. Philip curses and tells the government officials that everything is fine. The general says that he must tell him what has happened. Philip much ashamed tells the general that some prisoners are escaping the island. The general shouts to his men to help the guards capture the patient's. The general storms out of the hall furious. Alarm bells sound throughout the island. The island goes into lockdown. 


The trio race toward the building with the boats. They hear shouts after them. Rose says that they can’t make it there on time. She says that the guards will capture them soon. Emrys says that he will stop the guards. Rose says no. Emrys tells Case if he doesn’t make it to take care of Rose. Case promises and hugs Emrys. By now, they can see the armed guards coming. Emrys tells them to go quickly. Case grabs the crying Rose and leads her away. Emrys turns and runs toward the guards shooting his gun. He is shot in the shoulder by Philip. Philip walks up to Emrys says that he has been unsuccessful in his escape and his lobotomy will be done immediately. He says Emrys will be locked away and forgotten by the world. Emrys tells Philip to go to hell. Philip laughs. He kicks Emrys in the gut. Emrys rolls on the ground in pain and closes his eyes. We see Rose in the boat whispering for Emrys to embrace his abilities. Emrys hears this telepathically and puts his palms on the ground trying to get up. He suddenly opens his eyes and they are bright blue. The ground begins to rumble and Philip says, “What the hell?” Emrys lets out a yell and a burst of blue energy rips across the asylum. Philip and the guards are thrown back and every window bursts throughout asylum The lights go out and the buildings begin to tremble intensely. Parts of the buildings begin to collapse into the lake and into the courtyards. Philip manages to stand up against the energy force that is destroying the asylum and aims his gun at Emrys. Suddenly, a large eagle dives down from the sky and attacks Philip causing him to drop his gun. The eagle brutally mauls Philip. The camera moves to Rose who is in the boat. Her eyes are green and she is muttering words. The eagles eyes are also green and after the eagle suppresses Philip, Rose commands it to fly away. Emrys stands up and uses his powers to keep Philip from getting up again. However, while Emrys is distracted with focusing his powers on suppressing Philip, a guard manages to recover and slowly gets up. He fires his gun at Emrys. The bullet flies in slow motion toward Emrys. Emrys in slow motion turns his head still using his left hand to suppress Philip and reaches with his right hand and obliterates the bullet. He then looks at the guard and opens his hand. A powerful energy force is emitted and the guard is dashed against a wall killing him. The other guards look at Emrys in fear and run away. 


Emrys walks to Philip. He looks at Philip and says he is a terrible monster. Philip says Emrys is a freak and a danger to the world. He says Emrys knows nothing about his life and what he has been through. Emrys gets face to face with Philip. He and Philip stare at each other. Emrys tells Philip that he is inside Philip’s mind and can see all. Emrys then begins to share the sins Philip has done, the rape, the murder, the deception, and the brutality telepathically with Philip. He says Philip is the one who is insane. Philip looks at Emrys with horror knowing that Emrys is inside of his mind. He says in fear, “You are a god.” Emrys then strikes Philip with his powers and obliterates him into dust. Emrys closes his eyes. The earthquake caused by Emrys’s powers stops. We see Emrys begin to have a vision. The camera moves to Case who suddenly passes out. Roses tries to revive him. Meanwhile, Emrys sees the burning boat in the misty lake. The boat burns up and sinks. We see the mist depart and an island appears. The trees open up and bend allowing Emrys to a grave. The grave opens up and a sword buried underneath the grave is revealed. The vision goes black. 


Emrys opens his eyes. He turns and sees Rose and a now revived Case rowing back to get him. He walks over and climbs into the boat. The three embrace now knowing they are safe. Emrys says that they did it. They begin to row away to the main land. Case says Emrys has powers that are unbelievable and truly powerful. Emrys says he knows. He says he wants to discover how they work and how to control them. Emrys tells Rose that he guesses he was wrong about her powers. He thanks her for saving him. Rose smiles and asks where should they go once they get to shore. Emrys says that he had a vision after killing Philip. He explains what he saw. Emrys says he couldn’t see where the grave and sword were actually located though. Case says he had a vision as well. Case says he did see where the island and grave were located. He says they are located in Glastonbury, England. He says that it appears the visions are guiding them to their destiny. He says he felt a strong draw to the sword and felt as if the sword was pulling him to it. Emrys asks what Case and Rose think their destiny is. They both say they do not know, but Case says the three of them were destined to be together. The boat reaches the shore and the three climb out. As the walk up the bank, Case turns to Emrys and Rose. He says that he would rather not get called Case since that isn’t his real name but rather a name given to him in the asylum. Rose asks him what his real name is. Case says Arthur. 


*the screen goes black*



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The Parvelli Renuion


“Welcome home."


Director: Yorgos Lanthimos

Genre: Drama/Comedy (Dark)

Release Date: November 21st, Y2

Major Cast: Colin Farrell (Leo), Isla Fisher (Portia), Zach Galifinankis (Wallace), Sharlto Copley (Giorgio), Helen Mirren (Muriel), Neel Sethi (Asher), Sonoya Mizuno (Interviewer), Omar Sy (Festival Founder)

Theatre Count: 4 (11/21), 78 (11/30), 1,285 (12/7), 1,978 (12/14)

MPAA Rating: R for language throughout, some violence including bloody images, and sexual content including brief graphic nudity

Runtime: 102min (1hr, 42min)

Production Budget: $20 million


The death of the Patriarch of the Parvelli family brings everyone back together, but as secrets and hypocrisies become exposed, this get together turns into a horrifying nightmare for the entire family.




We see a man walking into a factory, seemingly a steel pressing factory, in the middle of the night. He seems to be in his 70s. He walks up to a hydraulic press machine and grabs a large rod. He places his head inside the machine and uses the rod to turn it on. Shot from a distant, high angle, we see the man’s body violently shake, as well as a small splatter of blood, cumulating in the machine emitting a red light. The shaking stops abruptly, and the man’s body lays lifeless. Dramatic, operatic music begins to play.




At a work party, celebrating a successful deal, we see a man with suave, jet black hair and a thin mustache. His name is revealed to be Leo. A call interrupts him, as the party gets mildly surreal in the background, with his co-workers engaging in bizarre, almost sexual activity. He speaks short phrases at a time, such as “yes,” “uh-huh”, “go on,” and the likes. Eventually, he realizes the news, but replaces his phrasing with “shit,” and “oh god.” In the end, Leo says that he will book the funeral arrangements promptly and set a flight to London.


At the airport, we see Leo and his wife, Portia. Portia asks if they have enough snacks to bring on the plane, to which Leo says that they can get more at the café by the gate. Portia notices a statue of a wolf, admiring its beauty. She takes out a notepad to begin drawing it. She is heavily focused, spending nearly a half hour drawing the wolf. Leo, feeling a bit awkward, goes into a convenience shop to retrieve some snacks. He sees a newspaper that described the death of his father, Farrigan Parvelli, the CEO of Parvelli Industries, by apparent suicide. Leo finds a children’s’ magazine and covers the newspaper with it.


The flight arrives in London, Leo and Portia are greeted by Leo’s mother, Muriel. “I didn’t think Portia would come.” Portia tells her that her filming was cancelled today, and that she could fly in with Leo. “Airfare was costly as this late change, but Leo’s job pays very well, so we have that.” Muriel tells Leo that being on the newly-opened spot of the Parvelli executive team would pay substantially more, but they just want to go to her house. The step outside, and realize that Muriel brought her motorcycle to the airport. Realizing it cannot fit both of them, Leo offers to take a taxi. They ride in tandem, with Portia looking at Leo in the taxi window.


They eventually arrive at the house, where we see Leo’s older brother, Wallace, sitting on the couch. He greets his brother with a dash of sincerity, but when Portia and Muriel arrive, he is much more welcoming. Wallace says that his significant other will be arriving later today, it being the first time the family is seeing this person. Muriel says that they shouldn’t worry, that they are not a family of cruel, unforgiving, scoundrels. “Oh, absolutely.” Portia and Leo nod. “Come to think of it, I have a major interview with a company I’m dreaming to work within three days. Mind if we do it on the couch?” Portia asks. Muriel, thinking it is on the phone, says absolutely. “It’s just a pleasure to have all of you here.”


The four go out to eat at a local steakhouse, where Portia seems to just eat the bread rolls, albeit the entire basket. Muriel asks Leo if he finds this strange, but he tells her that Portia was already feeling somewhat full from a meal she had on the flight, but she will always enjoys a good bread. Muriel smiles, telling him that Farrigan would be the same way. She eventually breaks down crying again, but Leo comforts her. With Leo comforting Muriel and Portia eating bread, Wallace texts his significant other, asking for an arrival time.


They eventually arrive home from the meal, and a man, Giorgio (with a young child, Asher), is sitting the same place where Wallace was introduced. Wallace walks in excitedly, kissing Giorgio, while Asher walks up to hug both of them, a bit more awkwardly. “So this is your partner?” Muriel asks. “I know that Farrigan said that he was against this kind of....arrangement. Do you think it’s okay?” The three nod to each other, with Portia adding, “I don’t see why not?” Wallace, in a bit of growing rage and sadness, tells her about the homophobic beliefs and statements that Farrigan had made in his life. After a pause of silence, Wallace adds, “but he’s dead now, so it’s okay.” Giorgio apologizes to Muriel, acknowledging that it may be a bit of a touchy subject. Muriel admits to her late husband’s....”antiquated beliefs”, but he still made a really fucking good cherry cake. They will have it tonight. Muriel walks to the kitchen, getting ingredients almost mindlessly.


As the five sit on the couch, Wallace and Giorgio tell them about the latter’s adopted soon, Asher, who is currently working through a drama club performance. They are doing a production of “Romeo and Juliet” next weekend, and they would love for Leo and Portia to come. Portia is interested, but almost looks to Leo for approval. Leo says that they will come on the Saturday matinee. After continued conversations on politics, culture, and existential questions itself, with Portia growing increasingly intrigued and invested throughout, the cherry cake arrives, made by Muriel. They dig in. As Portia eats the cake, she find that Wallace is looking at her. They both look while putting cake in their faces.


The next day, the family goes out on Muriel’s boat, as they continue their conversations. Leo asks Portia about her interview, which she had been quiet about before. Portia insists that she had just got it, but had wanted it to be a surprise. She would become the main artistic director of a theatre festival if the interview becomes successful. Leo is mildly annoyed at it being a secret, but is still very happy for her. Wallace and his family are similar excited, all creating a toast. Wallace also lets Asher have a few sips. He thinks it tastes like shit. Leo looks at his phone and watches clips of plays from the festival. They are set to deep dramatic music, and Leo marvels at the quality of the shows. He comments to Portia that he is amazed, and he wants to do what he can to assist her interview. A bit surprised, Portia happily agrees otherwise. Muriel toasts to them, happy that her goddaughter will accomplish something amazing.


Wallace and Giorgio comment that they have seen a few shows there, and they were all very impressed. “Of course you have,” Muriel said, “The kid probably knows Godot by heart.” Asher comments that he prefers the works of Voltaire a bit more. “With Beckett, you know all too well what you’re getting into, and the openness for abstractness leads to banality disguised as minimalism.” Giorgio is impressed, patting Asher on the back. Meanwhile, Wallace is taken aback by Muriel’s snark, but he tries to think nothing of it. The boat pulls in, where Portia announces her interview is the day after tomorrow. Muriel agrees to have a prayer circle arranged for her, while Asher wants to see a movie. Muriel says that she did want to see the new Lynch, and she will take Asher.


Wallace and Giorgio agree to spend time at home with Leo and Portia. While at the theatre, Muriel subtly tries to explain to Asher her true beliefs about Wallace and Giorgio, claiming that she had seen them feeling unhappy together. Asher, having been able to read into her secret beliefs, pretends to play along and act shocked, but it is very clear that he is pretending. Muriel promises that no matter what, she will be there for him, something that makes Asher want to step into the lobby. While there, he begins to laugh hysterically, stepping inside the theatre with a box of candy. The film ends, and Muriel finds him. She grabs a piece of candy and chews on it slowly.


Portia begins turning her bedroom into a plan (akin to walls covered in documents in conspiracy theory movies) for her interview, including many details involving wolves. She is incredibly excited, yet nervous, about this interview. Leo tells her not to worry, that she should just enjoy time with the family. Portia rolls her eyes, insisting that she needs to make this count. It was bad enough that she would have to have the family reunion intersect, due to no other timing options. Portia, cleary having had some drinks while working, passes out. Leo places her on the bed.


Leo, inside the living room, begins to watch one of the festival plays again, feeling intense feelings while watching it. Wallace comes downstairs, asking Leo if he can turn down the volume. He obliges. He goes to the bathroom and places headphones in to watch the plays on his phone. The next morning, Portia wakes up to find even more notes than before. Leo, excitedly, has added to what Portia had written down, promising to coach her aggressively during the interview. As they come for breakfast, Wallace and Giorgio greet them, both feeling happy and content, while Asher looks on nervously at Muriel. As the day goes by, and Leo obsesses more over the theatre festival, they decide to prepare another special dinner in preparation of Portia’s interview tomorrow.


They start by saying a prayer for her, but Asher feels more and more uneased as Muriel subtly uses the achievements of Leo and Portia against that of Wallace and Giorgio, who in her eyes, have dull jobs and have accomplished little. Asher, feelings angry, tries to defend his adoptive parents, but Wallace tries to relax him. As things get intense, since is broken as Muriel slaps Asher. After stunned silence, Portia tries to calm the mood. Portia suggests a visit to an ice cream parlor, and Leo asserts this by telling everyone that they are getting ice cream. Asher doesn’t want to go, but Leo threatens to stab him if he refuses. Asher gives in. After speaking with Wallace, his father reassures him that Leo and Portia are just tense about tomorrow, and that they can wish Portia good luck. They stop by a church on the way back, where Muriel’s promised prayer circle awaits. It is serene and hopeful, yet fairly creepy. Asher falls asleep. As they go home for the night, Portia is the last to fall asleep, getting cleaning supplies to clean the room.


The interviewer comes right to their house, along with the festival founder. They seek Portia. They begin asking normal questions, but begin to ask increasingly bizarre scenario-based questions and questions about advanced play analysis. Portia is able to answer these without as much as a twitch. It seems to be going well. Leo then invites them to lunch, where the four of them go to an exquisite steakhouse, the same as the one previously visited. Leo inquiries about the festival greatly, eventually noticing the interviewer’s charm, amidst Portia eating just the bread again. As they return home, Portia and the festival director begin to talk, while Leo wishes to speak with the interviewer. In a sudden agreement, Leo insists to the interviewer that she hires Portia for the position. In turn, they have sex right then and there.


In the middle of the act, a door is accidentally cracked open, and Giorgio witnesses the whole act, but says nothing to give himself away.


Portia receives the position, much to the support of the interviewer and the director. (They collaborate after Leo and the interviewer’s intercourse, and she still looks messy) They abruptly leave, while Portia is overjoyed. Muriel decides to make another cake for them that night. Giorgio looks on uneasily, worrying that he might have known the true reason Portia got the position, but he refuses to tell anyone. Giorgio walks with Wallace to tell him the news inside a park. He is not surprised, knowing that Leo is often as cutthroat as his parents. They suddenly and unexpectedly find Muriel in the park, who appears by a fountain.


Muriel knows about the affair, having seen Giorgio’s nerves and having installed cameras in every room in the house. She admits that it was not a big deal, and how people cheat all the time. Wallace, having bonded well with Portia, is shocked and disgusted. He is especially disgusted in how their gay relationship is disgusting, but Leo cheating is not. Giorgio tries to keep peace, but Wallace snaps at him, tired of being silenced and peaceful. Muriel bluntly tells her son that her father commit suicide because of him. In a statement of fury and rage, Wallace rants calmly about how his father was a terrible man who exploited millions, rigged systems, manipulated people, and had no empathy for anyone other than himself. He conditioned Muriel to be just like him, and Leo too. After his rage turns to deep sadness, claiming how he just wanted a loving family, Muriel slaps him. The walk in separate directions silently.


As Leo and Portia celebrate, Leo feels a bit of jealousy, asking Muriel if he has any information on entering the executive force of the company. They speak extensively, while Portia sings a song to Wallace’s family to celebrate on the family piano. Feeling great pains of guilt for cheating on Portia, Leo wants anything to take his mind off the festival and Portia, and he feels the need to have something more powerful now that she has a new position. “I wanted her to have it, but I didn’t realize it would make me feel this way. I need something bigger, something better. I want to rule the world with her.” They will arrange an interview the Monday after the play, though with Leo’s executive experience at other jobs, and his familial connection, it is merely a formality.



The next night, as everyone is going to sleep, Portia cannot rest, and she walks around the house. She notices the cameras everywhere, feeling free from her past identity, and yearning to break free from the abusiveness of the Parvelli matriarch, she rips the cameras off of the wall and throws them in a blender. She goes outside to pour it into the ground. As she is outside, she sees a wolf. Terrified, she slowly moves away, admitting out loud her fear that she is not good enough, and that she did not get the position at the festival on her own accord.


The production of “Romeo and Juliet” eventually comes at Asher’s school, with Asher playing Romeo.  Portia seems to be very happy and supportive of Asher, while Wallace and Giorgio are focusing their fury on Muriel and Leo. Leo refuses to look at Portia, much to her concern. Asher gives a great performance, and the play ends to great applause. Suddenly, the director wants to hear the students speak about how hatred can divide and ruin people, as students begin to tell bizarre, horrifying stories about their parents. Discomfort sets in the audience, and Asher's turn still comes. He straight up admits to his grandmothers' bigotry and Leo using sex to get her wife the position.


Portia is furious with Leo, who is in turn furious with Wallace and Giorgio for ratting them out. "You got the position, my love, and you should be thanking me, with all due respect. I expect good sex when we return home. I just need to do one quick thing." They break into a classroom where they fight with school supplies. Wallace calls out Leo’s selfishness and jealousy, only helping others when he sees fit, while Leo things Wallace is just lazy and spends so much time pursuing his identity to hide that there’s nothing else to him. Wallace eventually suffocates Leo with duct tape, but not before Leo stabs him in the neck with a pair of scissors repeatedly. As families run out of the school screaming and feeling existential dread, Giorgio runs in to find both brothers killed. He and Asher mourn, but in a very dry way - Asher asks in a few moments if they can get Arbys, while Portia, kind and collected through the movie, calls out Muriel. Muriel, turning the blame of Asher for starting all of this, is stopped again by Portia. She defends Asher, having found to care about him. Muriel, realizing her whole family hates her now, completely falls apart in a very dry and calm way. She walks onto the balcony of the school theater and throws herself off, killing herself almost instantly. Eventually, Portia, Giorgio, and Asher are the only people left inside the school. At this point, Giorgio admits to Portia that he is bisexual.


It is announced that there is still an opening for Parvelli Industries, having been completely unaffected by the death of its successors. Portia sells the house, while Giorgio, for his own sanity, realizes that he should probably never see Portia again. Portia agrees, announcing herself that she begins the position in a few days. She receives a message from  the interviewer, revealing she found out about Leo’s death. The interviewer apologizes, but secretly admits that she would have offered her the position either way, if it was any consolation - Leo was actually terrible at sex. Portia gives a wry shrug, telling Giorgio and Asher that she would like to play one last song for the two of them on her piano, if it would be okay with the two. They agree.


Portia begins to play “Smile”, by Charlie Chaplin. She begins to sing along. Before she plays, however, a wolf resembling the one she saw in the airport appears outside her house, and she looks at it with a smile. She goes up to it, and kisses it. The wolf then runs away. The camera eventually settles on Giorgio and Asher sitting on the couch, while Portia is at the piano. The cast and crew names begin to come on to the screen, until the main credits scroll begins at the end.





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Studio: Cookie Pictures

Director: Shane Black

Producers: Sebastian Peters, Jon Favreau, Joaquim Dos Santos

Genre: Sci-Fi / Action

Release Date: December 21st

Theater Count: 4,200 (including 400 IMAX theaters)

Budget: $235 million

Running Time: 143 minutes (2 hours, 23 minutes)

Composer: Tyler Bates

Rating: PG-13 for intense sequences of sci-fi action, language, some frightening images and crude humor

Based on: Voltron: Legendary Defender by Lauren Montgomery and Joaquim Dos Santos. Inspired by the Voltron franchise by World Events Productions.

Previous film's gross (DOM/WW):

Defenders of the Universe (Year 1) - $322,572,086 / $954,675,898


Tom Hiddleston as Lotor, Galra prince and the film's titular antagonist

Jake T. Austin as Lance, the Blue Paladin

Yoo Seung-ho as Keith, the Red Paladin

Taissa Farmiga as Pidge, the Green Paladin

James Rolleston as Hunk, the Yellow Paladin

Tessa Thompson as Princess Allura, the last royal of Altea and one of two living Alteans

Damian Lewis as Coran, Allura's advisor and one of two living Alteans

Elizabeth Banks as Witch Haggar, leader of the Galra Druids

Mae Whitman (performance capture) as Shay, a resident of Balmera

Paula Patton as Acxa, one of Lotor's generals

Naomi Scott as Ezor, one of Lotor's generals

Gina Carano (performance capture) as Zethrid, one of Lotor's generals

Jack Quaid as Matthew Holt, Pidge's long-lost brother


Synopsis: The sequel to the Y1 smash hit Voltron: Defenders of the Universe picks up one year later where Team Voltron - still feeling the loss of their leader Shiro - begin the search for a new Black paladin when they're intercepted by Galra heir Prince Lotor who along with his team of generals goes rogue from the Galra empire and seek to claim Voltron for their own benefit. In between this the paladins go through various developments including Pidge continuing the search for her family and Hunk develops a relationship with an inhabitant of the planet Balmera.



Defenders of the Universe (in case you need a refresher): https://docs.google.com/document/d/1M1d-ekaEEkz-Hi7EE9yeEgC70EHzIwYEEpcIlZCOaj8 [Warning: pretty long]


Rise of Lotor: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1GssJOlJdS2qTMufKVmrHn2gMSIMHYL7ub9o2KUP3AFo/edit?usp=sharing [Warning: VERY long]

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After Party


Director: Trey Edward Shultz

Genre: Thriller/Drama

Release Date: August 24th, Y2

Major Cast: Shameik Moore (Keegan), Ellar Coltrane (Gavin), Nick Robinson (Paul), Margaret Qualley (Emily)

Theater Count: 2,706

MPAA Rating: R for a scene of rape, strong violent content, drug/alcohol use, and language throughout

Runtime: 79min (1hr, 19min)

Production Budget: $7.5 million


An introverted college student becomes ensnared within a horrific crime, endangering two of his fellow students, and must find a way to survive a horrifying night.



9:57pm: Over text, Gavin is trying to convince Keegan to come to his house’s party, which is sure to be one of the biggest of the year. Keegan wanted the night in, saying how he needed time to prepare for a networking event tomorrow. Gavin tells him that he can let him study in his room before the party, and Keegan finally agrees.


10:11pm: Keegan arrives, and a few people are already there, and drinks are set up all over the room. Gavin welcomes him in, also introducing them to his roommates, Paul and Luke. The party was Paul’s idea, who was ready to get hyped for the off-campus football game the next day. Several of their housemates were out to watch the game at the stadium at another school, which made for more room to party. Keegan and Gavin eventually go up the stairs to their room to get Keegan set up.


10:17pm: Gavin helping Keegan relax before the event tomorrow, and telling him to have some drinks now. Keegan was never a big fan of these sorts of parties, but he is hoping to meet someone new, and Gavin’s probably his best friend. He agrees to stay, but only until midnight. Keegan continues to prep, cuddling with Gavin’s cat, Rey. (It’s a secret from his landlord)


10:55pm: The party enters full force. We see Keegan feel uneasy, trying to speak with people but feeling sick and uneasy with the loud music and dancing. He notices Emily, a girl he has a crush on, at the party. They attend the same volunteering club and have a lot of the same classes. Keegan wants to make a move, but Emily is speaking with a lot of other people, most notably Paul.


11:32pm: Keegan is in the bathroom, trying to drink more and make himself tolerate this more. He also pets Rey upon coming out of the bathroom. Emily was waiting for the bathroom, seemingly feeling a bit sick.


12:02am: Keegan plans to leave, but Gavin begs him to stay for a little bit longer. Moments after, the police arrive and shut down the party, which was getting extremely loud. Keegan laughs it off, while everyone else leaves. Gavin heads into his room, and just as Emily begins to walk out the door, Paul urges her to stay at his place for the night. “You’re too sick, you can crash in my room,” he says. Luke, wasted beyond all belief, passes out on the kitchen floor in a comical fashion.


12:25am: Keegan is alone in his room, realizing that his phone is almost dead. He tries to get some charge onto it, only to realize his charger was in his backpack, which he left at their place. He runs back to get it.




12:34am: Returning to Gavin and Paul’s house in record time, Keegan, still a bit drunk, knocks on the door. He finds that it is still open. The place is a bit of a mess, as would be expected for a party. A backpack is laying on the couch, with a note, “Hey Keegan, you left this here you dumbass haha.” Keegan smirks, picks up the backpack and tries to go upstairs to thank Gavin. Suddenly, he hears a fight taking place, seemingly between Paul and Gavin upstairs.


12:40am: Keegan, standing by the staircase but keeping himself inconspicuous, tries to make out the words. “Paul, stop, I’m calling her an uber!” he hears. “It’s my house, my party, my rules. Now fuck off!” The fighting continues, but eventually, as Gavin begins to step out during a calm part, during complete silence, Gavin falls violent down the stairs, slamming his head against the door.


12:43am: Gavin, laying on the ground and bleeding from his head, tries to warn Keegan about something, but he soon goes unconscious. Keegan, panicking, but deathly terrified of what’s going on upstairs, tries to charge his phone so he can call 911.


12:45am: The wait is agonizing, but the phone finally turns on. Keegan begins to dial for an ambulance, but before “911, what’s your emergency?” is heard, Paul comes up from behind Keegan and smacks the phone out of his hand. Paul, in a horrified state, tells him that it’s not worth it to call 911. Gavin is dead. He grabs Keegan’s phone, as well as a knife in the kitchen. He forces him to go upstairs. “You tell anyone about this, about what you’ve seen, I will fucking kill you.” They go upstairs as Luke continues to idly lay on the kitchen ground.


12:48am: Keegan is forced into Gavin’s bedroom, but he does manage to see Emily lying in Paul’s bed, feeling somewhat unconscious. “What are you doing to her?” Keegan asks. “None of your concern,” Paul replies. Paul shuts and locks the door. In Paul’s room, Emily notes that Keegan was there. Knowing him as a friend from class, she wants to see him, drunkenly crawling towards the door. Meanwhile, we hear Keegan scream for Emily, trying to warn her. Paul tells her that he did some weed at the party and is clearly seeing things. Emily, in a move of defense, says that Paul is her friend too, he’s part of....the other organization. Paul tells Emily to lay down. She continues talking about her friends, but Paul eventually forces her onto her bed. Keegan, finding a stone paperweight on Gavin’s desk, uses it to smash the door handle and escape.


12:53am: Keegan works his way into Paul’s room, managing to enrage Paul. He begs for Emily to escape, that he demands Paul call her a ride home, using the rock. Paul, grabbing the knife, stabs his hand and forces him into Luke’s room, making him drop the rock. Paul begins to violently beat up Keegan, while Emily begs him to stop. Paul grabs the rock and throws it down the stars, while Keegan is too weak to keep fighting.


12:57am: Emily, in a moment of stunned silence, looks horrified, but still not at full sense. Paul returns to her room, and he places his hand around her mouth. “I love you so much, you sweet angel,” Paul says in a deceptively lovely manner, as he begins to rape her. The scene is shot to avoid any sexual activity, focusing only on the devastation in Emily's face and Paul's vile pleasure.


1:01am: Keegan hears the incident from the other room, eventually crawling to get across the hall. He is incredibly bloodied and tries desperately to get back to her room. He wanted her love, but now, he was prepared to die for her. Nothing else mattered other than her safety. Meanwhile, he is able to find Gavin’s phone, managing to deduct the password from an earlier conversation. He tries to call someone that can help, but he tries to get there first if he can. Across the hall, next to Paul’s room, was a bathroom with a window. Keegan manages to get the window and open it. However, his ankle twists from the pain, and it causes him to accidentally drop the phone out the window.  Keegan begins to panic, but it gets the attention of Paul.


1:05am: Keegan goes outside the window to try and get to the other room by jumping across the balcony, but Paul hears the commotion. He forces Emily to stay in the bed, getting up to check on the Bathroom. Emily lays there, trying to pull up her underwear while desperately reaching for her phone to try and find something, anything. Everything is blurry and nightmarish, and she cries in agonizing pain, looking to the dresser to find anything.


1:08am: Keegan, trying to make his way to Emily, is once again intercepted by Paul, who knocks him into the shower. “What did I fucking tell you?” Keegan begs him, this time showing great anger, to let Emily go. His phone should be charged downstairs, and he will call someone immediately. “Yeah, call 911, I know you people have a good rap with the police.” Paul says, mockingly. Keegan begins to attack him, but Paul blocks him. “All my life I’ve been the nice guy, the smart kid, the pleasant little loner. And yet, it’s gotten me nothing. So now I’m taking control. I’m getting what I deserve, I’m getting what we wan’t, isn’t that what we all need to do?” Keegan begs him to stop, but Paul refuses, believing that he is entitled to this.


1:12am: Emily, getting up, begins walking down the hall, fury in her eyes, grabbing the rock that Keegan used earlier. As Paul continues to yell at Keegan, he turns around. Emily smacks Paul across the head with the rock.


1:13am: Paul falls to the ground, as Emily, screaming in agony, continues to smash the rock against his face, with a look of silent fury. Once Emily realizes that he’s dead, she falls to the ground. She eventually looks to Keegan, and the share a look of silence, Emily crying but sharing a feeling of it being finally over. “You...you said you had your phone downstairs?”


1:18am: Keegan and Emily make it downstairs, while Emily is mortified again upon seeing Gavin’s body. Keegan asks if they should call the police, but Emily says, “Absolutely. I’m calling them.” Emily prepares to dial, but she pauses before she can call. Keegan asks why she hesitated.


“I know what happens. They won’t believe me, they’ll try to manipulate and control me all over again, I know Paul and his family is fucking loaded, they and their lawyers will destroy us. It’ll just…It’s going to happen all over again.” Emily begins to rant from anger, but falls into despair again. Emily, feeling utterly broken, asks Keegan how bad his injuries are. As she walks around the apartment and notices the spatters of blood as well as the two bodies, she realizes that she might not have a choice. She takes the phone and makes a call as Keegan watches, silently. We also find out that Rey had been hiding under a first floor futon - she runs out.


She goes to the bathroom and retrieves bandages for Keegan to subdue some of the bleeding. She then lays down as she waits for the police to arrive, sitting with Keegan. They stare into space silently as the end credits, set to Frank Sinatra’s “In The Wee Small Hours”, begins to play on the wall directly above them. Before the credits play, two title cards appear.


As many as 1 in 4 college women may experience sexual assault or rape on campus.


Many women do not report sexual assault for fear of being blamed, threatened, or silenced.


The rest of the credits continue.



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Lord of the Flies
Director: Danny Boyle
Composer: Daniel Pemberton
Genre: Thriller
Date: June 15th
Studio: Alpha Pictures
Format: Live-action, 2D and IMAX
Budget: $50 million
Theaters: 3,059
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Running Time: 109 minutes


David Mazouz as Ralph
Nicholas Hamilton as Jack
Jeremy Ray Taylor as Piggy
Levi Miller as Simon
Preston Bailey as Roger
Jared Gilmore as Sam / Eric
Christoph Waltz as the Lord of the Flies (voice)


Synopsis: A pack of young boys are left stranded on a remote island in the Pacific Ocean after a plane crash. Based on the classic novel.




We see darkness, but then the light of the sky. The view is blurry, and the screen blinks on and off. We hear the waves brushing on the shore, setting a very calm atmosphere. A dark-haired boy (David Mazouz) is lowered down on some rocks toward a lagoon on this beach. He’s confused by his location, and we see he’s wearing khakis and a t-shirt. He hears the call of a another boy (Jeremy Ray Taylor), who shyly greets him with a “hello.” He’s chubby, he seems intellectual, and wears thick glasses. The two question where they are, and through their conversation, the dark-haired boy introduces himself as Ralph and the chubby one introduces himself as Piggy. They can only remember being in a bracing position on a plane. They notice a large black streak on the island, along with a heavily wrecked plane. However, they cannot find the pilot among the crash.

Ralph and Piggy look around the beach, wondering what has become of the other boys from the plane. Ralph remembers there was a group of “high school choir boys” on the plane. They discover a large pink and cream-colored conch shell, which Piggy realizes could be used as a kind of makeshift trumpet, as he remembers from a Boy Scout camping trip. He convinces Ralph to blow through the shell to find the other boys. As Ralph blows into the shell, a loud hum comes from the conch. Summoned by the blast of sound from the shell, boys start to straggle onto the beach. The oldest among them are around sixteen; the youngest are around eight. Among the group is a boys’ choir, like Ralph had remembered, dressed in gold and blue gowns and led by an older boy named Jack (Nicholas Hamilton). They march to the beach in two parallel lines, and Jack snaps at them to stand at attention. Ralph and Piggy notice Jack’s authority over the choir boys. After Ralph and Piggy introduce themselves to the survivors, the older boys taunt Piggy and mock his appearance and nickname. This causes Piggy to be upset.

After some time getting to know each other, Piggy believes they should try to elect a leader. The other boys agree, especially some of the choir boys. That night, they decide to hold the election through a raise of hands. As Piggy leads the vote count, all of the choirboys vote for Jack, and Jack smiles proudly. However, it becomes clear that Jack doesn’t have much authority over the other boys, since the other boys vote for Ralph. Ralph wins the vote, much to the delight of everybody, even the choir. Jack is somewhat pleased, but still disappointed.

Ralph calls in a meeting with the conch, and the boys come and sit down in the sand. Ralph decides to set some ground rules. He holds up the conch, and says the conch will symbolize the voice of the meeting, so therefore whoever has the conch is allowed to speak at the moment. With everyone listening intently, Ralph suggests that since the choir boys are the oldest of the group, they can serve as the hunters. All of them are thrilled, and Ralph also makes Jack the leader of the hunters. This helps settle some tension between Ralph and Jack, and Jack is pleased with the decision, though he starts to gather all the choirboys for hunting, who are just as excited as him.

Mindful of the need to explore their new environment, Ralph chooses Jack and a choir member named Simon (Levi Miller) to explore the island, ignoring Piggy’s whining requests to be picked. After the meeting disbands, the hunters then set straight off into the woods on the island. The little ones decide to have fun, and they throw a party, which Ralph and Piggy attend. Both of them share their excitement of being on the island, and it looks like things are good.

Meanwhile, the choir boys have long, bulky and crude wooden sticks in hand, looking for food. Jack, as mentioned, is the leader, and shows a very dominant role in that position, having complete authority over where they go. Simon, despite being second in command, listens to what Jack has to say, and never disagrees with his decision. As they walk through the woods, they talk about the prospect of exploring the island, which exhilarates them. As they socialize, they begin to form a bond as they trek across the jungle. Jack, Simon and the rest of the choir boys start to hike the highest mountain on the island. Eventually, they reach the end of the jungle, where high, sharp rocks jut toward steep mountains. Jack and Simon climb up the side of one of the steep hills. From the peak, they can see that they are on an island with no signs of civilization. The view is stunning, and Jack feels as though they have discovered their own land.

As they travel back toward the beach, they find a wild pig caught in a tangle of vines. Jack draws his knife and steps in to kill it, but hesitates, unable to bring himself to act. He has never killed a living being, and the ambiguity of the impact it will have on him is frightening. The pig frees itself and runs away, and Jack vows that the next time he will not flinch from the act of killing, due to the fact he now lost meat for the rest of the group. The choir boys make a long trek through dense jungle and eventually emerge near the rest of the group waiting for them on the beach, as Jack solemnly leads the pack, thinking about what could have been his dinner.

When the explorers return, Ralph sounds the conch shell, summoning the boys to another meeting on the beach. The choir boys aren’t as eager this time, due to their hunger and their crave for meat. Ralph tells the group that, since there are no adults on the island, they need to organize a few things to look after themselves. Jack reminds Ralph of the pig they found trapped in the vines in the jungle, and Ralph agrees that they will need hunters to kill animals for meat. Ralph declares that, at meetings, the conch shell will be used to determine which boy has the right to speak. Whoever holds the conch shell will speak, and the others will listen silently until they receive the shell in their turn. Jack agrees with this idea. Piggy yells about the fact that no one knows they have crashed on the island and that they could be stuck there for a long time. The prospect of being stranded for a long period is too harrowing for many of the boys, and the entire group becomes silent and scared. However, Ralph states that his father is in the Royal Navy, and there isn’t one island in the world that hasn’t been discovered. This comforts the boys about the possible situation, but one of the younger children, a small boy with a mulberry-colored mark on his face, claims that he saw a snake like monster the night before. A wave of fear ripples through the group at the idea that a monster might be prowling the island. Though they are frightened, the older boys try to reassure the group that there is no monster. The older boys say that the little boy’s vision was only a nightmare. However, Jack remarks that while there’s probably no beast, he will hunt for it in case it is real. This gains a lot of support from the group, and Ralph rolls his eyes.

Thinking about the possibility of rescue, Ralph proposes that the group build a large signal fire on top of the island’s central mountain, so that any passing ships might see the fire and know that someone is trapped on the island. Excited by the thought, the boys rush off to the mountain, while Ralph and Piggy lag behind. Piggy continues to whine about the childishness and stupidity of the group. The boys collect a mound of dead wood and use the lenses from Piggy’s glasses to focus the sunlight and set the wood on fire. They manage to get a large fire going, but it quickly dies down. Piggy angrily declares that the boys need to act more proficiently if they want to get off the island, but his words carry little weight. Jack volunteers his group of hunters to be responsible for keeping the signal fire going. In their frenzied, disorganized efforts to rekindle the fire, the boys set a swath of trees ablaze. Enraged at the group’s reckless disorganization, Piggy tells them furiously that one of the littlest boys—the same boy who told them about the snake-beast—was playing over by the fire and now is missing. The boys are crestfallen and shocked, and Ralph is struck with shame. They pretend that nothing has happened.

Carrying a stick sharpened into a makeshift spear, Jack trails a pig through the thick jungle, but it evades him. Irritated, he walks back to the beach, where he finds Ralph and Simon at work building huts for the younger boys to live in. Ralph is irritated because the huts keep falling down before they are completed and because, though the huts are vital to the boys’ ability to live on the island, none of the other boys besides Simon will help him. As Ralph and Simon work, most of the other boys splash about and play in the lagoon. Ralph gripes that few of the boys are doing any work. He says that all the boys act excited and energized by the plans they make at meetings, but none of them is willing to work to make the plans successful. Ralph points out that Jack’s hunters have failed to catch a single pig. Jack claims that although they have so far failed to bring down a pig, they will soon have more success. Ralph also worries about the smaller children, many of whom have nightmares and are unable to sleep. He tells Jack about his concerns, but Jack, still trying to think of ways to kill a pig, is not interested in Ralph’s problems.

Ralph, annoyed that Jack, like all the other boys, is unwilling to work on the huts, implies that Jack and the hunters are using their hunting duties as an excuse to avoid the real work. Jack responds to Ralph’s complaints by commenting that the boys want meat. Jack and Ralph continue to bicker and grow increasingly hostile toward each other. Hoping to regain their sense of camaraderie, they go swimming together in the lagoon, but their feelings of mutual dislike remain and fester.

In the meantime, Simon wanders through the jungle alone. He helps some of the younger boys reach fruit hanging from a high branch. He walks deeper into the forest and eventually finds a thick jungle glade, a peaceful, beautiful open space full of flowers, birds, and butterflies. Simon looks around to make sure that he is alone, then sits down to take in the scene, marveling at the abundance and beauty of life that surrounds him.

Life on the island soon develops a daily rhythm. Morning is pleasant, with cool air and sweet smells, and the boys are able to play happily. By afternoon, though, the sun becomes oppressively hot, and some of the boys nap, although they are often troubled by bizarre images that seem to flicker over the water. Piggy dismisses these images as mirages caused by sunlight striking the water. Evening brings cooler temperatures again, but darkness falls quickly, and nighttime is frightening and difficult.

The little ones, who spend most of their days eating fruit and playing with one another, are particularly troubled by visions and bad dreams. They continue to talk about the monster and fear that it hunts in the darkness. The large amount of fruit that they eat causes them to suffer from diarrhea and stomach ailments. Although the little ones’ lives are largely separate from those of the older boys, there are a few instances when the older boys torment the little ones. One vicious boy named Roger (Preston Bailey) joins another boy, Maurice, in cruelly stomping on a sand castle the little ones have built. Roger even throws stones at one of the boys, although he does remain careful enough to avoid actually hitting the boy with his stones.

Jack, obsessed with the idea of killing a pig, camouflages his face with clay and charcoal and enters the jungle to hunt, accompanied by several other boys. On the beach, Ralph and Piggy see a ship on the horizon—but they also see that the signal fire has gone out. They hurry to the top of the hill, but it is too late to rekindle the flame, and the ship does not come for them. Ralph is furious with Jack, because it was the hunters’ responsibility to see that the fire was maintained.

Jack and the hunters return from the jungle, covered with blood and chanting a bizarre song. They carry a dead pig on a stake between them. Furious at the hunters’ irresponsibility, Ralph accosts Jack about the signal fire. The hunters, having actually managed to catch and kill a pig, are so excited and crazed with bloodlust that they barely hear Ralph’s complaints. When Piggy shrilly complains about the hunters’ immaturity, Jack slaps him hard, breaking one of the lenses of his glasses. Jack taunts Piggy by mimicking his whining voice. Ralph and Jack have a heated conversation. At last, Jack admits his responsibility in the failure of the signal fire but never apologizes to Piggy. Ralph goes to Piggy to use his glasses to light a fire, and at that moment, Jack’s friendly feelings toward Ralph change to resentment. The boys roast the pig, and the hunters dance wildly around the fire, singing and reenacting the savagery of the hunt. Ralph declares that he is calling a meeting and stalks down the hill toward the beach alone.

As Ralph walks along the beach, he thinks about how much of life is an improvisation and about how a considerable part of one’s waking life is spent watching one’s feet. Ralph is frustrated with his hair, which is now long, mangy, and always manages to fall in front of his eyes. He decides to call a meeting to attempt to bring the group back into line. Late in the evening, he blows the conch shell, and the boys gather on the beach.

At the meeting place, Ralph grips the conch shell and berates the boys for their failure to uphold the group’s rules. They have not done anything required of them: they refuse to work at building shelters, they do not gather drinking water, they neglect the signal fire, and they do not even use the designated toilet area. He restates the importance of the signal fire and attempts to allay the group’s growing fear of beasts and monsters. The little ones, in particular, are increasingly plagued by nightmare visions. Ralph says there are no monsters on the island. Jack likewise maintains that there is no beast, saying that everyone gets frightened and it is just a matter of putting up with it. Piggy seconds Ralph’s rational claim, but a ripple of fear runs through the group nonetheless.

One of the little ones speaks up and claims that he has actually seen a beast. When the others press him and ask where it could hide during the daytime, he suggests that it might come up from the ocean at night. This previously unthought-of explanation terrifies all the boys, and the meeting plunges into chaos. Suddenly, Jack proclaims that if there is a beast, he and his hunters will hunt it down and kill it. Jack torments Piggy and runs away, and many of the other boys run after him. Eventually, only Ralph, Piggy, and Simon are left. In the distance, the hunters who have followed Jack dance and chant.

Piggy urges Ralph to blow the conch shell and summon the boys back to the group, but Ralph is afraid that the summons will go ignored and that any vestige of order will then disintegrate. He tells Piggy and Simon that he might relinquish leadership of the group, but his friends reassure him that the boys need his guidance. As the group drifts off to sleep, the sound of a little one crying echoes along the beach.

In the darkness late that night, Ralph and Simon carry a little one back to the shelter before going to sleep. As the boys sleep, military airplanes battle fiercely above the island. None of the boys sees the explosions and flashes in the clouds because the twins Sam and Eric (Jared Gilmore), who were supposed to watch the signal fire, have fallen asleep. During the battle, a parachutist drifts down from the sky onto the island, dead. His chute becomes tangled in some rocks and flaps in the wind, while his shape casts fearful shadows on the ground. His head seems to rise and fall as the wind blows.

When Sam and Eric wake up, they tend to the fire to make the flames brighter. In the flickering firelight, they see the twisted form of the dead parachutist and mistake the shadowy image for the figure of the dreaded beast. They rush back to the camp, wake Ralph, and tell him what they have seen. Ralph immediately calls for a meeting, at which the twins reiterate their claim that a monster assaulted them. The boys, electrified and horrified by the twins’ claims, organize an expedition to search the island for monsters. They set out, armed with wooden spears, and only Piggy and the little ones remain behind.

Ralph allows Jack to lead the search as the group sets out. The boys soon reach a part of the island that none of them has ever explored before—a thin walkway that leads to a hill dotted with small caves. The boys are afraid to go across the walkway and around the ledge of the hill, so Ralph goes to investigate alone. He finds that, although he was frightened when with the other boys, he quickly regains his confidence when he explores on his own. Soon, Jack joins Ralph in the cave.

The group climbs the hill, and Ralph and Jack feel the old bond between them rekindling. The other boys begin to play games, pushing rocks into the sea, and many of them lose sight of the purpose of their expedition. Ralph angrily reminds them that they are looking for the beast and says that they must return to the other mountain so that they can rebuild the signal fire. The other boys, lost in whimsical plans to build a fort and do other things on the new hill, are displeased by Ralph’s commands but grudgingly obey.

The boys stop to eat as they travel toward the mountain. Ralph gazes disconsolately at the choppy ocean and muses on the fact that the boys have become slovenly and undisciplined. As he looks out at the vast expanse of water, he feels that the ocean is like an impenetrable wall blocking any hope the boys have of escaping the island. Simon, however, lifts Ralph’s spirits by reassuring him that he will make it home.

That afternoon, the hunters find pig droppings, and Jack suggests they hunt the pig while they continue to search for the beast. The boys agree and quickly track a large boar, which leads them on a wild chase. Ralph, who has never been on a hunt before, quickly gets caught up in the exhilaration of the chase. He excitedly flings his spear at the boar, and though it glances off the animal’s snout, Ralph is thrilled with his marksmanship nonetheless. Jack holds up his bloodied arm, which he claims the boar grazed with its tusks.

Although the boar escapes, the boys remain in a frenzy in the aftermath of the hunt. Excited, they reenact the chase among themselves with a boy named Robert playing the boar. They dance, chant, and jab Robert with their spears, eventually losing sight of the fact that they are only playing a game. Beaten and in danger, Robert tries to drag himself away. The group nearly kills Robert before they remember themselves. When Robert suggests that they use a real boar in the game next time, Jack replies that they should use a little one instead. The boys laugh, delighted and stirred up by Jack’s audacity. Ralph tries to remind everyone that they were only playing a game. Simon volunteers to return to the beach to tell Piggy and the little ones that the group will not return until late that night.

Darkness falls, and Ralph proposes that they wait until morning to climb the mountain because it will be difficult to hunt the monster at night. Jack challenges Ralph to join the hunt, and Ralph finally agrees to go simply to regain his position in the eyes of the group. Ralph, Roger, and Jack start to climb the mountain, and then Ralph and Roger wait somewhere near the top while Jack climbs alone to the summit. He returns, breathlessly claiming to have seen the monster. Ralph and Roger climb up to have a look and see a terrifying specter, a large, shadowy form with the shape of a giant ape, making a strange flapping sound in the wind. Horrified, the boys hurry down the mountain to warn the group.

The next morning, the news of the monster has the boys in a state of uproar as they gather on the beach. Piggy, who was not on the mountain the night before, is baffled by the other boys’ claims to have seen the monster. Jack seizes the conch shell and blows into it clumsily, calling for an assembly. Jack tells the others that there is definitely a beast on the mountain and goes on to claim that Ralph is a coward who should be removed from his leadership role. The other boys, however, refuse to vote Ralph out of power. Enraged, Jack storms away from the group, saying that he is leaving and that anyone who likes is welcome to join him.

Deeply troubled, Ralph does not know what to do. Piggy, meanwhile, is thrilled to see Jack go, and Simon suggests that they all return to the mountain to search for the beast. The other boys are too afraid to act on his suggestion, however. Ralph slips into a depression, but Piggy cheers him up with an idea: they should build a new signal fire, on the beach rather than on the mountain. Piggy’s idea restores Ralph’s hope that they will be rescued. The boys set to work and build a new fire, but many of them sneak away into the night to join Jack’s group. Piggy tries to convince Ralph that they are better off without the deserters.

Along another stretch of sand, Jack gathers his new tribe and declares himself the chief. In a savage frenzy, the hunters kill a sow, and Roger drives his spear forcefully into the sow’s anus. Then the boys leave the sow’s head on a sharpened stake in the jungle as an offering to the beast. As they place the head upright in the forest, the black blood drips down the sow’s teeth, and the boys run away.

As Piggy and Ralph sit in the old camp discussing the deserters, the hunters from Jack’s tribe descend upon them, shrieking and whooping. The hunters steal burning sticks from the fire on the beach. Jack tells Ralph’s followers that they are welcome to come to his feast that night and even to join his tribe. The hungry boys are tempted by the idea of pig’s meat.

Just before Jack’s tribe raids the beach, Simon slips away from the camp and returns to the jungle glade where he previously sat marveling at the beauty of nature. Now, however, he finds the sow’s head impaled on the stake in the middle of the clearing. Simon sits alone in the clearing, staring with rapt attention at the impaled pig’s head, which is now swarming with flies. The sight mesmerizes him, and it even seems as if the head comes to life. The head speaks to Simon in the voice of the “Lord of the Flies,” ominously declaring that Simon will never be able to escape him, for he lies within all human beings. He also promises to have some “fun” with Simon. Terrified and troubled by the apparition, Simon collapses in a faint.

Simon awakens and finds the air dark and humid with an approaching storm. His nose is bleeding, and he staggers toward the mountain in a daze. He crawls up the hill and, in the failing light, sees the dead pilot with his flapping parachute. Watching the parachute rise and fall with the wind, Simon realizes that the boys have mistaken this harmless object for the deadly beast that has plunged their entire group into chaos. When Simon sees the corpse of the parachutist, he begins to vomit. When he is finished, he untangles the parachute lines, freeing the parachute from the rocks. Anxious to prove to the group that the beast is not real after all, Simon stumbles toward the distant light of the fire at Jack’s feast to tell the other boys what he has seen.

Piggy and Ralph go to the feast with the hopes that they will be able to keep some control over events. At the feast, the boys are laughing and eating the roasted pig. Jack sits like a king on a throne, his face painted like a savage, languidly issuing commands, and waited on by boys acting as his servants. After the large meal, Jack extends an invitation to all of Ralph’s followers to join his tribe. Most of them accept, despite Ralph’s attempts to dissuade them. As it starts to rain, Ralph asks Jack how he plans to weather the storm considering he has not built any shelters. In response, Jack orders his tribe to do its wild hunting dance.

Chanting and dancing in several separate circles along the beach, the boys are caught up in a kind of frenzy. Even Ralph and Piggy, swept away by the excitement, dance on the fringes of the group. The boys again reenact the hunting of the pig and reach a high pitch of frenzied energy as they chant and dance. Suddenly, the boys see a shadowy figure creep out of the forest—it is Simon. In their wild state, however, the boys do not recognize him. Shouting that he is the beast, the boys descend upon Simon and start to tear him apart with their bare hands and teeth. Simon tries desperately to explain what has happened and to remind them of who he is, but he trips and plunges over the rocks onto the beach. The boys fall on him violently and kill him.

The storm explodes over the island. In the whipping rain, the boys run for shelter. Howling wind and waves wash Simon’s mangled corpse into the ocean, where it drifts away, surrounded by glowing fish. At the same time, the wind blows the body of the parachutist off the side of the mountain and onto the beach, sending the boys screaming into the darkness.

The next morning, Ralph and Piggy meet on the beach. They are bruised and sore and feel awkward and deeply ashamed of their behavior the previous night. Piggy, who is unable to confront his role in Simon’s death, attributes the tragedy to mere accident. But Ralph, clutching the conch desperately and laughing hysterically, insists that they have been participants in a murder. Piggy whiningly denies the charge. The two are now virtually alone; everyone except Sam and Eric and a handful of little ones have joined Jack’s tribe, which is now headquartered at the Castle Rock, the mountain on the island.

At the Castle Rock, Jack rules with absolute power. Boys are punished for no apparent reason. Jack ties up and beats a boy named Wilfred and then warns the boys against Ralph and his small group, saying that they are a danger to the tribe. The entire tribe, including Jack, seems to believe that Simon really was the beast, and that the beast is capable of assuming any disguise. Jack states that they must continue to guard against the beast, for it is never truly dead. He says that he and two other hunters, Maurice and Roger, should raid Ralph’s camp to obtain more fire and that they will hunt again tomorrow.

The boys at Ralph’s camp drift off to sleep, depressed and losing interest in the signal fire. Ralph sleeps fitfully, plagued by nightmares. They are awakened by howling and shrieking and are suddenly attacked by a group of Jack’s hunters. The hunters badly beat Ralph and his companions, who do not even know why they were assaulted, for they gladly would have shared the fire with the other boys. But Piggy knows why, for the hunters have stolen his glasses, and with them, the power to make fire.

The next morning, Ralph and his few companions try to light the fire in the cold air, but the attempt is hopeless without Piggy’s glasses. Piggy, squinting and barely able to see, suggests that Ralph hold a meeting to discuss their options. Ralph blows the conch shell, and the boys who have not gone to join Jack’s tribe assemble on the beach. They decide that their only choice is to travel to the Castle Rock to make Jack and his followers see reason. 

Ralph decides to take the conch shell to the Castle Rock, hoping that it will remind Jack’s followers of his former authority. Once at Jack’s camp, however, Ralph’s group encounters armed guards. Ralph blows the conch shell, but the guards tell them to leave and throw stones at them, aiming to miss. Suddenly, Jack and a group of hunters emerge from the forest, dragging a dead pig. Jack and Ralph immediately face off. Jack commands Ralph to leave his camp, and Ralph demands that Jack return Piggy’s glasses. Jack attacks Ralph, and they fight. Ralph struggles to make Jack understand the importance of the signal fire to any hope the boys might have of ever being rescued, but Jack orders his hunters to capture Sam and Eric and tie them up. This sends Ralph into a fury, and he lunges at Jack. 

Ralph and Jack fight for a second time. Piggy cries out shrilly, struggling to make himself heard over the brawl. As Piggy tries to speak, hoping to remind the group of the importance of rules and rescue, Roger shoves a massive rock down the mountainside. Ralph, who hears the rock falling, dives and dodges it. But the boulder strikes Piggy, shatters the conch shell he is holding, and knocks him off the mountainside to his death on the rocks below. Jack throws his spear at Ralph, and the other boys quickly join in. Ralph escapes into the jungle, and Roger and Jack begin to torture Sam and Eric, forcing them to submit to Jack’s authority and join his tribe.

Ralph hides in the jungle and thinks miserably about the chaos that has overrun the island. He thinks about the deaths of Simon and Piggy and realizes that all vestiges of civilization have been stripped from the island. He stumbles across the sow’s head, the Lord of the Flies, now merely a gleaming white skull—as white as the conch shell, he notes. Angry and disgusted, Ralph knocks the skull to the ground and takes the stake it was impaled on to use as a weapon against Jack.

That night, Ralph sneaks down to the camp at the Castle Rock and finds Sam and Eric guarding the entrance. The twins give him food but refuse to join him. They tell him that Jack plans to send the entire tribe after him the next day. Ralph hides in a thicket and falls asleep. In the morning, he hears Jack talking and torturing one of the twins to find out where Ralph is hiding. Several boys try to break into the thicket by rolling a boulder, but the thicket is too dense. A group of boys tries to fight their way into the thicket, but Ralph fends them off. Then Ralph smells smoke and realizes that Jack has set the jungle on fire in order to smoke him out. Ralph abandons his hiding place and fights his way past Jack and a group of his hunters. Chased by a group of body-painted warrior-boys wielding sharp wooden spears, Ralph plunges frantically through the undergrowth, looking for a place to hide. At last, he ends up on the beach, where he collapses in exhaustion, his pursuers close behind.

Suddenly, Ralph looks up to see a naval officer standing over him. The officer tells the boy that his ship has come to the island after seeing the blazing fire in the jungle. Jack’s hunters reach the beach and stop in their tracks upon seeing the officer. The officer matter-of-factly assumes the boys are up to, as he puts it, “fun and games.” When he learns what has happened on the island, the officer is reproachful: how could this group of boy have lost all reverence for the rules of civilization in so short a time? For his part, Ralph is overwhelmed by the knowledge that he has been rescued, that he will escape the island after coming so close to a violent death. He begins to sob, as do the other boys. Moved and embarrassed, the naval officer turns his back so that the boys may regain their composure.


Edited by Alpha
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"Break it til you make it."


Director: Michelle MacLaren

Writer: Charles Randolph

Genre: Political Comedy/Romance/Thriller/Drama

Release Date: October 5th, Y2

Major Cast: Michael B. Jordan (Marcus Howell), Jonah Hill (Leonard Fabiene), Jessica Brown Findlay (Lydia Bentley), Mary Elizabeth Winstead (Regina Fabiene), Molly Shannon (Francine Levinson), Peter Dinklage (Walton Frederick), Auli'i Cravalho (Valerie Turei), Ken Jeong (Bobby Cho)

Minor Cast: Bryan Cranston (Hugh Perry), Peter Dinklage (Walton Frederick), Tea Leoni (Rita Perry), Richard Kind (James Decham), Alfre Woodard (Ruth Howell)


Uncredited Cameo: Tom Hanks (Mister Boring Fuck)

Theatre Count: 24 (10/5), 3,179 (10/12)

MPAA Rating: R for pervasive language, some violent content including bloody images, brief sexual content including nudity, and drug/alcohol use.

Runtime: 145min (2hr, 25min)

Budget: $30 million


Following a period from July 2002 to January 2003, Closed Domain follows the partnership between an idealistic rising politician and an eccentric computer genius collaborating on an expose of the corrupt political rivals. As the line between right and wrong continues to blue, and their rise to power challenges their relationships and creates fearsome enemies, one big truth is yet to be revealed.


NOTE: The film uses a lot of music cues from period songs. You'll see numbers in parenthesis, to which you can listen to the respective piece of music in the document below. Most tracks only use the vocals, except for thoughts with an asterisk. 





The logos for HOURGLASS PICTURES and ANNAPURNA PICTURES are set to the sound of an internet connection dial-up.


July 2002


The film begins with a 2002 campaign ad centering on a progressive candidate, young African American politician Marcus Howell, in his campaign ad for Senator for Georgia. He is advocating messages of equality and social justice, albeit with a bit of a cheesy early 2000s get up, also mentioning his recent 30th birthday as a humorous moment. We then see that the commercial was being screened for Howell’s campaign team, who enthusiastically applauses. Howell’s campaign manager, Francine Levinson, announces how proud she is of their team and their incredible candidate, who has a strong record of community service, a masters in Political Science from Duke University, and a strong record working from Atlanta’s local community board. Marcus jokes that she doesn’t have to list off everything, but Levinson insists that it’s her pleasure.


As they walk through their campaign office, just part of an office park, Howell breaks the fourth wall and explains the world of the new millennium to us, set to a montage of the new millenium’s culture. (1) “Many people thought the world would end in 2000. A few people now think it SHOULD have ended. Many think it did, and we’re in some matrix like simulation. Regardless, this is a brave new world we’re living on. Not like the ironically named book. But while most of you have the internet a part of your daily lives, it was, for lack of a better world, the hottest shit of the era. And god knows how much it would change politics, for better, for worse, and perhaps for both. Actually yeah, definitely both.”




Indeed, we see Marcus reaching out to individuals in a poor community and we do see him volunteering at a soup kitchen. Presenting at a library, he presents a new plan to ensure job, housing, and food security for lower class citizens, which gets a good deal of applause. Levinson is thrilled with his work, almost acting like a soccer mom at a kid’s football game. She then tells Marcus about an upcoming gala event happening soon, but their biggest competitor, Hugh Perry, would be there as well. Marcus tells her that it will be fine, and it could be a chance to change the minds of some of the “fat cats” in charge. She is noticeably more excitable than Howell.


Howell arrives at his home where his girlfriend, Lydia Bentley, greets him. She works as a freelance web developer, creating web sites for all kinds of business, experimenting with colorful and humorous sprites. Bentley is a bit nervous about attending the event, particularly out of disdain for the people involved, but Howell tells her that if all else fails, she can pretend to get sick and that can be their ticket out. Lydia laughs, as they spend time getting ready.


At the gala, the highest classes of Georgia society are there, (2) several of which are mingling and chatting as classic jazz plays. Howell, Bentley, and Levinson are present, as Levinson coaxes Howell to mingle with others. Howell seems a bit nervous, but tries to keep cool and charismatic. At first, it seems like he is doing well, but they eventually meet up with Hugh Perry, who is mingling with a house representative Walton Frederick and his wife, Rita Perry. Walton Frederick rolls his eyes at the naïve idealist, who privately jokes about how he wouldn’t last a day in Congress, while Perry ingenuously tells him to ease off, subtly agreeing with him. It’s worth noting that when talking with others, they have to make disingenuous poses to impress people. In one picture, Howell breaks the fourth wall and pretends to suffocate himself, looking at the audience.


They eventually get into a conversation, where Howell is being polite and calm, despite having a deep loathing of Hugh, while Perry thinks that a lot of what he says is nonsense (in a very roundabout manner) and also begins to make some subtly racist remarks. This begins to annoy Howell in a deep level, while Lydia tries to get the two some hour d’ouvres to try and calm the situation, but to no avail. Eventually, Perry makes some scathing reactions about Levinson, who was once a senator that Marcus interned for. It is clear at this point that Perry was trying to provoke Howell and make his immaturity clear. Recognizing a sore spot, Lydia interjects and tells Howell how sick she is feeling. They are able to leave.


We then see Howell and Bentley driving home, Howell ranting about his disdain for Parry and his political career, admitting it’s fitting into their craving. They stop for McDonalds and get a happy meal, in a bit of a humorous scene. She wants a happy meal, feeling not so hungry. Maybe she actually was sick Bentley enjoys the Lilo and Stitch toy, deciding to put it on her desk when they get home. “Disney’s never been so fucking good,” she says. They get home, and Levinson calls Howell on his awkward 2002 cell phone. She was upset that they left so early, and how everyone there was joking about Howell and Bentley. “We’ve gotta find another way to get against these guys. Having good politics just isn’t enough. “I’ll think of something. We’ll meet about it soon.” Howell says, feeling tired and frustrated. They crash in bed that night, cuddling together as they try to come up with a solution, but Bentley tells him that at least their website looks good. She passes out.


August 2002


We cut to Howell laying down in his chair, almost in the same pose as the shot before, talking with different sponsors about his campaign, eventually feeling annoyed and stressed out. Eventually, we see a kind of ruckus at the campaign office, where an eccentric man, mildly overweight, is trying to get to Howell. Howell eventually okays the visit, and he comes in. Wearing a graphic T-shirt and shorts, he enthusiastically greets Howell and introduces him as Leonard Fabiene. He seems fairly eccentric, but he insists that he has access to ideas that would help him dearly in his campaign. “I think Perry is a massive shit-prick just like you do. I’m on your side mate. Meet at Pete’s Diner at 7pm tonight. No one goes there, so I can share some confidential information. It’s really fucking awesome.” After more confusion, Fabiene abruptly leaves, getting into a nice looking car loaded with junk food and VHS tapes. When asked what he said, Howell narrating that it was the first thing to come to mind, he said that he was a friend from kindergarten. (Luckily enough, he does resemble someone he had grown up with in public school – not a close friend, but they didn’t have a mutual hatred for each other)


Intrigued, yet curious, Marcus and Lydia go to the restaurant, knowing at least they can get dinner if nothing else. Lydia has secretly brought a pocket knife if anything gets suspicious. “Hope for the best, prepare for the worst, my mom used to say.” Much to their surprise, Leonard pulls up in a Ferrari, walking in with a sleeck, jet black haired woman. (3) – an on screen caption points out this is his favorite song. They take a momentary glance in the restaurant and shout, “Marcus!” He suddenly becomes very nervous. Leonard introduces himself and his wife, Regina, an underground news writer and fashion blogger. They appear to speak in a hip, early 2000s manner.


Marcus eventually asks why they wanted to speak with him, to which Leonard replied that they might be able to help one another. “As one of the biggest technical geniuses of the Internet, still a work in progress, by the way, I know my way around it, and I can get into some pretty confidential territory. I did some stumbling, and guess whose biggest, bigoted political competitor has been looking into a bit of, wait for it, illegal human trafficking.” Marcus and Lydia are mildly disgusted, but are unsure about the proof. “I know, right? There’s so much dirt on him, and it would a shame if someone were to leak it.” Marcus remarks that Leonard could leak it, but where do they fit in? Leonard replies, “I need you to do me a favor. Just for a few weeks, let me operate out of the office park your campaign office is in. Not even in your office, I can stay super fucking far from you, I just can’t be tracked to my house. My dad has a LOT of connections, and if he finds out what I’m doing, we are fucked. Shit, I’m already hours away, and with enough IT protections, I should be invisible” Lydia and Marcus speak at the buffet line on opposite sides.


“This guy seems like a prick. He won’t expose fraud unless it benefits him?” Lydia shout-whispers. “Yes, but it’s more like he needs the right conditions to expose him. Logically, I shouldn’t trust him, but this campaign needs all the help we can get, and he seems legit. He better have proof of this. Leonard suddenly appears with the photos of Perry and some seemingly underage girls (we don’t see the photos) “Fucking Christ, man! Warn us next time!” Marcus yells. Lydia looks at them, feeling a bit sick. “These look real....holy shit.” Returning to the table with a lost appetite, Marcus says that he’ll see if he can get him another office. “They should clear quite a path for you, Marcus – probably best to downplay this ever happened, however. Don’t want to get you bad publicity for all of this.” Regina says instinctively, sipping on a coke from across the room. “Expect some fun fireworks in a few days.”


The next day, Leonard receives his office, a small room with a large computer setup, and gets to work. We see that Regina is right next to him, remarking to the audience Leonard’s plan, set to a montage of her explanations visualized. (4)


Leonard was a rich fuck. He had all of the money needed to buy the sharpest computer equipment and software, (she lists a few) and all thanks to his dad’s fortune from working in the industry of – you guessed it – selling scented candles to middle aged women and 20-year olds questioning their sexuality – virtually anyone who owned a cat. Oh, and he also sold a weeee bit of marijuana, but shh...that’s our secret. Moving, on, you may wonder how he would get the information out there. That’s easy. In our 19 months together, we had befriended esteemed names across all the major newspapers in our country. And a few in Norway. And Australia. And Japan. He could find ways to get the information to these newspapers in a secret, confidential manner, framing it as a major investigation. In a few years the news team will be seen as heroes and be the subject of an Oscar winning film. Happy ending for everyone. No one would suspect a goddamn thing. By tying ourselves to the campaign of Howell, we could have a place to work without be traced by any of the rich people who are.....less supportive of what we do. Aka....the total dicks.”


Leonard is compiling resources on preparing the leak, albeit shot where we don’t see what he’s working on at the computer. Regina is also giving a hand, we see. while Lydia searches for sites that might cover the news, and Marcus begins developing a campaign strategy with a swagger and confidence he did not have before. Levinson notices this and is impressed. Marcus reveals that he wants to announce a massive new local progressive taxation system and educational support program soon, waiting for Friday, August 23rd to do so. It would be the extension of his senior thesis at Duke University.


On August 19th, the leak gets posted. Leonard, Regina, Lydia, and Marcus stand around a computer, waiting for the article to break in The New York Times. At this moment, Regina orders a pizza and begins writing another blog article. As they continue to wait, Marcus gets nervous about this backfiring, but Lydia promises that there’s nothing to worry about. Whatever happens, she agrees with their actions, and she still loves him. Potentially legally heinous stuff aside. Suddenly, Leonard sees something promising.


A breaking news report erupts that Perry had been arrested in his home, with Rita sobbing in the corner. “Fuck him!!! How could he so something so horrible?!” Perry is ultimately forced to step down his campaign, much to the celebration of Howell’s campaign force, awkwardly juxtaposed with their guilt over supporting human trafficking. (5)  The new candidate, for simplicity sake, being an old white male centrist, is simply referred to as “Mister Boring Fuck.” Howell decides to delay the announcement, not wanting to seem like an opportunist, to which Levinson surprisingly agrees. Newspapers announce that Howell may very well now be the frontrunner, but his upcoming press conference on Thursday the 29th could be a telling sign.


The main quartet throws a party at Howell’s house to celebrate, with the four conversing happily over wine and spaghetti. Lydia and Regina instantly hit off a friendship, while she is able to converse with Leonard on internet technology. Leonard seems a bit awkward in the conversation, taking on a relatively passive role to Lydia and when he does speak, doing so in an abstract, odd manner, often looking at Regina, as if to get approval. Leonard and Regina also reveal themselves to be quite politically astute, both showing an admiration for Howell’s political plans. Regina is surprisingly engaged, helping him develop a strategy for the press conference on Thursday. Eventually, everyone gets drunk except for Howell, who looks to his computer and tries to work. A drunk Lydia comes up to him and tells him that he has everything under control, no need to work. They drink a bit more and begin sloppily making out on his computer chair. Howell narrates his uncertainly if this was consensual, but admits that she was right. He had a long history of being a worrywart, so it could be nice that things were falling into place.


The press conference officially comes, while Levinson is helping Howell to get ready, as Lydia blows him a kiss. Howell begins his conference condemning the actions of Perry, but soon stating that it does not fit in with the new vision of America he wants to create. Frederick publicly discusses disgust with the actions of Perry, explaining that his party does not condone this behavior on the slightest. His conference begins to go amazingly, with his fast paced, passionate, and highly confident dialogue pushing through, providing his plans, including points that Regina and Leonard had suggested, with great ease and swagger. He eventually ends his speech and receives a standing ovation.  We see local newspapers and Television news reports citing Howell as the new frontrunner after a brilliant press conference, along with local news links online.


Lydia goes up to Howell at his home office, congratulating him on the current status of his campaign. “Leonard and Regina are pretty cool. We’ve only got two months until the election, and we’ve planned this for three years! Let’s end it with a bang.” Lydia smiles, as she and Marcus Kiss. As they hug, Marcus looks to the camera - "next month, everything went well, so let's play the obvious song, shall we?"


September 2002 (6)


Everything is going well for Marcus Howell and his friends. He delivers many more speeches and creates more plans, as his remaining political opponent, bumbling Mr. Boring Fuck, keeps failing to get a good amount of interest. Not much better off as a third party candidate, James Decham - Marcus remarks that he was in his party, but wanted to run too - he was very awkward but nice, but probably racist as hell. Probably why he grimaces in every picture with Howell and wanted to run against him. Leonard begins to dig up much more dirt on corruption in the Atlanta government and congress, plaguing both parties, realizing he can use it all to indirectly support Marcus, making statements regarding the actions, also cementing a plan to improve accountability. while Regina’s own blog begins to grow in popularity. Marcus continues to get good press, and finally delivers one amazing blow. Egged on by Levinson, Marcus finally proposes to Lydia, who enthusiastically says yes. “Let’s agree to the wedding after we win, though, is that okay?” Marcus smiles, as they begin planning an engagement party.


October 2002


At the campaign office, as part of a state High School outreach program, a young student, Valerie Turei, is hired to work in a youth “internship” at Howell’s office. Sharing similar beliefs, she is so excited to work with Marcus. Levinson enthusiastically gives her tour around the office, and Turei is eventually hyped to meet Howell, a bit comically so for a man running for local office. Levinson finds some office tasks for her to complete and lend a hand in, while Howell asks if they’re violating child labor laws. Levinson replies, “she’ll thank us when Harvard accepts her.”


Meanwhile, he goes to Leonard’s office in the park, where he finds the door latched. Inside, he can see Regina at the computer, while Leonard yells at him to give him a “fucking moment.” After coming in, Leonard, altering their official agreement, requests more time, as well as some partial funding. Howell laughs, saying that everything went well, but the office time is up. They can’t draw too much attention to their time together, as Regina had advised, and they need to begin cutting ties soon. Before Regina can speak, Leonard tells him not to worry, that he has connections that will help get him out of trouble.


A quick pause, as Howell admits that he found out that he was sort of correct. His family was tight with all kind of celebrities, politicians, athletes, and kind but mildly racist elderly widows who own at least 5 exotic pets all over the world. If you count what trustworthy people would give him, he was the richest son of a bitch around. But I couldn't take any chances - this....got more intense than I expected. I figured we'd get Decham and then be done. 


He also begins to guilt trip him Marcus into thinking about the cases of corruption he can over. They are on a gold mine.


Fuuuckkk....he’s correct too. Appealing to pathos, that little bastard. I’d read stories about families being evicted and unemployed due to unfair new ordinances and laws, and it would just drive me to be more of an activist and politician. He’s onto me. I hate his guts. Maybe it’s that or all the childrens’ movies I watched saying how good people always win in the end.


Marcus says, with a bit of sterness, “This goes on...but I decide when it ends.” As he leaves, Regina, sheepishly and insencerely trying to back up her husband, tells him not to worry, that they found some more good stuff. She mouths, "Let me talk to him." As Marcus leaves, Leonard and Regina begin to make out, while Regina begins to type something onto the keyboard as they are kissing, not even looking at it.


As more and more files about a crime ring in the Alabama government takes place, along with Leonard spending a lot of time in the office mingling with everyone and hitting on some campaign workers, all with a surprisingly calm Regina, Turei notices something: None of the articles involve Howell. Turei wants to talk to him about this. Howell seems really nervous (we hear his inner thoughts) but does not show it. (At least, he tries not to.) However, Turei completely turns the script and uses it to exclaim how proud she is of him, and how she wants to do even more work to help the campaign. She then twists things again by asking about Leonard’s involvement and what his role is. (And....relief gone.) Howell tells her that he’s just a school friend who is in town for a temporary job - he remarks to the audience that he told enough people the kindergarten story that he may have to hijack some yearbooks and make the change. His status was strong, while Mister Boring Fuck turned out to be just that. His campaign wasn’t nearly as energetic.


Howell begins to panic, worrying that people will catch on to what’s going on, while Lydia feels more convinced by, if not Leonard, then Regina. “They seems like they’re doing good things....you haven’t done anything....THAT illegal. He may be concerning, but maybe this is good. We have to tread carefully, but I still feel good about this. I’m....we’re fighting for something good. Right?!” Lydia soon thinks that she’s not without doubt herself. Howell says that everything is making sense so far - he can cut off Leonard at any time. They are able to kill the mood and relax a good bit. Marcus then narrates that they discuss potential methods of severing ties between them. (7)


  1. Poison him. (Jesus, that’s my first idea?! I’m a horrible person, guys. Don’t vote for me.)
  2. Lead him to another idealistic politician. Someone way more awkward and naïve. (I’m not naïve, right? Right?!)
  3. Tie him with a local activist group at the nearby private school. Push comes to shove, they only go to Juvie. (Wow...I’m not doing much better. If I come up with a worse idea for the next one, I’m going to bed)
  4. Tell him to just fuck off. Politely. (Yeah....this was what I should have started with. Tried to see a viable alternative, but nope. This makes sense. Although speaking of people being in your life with unfortunate timing...)


After the scene, his mom, Ruth calls. She is coming for a surprise visit to his campaign office, which Marcus acts excited about (but panics as soon as he hangs up). The next shot is her arriving at the office, with which Marcus gives her a tour. She privately asserts to Levinson to not ask about Leonard. As Marcus and Ruth talk, Levinson is trying to stay close to his word. She and Leonard, who is trying to come in, have a hilarious tiff in the background of Ruth and Marcus talking about his new life as a hopeful politician. Thankfully, everything goes without a hitch, even if Leonard does slip in to see Ruth. “Oh, it’s your kindergarten friend!” Everything seems to go okay, but Marcus is now more paranoid than ever, especially as the day ends.


As everyone leaves the office, Marcus yells at Leonard for messing up the visit, as they drive away to get lunch at the diner. Things begin to get even worse when they find out he accidentally leaked a fabricated document of Walton Frederick engaging in money laundering, and Frederick has managed to send some goons after him. Thankfully, they find are at Leonard’s office, unaware that Howell’s campaign office is also there. Hopefully, he can buy some time before - or not. He finds a group of thugs outside the campaign office, demanding to see Leonard. They are lead by a man named Bobby Cho, who claims to be a better hacking genius than Leonard could be, and managed to find him in the time faster than Leonard could make a woman orgasm. Leonard is annoyed by this snide remark, while Marcus tries to step in and make peace, wondering what the fuck is going on, but Regina pulls him into the diner restroom to avoid being seen. Meanwhile, the one waitress there is asleep in the kitchen.


“Are you trying to fucking cheat with me?!” Howell asks of Regina as they hide inside a closet. “First off, that is a very sexist initial thought. Second off, no. I’m trying to save your political career. They can’t see the association of us working together.” Marcus, getting the drift, looks with Regina through a small filter in the door to see Leonard and Bobby have an awkward conversation.


After negotiations turn long and drawn out, they agree to an uneasy truce. For some reason, they take pictures of Bobby threatening Leonard. The images will be taken down, and Leonard will provide a good sum of money for Frederick to donate to a money purity campaign to clear his name. Leonard also agrees to deliver a secret load of nude photos, which makes Howell roll his eyes. All goes well, and everyone leaves. Leonard is happy with how everything went, but Marcus is furious shouting “WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU DO?!” from inside the closet. He calls off support for Leonard’s project and forces him to leave by election day. Leonard, in a cloyingly heartbroken manner, walks out of the office and gets his things. Regina comes out of the closet, seemingly to comfort him. She asks that they give them a second chance, and that she’ll try to step up her game. Marcus refuses.


As he gets home, Lydia finally hears the news about what happened. “It was good while it lasted, and it’s not like he’ll take himself down by exposing the truth.” With the stress of everything going on, Lydia suggests calling off the wedding, but now Marcus is more determined and focused than ever. He begins coordinating an intense last minute push to the top of the office. He becomes increasingly distant from an understanding yet worried Lydia. She had a habit of stress-coding where she would make sites filled with pictures of cute animals to calm herself down. Ferrets, gophers, cats, puppies, beavers, badgers - she did it out of habit. It was kind of adorable.


In life, we’re constantly told to make good choices. I think a realistic goal is rather to avoid making terrible choices. I was curious to see where this crusade would go, but Fabiene would have to be a fucking idiot to take me down. They’d naturally track him too. Then again, he did seem pretty stupid....either way, just don’t jinx it, brain. How about showing me work hard on the weak leading up to the vote? (8)


November 2002:


In an intense montage, leading up to election day we see everything going smoothly, except for the fact that Walton Frederick is trying to uncover more dirt on Leonard along with Bobby’s help. Visiting Perry in a local jail, he begins to suspect ties with Marcus Howell. In a desparate push for publicity, he calls out sabotage within his own campaign office, seemingly blaming Marcus, who watches the news report with this on the Friday before election day, his heart sinking in the campaign office. Levinson and Turei are shocked, with the former somewhat mad at Howell. The next few days go by like a blur for him, as dread comes closer onto Tuesday the fifth. Frederick comments that while Decham may be an idiot in a third party, he’s at least a predictable idiot, and Decham struggles to build charisma leading up to the election. Mr. Boring Fuck turned out to be a complete non-starter, as expected.


Tuesday comes, and Howell gets......64% of the vote. (9)


Frederick’s plan had greatly backfired – he was seen as a sore loser and had no sufficient evidence to his bold claim.  More importantly, the public was rallied by news about the wave of news media exposing corruption and paving the way for a new, tolerant, and incredible mode of government. The FBI’s investigation into his claims became baseless, thanks to the alibis that Leonard has used – apprarently he was far smarter than he had let on. But he was definitely forgiven, and seeing how much he had ultimately helped, they gave him until thanksgiving to move out. As panicky as I felt....and still feel....it felt nice to be a political vigilante.


“With these reports, you’ve skyrocketed in hype,” Levinson reports, as Howell gets fairly defensive but still excited.  Turei is even more excited, planning to write this down in a website she had developed on a hasty HTML design. Leonard speaks to the audience: In a much lighter movie, this is where the credits would roll and we'd all be happy. Yeah.......there's still quite some time left. Sit down, people. This is where things get even crazier.


Leonard, looking at Valerie's website from his office, mocks how terribly designed it is. Regina tells him to knock it off, it was just a teen who wrote it. As Leonard chastises her for her stuffy attitude, there’s a knock on the door. Walton Frederick is there, along with Bobby Cho. Walton wants to have a brief conversation. At first, he is calm and apologizes about the misunderstanding, admitting that he was disgusted by the actions of Perry and his fellow politicians, even his own hasty beliefs. He wants to turn over a new leaf and start fresh, encouraging Leonard to do the same. After they have a docile and calm conversation, Frederick offers some very strong and delicious alcohol to Leonard, who graciously accepts. They do not comment on Regina’s appearance, who is staying quite silent as they consider her to be a personal assistant at first. She goes to her car to get Leonard some food to detox. Regina breaks the fourth wall and admits that she was beyond nervous at the time. God help them if this story took place in 2016.


As an hour goes by, Leonard becomes insanely drunk, as he wanted to challenge bets that Frederick had made. Egged on by Frederick again, Leonard becomes righteous and indignant, deciding to run onto the street and tell the world a secret. “I wanna tell the whole fucking planet!” He climbs onto the rooftop of an office building to tell the full world his secrets. “I’m so sorry regina, but I have to tell the world......I gave secrets to......a man!! And the secret is....my dick!!! I’m gayyy!!!!” Frederick gets a recording device ready, feeling disappointed in the lame response. However, when trying to do a dance on the roof, Leonard inadvertently falls off the roof and onto the sidewalk. A pool of blood forms under his head, which he seemed to land on. “Fuck fuck fuck…..I just wanted to get him to spill the beans if he really did work with Howell, and now he’s dead!! We are screwed, SCREWED!” Frederick begins to panic, almost giving fake tears, seeing how his career may be over, until he sneaks into his office and get into his computer and manages to uncover Leonards’ desktop. It is…


….mostly garbage. Some cat videos *the cat meow seems like a human scream*, porn, and a bunch of nonsense you would expect on the computer of a 20-something boy in 2002. Bobby and Walton are laughing, but beyond confused. Bobby laughs at how the cat meow seemed like a scream, but suddenly, a gun is pointed at his head. Regina is seen, holding the gun alongside a bag of McDonalds. “You killed my Husband then break in and steal his stuff? No honor among thieves, huh?” As Bobby takes a gun, Regina pulls off a maneuver that knocks it to the ground on the other side of the room. Frederick explains that Leonard’s death was more of a suicide, but she sees the bottle of alcohol and he clarifies that it was a suicide he might have triggered intentionally. “I am willing to cast this aside, to tell you my husband commit suicide, if you say nothing about this and leave right now.” After a tense stand off, with their refusal, Regina goes into a desk drawer labeled, “In Case of Emergency”, pulling out a taser and stunning Frederick. Bobby looks at her, in a moment of silence, asks her. “Holy shit....you planned revenge on this guy too?”.....”Too?” Regina asks. “Find a way to hide the body and meet me at this address,” Regina says.


At Thanksgiving, Lydia and Marcus are celebrating at Marcus’ family home, as they celebrate his political victory and his engagement. Ruth gives a toast to her incredible son (and soon to be daughter in law) while Lydia is very excited about it all. As the party begins to die down, he receives a call on his cell phone. It’s Leonard. He believes that he was calling for a pizza delivery, but accidentally called for Marcus and Lydia. “I don’t advocate using your phone at the dinner table, especially to discuss work, but his voice message was so surreal, I have to describe it:


“I want a pizza!!! And give me a reason to live, oh sweet god! They are trying to kill me! I love you so much!!! I want pepperoni and sausage, not on the pizza, bring the delivery boy! We’ve got a bunch of people here, it’ll be an orgy! Wait no don’t come they’re trying to kill me!!”


They aside into a bathroom, they get into an argument about bringing up work with his family, especially after a particularly tense season. Howell tries to decipher what he had just heard, believing that his life is at risk. As they have an ethical debate on where to continue, their noises are muffled in the bathroom. Ruth asks what they are doing, as her husband says, “giving us grandchildren, most likely.”


December 2002


Frederick wakes up in a garage like room, tied to a chair. There is a large computer set up to his side. Christmas (10) music plays faintly in the background. Suddenly, we see two people walk in – one wearing a spider man mask and the other wearing a stitch mask. They begin to speak, but Frederick immediately recognizes them as Regina (in the spider-man mask) and Bobby (in the stitch mask) – Bobby is frustrated after the voice changing devices he got didn’t work, while Regina chastises him for buying from Craigslist. (It made the masks pointless, but they still looked cool – so why not keep them on?) Bobby reveals that he bought the torture equipment and weapons from there too, asking if that would be a problem. Frederick looks at the conversation in complete mortified disbelief. Regina calms the situation and begins speaking to Frederick.


“You’re a real piece of shit politician, you know that? By proxy, a piece of shit human being too. Selling out countless lives for your own again, like how you let the local river get dumped on and ended up killing my mom? Look, I won’t get too sentimental, I’ve got places to be and things to do, and I’ve never been one to give dramatic monologues. So I’m going to give you a choice. Stitch, the options, please.” Regina says, walking around Frederick’s chair. Bobby gives two options to Frederick:


  1. They kill Frederick here and now. Very un-ideal, given how police may find them, but the parameters have been set for them to be untraceable. That, and they found a body double to replace him. “We spent years figuring this out,” Bobby said. Frederick quips about the voice changing masks, but Regina hits him.
  2. Regina made a special little flash drive containing YEARS worth of accurate lewd photos, shady political dealings, and private interview footage that would kill his career and reveal his true colors. Logging on to her account, getting past Leonard’s initial set up, we see files on files of information and various programs open. “Fuck.....it was you who had the dirt this whole time,” Frederick says.


Regina breaks the fourth wall again. “Surprise. I needed to marry a rich man to get the tools I needed. He could do whatever he wanted. I often didn’t even understand him. You say you’re gay, but I saw you make odd advances on women, more often than not right in front of me. But Bobby, he might be a keeper. We both suffered under Frederick’s policies, we spent a few time talking, we have drinks, do a bit of fucking, and I found out how he and some friends pretended to be a professional mercenary to do his bidding - most politicians would dream of having their own private force, and few have one, much less dinky Alabama senators. But the price was dirt cheap and the acting was good enough that Frederick took the bait. The craziest part is – the little douche was tied in that chair the whole time. I think he enjoyed the noises we make, secretly. But I digress, I can find any dirt to ruin someone's career. Frederick deserved something else. Something much worse. My little treat.”


Regina asks her to choose the latter. He’s a family man – she knows he has a young daughter and a loving wife, so she’d rather just kill his career than him. “Go be a wal-mart greeter, change your identity, I can help with that. But you gotta pay somehow.” Regina admits that she wasn’t much better in a way – marrying a schmuck that happens to be heir to a multi-millionaire, using him as a front to get revenge against pricks like Frederick, and then letting him take the fall while she played sweet and dumb. “You’ll stay here until you decide. We’ll bring out a TV and put on some Christmas specials if it helps your stay.”


We then see Christmas cheer spread the town, as Marcus does some interviews regarding his new plans as senator, but he seems visibly nervous that something is going to slip. Lydia tries to calm him down, also helping to describe her parter’s plans in interviews. Having built a stronger relationship with Regina, Lydia tries to call her and set up an appointment to sever ties with her. Lydia, feeling nervous, calls her up. Regina is very friendly at first. Lydia asks her if she can remove all evidence of their collaboration to prevent any dirt from getting out on them. Regina’s smile begins to fade, as she passive aggressively laments how they don’t want to keep fighting for justice, and how Howell’s naïve spirit won’t be enough to succeed in politics. However, she can delete everything on one condition. “And that is...”


“...Bullshit.” Marcus says, cutting back to his place. He had turned the living room into a makeshift office, with policy ideas and files of information. He is trying to focus hard on his policies to take his mind off of the stress of the season. “It should be over now – we didn’t do anything wrong. We just provided small assets for people who exposed what they were really doing wrong. The FBI won’t be on to us. They shouldn’t be on to us. And she’s giving us a week before she slips information into The Boston Globe.” Howell is pacing the room incessantly, while Lydia tries to explain what they need to do to completely erase any evidence of culpability. Howell suddenly gets really excited, realizing that his dreams may still be on track. However, he’ll need to wait to be told until after the campaign party – which they had been getting ready for.


Cut to a montage of Lydia and Marcus getting ready for the party as Regina and Bobby prepare some torture tools – nothing too grisly, but they’ll make Frederick...most uncomfortable. (11) They turn out to be a red herring, as Bobby prefers to simply punch him. During the punches, Regina remembers that Bobby asked for some of Leonard's money. "Yeah, how else did you think I paid for these weapons....that I'm not using?! God, I'm an idiot." The first punch cuts into Marcus putting his foot on the break and driving to the party. The second refers to Lydia opening the door and greeting everyone. The four then say, in unison “This is going to be one hell of a good night.”


At a holiday party at his campaign office, he acts very calm and collected once again, speaking with Levinson and Turei on their new plans in office. A few people are quite drunk, while Levinson gives a toast to Howell. As everyone goes home, Marcus and Lydia agree to give Turei a ride home, as her parents had their own party to attend to. As they walk to their car, they pass the office Leonard had been working in, noticing a rancid smell coming from inside. Howell goes to check on it. Everything is vacated inside the office, but the smell gets stronger coming from the closet. He moves toward it, opening it slightly, only to see Leonard’s body hiding there. Slamming the closet before anyone can see, or the body can fall out, but putting fingers back into the closet. He accidentally cuts a fingernail and it gets on the floor.


“I knew something bad was on! Fuck! Lydia, what did Regina want?!” Lydia comes in, tells him to stop panicking, and then freaks out at the body as well. All of this occurs while Lydia is in the car listening to 2002 music on her portable CD player. (12) A long shot occurs Marcus trying to prevent Lydia from vomiting, only for her to run out and vomit on the passenger seat. (We don’t see the vomit) – We then see Lydia and Turei (covering her nose) sitting in the back as Howell drives to an address listed on the sheet. “So are we sure this will put an end to all of this?!” Lydia, opening a window to get rid of the smell, says that she hopes so.


I’ll be straight with you – fourth grade, I ran for class office. Didn’t win, but man, it was way simpler and probably more fun then real politics were. And no mess of career sabotage and murder either. I was starting to think....was this all worth it?


Marcus and Lydia arrive, asking Turei to stay in the car, at a house in the middle of nowhere. Back at the garage where Frederick is being held, we see him alone, a bit beaten up and bloodied, but eyeing a phone on the wall – he takes advantage of the tape weakening and breaks out – as he tries to run to the phone, we see the garage door open, and he freezes in terror. Marcus and Lydia open up the door, as Frederick glares at them – “You...you fuckers knew about this?!” Marcus tells him that they didn’t know, and that if he calms down that they can get him out of here. Frederick uniorically is overjoyed, as Marcus accidentally slips that he knew his work, while Marcus reiterates that if he saves his life, not a word gets out about this. Lydia goes to look at the weapon, while Howell admits that it’s too much.


Seeing an open door, Frederick breaks through the tape makes a run for it, we then see the garage on a service road just outside a large lagoon. He runs outside through the back door and praises his new freedom. Howell says that they had a deal (a very informal deal, but it seemed like it was on to something), but Frederick says that he barely helped, and standing on the edge of the water to proclaim his faith and finally drink something. Valerie runs out, excited to see what was happening. Howell tells her to get back inside, but Frederick points out: “You cost me everything! And once I get back to safety, your career is going to be dead as – “


A crocodile jumps out of the water and grabs Frederick, pulling him into the water. After a violent fight, cut away by Turei screaming, we see a pool of blood form and the splashing end. The trio are horrified, with Howell absolutely losing it. He runs into the garage, where Regina and Bobby are looking at what happened, as Howell hysterically runs in, crying “HE’S DEAD!!! HE’S DEAD!!!!” Regina gets angry, looking at the bloodied waters, finding out what happened. She grumbles that they didn’t get to kill her himself, while Howell hysterically tells her, “Here’s your fucking money! That’s all you wanted?! I don't even care anymore, just take it!” He throws money at her, trying to calm himself down.


Regina calmly admits that she had planned all of this because of Howell's idealism. "I wanted you to see that no matter what you do in politics, how good and progressive you are, you're not going to change a damn thing unless you're willing to play dirty. Marcus, do you actually think you are going to accomplish anything with the people you face, and what they're already saying about you?" Howell, pausing, but feeling angry still, says that everything was her fault - she could have stopped Leonard, but she kept the charade going just to make some nihilistic point. He tells Lydia to bring a scarred Valerie to the car. “I am never running for office, ever.” Lydia tells her, “Not. A. word.” Valerie admits that no one will believe her, but also that her parents are probably furious with her being out so late. "I'm sure the mess we made will allow a few dreamers to enter the scene, and maybe they'll get something done, but it won't be enough, I promise you. Amidst your nervous breakdowns - I know, there were a fuckton. You felt alive. You felt joy. You felt like for the first time in your life, you were part of something that actually made a difference. I'm guessing that the other politicians don't think highly of you, but I respect your dreams of changing the world. I have those dreams too. You only need to ask yourself how to best achieve them. I'll destroy the evidence you worked with me, but think about this." Regina throws the flash drive into the water, strapped under a brick. She then goes back inside the house, as a silent Howell returns to his car.


They arrive at Valerie's place while Lydia tells her parents that they were out late, apologizing sincerely. As she gets back to her car, Marcus looks into space. “I think I put on a show there....a bit too much. I’m okay now." As they get home, Marcus can’t sleep. “Sorry, can’t give you a clever fourth wall break here. A bit too busy trapped in existential thought.” (13) Christmas is here, and it feels awkward and empty for Valerie, Lydia, and Marcus. Valerie feels unsure of what she wants to do, but she still tells people she wants to be a politician, but lies about the night she was late, feeling more unsure with each lie. Lydia and Marcus give each other small gifts, but Marcus gives Lydia one last present, admitting it’s mainly for both of them. Lydia opens it, and inside are various boxes and flash drives of mildly “legally intense” software. They look at each other, smiling.


“Are you sure about this, Marcus?” He thinks for a moment. “This was crazy, and intense. But there was a part of me, I felt like Regina was correct in everything she said. I felt joy knowing I supported this. I felt more alive and proud of my work then ever before. But maybe there’s more than one way to save the world. Maybe we can find a way to do something good from this. Obviously not faking private info, but someone needs to call things out from the outside, and maybe....Regina doesn’t need to be alone. This is going to be the most bat shit decision I ever make, but here we go.”


January 2003


We see Levinson furiously pacing the office, having found out that Levinson dropped out at the last minute, leaving an emergency election between Decham and Mister Boring Fuck. She and her office decide to shift her focus to Decham, who had decided to step back into their party, as she tries to find a way to schmooze him using the progressive policies Marcus had created. It's hard when Decham is still kind of racist. In a private phone call between the two, she asks him why he resigned. He says that it was to be closer with his wife and spend more time in the community, while Lydia chuckles at his side. We begin to see Decham and Levinson speak, as news breaks out of the ties between an underground illegal breach and distribution of information and Marcus Howell, traced by DNA found on the dead body of Leonard Fabiene. Levinson is suddenly unsurprised at the turn of events, flatly giving Decham a notebook of advice. She looks fairly flat, drinking a bottle of Vodka straight inside the office.


Howell then narrates, as the media blitz explodes. “The body of Leonard wasn’t hidden as well as she thought. At least she told us Bobby hid it, which probably makes more sense - he did not seem very bright. Given recordings left by Frederick found just outside the lake on his phone, along with rental payments on the office....I should have known they’d lock us down eventually,” But this story isn’t without its virtuous endings: (14)


  • Levinson helped Decham be a not-terrible politician, but and he did help pass a few good laws. I’ll take what I can get, even if Levinson definitely has to work a bit more to get him to do his job. She really thought she could push me through.
  • Hugh was let out of prison in a few years, but he and Rita are nowhere near together, and his career is still in the shitter.
  • Lucky for us, Walton Frederick had no children and only a wife who hated him. She even admitted she would have killed him herself if she got the chance. Police blamed the gator, and you can't arrest one of those, so....minor victories, people.
  • Valerie became a hardcore activist, winning class president two years in a row. Harvard accepted her. I think Regina won't pull the same shit she did on her, and I still think she can go big into politics - give her some time to get over the gator incident.
  • Regina and Bobby would have gotten married....had it not been for her belief that marriage is a classist construct. Needless to say....they fuck a lot. Both each other, and ruthless politicians and governments getting their just deserts. There's still a lot of good the government can do, if you ask her. She'll never admit it, and if she knew I told you that, she'd kill me.


Which leaves us.


As police come to their home, we see that they have apparently died, having written a “couples’ suicide note.” – another cop replies, “Jesus, McCormick, it sounds so weird when you say it like that.” As police investigate, they are still believed to have died.






We see that Marcus and Lydia are living in a coastal California town, using a computer set up in their room while volunteering at a community center every day. Their names are now Darian Frankfort and Lucy Day, while they wear wigs and have extensive makeup. They sometimes meet for lunch with Regina and Bobby. Marcus then calls his parents, who assure him that their secret is safe. After a funny and awkward conversation, they hang up. Lydia then points out a job in Sacramento to help them get some more funding, helping to build a house. With their life of taking odd jobs around the state, their new renegade lives offer the thrill and idealism they finally dreamed of. We see Lydia and Marcus kiss inside their car as the camera zooms out and Marcus narrates,


Technology has only been growing in the past five years, they’ll catch us sooner than we think, but hey, I can still be optimistic. I heard Valerie decided to work with a few more politicians, and now she’s actually gonna try and make some change. Good luck kid, you’re gonna need it. Push comes to shove, we’ve got an extra seat in our Corolla.





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Sonic the Hedgehog
Director: Brad Bird
Composer: Michael Giacchino
Genre: CGI Animation / Sci-Fi / Adventure
Date: July 20th, Year 2
Studio: Alpha-Nintendo Animation Studios
Format: CGI animation, 2D, 3D and IMAX 3D
Budget: $175 million
Theaters: 4,205
MPAA Rating: PG
Running Time: TBD


Cast: TBD


Synopsis: The eponymous character (Donald Glover) and a group of fellow freedom fighters batte to reclaim their home from the brilliant yet evil genius Doctor Eggman (Gary Oldman). Loosely based on the Saturday morning cartoon of the same name from the 1990s and the Archie Comics series that follow.



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The SCP Foundation: Volume II
Director: Mike Flanagan
Composer: Atticus Ross
Genre: Horror / Sci-Fi / Anthology
Date: August 10th, Year 2
Studio: Alpha Pictures
Format: Live-action, 2D
Budget: $50 million
Theaters: 3,497
MPAA Rating: R
Running Time: TBD


Cast: TBD


Synopsis: The sequel to the Year 1 horror anthology. The stories are currently under wraps.



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The Human Revolution


Cast: Oscar Isaac (Adam Jensen), Benicio Del Toro (David Sarif), Priyanka Chopra (Faridah Malik), Daniel Brühl (Frank Pritchard), Ziyi Zhang (Zhao Yun Ru), Charlotte Riley (Megan Reed), Travis Fimmel (Jaron Namir), Kyle Chandler (William Taggart), Diego Luna (Isaias Sandoval) with Donnie Yen (Tong Si Hung), and Sam Neill (Hugh Darrow),

Genre: Sci-Fi/Action/Crime/Thriller

Directed By: David Leitch

Written By: Damon Lindleof

Based on Deus Ex: Human Revolution

Original Music By: Jack Wall

Release Date: February 9th

Theater Count: 3314

Budget: $110 Million

Running Time: 146 minutes

MPAA Rating: R for violence, brief strong language, some disturbing images, and some drug content




Detroit, 2035.


The advancement of cybernetic augmentation has rapidly changed human society as it lies in the midst of economic and geopolitical upheaval. Mostly available to the rich, the black market, and military forces, both national and private, the augmentations allow human beings to employ various feats and abilities otherwise incapable of performance in their biological forms. However, due to the rejection of the implants by the body, all people with implants must take the drug Neuropozyne, which inhibits or diminishes the biological reaction to the implants. The advent of cybernetic augmentation has also led to the rise of massive grass-roots movements opposed to the practice.


Plot Summary:




Adam Jensen (Isaac) is the Chief of Security for Sarif Industries a global leader in the development and production of cybernetic augmentation. It is the eve of Sarif Industries unveiling a new type of augmentation that will negate the use of Neuropozyne, the advancement being developed by Dr. Megan Reed (Riley), Jensen’s girlfriend. The two discuss the impending trip to Washington D.C. where the advancement will be officially revealed to a congressional hearing. Reed then goes to the labs to supervise while Jensen goes to meet with David Sarif (Del Toro) to discuss the trip. Jensen finds Sarif in a brief conversation with a hologram of Hugh Darrow (Neill), a mentor and the first pioneer of cybernetics. Sarif tries to persuade Darrow to come to DC to help testify before the hearings, but Darrow is noncommittal and would prefer to wait until he knows more about this advancement of Sarif’s. That conversation ends and Sarif starts talking with Jensen. After a brief conversation a security alarm sounds from the lower levels and Sarif sends Jensen to check it out with a security team. Jensen and the team find that a paramilitary force has invaded the basement levels of the facility and has murdered many of the researchers and other workers. Jensen fights off several attackers and tries to locate Reed, only to see her smashed against a wall by a heavily augmented soldier (Fimmel). Jensen intervenes but is easily dispatched by the soldier, who mortally wounds him. The last thing Jensen and the audience sees as the screen fades to black is the soldier standing over him with contempt and then walking off as the labs around him start to burn.




The opening credits are cut to a montage of David Sarif having his best surviving technicians operate on Adam, installing numerous cybernetic augmentations that not only allow him to continue living, but substantially enhance his physical capabilities.

Six Months Later

Jensen wakes up in his apartment, alone and embittered, with signs of alcohol and other substance use scattered around. After sadly looking at a picture of him and Reed, Jensen is called into Sarif Industries to meet with Sarif, as well as Cyber-Security Chief Frank Pritchard (Brühl). Pritchard is generally a hostile ass. Sarif informs Jensen that an anti-augmentation terrorist group has seized a factory on the outskirts of Detroit and is threatening to execute hostages. He’d like Jensen to handle the situation before the police botch everything. Sarif assures him that the augmentations need a “field test”. Jensen finally agrees.


Pritchard briefs Jensen about the situation on the way to the helipad and the two have a short argument on the way about Pritchard’s lack of respect for Jensen. At the helipad Jensen meets Faridah Malik (Chopra), who is the pilot for the VTOL aircraft Jensen will be using and who Jensen was friends with prior to the attack. Malik is glad to see Jensen back in action. Jensen thanks her and the aircraft takes off.


At the factory Jensen is updated on the situation by the police and is given an advance window to go in and secure the hostages before the SWAT teams are sent in. Jensen goes in and carefully neutralizes the majority of the guards in the facility and frees the hostages. He then is alerted by Pritchard over comms to check out the server room and finds one of the terrorists hacking into the servers by physically connecting cables to the servers from his body. When the hacker notices Jensen he convulses as electrical sparks blow out his augmentations, killing him. Jensen reports this to Pritchard, who is confused why an anti-augmentation terrorist group would have an enhanced person working with them. Jensen says they’ll figure it out later and lets the SWAT commander know he can send his teams in.


On the ride back, Jensen is a little troubled and Malik tries to talk to him, but he demurs. She comments that he was always hard to get a word out of beforehand, but since the attack that injured him he’s shut everyone out. Jensen says he’s fine and cuts the conversation off.


Back at Sarif Industries, Pritchard meets with Sarif and Jensen to discuss the hacking in the factory and says his theory is that the terrorist attack was a diversion for the hacker, and suspects that no one in the group knew the hacker was augmented. Sarif immediately thinks one of his business rivals must be behind this intrusion. Jensen says he prefers facts to theories and wants to know if there is a way to find out who the hacker worked for. Pritchard says that if he could examine the hacker’s neural implants he might be able to backtrace where the hacker’s directives came from. As the body is in the custody of Detroit PD, Sarif asks Jensen to use his old contacts to get access. Sarif dismisses Pritchard and then talks with Jensen about how he’s doing and how the implants he has functioned. Jensen brusquely says “fine” to both. Sarif chuckles and says all the same, he would like Jensen to go to a LIMB clinic to get checked out to be sure. Sarif then says he knows how hard it has been for Jensen and he appreciates Jensen coming back. Jensen shows some emotion and demands to know why Sarif saved his life by augmenting him, someone he’s not sure he would have agreed to if he had a say in the matter. Sarif, after a moment, says “I’m a businessman Adam. I protect my assets, and you’re one of the best I have.”


Jensen calls an old colleague in the police department and after some cajoling and a little bribery secures his entrance to the police morgue the following day. Before going home, he goes to a nearby LIMB clinic, which is a clinic that specializes in maintaining people with cybernetic augmentations. The doctor looking him over says that he’s in good health with no signs of rejection, even after six months, which is essentially unheard of. Jensen therefore has no need to be prescribed Neuropozyne.


Jensen goes home to his apartment and drinks a bit heavily while watching an old video of him and Reed spending time on vacation. He passes out. He has dream/flashback of him and Megan together on a romantic holiday, before it turns into a nightmare of her bleeding and burning.

The following day, Jensen arrives at the police morgue. The contact warns him to be fast since “some suits in FEMA” are coming later in the day to collect the body as part of their jurisdiction over terrorism. Jensen extracts the neural implants. He has to slip out a side entrance as the FEMA group arrives just as he finishes.


Jensen delivers the implants to Pritchard, who sarcastically congratulates him before getting to work. The two talk for a minute as Pritchard works, revealing a little more about Pritchard’s animosity. Pritchard soon discovers that the hacker wasn’t the real hacker, but was instead a body puppet for the real hacker, who basically saw through the dead man’s eyes and relayed directions in real time. As to the remote murder, Pritchard says he has heard rumors of an augmented person’s biochip being fried remotely, but it appears it’s a real practice. However, given the fact that almost all biochips come from heavily protected manufactories with immense encryption, the dead man must have been using a black market, specialized chip. Pritchard says he’ll need a little time to track the source of the transmission or some other identifying marker.


While he waits, Jensen goes to a bar to have a drink and is found by Malik, who said she had a thought he’d be here. The two talk a bit and Jensen opens up a little more to Malik. The two also watch a news broadcast on one of the TVs featuring an interview of William Taggart (Chandler), the leader of the anti-augmentation Humanity Front. The two remark on Taggart’s success in drumming up support for banning further augmentation research and production in the U.S. The bonding is interrupted by Pritchard, who tells Jensen that the signal traces to an abandoned FEMA facility in Highland Park. Jensen says he’s on his way.


Jensen arrives at the facility, which was a former detention camp for terrorists and other prisoners. After some infiltration, he finds that the facility’s lower levels are in the process of being evacuated by a paramilitary group, which appears to be the same one that attacked Sarif Industries at the start of the movie. He interrogates a low-level worker and learns that the forces belong to Belltower Associates, one of the biggest private military contractors in the world. Jensen then continues on and in the heart of the facility finds the soldier who mortally wounded him ordering several others to finish the evacuation since the “second raid” failed. The soldier is referred to as “Namir.” Namir detects Jensen and welcomes him, but says that unfortunately he’s just about to leave. His lackies open fire but Jensen is able to quickly subdue them, only to find that Namir and most of the others have departed, leaving one super-soldier behind. After a brutal hand-to-hand fight, Jensen defeats the supersoldier. However, everyone else has managed to evacuate in the interim, with no apparent clues. Jensen pounds the wall in frustration.


In his evacuation craft, Namir has a call with a female superior, who is disappointed that he failed to further undermine Sarif Industries. Namir warns the woman that one of Sarif’s lapdogs may be able to track the source of the raids to her though “her puppet.” The woman’s voice laughs and says “That is why we pay you so well Jaron, unless you’re telling me there is no longer a use for you.” She hangs up.


Jensen and Malik return to Sarif Industries to meet with Pritchard, who says he has found further clues. Based on a electronic signature used by the hacker in his work, Pritchard recognizes the hacker as Arie van Bruggen, who operates out of Hengsha, China. Hengsha is a corporate-run city, controlled by Tai Yong Medical, the world's largest augmentation technology manufacturer and Sarif's main rival. Malik says Jensen will need to get a corporate passport from Sarif in order to get access to Hengsha, which means whoever is in Hengsha will probably know he is coming.


Jensen goes to meet with Sarif and finds he is currently in a meeting with Taggart. While waiting, Jensen briefly talks to Taggart’s aide, Isaias Sandoval (Luna), a former surgeon who is virulently anti-augmentation over the harm Neuropozyne addiction did to a family member of his. Jensen carefully navigates the conversation and then, when Taggart exits Sarif’s office, controls himself from lashing out to Taggart’s attempts to bait a response from him concerning Reed’s death and Jensen’s “forced” augmentation. After the two depart, Jensen meets with Sarif, who grumbles about having to meet with “Luddites” like Taggart to pay them lip service, even though they’re standing in the way of human progress. Jensen informs Sarif of what he’s learned. Sarif says that if Belltower and Tai Yong are involved, then they’re up against far more dangerous foes than anticipated. Still, Sarif wants Jensen to go to Hengsha and see what he can dig up. It’ll take until morning for the corporate passport to be processed.


On the way out, Pritchard asks Jensen to meet with him in his office. Pritchard advises Jensen that some strange signals were utilized in the hacker’s infiltration, signals that indicate that the hacker had help from the inside. Pritchard says by the time Jensen gets back from Hengsha, he should know more. Jensen remarks that this was the first conversation they’ve had where Pritchard has been totally civil. Pritchard smirks and says he won’t make a habit of it.


We cut to Jensen leaving Detroit, being transported by Malik in her aircraft. It’s a long flight so the two spend some time talking. Malik is concerned that Jensen is going to let his personal desires interfere with the investigation, since there is evidence that linking Reed’s killers to the mission. Jensen is adamant that he has everything under control, but thanks Malik for her concern. Malik says that’s what friends are for, and with a sad smile says she has his back.


The two arrive at Hengsha, which is a massive city that has been built up into two levels, with the lower, poorer levels being contained within a massive dome-like structure and the upper levels above the dome reserved for the rich. Malik’s aircraft has clearance to enter the dome. Pritchard contacts them and says he’s gotten some intel from white-hat hackers he knows about van Bruggen, and gives them an apartment address for his last known location. Pritchard says that if Jensen can find a functioning computer used by van Bruggen, he can remotely link Pritchard in to look for files. Jensen thanks Pritchard and Pritchard replies “Don’t thank me, based on comm chatter Belltower is looking for van Bruggen as well, so chances are all you’ll be finding a corpse or a lot of trigger-happy mercenaries.” “Your optimism is appreciated as always” Jensen sarcastically retorts Jensen tells Malik to stay by the aircraft until he calls for her.


Jensen mills through the streets of Lower Hengsha (which is very much a city in the vibe/style of LA in the Blade Runner movies, only extremely Chinese-dominated), noticing that Belltower has locked down the apartment building van Bruggen is supposed to be living in. Jensen infiltrates the apartment building from the rooftops and through the air ducts and elevator shafts of the apartment complex, quietly neutralizing a few mercenaries along the way. He locates van Bruggen’s apartment and finds a trio of Belltower mercs inside. He takes the three out via hand-to-hand fighting before any can get a message out for backup. After subduing them, he investigates the apartment and soon finds some clues the mercenaries have missed that leads him to secret room, which has some computer equipment. Jensen links Pritchard in and Pritchard remotely accesses van Bruggen’s computer. Most of the files have been wiped clean, but, Pritchard finds some backup data for some emails. He informs Jensen that van Bruggen was communicating with a Chinese crime lord named Tong Si Hung, negotiating sanctuary in exchange for information. Tong Si Hung’s legitimate face is as the proprietor of a nightclub called The Hive. Jensen says that’s where he’ll head. Pritchard snidely remarks that Jensen doesn’t strike him as the nightclub type.


Jensen messages Malik and asks her to meet him. He updates her on the investigation and says that the next step is gaining an audience with Tong Si Hung, which means getting into The Hive. Given that it’s likely packed to the brim with Triad gunmen, that means going in through the front door as a patron. And since it’s unlikely the bouncers will let a guy like him in on his own…“you need someone on your arm to make them think you’re somebody” Malik finishes. Jensen nods and dryly remarks “a lot of doors open for you if you’re in the company of a beautiful woman.” Malik jokingly asks if this is Jensen’s way of asking her on a date, which gets a bit of a sad, negative reaction from Jensen. Malik apologizes and tells Jensen to let her know when to meet him by the club.


The film briefly cuts to Upper Hengsha, which is beautiful, compared to the grimy underbelly below. In a penthouse office, a woman (Zhang) is looking out a window as someone enters. It is Namir. The woman, addressed as Zhao Yun Ru, asks Namir if the hacker has been found. Namir says it is only a matter of time. Zhao turns, a remote in her hand, and triggers it, which causes Namir to slump to the floor and convulse. “Your skills came highly recommended, and so far all you have done is fail in your mission and fail to cover your tracks. Perhaps my superiors were mistaken.” Namir grits out that the primary goal was still achieved. “Six months ago, which gains us nothing if you allow Sarif’s lapdogs to follow the breadcrumbs.” Zhao releases the trigger and Namir stops convulsing. “Your augmentations make you one of the most dangerous men alive” Zhao tells Namir, “but they also make you one of the most vulnerable. Never forget where you stand.” Namir says that van Bruggen will be dead within the day. Zhao says that is good, otherwise she would have to advise her superiors to “terminate your contract.” Namir, grimacing, departs as Zhao turns back to look out the window.


Jensen arrives at The Hive, dressed up a little bit nicer. After a minute of waiting, Malik arrives, dressed to the nines. Jensen is a bit taken aback and says she cleans up nicely. Malik agrees with a smile. The two enter the nightclub and Jensen passes Malik a small earbud device Pritchard had given them, in case they need to split up. After some navigating of the club, Jensen and Malik sit by the bar and order a drink. Malik asks why they stopped and Jensen says they’ve likely attracted attention by now, so now they wait for someone to approach them. They talk a little as they drink until a well-dressed club official approaches Jensen and says the club manager would like to speak with him. Jensen nods and tells Malik he shouldn’t be long. Before he leaves, she puts her hand on his arm and tells him to be careful.


Jensen is taken upstairs to a private VIP lounge where the club manager is tending bar. The manager (Yen) is a very hostile, dominant personality, and says Tong wants to know why David Sarif’s bulldog is sniffing around Hengsha. Jensen says he’s looking for van Bruggen, who went to Tong for protection. The manager dismisses the idea. After a long cat-and-mouse conversation between the two, with the camera holding a tracking shot slowly moving around the participants, Jensen is able to convince the manager that he has no interest in harming van Bruggen. The manager smiles and says Tong may want to talk to Jensen after all. Jensen, smiling back, says they might as well start right here, right now. The manager laughs. “Very good, Mr. Jensen, now tell me how Tong Si Hung can help you.” Jensen asks Tong for van Bruggen’s location and is given the address of the Alice Garden Pods, a run-down flophouse. Jensen thanks him, but before he leaves Tong gives him a warning. “You’re playing in the deep end of the pool now Mr. Jensen, and there’s no one to help you if you start to drown.”


Jensen reunites with Malik and tells her what he’s learned. She tells him that several shady looking people have entered the nightclub. Jensen says it is time to go then and takes Malik by the hand to leave through a side entrance. In the chaotic mob and pulsing lights of the nightclub, they avoid being noticed except by a couple goons off to one side. In a dark hallway flashing with light from the club dance floor, the goons pounce and there is a short fight as Jensen and Malik fend them off, Malik being capable in the fight. The two then escape into the alleyways. Jensen tells Malik to warm up her aircraft, he’s going to find van Bruggen. Malik lingers for a second and then kisses Jensen. “Find the asshole” she says, then leaves.


Back in the club, a single goon is escorted to meet with Tong. With Tong’s permission, the goon activates a hologram of Namir. Tong pretends not to know why Belltower is contacting him. Namir says if anyone knows where Arie van Bruggen is, it is Tong. And since Adam Jensen was in the club, Tong clearly does know, and Namir wants to know too. “Mr. Jensen was a charismatic individual, very convincing. I am not sure you have the same quality.” Namir smiles and says Tong is a businessman, so “name your price.” Tong smiles “I take that back Mr. Namir, you are quite the persuasive fellow. Money first, then I tell you what you need to know.”


Jensen arrives at the Alice Garden Pods and locates van Bruggen in an upper floor apartment. Jensen convinces him he is here to help. “Give me everything you have on who hired you, and I can get you out of Hengsha.” Van Bruggen agrees to the deal and says that he was hired by Zhao to hack into Sarif Industries and acquire their technological blueprints so Tai Yong could manufacture them outside of patent reach as part of a scheme to bankrupt Sarif. Van Bruggen says he stored evidence on the servers of Tai Yong as a contingency and gives Jensen a datacard that will allow him access. Before Jensen can thank him, an alarm goes off. Belltower mercenaries have invaded the hotel. “If you want to survive the next ten minutes, do exactly what I say” Jensen says.


What follows is a tense and visceral scene as Jensen and van Bruggen carefully navigate the hallways, maintenance corridors, etc. of the complex in order to avoid detection, Jensen quickly and quietly dispatching a few mercenaries along the way. He also carefully contacts Malik and tells her to meet him and van Bruggen in a rear courtyard. As they enter a large laundry room, they are stumbled upon by a squad of mercs. In a tracking shot scene Jensen dispatches them all one by one either by gunfire or hand-to-hand while also protecting van Bruggen. A run-and-gun fight ensues as the two escape to the courtyard, but just as they are about to get onto Malik’s aircraft a sniper shot rings out and van Bruggen is killed. Jensen gets on the aircraft and looks back to see that it was Namir who fired the shot from a rooftop. Namir mockingly waves to Jensen as Malik flies away.


On Malik’s aircraft, an angry Jensen is having his wound tended to by Malik, which includes some minor repairs of one augmentation that is shorting out. The two talk about what just happened and Jensen is frustrated. Malik calms him and says they’re close to getting the truth. Taking hold of his hand, she says “I am always here for you.” Jensen spontaneously kisses her and the two get intimate.


We cut back to Detroit, where Pritchard is meeting with Sarif about the investigation. Sarif is concerned and says the company has never been more vulnerable than it is right now. Pritchard nods and says he just has a couple questions about some data streams the company uses, framing the questions innocuously. Sarif gives him the information. Back in his office, Pritchard does some computer work using said information and after a minute his eyes light up. “Well shit” he says to himself.


Jensen has another dream/flashback of him and Megan together in bed, sleeping in one day. The two exchange some pillow talk and Jensen asks her why she’s sticking with a guy like him, out of everyone out there. Reed smiles and tells Jensen that “you’re special, one of a kind. Wouldn’t want anyone else.” Jensen jokes that she says that to all the guys. Reed laughs and says “no, just you.” The two laugh and snuggle close. The film then cuts to Jensen waking up in Malik’s aircraft, partially disrobed, with Malik asleep in his arms. Jensen at first is content, then a troubled look comes across his face.


We then cut to Jensen infiltrating a Tai Yong service facility, which connects to the headquarters in Upper Hengsha. Malik warns him that she isn’t cleared for Upper Hengsha airspace, so once she flies in to retrieve him everyone will be on her tail. Jensen says he won’t call for her until the last minute. Jensen maneuvers through the facility until he reaches an express elevator that takes him up through the massive dome and into the sunny outside of Upper Hengsha. Now, in less secure, public areas, he is able to move around openly until he finds an access point to the central computer labs. He stealthily enters the labs with van Bruggen’s passcard. At this point he contacts Pritchard, who tells him that he can download all the information van Bruggen stored once Jensen gets access. Jensen makes his way to a server room and uses van Bruggen’s datacard to get into the system. Pritchard goes to work and after a minute says with hesitation he has found something Jensen needs to see. Pritchard switches on footage of a call between Namir and Zhao from six months ago. In the call Namir confirms that the attack on Sarif Industries was a success and the scientists have been secured. “And their tracking chips” Zhao asks. “Disabled and removed, thanks to our friend Dr. Sandoval” Namir replies. Namir tells Zhao the scientists, including the “top prize” Dr. Reed, will be delivered for placement within a day or two. Zhao tells Namir to utilize Sandoval as an asset by which an appropriate future strike on Sarif Industries can be obtained via his terrorist contacts. Jensen is stunned. Pritchard and Malik have been listening in and Malik tries to say something to Jensen but has trouble getting the words out. Jensen cuts her off by telling her to get her ship ready, he has one last stop. Pritchard tells him not to be foolish, they have what they need. “But not what I want” Jensen replies.


Jensen leaves the labs and obtains access to an elevator leading to Zhao’s office at the top of Tai Yong’s tower. Jensen enters and holds a surprised Zhao at gunpoint. Zhao is able to discretely hit a panic button and then regains her composure. She says that she is just a cog in a machine, and that she is making sure the machine functions smoothly. She says that men like David Sarif cannot be trusted, because their reach exceeds their grasp and will lead humanity into chaos. “There must be people in the shadows, working together to maintain order and stability, by all means necessary.” Jensen dismisses that as conspiracy theory bullcrap and demands to know where Reed and the other scientists are. Zhao laughs and says his time is up. Security forces arrive in the penthouse and Zhao uses the distraction to enter a panic room. Jensen takes cover and during the gunfight calls for extraction. Jensen takes out a few guards but he is penned in and more are arriving. Malik pilots into Upper Hengsha and gets near the penthouse. Jensen shoots out the large window behind him. Malik pulls up outside and Jensen rushes out and leaps to grab a landing strut. Malik pulls away as Jensen carefully climbs into the aircraft.


On the aircraft, which is autopiloting back towards Detroit, Malik criticizes Jensen for rushing to confront Zhao. Jensen says he thought he could get Reed’s location. Once he realized she was still alive, everything changed. Malik grows silent and then admits that it has, for both of them. Jensen catches her meaning and tries to talk but she cuts him off. “It’s okay, we didn’t know. But now we do.” They spend the rest of the trip in silence.


Back in Detroit, a brooding Sarif is contacted by Hugh Darrow. Sarif is relieved to have his old friend to talk to about his issues. The two have a conversation where Sarif expresses his concerns about his company’s future. Darrow asks if he could meet Sarif in person to discuss the “future.” Sarif agrees.


We briefly see a scene of Zhao in a secure room, joining a large conference call full of scrambled voices meant to hide identities. She is asked by one voice as to the status of the “Initiative.” Zhao says they have reached a breakthrough, and it is time to start rolling out the bait to the people. Another voice asks about Sarif and his allies. Zhao says they will be too late to stop the plan.


Jensen and Malik arrive in Detroit and Pritchard summons them. Jensen wants to talk to Sarif immediately but Pritchard warns Jensen that Sarif isn’t all he seems. He shows them the data streams he picked up emanating from the facility. He says Sarif set up a back door into the main computer servers for Sarif Industries. It was through that backdoor that the hacker gained access. Malik wonders if Sarif has been in on it the whole time, and Jensen says it is time to find out.


Jensen goes to Sarif’s office and confronts him, first telling him that Reed and the other scientists are alive, and then that he knows about the backdoor. Sarif is stunned by the revelations and sits down, shaken. Jensen says that if he is going to be able to save Reed, he needs to know everything, now. Sarif nods and says that the backdoor was set up as a condition of his being able to remain in business. Sarif explains that cybernetic augmentation has scared a lot of people, people who think it will make it impossible to control humanity. So, in exchange for allowing Sarif to function unmolested, they required him to set up a backdoor by which they could keep tabs on his progress. But Reed’s research must have spooked them, since removing the need for humanity to use Neuropozyne will essentially unshackle development of cybernetic advancement. So he suspects the attack was done to remove that threat. Jensen says this is the same conspiracy theory that Zhao peddled in Hengsha. Sarif says that, while not as mythologically convoluted as the Illuminati, it is the truth. Jensen, disgusted, gets up to leave, but Sarif says there is one more thing. He says that not everything was kept on the main servers, including Reed’s research, which is why they must have abducted her, and used a later hacking attack to try and pierce the company’s systems. Sarif gives Jensen access to a closed server but warns him he might not like what he finds.


Jensen returns to Pritchard and gives him the information he got from Sarif. Pritchard says he’ll take a look and advises him that Taggart is holding a speech at the Detroit convention center. He’ll know where to find Sandoval. The also briefly talk about a rising rate of glitch complaints in cybernetic software, and wonder why Jensen has yet to experience any.


Jensen goes to the convention center, amidst massive protests by both supporters and opponents of augmentation technology. He arrives as Taggart is in the midst of holding a speech and interrupts him, implicating Taggart in having connections to terrorist groups. Taggart at first shakes the accusations off, but in the pressure of the spotlight Jensen is able to get him to agree to a private audience. Backstage, Jensen meets with an indignant Taggart, who is adamant he supports only nonviolent political process. Jensen plays the recording where Sandoval is mentioned and says that he just wants to find his people, and Sandoval is the key to that. Taggart, shocked, says that if he can help, he will. He says it will be easier if he gets Sandoval to come here. Taggart calls Sandoval and asks him to come in. As they wait for Sandoval to arrive, Taggart is apologetic, but still insistent that he had nothing to do with the attack on Sarif.


Sandoval arrives and Jensen confronts him and with Taggart’s help is able to convince Sandoval to come clean. Sandoval however pulls out a gun and first points it at Jensen, then himself. Taggart is able to persuade Sandoval that he became a doctor to help save lives, and he can help save some more if he puts the gun down. Sandoval relents and says that he was hired by Belltower to operate on several scientists from Sarif to disable their biochip tracking devices. However, he thinks he can turn at least one of them back on remotely. He gives Jensen information on how to do that. Jensen thanks him and says that if the information pans out, he’ll be fine. Otherwise, “I’ll hunt you down, and Taggart won’t be here to help you.”


Jensen returns to Sarif Industries, to find Sarif meeting with Hugh Darrow. Darrow briefly takes an interest in Jensen and is intrigued by the augmentation operations that saved Jensen’s life. He comments that he himself is genetically incompatible with cybernetic augmentations, being among a tiny minority whose body will reject them no matter what. Darrow informs Sarif “I shall see you soon” and then departs. Jensen asks Sarif what that was about and Sarif says that he asked Hugh Darrow to intervene, given his standing as the pioneer of cybernetic augmentation. Darrow has agreed to host an emergency summit of political leaders, industry personnel, and activist groups at his Panchaea installation in the Arctic Ocean. Sarif will be heading there in a day or so. He asks Jensen what he found out, and Jensen says “enough.” There’s an awkward moment as Sarif looks apologetic and tries to say something, but it passes and Jensen walks out.


Jensen meets with Pritchard, who has looked into the server Sarif gave Jensen access to. The info there is all the details of Megan Reed’s special research project. It appears that Reed had uncovered a genetic marker that, if manipulated, could make every human compatible with cybernetic augmentation and not need Neuropozyne. It explains why many people would want the research either eliminated or controlled. The two briefly discuss the possibility of Jensen being a test subject during his operation, which would explain him not having to need Neuropozyne. Jensen gives Pritchard the info he got from Sandoval, and Pritchard reactivates the scientist tracking beacons. He finds one is registering from Hengsha. Jensen grimaces. Pritchard says with some more time he could learn more, but Jensen says there is none. He pages Malik to tell her to prep for takeoff. Pritchard tells him “Find them, and stay safe.” The two shake hands and Jensen leaves.


Jensen gets to Malik’s aircraft and takes off. As they leave, they are contacted by Sarif, who warns them that “they likely know you are coming, and this time I can’t give you cover. You’ll be on you own.” Jensen acknowledges this curtly and ends the conversation. Malik notices his tension and asks if there is anything he wants to talk about. Jensen hesitates, and then says “in a bit. It’s a long flight.”


Across the world, we see Zhao meet with Namir in a sort of museum to artificial enhancement. On a viewscreen they see a news report of worldwide glitches in cybernetic augmentations connected to a newly realizing reaction to Neuropozyne, which requires a new biochip to regulate. “It is almost done then” Namir comments. Zhao says “not quite,” and says Sarif’s people know the scientists are alive and will be coming for them. “Deal with them, then eliminate all loose ends.” Namir nods.


Jensen and Malik arrive at Hengsha and avoid detection. Malik tells Jensen she bought him some time but not much. Jensen says he only needs a little and goes to leave before Malik grabs his arm. “Adam…I…I hope you find her” she says. Jensen hesitates, nods, and tells her she should get out of the city. He lingers briefly before leaving, and Malik quickly takes off.


Jensen navigates through Hengsha, tracing the active beacon signal to a dingy industrial district and finds a warehouse guarded by thugs. He infiltrates the warehouse and eventually finds a lower level that is half laboratory and half mechanic shop. He sees a room crowded with people and gets the drop on them, to find that they have gathered around a man being fitted with a cybernetic arm: It is Tong.

Tong is unsurprised at Jensen’s arrival even as his guards freak out and pull guns on him. Jensen and Tong negotiate, Jensen saying that the cybernetic arm belonged to a Sarif scientist. Tong says that his syndicate purchases cybernetic parts from Belltower after Belltower has “disposed” of problems. Jensen is angry at Tong for selling him out to Belltower earlier, but Tong rationalizes, saying “You got the information first, you had a head start, and from the rumors I heard, you got what you needed. No reason to carry a grudge.” Jensen wants to know how Tong got ahold of the arm. Tong smiles and says that he can do Jensen one better.


We briefly cut to Malik exiting Hengsha airspace and updating Pritchard. Pritchard says that Sarif has left for Panchaea, and literally every important figure in the augmentation debate is going to be heading there. “I don’t like this, the timing feels too convenient” Malik says, and Pritchard agrees.

Tong and Jensen travel to a dockyard at the edge of Hengsha. Tong says that Belltower moved several people through the dockyard to a R&D facility six months ago. Jensen asks Tong why he is helping him out now. Tong smiles and says he likes to play the odds. “Enemy of my enemy and all that” he muses. Jensen says they aren’t friends. Tong has a mock look of being hurt and says “don’t need to be friends, just partners. I suspect one day your boss will have a reason to feel grateful to a businessman from Hengsha.” Jensen grumbles and leaves. Tong smirks and tells his men to take him home.


Jensen navigates the dockyard, avoiding patrols, and secrets himself onboard a cargo bullet train that zips down the coast to a Tai Yong research facility. He explores the facility and learns that a few Sarif scientists are still alive. He locates them and gets some information about what is going on. He learns that they have been continuing Megan Reed’s project, but also working on a special biochip project that allows remote signals to interfere with and hijack the biochips on a massive scale. Jensen patches in Pritchard and Malik and fills them in. Pritchard comments that remote control of augmentation biochips on mass scale was considered to be a conspiracy theory, due to the sheer difficulty of being able to crack biochip encryption. “But that difficulty goes away when the people making the biochips are the ones who install the remote access.” Pritchard says this could explain the biochip recall. The only sure way to get answers is to locate Megan, who is held deeper in the facility. Malik says she is on her way for a pickup and Jensen tells the scientists where to go for extraction.


We briefly cut to Panchaea and see numerous officials arriving, including Sarif and Taggart. The two have a short and cold interaction before Darrow approaches and welcomes them both. He pulls Sarif aside and walking with him says that he believes he has a solution to a mutual problem of theirs. Sarif is pleased and says that the bastards who attacked his company won’t rest until they have total control over cybernetic augmentation. Darrow nods and says that soon, that will be an impossibility.


Jensen enters the bowels of the facility and finds himself in the museum we saw earlier. His exploration is interrupted by Zhao, who is a little annoyed to see him. The two talk about Zhao’s plans, and Zhao says that her organization is going to ensure that cybernetic development is controlled, to keep humanity from shaking off its yokes. She pulls out a remote (the same one she used on Namir much earlier) and points it at Jensen and presses a button, but nothing happens. “Didn’t fall for your biochip scheme” Jensen remarks. “A pity” Zhao replies. “The kill trigger we’ve installed in the new biochips is quick and relatively painless. Now you’ll suffer.” She turns to leave as Namir walks in to face Jensen. Namir and Jensen exchange some taunts, and then the two enter a brutal brawl with guns, knives, and hand-to-hand combat that eventually results in Jensen being victorious, stunning Namir. He tries to get answers from Namir, but Namir’s biochip triggers a kill code and Namir slumps dead, bleeding from the mouth, nose, ears, and eyes. Jensen sighs and traces Zhao’s escape until he comes across a side laboratory and living quarters. He enters. He sees at the far side, Megan, working at a desk.


Megan, who does not look in the slightest like a prisoner, is shocked to see Jensen, but tries to act happy to see him. Jensen notices she is acting off, notices her surroundings, and asks her to tell him the truth, telling her angrily that many good people have died. Megan backs away, alarmed, but relents and spills the beans. Her research scared a lot of people, powerful people. Zhao’s organization was planning to kill them all, but one of her superiors convinced the other leaders to instead capture the scientists and use them for the biochip research project. That one superior was Darrow. Darrow contacted Megan in advance of the kidnapping and convinced her to play along, as it would keep the scientists alive, but also allow her and Darrow to sabotage Zhao’s plans from the inside. “With Darrow’s help I installed a backdoor in the design of the biochips” she says. “When Zhao’s people turn the chips on, the real control will lie with Darrow, who can stop them from using the biochips to control humanity.” Jensen however starts to get a look of realization. The biochip recall, Darrow being an inside man, his invitation of everyone relevant to the augmentation debate to Panchaea, Jensen comes to a conclusion: “Darrow has played us all.” Megan doesn’t believe that and insists Darrow wants the best for humanity. “What he thinks is best” Jensen retorts. He then confronts Megan about his own condition, not needing Neuropozyne, and asks if he was a test subject for her research. Megan hesitates for a moment, and then says “Adam, you were the source of my research. You’re the only human with a genetic mutation that allows for unlimited, uninhibited augmentation. You’re the next step in humanity’s evolution.” Jensen is silent, and then asks who else knows. “Sarif” Megan says, “but I told no one else. If people knew…you’d be a lab rat, at best.” Jensen, frowning, asks next: “When did you decide to use me, before or after we were together.” Megan, stonefaced, says “Before, when Sarif was thinking of hiring you and I saw something curious in your medical records. It kept you close.” Jensen sighs and asks one last question: “Was it ever real?” Megan, a tear running down her face, replies “It became real.” “Goodbye Megan.” Jensen leaves.


Jensen contacts Malik and tells her he found Megan. He stumbles over what to say before saying that “she’s not coming with us.” Malik understands and says she has arrived. Jensen links Pritchard in and says he needs a fast way to get to Panchaea. Pritchard says there is a LEO suborbital drone bay. It appears that Zhao has already used one, presumably to get to Panchaea as well. Jensen says that Darrow has been behind everything and asks Pritchard to warn Sarif if possible. Everyone who is augmented, with a new biochip, is at risk. Pritchard says he’ll try, after he’s disabled the transmission link to his own biochip. Jensen goes to the drone bay, stuffs himself into a transport drone, and is launched at hypersonic speeds towards Panchaea.


On Panchaea, everyone is assembling to hear Darrow speak. We see that Zhao is a recent arrival and she and Sarif lock eyes briefly, Sarif angry and Zhao smirking back. Everyone takes a seat as Darrow enters the atrium and he begins to speak, saying that his words here will soon be broadcast around the entire world, but they get to hear them first. Darrow begins to speak, starting with a recap of his early days as a pioneer in cybernetic augmentation. As he speaks, Sarif gets buzzed by Pritchard. Sarif, annoyed, walks to a corner of the atrium to take the call. Pritchard tells Sarif to disable his biochip immediately. Sarif wants to know why and Pritchard says “Darrow kidnapped our scientists, and he designed the new biochip that millions are getting installed as we speak.” A look of horror grows on Sarif’s face, and as he looks at Darrow the two lock eyes. Darrow smiles. Darrow then turns back to the assembly and tells them that after years of debates, unrest, and unscrupulous elites plotting to use cybernetic augmentation tech to control humanity, he has come to a conclusion: Augmentation will lead to the loss of humanity. “And” he says as he turns his gaze to Zhao, “the people who sought to use augmentation to control the world, have given me the means to end theirs.” Darrow presses a button on his podium and a humming noise appears in the atrium. For a few seconds, nothing happens, which is enough time for Sarif to switch off his biochip receptor. Then, every person in the atrium who has received the new biochip installation in the past few days enters a murderous frenzy, attacking everyone and anyone near them. Darrow, with a look of resignation, steps back as a wall shield comes down in front of him. He then departs via a back exit. Everyone else scatters, panics, flees, etc. Zhao does not have a new chip installed, and she is able to quickly get away. Sarif is attacked by one man and nearly killed, but is saved at the last instant by Taggart. The two collect a handful of survivors and escape, as the frenzy signal begins affecting every single person on the installation.


Jensen’s drone pod lands in the ocean by Panchaea and he gets onboard. He contacts Sarif and learns what is going on. Based on Sarif’s words, he figures out that Darrow intends to send the frenzy signal worldwide. Pritchard is linked in, barricaded in his office, and tells Jensen that if Jensen can patch him into Panchaea’s computer core, he can shut everything down. Malik says that she is on her way, but it’ll be a while before she can get there.

Jensen navigates Panchaea, mostly avoiding contact with roving bands of frenzied cyborgs, who attack anyone outside their small groups they come across. The atrium is a grisly, bloody scene, and Jensen is able to track Sarif and Taggart’s group to their hiding spot. Jensen talks to them both and says they need to get the survivors out. Sarif and Taggart brainstorm ideas to get to the outdoor helicopter decks. After coming up with a plan, Jensen pulls Sarif aside and tells him that the scientists are safe, but Megan was in on the whole kidnapping, and he knows the truth about Megan’s research. Sarif sighs and says “I thought about telling you, but would you really have wanted to know?” Jensen, after some thought, says that he probably wouldn’t have. Sarif, pensively, says “I may not have always told you everything, but I was always honest with you when you came to me with questions.” He offers Jensen a hand. Jensen hesitates, but then takes Sarif’s hand and shakes it.


The survivors set out for the escape route, while Jensen travels deeper into Panchaea to the computer core. He reaches it and finds Darrow inputting preliminary commands into the system. He confronts Darrow, demanding that he stop. Darrow replies that he cannot stop, humanity has to learn a harsh lesson before it experiences the fate of Icarus. “They need to know the cost of giving up what makes us human. I thought at first it would be our salvation, but in the end it is nothing more than another tool in the hands of the few to dominate and destroy the many. It is the same with every great advancement we have made, and each one has made us that much less alive.” After a tense conversation, Jensen is able to get Darrow to admit that his true motivation is jealousy. As one of the few people unable to ever be augmented, he can never be a part of the future he helped create. Darrow, worn down, relents and steps away from the console. A gunshot rings out and Darrow falls down dead. Jensen turns to see Zhao.


Jensen and Zhao have a final standoff, Jensen asking what happens now. “We…I have worked too hard and too long to let the insane whims of a depressed madman ruin everything we have done for humanity.” Jensen asks if a kill switch is good for humanity. “Good is irrelevant, it is necessary. People are dumb, cowardly, greedy, brutish beings, who never know what is best for them.” Zhao replies. Jensen backs up against the computer console. Zhao tells Jensen to step aside, or she will shoot him. Jensen does so, but not before we see him surreptitiously slip a flash drive into a port on the console. Zhao, gun still trained on Jensen, uses a cable to hook herself into the console, telling Jensen that Darrow had kept countless secrets, including the biochip backdoor he installed, but now everything he possessed will be hers. Jensen nods and says she’ll get exactly that, then says “Pritchard, you in?” Pritchard says he is. “Give her what she wants” Jensen says. Before Zhao can react, a massive surge of data and electricity races up the cable into her body, frying her from the inside out. Her smoldering corpse falls down and Jensen returns to the console. Pritchard confirms that the pending transmission has been cancelled and wants to know if he can do anything else. Jensen tells him to overload the core and destroy the facility once everyone is evacuated, so Darrow’s secrets go to the ocean depths with him.


We cut to Malik’s aircraft arriving at Panchaea to pick up the remaining survivors, including Jensen, Sarif, and Taggart. The aircraft takes off and Jensen goes to sit in the cockpit with Malik. The two sit in silence as the aircraft zooms away on autopilot and they see Panchaea start to explode and crumble into the ocean in the distance, until Malik asks “what now?” Jensen looks at her, takes her hand, and says “For now, I guess we live.” He pulls her closer and she leans her head against his shoulder as the two continue to look out the cockpit window. The film holds a final shot of the aircraft disappearing into the distance as the last remnants of Panchaea slips underneath the water.



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Night in the Woods
Director: Rebecca Sugar
Composer: Angelo Badalamenti
Genre: Traditional Animation / Adventure / Mystery / Drama
Date: November 21st, Year 2
Studio: Hollywood Animation Studios
Format: Traditional animation, 2D
Budget: $75 million
Theaters: 3,538
MPAA Rating: PG-13
Running Time: TBD


Amanda Seyfried as Mae Borowski
Mae Whitman as Bea Santello
Evan Peters as Gregg Lee
Miles Teller as Angus Delaney
Keith Stanfield as Jeremy “Germ” Warton


Synopsis: College dropout Mae Borowski (Amanda Seyfried) returns to her hometown of Possum Springs, a former coal-mining town in western Pennsylvania that's fallen on hard times. As she reconnects with familiar faces, an old friend named Casey Hartley disappears. Mae and her friends band together to solve the mystery of Casey's disappearance, and uncover dark secrets about their town.



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Director: David Soren

Composer: Nick Urata

Genre: CGI Animation / Sci-Fi / Action / Comedy

Date: Wednesday, December 19th

Major Cast: Charlie Day (Marion), Sophia Lillis (Cassie), Jason Sudekis (George), Leslie Mann (Vivian), Ice Cube (Captain Fab), Kate McKinnon (Moxie), Aziz Ansari (Gravitas), Jim Rash (Finnegan), Richard Ayoade (Granny Grann), Jeff Bennett (Mordecai), Tara Strong (King Schmuzzykins), Jason Statham (Jeff)

Theater Count: 4,018

MPAA Rating: PG for comic action, some rude humor, and mild thematic material

Runtime: 104min (1hr, 44min)

Production Budget: $140 million


Based on the overlooked British cartoon series, a teenage girl enlists the help of a bounty hunter (who happens to be a hamster) on an intergalactic journey to find her missing parents, but the pair soon discovers that not everything (in fact, very little) is as it seems with this mission.




The opening logos appear in a very 80s-ish vaporware design, leading in with the song “Separate Ways” by Journey. We hear a teenage girl narrate (with respective animations mirroring an 80s cartoon): “Bounty hunters. In the wild west, they used to bring in criminals, dead or alive, for a massive cash reward. As humanity took to the stars and found its place among intergalactic civilization, we found out that in the final frontier, nothing has changed. Bounty hunters of all shapes, sizes, species, and colors were called upon to do the bidding of whoever they saw fit, in terms of moral justification, or just if they were super loaded. I never thought I would cross paths with one, but this would be a strange introduction to this movie if that remained true.”


We then switch to CGI animation, as we see pirates attack a large spaceship. People are running around and panicking, as a young 11-year old girl, Cassie, is terrified. Her parents, George and Vivian, are trying to comfort her as they run to an escape pod. As they arrive, they realize there is room for only one more. Cassie begs to stay with her family, but they want her to survive. As she gets into the pod, her parents call out, “Don’t worry, Cassie, we love so much and will be with you forever! We’ll come back for you!”




We see a 14-year old Cassie bored out of her mind in a small apartment, she has a futuristic laptop that dings. She suddenly becomes very excited, running out the door. We see a small elderly alien, Granny Grann, as she asks where she is off to in such a hurry. “Another job, and it pays well! Maybe enough to begin calling the force!” We see her run out the door to the main city she lives on, located on a large planet. Aliens of all types of diversity live there, including several modeled after earth Animals. She arrives at the apartment of a bird like alien, where she realizes that she *disgustingly* must chew up food and feed it to the babies. Cassie says to herself, “At least it pays well….” And does so. We then see her get another call for more odd jobs around the city, which she does in a humorous montage.


At the end of it, we see Cassie out of breath and exhausted, walking by a Bounty Hunter service underground, with a big sign saying, “CONTRACTS START AT 30000 CREDITS” – Cassie has 29993. She sighs, saying how she hoped this would be the day. She imagines, looking at a wanted wall, that her parents will return safely and embrace her with open arms. All would be well again. In the vision, her parents suddenly start screaming threats, which breaks her reality. The voices are coming from inside a bar. Two aliens, one big hulking giant and a small blue hamster, are getting into a fight. Cassia sees the fight from outside the window, as everyone inside is getting excited. “Ah, so the cute little hamster thinks he’ll want to fight me?” The hamster suddenly snaps: “Don’t. Call. Me. CUTE!!!!!” A massive brawl begins, as Cassie tries to look away but is secretly impressed. We then see *only* her reaction as the hamster is badly beat up, as she begins to cringe. Suddenly, the hamster is thrown through the window and lands on her face, knocking both to the ground. “Thanks for the cover! No GO AWAY! I’M NOT DONE YET!” the hamster rushes back in as Cassie gets back up, awkwardly moving away as the Hamster get knocked through the window almost instantaneously. “Hey, I’m having a rough night!”


The next morning, we see Grann wake her up and wishes her a happy birthday. It was three months ago. “That was a year on my world…..here are 7 credits: Get yourself something nice dearie.” Cassie’s face lights up in excitement as she gives Grann a bit hug. “Thank you for letting me live here rent free for this time, and I’m about to go on an epic adventure to save my parents I’ll come back if I live!” Cassie say rapidly and excitedly, running out the door. Grann says, laughing, “Who was she telling all of that to?”


Cassie arrives at the lodge for bounty hunters, a very run down and uninviting looking place, where we see (in succession) an arsonist, a creepy clown monster, and a student who illegally downloaded a college textbook. Cassie arrives at the desk, becoming a bit nervous, using her credits to request a bounty hunter. Upon the offer, everyone starts laughing wildly. “But the sign said – “ The tough clerk clarifies that that while they do start at 30k credits, it’s a very bottom of the barrel selection. Cassia doesn’t care – she’ll take anything. “Anything?” she nods. Very well. Let me guide you to Marion’s room.


They enter a room where we see a large suit of armor standing there. Cassie is impressive. “30k, huh? This isn’t so bad. Nice to meet you, Marion. We’re gonna save my parents!” She high fives the armor, which comes apart instantly to reveal the hamster from yesterday, eye patch and all, from last night. “Ah…..now I see where the budget price came from.” Marion yells at her, claiming that he’s the best on a budget. Cassie simply explains that she needs help finding her parents (ALIVE) after they had been kidnapped. Marion says that after three years, they could very well be dead, but Cassie, glaring, says that at least the closure would be nice, still in mild disbelief that Marion is the name of a guy. He insists that it has a nice flair to it, and it’s the first code name he could think of.


As they get to Marion’s spaceship, he is very proud of the ship, named Keith. (Cassie does a double take, to Marion’s annoyance) Marion asks if she has any idea where to start – Cassie doesn’t. Marion, calmly and collectively, tells her that they can start by getting restocked at a “totally safe” and “legit” base. Suddenly, Marion is called. He has a bunch of mobsters on his tail after a story got out of hand. Moral of the story: Never work with Lyin’ Carl on anything. Cassie is beyond confused, wondering if he’s making all of this up. The mobsters reach is ship, and she realizes that he isn’t. After a comical chase around in their ship, complete with hold-up in traffic and vomit-inducing air tricks. As they get close, Marion and Cassie begin to panic, but Cassie realizes that it’s just like a video game she loved to play. She is able to get to the controls (despite Marion’s strictness) and gets both of them to safety.


Marion is beyond impressed for one moment, but hides it and demands control of the ship again. Cassie snarks that at this point, she might not even need a bounty hunter. Marion suddenly becomes desperate, admitting that he needs this job – if he fails one more mission, he’s out. Cassie, pretending to be hesitant, accepts. They soon arrive at the base, which made the bounty hunter lodge seem very nice and relaxed. Marion tells Cassie to stay in the ship and not mess with anything. She obliges.


Marion comes into the base, as we see a group of aliens deliver goods to Keith. Marion comes in to make a payment, as he runs in with two weasel-esque assassins, Moxie and Gravitas. They seem to be well acquainted, as Moxie begins to ask questions about Marion’s client, particularly who she is looking for. Marion pretends that he is taking on a different client, a massive popstar with bizarre songs, as he tries to make up bizarre, weird songs on the spot. Moxie and Gravitas are huge fans of this popstar, Celestina, and they beg to get her autograph. Marion begins to panic. In the ship, we see Cassie looking at old memories of her family, smiling. She sees Marion run to the ship and open the window. “What’s going on?” Cassie asks. “Long story. Put this on.” Marion pulls a diva costume out of his mouth (much to Cassie’s confusion – it is somehow still dry. “How did you – “ “JUST PUT IT ON!” Moxie and Gravitas arrive at the ship, smitten to meet Celestina, and she comes out (That is, Cassie in disguise) – Marion plays her poppy songs as Celestina signs them two autographs. They faint from excitement, and they escape.


Cassie, as soon as they are out of sight, takes off the costume in disgust. “That came from your mouth!!!” Marion explains that his mouth has beyond massive storage space, and he can probably fit this entire spaceship in his mouth if he tried. “Please don’t,” Cassie says. Marion, either way, thanks her for playing along, and asks Cassie where to go next. She remembers that her parents worked as diplomats to a planet called “Pipopi”, a name impossible to say without laughing. In a joke, Marion tries to anger Cassie by insulting her intelligence, trying to get her to say “Pipopi” in an angry voice. She begins laughing hysterically.


They eventually arrive, and everything is sickeningly cute and colorful. Think Cloud Cuckoo Land on acid. Marion warns her that too much exposure to….the c-world could leave them trapped here forever. His face begins to mysteriously light up. Meanwhile, Cassie is beyond smitten with the cute world, as well as the cute aliens. Apparently in arriving, the light of their ship scared away a giant monster, and for that, Marion and Cassie have saved the entire planet (for some reason). Marion is very concerned, fearing that a song may come next. Indeed, it does. The adorable Pipopians sing about their new saviors, and how they should stay forever as the ultimate heroes as Pipopi and be treated as royalty. Marion tells Cassie to not listen, but it is too late. She is lost in their charm and wants to stay.


Marion, however, had somewhat been playing. He was plotting to leave here there and take off on the ship - he can find her parents and just leave them here. Nothing bad would happen and they could live in paradise, and he wouldn’t have to constantly look out for her. However, as he begins to take off (amidst a completely entranced Cassie, who begins to see things in different art styles, such as a hand-drawn Disney style movie and as a Rankin-Bass stop motion film), he sees that the Pipopians are sacrificing Cassie to a giant snake-like monster that lives on the planet’s surface. Cassie finds the monster adorable, walking up as she risks becoming its meal. Marion, looking at her, rolls his eyes and tries to talk himself out of it. “You can’t just run away from this job – she needs to survive.” He manages to grab Cassie into his ship just as the snake is about to eat her. They actually dive into the snake’s mouth, and Maron’s turning the ship around causes the snake to faint as they rocket away. It however crashes, and they land back on the planet.


Suddenly, everyone cheers. This had all been a test of “friendship” given by the planets’ king, King Schmuzzykins. Cassie and Marion are both furious, but Cassie tries to calm down, ignoring the fact that she almost died a very embarrassing death. Going into the king’s castle, filled with bright colors, plushies, and where the feat is literally just candy and desert, Cassie asks if they knew her parents. Schmuzzykins explains that yes, they did. George and Vivian had part of a research team exploring the cultures of different, underserved civilizations across the galaxy. He does not know about the whereabouts of them now, but they know someone who might be able to help, Mordecai, a former research assistant on their mission. He had been AWOL for so long and has only disclosed his location to trusted people using a convoluted scavenger hunt. Cassie tells them not to worry – that it should go pretty quickly. Meanwhile, Marion is pigging out on candy and junk food, eventually getting a sugar rush. Cassie restrains him before he can break anything.


As they are in the ship, Cassie checks her watch as she waits for Marion to calm down. Once he does, he is completely passed out, and Cassie herself had fallen asleep. Marion, beginning to wake up, reads the first clue on the hunt, knowing exactly where to go. Meanwhile, we see Moxie and Gravitas on a bigger ship, discussing their autographs excitedly. Alongside them are braniac Finnegan, resembling an anthropomorphic axolotl, and their minotaur-esque captain, who legally changed his name to resemble his favorite celebrity. “Captain Fab?”, Finnegan calls out. The two realize that the signatures are fake, and Fab asks for a photo of Celestina. We see Marion hiding in the background, as he throws the device on the floor.  “Hey, I paid a lot for that!” Moxie complains. “Marion’s an idiot, you deserve it for being fooled so easily. (Moxie looks down in shame) Marion is most likely carrying the final connector. We need to stop them.” Suddenly, a monitor appears on the screen. “The Final What?” A masked menace appears, somewhat akin to Darth Vader. His name will supposedly make your head explode if you say it, so people just call him Jeff. “We are only missing her on this. Her parents weren’t enough. I expect her within the next few days, and our new world will be created. Is that clear?” They nod, nervously.


A montage plays, showing Marion and Cassie looking through different worlds (some referencing episodes of the show) on the scavenger hunt. They each balance each other out in figuring out the problems, as they eventually uncover the final location of Mordecai. They eventually set up a campfire before they reach their destination – both are mutually impressed with each other. Cassie tells the story of how she last saw her parents. It was the first time they were letting her come on a research mission – she was beyond stoked. As she recounts details, she realizes that she saw Moxie and Gravitas there – maybe once all of this is done, they can get their revenge. Marion seems nervous about it, having admitted to rolling with them in the past. He left simply because they saw him as nothing but a lazy, pathetic loser.  Now that they’re working for evil, he feels better about it. For the first time, he is vulnerable about his abilities, but realizes that their teamwork got them pretty far. He goes so far as to say Cassie could be a great bounty hunter. He then begins to feel super queasy.


Cassie instantly rolls her eyes at the killed moment, but Marion insists that it’s literally a neurological situation where chemicals triggering sentimental feelings in his brain literally make him nauseous. He’s not cynical, he’s just literally wired that way. They then arrive at a jungle-esque planet, wondering where exactly Mordecai’s base is. After stumbling upon an insane booby trap and nearly getting themselves killed had it not been for Marion literally swallowing the equipment, they would have died. Cassie is still freaking out. Suddenly, a furious Mordecai comes up to see who messed with his equipment. He is a pangolin-like creature who is short (up to Cassie’s waist) and wears a lab coat. He then sees Cassie and welcomes her back. He supposes that, upon a first glance, they are nearing the end of the journey for finding her parents and she had hired a short tempered yet secretly warm hearted bounty hunter to do so. “Wow, he’s good,” she says.


After going through nearly 100 floors of collectibles and museum exhibits, including….Mark Whalberg’s Space Pirate Hat, a costume of the sloth creature from Voltron, and a skeleton of a creature like Area in Spark Rising. They soon reach the main part of his hide-out, his main computer. Mordecai reveals that he uncovered secret info on where their parents may be living, and it may be horrifying. Jeff is trying to capture two organisms of each species in the universe, collecting their DNA to create a DNA-based mind control device, but it needs to have information on the minds of every species to work collectively, and just two of each species are needed. Mordecai doesn’t know how far he is, but he knows the location of his secret base, and considering how far the two heroes have come, they are worthy of this info. Cassie is shocked at how much he knows, but it probably explained the scavenger hunt and the killer obstacle course outside. They soon depart, thanking Mordecai excitedly (Cassie hugs him, disorienting him from lifting him in the air) and have one stop left to save their parents.


Cassie, back on the ship, becomes terrified. “This is it….no turning back now, huh?” Marion tells her not to worry, that they can get her parents and bail. Cassie tells him that they can’t just do that – this was way bigger than her parents – they need to save the ENTIRE universe! Marion soon realizes that her panic makes way more sense now. After a pause of humorous dread, Marion realizes that they may have no choice. He presses a big red button on his panel, one with labels not to push, and it sends a message that plays a small part of “Girl You Know It’s True.” Suddenly, in a moment of silence, a pirate ship arrives. “This may backfire horribly.”


We see Moxie, Gravitas, Finnegan, and Captain Fab arrive on the ship, en route to Jeff’s headquarters. The pirates capture Cassie and Marion, while the latter asks what now. “Use your pathos to convince them to join our side.” “WHAT?! THAT’S YOUR PLAN?!” Captain Fab comes up to them, “Well, look who bailed on our best job to date. And look at the young lady accompanying him on a fool’s errand to save the world.” Finnegan, “You know, I was so close to finding your axes anyway, it made the whole thing less climatic when you just dinged us where you were.” Cassie then simply asks them to turn against Jeff and help them save the galaxy. It backfires terrifically, and Marion rolls his eyes. “What, this is what you said to do!”


Suddenly, Fab asks Cassie if she can really trust Marion. Fab then reveals that Marion was involved on the mission that led to his parents being kidnapped, only for Moxie to accidentally blurt out that Fab is lying. Fab is furious at Moxie, while Gravitas tells him not to yell at his girlfriend. “My girlfriend?” Moxie says. “Oh crap, I was gonna ask you out once we took over the world.” As they continue to bicker, Finnegan admits to Cassie and Marion that he hates the three of them – he only joined the pirate program as a work study and waited to get the funds to open his own frozen yogurt restaurant. He frees Cassie and Marion as they continue on their way. Before they can leave the ship, Jeff calls them.


Jeff tells them that they are nothing but a bunch of incompetent idiots who can’t do anything right. They are on their own, and the worst assistants he could have hired. The pirates feel somewhat hurt, but Cassie steps in. “Hey, they did a very good job kidnapping us and trying to tear us apart in a fairly clever way. I know how these kinds of stories go, the ones where we become best friends then hate each other once we get close to the end; now that didn’t happen, but they deserve props for trying to make me hate Marion.” Marion glares at Cassie. As she continues her unexpected defense of the pirates, they warn her that a bunch of enemy ships are approaching. She then realizes, almost too late – Jeff had an entire armada as his base. They all get captured.


The next shot in all six of them in a cell, as Marion complains that they did that obstacle course when Jeff would end up simply coming to them. Cassie sits alone in a corner, feeling that it can’t end there – they could have been more than heroes. It was too late. Marion comes up to her, trying to give her comfort. He tries to tell her that if it’s any consolation, her parents could be here too. Her face lights up, as she runs to Fab to ask for one more favor. She calls to a guard that she has to go to the bathroom. Noticing that they are cat like, she distracts them with a laser pointer and runs off. The pirates also distract them to make sure Cassie gets away safely.


Using a map Fab gave her, she looks across huge stacks of cells with different species, but she eventually finds something incredible. Vivian and George are still alive, albeit asleep. She knocks on the cell wall to wake them up, and they do so. They don’t think it is more than a mirage at first, but it turns out to be really her. They try to hug, but the cell wall gets in the way. Vivian noticed a large control panel near the ceiling – if Cassie can get to it, she can trigger a prison riot. George warns her that the area is heavily guarded, and she will need to be stealthy. Cassie tells them not to worry, immediately getting spotted. After a fight with her dodging guard attacks, she realizes that she’s on her own for the first time in a while. Remembering the routine she did on the obstacle course, she is able to do a series of parkour tricks to dodge bullets and trigger a panel that releases all of the cages.


All hell breaks loose. Cassie returns to her parents, as the pirates catch up to her. They plan to use the chaos to reach Jeff and put an end to this. As they use Fab’s map to find a secret passage way they used to find Jeff, they are intercepted by a shrill siren played that triggers the mind control device. Everyone begins to chase after them in a zombie like fashion till only Cassie and Marion are the only ones free. Marion tells Cassie her idea, but she is disgusted. Realizing they may have no choice Cassie….lets Marion eat her. Marion uses his small size to climb through vents to get to Jeff, while Cassie floats around in a weird, pink-ish space with several other floating objects. “This is the weirdest thing to ever happen to me.” Marion comes out of a vent and lands right on Jeff, the evil mastermind behind all of this, controlling everyone telepathically. He spits out Cassie, who lands on the ground covered in drool. “May we never speak of this again.”


“So….mysterious villain we’re only seeing in the flesh now. Aka, Jeff. As Val Kilmer one said, Let My People Go!” Marion facepalms at Cassie’s desparate rebuttal, eventually trapping them in an electric net. “Now that you’re trapped, I’ll explain my motivation…..having all this power is so fun! That’s all! Being an evil mastermind is its own reward.” “That’s it?!” Cassie says, realizing Jeff was evil just for the sake of being evil. Getting past the confusion, they fight. They are soon overpowered, however, when Jeff controls Marion to try and kill Cassie. As Marion tries to resist, Cassie calls him cute. He snaps, but seems to be less controlled. Cassie has an idea. Angering him, but revealing more of his old self, Cassie manages to anger him until it sets him free and he breaks free of Jeff’s mind control. As everyone soon comes in, Cassie and Marion begin an epic roast and insult session that pisses everyone off but sets them free. Better, yet, they do it in a ska song written by Lin-Manuel Miranda. “I Hate You All.” The song begins by insulting the pirates, but as they break free, they begin to sing along too. (Admittedly, it’s more of a talking song – no one really sings, though Marion hits a fake operatic note at the end) As the song reaches an epic finale and everyone celebrates, Marion swallows Jeff whole. “Let me go, now, or my name isn’t – “ We hear a muffled noise inside Marion, followed by an explosion. It makes Marion burp.


Everyone cheers for their freedom, as Cassie finally reunites with her parents. It was a long journey, but she finally has a family again. They commend her for her incredible courage and their work in saving the universe, as everyone else cheers for them as well. Cassie, parting the pirates farewell, realizes that Marion may not really have anywhere else to go. George comments on how Cassie always wanted a pet when she was younger. Marion looks at her with a sense of hopeful belonging, getting wide eyed and sentimental again. However, he vomits because of his tick, and spits up Jeff’s headless body. Everyone looks at it (the body is off screen) and they grimace.


Back home, we see that George and Vivian have decided to continue their research and are under the protection of the pirate crew. Mordecai also continues to send messages and info to Cassie, seeing her as a friend and hero. Grann sees Cassie on the news and is thrilled. Meanwhile, after Cassie attends her first day at a prestigious school for intergalactic students, Marion is waiting for her in a spaceship. She gets in excitedly, asking about their mission today. Marion smiles, saying how they’ll figure that out once they get $150 million dollars and wait about three years. Cassie smiles, as they blast off. Behind them, a magazine blows into the screen, showing the two on the cover of “Bounty Hunters Weekly”


The credits are a 2D animation sequence of Cassie and Marion going on new adventures. It is set to a cover of Prism’s “Spaceship Superstar” by Patrick Stump of Fall Out Boy.



MID-CREDITS SCENE: Captain Fab realizes that Milli Vanilli had been lip syncing this whole time. He screams an epic “No!” into the sky.


POST CREDITS SCENE: The Pipopians look at the audience, thanking them for being so considerate and seeing everyone who worked so hard on the movie.



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Based on the song “Pyramids” by Frank Ocean
Director: Hiro Murai
Composer: Christopher Breaux (songs and score), Pharrell Williams (score)
Genre: Rock Opera / Musical / Historical Epic / Drama
Date: December 7th, Year 2
Studio: Alpha Pictures
Format: Live-action, 2D, 3D and IMAX 3D
Budget: $100 million
Theaters: 3,375
MPAA Rating: R
Running Time: TBD


Cast: TBD


Synopsis: Based on the Frank Ocean song "Pyramids", Pyramids is set in two different stories; the life and death of Queen Cleopatra, the last ruler of the kingdom of Egypt, and the modern life of Cleo, a young stripper working at the Pyramids club living on the wild side of life.

Edited by Alpha
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The Spoils of War


Director: Matt Reeves

Composer: Howard Shore

Genre: Fantasy Epic

Studio: Lager Pictures

Date: June 15th

Theater Count: 3,945

Format: 3D and IMAX 3D

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Runtime: 142 minutes

Budget: $150 million



Hugh Jackman (Odysseus)

Kate Winslet (Penelope)

Lena Headey (Athena)

Ian McShane (Poseidon)

with Julie Andrews (Eurycleia), Armand Assante (Laertes), Ewen Bremner (Laocoon), Sharlto Copley (Eurylochus), Martin Csokas (Nestor), Rhys Darby (Polites), Jamie Dornan (Hector), Jason Isaacs (Menelaus), Toby Kebbell (Young Laertes), Billy Magnussen (Achilles), Malcolm McDowell (Eumaeus), Callan Mulvey (Daxos), Bill Nighy (Priam), Art Parkinson (Young Odysseus), James Purefoy (Alcinous), Iwan Rheon (Anticlus), Tim Roth (Agamemnon), Bill Skarsgard (Sinon), Taika Waititi (Aeolus) and Andy Serkis (Polyphemus, mo-cap performance)


Plot Overview: 

King Odysseus of Ithaca is drawn away from his wife and newly born son into the battle of Troy. After ten years of fighting, he is finally ready to come home but angers one of the mightiest gods, Poseidon. Now Odysseus begins his treacherous home in the first film of an epic trilogy.





We open on the island of Scheria, early morning. The island is beautiful and lush with vegetation. A group of young women, late teens or early twenties, are walking along on the shore, conversing with one another when they come across the lifeless body of a man. They rush over to inspect the body. They notice that the man, while very physically built, is completely disheveled with wild hair going all over the place and minor scars along the body. One of the girls checks his pulse and find that it is still beating. The women quarrel amongst themselves about what to do with the man. Suddenly, the man awakes coughing up seawater and confused. One of the women asks if he is alright but the man ignores the question. Instead, he asks who the women are and where he is at. One of the women steps forward and tells him that he is on the island of Scheria. She reveals herself as Nausicaa, daughter of King Alcinous and Queen Arete of the Phaeacians. In return, she asks for the man’s name. Before the man can answer, he begins to feel dizzy and collapses on the ground. The women help the man up and proceed the walk back to their kingdom.

We cut to an establishing shot of the Phaeacian kingdom as the women enter the city. Nausicaa calls for help and a few men quickly come to her assistance. We see a montage of the man being treated for and being put to rest. King Alcinous (James Purefoy) is brought into the man’s quarters to inspect him. As he is conversing with one of the medicine men, the man awakens again panicking. The medicine man calms him down as Alcinous tells the man that he is safe and being treated. The disheveled man, calming himself down, looks around in confusion. The man asks Alcinous if he is the leader of this land. Alcinous confirms the man’s question and asks him for his name in return. The man tells Alcinous that his name is not important but graciously thanks Alcinous for his hospitality. Alcinous shrugs it off saying that he should his daughter Nausicaa instead. Without her coming upon his body, he probably would’ve been left for the elements. The man chuckles, dryly staring that dying would be his best option at this point. Alcinous, smiling, tells the man that the village is putting together a feast for the night and would like him to join. The man agrees to go.



Later that night, the man joins the Phaeacians for a feast. As they eat, the people are entertained by a blind poet who recites two stories: one about a love affair between the gods Ares and Aphrodite and the other about the Trojan War. As the poet tells the story of the Trojan War, we see the man get visibly more upset. The King notices and demands the poet to stop at once. Alcinous goes over to the man to ask him what is wrong. Breathing heavily, the man reveals himself as Odysseus, King of Ithaca. Alcinous and his people are taken aback by the revelation. The people converse, wondering if the man is indeed the same man who fought in the Trojan War and the Greek King that’s been missing for over twenty years. Odysseus solemnly confirms both statements. He addresses that he has been trying to get home for quite some time but that it seems the whole world is out to get him. Confused, Alcinous questions the reasoning for his long disappearance. Odysseus smiles and asks, “Where do I begin?”




The Odyssey

The Spoils of War


We open up on Odysseus as a young boy (Art Parkinson) hunting a wild boar with his father Laertes (Toby Kebbell). Odysseus in the present narrates in conjunction with the scene playing out on screen. In the scene, Laertes stands back as he allows his son to successfully kill the boar with a spear. Laertes is visibly satisfied with his son’s success and compliments his son’s fierceness. In the aftermath, we see the two of them carrying the boar along a trail to the City-State of Ithaca.


As this occurs, Odysseus narrates that he was the son of Laertes, who acted as ruler of Ithaca. He explains that from the moment he could walk, he was trained to one day become the leader of Ithaca, to become better than any other king before him. We visually see a progression of time as Odysseus grows older as he perfects his hunting skills and grows to become a charismatic voice amongst Ithacan people.



His demeanor catches the attention of island native Penelope (Kate Winslet) who quickly becomes infatuated with Odysseus and Odysseus to her. Odysseus explains to Alcinous that while most men would bounce off from one woman to another if a relationship got stale or vice-versa, something compelled him and Penelope together. He explains that he finds it hard to put into words what made her so special amongst all the other women but ultimately chalks it up to one thing: her unwavering loyalty.


Odysseus narrates that he eventually claimed the throne from his father and took in Penelope as his Queen. A further passage of time later, we see that Penelope is in the middle of labor, about to give birth. Odysseus, by her side, comforts her saying everything will be alright. Penelope’s right-hand servant Eurycleia (Julie Andrews), Odysseus’ shepherd Eumaeus (Malcolm McDowell), and Odysseus’ father Laertes (now played by Armand Assante) is also present. Penelope gives birth to a son, Telemachus. Odysseus narrates that it was one of the proudest moments in his life, as we see him carrying infant Telemachus onto a cliff overlooking the Mediterranean sea. Odysseus tells baby Telemachus that one day, when he is old and decrepit, that he will inherit the land.


“Unfortunately, my happiness was short-lived. It seemed the gods and the world around me had other things in mind.” Odysseus looks over the sea and sees an armada of ships approaching on the horizon. “Dark news was coming to my shores. Beloved Greece was at war with Troy, a city far across the seas” Cut to Odysseus walking along the shore with Agamemnon, king of the Mycenae (Tim Roth) and Menelaus, king of Sparta (Jason Isaacs). Agamemnon explains the situation to Odysseus. Helen, the wife of Menelaus and Queen of Sparta, was taken by the Trojans. Agamemnon says they aren’t clear on the reasonings on why this happened but they suspect that Helen was having an affair with the Trojan prince Paris. Menelaus, who appears visibly livid, tells Odysseus that they are gathering all of the Greek kingdoms together to fight the Trojans and that they need his help. Odysseus appears conflicted over what to do. He tells the pair that he doesn’t want to abandon his country after having just been blessed with an infant son, as he fears he’ll never return. Agamemnon levels with him, saying that without all of Greece on their side, they will surely fail. He reminds Odysseus of the age-old pact that was made between the city-states, that all would band together if one city-state was attacked. Agamemnon tells Odysseus to use his wife and son as a drive to help Greece win the war. Odysseus complies and agrees to help.


Over the course of a week, Odysseus preps his troops and ships for an expectedly long war. Aided by his right-hand man Polites (Rhys Darby), he is able to put together an armada of his finest soldiers. Cut to Penelope in her room overlooking the kingdom below as Odysseus approaches her. Odysseus tells her that his army is ready to go and that they will set sail at dawn the next day. Penelope gives a half-hearted smile. When Odysseus asks her what is wrong, she bluntly explains that she is distraught at the idea of him being gone so long.




Odysseus nods, telling her that he too is not happy with the situation but says that he must uphold the promise that was made by the kingdoms. He tells her that if he does not return twenty years after his leave when Telemachus is fully grown and sporting a beard, that she must remarry. Penelope is distraught by this saying that she will wait for as long as it takes, even until she is wrinkled and old, for him to come home. Odysseus comforts her saying that he never wants her to be alone and to have someone that can be there for her. Penelope, tearful, embraces Odysseus. She tells him to fight for their kingdom and to fight for their family. Odysseus nods firmly.


The next day, the Ithacan army prepares their armada of ships to set sail for Troy. Odysseus says his goodbyes to his father and the rest of his close staff (tells Eurycleia and Eumaeus to help look after Telemachus and to be the parental figures that he needs). Finally, Odysseus and Penelope share one final kiss before he leaves. As the ship sails away, Odysseus stares longingly back at Penelope, who is holding baby Telemachus in her arms. The two share a long stare as the brigade of ships fade into the horizon.


Cut to night time a few days into the voyage to Troy. The men on Odysseus’ ship enjoy themselves, eating, drinking wine and telling stories. One of Odysseus’ men, Eurylochus (Sharlto Copley), talks about how the walls of Troy tower above all, reaching the heavens (though he is clearly drunk while telling this). The men laugh at Eurylochus’ story as the camera cuts to Odysseus sitting near the back corner of the ship, minding himself. Narrating, Odysseus notes that every passing night felt like an eternity to him. Even in the company of his men, he felt alone, like the gods had simply ignored his internal cries for help. Odysseus speaks aloud telling the goddess Athena that even if she is no longer with him, he can do everything himself. “Hm. Is that any way to speak to your protector?” Odysseus peaks his head to his left side to see the goddess Athena (Lena Headey) next to him. Odysseus laughs, embarrassed at himself and takes a sip of wine. Athena asks if he is drinking to drown out the fear of what is coming. Odysseus scoffs at the idea, stating he fears nothing. Athena says she is only teasing but can tell he is angry at her. Odysseus asks her why she didn’t persuade Agamemnon and Menelaus to leave him be on the island, to keep him from fighting in battle. Athena scolds him saying that she is a goddess and has other things to worry about other than Odysseus’ personal issues. Athena tells Odysseus that this war is something he can’t escape. The gods all want him and the Greeks to defeat the Trojans. Odysseus tells her that he has fought for far too long but Athena disagrees. She tells him that it is his destiny to do battle, to become immortal, and have his name remembered for countless generations. Odysseus scoffs, telling her that being remembered as an immortal hero is something he can live without. Athena laughs. “Odysseus, don’t lie to me. I know how you really are. Your pride, your bravery, your vanity, they all makeup who you are.” Odysseus and Athena share a laugh together as they watch Odysseus’ men drunken escapades. Athena warns him to be wary of his men on the battlefield. Odysseus asks why she would say that. Athena tells him that she senses not all of them will stick with him all the way. She comments on Polites’ stubbornness, Eurylochus’ sociopathic tendencies, Anticlus’ (Jack Reynor) over-curiosity, and young Sinon’s (Bill Skarsgard) wide-eyed personality.




Odysseus defends his soldiers saying that he believes them all to be great warriors, saying that he has no reason not to trust them. Athena tells him that she hopes he is right in that regard.

Odysseus opens up to her, saying that the reason he is saddened that he will never be able to watch his son grow up like his father did for him. He asks Athena to help watch over Telemachus, to guide him down the right path. Athena reassures him that she will always watch over his son but also tells Odysseus to fight for them on the battlefield. She wants him to win the war for the sake of Greece. Odysseus smiles, saying that he won’t have anything to fear with her around. Before he can finish his sentence, Athena disappears into thin air. Odysseus, now filled with confidence, joins his men in their feast.


A fear years later, we open on a raging battle between the Trojans and the Greeks outside the walls of Troy.


We see Odysseus fighting alongside his men in battle. He is fearless and shows no signs of fatigue. We also see his men Polites, Eurylochus, Anticlus, and Sinon fighting Trojan soldiers in separate shots. Sinon is overpowered by a Trojan soldier and is almost killed but it is saved at the last moment by Odysseus. Odysseus tells the young soldier to never let his guard down. Sinon takes Odysseus’ words to heart and continues fighting. Narrating over the battle, Odysseus tells the audience that the war seemed to never end. Year after year, thousands of soldiers were lost on both sides yet the Greeks were never able to gain ground on the Trojans. Odysseus comments that while the battles never gained the Greeks much ground, they still had the advantage of having the world's greatest warriors on their side. Cut to the Greek warrior Achilles (Billy Magnussen) on the other side of the battlefield. We see in an epic one-shot sequence as he takes on several Trojan soldiers, killing them effortlessly with speed and aggression. Odysseus comments that Achilles was the best soldier out of all of the Greeks.



Even though Odysseus was years older than Achilles was, even he could not compare to the young soldier's strength on the battlefield. In the battle, we see the Greeks and Trojans come to a stalemate as neither side is able to defeat the other. Both armies announce a truce and go back to their sides respectively.




Later on in the night, the Greek generals including Odysseus, Achilles, Agamemnon, Menelaus, and Nestor (Martin Csokas) meet to discuss how to deal with the Trojan armies. Achilles is angered that so men have been lost on the battlefield yet nothing has been accomplished. Agamemnon tells Achilles that they must keep fighting for the sake of Greece. Menelaus and Nestor comply with Agamemnon, with Menelaus saying that he won’t take defeat lightly. Achilles says they are fools and that death is upon all of them. Agamemnon and Achilles continue to furiously debate with one another, getting into each other's faces. Odysseus breaks the two apart, saying that nothing will be accomplished from pointless squabbling. As they are settled apart, a Greek soldier enters the tent telling the generals that a Trojan messenger has come to relay a message to them. The generals allow the Trojan messenger to relay his message. The messenger tells them that Hector (Jamie Dornan), the son of King Priam and brother of Paris) has challenged the warrior Achilles to a duel. The duel is to take place at the crack of dawn. Both sides are unable to interfere until the duel is over. The messenger asks whether or not there is a deal. Achilles answers saying that he will duel Hector.


The next day, we cut to the walls of Troy. The gates open as we see Prince Hector, fully covered in armor walk out, with an army of men far behind him. Achilles, with minimal armor, approaches with the Greek army a distance behind him. Odysseus wishes the young warrior luck. Achilles tells Odysseus that he doesn’t need luck but thanks him for the support. Achilles and Hector approach one another. Hector mocks Achilles, saying that he expected a great Greek warrior of his stature to be older. Achilles fires back saying that he expected the son of a king to not hide his face behind a headpiece. After a long staredown, the two proceed to fight one another. Both soldiers seem to be an even match for one another.  After a few minutes of fighting, Achilles is able to overpower Hector and knock him down to the ground. Exhausted from fighting, Hector begs for mercy. Achilles tells Hector that he shall give no mercy as the Trojans never showed mercy to any of the dead Greek soldiers. Achilles jabs his spear through Hector’s throat and pushes him to the ground. Cut to the men in the Greek army cheering as Odysseus watches silently. As Hector cries out in pain, he reaches out to the sky. Achilles puts his foot on Hector’s chest as Hector breathes his final breath. Thunderous cheering from the Greeks erupts as see a massive wide shot of the army in celebration. The Trojan men, shocked at the prince’s death, are unresponsive. Suddenly, a horn from the Trojan walls erupts and the men charge into battle. Achilles drags Hector’s body by the foot back towards the Greek army. As he passes through, the Greek warriors begin their run towards the Trojans. The battle erupts with both sides evenly matching one another. Odysseus watches from afar as Achilles ties Hector’s body to a chariot and proceeds to ride, dragging the body on the ground while proclaiming his victory.


Odysseus (narrating): The Greeks had finally found a major victory. We felt unstoppable that day. However, our victory was short lived. As the days grew on and the months followed, we continued to face more casualties than victories. In the end, we lost more than we needed including our greatest.


Jump cut to Achilles lying dead on a funeral pyre. Odysseus explains that the great warrior was not invincible like everyone believed him to be. He says that the great warrior was brought down by a spear to his heal. Odysseus notes the cruel irony of the death. We see the Greek army, now significantly smaller than before, gathered around the pyre. We see Agamemnon and Menelaus watch emotionless as the pyre is lit on fire.


Odysseus (narrating): We all felt defeated that day. Beloved Greece had lost her best soldier and no one knew what to do next. Even our fearless leaders, Agamemnon and Menelaus, were unsure about how to continue. I felt as helpless as everyone else. I had to do something for them, something to end this ongoing struggle for good.



Cut to a few hours later as Odysseus is sitting by himself at a small fire he built for himself. Odysseus is picking at the fire with a small stick when Athena appears next to him. Odysseus tells her that the morale of the men is lower than it has ever been before. Athena agrees with Odysseus and asks what he plans to do about it. Odysseus says he is unsure and states that the amount of men they have now is insufficient to successfully defeat the Trojans. Athena reminds him that the gods are still on their side and are willing to help. Odysseus asks Athena what she thinks they should do. Athena smiles and tells him to listen carefully. Cut to an hour later as Odysseus bursts into Agamemnon’s tent telling him that he has a plan to defeat the Trojans.


The next morning, we see the Trojans marching onto the battlefield ready for the Greeks. We see King Priam (Bill Nighy) walking among the army. The soldiers look around to find the Greek camp deserted with no ships, tents or men in sight. The soldiers debate what this could mean. A few believe that the Greeks have finally given up and left the battle. Others argue that they may be hiding somewhere. King Priam notices a giant object in the distance and commands his men to march towards it. As they get closer, they find the giant object to be an enormous statue of a horse with wheels on the bottom (80 feet tall). The Trojans look in awe at the enormous statue. Priam states that it looks like it was built from parts of the Greek ships, stating it is a worthy trophy. Two of Priam’s men call their king saying they found a Greek spy hiding. We see the spy is Sinon, who is thrown to the ground. Sinon begs for mercy stating that the horse is an offering from the Greeks to the Trojans. Priam asks where the Greeks went. Sinon tells them that the Greeks realized they couldn’t win the war so Sinon convinced them to build the horse as an offering of surrender. Sinon, overactivity weeping, says the Greeks branded him a coward and left him to beg for mercy. Sinon begs Priam to spare him his life and take the offering as a gift from the Greeks for the death of Hector.


As Sinon is talking to Priam, we cut to inside the horse where we see a couple hundred soldiers in the Greek army hiding. Odysseus watches Sinon while Eurylochus cringes, saying Sinon has to be the worst liar he’s ever seen. Odysseus asks Eurylochus how he would know what being a good liar is like. Eurylochus tells him that a good liar never wines and bitches when they are questioned. Polites then asks Eurylochus why he yelled at him when he asked Eurylochus if was a virgin. After a long awkward silence, the men go back to watching Sinon.




One of the Trojan soldiers, Laocoon (Ewen Bremner), scoffs saying that Sinon is a liar and that the Greeks wouldn’t leave so easily. Sinon denies it saying that he is telling the truth. Sarcastically, Laocoon tells Sinon that maybe he is right. Laocoon proceeds to throw his spear into the belly of the horse which hits Anticlus in the foot. Polites covers Anticlus’ mouth before he can scream in pain. Sinon cringes when he sees the spear hit but goes back to his serious demeanor before someone notices. Laocoon laughs hysterically saying the horse is nothing but a sham and walks over to the water. Sinon notices Athena standing right next to him. She winks at him before disappearing. Sinon looks back and sees something moving in the water. As Laocoon continues to laugh hysterically, he looks and notices a dark figure moving towards him. Suddenly, a large tentacle circles around him and grips onto him. Laocoon cries out in pain as this happens as the Trojans begin to panic. The tentacle completely enwraps Laocoon as it begins to drag him out to sea. The men watch horrified as Laocoon screams in agony as he slammed into and out of the water over and over again. Sinon quickly tells Priam that they have angered the sea-god Poseidon and must take the offering or face the same fate as Laocoon. Priam looks back as the sea monsters mouth opens to devour Laocoon. Priam orders his men to bring the horse into the walls. Inside the horse, the men are relieved. Odysseus thanks the gods their help.


Inside the walls, the Trojans rejoice as they believe they have won the war. A huge celebration is thrown as men and women eat, drink, and celebrate into the night. Inside the horse, Polites asks Odysseus what the next course of action will be. Odysseus tells his friend to be patient and that everything is going as expected. For about a minute, we watch as the Trojans continue their drunken celebration.


Later on, that night, as the Trojans are sleeping, Sinon sneaks out of his sleeping area to signal the Greeks out of the horse. One by one, the Greeks descend from the horse by rope and sneak their way around Troy. Odysseus climbs down last. A Trojan soldier awakens and shouts out to wake all of Troy. Chaos erupts as the Greeks massacre the drowsy city. Odysseus proceeds to light one of the houses on fire, causing a chain reaction. The Trojan soldiers fall one by one as we cut to a wide shot of the city in flames. We see from a far distance the Greek fleet lying in wait, hidden and out of sight. Agamemnon and Menelaus notice the burning city. Menelaus rejoices and the rest of the soldiers join in. We see a montage of the Greeks continuing their massacre and burning the city as the rest of the Greek army joins in the fight. We also see Agamemnon kill Priam and the rest of the royal family as Menelaus rescues Helen.


The next day, Odysseus walks along the rocks on the beach overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. Filled with overconfidence, Odysseus boasts about his achievements to the gods. Odysseus says that he no longer needs the help of the gods, that he can do anything. The sea begins to turn violent as we hear a deep voice call out Odysseus’ name. Odysseus asks who is there. The voice turns out to be Poseidon (Ian McShane) who scolds Odysseus, calling him a fool for forgetting about how the gods helped him out. Poseidon reminds him of how he gave all of the ships safe passage to Troy and how he silenced Laocoon by sending his sea serpent to


stop him. Odysseus yells that the gods let the Greeks suffer for ten long years and questions why the gods never did anything to stop it. Poseidon calls Odysseus blind, that a man is nothing without the gods, and tells him that he will suffer greatly for his offenses. He curses Odysseus saying that he will never reach Ithaca so long as he travels the seas. Odysseus fires back saying that no one can stop him. Poseidon ends by repeating that Odysseus will suffer greatly. Odysseus stands in silence as he watches over the violent shoreline. “Nobody, not even the gods, will keep me from seeing my beloved Ithaca again.”


Dissolve to Odysseus and his men sailing for home. Cut to Odysseus standing at the front of the ship looking hopeful to the horizon.


Odysseus (narrating): At long last, the war had finally ended. The Greeks were all finally going home. Poseidon’s words of pain and suffering had not phased me in the slightest. For me, the only thing that mattered was returning to that once familiar land I call home.


Cut to an establishing shot of Ithaca. We see Eumaeus tending to his sheep along with Telemachus, now a ten-year-old boy.  Telemachus asks Eumaeus if he believes that his father is coming home. Eumaeus says he is unsure but says that he has been having visions that Greece has triumphed over Troy. Telemachus questions what his father was like. Eumaeus tells the boy that he sees a lot of Odysseus in him, saying that they are both strong-willed and share a great deal of intelligence. Telemachus tells Eumaeus that it might feel weird to actually meet his dad as he considers him and the other servants to be parents to him. Eumaeus brushes off the compliment saying that Telemachus will have no problem connecting with Odysseus when he gets back.


From afar, Penelope watches Telemachus as she and Eurycleia weave baskets together. Laertes enters the room and asks Eurycleia to leave so he may talk to Penelope alone. Eurycleia complies and exits the room. Penelope asks Laertes to speak his mind. Laertes tells Penelope that he is very worried about Odysseus but more worried about Telemachus. Laertes scolds Penelope, telling her that she is not raising him properly to be king. He notes that he raised Odysseus to become king from birth, training him to be both a man of power and strength. Penelope counters saying that Odysseus at least had a father to teach him, something that Telemachus does not have. Laertes tells her that she is doing nothing for Telemachus to at least prepare him for royalty when she grows old and cannot rule the kingdom anymore. 


Penelope angrily tells Laertes to not tell her how to raise her own child and tells Laertes that he is nothing but a stone wall of emotion. Laertes, soft-spoken, replies that even a stone wall can break and bleed. A small tear drips from his face before he regains his composure. He tells his daughter-in-law that he misses Odysseus just as much as she does and is in fear of his son not returning. Laertes exits the room leaving Penelope alone.


Cut back to Odysseus and his men on the ship. Polites looks off into the distance and notices an incoming fog approaching from afar. He asks Odysseus what they should do about it. Odysseus tells him to keep the ship sailing forward. Polites yells to three ships sailing alongside them to keep moving into the storm. Polites questions Odysseus if he really thinks it is a good idea to sail through the fog. Odysseus sternly tells him that he fears nothing. Polites complies and orders the men to keep moving forward. Eurylochus, overhearing this, converses with some of the crewmates. Eurylochus expresses his distrust in Odysseus. Sinon tells him to not doubt Odysseus as he was the one who helped them win the Trojan war. Eurylochus says that the gods are the only reason any of them are still alive. Sinon agrees but notes Odysseus was the one who helped them to carry out the plan. Eurylochus explains that he feels that Odysseus isn’t being honest about his intentions. Anticlus dismisses Eurylochus, saying he’s talking out of his ass. Eurylochus smirks saying that he might be but he’s not too sure.


We see a bird’s POV from far up above of the four ships as they enter the fog and disappear as the camera pans into the fog. We see a montage of the ships sailing through the water.


Odysseus (narrating): We were separated from the main fleet on the way home. We sailed through a wall of fog for months on end. It seemed to never end until one day…


Anticlus, on top of the ship's mass, notices land ahead. He calls down to Odysseus. The men all excitedly huddle around the front of the ship. Odysseus orders them to man the oars and ready to row to shore. The men prepare the oars and row collectively to the shore. They land on a beach, still surrounded by fog, and all unload. Odysseus orders a few of his men to scout out the area to find any inhabitants on the island. As they wait, Polites notes that he hears the sounds of sheeps and goats in the distance. Odysseus ponders what gifts to bring to the inhabitants. Anticlus returns to inform Odysseus that the men found a cave with food inside, giving Odysseus and the other men pieces of cheese he found inside (Polites scarfs down a big chunk of cheese in one sitting as Sinon watches in amazement). Odysseus orders a few of his men including Sinon and Polites to gather some material for firewood (especially the latter whom Odysseus says will eat all the food before the host of the cave arrives back) while the rest follow him up to the cave.



When the group arrives at the cave, they find a massive supply of food including cheese and bread. Anticlus remarks that they will be plenty full by the end of the night, to which Odysseus agrees. Odysseus tells the men they will offer the wine from their ship to the hosts in exchange for clean water. One of Odysseus’ men, Daxos (Callan Mulvey), comments about the large boulder moved off to the side. He asks Eurylochus whether or not whatever lives on the island is large enough to move the boulder. Eurylochus is unsure but says he could care less as all he cares about is filling his stomach with as much cheese as possible.


Back near the ship, Sinon and Polites converse with one another. Sinon tells Polites how relieved he is that they finally found land after months of traveling while Polites only seems fixated on how great the cheese was. Sinon, looking on the ground for more sticks, suddenly stops when he finds a something on the ground. The camera focuses on his face as he is visibly shocked by what he sees. Polites stops and calls the other men to come over quickly. They gather around and are all shocked to see a giant footprint marked into the ground.


Back in the cave, Odysseus and his men prepare a fire and begin to feast on their food. The men joke around and tease one another when they notice a flock of sheep coming up from the hill and into the cave. Anticlus, drunken, wonders if they should kill some of the sheep to eat for their feast. Odysseus says he wants to meet the shepherd or shepherds first before they eat anything. Right behind the sheep, the sounds of rumbling can be heard. A giant, 15 feet tall, walks into the cave as the men look in horror. Once all of the sheep are inside the cave, the giant turns and pushes the boulder over the entryway. The giant turns around, revealing itself to be a cyclops. In a booming voice, the cyclops asks the men who they are. The men stare dumbfounded at the giant. Odysseus replies that they are soldiers, lost and wanting to rest for the night. The cyclops is angered when he sees that the men have eaten a good portion of his food. Odysseus replies that they helped themselves. He mentions how it is a custom for hosts to give gifts to weary travelers. The cyclops boasts that on his island, there is no law and that cyclops do as they want. Odysseus chuckles, asking if there are other cyclops on the island. The cyclops says there are and that his older siblings get the bigger caves as he is the shortest. Odysseus asks who the cyclops’ parents are to which the cyclops tells him that his mother was a sea nymph and his father is the mighty sea-god Poseidon. Anticlus laughs at this in the background but is silenced by Eurylochus. The cyclops reveals his name to Polyphemus (Andy Serkis in motion capture/voice). He asks Odysseus to bring him the “gifts” that he offers. Odysseus asks Anticlus to bring the giant cheese. When he offers, Anticlus is swiftly knocked away by the giant. Polyphemus grabs two of Odysseus’ men, stating that he prefers meat instead. Odysseus tries to reason with the giant but the giant ignores his words and proceeds eat both men alive (shown off-screen in shadow form). Odysseus and his men watch horrified as Polyphemus feasts on the two bodies.



When the giant finishes eating, he uses one the dead men’s swords to pick at his teeth. Polyphemus asks himself who he will eat next to the soldiers all draw their swords. Odysseus orders his men to stand down. He offers himself up to the cyclops but warns the monster that if he eats him, then he will not be able to get the “magic” out of his head. The cyclops dryly replies that he will spit his head to which Odysseus counters saying that the cyclops won’t learn any secrets about the world. “Surely the sons of Poseidon aren’t stupid.” The cyclops asks what kind of secrets Odysseus could tell him. Odysseus orders Anticlus to bring him the wine. Anticlus (not taking his eyes off the cyclops) brings Odysseus a giant bowl and pours the wine into it. Odysseus offers up the wine to Polyphemus telling him that it is the drink of the gods. The cyclops takes the wine and begins to slowly gulp it down (reaction shots of the men anxiously waiting are shown as he drinks). When the cyclops finishes, he impatiently throws the bowl back at Anticlus demanding another bowl. Polyphemus expresses his liking for the wine and asks Odysseus for his name. Odysseus thinks for a moment before replying, “My name? Well, my name is nobody!” After drinking a few more cups of wine, Polyphemus resolves to go to sleep demanding that Odysseus tell him more secrets in the morning. The giant falls asleep, snoring loudly.


Anticlus expresses his desire to kill the cyclops to which Odysseus replies that no one will be able to move the giant stone if the monster is dead. A few men walk over to the stone to try and move it to no avail. Eurylochus asks if there is another way out. After thinking it over, Odysseus comes up with an idea.


Daxos continues to play his recorder to soothe the cyclops’ sleep as the other men chip away at a giant stick creating a spear. When the men are finished, they carry the spear together as Daxos’ music starts to become shakier. Odysseus tells the men to wait as the cyclops leans over on his side. At Odysseus’ signal, the men plunge the giant spear into the monster’s eye right as Polyphemus awakens. The monster roars in pain as he grasps the air around him. The men duck and cover as they try to avoid being stepped on.


From outside, Sinon and Polites watch from a distance as they hear the sounds of pain coming from the cave. They question what is going on but are cut short when they hear the sounds of giant footsteps coming from around the cave. The two men duck for cover as three Cyclopes (all over 20 feet tall) come around the corner carrying giant torches and stop in front of the cave. Sinon and Polites both peak their heads out to watch. The tallest of the three asks Polyphemus what just happened. Cut to inside the cave as Polyphemus screams out in agony:

“He has blinded me, brothers!”

“Who has blinded you Polyphemus?!”

“Nobody! Nobody has blinded me!”

The three giants look at each other confused.

“Well if nobody has blinded you then you must be alright.”

“No! Listen to me! Nobody hit me right in the eye! You must listen to me!

“Listen, little brother, if you awaken us again with another one of your lame jokes, I will make your insides into jam. Do you understand?!”

“Brother, you have to listen to me, please!!!”

The three cyclopes begin to walk away as Sinon and Polites watch.

“I’m sticking my foot up his ass when he gets up tomorrow (one of the other cyclopes says).”

“I’ll probably beat you too it (the main cyclopes says).”




After the cyclops disappear, Sinon and Polites race over the cave. Back inside, Polyphemus continues to shout in agony as he lifts the boulder from out of its place. Before the group can escape, Polyphemus blocks the entryway as the men begin to back up. Thinking of what to do, Odysseus turns towards the sheep for help. Odysseus releases the sheep and orders his men, quietly, to climb under the sheep. As the sheep begin to exit the cave, Polyphemus feels around on top of the creatures as Odysseus and his men are carried out. Sinon and Polites follow behind them. Daxos and another man are knocked off their sheep and are left behind. Polyphemus quickly snatches up the unknown man and devours him. Daxos frantically plays his music to try to confuse the cyclops but is grabbed and eaten.


The men frantically race back to their ships but the ensuing comotion causes many of the other cyclopes to awaken. When the cyclopes see the men, they begin to chase after them. Many of the men are snatched up (including Polites but is saved when Sinon drives an axe into the cyclops). The men make it back to their ships and proceed to set sail. As they sail away, the giants gather around with Polyphemus not far behind. Odysseus filled with pride mocks Polyphemus and the other giants. In an act of lapse in judgment, Odysseus reveals his name to be Odysseus. Polyphemus curses him and the rest of the ships as his cries echo into the distance.


Odysseus (narrating with footage of the ships traveling the seas): We set sail for many months at a time, from the Cyclops island into the heart of the Mediterranean. Our hearts were aching to set foot back on Ithaca and our minds yearned for our loved ones. Yet we were low on supplies and we desperately needed to rest. Luckily for us, the answer to our troubles was quickly answered in the island of Aeolia.


The four ships dock on a beach and unload. The men appear to be scruffier and dirty having not cleansed themselves for many months. Odysseus, Sinon, Polites, Anticlus, and Eurylochus each fill up on water and drink profusely. Jump cut to later as the men travel through the island in search of inhabitants. The group comes upon a kingdom, filled with men and women (who somewhat resemble Greek versions of hippies). Odysseus is brought to the king of the island, Aeolus (Taika Waititi). Aeolus tells Odysseus that he and most of the other gods know of his quarrel with Poseidon but that he is willing to help Odysseus get home. Odysseus asks why and Aeolus tells him that he sees no reason not to, other than to spite Poseidon (who is his cousin). Odysseus thanks Aeolus but asks how he will help him. Aeolus tells Odysseus he is the god of the wind (showcasing his powers by floating air and doing the equivalent of airbending) and tells Odysseus that he will use his winds to give the fleet safe passage home and block any outside attacks from Poseidon. He tells Odysseus that winds should be able to get the fleet back to Ithaca in the course of nine days. Aeolus uses wind from the sky to fill up a giant sack telling Odysseus not to open it as it contains the westward wind that will blow the ships off their course. Odysseus thanks Aeolus for the gifts and the hospitality. The men spend the night on the island, feasting and chatting.


The next day, the men set their sails for Ithaca. The winds cause the boats to travel even faster than before. Odysseus looks valiantly over the sea. Eurylochus, taking a break from rowing, begins to eye Odysseus’ bag of wind. He converses with the other men, including Sinon and Anticlus, as to what it might be. Eurylochus believes that Odysseus took gold for himself and expresses anger that he and the rest of the crew (but mostly himself) aren’t receiving anything. Polites tells him that if it is for Odysseus only then they should leave it alone. Eurylochus ignores him and begins to examine the bag. When he attempts to open it, Odysseus knocks his hand away. Odysseus promises the crew that he will tell them all about the bag when they reach Ithaca. The men all share a laugh together as Eurylochus looks at Odysseus in spite.


Cut back to the island of the cyclops as we see many of the monsters gathered around Polyphemus, who lays dying on a mound of rocks. The cyclops question how they could’ve let this happen as a giant wave splashes up from behind. A figure lands behind the cyclops revealing it to be Poseidon. The cyclops turn around and greet their father who ignores them and walks over to his dying son. Polyphemus, confused, asks his father where he is. Poseidon comforts his son and asks him to explain what happened to his eye. Polyphemus relays everything that happened and tells his father that Odysseus blinded his eye. Poseidon comforts his son as he reassures his son that his death will not end in vain, that he will make the mortal suffer to his last breath. Polyphemus thanks his father and takes in his final breathe. Poseidon grieves momentarily for the loss of his son and proceeds to stand. He promises the rest of the cyclops that he will torture Odysseus til the day he dies. In a fit of rage, he jumps off the cliff and enlarges as he hits the water. The god proceeds to swim off as his children watch bewildered.



Cut back to Odysseus watching the sunset on the horizon. The ships are about a day away from Ithaca. Odysseus appears disheveled, having not slept in days. Sinon engages in conversation with Odysseus asking if he is nervous about meeting his son for the first time. Odysseus replies that he is nervous and excited at the same time. Sinon tells him that he cannot wait to reunite with his parents and tell them about all about the war. Odysseus teases Sinon asking if he has a special lady back home. Sinon, embarrassed, tells Odysseus that he had a very good lady friend who he was tempted to ask out but didn’t have the courage to tell her how he felt. He speculates that she is probably already taken. Odysseus reassures the young soldier that when they all get back, no woman will be able to resist any of them. The two share a chuckle as Polites joins them, remarking that all he wants is a giant hog inside of his stomach. Odysseus remarks that Polites might as well procreate with the animals if he is so obsessed with them. This causes the whole crew to laugh with Polites bewildered as to what Odysseus said (claims he couldn’t hear him that well) to which Odysseus laughs at.


Dissolve to later at night as we Odysseus fighting to stay awake as he patiently watches the horizon. We see a montage of him trying to not fall asleep until he eventually collapses from exhaustion.


The next morning, we cut to the island of Ithaca. Penelope is awakened by Eurycleia who asks how she is doing. Penelope states that she has a feeling that something good is coming to Ithaca. Eurycleia asks her if she thinks that Odysseus might be finally coming home. Penelope is unsure but believes it might be so. Suddenly, Telemachus bursts into his mother’s quarters to tell her that there are four ships on the horizon. Penelope quickly leaves with him.


Back on the ship, Eurylochus finds Odysseus fast asleep clutching the bag of winds. Swiftly, he is able to remove the bag from Odysseus’ possession and gathers a group of men around it. Polites and Sinon try to stop the group from taking the bag but find their pleas to be of no use. Eurylochus explains his disgust with Odysseus’ greed, saying that he won’t share anything with them. Sinon looks in the distance and sees Ithaca. He informs the men and for a brief moment, they all rejoice. Polites attempts to awaken Odysseus but is grabbed by Anticlus. Eurylochus gives a knife to one of the men and orders him to cut it open. After ten seconds of cutting, the man says that there isn’t any possible way to cut into it but is cut short as the wind erupts from the bag and sends him flying into the air.




Chaos erupts as the bag begins to violently spin causing the ship’s mast to crack and send the men flying all over the ship. Odysseus awakens confused. When he realizes what has happened, he frantically attempts to reach the sack, but is blown back. Several of the men are thrown off the ship while the nearby ships are also violently pushed back by the winds. Odysseus curses his men, telling them they have doomed them all.


Back on the island, strong winds erupt as the trees blow violently around. Penelope and Telemachus are knocked down by the wind and struggle to get up. Laertes appears and helps the two up as he runs with them to the harbor.


Back on the ship, Odysseus curses Eurylochus, holding him by the collar of his shirt. telling him he betrayed his trust. Sinon and Anticlus watch helplessly as the men are thrown around by the violent winds. We see an underwater shot as Poseidon reaches the ships. Smirking he conjures up a storm with giant waves and lightning surrounding the ships. One of them is struck, causing it to catch on fire while the men jump off and either drown or are rescued by the three other ships.


On the island, Penelope and Laertes watch from afar as they barely make out a storm in the distance and light emulating from the area. The storm along with the ships disappear into the horizon. Penelope, confused and upset, tearfully puts her eyes into her hands. Laertes, stone-faced and cold begins to walk back leaving Penelope alone overlooking the sea.


We cut to the three remaining ships several hours later. The storm is passed as it appears Poseidon has ended it. The men all appear exhausted and disheveled. All of them sit silently as they watch Odysseus silently weep. Polites and Sinon attempt to comfort him but are turned away by him. Odysseus lifts his head from his lap and watches the clouds dissipate, revealing a sunset. We see the camera slowly pan back from Odysseus and past the ships as we see them sailing in the opposite direction from Ithaca. As this happens we hear Odysseus narrate.


Odysseus (narrating): At that time, I had never felt so much anguish, so much anger, and so much regret in my life. I felt betrayed like the whole world was out to get me. At that moment, I felt more alone than ever before.


We cut back to Odysseus in present time, sitting in the hall with the Phaeacians. We see him begin to tear up as the hall sits in silence. Alcinous politely asks Odysseus if he would like to stop. Odysseus shakes his head. Alcinous asks again, telling Odysseus he does not have to bring up bad memories if he doesn’t want to. Odysseus tells him to not worry but does tell him that a break would be nice. Alcinous dismisses the crowd as Odysseus walks outside to look at the moon. As he watches, the music swells as we cut back to him on the ship. We see Odysseus wipe away his tears as continues to narrate.


Odysseus: Even at my darkest hour, I was still hopeful for the future. I craved to see Ithaca again and no sea god was going to stop me. Still, I knew in my heart that the worst was yet to come.


The camera focuses on Odysseus’ back, staring at the sunset. The camera cuts and pans to bird's eye view of the ships as a giant Poseidon holding a trident watches from behind.


The movie cuts to black.

Edited by Rorschach
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Director: Wes Anderson

Composer: Alexandre Desplat

Genre: Sci-Fi/Fantasy Comedy

Studio: Lager Pictures

Date: December 14th

Theater Count: 3,063

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Runtime: 105 minutes

Budget: $30 million


Cast: Bryan Cranston (Professor Barbenfouillis), Tyler Labine (The Plump Astronomer), Kate McKinnon (The Surprisingly Curvaceous Astronomer), Jeff Goldblum (The Flirtatiously Captivating Astronomer), Jason Schwartzman (The Fearful Astronomer), Owen Wilson (The Astronomer who points out the painfully obvious), Lakeith Stanfield (The Skeptical Astronomer), Edward Norton (La Snob), Bill Murray (The Man in the Moon), Bob Balaban (Mars), Harvey Keitel (Old Man Saturn), Tilda Swinton (Phoebe), Billy Crudup (King Selenide), Emma Thompson (Queen Selena), Lucas Hedges (Prince Seleneye), Willem Dafoe (Selen-Krei), Toby Kebbell (Selen-Yo), Greta Gerwig (Selen-Ya), and Tim Curry (The Disabled Selenite)



Voyage not yet complete 

Edited by Rorschach
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56 Days of Love

Date- Limited- August 3rd and Wide- August 17th

Genre- Drama/Romance

Rating- PG-13

Theaters- August 3rd- 4 theaters, August 10th- 40 theaters, August 17th- 689 theaters, and August 24th- 2,575 theaters.

Budget- 10 million

Running Time- 99 minutes or 1 hour and 39 minutes

Studio- O$corp Pictures

Director- Ang Lee

Actors and Actress-

Tom Prior - (Frank)

Liam Hemsworth - (Mark),

Elizabeth Moss- (Laura),

Charlotte Sullivan- (Kate),

Sarah Hyland- (Hayley)

Debra Messing- (Skyla)


*The film is entirely shot from the POV of Frank. There is also no score. The entire film uses only natural noises and the only music comes from music the characters play.*



Frank lies  in his bed staring at the ceiling. We hear rain pattering against the roof. His voice gives a voice over: “Everyone experiences true love for the first time. It is something amazing and magically. You give and surrender your life so they can be happy. You give them your heart and you passionately love him or her. You say, “Here is my heart, it is all I have to give.” But what they do with your love is completely out of your control. Falling in love is a step of faith everyone must take. This is my first true love story.” Frank gets out of bed and puts a pair of headphones in. We hear the quiet song as Frank walks down the stairs into a room. Stacks of schoolbooks lie on the desk. Frank sits down in a chair at the head of the table. He powers up the laptop and checks his phone. He has gotten no texts or calls. He sighs deeply and picks up a shiny stone. He looks at it turning it around. He closes his eyes and he begins to sob.


The screen goes black.


56 Days of Love


Frank drives down the road. He drives into the YMCA and parks. He hops out of the car and walks in. He smiles at all the people walking in and out of the YMCA. He walks through the locker rooms and out into the pool area. He waves and says hi to the other guards guarding the pool. Walking through the glass doors from the family pool into the competitive pool, he sees a guard sitting in the chair. The guard looks over at him and smiles; Frank stops for a moment, smiles and nods his head in recognition. Frank walks quickly into the guardroom. He punches in and sets his backpack on the table. Laura exclaims his name and hugs him. They laugh. Frank asks her who the guard is at the competitive pool. Laura says that is one of the college return workers, Mark. Frank says that he has to get to know him. Laura says that he is a great guy. We see Frank sign his name on the guard rotation board next to Mark’s. Frank asks Laura how her first date with Kate was. Laura says that it was different since it was her first time going out with a girl but it was good. Frank says that they look cute together. Laura smiles and says that she loves Kate very much. The whistle blows and Frank grabs his guarding tube and tells Laura it is time for him to go out. Laura tells him she will be out to talk with him soon.


Frank walks over by the lazy river and slide. Mark stands at the bottom of the slide waiting for people to come down. Since the lazy river entrance is right next to the slide exit, it is a perfect location in the pool to talk with the other guard. Mark turns and introduces himself. Frank introduces himself too. Mark asks where Frank goes to school. Frank says he is a senior and he is homeschooled. Mark laughs. Frank tells him not to laugh at it because it isn’t funny. They laugh. Mark says he is a senior at Marquette University. Frank says that he is applying at Marquette. Mark says he should totally come there because it is a great school. Frank says he hopes to but he will have to convince his parents to have him live on campus. Mark says that Frank’s parents are controlling? Frank says that they totally are. Mark says his parents were like that but eventually found out it only hurt their children. Frank says he wishes his parents would realize that soon. The two begin to talk more. They find they have a ton in common. They like almost the exact same music, movies, and TV shows. Mark says they should hang out sometime. Frank says that he free with Saturday. Mark says that it sounds great. Mark says they could go to a movie. Frank agrees. The other guard comes over and Mark rotates from the bottom of the slide.


We see Frank driving up to Mark’s house. Frank texts Mark saying he is here. Within a few minutes Mark walks out of his house. Mark gets into the car and they drive off talking. Frank says Mark has no idea how hard it was to convince his parents to let him have the car. Mark says he is glad Frank managed to convince them. We see them at the movie. After the movie, Frank asks Mark where he wants to go. Mark says that they could go get ice cream and go on a walk at a park near his house. Frank agrees. Frank says he is paying for the ice cream. Mark says he isn’t since he already paid for the movie. Frank tells him he is paying. Mark laughs. The film moves to them walking at the park. They talk about work, school, and then the topic moves to Laura and Kate dating. Mark says that he is so happy that a gay couple is at work. Frank agrees with him. Mark tells Frank that he is gay and he hopes Frank and him can still be friends. Frank says that is completely fine with him. Frank tells Mark that he (Frank) knows what it is like to be judged and hated. Frank says that he lives in a very conservative Christian home were his parents and church judge people extremely harshly. Frank says that it has only made him a more tolerant and accepting person. Mark nods. Frank then tells Mark that he has always had an attraction for men. He says that for a long time he thought it was just a phrase but he is slowly coming to realize that this is the way he is and always will be. Mark says he understands what Frank is going thorough. They stop and look at each other. Frank asks what is wrong. We see their heads slowly come together and they kiss. They stop but then they begin to kiss again. After a short time, Frank pulls away and says he should get home before his 11:00pm curfew. Mark laughs and Frank tells him not make fun of him because of the lame rules his strict parents set. Frank asks when he will see him again. Mark says he has summer classes all week but on Friday he is off. He says that Frank could come downtown and they could go to the beach and back to his apartment to watch a movie. Frank smiles and says it sounds like a plan. Frank tells Mark goodbye and gets into his car and leaves. Mark waives goodbye.


The film moves to Frank working at work. He is talking to Hayley in the guard room. She asks him how it went. Frank asks how she knows. Hayley says that Laura told her. Frank laughs and tells her that it went very well. He says they are hanging out on Friday. Hayley teasingly asks if they are going to do more than just hang out. Frank laughs and tells her to shut up. Hayley says that she knows that Frank is gay. Frank smiles and asks how she knows this. Hayley says that everyone at work knows since Frank doesn’t act like the straight guy. She says nobody really cares though, they actually like having a gays working since they are fun people. Frank laughs. Hayley asks Frank if he is coming out to anybody yet. Frank says that he hasn’t because most of his friends are strongly religious. Laura walks up and tells him that it is best not to come out until you are completely confident with yourself. Franks nods. Kate walks up and tells Frank that Laura yesterday came out to her family. Frank gives Laura a high five. He asks how it went. Laura says that they really don’t care and said they always kind of knew she was a lesbian. Frank smiles and says he wishes his family were that relaxed about it. Kate tells him that his family will accept him over time. Frank says he hopes so. The four begin to talk about a new movie.


Mark drives up to Frank’s house. Frank walks out and climbs into the car. Frank asks how Mark has been since he last saw him last Saturday. Mark says he has been busy with working at his internship, summer classes, and working at Boston Store. Frank says that he has been busy to with working every morning from 7am to 2pm teaching swimming lessons and then guarding at night. Mark says that it is a long time to teach. Frank says he doesn’t want to have kids ever. Mark laughs. Mark says that first they will go to the beach downtown Milwaukee and people watch and then go to his apartment have dinner and watch a movie. Frank says that sounds like a great plan. We see them on the beach. After they finish swimming in the water, they lie on the sand and watch people. They make up silly stories about the people and laugh. They soon begin to talk about their lives. Frank asks if Mark has ever been in a relationship with anybody else. Mark says that he has date numerous girls before in high school. Frank says that he has too but he is talking about men. Mark smiles and says that he has only date one guy. He says that the other guy was a jerk and just used Mark. Mark says he was so happy that he found a guy to date he was blinded to the guy’s true nature. Frank says that he is sorry. Mark says he is completely over the guy. Frank tells him that is good. The sun begins to go down and they agree to head back to Mark’s apartment. When they reach Mark’s apartment, Mark says that he only has frozen pizza for dinner. Frank says that it is completely fine with him. After eating, they sit on the couch, drink some booze, and watch Parks and Recreation. As they watch the show, they begin to start to cuddle together. They soon begin to start kissing. After a short time, they are both passionately making out. Mark asks Frank if he wants to be his boyfriend. Frank kisses Mark and says yes. They smile and resume making out.


Frank is dropped off by Mark after hanging out. Frank waves goodbye and decides to go for a late night walk. He plugs his headphones in and the song This Town by Niall Horan plays.


We see several scenes of Mark and Frank living out their lives while Frank goes on his night walk. The song continues to play over the scenes. We see them get up in the morning and text each other throughout the entire day. We see them staying up late at night chatting on the phone or on Skype. We see Mark sitting through summer school classes and we see Frank working at the YMCA. We see Mark at a party drunk texting Frank. Frank lies on his bed laughing at the texts. We see them working together. They flirt with each other and laugh. After work, we see them talking as they walk by the lake. They stop over a secluded stone bridge overlooking the lake. Mark puts his arms around Frank and tells him that he has never been so happy in his life. Frank tells Mark he loves him and they kiss. *scenes end/screen goes black*


Several days later we see Frank walking down stairs. He sees his dad looking at his phone. He asks what he is doing. His dad says he was just looking at his texts. Frank begins to slightly panic. His dad gives him a weird look and leaves the room. Frank grabs his phone and see his dad was looking at a text from Mark saying, “Good morning cutie!” Frank sits down and shock and alarm. He begins to breath deeply trying not to completely freak out. In the next scene we see Frank standing outside waiting for Mark to pick him up. Frank’s dad walks outside. He asks Frank what Mark meant by cutie? Frank calmly tells his dad that they were just goofing around. Frank’s dad says that Frank should not do that since acting like a ---- is sinful and unnatural. Frank nods his head. Frank’s dad walks inside. Frank closes his eyes and breathes deeply. Mark pulls up in his car. Frank climbs in. Mark leans over to kiss Frank. Frank tells him not in front of his house. Mark nods and they drive off. Frank tells Mark what happened. Mark tells him it is ok since his dad didn’t find out. He says that they will just have to be more careful. Frank agrees with him.


The film moves to a montage scene of Frank and Mark’s romance together. The montage begins with Frank and Mark and a classical music performance. Frank lays his head on Mark’s shoulder and the montage begins. Spiral Dance by David Lanz  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iv83mLd46lw plays to the montage scene. The clips include a beautiful scene with Mark and Frank lying together outside on top of a hill overlooking the countryside. When the sunsets we see them pointing and looking into the clear star filled sky. The montage ends with Mark and Frank kissing.


The film moves to Mark and Frank at a work party at a baseball game. Frank, Mark, Laura, Hayley, and Kate sit in the bleachers laughing not really paying attention to the game. Mark says he has to go to the bathroom.


*The film jumps to Mark’s POV* We see Mark walking out of the bathroom. He runs into Skyla who also works at the YMCA. Skyla looks at Mark and says that she heard about Frank and him in a relationship. Mark says that they are and he is so happy. Skyla says that she doesn’t think it is a good idea for Mark to date Frank. She says she can tell Mark hasn’t been putting his full energy into the relationship because he is afraid of getting his heart broken. Mark says that is not true. Skyla tells Mark to think for once and look inside of himself. She says that Mark put everything into his last relationship and his ex completely left him out to dry. She says that Mark doesn’t want to experience that pain again. Mark is about to say something but Skyla cuts him off. She says that Mark must end the relationship now before it goes any longer. She also adds that Frank and him have three years between them and Mark is graduating college next year and Frank is just starting college. She says that they need to end the relationship and pursue their own lives. She says that she isn’t telling Mark to take her advice but to think it over and let it sink in. She nods her head and walks away. Mark stands in deep thought. *Film jumps back to Frank’s POV*


Frank walks up to him telling him that they are wondering where he went. Mark says that he just ran into one of their drunk coworkers. Frank says oh and tells Mark that Kate, Laura, and him have planned to go on a double date planned next Friday. Mark says that it will be fun. Frank kisses Mark and says that every single time he is with Mark he is so happy. Mark says he is too.


The film moves to them ice skating at the skating rink. They laugh and goof around as they skate, they pushing each other over. Mark however seems more quiet and reserved than normal. Kate asks Frank if anything is wrong with Mark. Frank says that he doesn’t think so. Frank skates over by Mark and asks him if everything is ok. Mark nods. Frank smiles and grabs Mark by his hand. They hug as they skate across the ice. Kate and Laura look on. Laura says that they look so happy together. Kate winks and says they can just be as happy. Kate grabs Laura and they take off over the ice. The two couples embrace each other as they skate. Frank tells Mark that he is so happy when he is with him. Frank hugs Mark tighter. Mark lays his head on Frank shoulder.


Outside in the parking lot Frank and Mark talk. Frank sees that Mark seems disconnected and nervous as they talk. Frank asks if Mark is ok. Mark breathes deeply and says he just has to get it out. Mark says that the distance is taking it's toll cause he doesn’t think he is putting himself fully in the relationship like Franks is. He says that Frank has to know is that in his last relationship he put his whole self in and he ended up heart broken. He says that he can’t have his heart broken again so he has to end their relationship. Frank says he wished he knew this earlier. He begins to tear up. Mark says he is sorry and that he didn’t realize it until now. He says needs get over the things from his past. He also adds that Frank deserves someone that can show him the same love back that Frank gives. Frank says that he don't love anyone else like he loved Mark. Mark says he knows Frank doesn’t but maybe once he learns to love again they can pick it back up but he has to be honest with himself that he very broken. Frank begins to cry and says that he is devastated right now. Mark says he knows and he can feel it and it is his entire fault and he is so sorry. Frank says that what Mark tried to avoid he managed to put on somebody. Frank says Mark has broken his heart. Mark says he is sorry he blind-sided Frank and that he never meant to. He adds that he does care about Frank and he wants to be able to talk to Frank. Frank says he can’t talk to Mark for a while because he is so upset. He says he is so angry with Mark but loves him completely. He says he is hurt. Mark says he knows and that he never meant to hurt Frank. Frank says that he will not recover from this in a long time. Mark says he is so sorry and that he does have feelings for Frank but they never developed as far as Frank’s. Frank kisses Mark. They kiss passionately. Mark pulls away and says he can’t because it is only hurting him more. Frank walks away from Mark sobbing and then gets in his and drives off.


We see Frank sobbing when he comes inside. His parents are gone for the night. He runs quickly up stairs to his bedroom and locks the door. He lies on his bed sobbing. The sobs grow quiet as he falls asleep. The camera goes black. Frank voices over again, “This was my first true love story. Hopefully one day I will love again but for know I am broken. I hope this is the last time my heart is broken.”



Edited by Hiccup23
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Date- March 16th

Genre- Horror Comedy

Rating- R

Theaters- 3,198 theaters

Budget- 20 million

Running Time- 103 minutes or 1 hour and 43 minutes

Studio- O$corp Pictures

Director- Michael Dougherty

Producer- Jason Blum

Screenwriter- Christopher B Landon

Actors and Actresses



Alex- Harry Styles

Pete- Louis Tomlinson

Nick- Dylan O’Brien

Mitch- Tyler James Williams

Cara- Zendaya

Ginni- Ariel Winter

Brittany- Kimiko Glenn

Jessica- Billie Lord

Major Patrick- Bruce Willis

1st Sergeant Rouse- Jodie Foster

SGT West - Kanye West

Pete’s Roommate- Shawn Mendes

Jessica’s Roommate- Lorde

Abby- Taylor Swift



About the Film: The film uses slow-motion and has an atmosphere that is campy and overly dramatic. The sudden, chase, and kill scenes often use the “projectile cam” technique found in Evil Dead. The camera also cuts quickly to character’s faces and zooms in on them when they are scared, surprised, or mad.








The film opens with a beautiful shot of the countryside of Vermont and Norwich University Military Academy. (Young Guns plays) We see the camera move into a large stunning room where several cadets (military students) are gathered. We learn these are fourth year students who call themselves Firsties. They discuss what to do with the newly arrived Plebes (freshmen) to the university. The camera shoots to the three individuals standing at the end of the table.  Their name pops up. Alex narrates.


Alex- I am Alex, First Captain. I am the leader of these rats also known as cadets. Why am I here? I’m fucking rich that’s why. I am always right and every goddamn person knows that.


Pete- This is Pete. He is my #2. He doesn’t care much about anything, which is nice. He basically allows me to do anything I want uncheck. Thank god for his incompetent ass.


Nick- This is Nick. He is my #3. We hate Nick, but you have to have a dumb one around to make you look smart. Plus his dad is rich too.


We did have a #4, but he is dead. His name was Frank and he got sick. I told him to man up because he was in the Army. But he didn’t and went to sick hall and ended up dying. See another thing I was right about. (Shown in flashback)


We learn that Alex, Pete, and Nick are the most popular students on campus and considered the “mean boys”. The trio rule with virtually unlimited power. They are worshiped on campus. The film cuts to students saying how much they love the three. One girl says she kisses the ground they walk on. A guy says Alex once gave him a high five and he never washed his hand. He reveals a disgusting unwashed hand. Another girl says once Pete liked her picture accidently and then unliked it. She says she felt so honored. We learn the trio’s power on campus is largely due to the fact all three parents are incredibly wealthy and the university doesn’t want to cross them. 1st Sergeant Rouse who oversees the student body at Norwich University despises the three. She sees them as what is wrong with the military and in direct opposition of the new more inclusive and 21st century Army.


In her office, Rouse tells Alex that things are gonna change around here. She says that after Alex’s last act of foolishness (throwing a mass party, which several students had to be sent to the hospital— shown in flashback.) that she is removing him and his trio from their positions. She says that allegations of racism, sexism, homophobia, and date rape are too much. She says Alex’s actions are not normal and are revolting to any sane individual. Suddenly, Major Patrick (dean of Norwich University) bursts in and tells Rouse she isn’t allowed to remove the boys. He then manplains why Rouse can’t remove them because all three come from wealthy families and give a lot of money to the school. Rouse rolls her eyes as Major Patrick says this. Alex threatens Rouse and then leaves. Major Patrick turns to a horrified Rouse and tells her he has an idea. He says it will be a more creative method to get rid of Alex and his trio.


At the same time, Cara arrives at Norwich University. She is a second year student and still feels relatively new at the university. She finds out she is rooming with her good friend Brittany. The two chat about their summer adventures while they get ready for the banquet that evening. We learn that Cara’s father died three months ago overseas fighting and Cara wants to work hard this school year to make him proud.


The camera moves to a stunning stone hall. It looks like a cathedral and we see the cadets, professors, and military leaders in attendance. Everybody in attendance is acting super overly nice and extremely fake. They all want to present their best imagine. At the banquet, 1st Sergeant Rouse makes the announcement that Norwich University will be opening its cadet leadership positions to all students. She says it is time for the Norwich University to embrace the democratic principles its students will in their future have to protect with their lives. She announces it is a new chapter for Norwich University. She also announces that Norwich University will be taking a harsh stance on the hazing new Plebes that it for so many years has turned its eye away from. She also says they will be getting rid of the name Plebe since it is derogatory.  Shocked at the news and mad beyond belief, Alex storms out of the banquet hall in a fit of rage. He is quickly followed by Pete and Nick who try to comfort him.


The following day while at the library cafe, Brittany tells Cara she's gonna try to run for President and wants Cara to run with her. Cara is hesitant but Brittany persuades her telling her that her father would be proud to know his daughter was 2nd in command of the cadets. As they leave, they are interrupted by Mitch. It is revealed Mitch is in love with Cara and has been stalking her. Cara asks what Mitch wants. Mitch says Brittany and Cara can’t run against Alex and his trio. He says that bad things could happen. Cara rolls her eyes and tells Mitch to chill out. Brittany says they will be fine.


Meanwhile, Alex is in his room with Pete and Nick. He is bemoaning the demise of his leadership position and curses Rouse. He says he will not let these SJW Tumblr warriors infiltrate the military. He says that military is the last place left where status and power matters. He mocks democracy and says the military is about rank and status not a jerk off fest to equality. Pete agrees saying Alex has every right to be upset. Nick says that Alex is the victim and totally not to blame. Alex turns to Nick and tells him nobody likes a suck up. Nick looks bashful and Pete and Alex glare at him.


Later that night, Alex is visited by his girlfriend Jessica. She however appears disinterested in his complaints and thinks everybody just needs to chill out. It is revealed she and Pete and twins. Both share a monotone attitude toward life. Alex is frustrated with Jessica however the two have sex. Afterward, Alex wants to cuddle with her but Jessica says she wants to sleep in her own bed where she can stretch out and not feel a person’s hot breath on her neck. She leaves.


The following night, a group of Plebes are gathered in a field just outside of the Norwich University grounds. Alex marches in front of them calling them degrading names and that he is their leader. Pete and Nick stand behind him. Nick nods his head in agreement while Pete is busy flipping through Tinder occasionally throwing a comment out there in support for Alex, which Alex eats up. Alex tells the Plebs that they will dig foxholes, which they will sleep in all night because they are basically worms. Alex, Pete, and Nick leave.


That night we see Pete and his roommate relaxing in their room. His roommate tries to start conversations with Pete, but Pete isn’t interested. Pete says that college roommates are not meant to be friends but rather awkward acquaintances. Pete leaves to go to the bathroom. Suddenly, some wearing a horse mask (Mules are the mascot at Norwich University) and a black cloak appears. Pete’s roommate thinks it is Pete playing a prank. The figure closes and locks the door. Pete’s roommate walks closer asking Pete to stop. Suddenly he is stabbed in the shoulder. He briefly stuns the attacker and goes to the window to yell for help. The killer gets up. Pete’s roommate turns around and says he should have run out the door instead of go to the window. The killer nods and then murders brutally.  Pete walking with Nick find his dead body later that night and decide to keep it in the room until they know what to do. They fear they will be blamed by Rouse. They text Alex to come quick.


Meanwhile outside, the man in the horse mask appears and chops the head off two of the Plebes while they sleep outside. They wake up in the morning horrified at the grim remains left over. Both heads stand on stakes.  


Word of the deaths of the two Plebes reaches 1st Sergeant Rouse who immediately announces an investigation and she brings in the military police. She blames hazing as the cause of the deaths. Major Patrick insists Norwich University stay open and reassures parents and students that they are safe. Meanwhile students make social media posts about how they are connected to the victims. This annoys Rouse who laments to Major Patrick on how self-absorbed the students are. Students change their Facebook pictures to the Norwich logo, which Rouse says only done so that students can look like good people and get a ton of likes.


Meanwhile, Alex, Nick, and Pete still don't know what to do with Pete’s roommate’s body, and are worried that they will be blamed if someone finds it. Pete and Nick propose throwing the body in a lake nearby. The door creaks open and a girl named Ginni appears. All three turn their heads in shock. Alex asks who the hell she is. Ginni says she was walking outside and overheard them talking. She says that Nick talks loud. Alex and Pete glare at Nick. She also says she could smell death in the room and came to investigate. The three boys look at her weirdly. Ginni suggests they bone Pete’s roommate. She begins to disturb them with her obsession with death and knowledge of dismembering human bodies.. Alex rejects all the ideas and decides to put the body in the basement deep freezer. He says nobody goes there anyway. They roll Pete’s roommate in a rug and take him to the freezer. Alex tells Ginni she needs to be quiet about this. Ginni promises she will keep the secret but wants to join the trio. She says she always wanted to be part of them. Alex refuses. Ginni says it will look good for Alex to have a girl and a cow (third year student) in his group. Makes him more electable and likeable. Alex reluctantly agrees. They share a blood oath to keep the death a secret.


Later that evening, we find out that Brittany and Cara are the only two students challenging Alex. Alex meets with them and they exchange barbs and insults.  Brittany says Alex will not win because of his racist and sexist language plus horrible personality. Alex replies saying he is none of those things. He says she is dating a girl so he can’t be sexist and he also says Ginni is his #4 and she is a woman and some weird minority from the Middle East, thus proving he is neither racist nor sexist. Cara says Ginni isn’t Middle Eastern. Ginni nods. Alex looks confused and turns to Nick and Pete. Alex says he thought she was Middle Eastern because of her black hair and tannish colored skin. Ginni says she is Greek. Pete corrects Ginni and says Greek is a food not an ethnicity. Nick sides with Ginni and says Greece is a country not a food. Alex tells Nick to stop being a know-it-all. Brittany and Cara glance at each other in confusion at what is happening. Brittany shakes her head and tells Alex to be ready for her win. Alex glares at her.  


Over the next week, media attention descends on Norwich University after the murders. They begin to sensationalize the murders much to Rouse’s disgust. Rouse fears her position is in danger. Meanwhile, Cara grows closer to Mitch. They decide to date but refrain from sex. One morning, she discovers a horse mask and black cloak in his closet. Cara leaves quickly thinking that Mitch is actually the killer. She discloses this information to Brittany. Later that day, she confronts Mitch. Mitch dismisses it and says a lot of male students have the mascot outfit in their rooms. He asks Cara to trust him. She agrees.


Also that evening after having sex, Alex realizes Jessica doesn’t really love him so they break up nor is helping him secure his popularity on campus. Jessica furiously storms out of the room and outside. She goes back to her room and sulks with her roommate.


That night, two military police are attacked outside of the main housing hall by the now named Mule Murderer. Both are brutally murdered. We hear a yell come from Alex’s room. Nick and Pete rush to the room. We see Alex standing in the doorway in shock. On the ceiling and wall is written in blood, “DIE!”. Jessica hears Alex’s yell and comes running with other people from the hall. They all stand horrified. After police arrive and clear Alex’s room, Alex decides to go stay with Jessica after Jessica persuades him. The two arrive at Jessica’s room, but find her roommate lying in her bed with candles surrounding her. Her throat is slit. Jessica and Alex scream in horror.


At a candlelight vigil held for the victims, 1st Sergeant Rouse announces that all depictions of the Mule Mascot will be banned. She says anybody caught wearing any sort of horse mask will be dealt with severely.


The following day, out of frustration by the murders and Alex's apathetic attitude toward the entire events, Nick decides not to help Alex, Pete, and Ginni officially dispose of Pete’s roommate’s body from the freezer. Alex insists they move the body because the police might discover it. Nick says that he is going to instead have a threesome with two girls who both have a crush on him. We see him have an awkward threesome with them. One his way back, he decides to take a shortcut through the library. He finds the library largely empty. He gets a panicked feeling and starts to run. He is then chased by the Mule Murderer throughout the library. Books go flying as Nick tries to avoid the killer. He finally hides behind a corner and when the Mule Murderer runs by, Nick hits the Mule Murderer with a large book knocking him out. Nick runs. Meanwhile, Alex discloses he no longer feels like he can trust Nick and decides to make Ginni officially part of his group. He catches Ginni in his room smelling his clothes. He finds it strange but says nothing. He changes Ginni’s attire to the more officer attire of the Firsties. He presents Ginni to Nick (who has arrived) and Pete. Ginni excitly announces Alex said she can hold the pills when he roofs girls at parties. Nick is outraged by this as he is mad that Alex has made a woman and a third year student a leader. He says Alex has no respect for the values of Norwich. He also says that he was attacked by the Mule Murderer and nobody cared. Alex, Pete, and Ginni awkwardly look at their phones, while Nick rants. Pete suggests that if the story was actually true Nick would have removed the mask from the killer’s face to reveal who the killer was. Nick is silent, realizing his mistake.


In one of the halls, Cara, Brittany, Alex, Ginni, Pete, and Nick plan out election votes. Alex is being selfish and is just sabotaging the entire event. Brittany leaves for the bathroom with Ginni. Suddenly, one of the windows shatters and the Mule Murderer appears with a sword. He lunges at Alex who manages to dodge the killer. Everybody in the room screams and attempts to flee out the main door but they find it locked. The killer lunges at them gathered by the door. Everybody scatters across the room flipping chairs and tables over in their attempt to flee. Alex grabs Nick and throws him at the killer. Alex tells the killer to kill Nick not him.The killer stabs Nick in the shoulder. Nick and Alex scream at each other. Everybody screams in terror. The door breaks down and Major Patrick and Rouse enter the room. They burst in to find the killer gone and the sword laying on the ground. Major Patrick calls 911 for Nick’s injury. Mitch suddenly runs in and asks what is going on. He is followed by Brittany and Ginni. Rouse spins around and says Mitch is the killer. She says she heard about the mule mask in his room. Mitch defends himself and accuses Rouse of being the killer saying she wants Alex and his minions gone. That is why she attacked Nick. Rouse says that it is physically impossible for her to attack the group, then suddenly change out of the mask/cape, manage to meet up with Major Patrick, and then run in the room all in a matter of 2 minutes. She says she has her eye on Mitch.


The following day, we see Alex talking with Nick and Pete. Alex shares that his social media image is rising because of the murders. He says he is surging in Instagram followers. Nick angrily yells at Alex that he doesn’t care about anybody but himself. Nick rants how Alex threw him in front of the killer and how Alex has treated Nick and Pete poorly. Alex tells Nick that he can leave. He says that Nick is nothing without Alex. Pete agrees. Nick angrily tells them to leave his hospital room. As Alex and Pete leave, Alex glorifies in the murders and how he is becoming the rising star of Norwich University. Pete casually agrees with him and doesn't seem to mind Alex’s extremely selfishness and narcissism.


Meanwhile, the military police run the fingerprints on the sword. They discover the figure prints belong to Brittany. Cara and Mitch deny that Brittany is the killer and say that Ginni can be a witness. Ginni however appears completely unhelpful to the police. She rambles about random stuff.. The police are weirded out by her and tell her to leave. That evening, as Brittany is walking back alone to her room she is suddenly kidnapped by the Mule Murderer.


The following day after Brittany’s disappearance, Rouse and Major Patrick declare an emergency on campus. They say normally the death of rich white kids would trigger a closure, but this is 2019 and the kidnapping of a minority female is more important. Rouse declares that she is announcing a 7pm curfew across campus. That evening, we see Pete and Ginni meet with Cara and Mitch. They say they will help Cara find Brittany and help them both win the election. Cara asks what they want. Pete says he wants to rebrand his name on campus. Ginni says she is a double agent. Pete asks Ginni why would say she is a double agent to everybody. Ginni realizing what she said immediately backtracks her words. Cara and Mitch are surprised by this. Privately, Mitch tells Cara not to trust Pete. They both don’t know what to make of Ginni.


The following day, we see Pete sleeping during his math class. Suddenly the police enter the room and tell Pete he is being arrested for the murders and the attempted murder of Nick. Pete is confused and tries to escape but fails. As he is being lead out, we see Alex and Ginni watching him being cared away. Ginni waves her finger at him.


In prison, we see Pete talking to some prison mates. A creepy prisoner hits on Pete and try to convince him to have sex with them. Pete appears apathetic toward them. Suddenly the warden arrives and tells Pete he has been bailed out. Pete is about to leave when one of the prisoners suddenly grabs Pete and kisses him. Pete at first hates it but then suddenly has a change of mind. The warden pulls Pete away. As Pete leaves the prison, he runs into Nick and Jessica. Jessica says dad gave her money after she lied and said school textbooks were getting expensive. Pete says he can always rely on Jessica and Nick. The trio leave the prison.


Meanwhile, Alex sees his opportunity with Brittany out of the way and Cara busy trying to find Brittany and calls for an election the following day, Rouse opposes this but Major Patrick grants it. Alex plans a big celebration that evening for is victory plus he is also planning the Halloween party that night. Cara is too distracted to do anything. She and Mitch continue to look across campus and the neighboring area for clues where Brittany might have disappeared to.


That evening is Halloween and we see the cadets gathered in Halloween activities despite the curfew order from Rouse. Alex, Pete, and Nick wear Native American outfits to annoy the more liberal students on campus. The party is massive and most of the cadets are heavily drunk. The party house is haunted house themed. Pete talks with a guy at the party. The guy goes upstairs to “prepare” and Pete will follow so it doesn’t look obvious the two are hooking up. Pete walks into the room and can’t find the guy. The door shuts behind him and suddenly a strobe light turns on in the dark room. Party music blasts and the light flashes. Pete yells over the music he is very confused by this. He sees a shape under the bed. Pull in the sheets back, he sees a dead body of the guy. Pete screams and turns around to find the Mule Murder. Pete runs toward the door but it knocked over by the killer. Pete and the killer fight, but Pete is eventually pinned on the ground by the killer. The killer grabs a beer funnel and tries to shove it down Pete’s throat to kill him. Pete manages to reach and grab a coffee mug on the ground and bashes it into the side of the killer’s head. The killer falls over and Pete runs out. He screams the killer is in the house. Nobody believes him until one party goer touches what she thinks is a prop only to discover it is a dead body. Everybody screams and flees. Police decided on the house and discover 4 dead bodies. Rouse learns of this and is infuriated at Alex for throwing the party against her curfew orders.


During the night, we see Cara and Mitch who have been ditched by Ginni go out and search for Brittany. They happen upon the lair of the Mule Murderer. It lies alongside the nearby lake in a what is thought abandoned building. In it they discover a trap door and they find Brittany who has been held hostage. Brittany tells them to run. They are pursued by the Mule Murderer. but escape through a door in the roof after Cara uses her taser on the killer. Later that night, while locked down in their rooms because of the deaths of the four students, Brittany tells Cara about her kidnapping. She says the Mule Murderer was nice to her and tried to impress her with chocolates and hand written notes. She says that whoever is murdering people apparently has a crush on her and doesn’t want her to die.


The following morning, everybody gathers in the main hall to witness the historic vote. Each student votes by playing a marble in a giant bowl privately. Black is Brittany and white is Alex. Nobody seems to care about Brittany’s sudden appearance back on campus. They shrug off her kidnapping. The results are posted that evening, It comes to a tie. Brittany suggests this could be good. A good transition from the old to the new. Alex is furious. He hurls a chair across the room in rage and storms out. Ginni, Pete, and Nick follow him to comfort him. Back at his room, Alex cries but when Ginni, Pete, and Nick walk into the room and close the door, Alex shows that he is fake crying. Alex explains. He says that he rigged the election so that it would end in a tie. He says that a killer is on campus and clearly will come for whoever is the First Captain. He says that they are the main characters of this murder spree and it is a matter of time until they are targeted. He gives a speech to Alex, Ginni, and Nick about the rules of horror and how Brittany will appear to be the First Captain but when she is murdered and the killings are over, Alex will emerge as the victor and everything will be restored to normal. He says that the killer might actually benefit them. Pete and Nick look at each other. Ginni says that if they are living in a real life horror event, then they are automatically safe. She says that the main cast never dies and they are the main cast thus making them safe. Pete disagrees saying that everybody on campus thinks they are the main character in these murders. He says it is a matter of perspective. Alex slaps Pete and says that they are the main characters and because he (Alex) is the most important person on campus. Pete storms out.


The following evening, down in the tunnels below campus, Alex shows Brittany portraits the pass Norwich Cadet First Captains. While discussing where they will be and their legacy on campus, both are attacked by the Mule Murderer who appears with an ax. After giving chase through the tunnel and the Mule Murderer almost kills Alex however he is saved by Brittany and the two escape. A shook Alex realizes Pete might be right.


That weekend, Brittany suggests a private party with Cara, Mitch, Jessica, Alex, Pete, Ginni, and Nick to bound the two groups since they will be working together. Alex agrees to this. After an awkward few minutes, Pete suggests they play spin the bottle. He gets negative feedback from all in the group but he finally gets his way. The bottle spins and Brittany and Mitch kiss. Pete spins the bottle and it lands on Alex. Alex says fucking hell no. Pete however reaches over and kisses Alex. The kiss goes too long as Pete begins to make out with Alex. Alex struggles to pull away and manages to do so. He strikes Pete and tells him what the hell. Pete gets up and runs out of the room. Jessica says that was weird and they decide to switch up the game to 20 Questions. They go around and begin to accuse each other of being the murders. They try to frame each other and things get heated. Jessica gets angry when people begin to gang up on her. Even Alex is convinced she is the killer. Jessica storms out of the room. Suddenly the lights go out in the building. Everybody screams. In the bathroom, Jessica splashes her face with water. The lights flicker on and she sees the Mule Murderer. She dares the killer to take off the mask before it murders her. The killer does so (killer isn't revealed to the audience). Jessica says she knew it was the person. The Mule Murderer guts Jessica to death brutally.


The lights in the room turn back on and Pete is back. They group asks if he has seen Jessica. He says he saw Jessica go to the bathroom. They leave the room and find a gutted Jessica on the floor. Pete screams in horror and is pulled back by Mitch and Nick. Cara vomits at the sight. Alex coldly says this changes everything. He turns to Pete and says Pete is the killer. Pete cowers back nervously as everybody looks at him.


The several days later, Alex decides to organize a funeral for Jessica.  At the funeral, Alex gives a scathing eulogy, calling her multiple curse words as he felt that Jessica never had his back and that she slept with Pete and Nick. He says she was the thot of all thots. Queen of the whores. Everybody at the funeral looks at each other not believing what is happening. He says that Pete sleeping with his twin is Game of Thrones level disgusting. (In a flashback it is revealed Nick slept with her but Pete did not). He says that Pete killed his sister to hide the secret. He says Pete is the murderer. Pete is horrified by this announcement and accusation of murder and declares this all a lie. He jumps up and slams his hands on a table. He says he is gay. Alex rolls his eyes. Everybody quickly leaves the funeral out of disgust.


The next two weeks, Alex crumples into a deep depression with the loss of Jessica. His mood swings make him unpredictable and feared on campus. Concerned for their leader, Pete, Nick, and Ginni bring a Ouija Board for them all to contact Jessica from beyond the grave. Thinking that was ridiculous at first, Alex decides to go along with it. Jessica answers various funny questions via the Ouija Board, up until she tells them that Alex is the killer, which angers Alex. Alex tells the group they are gonna trust a shit wooden board Nick got from a game store. The group says no.  


Later that night, Pete, Ginni, and Nick meet in secret. They decide to trust the board and kill Alex. Ginni presents various dark methods of killing Alex, which horrify Pete and Nick. They finally decide to kill Alex by pushing him down the steep stairs in the science building. Meanwhile, while Alex is asleep, Jessica’s ghost comes to his room and tells Alex that she has been sent to Hell and tells him about her awful experiences there. In order for her to make it into Heaven, she must make things right with Alex, so she apologizes to her for her mistakes and also for sleeping with Nick and using her relationship with Alex to boost her popularity. Alex asks her why she said that he was the killer, and she answers that she's just in a bad mood because Trump (who was assassinated in office) was grabbing her pussy. Before she leaves, she warns Alex that his minions are plotting to kill him. This provokes Alex to confront Ginni, Nick, and Pete and instead, persuade them to believe that Cara and Brittany are the killers.


Cara and Brittany meet with Rouse who congratulates Brittany on her victory. Rouse tells Brittany and Cara that she wants them to use their power to change the school. She out lays her plan. She wants to end the physical standards and open up affirmative action to push minorities into Norwich University. Brittany says no because she still believes that people should compete to be accepted at Norwich University. She believes all people regardless of color, race, ethnic background, gender, religion, and sexual orientation should be allowed in but they must compete on an equal playing field. Cara agrees. Rouse tells them they fail to see the bigger picture and threatens them. She tells them that a tie is fucking impossible and she will declare their election invalid. She will then hand pick her own candidate to push the change she wants. She tells Cara that Cara’s father would be disappointed in her. Cara gets angry with Rouse and the two verbal battle. Cara storms out and as Brittany leaves, she tells Rouse they will agree to her terms. Rouse smiles. Rouse goes and sits at her desk. She hears a noise outside of her door. She gets up to open it but then it suddenly opens and two Mule Murderers burst in. Rouse begins to battle the two of them. She tells the murderers that when she was a senior in college, she spent a year abroad in Japan where she learned everything in fighting. She says she had an affair with a powerful Japanese woman and taught her love, if she taught Rouse how to fight. She then proceeds to get into a full out brawl with the killers, smacking them against various objects, throwing them against walls, and knocking them all to the ground. She smashes her chair over the head of one of the attackers and then tasers and hits the other killer with a laptop. The two killers are left stunned by Rouse’s surprising fighting abilities. Rouse turns to call for help and when the police arrive, they find the room empty. The killers escape. A horrified Rouse says there are two of these fuckers.


Back at barracks, Alex, Ginni, Pete, and Nick gather evidence they discover to prove Cara and Brittany are the killers. Ginni says she found out that Cara and Brittany are on the pill, with synced cycles, just like their thirst for death and gore. She says that those who pill together, kill together. She says she knows this because she is a woman. Alex gets pissed because Ginni is not coming up with any evidence. Nick suggests Cara is the killer because Cara wants to be president to make her father proud. She is trying to kill all people who are a potential threat. Alex tells Nick to shut up. He says he knew they would be useless so he has hired two right winged 4Chan nerds to search the Internet for traces that Cara and Brittany are the murders. He says even if they don’t find any hard evidence, they will no doubt create some of their own in order to pin Cara and Brittany for the murders. It is also revealed that Alex is now in a relationship with a new girl on campus named Abby.  It is very obvious his relationship with her is purely for trying to maintain his status on campus. Abby however it in love with Alex deeply.


Later one night we see Pete in his room. He opens up an app called Grindr and hooks up with a guy. Just after the two kiss, Pete hears a noise outside and gets annoyed because he wants some privacy. He leaves the room and see a person at the end of the hall. Pete angrily runs at them but when he turns the corner he sees nobody. He heads back to his room and finds his hook up strapped by the bed with a dildo shoved down his throat. His guts are spilled out on the bed and form the words “I KNOW!” Pete screams in horror. He says all he wants was to have sex with a guy and not have them get murdered.


The following morning after the news of another death, Rouse declares Norwich University officially closed. She says it will reopen when she and Major Patrick think it is safe to do so. She says students are free to still live on campus, but no classes will be held. Many of the 2,000 students decide to leave campus.. Alex refuses and forces Ginni, Nick, and Pete to stay. Abby passionately announces she will stay with Alex. Alex casually dismisses her. Cara is convinced by Mitch to stay and she convinces Brittany, they want to find out who is doing the killings. They decide to turn their focus into finding out who the murderer is. Before campus closes, another candlelight vigil is held for those who have died. Cara says she is sick of these vigils and action is needed.  


Back at the barracks, Alex asks his 4Chan users if they have found anything suspicious about Cara and Brittany. They say no, but say they found stuff about Nick. Alex says he didn’t want them to find stuff about Nick and he grabs their laptops, which they have the evidence on and throws it in the toilet. He tells them to get the fuck out before he murders them himself. Meanwhile out in the surrounding forest, we see the Mule Murderer talking on the phone with somebody, he says Major Patrick is the only thing standing in their way. The other voice says, they actually are backing out and it is just him/her. The Mule Murderer smashes his/her phone in anger.


The day before Thanksgiving, Alex is talking with Ginni, Pete, and Nick that he sadly has to take Abby with him to his family’s Thanksgiving. She says he over Abby’s intense obsession of him and is thinking of dumping her soon. He says he misses Jessica’s apathetic and distant attitude. Suddenly, Abby comes bursting into the room. She says she has an announcement for everybody. She says she is pregnant. Alex screams in horror. She says she and Alex will get married and raise a beautiful family. Alex says this is a nightmare. He says he would gladly be murdered by the Mule Murderer right now. Abby is offended and begins to yell at Alex. The two walk out of the room continuing to yell at each other. Alex says she needs to get an abortion immediately. Abby refuses saying it is her body and her choice. Alex smirks and then says he will have to do it himself. Abby says “What?” Alex pushes Abby back and she falls down the long flight of steps. Her neck cracks when she reaches the bottom. Alex, Pete, Nick, and Ginni gasp in horror. Nick says Alex has killed Abby. Alex says he didn’t mean too. He says he read online if you busy somebody down the stairs it kills the fetus. The group run down the stairs and decide to throw Abby in the same place they disposed of Pete’s roommate. Back at the room, Alex announces he will be taking Ginni with him to Thanksgiving.


Alex takes Ginni to spend Thanksgiving with his family. Each of his family members share one thing they're grateful for. Their thankful fors however are completely selfish and egotistical. Alex becomes more and more irritated by his families arrogant remarks about him. Alex speaks privately with his dad asking the family to stop picking on him. His father however asks Alex to name a price, saying he will pay Alex to leave the family forever.  His father offers Alex $150,000 to leave the family and never associate with them again. Alex is horrified and cries. Ginni overhears all of this. Later in the day during a family game, Alex’s family begins treat Ginni like crap because she isn’t the stereotypical skinny rich girl they wanted Alex to hook up with. Alex is horrified at his and berates his family for their awful attitudes and condescending remarks. Alex storms out of the house with Ginni.


Meanwhile Major Patrick is at his home in the nearby city. He is busy setting the table. He turns around and the Mule Murderer is behind him. Major Patrick says he is enjoying it with the Mule Murderer. Major Patrick then bemoans spending Thanksgiving alone once again and that given his senior rank, he finds it hard to make friends. He thanks the Mule Murderer for their company. He says the other killer bailed on them and decided to stop the killings because they were traumatized by Jessica’s death. He chuckles and says some people are all talk but when killing is needed they pussy out. He laughs and says he and the killer (who is present) are the true face of justice. The Mule Murderer who is slicing the turkey nods.


Pete goes to spend Thanksgiving with his family. Over the course of the day, he tries to talk about the murders and his sister’s death but the family are so self obsessed they don’t pay much attention to Pete or his sister’s death. We find out they didn’t even attend the funeral. His family instead talks only about themselves around the dinner table. Pete is fed up and decides to leave. He says he is never seen them again and storms out. When he arrives back at Norwich University, he walks through the massive empty dining hall as a shortcut to his room. He finds 1SG Rouse there and the two decide to have a Thanksgiving meal between the two of them. However we see Brittany, Nick, Mitch, and Cara also stayed behind and join them after Pete texts Nick telling him to come. While the turkey cooks they make awkward conversation, which leads to them arguing who the killer is. Rouse thinks it is Pete. Pete thinks it is Rouse since she is staying back at campus. Cara stays neutral and virtually all agree it wasn’t her. Brittany accuses Nick and Nick accuses Mitch. Mitch says it could be him but then accuses Pete. Pete switches his mind and accuses Mitch out of anger. They soon gain up on Pete because three people near Pete died: his sister who he had rumored incest affair with, the two gay guys, and his roommate. They say Pete has been trying to hide his secrets and found murder as a solution. Pete storms out. The group sits quietly and decides to play a card game. Brittany leaves to check the oven and calls them for dinner. Suddenly, Alex and Ginni arrive. They all sit together around the massive table. Alex gives a toast to the group. He says they are all here bound together by their love for their country. They are all in a brotherhood and sisterhood together. They must have each others backs and protect each other from the murderer. He then reaches down and uncovers the turkey. We see instead of a turkey it is Major Patrick’s bloody head. Everybody screams in horror.


The following day, everybody is left shook by the events. Fed up with this and the lack of action on the police, Cara, Mitch, and Brittany head to the police station. They discover that a newly arrived SGT West has fired the entire police force. He says he alone can stop the murderer. He says he is saving resources and money by having only himself on. He tells them to contact him if they see anything suspicious. He also says he has a bad feeling about Brittany. Cara, Mitch, and Brittany leave discouraged.


Alex, Nick, Pete, Ginni, Mitch, Cara, and Brittany have a meeting about how they could protect each other from getting killed while everybody thinks that the murderer is Rouse except Brittany. Alex has the idea to kill Rouse, though Brittany disapproves. Cara unexpectedly agrees with Alex and they both have the idea to poison Rouse.


Alex and Cara go to Rouse’s office and treat her to coffee. While out getting coffee, Alex slips in some poison into her coffee. Alex, Cara, and Rouse talk about how they want to work together to change campus to protect cadets against the murderers when they return. Rouse drinks the coffee entirely but doesn’t die. Cara and Alex are shocked. Rouse says she has dinner plans and leaves. Alex and Cara are baffled as to how Rouse survived this. Later Alex privately with Ginni, Pete, and Nick hatch another plan. Cara and Mitch are discussing Cara's plan to kill Rouse. Cara and Mitch discuss it while making out, and Mitch suddenly disagrees with her plan to kill just as Cara stops him from going too far, as she isn't ready to have sex yet. After the talk, she decides to quit the mission. In turn, Brittany also changes her mind from her previous statement, thinking killing Rouse is the right thing to do. Alex then kicks Cara out of the “kill Rouse group” and says Cara can fend for herself.


The following days, they try to murder Rouse in various ways, but she either is immune to it or manages to avoid the potential death scenarios. Alex comes up with one last idea to gas her in the gas chamber on campus.  Alex gives everybody Apple watches so that they will know when to appear at the gas chamber and turn on the gas to kill Rouse. This plan fails. Pete and Nick are distracted by video games. Ginni accidentally showered with her’s on thus destroying it. Brittany suddenly suspicious of Alex threw her’s out because she convinced herself Alex laced it with drugs to kill her. Meanwhile Alex is left awkwardly out in front of the gas chamber with Rouse. Rouse interrogates Alex and asks him why he brought her here. Alex is dumbfounded and plays dumb. Rouse gets close to Alex and says she knows Alex and his little group are trying to kill her. She says she isn’t fucking stupid. Rouse then says campus is opening up and she unveils her radical plan for campus. She says the campus will be allowing anybody and everybody to enroll. She says they are going from private to public. Alex is shocked and runs off. Rouse smiles to herself. During this time, Cara agrees to have sex with Mitch.


Two days later cadets arrive back. They jeer at Alex, after he sent out scathe tweets considering the new changes on campus. He fat-shames, uses homophobic/racist languages and calls minority groups multiple expletives and insults them. He also trashes Ginni, Nick, Brittany, and Pete for not helping him kill Rouse. Alex destroys what little is left of his reputation. He walks through campus in slow motion while students mock and throw stuff at Alex. He walks dignified and gives a voice over “I love to publically shame and bully it is the reason we have the 1st Amendment, but I don’t like it when I am the target. These social justice liberal fat nerds have no idea who they are trying to shame. I mean, can’t the other side even voice their opinion. My name is at the top of the list on Buzzfeed, Twitter, and CNN. These so called news sites have no idea what they are talking about. All I wanted is to be famous, but not like this!” He then turns to the crowd outside of his barracks and tells them to rot in fucking hell. Realizing that most cadets don’t share his backwards opinions, Alex decides to kill himself. He however is interrupted by Brittany who convinces Alex he can change. She says everybody can turn a new leaf and Alex is young enough to change. Alex appears regretful of his past misconducts and asks Brittany for forgiveness. As the two chat, they are suddenly attacked by the Mule Murderer. They manage to barely fight the killer off but Alex is stabbed in the leg by the murderer when he protects Brittany. They manage to push the Mule Murderer down the stairs. The noise is heard by Pete, Ginni, and Nick who run over. They stand around the Mule Murderer. Brittany rips off the mask and cape to reveal an guy in a Taco Bell uniform. The man says he was forced by an unknown woman to kill Brittany and Alex. Alex and Brittany look at each other. They say, “Rouse!” The man says he is gonna blow. Pete asks if he had too much Taco Bell because that will do it. They hear a beeping noise and realize the man has a bomb attached to him. They run screaming away from the man dramatically. The bomb explodes and blood and guts fly everywhere. The windows and doors are blasted out.


The death traumatizes Pete who immediately heads to his room and opens up his fridge and partakes in drinking the memory away with boxed wine. Alex however suppresses what happened and after seeking medical attention for his injury, decides his vulnerable state will make him more sympathetic. He via Facebook live and Instagram live repents of his actions and says that after he was attacked and managed to fight off the Mule Murderer, he has decided to put aside his differences and become a new person. He says he will be a leader of the people and seek to help them. During this time, Ginni who has slowly becoming extremely obsessed with Alex over the past few days, starts to go into Alex’s room and smell clothes. Meanwhile, Cara, Brittany, and Mitch are on Mitch’s laptop and they happen upon the files the two 4Chan users were talking about. The audience doesn’t see the writing, but the three gasp at each other in horror. Brittany says it all makes sense that one of Alex’s followers would be the killer. They immediately, run across campus to the barracks. They burst in to find Alex sitting in the lobby “charitably” giving likes on Instagram to his followers. Cara tells Alex that Nick is the killer. Alex stands up in shock. They ask Alex where Nick is. He says he is up on the floor Pete, Nick, and he live on. They race upstairs. They hear a screaming coming from Alex’s room. They find Ginni on the floor with Alex’s ceremonial sword driven into her shoulder. Nick and Pete come running. Ginni who is barely conscious points at Pete and says he is the Mule Murderer. A drunk Pete begins to panic and runs off. Mitch says this can’t be true. Ginni says it is. SGT West arrives on the scene and calls 911. They take Ginni away.


Ginni is being rushed to the emergency room with the sword still in her shoulder and continues to blames her attack on Pete. Pete is confronted later that night by Alex and Nick. An extremely anxious and drunk Pete tries to prove his innocence but the evidence is working against him. Cara, Mitch, and Brittany begin to rethink everything. They say Pete might have been disguising himself online as Nick in order to peg the murders on Nick. Pete is officially cast out of Alex’s inner circle.


Two days later, Ginni is released from the hospital. Pete still hasn’t been arrested almost entirely due to the fact that SGT West doesn’t believe Pete did it. That evening, everybody gathers in the recreation room of the barracks. They decide to hear Ginni’s story. Ginni tells her story. She says she heard a noise in Alex’s room and went to investigate. In it she found the Mule Murderer trying to hide in the closet. When he attacked her, she managed to rip off his mask and saw it was Pete. Pete then stabbed her and ran off. Then everybody arrived. She says that isn’t it though. She says Nick is the killer. She points to the online evidence, she overheard the 4Chan users talking about. Cara, Brittany, and Mitch confirm this. Nick is horrified and says he didn’t do it. He says somebody stole his name and did that stuff. Alex is horrified by all this news and lashes out at Nick and Pete. He says he can’t believe is #2 and #3 are the killers. Nick says Ginni is the killer but everybody tells him to shut the fuck up. Ginni says that Alex is also the killer. She says that there are actually three killers. She says that Alex is the killer, because what better way to ensure nobody challenged him than to kill them off. She says that this explains why it appeared Alex, Pete, and Nick each had alibi. They each were attacked by the Mule Murderer(s) so they each appeared innocent because everybody thought it was a single individual. She says it was the perfect crime. SGT West arrives and he sits in on the accusations. He interrupts and says this must stop. He says he is the law and order on campus. He says while ultimately, he feels Brittany is the killer, the evidence is too much in favor of Alex, Nick, and Pete. He arrests the three but they flee. He calls for backup and MMA female fighters enter. They subdue Alex, Nick, and Pete. SGT West says it is time that rich white boys learn their lesson. He says that their white privilege will not save them this time. He says it is time for them to go to prison and accept the fact justice has been served. He says that Alex, Nick, and Pete do not live in reality. He says they things they have done even not counting the murders are revolting and would not happen in reality. He says they are the worse people he has ever met. He tells his backup to drag them off. He however turns to Brittany and says he is watching her every move. Brittany rolls her eyes. The camera moves to Ginni. She tells the group that justice is finally attained.


The movie moves to 6 months later. SGT West has been promoted as head of security at Norwich University. 1SG Rouse was given an honorary commission to become an officer and is now General of Norwich University. She has enacted her radical change at the school, which has received praise from the nation and government. Norwich University fiercely defends left leaning thoughts and ideals almost to a militant extent. Rouse also has written a leadership book and is considering running for President of the United States. Mitch and Cara go official and become the next it couple on campus. Brittany is the First Captain of Norwich University and is flourishing. Ginni is her #2 and shines in spotlight of her new leader. Brittany erects a memorial for the cadets who died in the murders.


Meanwhile, Alex, Nick, and Pete are given a trial by the court. Their arrogant attitudes and wealth make them a media sensation, but not in a good way. The trio show zero respect for the justice system, believing their wealth and status will free them. People across America see them as what is wrong with young white rich boys and the jury hates them so much they are declared guilty and mentally insane. The three are dragged off to mental asylum. They adjust well to life in the asylum where they discover they actually fit right in. The drugs taken in the asylum appear to level them out. Alex is more caring, Pete is more friendly/comfortable with his sexuality, and Nick appears more relaxed and becomes best-friends with Alex. Alex, Pete, and Nick sing “History” as they reflect on their friendship.


One day, the now General Rouse runs into Ginni. She tells Ginni she knows Ginni is one of the killers. She tells Ginni she figured Ginni out and the killing spree a long time ago unlike everybody else. She says she saw the bloody horse mask under Ginni’s bed when she was inspecting the rooms. She also adds that she knew that Major Patrick and Nick were both in on the killing spree. She says that Major Patrick was the source of the idea because he was sick of the cadet leadership and the constant drama and strife it brought to the school. She says he was annoyed with both the status quo Alex represented and the new change Rouse represented. She says that Major Patrick saw the only way to end this was to kill off both sides. She says he enlisted a bullied and salty Nick who was sick of Alex’s constant bullying. She says she was puzzled at Ginni’s involvement in the killings and how she managed to outsmart Major Patrick and Nick. She asks Ginni why she did it. Ginni laughs and says, “Why do people always want to know why he or she did it? Can’t they just accept the fact that some people are just fucked up. I mean this isn’t a movie, in the real world sometimes people just gotta accept the fact they might never know the rhyme or reason behind horrific tragedies. Isn’t that the truly terrifying thing in life. Perfectly normal people suddenly snapping for no reason and killing. I merely saw an opportunity and took it” Ginni gives a small laugh and says she did however underestimated Rouse. Rouse says that being a woman in the military has given her the ability to be adaptable and thanks to her 31D training (Army Criminal Investigations Special Agent) training, she thinks 10 steps ahead of everybody else. She says her time in Virginia at Quantico studying serial killers was incredible helpful to solving this murder spree.  She also adds that being a minority can be empowering and that everybody underestimates you and you can quietly build yourself up. She says she let the murders happened because they were in parallel motion with what she wanted to happen at the school. She tells Ginni that sometimes the good moral thing to do is not always the right thing. She says morality is rather gray. However, she says  justice was not done. Alex and Pete were innocent. She says her conscience is not clear. Ginni laughs and says “Where they?” Ginni explains that Alex and his trio created the system that created and opened the door for the killers. Rouse says she holds the responsibility that the innocent deaths be brought to justice. Rouse says she is gonna turn Ginni in. Ginni walks close to Rouse and says she is gonna turn Rouse in for covering up the murders and ignoring them....or they can just can move on and live in peace under the new system. Rouse and Ginni stare at each other intensely. Rouse then pants Ginni’s hand and says “Alrighty, well good luck in school” and walks away. Brittany and Cara approach Ginni and ask what Rouse and her were talking about. Ginni says that she just said some nice words. The three girls walk down the main avenue of the gardens of Norwich University in slow motion. Students gather and cheer for them, giving them the same admiration they use to give Alex, Pete, and Nick. Ginni turns toward the memorial and the camera and winks. The song “I Just Want to Make Love to You” plays.




Credits roll.

Mid Credit Scene: Later that night while Alex is sleeping in the asylum, he nears a noise. He opens his eyes and above him the Mule Murder appears with a knife. Alex gives a bloody curdling scream.



Edited by Hiccup23
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Date- March 2nd

Genre- Historical Epic

Rating- PG-13

Theaters- 3,667 theaters

Budget- 130 million

Running Time- 123 minutes or 2 hours and 3 minutes

Studio- O$corp Pictures

Director- Ridley Scott


David- Kit Harington

Jonathan- Bill Skarsgard

King Saul- Gary Oldman

Michal- Alicia Vikander


Summary: The story of David before he became the greatest king of Israel. 


Plot: Coming Soon!

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