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Ta2ed Teenage Alien Fighters from Beverly Hills

Release Date: September 7th, Y2

Studio: Gold Crescent Pictures

Genre: Superhero/Comedy

Director: Rawson Marshall Thurber

Theater Count: 3,333

Premium Formats: IMAX

Shooting Format: 3.4K Digital (Arri Alexa SXT) / 6.5K Digital (Arri Alexa 65 with IMAX branding) (Select sequences)

Aspect Ratio: 1.85:1

Release Image Formats: 2K DCP, 4K DCP, 2K IMAX Digital DCP, 4K IMAX with Laser DCP

Release Audio Formats: 5.1, 7.1, Dolby Atmos, IMAX 12-Channel (IMAX with Laser DCPs only)

Production Budget: $55 million

MPAA Rating: PG-13 for action violence, rude humor, suggestive content, and language

Running Time: 91 minutes

Major Cast: Bailee Madison (Laurie), Kiernan Shipka (Drew), Dakota Goyo (Gordon), Dante Brown (Swinton), Jason Statham (Bob Bob), Malcolm McDowell (Nimbar), Wesley Snipes (Gorganus), Josh Gad (Lechner), Tina Fey (Drew's Aunt)

Previous Film Gross: $64.8 million domestic / $150.3 million global


Plot Summary:

A sequel to the Y1 film Tattooed Teenage Alien Fighters from Beverly Hills




The film begins immediately after the climactic battle from the first installment. It opens in Nimbar's lair, where the four superheroic teens - preppy cheerleader Laurie (Bailee Madison), egotistical rich kid Gordon (Dakota Goyo), alpha-nerd Swinton (Dante Brown), and complete lunatic Drew (Kiernan Shipka), are celebrating their victory over the evil Emperor Gorganus. Many vague references are made about how astounding it was the way they came together as a team, the incredible stunts they performed, how it was like something out of a movie - a perfect Hollywood ending. Swinton mentions how, if someone WERE to make a movie out of it, it would have to be very expensive and that he doubts anyone would waste that kind of money on a troupe of second-rate Power Rangers. At no point now, nor during the rest of the film, does anyone acknowledge the actual ending of the first movie. Nimbar (voice of Malcolm McDowell) informs the teens that Gorganus will no doubt step up his efforts to conquer Earth since he has been humiliated.


Flash forward a couple of months. It's now nearing the end of the school year, and the teens are excited for summer vacation - all except for Drew, who is in danger of failing her history class and being held back. It seems her teacher was very confused by her paper on how the French Revolution was caused by unrest over the deadly epidemic of diabetes that swept through the nation once the peasants were placed on an all-cake diet. If she doesn't get a perfect score on her final exam, she'll need to repeat her Junior year. Gordon suggests Drew have her parents bribe or blackmail the teacher like his mother did for him, but Laurie reminds him that neither of Drew's parents are the mayor like Gordon's mother is. Drew adds that her parents died on the seventh moon landing when their lunar rover rear-ended a Ford Pinto. Swinton offers to help her study so she can ace the final.


Up on planet Moleculon, the evil Emperor Gorganus (Wesley Snipes) has finally recovered from his defeat at the hands of the Galactic Sentinels. He whines to his birdlike alien pet Lechner (voice of Josh Gad) that he doesn't know how they could have possibly beaten him. Lechner tries to reassure him they just got lucky, and Gorganus replies he didn't mean it like that - he LITERALLY can't remember how it happened. Lechner gazes nervously into the camera and advises the emperor that he will tell him later. Nevertheless, Gorganus decides the time has come to push past failures aside. He summons an alien mercenary, Voldek, a monstrous warrior with electricity-based attacks.


Swinton and Drew are in the middle of their study session by Drew's pool that afternoon when they are summoned by Nimbar, their tattoos flashing and a Power Portal opening inside the old shed where the pool toys are kept. They open the shed to find it completely stuffed with bizarre novelty inflatables, pool noodles and the like. Meanwhile, Laurie is doing community service at an old folks' home. As she serves them their unappetizing slop for dinner, the Power Portal opens in the middle of the room. She looks around, horrified that her identity has been exposed, only to realize all the residents are too nearsighted, drugged-out, or mentally feeble to realize what is happening. She shrugs and steps through the portal. Gordon is walking down the street when a Power Portal opens in a nearby alley. The only way to get to the alley is to cross in front of a line of panhandlers. As they stare at the obvious trust-fund-kid accusingly, he insists he would give them some cash, but he only has his gold American Express card. This does not earn him any forgiveness.


Gordon and Laurie arrive in the lair where Nimbar informs them of Voldek's arrival on Earth. He is rampaging in a random forest somewhere in Utah. Nimbar gives them their mission briefing as if nothing is amiss until Laurie points out that Drew and Swinton are missing. Nimbar apologizes; sometimes he forgets how many of "you stupid kids" there are. Nimbar is adamant that Laurie and Gordon head into battle right away, despite their repeated insistence that the monster is nowhere near any populated areas and isn't even doing anything. Indeed, on the holo-screen we can see the massive 200-foot-tall beast is amusing himself by zapping small birds out of the sky. Nimbar commands them to go fight Voldek anyway, and they reluctantly agree, transforming into Galactic Sentinels and portalling to the monster's location.


The pair, whose fighting skills have not notably improved since the first movie, do a lot of fancy-looking flips and twirls but are zapped painfully on the few rare occasions they actually make contact with the beast. It's not long before they're on the ropes. Meanwhile, Swinton and Drew are dramatically struggling to reach the Power Portal, pushing, stumbling, squeaking, and crawling their way through the pool toys. The scene cuts back and forth between the struggle against the monster and the struggle against the inflatable menace. Eventually Drew clears a path by biting into the the inflated pool toys like a hungry lioness, popping and deflating them so the two can reach the portal. Once they join their teammates in battle, the four form Knightron, the galactic super-knight, and make short work of the monster.


As usual, Gorganus is outraged by this failure. Following a suggestion by Lechner, he decides the best way to defeat the Galactic Sentinels is to beat them at their own game. He holds a contest to find his own evil champion, shown in a montage consisting of Olympics-esque athletic challenges, a trivia round, and a swimsuit round. The warrior ultimately chosen is a tough, rugged human from the Delta-Gamma-Phi moon colonies (Jason Statham). At the ceremony to honor his victory, after all the other competitors are executed, Gorganus asks the warrior's name. As it turns out, he doesn't have one, as he was born into slavery in the Stracchan Toil Mines and never deemed important enough to be given his own identity. Gorganus says it doesn't matter, as for the coming mission he will need to totally immerse himself in a new identity...


The next day at school, the teens notice a new student has joined their class. He is a chiseled, handsome, but obviously middle-aged man who surveys his surroundings with militaristic precision. Later in the day they meet in the hall and Gordon asks his name, to which he replies "Bob." Asked for a last name, following a brief, confused pause, he repeats "Bob." The new... er, "kid," quickly excuses himself, saying he is late for class even though it is the middle of their lunch period. After he "leaves," the teens see him standing about ten feet down the hallway, half-hidden behind a row of lockers and still staring intently at them. Swinton thinks it's pretty weird that a new fifty-year-old student has transferred in with one week of school left. Laurie explains the principal was eager to add him to the football team, and that all the other cheerleaders have been fawning over him but he doesn't even seem to notice. Gordon theorizes he might be gay, a hint of hope and desire in his voice. Throughout the day, Bob Bob spies on our heroes. At one point Laurie is doing her makeup in the women's restroom when she drops her lipstick. She is surprised when Bob Bob appears behind her and picks it up for her.

That afternoon all four of the teens converge at Drew's pool to help her study for her finals. Drew's crazy aunt (Tina Fey) offers to order them a pizza as long as she gets to pick the toppings. The teens refuse, but she orders it anyway (with extra peanut butter). Bob Bob is staked out across the street from Drew's house, and when the delivery driver arrives, he jumps him, knocks him out cold, and steals his outfit and pizza. Then he arrives with the delivery in the ill-fitting outfit, sleeves torn off, pants unbuttoned. Drew's aunt sees this and assumes she accidentally ordered from the pizza strip joint again. Bob Bob tries to get close to the teens, but to keep up his cover, he's forced to head to the bedroom with Drew's aunt.


Eventually a Power Portal opens poolside, summoning the team to Nimbar's lair. Nimbar informs them that Gorganus has sent a disguised supervillain to Earth in order to destroy them, and that he was able to trace their energy signature to determine the villain was at school with them that day. Most of the teens immediately realize it's Bob Bob, except Drew, who insists it's actually her history teacher. In her mind, her teacher is trying to get her held back to split up the team dynamic. The others point out that the history teacher has been working at the school since their parents were kids, and in any case is in no shape to be fighting superheroes.


Up on Moleculon, Gorganus is infuriated with Bob Bob's lack of progress. Luckily, as he gloats to Lechner, he's been working on a backup plan just in case things don't work out...


Finally, Bob Bob finishes his tryst with Drew's aunt - at which point it's revealed they were actually just playing a game of Clue. Bob Bob is very confused about why the killer didn't simply vaporize the victim with a phase-controlled plasma blast. He storms out, upset that the game didn't make any sense and wasn't fair. He's so angry, in fact, that he decides he needs to let off some steam. Summoning the dark powers of the constellation Ophiuchus, he transforms into an evil Galactic Sentinel with a blood-red suit, towering hundreds of feet tall and rampaging through Beverly Hills. The other Sentinels, still in the lair, quickly transform and confront him. They are predictably outmatched, as Bob Bob has actual fighting skills to back up his powers. The teens form Knightron and manage to even the odds with their armor and laser blasts from their sword Megacalibur, which injure and slow down but do not destroy Bob Bob. The battle causes a ton of devastation in the neighborhood, and the café where Drew works is trampled, prompting a quip about not having to go in for work on Monday. In the end, Gorganus orders his evil Sentinel to stand down until more information can be gathered about the do-gooder heroes.


Over the next few days, Drew's aunt begins dating Bob Bob, who makes sure to show up in her life as often as possible by beating up and impersonating an Uber driver, a parking officer, a yoga instructor, and a Girl Scout. Eventually he reports back to Gorganus that he has obtained information that will cripple one of the Sentinels, and the stage is set for the final battle. The teens and Bob Bob transform and face off in central LA, and Bob Bob singles Drew out during the fight. Once he has her cornered, he launches a flying kick directly at her face. Triumphantly, he explains to the teens that Drew's aunt had revealed she especially disliked being kicked in the face ever since a traumatic event during her childhood. We flash back to Drew at ten years old. All year she'd been begging for a pony for Christmas. For once, her crazy aunt actually remembered, and when she comes down the stairs on Christmas morning she finds a live pony clumsily gift-wrapped and walking awkwardly around the living room. Excitedly, as her aunt records video, she tears away at part of the wrapping - on the wrong end. Startled, the pony kicks her in the face and sends her flying across the room. Besides all the facial reconstruction surgery she needed, Drew notes back in the present, the worst part was that her aunt put the video on YouTube that night and it was at 37 million views by the next morning.


Bob Bob mocks her, trying to deliver an intimidating villain speech about how she was betrayed and attacked by the one thing she loved most in the world. Swinton asks if he means her aunt, but Bob Bob helpfully points out that he obviously meant the pony. In the middle of his explanation, Drew leaps up onto his shoulders and begins going absolutely wild on him. As the others watch in awe and mild fear, she chokes him with her legs while pummeling his face with her fists, eventually knocking a giant tooth out. The tooth lands in the backyard of a house where a kid is watching the fight, and he quickly rushes outside and drapes his pillow over the giant tooth, which is as big as his entire body. "Mom," he yells inside, "the Tooth Fairy's gonna pay off your gambling debt!"


Eventually, Bob Bob faints from lack of oxygen due to Drew's strangling. He collapses into the city street just as a light turns green, blocking the way and prompting little more than a chorus of honks from aggravated commuters. The teens are celebrating their victory and congratulating Drew when suddenly Gorganus himself arrives on Earth in his gigantic form. Emboldened by their recent victories, the teens taunt him, asking if he's forgotten how badly he got his ass kicked last time. Informing them that yes, actually, he has, he adds that this time will be different, because he's been preparing an unstoppable new weapon to give him the edge - a giant robot!


The teens are unimpressed. Giant robots, they say, have been done before. Gorganus gives a hearty, evil chuckle. For he has not developed a simple garden-variety giant robot. No - he has engineered a giant robot FOR GIANTS! The city goes dark as an enormous, humanoid mechanical battle-bot, made in the space despot's own image, descends from the sky. Standing over 2,000 feet tall, the machine lands with a thud, quaking the ground, causing rockslides and building collapses. Gorganus enters the machine to pilot it from a cockpit inside the head. The teens form Knightron, but are still horribly outmatched by the enormous mech, which stomps toward them menacingly, crushing the Voltron: Rise of Lotor billboards on seemingly every street corner as it walks along.


At first Knightron can do nothing but scamper about hopelessly, blasting the robot ineffectually with laser beams. However, Swinton notices the robot is slow and has a limited range of movement. The merged space knight grabs onto the robot and begins climbing it like a bug, looking for weak spots. The huge Gorganus-mech tries to swat at it, but Knightron circles around to its back, where it can't reach. The mech crouches down and rubs its back against the US Bank Tower, trying to scrape Knightron off, but the shining galactic savior manages to hang on. Halfway up its back, Knightron finds a giant battery compartment on the mech. Using Megacalibur's blade in place of a screwdriver, they begin trying to open the compartment's cover.


Giving up on attacking Knightron directly, Gorganus warns he will fire all his lasers directly at the city's most populated area if they do not surrender. He begins charging his weapons, a visible progress bar popping up on his cockpit's main screen. Knightron struggles to open the battery compartment in time, but is having difficulty - Swinton complains these things are always a pain in the ass. Just when it seems time has run out, the progress bar in Gorganus' cockpit moves backwards, the estimated time to completion changing from 2 seconds to 3 hours. The evil emperor starts pounding on his console, and the countdown speeds back up. 5... 4... 3... 2...


Finally the battery compartment opens, and Knightron pries out the huge, several-story-tall alkaline battery powering the doomsday machine, which falls to the street and crushes a bus full of tourists who were taking pictures of the battle. The robot shuts down, and as Knightron climbs back down to ground level, an enraged Gorganus hovers down to the streets with his jet-boots. A battle ensues between the two titans, and at first it goes similarly to the one at the climax of the first film - Knightron blasts off most of Gorganus' armor, but his comically huge muscles bounce laser blasts right back at them. The teens try to use the strategy they beat him with last time only to realize they can't remember it either. Just as all seems lost, the tip of Megacalibur accidentally touches the giant battery. A surge of energy flows into the blade. The teens realize that they can supercharge their weapon!


Gorganus runs at Knightron, pummeling the space knight, denting its armor and forcing it to its knees, but the warrior manages to keep charging its sword. Finally, with Megacalibur blazing as bright as the sun, the warrior unleashes a highly-charged slash that causes a huge explosion. When the light fades and the dust clears, Gorgnus is gone, only his huge shattered helmet remaining on the ground as a symbol of his defeat. Knightron picks it up and raises it to the heavens, and crowds of onlookers cheer. Suddenly, Bob Bob awakens and approaches the knight. Knightron readies its sword, but Bob Bob extends his hand in friendship. He has learned to love this planet, he claims in a sappy speech set to stirring orchestral string music. If they need a fifth Sentinel to join their team in protecting Earth, he will be happy to help. And if Drew wants a new uncle, he thinks he can make that happen too. The two giants shake hands and go in for a bro-hug.


Then the world begins to shake and the crowds run and scream. The huge warriors turn to see an immense object hurtling towards Earth. Just as Drew's aunt had warned in the first film, Pluto has fallen out of orbit and is seeking revenge. The dwarf planet crashes into Earth, shattering it to bits and instantly killing all life.




In a mid-credits scene, Lechner addresses the audience directly, mocking them for wasting their time on the movie and telling them to vote with their wallets to ensure a third is never made.



Edited by Xillix
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Ho! Ho! Ho!

Release Date: November 30th, Y2

Studio: Gold Crescent Pictures

Genre: Holiday Comedy 

Director: Nancy Meyers

Theater Count: 2,450

Shooting Format: Digital 3.4K (Arri Alexa SXT)

Aspect Ratio: 1.85:1

Release Image Formats: 2K DCP

Release Audio Formats: 5.1

Production Budget: $15 million

MPAA Rating: R for language, alcohol consumption, sexual content, and minor nudity

Running Time: 87 minutes

Major Cast: Anna Faris (Cyndi), Kate McKinnon (Sera), Kellan Lutz (Andre)


Plot Summary: 

On Christmas Eve, three L.A. prostitutes - Cyndi (Anna Faris), Sera (Kate McKinnon), and Andre (Kellan Lutz) - find their pimp dead in his apartment. They decide to steal his money and give themselves a holiday night to remember. Lots of wacky hijinks ensue, including splurging on horrible fashion, dining in and promptly being kicked out of a fancy restaurant, and drag racing down Hollywood Boulevard. They're found and hired as extras for a late-night movie shoot, and by the end their antics have left such an impression on the director that he decides to cast them in speaking roles in his next film. The three are excited to become actors and leave their old line of work behind.


Edited by Xillix
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The 120 Days of Sodom


"So demented it was banned"


Date- April 27th

Genre- Drama

Rating- R

Theaters- 1,975 theaters

Budget- $0.5 million

Running Time- 70 minutes or 1 hour and 10 minutes

Studio- O$corp Pictures

Director- Aiden Peckle




The film is set in a remote house, high in the mountains and surrounded by forests, detached from the rest of the world. The film takes place place over five months, November to March. Four wealthy men lock themselves in the house, the along with a number of victims and accomplices. They intend to listen to various stories of depravity from four veteran prostitutes, which will inspire them to engage in similar activities with their victims after hearing the stories. For each of the first four months, November to February, the prostitutes take turns to tell five stories each day, relating to the fetishes of their most interesting clients, and thus totaling 150 stories for each month These passions are separated into four categories – simple, complex, criminal and murderous – escalating in complexity and savagery. In November, these stories are only considered 'simple' in terms of them not including actual sexual penetration. The stories include men who like to masturbate in the faces of seven-year-old girls, and indulge in urine drinking. As they do throughout the story-telling sections, the four men indulge in activities similar to those they've heard with their daughters and the kidnapped teens. In December these stories involve more extravagant perversions, such as men who vaginally rape female children, indulge in incest and flagellation. Act of men who indulge in sacrilegious activities are also told and performed, such as a man who enjoyed having sex with nuns whilst watching Mass being performed. The female children are deflowered vaginally during the evening orgies with other elements of the prostitutes stories such as whipping and cutting occasionally thrown in. In, January acts of perverts who indulge in criminal activities, albeit stopping short of murder. They include men who sodomize girls and boys as young as three, men who prostitute their own daughters to other perverts and watch the proceedings, and others who mutilate women by tearing off fingers or burning them with red-hot pokers. During the month, the four men begin having anal sex with the sixteen male and female children who, along with the other victims, are treated more brutally as time goes on, with regular beatings, cuttings whippings, and other horrific and horror like treatment. In, February, the final 150 stories and acts are those involving murder. They include perverts who skin children alive, disembowel pregnant women, burn alive entire families, and kill newborn babies in front of their mothers. This month features the men who masterbute while watching fifteen teenage girls and boys being simultaneously tortured to death. During this month, the men brutally kill three of the four daughters they have between them, along with four of the female children and two of the male ones. The murder of one of the girls, 15-year-old Augustine, is shown in great detail, with the tortures she is subjected to including having flesh stripped from her limbs, her vagina being mutilated and her intestines being pulled out of her sliced-open belly and burned. In March the men tell the days on which the surviving children and many of the other characters are disposed of in graphic imagery. The film ends with the men killing themselves as the police arrive at the house.

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Skeleton Crew

Release Date: April 13th, Y2

Studio: Red Crescent Pictures

Genre: Horror

Director: Jason Zada

Theater Count: 2,650

Shooting Format: 3.4K Digital (Arri Alexa SXT)

Aspect Ratio: 1.85:1

Release Image Format: 2K DCP

Release Audio Formats: 5.1, 7.1

Production Budget: $8 million

MPAA Rating: R for violence, gore, language, and terror

Running Time: 91 minutes

Major Cast: Joel Edgerton (Dr. Austin), Ben Foster (Dr. Branson), Ali Larter (Nurse Raleigh), Natalie Dormer (Nurse Carter), Nia Long (Dr. Tyler), Christina Masterson (Nurse Ellis) Alex Essoe (Nurse Silva), Tobin Bell (Dr. Ayers)


An adaptation of the 2004 Japanese film Kansen (translated as "Infection" or "Contagion") by Masayuki Ochiai.




The film opens in an ambulance driving down an empty road on a cold, gray day, sirens wailing. A middle-aged man is in the back, a strange black rash visible on his arms and chest. The paramedics are running tests and trying to cool him down. He has a fever and his heart is racing. His responses to the paramedics' questions are slurred and confused. The driver is on the radio trying to get in touch with the nearest ER, but no one is responding.




Inside a run-down hospital, the staff is stretched to the limit. Many of them haven't been paid in weeks. Nine nurses have quit in the past month. Supplies and drugs are running low. There are simply not enough staff and resources to care for all of the patients. Dr. Austin (Joel Edgerton) confesses to his associate Dr. Branson (Ben Foster) that he hasn't heard from the hospital's director in days. They have no reason to stay except to care for the remaining patients, many of whom cannot be transferred. 


In the waiting room, a young man wearing headphones walks up to the head nurse, Nurse Raleigh (Ali Larter), as she enters the room. He asks if it's his turn yet, saying he's been waiting forever. She tells him to go back to his seat and that someone will see him soon, though he complains his head is "spinning." Meanwhile, an elderly male patient has fallen and broken his ankle trying to get out of bed. Nurse Carter (Natalie Dormer) finds him and summons Dr. Austin. The patient says he called for a nurse many times, but no one ever came. He is moved to a room closer to the front office.


On his way back through the hall, Dr. Austin passes an elderly female dementia patient. She is staring into a mirror, having a discussion about dinner. The hospital's neurologist, Dr. Tyler (Nia Long), comes along as she has been looking for this patient. She explains to Dr. Austin that she sees her long-dead family when she looks into a mirror. Much of human vision, she points out, is created by the brain, filling in the gaps of what we actually see. Sometimes a diseased brain will make us see things that aren't there at all. 


As they pass the waiting room, Dr. Tyler sees the man with the headphones talking to Nurse Raleigh again. He is obviously confused, his speech slurred and repetitive. She walks over and asks him to remove his headphones. When he does so, it is revealed blood is leaking out from his ears. In a broken sentence, he says he woke up feeling funny after falling and hitting his head. Dr. Tyler scolds Nurse Raleigh for not admitting him right away, but Raleigh reminds her Tyler had said she was overloaded with patients and not to admit anyone unless it was a clear emergency. He is admitted to Room 4 but quickly falls unconscious again.


Next door in Room 3, the hospital's youngest nurse, Nurse Ellis (Christina Masterson), is trying to give an unconscious burn patient covered in bandages a shot of medicine. She is unsteady with a syringe, however, and keeps missing the vein. Nurse Carter walks in on her and stops her, saying he's not her guinea pig and that if he were awake she'd be in big trouble. Carter administers the medication herself and scolds Ellis for lacking the "innate talent" to be a nurse, saying she wouldn't have been hired anywhere else.


In the front office, Dr. Austin is looking over some paperwork - badly disorganized - and hears the call from the ambulance in the opening scene coming in over the radio. Their patient's heartbeat is slowing, the rash spreading all over his body. They are calling for any available hospital to respond. Dr. Austin turns off the radio. He then makes his way to Room 4 to examine the head trauma patient. His brain is swelling and bleeding badly. He's on a respirator, incapable of breathing on his own. It seems unlikely he will ever wake up. Dr. Austin calls in Nurse Silva (Alex Essoe), who had been attending to him, asking her to summon Dr. Tyler. Nurse Silva responds that Dr. Tyler's shift has ended and that she's already gone home. She never found time to examine the patient.


In Room 2, Dr. Branson is meeting with an elderly patient of his who has terminal cancer. The man is in terrible pain, and begs for stronger drugs to dull it. Dr. Branson refuses, saying anything stronger would put his life at risk. The patient says he doesn't care, and that he is only waiting to die anyway. Still, Branson refuses.


That night, after most of the lights have been turned off and a sign posted at the entrance saying no new patients are being accepted, Nurse Carter finds the burn patient in Room 3 has fallen out of his bed. Most of the remaining staff is summoned, with Dr. Austin, Nurse Raleigh, Nurse Carter, and Nurse Silva all trying desperately to save him after they put him back in his bed. His pulse is becoming irregular. In the chaos, Dr. Austin shouts an order for an IV of calcium chloride. Nurse Silva goes to get it but is interrupted by the sudden late arrival of Dr. Branson. The burn patient is technically Branson's. As he is brought up to speed on the situation, the chaos only increases when the patient begins to flatline. Dr. Austin repeats his order to Nurse Silva, but in the heat of the moment, makes a slip of the tongue and asks for calcium chlorate instead. 


Nurse Silva injects the calcium chlorate, killing the patient. She begins to sob and panic, horrified at the thought of killing someone and insisting she'd heard "chlorate." Nurse Carter backs up her claim that Dr. Austin had ordered the wrong injection. Dr. Austin tries desperately to revive the patient but Dr. Branson points out his blood chemistry is ruined and that there's nothing they can do. Nurse Raleigh says they must file a report, and Dr. Austin says he will take full responsibility. Dr. Branson, however, tells them to reconsider. Their hospital is about to shut down - that is without question. He suggests that if an official report of malpractice is made, none of the doctors and nurses involved will ever be hired by another hospital. Besides, he says, the patient has been unconscious for three months and had no visitors. Gradually, he convinces the others in the room to cover up the death. They make a plan to place him in the empty Room 1 and speed up his decomposition by warming him with space heaters. This will help break up the calcium chlorate in his bloodstream and make it look like he died of natural causes as a result of inflammation from his burns. Meanwhile, it is revealed that Nurse Ellis has been in Room 2 checking on the cancer patient. She has overheard everything. As she leaves, horrified, a distinctive hair clip of hers falls out of her hair onto the floor.


After placing the burn patient's body in Room 1 to be heated, Dr. Austin passes the ER entrance. A paramedic from the ambulance that had been calling over the radio wheels in their patient, covered in a sheet, on a gurney. Dr. Austin refuses to accept the patient, obviously flustered, saying they have too much to handle already. The paramedic argues with him, saying they are the only hospital for miles, questioning Dr. Austin's morals. Ultimately, Austin is called away by Nurse Silva, warning him of trouble in Room 1. Austin tells the paramedic he will need to keep looking for another hospital.


The old lady with dementia has snuck into Room 1. She is talking to the dead man's body much the way she spoke into the mirror earlier. "You're still there, aren't you?," she says. She is escorted out of the room and Nurse Silva is told to remain in Room 1 to keep watch.


Meanwhile, Nurse Raleigh finds Nurse Ellis in an empty room, practicing injections with syringes on herself. She is still having trouble and has stuck herself several times to no avail. Nurse Raleigh scolds her terribly for wasting supplies, saying they barely have enough as it is. The commotion attracts Nurse Carter, who enters the room and again torments Ellis for her lack of skill.


As she leaves the room, Nurse Raleigh sees that the patient from the ambulance has been left in the hall by the ER entrance. The ambulance is gone. She goes to find Dr. Austin, but when they return to the hall together - Dr. Branson joining along the way - the patient and gurney are missing. From inside the ER, they hear a voice calling them. They follow it and find Dr. Ayers (Tobin Bell) in the ER, having placed the patient on a bed behind a curtain. Raleigh and Austin express surprise at seeing Dr. Ayers, saying they had thought he'd gone home. Dr. Ayers claims he had been checking on the head injury patient in Room 4 when he fell asleep and missed the end of his shift. He implies, without explicitly stating, that he heard what had happened next door in Room 3 when the burn patient died. 


Dr. Ayers shows Raleigh and Austin the patient. What's left of the man is disgusting, almost unrecognizable. Most of his body, including his internal organs, is liquefying into green goo. With what remains of his face, he turns to the doctors and smiles, seeming to stare right through them. Shocked, Dr. Austin yanks the curtain closed, saying they should call the Centers for Disease Control. Dr. Ayers asks if he REALLY wants them involved - again, with the clear implication an outside team would discover the cover-up of the burn patient's death. He points out no symptoms like these have ever been observed before. If they keep the patient and study him, they can discover and document a remarkable new pathogen. He claims the discovery will save their careers. Reluctantly, they agree to go along with it.


Nurse Raleigh volunteers to stay in the ER and keep an eye on the patient. Soon, however, she is overcome by the smell of rotting flesh and passes out. By the time Dr. Ayers, Dr. Branson, and Dr. Austin return to check on her, the patient appears to have disappeared. All that is left is a small pile of rotten flesh surrounded by green goo on the bed. Dr. Branson theorizes the man decayed away into nothing, but Dr. Ayers suggests there would be more fluid left behind if that were the case. He believes the patient escaped the ER. Dr. Austin thinks that's ridiculous - most of his muscles had already dissolved. But sure enough, they find a trail of green slime leading to an air vent, the cover of which has been partially pried off.


Dr. Branson searches the dark hospital for the patient, while Dr. Austin takes Nurse Raleigh to rest in the office. Ultimately, Branson's search turns up nothing - but he is startled by the old dementia patient, who is wandering around the halls talking to no one again. In the office, Nurse Raleigh suddenly wakes up and flatly declares she'll be going back to work. She heads to the equipment room, where Nurse Ellis is taking inventory. Raleigh laments the wastefulness of the staff, saying they shouldn't throw so much away. She reaches into a biohazard discard bin, grabbing used IV tubing and other materials out from inside, dirty needles sticking into her hands. As if in a trance, she walks over to the sterilizing bath of boiling water. As Ellis yells out for her to stop, she dips the equipment - and her hands - into the bath. Dr. Austin comes running and watches as Nurse Raleigh begins to scream, her trance seemingly broken, her hands horribly disfigured. Green goo begins to ooze out of her ears and she collapses to the floor, unconscious.


Acting quickly, Dr. Austin wraps Raleigh in a clear plastic sheet and places her on a bed in Room 4, with the unconscious brain damage patient. After he leaves, Raleigh seems to reawaken. Her body begins to dissolve and collapse in on itself as her organs liquefy. "I'm sorry," she croaks out, reaching up and pushing against the plastic. "Forgive me." She rips a hole through the plastic and smiles.


Meanwhile, Nurse Carter confronts Nurse Ellis. She's found Ellis' hairclip in Room 2 and realized she must have overheard everything. She warns Ellis not to say anything, and claims it's really her fault the burn patient died in the first place. He was unconscious, she says, and fell out of his bed as a reflex. Ellis had poked into his arm so many times, he was trying to get away from her even when he wasn't awake. Horrified and sobbing, Ellis runs from the room. On the way she passes Room 4 and hears a noise inside. She enters to find Nurse Raleigh's bed empty, the plastic sheet torn open. She looks around the room searching for her, and we in the audience see the ghastly, half-dissolved Raleigh standing in the corner of the room behind her.


Dr. Austin and Dr. Branson meet Dr. Ayers in the ER again, saying they cannot contain this on its own if it is an airborne virus. Dr. Ayers says it isn't airborne, but refuses to elaborate. Austin suggests they wait one more hour, by which time the sun will be rising. If they don't have the situation under control by then, they will call for help. Fearful for his career as much as his safety, Branson agrees.


Nurse Carter finds Nurse Ellis in the office, stabbing syringes into her arms and leaving them there. Ellis declares she's finally got it right. Now she hits the vein on the first try every time. She turns around to show Carter, and several needles are sticking out of the veins in her forearms. She's holding two more syringes, one in each hand. She says to a horrified Nurse Carter that, when she was a child, she got very sick and spent two years in the hospital. The nurses were so kind to her that she decided she had to be one herself when she grew up. Carter tries to apologize for bullying her and begs her to stop, but Ellis stands up and declares that, since she has no talent, she had better keep practicing. She slams both syringes into her chest, which ruptures, spewing green ooze all over Nurse Carter.


After working to clean herself up, Carter passes through the waiting room where she finds an elderly woman in an old dress holding a bouquet of flowers. She tells the woman visiting hours are over, but she says this was the only time she could make it. She's come to check on a relative of hers, but can't find him. He was supposed to be in Room 3, being treated for burns. Terrified, Nurse Carter can only bring herself to say that his symptoms have gotten worse and she can't see him today. The woman declares she will come back tomorrow, and she pivots unnaturally as she turns to leave - it becomes clear that, while her dress is trailing on the floor, her feet are floating off of the ground.


When Dr. Austin and Dr. Branson discover that Nurse Raleigh's body has gone missing, they confront Dr. Ayers again. Branson is determined to leave, but Dr. Ayers guilts him into staying by asking what will happen to his patients if he runs away. He says he needs to try having a little compassion, which enrages Dr. Branson. He storms out and leaves Dr. Austin, who asks Dr. Ayers if he knows something about the disease he isn't telling them. Ayers replies he has been proven right about the infection not being airborne - after all, the comatose patient in Room 4 is unaffected.


Dr. Branson is checking on his cancer patient in Room 2, who again begs him for stronger painkillers. Dr. Branson continues to refuse, and the patient asks him to have a little compassion. Furious again, Branson tries to walk away but finds his wrist being grabbed. He turns around to see that it is not the cancer patient grabbing him, but someone else's ghostly arm.


Meanwhile, Dr. Austin checks in on Nurse Carter in the office. He can't seem to find her - until he notices a trail of green slime on the floor. He follows it to the edge of the room, where he sees it ascends the wall. As he backs up, perplexed, he walks directly into the ghastly Nurse Carter, hanging from the ceiling and dripping slime from a gash in her throat. She tries to grab him, but he manages to run out of the room. 


Meanwhile, back in Room 2, Dr. Branson is speaking with the ghost that grabbed him. It's a different old man, one who was a patient of his years ago. It turns out that he had euthanized this man because he had a terminal illness as well. The ghost asks why Branson is so unwilling to do the same for this patient, saying that while it was agony when his heart stopped, he is at peace now. Dr. Branson agrees. Dr. Austin runs into the room to find Branson smothering the cancer patient with a pillow. He tries to stop him but steps back when he sees the green slime leaking from Branson's ears and, eventually, his eyes. Dr. Branson apologizes, repeating over and over, "he gets in your head." Austin flees the room as Branson collapses to the floor.


Dr. Austin runs next door to Room 1. Opening the door, he finds Nurse Silva inside sitting next to the burn patient, apologizing for poisoning his blood and saying he should take hers. She has herself hooked up on an IV line, feeding her blood - which is green - into the dead man's corpse. He runs back out toward the office, where he finds Dr. Ayers waiting for him with a sinister smile. Ayers admits he knows exactly what happened in Room 3, and Austin accuses him of creating the illness and spreading it as some sort of cruel revenge - the cover-up gave him an excuse to try it out and observe it to obtain fame for himself. Ayers shakes his head and says that he is not the one spreading it - not on his own, anyhow. A man's mind, he says, has a way of punishing him for his misdeeds. That is how it spreads - through the mind, through visions and guilt. As the first rays of sunlight streak in through the windows, Austin continues to accuse Ayers of being behind the plague, saying his explanation doesn't make sense.


Just then, Dr. Tyler arrives. She asks Dr. Austin who he's talking to. Suddenly, Austin realizes he has been arguing with his own reflection in a mirror. He insists that it was Dr. Ayers, that he was behind some terrible infection. Dr. Tyler is confused. There has never been a Dr. Ayers at this hospital, she points out. The only Ayers she knew of was Kevin Ayers, the burn patient in Room 3. Austin continues to rant and rave madly. He insists Dr. Ayers had spread a plague that drove people insane and turned blood green, dissolving bodies into nothing. It's then that Dr. Tyler notices Nurse Carter's body inside the office. Her blood is red. Reasoning that the mad Dr. Austin had murdered her, she calls the police.


The film skips forward an hour or so. The authorities have arrived and arrested Dr. Austin for the murders of Dr. Branson, Nurse Raleigh, Nurse Carter, Nurse Ellis, and Nurse Silva. In her own office between rounds of police questioning, Dr. Tyler watches on television as the paramedic from the ambulance earlier in the movie is interviewed. He relates how distressed and uncaring Dr. Austin had seemed when he tried to drop off his patient at the ER, and expresses how glad he is that he didn't leave the patient at that hospital.


Dr. Tyler is called back out into the lobby, where the remaining patients are being evacuated for transfer to other hospitals. A paramedic wheels out the head trauma patient and asks her to confirm he's her patient. She says she doesn't recognize him, but the paramedic points out her name is on his chart. She is overcome with sudden guilt at her poor handling of the situation, which likely cost the young man his life. As the patient is carted off to the ambulance, she sees that its lights are now green. She stumbles, shocked, through the hall back into her office. She trips and cuts herself on the corner of her desk. Green blood drips from the gash in her hand. Looking up, she sees Dr. Ayers looming over her with a sinister smile. The image cuts to black as she screams in horror.



Edited by Xillix
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Title: Beach House

Director: Mikael Håfström

Genre: Horror/Thriller

Release Date: June 22

Major Cast: Anna Faris (Jessica), Cillian Murphy (Dave), Amy Adams (Mary)

Theater Count: 3,045

MPAA Rating: R (strong language, violence, sexuality)

Runtime: 92 minutes (1 hr 32 minutes)
Production Budget: $30 million

Plot Summary: Jessica and Dave are newlyweds looking for a second home by the beach. Many of them are out of their price range but they find one that is better than all the other houses but also much cheaper. Excited by the opportunity, they purchase the beach house and are quick to take a vacation there. At first everything is great. They are walking distance to both an unspoiled public beach and a town with decent amenities such as a movie theater and some great restaurants. The two have sex the first night after a good movie and a great meal, and it is the best sex they have ever had.


But by the third night, Jessica begins to hear strange sounds coming from the backyard in the middle of the night. She is compelled to find the source of these sounds. It is the ghost of Mary, who claims she was Dave's ex-girlfriend before he killed her, and that Jessica needs to escape before the same happens to her as well. At first Jessica is skeptical, but Mary is able to show Jessica visions of her past relationship with Dave and they are real enough to convince Jessica of the truth.


The next day, Jessica brings up Mary in a conversation with Dave, and it is very clear that he has something to hide as he abruptly attempts to change the subject. As Jessica presses further, he becomes aggressive and tries to attack her. He manages to hit her but she is able to escape. She reports the situation to the police department and they are very respectful and agree to help her with the situation.


But when they get back to the beach house, Dave is able to convince the officers that nothing happened. That night, Dave is visited by Mary as a ghost. Both Jessica and Dave can see Mary in this situation. Mary becomes very aggressive and attacks Dave, strangling him and ending his life. Jessica is petrified with fear and is unable to do anything as she falls back asleep. The next day, she reports the situation to the police. She is considered a suspect in a murder but the autopsy on Dave's body exonerates her as they conclude it was a suicide.


Jessica sells the beach house and uses the profit to start a foundation for battered women. She also decides to get into therapy and work on improving her own life and learning who she really is.


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Truth Is


Date- February 9th

Genre- Romantic Drama

Rating- R- strong sexual content including dialogue, some unusual behavior and graphic nudity, violence, and for strong language

Theaters- 3,175 theaters

Budget- 20 million

Running Time- 110 minutes or 1 hour and 40 minutes

Studio- O$corp Pictures

Director- James Foley

Producer- Arnon Milchan

Original Score- Danny Elfman


Tyler- Casey Cott

Hunter- Colton Haynes

Nicole- Margot Robbie

Adam- Grant Gustin

Kyler- Pico Alexander


Plot: (Note to the Reader: The plot is R-rated and contains strong language and strong sexual content. Just giving you a heads up before you read.)



Plot: The film opens right after the events of the first film. Tyler is in his room and immediately begins to throw everything related to Hunter out. He reaches for his phone and deletes Hunter’s phone number. He opens his laptop and unfriends Hunter. Tyler throws himself on his bed and lays there looking up at the ceiling. He puts his hands on his head and takes a deep breath. He tells himself it is time to start fresh. He closes his eyes.


The opening credits begin to roll. We see Tyler going through college during them. He leaves student government and brings to pursue other hobbies. He eventually graduates college and moves to Boston. The song “Gangster by Kehlani" plays over the opening and credits.


Truth Is


The film opens with Tyler standing in his apartment talking to his roommate Adam. Tyler is busy in his bedroom getting dressed while they talk. Adam says he can’t believe it has been six months since they graduated college. He says time has flown right by. Tyler agrees and says it feels so surreal. He says over a year ago he would have never imagined living in downtown Boston with a solid career and be living with his childhood best friend. Adam laughs and says he feels the same. Tyler leaves his room and asks if Adam is ready to leave. Adam grabs the car keys and says he is ready. The two drive through downtown Boston to a small coffee shop. After they walk in, they are greet by a couple of their friends they are meeting up with. They quick order their drinks and go sit down at a table. They chat about their lives and talk about their weekend plans. During the conversation, Tyler looks over at the barista. He and the barista keep eyeing each other. Adam sees this and tells Tyler to go talk to him. Tyler laughs nervously and pretends he doesn’t know what Adam is talking about. The barista punches out and after grabbing a coffee goes sits at a table and begins to read a book. Tyler’s other friend says she has seen Tyler and the barista get all “googly-eye”. Tyler looks away and says he has no idea what they are talking about. Adam nudges Tyler and tells him to stop being modest and go talk to the guy. He says the guy clearly likes Tyler. Tyler gives a sigh and walks over. He sits down across from the guy and introduces himself. The guy looks up with a smile and says his name is Kyler. The two engage in some small talk. Tyler rubs his sweaty nervous palms on his pants. He despite this comes across confident and flirty. We learn Kyler is a grad student and works part time at the coffee shop. We learn he is originally from the Midwest but moved out to the east coast to change up his life and gets away from his homophobic family. During their conversation, Kyler leans over and looks at Tyler. He says Tyler has a beautiful smile. Tyler’s face grows red and he just blinks rapidly. He says thanks to the unexpected compliment. Kyler says he has to go but he wants to give Tyler his number. The two exchange numbers. Tyler then says he and his friends are going out tonight later. Tyler says Kyler is more than welcome to join them. Kyler says his schedule is open tonight and he looks forward to it. Kyler gets up and leaves. Tyler turns and looks at his friends. Adam gives him a thumbs up or down motion. Tyler laughs and walks over. He says it went well and the guy whose name is Kyler will be going out with them tonight. Adam laughs and gives Tyler a pat on the back. He says he is a successful matchmaker. Tyler laughs and tells him to shut up.


The film moves to them at the club. Tyler, Kyler, Adam, and the rest of their friends are dancing on the dance floor. All of them are intoxicated and having a fun time. Adam and the girl he is kind of dating walk away to take shots. Tyler and Kyler are left alone of the dance floor. Adam comes back out on the dance floor and says Tyler needs to take the shot with them. Kyler tells Tyler to go. As Tyler walks with Adam to the bar, he receives a text from Kyler. It says, “Meet me in the bathroom when you are finished ;)” Tyler quickly texts back and asks what Kyler wants. Kyle says it is a surprised. Tyler smirks and says okay. After taking the shot with Adam and his girlfriend, Tyler tells them he has to go to the bathroom but will meet them on the dance floor afterward. Adam and his girlfriend say okay and leave to go back and dance. Tyler meanwhile casually makes his way to the bathroom. He walks into the dimly light bathroom. He opens his phone and texts Kyler if he is here. He walks into the bathroom further and an arm reaches out and pulls him into the large disabled toilet. Kyler turns and locks the door. Tyler crosses his arms and smirks at Kyler. He and Kyler look at each other in the eyes. Without a word, the two immediately begin to make out. Kyler tells Tyler to take off his pants and Tyler does so. Tyler is almost in a trance like state. Kyler drops to his knees in front of Tyler and forces his legs apart. Then, without any real warning or preparation he roughly pushes two fingers inside of Tyler and thrust them in and out. Tyler gasps at the contact and the movement. Tyler lets out a soft groan. Kyler reaches up and covers Tyler’s mouth. He continues to push the two digits inside Tyler. Tyler closes his eye and moans. Kyle then begins to suck Tyler’s cock and speeds up his finger movements. Tyler gasps. Tyler soon cums. Tyler leans against the wall exhausted. Kyler smiles and tells Tyler that isn’t the end. Tyler groans. Kyler removes his own pants and he begins to rim Tyler’s ass. Tyler moans. Kyler then begins to fuck Tyler. Tyler shakes with pleasure as Kyler kisses his neck. Tyler soon orgasms again along with Kyler. Tyler rests against the wall panting exhausted after orgasming twice in a row. Kyler licks Tyler’s cum from his dick and smiles at Tyler. Kyler then puts on his pants. He then kisses Tyler. Kyler says he wants to do it again tonight. Tyler exhausted and drunk says he can’t. He says he can’t orgasm twice in one night. Kyler laughs and says Tyler is modest. He says he can’t get enough of Tyler. Tyler lets out a tired laugh and agrees. He says he will get him and Kyle an Uber back to his place. Kyler asks about Adam. Tyler says Adam will most likely hook up with his girlfriend at her place. Tyler gets dressed and the two leave the bathroom. Tyler finds Adam and says he is going back to the apartment. Adam smirks and tells Tyler to get luck. Kyler smiles and says Tyler will definitely get luck. Tyler shakes his head embarrassed and walks away. Adam laughs and tells him to have a good night.


The film moves to the next morning. Kyler walks up in Tyler’s bed. Kyler props himself up as Tyler awakens. Kyler asks if Tyler is a Spark fan. Tyler laughs and we see Tyler’s bedroom walled cover with a large poster of Spark: Rising. Tyler laughs and says he is a sci-fi nerd. Kyler laughs and says he couldn’t tell. Tyler’s wall is covered in movie posters. Kyler then says he hasn’t slept over at a guy’s place in a long time. Tyler says he hasn’t had a guy over to his apartment and Kyler is his first. Kyler is shocked and asks why a hot guy like Tyler wouldn’t have more guys over. Tyler says he had a dysfunctional relationship in the past. Tyler says him being drunk and egged on by Adam succeeded in Kyler staying over. Kyler laughs. He says he had a strange hook up a few months ago and he since then hasn’t hook up since. Tyler says that is unfortunate. They suddenly hear the door to the apartment open. The door to the bedroom is open and we see Adam walk past. He sees Tyler and Kyler talking in bed. Adam stands in the doorway. He says, “Well well look to stayed the night?!” Tyler tells Adam to shut up. Tyler asks Adam how his night was. Adam says it was good and says he and the girl whose name is Grace are official. Tyler gets out of the bed and puts on some pants. Adam goes the kitchen to make some food. He asks what Tyler is up to. Tyler says he has nothing going on. He asks Adam what he is up to. Adam says he has a banquet to attend. He says the wealthy Pierce family is putting it on. Kyler asks if it is the family related to Hunter Pierce. Tyler immediately turns his head. Adam says that it is the same family. Kyler rolls his eyes. He tells Tyler that Hunter was the guy he was telling Tyler earlier about. Tyler’s face becomes stoic and his demeanor immediately changes. Kyler notices this and changes the subject. He tells Tyler that they should check out the Christmas light walk on Saturday. Tyler welcomes this change in the conversation and says he would totally be down to go. Kyler says he needs to head out since he has homework to do but he will see Tyler tomorrow for the Christmas light walk. Tyler walks Kyler out. He gives Kyler a kiss goodbye and says he can't wait for tomorrow.


Tyler walks back into the apartment. He turns to Adam. He says Adam knows Hunter. Adam says he doesn’t know Hunter personally but says he knows Hunter’s finance…Nicole. Tyler appears unnerved. Adam asks what is wrong with Tyler. Tyler says nothing. Tyler walks over and begins to make himself some tea. Adam says Tyler is acting weird. Tyler says he is just hungover. Adam says he knows what his history is with Hunter. He says Nicole told him everything. Tyler turns red. Adam says Hunter has become a much better guy. He then adds that Tyler and Hunter just were not meant to be, plus Tyler has found Kyler who appears great for Tyler. Tyler turns to Adam and tells him not to tell Hunter or Nicole that he rooms with Tyler. He says he has been off their radars and wishes to remain that way. Adam turns toward Tyler and says he thought Tyler was over Hunter. Tyler defensively says he is but he still wants to stay clear of Hunter. Adam nods but doesn’t appear convinced. He tells Tyler he will not tell Hunter or Nicole about his roommate and best friend, Tyler. Tyler rolls his eyes. He says he is trusting Adam. Adam tells him he has nothing to worry about. He says he will look out of Tyler’s best interests.


The film moves to later that evening. We see Adam walk into the banquet hall. He is approached by Nicole who says it is good to see him and she gives him a hug. Adam says it is good to see her too. Hunter walks up and him and Adam shake hands. Adam asks if Hunter and Nicole have moved to Boston. Hunter says no and that they still live out in the suburbs away from the crowded city. Nicole shows Adam her engagement ring and Adam congratulates her. He says her and Hunter are the perfect couple. Nicole laughs and says thank you. Hunter appears less impressed. Nicole says that after their wedding this upcoming summer, her and Hunter are going to move to New York City in order to be closer to Hunter’s father’s business. She says that Hunter is being prepped to take over the company. Adam says that is amazing and says he is sure Hunter is excited to step into the big shoes left by his father. Hunter smiles and says it should be an interesting time. Nicole asks about Adam and what he is up to. Adam tells her he has a new girlfriend and is enjoying is job with the city. She asks if Adam is living alone in Boston or if his girlfriend is living with him. Adam says he has a roommate who is an old friend. Nicole asks who. Adam laughs and says it is nobody she would know. Adam then changes the subject and says while Hunter and Nicole are in Boston they should check out the Christmas light show tomorrow evening. He says it is beautiful and shouldn’t be missed. Nicole turns to Hunter and asks him if that sounds like a fun idea. She says Hunter and her were looking for something to do tomorrow before heading back to Monday. Hunter agrees. Hunter then asks if he can talk to Adam alone. Nicole nods and walks away. Hunter pulls Adam into the hallway and he says he knows Adam rooms with Tyler. Adam tries to play dumb but fails. Hunter asks how Tyler is. Adam says Tyler is doing well. Hunter asks if Tyler talks about him at all. Adam says no and says Tyler has pretty much moved on. He asks if Hunter has moved on. Hunter says no but it isn’t a convincing no. Hunter tells Adam that he isn’t a monster. Adam pants Hunter on the arm and says, “Sure, man.” He then says maybe he and Tyler need to have this conversation since they are both adult men. He gives Hunter, Tyler’s number. He says Hunter can’t tell Tyler that Adam did this. Hunter nods. The camera moves to Nicole who is standing around the corner listening to everything. She has a frustrated look on her face. She walks out from around the corner and tells Hunter it is time to talk to some other guests. She says they should let Adam go. She grabs Hunter’s arm and then tells Adam it was good to see him. Adams says it was good to see her. Nicole and Hunter walk away.


The film moves to Tyler and Kyler meeting up at the Christmas lights the following evening. They walk into the main building and purchase their tickets and get a bottle of wine. As they walk through the Christmas lights and drink they chat about their lives. Tyler asks Kyler when he came out and if his parents were cool with him being gay. Kyler says he came out when he was 14 and his parents were supportive. He says he got bullied at school. He says it was pretty tough despite his parent’s acceptance. Kyler asks Tyler when he came out. Tyler says he always kind of knew he was gay and he came out when he was 13. He says he was a bully in high school so nobody really bullied him. He says kids probably talked behind his back though. He says he started sleeping around a lot when he was 17. Tyler laughs and says he find of was in a whore phase throughout college as well but grew out of it eventually. Kyler laughs. He says gay guys never get to have they experience to date, have sex, and experiment in high school so they tend to do it when they are in college or after college even if they are out early on. Tyler agrees. Kyler then says that yesterday when he brought up Hunter, Tyler seemed to get weird. Tyler says it was nothing. Kyler notices Tyler begins to get quiet. Kyler then says they can change the subject to a lighter one. Tyler agrees. They continue to walk through the lights and drink wine. They talk about the lights, pet some reindeer, get a picture with Santa Claus, and have a good time. They stop by some flashing lights that play to music. Tyler slightly drunk from the wine begins to dance and sing to the music. Kyler laughs and shakes his head. He says Tyler is ridiculous. Tyler laughs and sings “Jingle Bell Rock.” Tyler grabs Kyle and the two dance to the music. Afterward, Kyler says Tyler would definitely be casted in a gay version of Mean Girls. Tyler laughs and says that would be awesome. Kyler says he definitely enjoyed Tyler’s sexy serenade. Tyler playfully punches Kyler in the chest and laughingly tells him to fuck off. Kyler tells Tyler that he needs to run to the bathroom quick and will be back. He says he think he drank way too much wine. Tyler laughs and says he will wait for him by the gazebo with the heated lights.


Tyler stands in the heated gazebo overlooking the Christmas lights as he waits for Kyler to come back. He hears people coming up the trail near the gazebo. The voice sounds familiar and Tyler whirls around. He utters, “No. Fucking. Way.” in disbelief. Coming up the trail is Nicole and Hunter. Tyler quickly makes his way to the area with less lights to hide himself but still keep an eye on Hunter. He asks himself what Hunter and Nicole are doing here. He watches them walk up the trailer toward him. Tyler’s body freezes and he holds his breath. Tyler accidentally steps back on a branch, which cracks. Hunter and Nicole look over at him. Tyler tries to play it off coolly like he was looking at something. He and Hunter lock eyes. He then says, “Hey, Hunter.” Hunter looks at him with equal shock. Hunter asks Tyler what he is doing here. Tyler says he is on a date and his date briefly stepped away. He asks what Hunter is doing here. Nicole buts in and says she and Hunter are on a date as well. She says it is good to see Tyler. Her voice is sharp and direct. A heavy and awkward silence looms over the group. Tension and unspoken words hang in the air. Tyler notices the rings on their fingers and asks if they are engaged. Hunter says they are. Tyler says good of them. Hunter asks what Tyler is up to. Tyler says he lives in Boston and works downtown. He says he is enjoying life after college. Hunter says he can’t believe it has been over a year. Tyler agrees. Tyler says he doesn’t want to interrupt them. Hunter says it doesn’t bother him at all. He says it is good to see Tyler. He then looks at Tyler directly and says he is glad Tyler is okay and doing well. He says the guy Tyler is with is lucky. Tyler crosses his arms and cocks his head to one side. He asks what Hunter implied when he said he is glad Tyler is okay. Hunter says, “Why would I not want you to be?” Tyler emboldened by emotions and sudden anger toward Hunter walks with in inches of Hunter’s face. He then says, “Are you? Okay??” The two boys stare each other down. Hunter then says, “Well, I guess the old snarky and cocky Tyler is back.” Tyler smirks. Nicole steps between them and says Tyler can go fuck off. Tyler looks at Nicole and says she had a very different opinion of him a year ago. Nicole laughs and says she doesn’t know what she was thinking. She says she was just caught up in frustration with Hunter but she is over it now. She says she and Hunter are happy. Tyler hears Kyler’s voice calling for him. Tyler says, “Well Hunter, you don’t need to try so hard.” He smirks at Hunter. Tyler then turns to leave. He once bold confident face changes and he has a look of distress and frustration on his face. He feels a buzz in his pocket from his phone. It is from an unknown number. It reads, “Hey, this is Hunter. We need to have a talk. Just the two of us.” Tyler whirls around but Hunter is gone. He squeezes his phone in anger. He mutters to himself how Hunter got his number. It then hits him. He says, “Fucking Adam.” Tyler walks up to Kyler who can notice Tyler’s change in demeanor. Kyler asks if everything is okay. Tyler says the dinner isn’t sitting well with him and he should go. Kyler with a concerned look on his face says he can drive Tyler. Tyler says no and says he will grab an Uber. He says he is sorry. He walks off quickly. Kyler is left confused.


The film moves to Tyler arriving back to his apartment. He storms up the stairs. He walks into the apartment and slams the door. Adam who is the kitchen jumps at the sound and drops his glass. It shatters on the floor. Tyler storms into the kitchen and says, “Why the fuck did you not tell me that Hunter was here? Why did you give him my number?!” Tyler gets face to face with Adam. Adam steps back and grabs a broom. He begins to sweep the glass off the floor. Tyler glares at him and asks if he is going to fucking answer the question. Adam shakes his head and says he guess he just felt bad for Hunter and he is sorry he got involved in something that wasn’t his business. Tyler asks how he could feel bad for Hunter after what he did to him. Adam says that he saw the way Hunter talked about Tyler. He says Hunter feels genuinely bad and he thinks Tyler needs to at least talk things out with Hunter. He says Hunter seemed broken up about what he did to Tyler. Tyler says Adam is his friend and needs to take his side. He says Adam knew Tyler didn’t want to see or hear from Hunter but he ignored his requests anyway. He yells that Adam made a huge mistake. Adam finishes sweeping up the glass. He stands up and looks at Tyler. He says Tyler needs to talk with Hunter otherwise he will never move on. He says Tyler will never be able to have a solid relationship with constantly being bitter toward Hunter. He says Tyler needs to stop yelling and calm down as well. He says Tyler is being dramatic and this whole situation with Hunter is something you would find in a Degrassi episode. He says he knows about Tyler and Hunter’s weird relationship in college and about what happened in the woods. He says he knows how Hunter and Nicole were forced to be engaged by their parents. Adam dumps the glass in the garbage and  throws his hands up. He says it is the fucking 21st century. He says this kind of stuff isn’t normal. He says, “I mean who is fucking arranged to marry each other?.” He says Tyler needs to be the bigger man. He says maybe Tyler and help Hunter. Tyler shakes his head. He says he will not do that. Adam then looks at Tyler and says, “Well, then tell Hunter you aren’t interested in meeting with him. And also, Kyler seems to like you a lot as well. It would be a dick move on your part to fuck that up with him. He seems like a great guy.” Tyler sits on a chair and says he freaked out after he saw Nicole and Hunter. He says he was a douchebag to Kyler this evening. Adam looks at Tyler and says Tyler needs to choose: Hunter or Kyler….he can’t have both. Tyler sighs and says he needs to go to bed. Tyler walks to his room. Adam then says, “If I were you, I would stop running from your past. Have coffee with Hunter. Close things out with him and then pursue Kyler. I may not know everything but as your best friend that is my suggestion. I honestly didn’t mean to hurt you by giving Hunter your number. I am sorry for doing that. It wasn’t my business. I hope you can forgive me.” Tyler stops in the doorway to his room. He says, “I know you didn't mean anything by it. I’m still annoyed but I forgive you. Have a good night” Tyler walks into his room and shut the door. He throws himself on his bed. He rolls over and turns off his lamp making the room go black.


The following morning, Tyler wakes up to his phone buzzing. He looks at it and sees a text from Hunter. Hunter wants to meet up with Tyler later that evening to talk. Tyler sighs and throws his phone desk nearby his bed. He lays back on his bed and looks up at the ceiling. After a few minutes, he says fuck it and grabs the phone. He texts Hunter back saying he will meet up with him tonight just once to talk. Hunter responds with the location and time.


Tyler pulls up to the cafe and gets out of his car. He walks into the cafe and sees Hunter sitting at a table next to the fireplace. Tyler walks over and sits down. He and Hunter stare at each other. Hunter breaks the silence and says, “I am sorry.” Tyler has a smug look on his face. He says Hunter should feel sorry. Hunter is taken back by Tyler’s arrogant attitude. Hunter says he feels genuinely sorry for what he did and he just wants Tyler to know that. He says he really valued what he and Tyler had and wants to be at least friends with Tyler. Tyler says that he really liked Hunter and cared for him, but Hunter broke him and drove him away. Tyler goes on to list the ways Hunter mistreated him, pushed him aside, and abused him physically and emotionally. Tyler says that isn’t normal and isn’t a healthy relationship. Tyler says he was blinded by love and he decided to push through, hoping one day Hunter would stop mistreating him and just love him. Tyler says he is stunned by the fact that Hunter thinks he can say, “I’m sorry” and it will make everything okay. Hunter gives a sigh. A tear falls from his eye. He looks at Tyler and says that he doesn’t know what to say. Tyler seeing a weak Hunter decides to lay into him. Tyler filled with pent up angry lays into Hunter verbally. Tyler vents his frustrations with their previous relationship. He says he never felt like Hunter’s equal. Hunter tries to stop Tyler’s rant by saying Tyler doesn’t know what he has been through. Tyler tells Hunter to shut up. Tyler says this was a bad idea for the two of them to try to talk. Hunter disagrees and says it is good for Tyler to vent his frustration. Hunter says that Tyler will not have a relationship with him in the future but needs to get over him in order for Tyler to have a healthy relationship with another man. Hunter says he isn’t asking for Tyler back romantically but rather wants to try to close things off so that Tyler can have a healthy romantic future. Tyler says sits back and shakes his head. He says that he fucking hates Hunter but at the same time he fucking drawn to him. Tyler asks why Hunter does this. He says that Hunter mistreats him but then just when Tyler is about to leave him, does or says something genuine that makes Tyler come back. Tyler says he feels like Hunter actually is a genuine and caring guy but puts up a tough and abusive front. Tyler then leans across the table and looks Hunter dead in the eyes. The two basically are touching faces. Tyler smirks and says, “Who hurt you? Who emotionally wrecked you? Who fucked you up so bad that you live a lie by pretending to be straight with Nicole but emotionally abuse gay guys on the side? Tell me, why are you such a fucking ----?”. Hunter pushes Tyler away and slaps the chair against the wall behind him. He storms out of the cafe. Tyler sits back in his chair smirking as people in the cafe stare that the commotion. Tyler then says, “Fucking dammit” and gets out of his chair and runs outside. The snowing is falling heavy and a cold chilling wind is blowing. Tyler sees Hunter at the street corner. Tyler walks over to him. Tyler says he is sorry if what he said inside was too harsh. Hunter shakes his head. He says it was all true. Hunter looks at Tyler and says that he has never felt this vulnerable before. Tyler says he knows what the feeling is like. The two start to talk about what happened in the wood. Tyler and Hunter both vent. Winds whips across the street, blowing snow. Tyler and Hunter are forced to yell at each other when trying to talk. A car pulls up and Hunter says this is his Uber. He gives Tyler a kiss and tells him goodbye. Hunter pauses and then his attitude suddenly changes and he grabs Tyler’s hand squeezing it. He says, “Help me!” Tyler steps back disturbed at this sudden change of attitude. Hunter blinks and then closes the door to the car and it drives off. Tyler is left shocked. Tyler is left standing in the snow staring in shock.




The camera opens to the massive Pierce mansion in upstate New York. We see guests walking into the mansion and the stunning ice sculptures. Inside, we see Hunter naked in his room. He slowly gets dressed in a tuxedo and fixes his hair. We hear the shower in the bathroom attached to the bedroom turn off. We see Nicole walkout full nude. She fixes Hunter’s hair gentle and says she can’t wait to show off to the guests her lovely engagement ring. She gently kisses Hunter on the cheek. Hunter gives a faint smile. Nicole starts to put on her makeup, tells Hunter that this is technically their first Pierce banquet as adults. She laughs about their time at the extravagant banquets as children. Hunter meanwhile looks at himself in the mirror. The camera zooms into his eyes.


The camera zooms back out and we see a teenage Hunter looking into the mirror. He is dressed in a similar tuxedo. We hear female voice call to him. He walks out of the room. Hunter walks to the top of the massive staircase and below him guests are gathered. They all laugh and appear to have a delightful time. A teenage Nicole walks up and grabs his arm. She says he looks handsome. He says she look beautiful. Nicole says they are sounding like the shallow and overly complimentary adults below them. Nicole and Hunter laugh. They walk down the staircase. They entered the ballroom. Hunter and Nicole give formal hellos to the notable people at the party. Senators, foreign guests, and elite businessmen/women. They make small talk and joke with the individuals. After they make their rounds, Hunter says he needs to step out for a minute. Nicole gives him a small kiss on the check and says she will see him soon. She walks off.


Hunter walks to the balcony to get some fresh air. He stands on overlooking the edge and pushes snow off the side. He suddenly hears the door behind him open and close. He turns around. A boy his age walks over and stands next to him. He introduces himself as Luke. He says he needed some fresh air and to get out away from everybody. Hunter says he feels his pain. They laugh. They exchange some small talk. Luke is the son of a NY senator and this is his first time at one of these banquets. Hunter says he has been to more of these events than he would want to. Hunter and Luke look out over the surrounding neighborhood. Luke asks Hunter he always wonders what life would be like if they weren’t born into their wealthy families. Hunter says he wouldn’t mind it. He says he feels like he would have more control over his life and be able to live as a normal teen boy. Luke smiles and says he feels the same. The two continue their conversation with ease. As the conversation begins to die down, Luke and Hunter turn to each other. They give each other a deep look. Suddenly they are drawn together and begin to kiss. They two become lost in their own world. Suddenly the door opens and Hunter’s dad walks in on them. Luke and Hunter pull away quickly from each other. Hunter’s father’s face is unreadable and he tells Hunter they will talk later and turns and leaves. Hunter tells Luke he has to go. Hunter runs off the balcony and runs into Nicole. She says Hunter looks unwell. Hunter says he needs to be alone and runs off. Nicole stands puzzled. Hunter meanwhile runs into his room and locks the door.


The camera opens back up at Hunter standing in his father’s study. His father sits at his desk looking at Hunter. He father tells him that he can’t believe what he saw. He says he is ashamed of Hunter. Hunter tries to say something but when he opens his mouth, he is slapped by his father. Before he can react, he is struck again. The blow sends him fall back against the wall.  He falls to the ground, where he is kicked in the stomach. His father continues to beat him violently. His father tells him he will not have a ---- as a son. Hunter drifts into unconsciousness.


The following days, we continue to see Hunter be mistreated by his father. He father tells him, he will only stop when Hunter decides not to be gay anymore. Hunter tries to remain strong and not give him. Hunter’s mother remains on the sidelines. She knows better than to intervene. Hunter becomes a prisoner in his house. One evening, after being cruel beating by his father. Hunter sits in front of the fireplace. He grabs his phone and sends a text. We hear the message send. Hunter stands up and looks at himself in the mirror. He says it is time to become a Pierce and play the game. He then walks into his father study. He father rises up angrily and says Hunter didn’t knock. Hunter smirks and says that he and Nicole are dating. He says he has realized he isn’t gay and instead is in love with Nicole. Hunter’s father smiles at the news and tells his son he is happy for him. Hunter nods and turns and leaves. The camera zooms onto his face.


The camera zooms back out to Hunter looking in the mirror. We hear Nicole ask if Hunter is ready. Hunter blinks and turns around. He grabs Nicole’s hand and they two leave the room. They make their way throughout the lavish party talking with the guests. Nicole shows off her beautiful and expensive ring. Hunter and Nicole enjoy drinks and the food. They gossip with the guests and Hunter begins to realize how actually awful all these people are. Nicole meanwhile is embracing it. As the evening progresses, Hunter is slowly becoming more and more fed up with Nicole’s constant bragging and bitchy attitude. Hunter walks off onto the same balcony in his flashback. Nicole walks out after him. She says she can tell something was bothering Hunter all day. She asks if it is Tyler. She says he needs to get over that dumb twat. She says she is Hunter’s world now. Hunter says it is Nicole that is bothering him. He says that she is turning into the awful rich arrogant people, he and Nicole said they would never be. He turns to Nicole and asks her if she truly loves him. Nicole smiles and says of course she does. Hunter asks again but this time staring deeply at Nicole. Nichole rolls her eyes and asks what Hunter’s game is. Hunter looks at Nicole and says she is nothing more than a manipulative gold digging ----. He says that Nicole knows, Hunter will inherit his father’s business empire and she wants in on it. He says she doesn’t care about Hunter at all but instead cares about maintaining her status and staying rich. Hunter always says he knows Nicole was manipulating Tyler. He says she is an awful bitch. Nicole gives a small laugh and says Hunter has got her. She says she is surprised it took so fucking long. She says that she had an awakening in college and realized she didn’t want to be like normal girls. She says she doesn’t want to have to work or raise a family. She says she wants to be a powerful and rich wife. She says she wanted to help Hunter run his father’s business. She says she doesn’t want to be a forgotten and boring mother. Hunter says that he is ending their engagement immediately. Nicole says fine. She says that she will tell Hunter’s father he is gay. She says she knows about this balcony incident as a child and knows about the abuse. She says Hunter will lose his inheritance and be rejected by his family, meanwhile she will emerge as the victim and because she is basically a daughter to Hunter’s father, she will inherit the business. She says she will win. Hunter says Nicole is a rotten ---- who will eventually reap what she sows. Nicole smirks and says, ‘Checkmate, babe.” She then leaves the balcony and shuts the door behind her. Hunter leans against the ledge and looks up at the falling snow. Fireworks from the festivities light up the sky in a brilliant show of color. Hunter looks up at the brilliant display.


As the guests are distracted by the fireworks, Hunter walks inside. He makes his way upstairs and grabs his belongings and begins to pack them in a suitcase and backpack. He does this quickly wanting to get out before the guests come back inside from watching the fireworks. He looks out the window over the yard and sees his father and Nicole talking. He reaches for his phone and sends a text to an anonymous individual. He quickly finishes backing the rest of his things and walks down the stairs with his belongs. He runs into his mother at the bottom of the steps. She asks where he is going. He says he is leaving. She says Hunter can’t just leave so suddenly. She asks about Nicole. Hunter tells her that he and Nicole are over. She has a confused look on her face and asks what happened. He says it is a long story and he needs to leave. He opens the front door and begins to head out. His mother calls after him and tells him to stay. She says she knows he is leaving because he doesn’t want to deal with his father. She says things have changed and to give his father a chance. He replies and says he already gave his father a chance when he was younger and his father beat him. He says she stood by in silence letting it happen. She with tears in her eyes says she knows she failed Hunter. She pleads with him to stay. He says no. He walks off to his car and drives off. The camera moves to a window overlooking the driveway. We see Nicole standing looking out. She sips a glass of wine and smiles.


Hunter drives into downtown Boston. It is light up beautifully as the snow gentle falls. Hunter drives up to a red brick apartment building covered in ivy. He climbs out of the car and grabs his belongings. He buzzes at the gate. The gate makes a buzzing noise and he pushes open the gate. He makes his way through the courtyard and goes to the first apartment door. He gives a gentle knock. The door opens and Tyler appears. Tyler tells Hunter to come in. Hunter walks in and sets his belongs down. Tyler gives Hunter a brief explanation of the apartment. Hunter’s stuff in the bedroom. Tyler meanwhile pours two glasses of wine. Hunter walks out of the bedroom and Tyler hands him a glass. Tyler then sits down and says he wants to know what happened. Hunter sits and slips his glass of wine. He says it is a long story. Tyler says that isn’t an excuse. Hunter sighs and explains that he and Nicole broke up. He says Nicole will tell his parents that he is gay and they will undoubtedly banish him from their lives. Tyler says that is awful. He says while he still doesn’t trust Hunter, he will help him get through this. Hunter says he appreciates the gesture of kindness. He says he wronged Tyler in the past and doesn’t deserve this. Tyler smirks and says he believes in being the better person. Hunter says he is grateful for Tyler’s generosity. He asks what is Hunter’s long term plan. Hunter says he knows a few influential people in Boston and around the country. He says he will try to land a job with them and then get his own place. Tyler who has already finished his first glass of wine, begins to pour a second and says Hunter can stay at his place until he lands something. Hunter says he couldn’t do that do Tyler. He says Tyler has been generous enough to let him stay one night. Tyler turns to Hunter and says he is serious. He says Hunter will stay with him until Hunter lands on his feet. He says Adam isn’t home much because he got a job that travels and when he is home, he is at his girlfriend’s place. Tyler says it would be nice to have somebody around. Hunter smiles and says he appreciates Tyler’s generosity. Tyler and Hunter cheer their wine glasses. Tyler says, “To new beginnings!” Hunter laughs. They two spend the rest of their night talking, drinking, and playing video games.


The following morning Hunter wakes up to the smell of bacon and eggs. He walks out of the bedroom and finds Tyler cooking. He says it smells good and he didn’t know Tyler cooked so well. Tyler laughs and says adulting taught him how to cook. Tyler puts the eggs and bacon the the plates and he and Hunter sit at the table and begin to eat. Tyler asks how Hunter slept. Hunter says he slept well. It is Saturday and Tyler is off of work. The two chat about what they want to spend the weekend. During the breakfast, Hunter notices a baby picture of Tyler. He says Tyler was a cute baby. Tyler laughs. Hunter asks about Tyler’s parents. Tyler says he dad left his mom shortly after he was born and his mom died in a car accident when he was 8 years old. He says he lived with his uncle and aunt afterward. He says the death of his mother made his childhood rough and being gay on top of that was especially difficult. Hunter says he is sorry. Tyler says all is good. Hunter notices Tyler becoming uncomfortable and quickly changes the subject.


We follow Tyler and Hunter over the next several days. The two grow close to each other once again. The two eventually sleep in the same bed together but refrain from sex per the request from Tyler who still is hesitant of Hunter. Hunter continues to look for work in the city with the help of Tyler. Tyler gets calls and texts from Kyler. After ignoring the majority of them, he tells Kyler when he runs into him at a bar that he isn’t interested in Kyler. Kyler appears cool with it and tells Tyler he hopes Tyler is happy with what he has found in Hunter. Tyler appears annoyed by this remark.


One day, Hunter arrives at Tyler’s work. He says he is taking Tyler out to lunch. Tyler’s coworker smiles and says Tyler has a cute boyfriend. Tyler smirks and his face reddens quickly. Hunter turns to Tyler and say, “Come on babe, let’s go!” Tyler shakes his head and tells him to shut up as they walk out of the office. As they hop in Hunter’s car, Tyler asks where they are going for lunch. Hunter says he wants to check out the little family burger joint down the road. Tyler looks at Hunter and says, “Really?” Hunter says they are going to and it is his treat. He says for Tyler not growing up rich he sure is picky Tyler says he has good tastes. Hunter agrees and says Tyler does have good taste since he and Tyler are friend. Tyler says Hunter is unbearable and laughs. The car pulls up to the diner and the two climb out. The two enter the burger shop, with Tyler looking strangely out of place. A server takes them to their table, her eyes lingering on Hunter for too long. She shoots him a flirty smile each as she hands them their menus. Hunter seems oblivious, while Tyler looks amused. Tyler leans over the table and tells Hunter that the waitress is gonna undress him with her eyes. Hunter looks up from the menu and says, “What?” Tyler tells Hunter he is blind and laughs. Hunter shrugs and returns to the menu as Tyler does the same.  The waitress comes back to take orders, bats her eyelashes and pushes her chest out. After she leaves, Tyler tells Hunter he had to notice it then. Hunter says he didn’t notice anything. Tyler shakes his head in disbelief. Before Tyler could get any more words out, the waitress was back with their drinks. She sets them onto the table, leaning inappropriately close to Hunter as she does so. Tyler rolled his eyes at how Hunter doesn’t seem to be registering that either. When their burgers are served, the server winks at Hunter. Tyler smirks when Hunter's mouth forms a small 'o' at the gesture. They both laugh as they dig into their food. Tyler a few minutes later asks if Hunter is on the market after his break up with Nicole. Tyler says that waitress would die to go out with Hunter. Hunter chuckles and then says he doesn’t think he is on the market yet. He says he wants to wait to meet Mr. Right. Tyler raises his eyebrow and says, “Oh, so no Mrs. Right?” Hunter says he 100% gay and will not be dating any girls. Tyler smirks and says the poor waitress will be crushed if she found that out. They both laugh. Hunter asks Tyler if he is on the market for any guys. Tyler says he has slept around and has had a few friends with benefits. He says he hasn’t had any serious relationships. Hunter nods and a silence occurs. They both stare at their food. Hunter looks up and asks what Tyler thinks of the food. Tyler says it is delicious and he thinks Hunter made a good decision for lunch. They are interrupted by the waitress who asks how they are doing. Hunter give her a charming smile and says the food is perfect. The waitress bashfully smiles and then put the bill in front of Hunter. Her number is on the bill. Tyler looks over at it and gives a snort to mask his laugh. Tyler looks up at the waitress and says, "Hey honey? I really hope you're not trying to get your hands on my man.” Hunter chokes on his water he was sipping. The waitress looks confused and immediately apologizes. She quickly walks off completely embarrassed. Hunter meanwhile covers his face with his hands trying to stifle a laugh. Tyler smirks and grabs the bill. He fills it out and tells Hunter he has to get back to work. Hunter still laughing walks out with Tyler. On the drive back, Hunter tells Tyler he was so bad for doing that. Tyler laughs. Hunter pulls up to Tyler’s office. Tyler climbs out and says he will see Hunter tonight. Hunter tells him to enjoy the rest of work. Tyler smiles and waves as he closes the car door.


That evening, Tyler arrives home from work. He finds Hunter in the kitchen finishing cooking dinner. Hunter tells Tyler to have a set at the table because he has cook up some dinner for them. Tyler smirks and says Hunter has become domestic. Hunter tells him that he could get use to this domestic lifestyle. Tyler laughs. Hunter says it is a win for both of them. Tyler agrees. The two sit at the table and begin to dig into Hunter’s fancy and delicious dinner. The lights are dimmed and slow jazz music plays in the background. Tyler says Hunter has done a fantastic job. Hunter smiles and says thanks. Tyler looks up and says this feels so romantic. Hunter smiles. Tyler says this reminds him of the good times when they were together in the past. Hunter says it isn’t too late to relive the days. Tyler asks if Hunter is asking him to get back together with him. Hunter smiles and says he feels different when around Tyler. He says he feels warm inside and feels like he can be his authentic self. Tyler smirks and says he is flattered. Tyler takes another bite of the food. Hunter says he is serious. He says he has not realized until now how much Tyler means to him. Tyler gets up from the table and picks up his wine glass. He finishes the wine and then walks over to Hunter. He holds out his hand and tells Hunter to take it. Hunter gets up and takes it. The two walk to the open space in the sitting room. The area is candle lit and the slow jazz music can be heard. Tyler and Hunter begin to dance slowly. The two dance slowly in silence, just looking at each other in the eyes romantically. Hunter leans in and kisses Tyler. Tyler leans into the kiss. The two make out while dancing. Hunter pulls away after a while and asks if Tyler wants to date. Tyler looks back at Hunter and says while he still is hesitant, he is willing to take a chance on Hunter. They both smile. Tyler leans back in and kisses Hunter. They embrace each other and slowly dance to the music.


The film moves to that weekend, Hunter pulls up to the apartment in a sleek sports car. Tyler sees him from the window and comes down. Hunter tells Tyler to get in. Tyler asks where they are going. Hunter says Tyler will have to find out. Tyler tells Hunter that based on their past whenever Hunter has made Tyler get into the car things haven’t turned out so well. Hunter smiles and says he promises this isn’t bad. Tyler hops in. Hunter speeds off down the road. Hunter races down the road. Tyler grabs the door as Hunter makes several sharp turns. Hunter looks over at Tyler and smiles. Tyler asks him to please watch the road while nervously laughing. Hunter laughs. Hunter pulls up to the city zoo. Tyler asks why the fuck they are at the zoo. Tyler says this is the first place they are going as a first date as a couple. Hunter says Tyler will have a fun time looking at the animals. Tyler says he isn’t 7 years old. Hunter tells him to shut up and he will enjoy it. The two climb out and make their way into the zoo. Hunter looks at the zoo map and says they have a petting zoo. Tyler looks at Hunter and says he isn’t petting zoo material and to please not make him go there. Hunter laughs and says they will start with the penguins. As they stand watching the cute little birds swim around, Hunter turns to Tyler and says he has a serious question to ask him. Tyler asks what it is. Hunter asks what animal Tyler thinks he is. Tyler smirks and says he will let Hunter know when they come across it. Hunter says Tyler is such a tease. They laugh as they move on. They stop by several animal exhibits. They finally come to the lion enclosure. Tyler turns to Hunter and says he thinks Hunter is a lion. Hunter gives a small laugh and asks why. Tyler says Hunter is quiet, calm, and confident like a lion. Hunter says he is flattered. Tyler says that is his honest opinion unless Tyler would like to be a more shitty animal like an ass or hyena. Hunter says he will settle for the lion. They watch the lion eat some food and then move to the neighboring exhibit, which is a panther. Hunter says Tyler is a panther. Tyler asks if he is being sarcastic. Hunter says no. Tyler asks what makes Hunter think he is a panther. Hunter says he is gonna let Tyler figure that one out by himself. Tyler gives Hunter a small punch in the shoulder and says he hates him. Tyler walks off laughing and Hunter runs after him. Tyler says he is hungry from all the walking. Hunter says there is a small zoo cafe ahead. They go eat at the small zoo cafe and decide to people watch from the window. They laugh and joke around. As they leave, Hunter grabs Tyler and says he has one final thing to show him. Tyler rolls his eyes. Hunter then drags Tyler into the petting zoo exhibit. Tyler at first vehemently refuses to go in. Hunter says Tyler is actually all pompous like he use to act before Hunter met him. Tyler says somethings never change. Hunter eventually persuades him. Hunter kneels down and gently pets a small lamb. Tyler stands watching and smiles to himself. A large goat walks up and rubs hits head against Tyler’s leg. Tyler stands in horror. Hunter laughs and tells Tyler to pet it like a normal human. Tyler reaches down and begins to pet the goat. Tyler says he guesses it isn't so bad. He kneels down next to the goat and begins to pet it. The goat nuzzles its head next to Tyler’s. Hunter meanwhile quickly reaches for his phone and snaps a picture. Tyler turns to Hunter and says he is the worst. They play with a few more animals and then move on when Tyler gets annoyed with some kids fucking around obnoxiously. The make their way into the aquarium and stand in complete silence as hundreds of fish small sharks swam past them in an array of dizzily brilliant colors. Tyler walks up and touches the glass. Hunter looks over at him and sees a longing look in Tyler’s eyes. He walks up next to Tyler. Tyler without turning toward Hunter says, “You know, it must be nice to be a fish. Just swim from one wall to the other not caring about anything in the whole world.” Hunter says that would be nice. Tyler then goes on and says, “I know I am pretending to hate this whole experience but it actually means alot to me. Just living life nice and slow for one day. It feels good to get away from all the worries of the world.” Hunter smiles and says it does suck how life is complicated but somehow it is always worth the struggle. Hunter says it feels good to be with Tyler because he can have someone to trust and have his back. Tyler looks at Hunter and says he has not been completely honest with Hunter. Hunter gives him a weird look and asks what Tyler means. Suddenly a school group walks into the aquarium and interrupts the peace. Tyler says this isn’t the place and he will tell Hunter later. Hunter gives Tyler a nervous okay. The two leave the building.


The film moves to later that afternoon, Hunter is trying to get Tyler to talk about his secret but Tyler keeps switching the subject. Tyler grows more irritated and moody. He tells Hunter it is stupid and he doesn’t need to worry about it. Hunter says he wants to know and will support and love Tyler regardless. Hunter begins to prepare an early dinner while Tyler heads off to clean the bedroom and organize Hunter’s belongs. Hunter calls to Tyler to let him know dinner is ready. He doesn’t hear any response. He calls again telling Tyler his food is gonna get cold. No response. He walks over to the room and see Tyler sitting on the bed looking extremely pale and having an unsettling expression on his face. Hunter asks what is going on. Tyler doesn’t answer but moves his hand over his chest and his body buckles forward. Hunter runs to lower him to the ground. Tyler lies on the floor with unfocused eyes and nose flaring. His breathing is between hyperventilating and choking. He looks like he is in pain.Hunter says he is calling 911. Tyler manages to gasp for Hunter not to call 911. Hunter says he is calling 911 because Tyler looks like he is having a heart attack. Tyler gasps that he isn’t dying and it will pass. Hunter puts his hands on his head and says he has to call 911. Tyler says this has happened before. Tyler continues to gasp and moan in pain. He tells Hunter to stop making him talk. Hunter says he is calling. Tyler manages to get onto his hands and knees. He yells at Hunter to fucking stop. Hunter is alarmed at his and gives in to Tyler. Tyler collapses on the ground and begins to try to breath deeply. He closes his eyes. He lies there breathing deeply and the color begins to return after a few minutes. He slowly gets up with the help of Hunter. He sits on the bed with Hunter. Hunter asks how he is feeling. Tyler smirks weakly at Hunter and says he feels like he could run a marathon. Hunter smiles. Hunter with a concerned look on his face asks Tyler what that was. Tyler looks at Hunter and say, “Well that is my secret.” Tyler explains to Hunter that he was born with a heart defect. He says he suffers from arrhythmia as a result and medication normally keeps it at bay. He says however stress and anxiety attacks can trigger ones like the one he had now. Tyler reaches over and pulls out of the dresser a bottle of medication and takes a pill. Hunter asks why he didn’t tell him. Tyler says he feels embarrassed and weak because of it. He says he normally can hide it from people so he just doesn’t tell them. Hunter says Tyler shouldn’t feel embarrassed by it. He says everybody has their flaws. Tyler smiles and says Hunter is so kind. Tyler adds that he doesn’t like people knowing about his flaws. He says people tend to make fun of or take advantage of vulnerable people. The two sit in silence. Tyler breaks the silence and says he wants to drive somewhere. Hunter looks at Tyler and says that isn’t a smart idea. Tyler gets up slowly and grabs the car keys. He says he is leaving and would like Hunter to join him. Hunter says Tyler can't be driving places right now. Tyler says it won’t happen again. Hunter gives in and say he is driving. Tyler nods.


The film moves to Tyler and Hunter sitting on top of a hill under the star light. They lay on their backs looking up at the sky. They look up at the constellations and try to find different ones. Tyler tells Hunter that whenever he feels frustrated, upset or has an attack he always goes to this hill to look up at the stars or clouds. He says it makes him feel at peace. Hunter says it is very therapeutic. They then continue to look up in silence. Hunter then tells Tyler he has something else to tell Tyler. Tyler is silent so Hunter goes on. Hunter explains to Tyler about his childhood and abuse. He says that the reason he was and still is into BDSM is because it makes him think he has power. He says it gives him confidence in his sexuality that he was deprived in during his childhood. Tyler offers his sympathies for Hunter’s past and says he would have never guessed. Hunter said he has always been good on putting up a good front. Tyler says everybody finds ways to cope with the fucked up shit that happens in their life. Hunter agrees. The two continue to have a deep conversation. We see them eventually slowly drift off to sleep.


Hunter wakes up with rain pattering. He bolts up and shakes Tyler. He tells Tyler to wake up. Tyler grumbles at first but then bolts up once he realizes they are getting rained on and are the still on the hill. Hunter says they feel asleep all night out here. Tyler laughs and grabs Hunter’s hand and they make a dash for the car. They arrive back at the car completely drenched in rain and laughing. They sit in the car waiting for the heat to warm them up. Tyler laughs and says he can’t believe they fell asleep out there. Hunter is silent however. Tyler turns to Hunter and asks what up. Hunter turns to Tyler and says his dad just texted him and he wants to meet with Hunter next week. Tyler asks what Hunter is going to do. Hunter says he is going to meet with his dad. Tyler says he wants to go to as support.


*One Week Later*


Hunter drives up to his family’s estate. Tyler is stunned by the grander and size of the house and the surrounding grounds. Tyler turns to Hunter and says his place is huge. Hunter nods and says he family has put a lot of money into their public image, which includes their estate. Tyler asks Hunter if he is ready for this. Hunter says he is as ready as he can be. Tyler grabs his hand and squeezes it tight. He says he will have Hunter’s back regardless of the outcome. They pull up in the driveway and park. They step out of the car and make their way inside. Tyler stands in the entrance of the house looking around marveling at the sheer magnificence of the place. He begins to look at a wall full of ancient artifacts. He reaches out and touches one of them. Hunter turns and says it is best if Tyler keeps his hands to himself. Hunter says this really isn’t a “home” per say. Tyler nods and puts his hands in his pockets. They hear a voice the top of the staircase. We see Hunter’s mother. She greets the boys with a smile. She looks remarkably similar to Hunter. Hunter greets his mother with a hug. She says she was worried about him and is glad he is alright. She turns toward Tyler and says it is a pleasure to met him. Tyler returns the greeting and shakes her hand. Hunter asks her where his father is. She says he is in the study waiting for Hunter. She turns to Tyler and says it is best if Hunter goes alone. Hunter nods to Tyler. Hunter walks up the stairs to the study. Hunter’s mother grabs Tyler’s hand and tells him to follow her. She says she will give him a tour of the house and outside. Tyler reluctantly follows her.


Hunter walks up the stairs and after walking down a long hallway comes to the study. He opens the door slowly and sees his father sitting in the chair behind his desk. Hunter’s father looks up and greets Hunter. Hunter asks curtly what he wants. Hunter’s father gives a deep sigh and tells Hunter that they have had a dysfunctional relationship. Hunter takes a seat across from him and blunt agrees. He tells his father that what he did to him growing up was completely wrong and abusive. Hunter’s father says he knows and regrets his actions. He says he knew Hunter was gay from when he was little and was so obsessed with what other people would think of him having a gay son. He says he lost sight of what was important and let his own selfish desires and desire to maintain an ideal American family image get in the way of what was truly important. He says he doesn’t expect Hunter to forgive him. He says Hunter desires to push him away and never speak to him again. Hunter asks him what changed his mind. Hunter’s father says once Hunter moved to college he mind began to change. He said however that when Nicole came and spoke with him after the winter party several months ago that, that moment was full moment of realization. He says he was going to give his inheritance to Nicole but then later that night realized that Nicole was just like him. Power hungry, self absorbed, and shallow. He says he wants his business empire to be run differently. He says he wants a better individual to lead and grow it. He says he wants somebody who isn’t afraid to do the right thing and has integrity. He wants somebody opposite from him and his mistakes. He says that individual is Hunter. He says he will not be able to right his wrongs to Hunter, but he says he feels like this is the first step. He says Hunter is his only child and son. He says he wishes he could go back in time and learn to be a better father. He adds that he wanted to tell Hunter all of this the evening of the winter party however he was too much of a coward. Hunter is left speechless. He tells his father he really doesn’t know what to say. He says it will take a long time to gain back his trust in his father. His father nods and says he understands. Hunter asks if Nicole knows about this. His father says she no doubt already has figured it out. He says she is a smart girl. He tells Hunter to watch out for her. He says she will find a way back into Hunter’s life and try to corrupt him. He tells Hunter to watch out for Tyler as well. He says Nicole will do anything to get back with Hunter now that she knows he will inherit the Pierce wealth. Hunter says he can take care of Nicole. He says she can be a bitch but ultimately all “bark and no bite”.


The film moves to Tyler and Hunter’s mother walking around the house. Tyler is stunned at the magnificence of the home and outside. He and Hunter’s mother chat lightly. She tells Tyler she is glad Tyler came into Hunter’s life. She says she can see the way Hunter looks at Tyler. She says it is a look of deep love. They walk back to the entrance and see Hunter walking down the stairs. Hunter asks Tyler how the tour was. Tyler says it was fantastic. Hunter smiles. He tells his mother that it was good to she her briefly and that he and Tyler need to head out. His mother smiles and says he was good to see Hunter and meet Tyler. She gives them both a hug goodbye. The two leave Hunter’s house and walk to the car. Once the get in, Tyler turns to Hunter and asks him how it went. As they drive off, Hunter shares the conversation with Tyler. Hunter says he feels good to know that things are on the mend with his family. Tyler says he is happy for Hunter. Hunter asks Tyler if he feels like celebrating when they get back to the apartment. Tyler asks Hunter what he has planned. Hunter smirks and gives Tyler a wink. Tyler smiles to himself.


The film moves to the apartment that night. We see Tyler walk out of the kitchen area into the bedroom. He opens the bedroom door and finds Hunter sitting on the bed. Hunter tells Tyler to kneel. Tyler smirks and asks if they are gonna have fun like the old days. Hunter nods. Tyler kneels and looks up at Hunter. He says, “What do you want sir?”. Hunter hooks his arm around Tyler's chest from behind and slowly lowers Tyler on his stomach and pulls on his legs before he withdrew his arm from underneath him; Tyler takes in a deep breath and lands his head down on his right cheek. Hunter reaches for a rope and bends one Tyler's legs. He starts bounding Tyler’s folded leg together above his knee and he winds the rope tightly up his thigh, making knots to keep it in place and presses his ankle down; the end he attaches to Tyler's wrist. He repeats the procedure on the other side and finally he had Tyler lying completely still. He goes over to his laptop and plays the song, “Blood in the Cut”.  He comes back to sit behind Tyler and lands a strike over Tyler’s ass cheek, and does it again and again, slowly getting to the point when pain begins taking over a pleasure and Tyler starts to make muffled noises. He continues spanking the ass. He then reaches down and squeezes Tyler’s hard dick and slowly jerked him a few times. He then flips Tyler around and kisses Tyler. He then grabs Tyler around the neck choking him. Tyler smirks. Hunter pulls out his hard cock and begins to fuck Tyler. As they fuck, Hunter pulls out a knife and cuts the bonds. He and Tyler begin to passionately have sex. Hunter bites Tyler and pulls on his hair. Tyler moans in delight. Once they finish, Tyler says he missed that. Hunter agrees. Tyler goes to the bathroom to clean off. Hunter meanwhile makes drinks for them. The rest of the evening, Hunter and Tyler drink and have fun in the apartment. It isn’t until early in the morning that they both pass out in the bedroom.


In the morning around 6:00am, Tyler wakes up needing to go to the bathroom. He wants into the bathroom on the other side of the apartment. After pissing, he turns to wash his hands. He senses a presence behind him. He tells Hunter he is too hungover to have sex. There is no answer. He turns around and finds Nicole. He jumps and asks how she got into the apartment. Nicole smiles and says she has her tricks. Tyler asks what she wants. Nicole says Tyler has ruined her life and her goals. She says it is time to get vengeance. She says if she can’t have what she wants then neither will Hunter. She says once Tyler is out of the picture then maybe she can Hunter can get back together. Tyler says she is crazy. Nicole laughs. She pulls out a knife and lunges at Tyler. Tyler manages to dodge her and she ends up stabbing the mirror shattering it. Tyler turns for the door but she manages to block it. She tells Tyler it is time for him to die. She runs at Tyler and the two fall over. In the struggle, Tyler manages to knock the knife out of her hand. The two fight but Nicole manages to grab a large piece of glass. She stabs Tyler in the stomach. She then pulls it out and stabs him in the shoulder. Tyler yells in pain. We heard Hunter awakening to the noise. Nicole asks what Hunter is doing her. Tyler says, “He lives here you fucking dumb bitch!” Nicole grabs the piece of glass and twists it. She says if Tyler doesn’t bleed out then she will be back to finish this. Nicole bolts out of the apartment before Hunter can see her. Hunter runs out of the bedroom and finds Tyler laying on the ground. He is barely conscious and extremely pale. There is blood everywhere. Hunter begins to panic and calls 911. Hunter drops to his knees and puts pressure on the wounds. He tells Tyler to hang in there. He asks who did this. Tyler says, “Nicole.” and then goes unconscious. Hunter embraces Tyler as EMS arrive on the scene and take Tyler to the hospital. Hunter sits on the bathroom floor looking at the blood covering his hands and clothes. He begins to break down crying.


Hunter in a clean set of clothes paces back and forth in the ER waiting area. Because he isn’t family he can’t see Tyler. Tyler’s uncle and aunt arrive and go back to see Tyler. A few minutes later they come out and Hunter asks if Tyler is okay. Tyler’s aunt says Tyler is gonna make it. She says nothing major was damaged but Tyler did lose a lot of blood. The three embrace. Hunter asks when he can see Tyler. Tyler’s uncle says it will be a few hours. Hunter says he is gonna wait. Tyler’s uncle and aunt say they have some paperwork to fill out and they will bring Hunter coffee and some food. Hunter says thank you.


Later that afternoon, the nurse comes out and says Tyler is awake and wants to see Hunter. Hunter gets up and walks with the nurse. Hunter walks into Tyler’s hospital room. Tyler smiles at him. Hunter asks how Tyler feels. Tyler says he has seen better days. He says that Nicole is one crazy girl. Hunter sits next to Tyler and takes his hand. He says Nicole will not stop until Tyler is dead or driven away. He says she is completely insane and is obsessed with Hunter. Tyler gives a small laughs and says he couldn’t tell. Hunter tells him not to make light of this issue. He says Nicole almost killed Tyler. Hunter says he was so scared when he saw Tyler on the floor. He says he was never so fearful in his life. The two kiss. Tyler says he is alive and everything will be okay. Hunter tells Tyler that they are not safe here. He says he can’t protect Tyler from Nicole. Tyler asks what they should do. He says Nicole already knows about the cabin and knows where they live. He says they can’t escape her. Hunter looks up at a map on the hospital room wall and asks how Tyler feels about a global stay. Tyler says he would not be opposed since he has never left the country. Hunter says on one of his many family global trips, he passed through a beautiful small town located on the Atlantic Ocean in Ireland. He says they should go there and stay a while until things calm down. He asks if Tyler is okay with that. Tyler says he honestly has nothing to lose from it. Hunter kisses Tyler and says they will leave once Tyler is let out of the hospital. Tyler smirks and says he can’t wait.


*Two Months Later*


Tyler and Hunter stand in front of a fish market. Tyler pinches his nose at the smell. He says to Hunter that is smell horrible. Hunter laughs and says he agrees. He says Tyler said he wanted seafood for dinner though. Tyler rolls his eyes and says he thought they would have sushi. Tyler says he doesn’t even know what fish these are and Hunter agrees. Hunter grabs and fish and says this fish will do. The old woman behind the stand chuckles to herself. She says they are acting like they are picking out a dog to adopt. The boys laugh. The lady asks if they are engaged. Tyler gives a sarcastic laugh and says god no. Hunter looks at him and then tells the lady no. The lady says they would make a cute couple. Hunter says thanks. They then purchase the fish and some herbs to go along with it per the old lady’s recommendation. Tyler turns to Hunter as they walk away and laughably says they are gonna fuck this up so bad. Hunter laughs but appears like something is bothering him.


They arrive back at the house and begin to prepare the meal. They joke around as they prepare the meal and manage to make a decent meal. They share a bottle of wine on the porch overlooking the quiet and beautiful village. They keep the conversation light and playful. Later that evening, Hunter suggests they head to a local pub to enjoy some drinks. Tyler agrees. They arrive at the pub and order some drinks. Fairly soon both of them are decently drunk and Hunter suggests they go dance. They join the jolly bar crowd dancing on the dance floor. They laugh as they struggle to learn to Irish dance with the rest of the bar crowd. An kind old man and old woman help the two boys learn how to dance. A couple of hours later on the walk home, Hunter asks if Tyler had a good time. Tyler says he surprising did enjoy it. Tyler grabs Hunter hand and squeezes it tight. Tyler looks at Hunter and says the past two months have been the best time of his life. He says he loves being with Hunter and just living life one day at a time. He says he feels at peace. Hunter looks at Tyler and gives him kiss. Back at the house, Hunter and Tyler continue to make out and soon make it to the shower. Tyler and Hunter strip off their clothes. Tyler turns on the shower. Hunter lifts Tyler up and kisses him. Tyler smirks and says he is all Hunter’s. Hunter grabs Tyler’s ass and squeezes it. Hunter then leans Tyler against the shower wall and then fucks Tyler in the shower. They make passionate and rough sex in the shower.


The following day, Tyler and Hunter drive off to the coast to explore the beautiful and stunning cliffs along the Atlantic coast. After a long hike, which Tyler complains the entire way, they finally reach the top. They look out over the ocean. The waves crash on the cliffs and gulls fly overhead. Hunter kisses Tyler. Tyler says this is absolutely beautiful. He says he is so happy. Hunter says Tyler’s name and gets on one knee. Tyler looks at Hunter and asks what he is doing. Hunter tells Tyler to stop talking for once and pulls a small box from his pocket. Tyler throws his head back and lets out a small laugh. He says he can’t believe this is happening and it must be a prank. Hunter looks up at Tyler with a smoldering face and tells him to please stop. Tyler smirks. Hunter says, "Tyler, I'm not going to say much other than the fact that I'm completely in love with you and that I can't imagine a life where you're not with me till the very end. I know this seems sudden, but the truth is you are all I can think about.  Tyler, will you marry me," Hunter finished, opening the small box to reveal a simple band with a small diamond embedded between the two ends of the ring. Tyler stares back  in complete silence, his expression blank. Tyler then asks if Hunter is asking him to marry him. Hunter says “Did I not make that clear?” Tyler blinks in confusion. Tyler then asks again if Hunter is asking him to actually marry him. Hunter says Tyler is close to ruining this and to stop being an idiot. Tyler says “You want to marry me!” Tyler says that is why he is on one knee with a ring. Tyler blinks a few times. He then says, "Yes, yes. I can't believe you're doing this to me," Tyler replies while wiping a tear from his eye. He says he feels so dramatic but he is so happy right now. He says he loves Hunter. Hunter laughs and says he loves Tyler. Hunter tells Tyler however he knows what this means. Tyler nods and says it is worth it. He says he will go with Hunter through hell and back. The two embrace and kiss.  The camera pans out to the two kissing on the cliff overlooking the ocean.


*The screen goes black.*



Edited by Hiccup23
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Title: Our City

Director: John Lasseter

Genre: CGI Animation/Family

Release Date: April 27

Major Cast: Zach Braff (Matt), Ben Foster (Jeff), Sarah Silverman (Annie), Kristen Bell (Felicia), Paul Rudd (Marcus), Meryl Streep (Trudy), Jon Lovitz (Hank)

Theater Count: 3,906

MPAA Rating: PG (Fantasy Violence, mild language, rude humor)

Runtime: 103 minutes (including 5 minute short, 98 minutes for actual Our City film)

Production Budget: $150 million

Format: Mixed 2D/3D, 2D for scenes of the house/family, 3D for scenes in the city the boys created

Plot Summary: 


5-min short: (Bubbles)

Kids are blowing bubbles in the playground. Some of the bubbles pop, others make it up above the roof. When bubbles are able to fly up to the roof they find themselves in a paradise where everything works out perfectly. As they reach the roof they develop faces and personalities Two bubbles fly off together, a couple.


Jeff (10) and his brother Matt (7) are two boys who love to play creatively with the various toys in their room. They begin to put together a small city, using toy streets and toy cars and various buildings from different toy sets to create a town. They even go to the family computer to type up a fictional newsletter for the town, making a story about a crazy old woman who insists that the city was been created by two giant boys. They continue to build the town. Their mother, Trudy, is pleased to see how well her two sons are playing so well together and she surprises them with fresh-baked cookies to encourage this behavior.


But one evening, as the two boys are sitting at their desks, talking about random topics, a strange light comes from their miniature city and they are both shrunk down to the size of the people in the city and greeted by the mayor, Felicia, and her husband/an inventory, Marcus. Marcus explained that he invented a machine to shrink the two boys in order to get their assistance in dealing with Hank, a strange businessman who has made Felicia's job exceedingly difficult.


The two boys end up meeting with Marcus, Felicia, and Hank to discuss the issues with the new apartment projects he is building. He is very dismissive of the concerns expressed by Felicia and Marcus and seems insistent on developing the city further. But the meeting is cut short as disaster strikes; Annie, their five-year-old sister, is sifting through the various toy boxes looking for something to play with. Unaware of the ramifications of her actions, she is destroying the commercial center of the town.


Everyone focuses on repairing the town. The damage is pretty bad but can still be fixed, as Annie was able to find the toy she wanted before she completely made a mess of things. However, not everything can be repaired by the townspeople. The city hall lost its roof because Annie stepped on it, and she didn't make any effort to fix the damage she caused.


The two boys tell Marcus they can fix things if they are brought back to their regular size, but Marcus explains that he does not have the technology to increase people in size, only to decrease. Hank has a "change of heart" after seeing the destruction caused by Annie and agrees to fun Marcus's research to create the size increasing machine. But he still wants what's best for him. He wants to be able to build the new apartment complex.


Felicia and Marcus reluctantly agree to Hank's demands in order to get his funding for the new device. The kids are stuck inside their creation for the time being, as Marcus works on the new invention. They marvel at the town as they watch different people go about their business, fixing the town.


The police work tirelessly to chase criminals, children are educated by a sten but loving teacher, and the two boys enjoy food that is much tastier than anything they have ever experienced at a restaurant.


It is a few weeks of this before Marcus is able to show them the new invention that will bring them back to their normal size. It is ugly and strange, but it does just as expected and the boys are back in their room. Even though they spent weeks in the town they created, it has only been half an hour in the real world.


The film now switches between two different views. Jeff and Matt quickly repair the damaged caused by Annie in a matter of minutes, but for the people inside the tiny city, the repairs go on for days.



A little while later, Trudy tells the boys it is time to get ready for bed, and being tired after such an adventure, they both fall asleep quickly.






Edited by Electric
changing director to avoid schedule conflict
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Studio: Cookie Pictures

Genre: Adventure

Director: Matthew Vaughn

Producers: Sebastian Peters, Matthew Vaughn

Release Date: May 25th

Theater Count: 3,850 (including 350 IMAX theaters)

Budget: $125 million

Running Time: 116 minutes (1 hour, 56 minutes)

Composer: John Powell

Songs by: Elton John & Tim Rice

Original Song: "Spirit of Adventure" by Elton John & Tim Rice (played during the end credits)

Rating: PG-13 for sequences of action/adventure violence, some frightening images, language, innuendo and crude humor



Oscar Isaac as Tulio

Adam Brody as Miguel

Gina Rodriguez as Chel

Adam Beach as Chief Tannabok

Pedro Pascal as Tzekel-Khan

Russel Crowe as Hernán Cortés





Cookie Pictures Presents

A Matthew Vaughn Film

Oscar Isaac

Adam Brody

Gina Rodriguez

Pedro Pascal

Adam Beach

and Russel Crowe

Music by John Powell

Songs by Elton John and Tim Rice

Produced by Sebastian Peters and Matthew Vaughn



We open similarly to the animated version, Spain in the year 1519. Hernán Cortés, tasked by fellow conquistador Diego Velázquez de Cuéllar (Kevin Kline in a cameo) to set sail to the New World (specifically Mexico) to colonize and collect treasure, is holding a celebration in the port where thousands gather to witness the departure of his ship. The city guards fire rounds in the air which spook Cortés's horse Altivo, but Cortés in a rather brash fashion tells the horse to calm down. In the other side of town, two con men Tulio and Miguel play dice with a backstreet broker and his gang. They win basically everything the broker has, but just as they're about to leave and hit the town with their new-earned fortune, the broker tells them he wants to play one more round. Tulio scoffs at them, telling them they're broke therefore they have nothing to offer, but the broker pulls out a map which immediately catches Miguel's attention. Tulio wonders why a scrappy old map would be of any worth, but Miguel tells him its pointing in the direction of El Dorado, the legendary city of gold. Tulio refuses to bet on a stupid map leading to a city nobody actually believes exists (plus he reveals he's been playing with loaded dice this whole time) but Miguel through childish persuasion convinces him to bet on it anyway. However, the broker refuses to play with Tulio's dice, saying it's only fair they use his own dice for this one instance. Tulio reluctantly agrees since refusing would confirm the broker's suspicion that they're somehow cheating, and rolls the dice. Miguel starts playing his guitar to excite the audience (even if Tulio tells him to knock it off since it only stresses him out). Tulio succesfully rolls seven regardless and grabs the map and the broker's fortune, accidentally dropping his own dice in the process. The broker discovers that Tulio's dice always lands on seven and calls them out on their fraud, ordering his men to beat them up. Tulio randomly starts accusing Miguel of giving him the dice without knowledge, which Miguel refutes, accusing Tulio of framing him to get himself out of this conundrum. The two start arguing back and forth, confusing the broker and his men. They even draw swords from two nearby guards and duel one another, none in the crowd realizing it's all a ploy. The two proceed with their fake duel and banter for a bit before Miguel seemingly gets the upper hand until they both call it a draw, exiting just as everyone realizes they've been had yet again. They run past a few wooden fences and come upon a seemingly empty city street. They're left confused when the ground starts to shake.


Miguel: What's going on? Is it an earthquake?

Tulio: Earthquakes? Here? This isn't Portugal, Miguel.

 [A distant noise gets louder and louder.]

Tulio: Miguel, what day was the Running of the Bulls supposed to be held?

Miguel: I believe it was Tuesday...

Tulio: And what day is it today?

Miguel: Well, last week was the Feast of Saint Mary, so that would put us roughly 130 days before Navidad.

Tulio: No, you idiot, what day is it?!

Miguel: You could've been more specific. It's Tuesday.

Tulio: ...

Miguel: ...Oh dear.


They see a whole bunch of men running towards them pursued by a whole bunch of bulls. They try to make their escape but find all available exits have been blocked off, and thus they make a run for it before the bulls catch up to them. Cut back to the docks where Cortés is just about to depart, only to be halted by Velázquez. Cortés tries to greet him with a friendly gesture, but Velázquez refutes him and just cuts to the chase.


Velázquez: I'm pulling all funding.

Cortés: ...What?

Velázquez: You heard me. You're not sailing to the new world. Bring your ships back to Barcelona at once.

Cortés: But... but... Velázquez! We're partners! Conquerors of the new world!

Velázquez: You've gone behind my back enough times for me NOT to call you my partner.

Cortés: You can't do this to me. What about the territory? What about El Dorado?!

Velázquez: El Dorado? Is that what this is about? You're ready to sail across the vast ocean in search of a fairy tale kingdom?

Cortés: What if I told you... I have proof that it exists, in form of a map?

Velázquez: Don't play with me, Cortés. Besides, last time a squadron sailed past Cuba they returned with only a third of their men and at least some of them missing their limbs.

Cortés: I will find El Dorado and when I do... I will not share a single, solitary coin with you.

Velázquez: If you want to find to El Dorado so bad, I have a rowing boat I can lend you. Now, tell your men to disperse, and give me back my horse. [glances at Altivo]


Velázquez walks off, leaving Cortés startled and enraged. The broker from before turns up, revealing himself to be part of Cortés' crew. Cortés asks him if he still has the map, and in fear of repercussion the broker lies and says he still has it. Cortés tells him to ready the ship for departure as soon as Velázquez is out of sight. Cut back to Tulio and Miguel who've managed to escape the bulls but are still pursued by the city guards. They decide to hide in a pair of barrels until the coast is clear, not knowing that same barrels are being loaded onto Cortés' ship. A while later they re-emerge from the barrels, only to immediately be noticed by the ship's crew. The pair are put in chains and are brought before Cortés. Cortés tells them he despises stowaways, and as soon as they get to Cuba for restocking, the two will be flogged, sold off to a plantation and then flogged some more. The broker immediately recognizes the two and sneakily grabs the map from Miguel's back pocket, not wanting to reveal to Cortés that he lost it in the first place. Tulio and Miguel are placed in a cell below deck where they end up sitting for days on end.


Miguel: Look on the bright side Tulio, we're going to Cuba!

Tulio: [repeatedly bashes his head against the wall]

Miguel: The palm trees, the beaches, the people...

Tulio: Yeah... all the women we don't get to meet.

Miguel: Well, if that's your sort of thing...

Tulio: [proceeds repeatedly bashing his head against the wall] ...I have a plan.

Miguel: You do?!

Tulio: In the dead of night, we grab some provisions, sneak aboard one of the lifeboats and sail back to Spain before you can even say mañana!

Miguel: Sounds swell, but... how do we get out of this cell and up on deck?

Tulio: ...In the dead of night, we grabs some provisions, sneak aboard one of the lifeboats...


Up on deck Altivo tries to grab hold of some apples but is held back by one of the crew members, being told that Cortés ordered only half a ration for him. An apple rolls away and drops into Tulio and Miguel's cell. The two hear the horse whining up on deck and Miguel gets an idea: he has Tulio carry him up to the skylight and draw Altivo to them with the aid of the apple. Tulio wonders what a horse is even going to do since a horse can't understand what humans say, only to be surprised when Altivo drops the cell keys down to them. As night falls they sneak up on deck, Miguel seeing the sleeping broker with the map still in his pocket. Tulio gestures to him to forget the map but Miguel gestures back that if nothing else the map can be worth a fortune back in Spain if it comes to the right hands. Miguel tiptoes carefully and successfully manages to grab the map without waking up the crew while Tulio readies their escape boat. Altivo looks at them, reminding Miguel that he didn't hand the horse the damned apple, and so he does. However Miguel accidentally bumps into a whole crate full of apples, causing several of them to roll off and drop into the ocean. Since Altivo has the intelligence of a horse, he immediately leaps after them. Miguel sees Altivo being carried away by the raging seas and jumps after him, dropping Tulio and the lifeboat into the water. Miguel grabs Altivo and tries to keep him afloat, while Tulio rows over and asks his friend if he's lost his mind. Their argument is interrupted when their boat runs into one of Cortés' ships, causing their boat to roll over. With Altivo trapped under the hull, Tulio tells Miguel to loop the rope under the horse so they can pull it and the boat upright. They successfully do so just as another ship drives into them, sending them and the boat adrift.


As the waters calm, Miguel asks which direction is to Spain, only to have Tulio realize he forgot to grab a compass. He instead misplaces the position of the sun and tells his friend they should row in that direction. Days pass (with the three facing raging storms, shark attacks and birds pooping on them) until they've run out of food and water. Now stuck in the middle of nowhere, the two come to terms with their fate, telling each other that each gave one another the greatest gift a person could have: a life of adventure. Tulio puts his hand in the ocean convincing himself he could drink it, only to stuff his mouth full of sand. He realizes that they've somehow reached land. Miguel is unconvinced, telling Tulio it's just a mirage. Tulio retorts that if it's just a mirage, he wouldn't be standing on it right now. The two along with Altivo cheer as they realize their fates aren't sealed after all, only to have their celebrations halted when they see human bones on the beach, some of them pierced by arrows. Tulio and Altivo panic and run back to the boat, but Miguel looks past them and recognizes a rock shaped like the head of an eagle, similar to the one on the map. He tells Tulio about this (which makes Tulio wonder if he wasn't the only one who tried to drink seawater), saying they have to follow that trail, for it might lead them to El Dorado. Tulio refuses, but Miguel sneakily plants the idea of finding all this gold in Tulio's head which makes Tulio come up with a plan that is totally his own: find El Dorado, grab the gold, sail back to Spain and then live the rest of their lives out as kings. With Tulio convinced, Miguel cuts some trees to open up a trail: the trail they blaze.



After a long and arduous journey (lasting the whole song) the two find the city of El Dorado... or rather a large rock that has an inscription matching that on the map with nothing else in sight. Tulio does not take this well, blasting his friend with sarcastic quips mixed with some colorful insults. Miguel wonders if Cortés couldn't have gotten there and ransacked El Dorado first. "And what? Taken all the really big rocks?!" Tulio retorts before telling his soon to be former friend to get his head out of his ass. He still invites a disappointed Miguel to get on the horse and traverse down a pass that'll hopefully lead them back to the ocean. At this moment a native girl suddenly emerges from the fog behind them. She runs right into Altivo startling them both while Tulio and Miguel are thrown off. The two then see a whole gang of spear-bearing native guards pursuing the girl, who appears to be carrying stolen goods. The natives are themselves startled by the two foreigners and their horse and after a comedic routine where Tulio and the girl throw the goods back and forth (ending with Tulio being struck in the head) the captain of the guards shoves his spear in Tulio's face and nods at the others to corner the two.


The guards lead the pair into a cave hiding behind the waterfall where they are ordered to step onto a boat or be killed. Without any other option Tulio and Miguel do as they're told. The girl, now in cuffs, silently condemns the two for accidentally thwarting her escape. As they approach the exit to the cave a golden light simmers through, exposing the girl's stolen goods which are revealed to be plates covered in gold. Tulio and Miguel both look at each other confused, before turning their backs and have their jaws drop as the golden city of El Dorado is revealed before them. We are treated to sweeping vistas of the gold-plated city, its centerpiece being a tall pyramid temple with a statue of pure gold shining on top of it. To the sides are tall towers decorated from top to bottom with gold, as we get shots of El Doradians doing their day-to-day routine before they take notice of the newly-arrived visitors. We get early indicators that the citizens of El Dorado treat gold as a commodity, which Tulio is quick to note to Miguel. Miguel looks down in the water to see elephant-sized catfish in all the colors of the rainbow swimming right under them, and gold-colored butterflies flies into Altivo's line of sight. The girl obviously just mopes and murmurs without seeing this as a big deal.


We see two separate El Doradians run in opposite directions to two separate locations, one where Tannabok, the large but kind and gentle chief of El Dorado are telling stories to his offspring. He is informed of Tulio and Miguel's arrival, and shares a look of surprise and slight worry with his wife before making his way to the town square. On the other side of the city, up near the mountains, the other messenger runs into Tzekel-Khan, the high priest of El Dorado, is contorting some kind of ritual in his hideout. The citizen seems a bit frightened to approach him, but spurts out the news of the foreigners' arrival. While Tzekel-Khan says he would normally have the man beheaded for disturbing him in his ritual, he takes notice to the man's descriptions of Tulio and Miguel, which to his eye matches the stone scripture behind him. He also looks behind the stone to grin at the sight of a large jaguar statue. Down at the courtyard, Tulio and Miguel ride in to the awe of the El Doradians surrounding them. Tulio takes this as if they're gonna have the two executed immediately, telling his friend that it was nice knowing him, and Miguel apologies to Tulio for "the girl in Barcelona". This only seems to confuse and anger Tulio. Tzekel-Khan emerges, telling the citizens of El Dorado that the time of judgement is nigh, for the gods have finally arrived as he predicted. Much to Tulio and Miguel's befuddlement, Tzekel-Khan continues to rant at his disciples that they shouldn't have doubted him and that they were foolish to ignore the calendars predicting the gods' return, all the while Tannabok stands behind him rolling his eyes. Tulio and Miguel use their quick thinking to basically convince everyone that they are the gods Tzekel-Khan was blathering about. Meanwhile the girl from before is brought before Tzekel-Khan as he asks the "gods" what punishment they'd prefer for her. The girl, named Chel, lies to her superiors by saying a vision she had made her seek out the gods, and the items she stole were simply "offerings". When asked why she couldn't have just told them that from the start, she claims the gods would not come with her if she didn't appear before them alone, all the while she silently pleads to Tulio and Miguel to "confirm" her claims. Tulio plays along, demanding she'd be released but on the condition that she is to serve him and his partner. Tzekel-Khan lets Chel go, demanding as first course of action she returns what she'd stolen. Tannabok tries to cut into the conversation asking how long the gods are staying in El Dorado and why they chose to visit now, but is interrupted by Tzekel-Khan who scolds at the Chief that one does not question the gods without facing severe consequences. However, Tzekel-Khan immediately turns to demand a show of power from the gods.


Tzekel-Khan: Unleash your wrath upon this non-believer standing beside me! Show us all great proof of your divinity!

Miguel: ...You mean right here, right now?

Tzekel-Khan: YES!

Tulio: Yes, um... we happen to be a little bit worn out from our long journey from the heavens, so maybe you can point us to the nearest spa and we'll show our awesome power some other time, eh?

Tannabok: Surely even a tiny display of power would not be an issue for gods, yes?


[Everyone gasps]

Miguel: [whispers] Tulio... maybe don't start a fight on your first day on the job?

Tzekel-Khan: I hate to concur with the non-believer; I myself hold no doubts of your divinity... but a little demonstration to put him in his place is not much to ask.

Tulio: ...You are wise and you are correct. A small demonstration is in order. Miguel!


The two immediately huddle together to try and figure a way out of the situation they've just put themselves in. Miguel thinks the two should just bolt and maybe the El Doradians will be left too confused to chase them, but Tulio comes up with a plan: using the loaded dice they still have on them, they will throw seven sevens in a row to make it look like they're in control of chance itself. Tulio announces this to everyone and throws the dice several times, always landing at seven much to the amazement of the crowd. Tannabok is impressed but Tzekel-Khan is visibly underwhelmed, asking if the gods don't have anything more sensational in store. With no options left, Tulio tries to think while Miguel starts to panic. As Tulio's frustration grows, the ground starts to shake, and a nearby volcano randomly starts erupting. Tulio bangs his head as the nearby eruption intensifies much to everyone's horror, until Tulio yells "STOP!" which for some reason causes the ash flow to retract back into the volcano. Not seconds later, Tulio and Miguel are surrounded by all the El Doradians bowing at their feet.


Tulio: ...Did I do that?

Miguel: I'm... not even gonna question that.


The two shower themselves in the El Doradian's praise, all while Tzekel-Khan gleefully mocks Tannabok for doubting him. Having been "proven" wrong, Tannabok bows before their gods while trying to ignore Tzekel-Khan's mockery of him. Tzekel-Khan offers to show Tulio and Miguel to their temple, which the two not-so humbly accepts. While the three ascend to the temple, Tannabok looks back at his people, now seeming to look up to Tzekel-Khan instead of him. He joins the others at the top of the stairs to show Tulio and Miguel their new place of residence. Tzekel-Khan proposes a reverend ceremony at dawn, while Tannabok counter-proposes a celebratory feast the night before. Tulio and Miguel share a look and decide both proposals suit their wishes, Tulio telling the chief to not skimp on the beverage. Tannabok and Tzekel-Khan leave their newfound gods to get comfy while the two stare out at the horizon, Tzekel-Khan leaning over to tell Tannabok that the age of the Jaguar has dawned, chuckling while Tannabok can only shake his head in response. Inside the temple, Tulio and Miguel share a laugh for having successfully conned the El Doradians. What they don't realize is that Chel has been hiding in the temple listening in to them, and she catches them in the act. The two try to intimidate her but having seen through their con she won't budge. Rather than ratting them out however she proposes to cooperate with them. She happens to know the ins and outs of the city, and if they don't want to get caught sooner or later they're going to need her help. Tulio asks what her angle is and Chel replies that all she wants is to get out, and since she assumes the two are not looking to stay for very long she asks to come along on wherever they're heading. Miguel asks why she wants to leave, and Chel says the two are not the only ones with dreams. Miguel wonders why anyone would want to leave El Dorado, but Tulio concurs with Chel that staying in one place all their life does get a bit dull. Miguel is still skeptical and the two ultimately refuse to cooperate with her, but Chel says that without her they wouldn't even have a clue about the culture of El Dorado, or what Xibalba is. She begins trotting away wishing them good luck at their eventual execution. Realizing they're screwed without her, Tulio uses his charms to win her back, pleading they'll work with her as far as surviving the coming days and getting their asses out of El Dorado with a boatload of gold before it all goes to hell. Excited at the prospect, she brings out celebratory clothing and tells the two to put it on. They try to get her to leave while they undress but Chel can't help but sneak a peek at their exotic bodies. With the two finally alone, Tulio notes that he's taken interest in Chel (to Miguel's lack of surprise). Feeling a bit trollish, Miguel challenges Tulio to not get cozy with her, winner gets half of the other's eventual fortune. Tulio points out they'll be sharing the fortune anyway so what's the point in betting on it, but still pivots to being a bit distrusting of Chel, remarking that maybe she should be off-limits. The two walk out to discover that Tannabok has already put up the gigantic feast he pledged earlier, and we pan down to Tannabok who tells his people to play the music just as they've rehearsed and approach the gods which big, happy smiles like they mean it.


"A one, two, three!"


(Sung by Oscar Isaac and Adam Brody)


After the song where Tulio and Miguel celebrate their newfound status as gods and get wasted, we cut to the beach where the two first arrived at dawn, showing the skeleton from before being crushed under the feet of Cortés, whose fleet has just arrived at the shore. Cortés asks the broker to step forward and questions him if the eagle-shaped rock resembles that on the map he lost. The broker pulls out a crudely-drawn version of the map made from memory and he confirms that it is the same. The broker is visibly afraid as the camera turns revealing severe bruises on his back, having been flogged repeatedly as punishment. Cortés tells the broker to remind him as to what made him lose the map in the first place, and the broker shakingly confesses that he lost it to the two conmen who were carrying loaded dice. An unwitting goon reveals that while the broker lost his fortune to loaded dice, the two conmen actually won the map fair and square. Cortés tells the broker that should the new map still lead them to El Dorado he'll be spared from more flogging. If not, he'll be made unrecognizable to his friends and family. The broker flinches before he leads them into the jungle, all while Cortés swears under his breath that if he finds Tulio and Miguel he will make their deaths at his hand as painful and drawn out as possible.


Cut back to El Dorado where Tulio and Miguel are just waking up from a night of partying when Tzekel-Khan appears and tells them that it is time for the reverend celebration he promised. They're lead to a cliff overlooking a gigantic whirlpool where Tzekel-Khan announces to a crowd of thousands that is time for them to show their true gratitude to the gods, unlike the meager celebration Tannabok held last night (Tannabok meanwhile is seen standing to the side watching Tzekel-Khan in disapproval). And what better is a proper tribute than a sacrifice. Chel is seen dishing out flowers while she tells her partners in crime that they just made a grave mistake allowing Tzekel-Khan to go through with his ceremony. A bag suddenly emerges in front of Tzekel-Khan and out pops a confused and barely conscious man. Tzekel-Khan holds him up and starts pushing him towards the edge of the cliff, obviously trying to send him into the whirlpool. Miguel whispers to Tulio that they can't let Tzekel-Khan go through with this and Tulio immediately orders Tzekel-Khan to halt the sacrifice. Miguel grabs the fainting man while Tulio makes up the excuse that the stars are not in their proper positions and thus a human sacrifice would not be of service to anyone at this moment. Tzekel-Khan apologizes, remarking that it is possible he may have misread the heavens, but Miguel tells him not to worry about it. To er is human, to forgive is for the gods to decide. Tannabok walks up and offers a different tribute, and plates of gold-covered objects are brought in their direction. He asks if the gods want him to send the gold to Xibalba, and without knowing what Xibalba is, Tulio and Miguel say they'd be happy to (Chel is seen wincing in the background). The two are immediately left befuddled when the El Doradians throw the gold right over them and into the whirlpool, and Chel walks up to tell them that Xibalba is the spirit world. She goes to tell Tannabok that maybe the visibly distraught gods would want to bask in the gold rather than have it sent to Xibalba, and Tannabok orders everyone to immediately stop throwing gold and instead bring it to the gods' temple. Tulio congratulates Chel on her ability to play along with their con and offers a small piece of their soon-to-have fortune in return. They walk past Tzekel-Khan who starts getting suspicious if the "gods" are really who they say they are.


We cut to Tulio and Miguel in a private meeting with Tannabok where they tell him that they want his people to build a boat so they can haul their loot out of the city. Tannabok is curious why the gods are planning to leave so soon, for they had expected them to stay with them for the next thousand years. Tulio tells him though that there's the humans' plan and then there's the gods' plan, and he says that it would not be fit for a god to be in their current form for an extended period of time. While Tannabok ponders for a bit, Tulio whispers to Miguel that he's been noticing how it's been oddly tense between Tannabok and Tzekel-Khan, and maybe they could use that to their advantage. Tannabok says a boat large enough to honor the gods would take about a week to build, which gives Tulio and Miguel pause. Tulio openly ponders if maybe Tzekel-Khan could build a boat faster, which frustrates the chief enough that he promises a boat build and ready within three days. He does wonder why the gods need so much tribute, for how much value would a commodity like gold have up in the heavens. Tulio retorts that the more the tribute, the more it shows to the other gods up in the heavens that the citizens of El Dorado appreciate them. Nevertheless, Tannabok promises them that the boat will be done in three days and should they be ready to sail, so be it.


Back at the temple, Tulio blurts out that even three days is too much, for that's three days where they could screw up and blow their con at any point. Miguel disagrees, thinking Tulio worries too much. He looks out over the city and remarks that he's really starting to find himself in this place, which Tulio finds ironic since they're getting by on pretending to be something they're not. He orders Miguel to stay in the temple for the remaining three days and not go out and do something stupid, which Miguel finds ludicrous.


Miguel: What's the worst that could happen?

Tulio: What's the worst that could happen? What do you mean "what's the worst that could happen?" Have you not been paying attention?! One slip-up and it's all over. They could behead us!

Chel: Or flog you, burn you, send you to Xibalba...

Tulio: Yes, all that! Thank you!

Miguel: [sighs] When have you stopped appreciating the finer things in life, Tulio?

Tulio: ...I was wrong in doubting you when you said the map would lead us to El Dorado. I was wrong in doubting you when we followed that trail. I realize that we have come this far because you believed in this. But I'm telling you: as a partner... as a friend... do not screw this up. Please.

Miguel: As you wish. I'll lay low.

Tulio: Good! Now if you'll excuse me, I have to gloat over my gold.


Tulio frolics in his fortunes while Chel starts thinking she could maybe play them both. She plants the idea in Miguel's head that he shouldn't listen to Tulio and start planting his own turf. Miguel doesn't want to upset his friend, but Chel tells him that if she was in the place of her dreams she'd want to use the time she has as much as possible, and maybe Miguel is missing the experience of a lifetime by staying put. She pledges to cover for Miguel while he goes to explore the city. He does so leaving her to keep Tulio occupied. Chel tries to seduce Tulio who initially refutes her saying he can't give in to temptation and blow his cover, but some well-placed words and seductive posing prove enough for Tulio to give in.


Miguel wanders the city but quickly discovers it's surprisingly empty. He sees the captain of the guards and asks where everybody he went. The captain tells him the streets have been cleared so that the cleansing can begin in anticipation for the age of the Jaguar, on the gods orders. Miguel remarks that he never made such order, and he doubts Tulio made it either. The captain tells him it was relayed to him by Tzekel-Khan, which gives Miguel pause. He sees two guards nearby hassling a civilian for breaking the curfew and he tells them to knock it off. The civilian runs away but not before knocking over a stand. Miguel picks up the remains and figures out he can create a makeshift instrument and maybe play some music to draw out the people in the city.



Throughout the song Miguel interacts with El Dorado and its inhabitants (with some help from Altivo), falling more and more for the culture and the people. Tzekel-Khan sees this and glances in his book, seeing images promising cleansing in the age of the Jaguar, not gods of peaceful frolicking. He wonders if Tulio could enlighten him on the arrival of the coming age, and goes up to visit him. We cut back to the temple where Tulio and Chel just got done uh... flowerbedding. Tzekel-Khan enters the temple and calls out for Tulio, which causes Chel to go into hiding. Tulio emerges and asks what the high priest wants. Tzekel-Khan mentions that he's seen Miguel hanging out with ordinary people which immediately alerts Tulio. Before he can go confront Miguel though Tzekel-Khan tells him there's an urgent matter at hand, namely that he's unsure if Miguel is really here to signal the age of the Jaguar like Tulio is or if there's perhaps a conflicting ideology between the gods. After all, the age of the Jaguar is a time of cleansing, of where those of sin and deceit would face their due punishment. Using a bit of magic he concocts images of snakes, spiders, rats, people being gored in rather gruesome ways, all to illustrate his point that the world as he sees it is full of wrongfulness and the age of the Jaguar would be a time to start anew. Tulio, maybe a little bit revolted by the images Tzekel-Khan conjure up, tries to bullshit his way out of the conversation saying he's going to have a talk with his fellow god about this, and he promptly leaves with Chel in hand. Tzekel-Khan is visibly pleased that finally one of the gods is listening to him, until he sees that Tulio left his dice. Curious, he rolls them twice, discovering they land on seven both times.


Some miles away from El Dorado, Cortés leads an army through the mesoamerican jungle, discovering many of the same sights Tulio and Miguel did on their journey. Cut back to El Dorado where Miguel has another meeting with Tannabok, this time by himself. Tannabok notes that Miguel looks visibly conflicted, and Miguel confesses to him that a few days in El Dorado has changed his perspective on a few things. Tannabok quickly figures out that Miguel likes it here, and maybe wishes to stay. Miguel admits this is true, saying he never felt all to comfy back where he came from (using "the heavens" as a substitute for Spain) and frankly that he's not like other gods. Tannabok asks what he means by that, and Miguel replies that he's always felt a bit... different. Maybe not in a way that'll be typical of a "god". Tannabok assures him by saying in El Dorado he can be anyone he wants to be, and he nor any of his people would judge him for it. Maybe Tzekel-Khan would, but that's a different matter. A bit later, Tulio finds Miguel playing ball with the El Doradians and decides it's time to pull him aside and scold him. Asking him what the hell he's doing, Miguel tells him that he's been doing some thinking. Tulio almost immediately realizes what this means.


Tulio: ...You don't want to go back to Spain.

Miguel: What? Heh... when did I ever say that?

Tulio: You like it here. You think you are somebody.

Miguel: Well, here... we kinda are.

Tulio: You are not. You are a fraud. We're both frauds. And the sooner you get back to realizing that you are that, the better we're off.

Miguel: So you're saying we're better off just robbing them?!

Tulio: Robbing them?! Have you been paying attention at all?! Gold is like grass to them! It doesn't hold any value here!

Miguel: Back in Spain our lives held no value either!

Tulio: If we get back with the all the riches this place has to offer then our lives will! As long as you're rich they let you live however you want!

Miguel: But at what cost, Tulio?!

Tulio: You think you're all fine and dandy now but I can guarantee you that just like in Spain if they find out what you're really made of they'll burn you alive!

Miguel: And you know that, how?!

Tulio: I've lived long enough on this earth to not expect much out of people. You shouldn't either.


Miguel tries to storm off, wandering back to the courtyard where Tannabok is seen talking to his citizens. He says he heard the two yelling behind the bushes and wonders what two gods possibly had to argue about, but Miguel simply tells him to ignore it for it is just Tulio being a douche. His walking is interrupted by Tulio throwing a gold plate in his direction. Tulio demands he marches back to temple right this moment. "And what if I don't?" asks Miguel back, before asking a nearby guard to hand him his spear. Baffled, Tulio asks another guard for his spear, before asking Miguel if he really wants to go through with this. Miguel gives a smug grin and simply retorts "En guarde." The two start dueling in the middle of the square, much to everyone's confusion. The blows back and forth are more fierce than their fake duel earlier in the movie, with Tulio and Miguel kicking and throwing each other around. Tzekel-Khan arrives at the scene, noting to Tannabok that he didn't expect to see two gods in active fight with one another. Chel witnesses the whole ordeal and realizes she's made a grave mistake, and tries to communicate to Tulio to break up the fight, who does not listen. The fight doesn't end until Tulio cuts Miguel in the arm causing him to bleed from it. Tannabok breaks his passive stance and intervenes by yelling "STOP!".


Tannabok: I know that I should not intervene in divine affairs but it is really godlike to fight like petulant children?!

Tulio: ...

Miguel: ...

Tulio: ...He started it.

Tannabok: I can't allow bloodshed on the streets even if the gods wanted it. I beg you, if there's any disagreements, have faith in dialogue.

[Tulio and Miguel both share a look.]

Tulio: If you're not coming with me, I'll be leaving tonight.

Miguel: Do as you want. I don't care.


They both drop their spears and walk off in separate directions while everyone just stand there saddened and confused. Tzekel-Khan's attention meanwhile is drawn to the fact that Miguel bled. He doesn't say a word when Tannabok walks up to him and cracks that it is unlike him to not call him out for questioning the gods. Tzekel-Khan simply scoffs at him before walking off. We cut to his hideout where Tzekel-Khan looks over the stone carving of the two gods while the captain of the guards walks up to him. Tzekel-Khan asks him if he knows why gods crave the blood as he cuts his own palm before smearing his blood onto the statue. The captain says he doesn't know and Tzekel-Khan answers that gods don't bleed, so the question becomes: how come a supposed god like Miguel did? We intercut with Tulio storming back the temple and begins packing not noticing that the loaded dice are missing and Tzekel-Khan revealing that he's stolen the dice. We see him throw the dice at the floor showing a seven, proving that Tulio and Miguel were faking the dice-throwing earlier. The captain asks what about the volcano and Tzekel-Khan simply responds "Even the greatest frauds require a bit of luck."


Chel walks up to Tulio and asks how he's holding up. Tulio says he's fine. He just had to end a long-term business relationship, but he'll be fine. He asks Chel that if she really wants to break free, she sails with him to Spain tonight. She'll get the share Miguel was supposed to get. Overcome with guilt, Chel confesses that she convinced Miguel to stop listening to Tulio and do as he wishes, and now she's broken what she believed to be an inseparable duo. Tulio is unphased by the confession, saying she did them both a favor. Chel responds by slapping Tulio in the face and leaving. Tulio yells after her that she's off the boat and she won't find a man as finely chiseled as him anywhere in El Dorado ever again, and Miguel's clearly off the table. He sees his reflection in the gold, which does give him a brief pause. Not far away, Cortés and his men have arrived at the waterfall where the large rock is found. The broker pulls up his crudely drawn map and confirms to Cortés that this is the place. Cortés remarks that he sees nothing but a big rock around here. He calls on one of his men to bring him "the case". The goon brings the case to him as the broker stands there nervous.


Cortés: Have you heard of a little invention I've been willing to try out? The Chinese used it all the way back in the 1100s but Spain just warmed up to it recently.

Broker: W-w-what is it, master Cortés?

Cortés: I believe they call it a "pistol".


And so Cortés pulls out a pistol and promptly shoots the broker dead. His body falls into the water which starts drifting towards the waterfall, confusing Cortés at first. That's when he discovers that there's a passage hidden behind the waterfall, and he splits with his army to form a scout team to follow the hidden trail. We cut back to El Dorado where Miguel sits up and mopes at the docks when Tannabok walks up to him. Miguel apologizes for his behavior earlier, saying the people shouldn't have to see their gods behave in childish ways like this. Tannabok says it's okay, and in a moment of honesty says maybe El Dorado shouldn't be seeing gods as something that's beyond human, hoping Miguel won't take offense. Miguel says none taken, remarking that if anything being a god is not everything it's cranked up to be. Their moment is interrupted by sounds of explosions and gunfire in the distance. A bloodied guard runs up to Tannabok and says that more foreigners have suddenly shown up, having discovered the secret passage and brandishing deadly weapons. Miguel quickly realizes that it is Cortés and he tells Tannabok to gather everyone in the gods' temple so they can figure out a plan.


Tulio is seen walking in the direction of the part, bag in hand and a rather sullen look on his face. He is suddenly swarmed by hundreds of El Doradians who come begging for his help. He tells them to back off and just explain to him what's going on. He too quickly realizes that Cortés is behind him and when asked if he will fight for the El Doradians, seeing as he is their god after all, he stands there frozen for a minute before bolting. Tulio runs past everyone down to the central square hoping he can find a quick exit route, but Cortés is revealed to have broken through El Dorado's defenses rather easily and Tulio is cornered by his men. Up at the temple Miguel is reunited with Chel who asks if he's seen Tulio, and Miguel asks the same question back. They look out to see that Cortés' forces have captured the central square and have Tulio in chains. Tannabok believes he can bargain with Cortés and (to Miguel's protest) walks out to confront him. He sees Tulio captured and asks Miguel how a god as powerful as Tulio can be in chains. Cortés overhears this and immediately takes note.


Cortés: God? You see this man as a god? This man is a scoundrel, a conman in his own country! And the man standing beside you is his partner in crime! You have a city coated in gold yet you are foolish enough to believe these worthless parasites to be gods?!

Tannabok: [turns to Miguel] ...You are not gods?!

Miguel: ...I'm sorry, chief.

Tannabok: ...

Cortés: Phony gods do not win you any battles. [pulls out his pistol] But this does.

Miguel: NO!!


Cortés fires at Tannabok hitting him in the chest area. The chief is severely wounded but the wound does not appear to be fatal. All the while Cortés tells them to hand over Miguel and the rest of them won't be harmed. Miguel tells everyone not to believe Cortés for he will try to slaughter them regardless. The terrified citizens ask what they should do, and Miguel asks Tannabok if there's any safe passage leading his people out from the city. As a matter of fact there is, and Miguel directs Chel to lead the people there while he says he has to go out and confront Cortés in order to save Tulio. Chel doesn't want Miguel to go out there alone, but Miguel refutes her, saying he'll buy her ample time to lead everyone to safety. Meanwhile, the captain of the guards have slipped away from the ensuing chaos to warn Tzekel-Khan, who is still residing in his hideout. He runs in to find Tzekel-Khan cooking up some magic stew in a large pot. Tzekel-Khan welcomes the captain by saying he arrived just in time. The captain tries to warn him about Cortés' arrival, but he is suddenly stabbed in the gut by Tzekel-Khan. 


Tzekel-Khan: I have spent the last twenty years pining for the age of the Jaguar and all the heavens were willing to give me were FRAUDS!

Captain: [squirts blood] But... high priest... you have to...

Tzekel-Khan: I guess if there's one thing I've learned from all of this is that some things you'll just have to do by yourself! [kicks the captain in the gut]

Captain: GAH!!!

Tzekel-Khan: I'm done serving "gods". It's about time I became one. And I crave sacrifice.

Captain: No... no...

Tzekel-Khan: The age of the Jaguar... has dawned.


Tzekel-Khan throws the captain into the pot which causes an explosion that sends him hurtling back. He is pinned against the stone carving while he's infused with magic energy that allows him to gain control of the large jaguar statue. The stone carving breaks apart as the stone jaguar detaches from the wall and is now at Tzekel-Khan's command. He lets out a cackle as the stone jaguar lets out a loud roar. Cut back to the city where Miguel goes out to confront Cortés who has his pistol pointed at Tulio's head. He sees the volcano in the distance, remembering the random eruption that saved both of their asses before and in a desperate move points his fingers in the direction of the volcano. Both Cortés and Tulio are left befuddled.


Tulio: Miguel, you blithering idiot...

Miguel: Open Sesame! Deus Ex Machina! By the power of Greyskull!

Cortés: I've had enough of this buffoonery. [points his pistol at Miguel]

Tulio: NO!!


Suddenly, Tzekel-Khan's stone jaguar bursts out from his hideout which startles Cortés enough to throw off his aim and miss Miguel. Cortés' men, thinking Miguel was the one who summoned the jaguar, panic and flee, leaving Cortés alone with Tulio who headbutts him and steals the keys to free himself with. While Cortés is blindsided he's attacked by Altivo who promptly kicks him in the face knocking him out. Tulio reunites with Miguel wondering how Miguel managed to summon a giant stone jaguar, and a frightened Miguel replies that he didn't. Tzekel-Khan emerges from the wreckage of his hideout cackling that now everyone will know the truth about Tulio and Miguel's "divinity". The jaguar attacks Cortés' men who are trying to flee, crushing and eating some of them in the process before proceeding to chase the two "gods". Chel emerges riding on Altivo telling the two to hop on. Miguel asks if the others are safe and she says not to worry. The stone jaguar chases them up the stairs of the temple until Altivo is seemingly trapped but frees himself and his riders by kicking the jaguar in its glass eye, which is shown to also hurt Tzekel-Khan. The jaguar swipes at them which throws everyone off. The jaguar tries to attack Chel but Tulio and Miguel distract it by throwing rocks in its direction, ordering Altivo to bring Chel to safety while they lead the jaguar somewhere where it can be stopped.


Now pursued full force by the jaguar, the pair run off in the direction of the volcano where they squeeze between narrow gaps the jaguar seemingly can't break through. Tzekel-Khan uses his strength to command the jaguar to break through the rocks though and soon Tulio and Miguel find themselves stranded in a lava field with the jaguar cornering them. The jaguar raises its paw to crush them but the ground gives away dropping it full into the lava, giving Tulio and Miguel the opportunity to leap onto the jaguar's back and hop to safety from its tail. The jaguar seemingly sinks into the lava while the pair don't stop running until they're at a safe distance, but just as it seemed like they were in the clear the jaguar reemerges and continues to give chase. The chase leads up to the cliff with the whirlpool where the pair are cornered again. Tzekel-Khan appears, seemingly shutting down the jaguar.


Tzekel-Khan: I know what you are, and I know what you are not. And you are not... GODS!!

Tulio: ...

Miguel: ...

Tulio: [turns to Miguel] You're not a god? You lied to me?! HOW DARE YOU!!

Miguel: What do you mean, I'm not a god?! YOU'RE THE NON-GOD HERE!!


Tulio and Miguel starts arguing with each other in front of Tzekel-Khan, bringing up old arguments for seemingly no reason. They walk past a smug-looking Tzekel-Khan continuing their petty argument before suddenly turning and punching Tzekel-Khan in the face. They take the opportunity while he's down to tie him up but Tzekel-Khan brings back the stone jaguar to crush them once and for all. This proves to be his undoing however as Tulio and Miguel duck under it and the jaguar flies right into Tzekel-Khan, sending them both hurtling into the whirlpool below. With Tzekel-Khan defeated, Tulio and Miguel attempt to catch their breath, until Cortés of all people emerge with his pistol pointing at them.


Cortés: You two have been a bigger nuisance than it's worth. I did not come to the New World to be humiliated by two conmen with a bagful of magic tricks.

Miguel: Just so you know, that jaguar wasn't us.

Tulio: I don't think it matters who did what at this point, Miguel.

Cortés: I promised myself I'd make your deaths drawn out and painful. I'll just settle on the latter.


Cortés cocks his pistol and is about to fire at them when he's struck from behind by Chel. Cortés stumbles over and slips, plunging himself down into the whirlpool below. With the menace finally defeated, Tulio and Chel embrace while Altivo gets a pat on the back from Miguel. Cut to dawn where Tulio and Miguel are seen preparing a smaller ship for departure. Tulio and Miguel are helping each other out without saying as much as a word, until Tulio breaks the silence.


Tulio: You don't need to come along. If you wish to stay here, that's... that's fine. I'm too much work anyway.

Miguel: No, you're right. I should've stayed low. It's my fault all of this happened.

Tulio: Don't blame yourself. I mean, at least blame a nutso high priest and ransacking maniac first before you do that.

Miguel: Yeah... maybe Cortés would've found this city regardless.

Tulio: I didn't say that ransacking maniac was Cortés.

[The two share a look.]

Miguel: So... first Tzekel-Khan, then you, then me... where does Cortés fit in?

Tulio: That was me trying to be nice and apologize, stop being pedantic!

Miguel: We were both a bit selfish. Let's say Tzekel-Khan first, then Cortés, then us both in a tie.

Tulio: Equal winnings, equal blame. I can get behind that. It's a deal?

Miguel: It's a deal.


The two shake hands as chief Tannabok, recovering from his injuries and having to walk with the aid of a stick, approaches them.


Tannabok: Leaving so soon?

Tulio: The jig is up, chief. You thought we were gods, we were not, we're just trying to make our way out before the inevitable mob grabs us.

Miguel: What my friend is trying to say is that we've greatly disrespected your culture by pretending to be gods and maybe we should leave before it escalates any further.

Tulio: I think an invading army and a giant stone cat is as bad as it's going to get, but we don't want to pour more salt onto your wounds.

Tannabok: Well... like a god I knew once said: to err is to be human.

Miguel: ...

Tannabok: I just hope wherever your future endeavors may take you Miguel, you'll find a place where you can be yourself.

Miguel: Thank you. I hope you can keep your city safe.

Tulio: And as a token of our gratitude, we are not bringing a single piece of gold with us.

[Chel is seen boarding the ship with golden ear-rings]

Tulio: ...Well, maybe a little bit.

[Altivo is seen dragging a whole bag of gold on board]

Tulio: ...Cost of living in Spain is on the rise, we just take what's necessary.

Tannabok: Just so you know, we have a much greater token of appreciation waiting for you.

Tulio: Like what? Diamonds? Spice? Moon rocks?!

Tannabok: Set sail and you'll see.


They set sail, the chief waving goodbye to them as they approach the cave entrance. It is here where the other inhabitants of El Dorado appear on the sides of the canal looking down on them, all bowing their head in respect. The gesture warms the cackles of Tulio's heart, who's almost brought to tears (while trying to pretend it's just salt water in his eye). As they enter and then exit the river cave, Tulio wonders what the El Doradians will do with the secret passageway now that it's no longer so secret. They hear a loud explosion behind them, and the cave collapses behind them blocking the path back to El Dorado permanently. Tulio starts tearing up again.


Miguel: Salt water in your eye again?

Tulio: No... this time it's real. [sobs softly]

Miguel: The city may be gone, but the adventure remains forever.

Tulio: Yeah but... a whole city of gold and we come away with just a single bag and a kinda crappy boat. Not much for the history books.

Miguel: Yeah, it's barely enough to fund our next adventure.

Tulio: ...What do you mean "next adventure?" We don't have a map, or a compass, or...

Chel: Isn't that what makes it interesting? Whatever the next adventure is where the trail leads us!

Tulio: ...I immediately regret everything.

Miguel: Onwards, to the trail we blaze!


The movie closes out with the ship sailing off into the horizon, with Altivo revealing he's also had his horse shoes made out of gold.






Cortés is seen emerging out of the water, not far from where his remaining army are camping. They wonder what happened to him and the rest of his squad. Cortés begs them to keep this off the official records and never speak of this again.

Edited by cookie
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Mostly Human

Release Date: January 5th, Y2

Studio: Red Crescent Pictures

Genre: Sci-Fi / Action

Director: Ryûhei Kitamura

Theater Count: 2,435

Premium Format: 3D

Shooting Format: 8K Digital (Red Epic-W) (Post-converted to 3D)

Aspect Ratio: 2.40:1

Release Image Formats: 2K DCP, 2K 3D DCP

Release Audio Formats: 5.1, 7.1, Dolby Atmos

Production Budget: $25 million

MPAA Rating: R for strong action violence and language

Running Time: 89 minutes

Major Cast: Ken Watanabe (Ninja Clan Leader), Rinko Kikuchi (Head Ninja Warrior)


Plot Summary:

In the near future, the Japanese electronics industry had a breakthrough in robotic and artificial intelligence technology. They developed a line of robot samurai warriors for use in their military. However, the robots quickly gained sentience and eventually took over the world, enslaving humanity. The robot samurai are now lethal enforcers of the robot monarchy's cruel will. A worldwide resistance movement has emerged in the form of an elite ninja clan, but they have little success until their leader (Ken Watanabe) suggests using stolen technological secrets to turn their warriors into cyborgs. A young ninja woman (Rinko Kikuchi) volunteers to be the first to undergo the process, and it proves a success. The clan makes an army of cyborg warriors and goes to war, and eventually succeeds in overthrowing the robot government. However, by the end, it is revealed that the cyborgs have simply taken their place as rulers of the global dystopia, with both robots and pure humans now relegated to indentured second-class status.

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Bionicle: Trials of the Toa

Release Date: February 16th

Studio: Endless Entertainment 

Genre: Action/Adventure/Sci-Fi 

Director: Peter Jackson

Theater Count: 4,205

Budget: $200M 

Runtime: 2 hours and 15 minutes (135 minutes)

Format: 3D and IMAX

MPAA Rating: PG-13 (for sequences of action/adventure violence, some frightening images and an intense crash scene)

Cast: Chadwick Boseman as Vakama, 

Gal Gadot as Nokama,

Chris Pratt as Matau,

Channing Tatum as Onewa,

Vin Diesel as Whenua,

Benedict Wong as Nuju, 

Idris Elba as Makuta,

Seth MacFarlane as Nidhiki,

Danny Glover as Kreeka 

and Patrick Stewart as Toa Lhikan.

Plot Summary: 

Vakama recalls events that took place long before the classic Bionicle stories at Mata Nui, during which he, along with his friends Nuju, Matau, Onewa, Whenua, and Nokama were chosen to be the new Toa of the island of Metru Nui. To save the city, they must prove themselves worthy Toa, find their mask powers, and protect the "Heart of Metru Nui". However, they also find themselves caught up in the schemes of the evil Makuta.



The film begins with Turaga Vakama describing a land that existed before Mata Nui called Metru Nui, a land populated by the Matoran, robotic like humanoids, lead by a Turaga, the leader of all Matoran, where the local Toa, whose sole duty is to protect the Matoran, were falling in battle as a relentless shadow sought to conquer the great city.

Lhikan, the last remaining Toa, travels throughout the entire city, giving Toa stones to to six Matoran: Ga-Matoran Teacher Nokama, Po-Matoran Carver Onewa, Onu-Matoran Archivist Whenua, Le-Matoran test driver Matau, Ko-Matoran Scholar Nuju, and Ta-Matoran Mask Maker Vakama. After giving the last stone to Vakama, Lhikan is captured by two Dark Hunters, Nidhiki and Krekka. Vakama later meets the other Matoran at the Great Temple in Ga-Metru; there, they are transformed into six new Toa. After Vakama has a vision, they all set out to recover the six Great Disks hidden throughout Metru Nui, hoping to prove to Turaga Dume, the city's leader, that they are worthy Toa. However, Dume issues that "small gifts" will not confirm them as Toa, and puts them to a grueling test instead. When the six fail to pass, Dume denounces them as "imposters" and unleashes the Vahki (the city's law enforcers) upon them. In the ensuing chaos, Onewa, Nuju, and Whenua are captured while Vakama and the others escape the Coliseum by leaping into a chute system, with the Dark Hunters giving chase.

Vakama, Nokama, and Matau abandon the chute system at Ko-Metru when the Dark Hunters get the flow reversed and set out to find the other Toa and Lhikan, whom Vakama believes is still alive. They hitch a ride on a Vahki transport to Po-Metru, where are ambushed by the Dark Hunters and flee from a herd of Kikanalo beasts. Nokama discovers that her mask allows her to speak and understand foreign languages and persuades the Kikanalo to help them find Lhikan; Matau discovers his mask power (shape-shifting) along the way.

Meanwhile, Onewa, Whenua, and Nuju are trying unsuccessfully to escape when are approached by a mysterious Turaga, who explains that Toa mask powers are needed to escape and teaches them how to activate them. Growing impatient, the Toa argue until Onewa's mind-control and Nuju's telekinesis mask powers activate, and Nuju uses his to create an escape route. Whenua then discovers his mask power (night vision) before the four reunite with Vakama, Nokama, and Matau. The Turaga then reveals himself to be Lhikan, who sacrificed his power to turn Vakama and company into Toa. He inquires as to the safety of the "Heart of Metru Nui", which Vakama believed was Lhikan himself, but is actually the Matoran. Vakama then discovers a small canister that contains Dume; the Dume from before was an impostor. Pursued by the Vahki, the Toa, along with Lhikan, set out to stop the false Dume, who has summoned the Matoran to the Coliseum to be placed in canisters to sleep. The false Dume reveals himself to be Makuta in disguise, and plunges the Great Spirit Mata Nui into slumber. The Toa gather as many Matoran capsules as they can and race to escape the crumbling city. On the way out, the Dark Hunters attack them again, but are killed, along with a Nivawk (Makuta's spy), when Makuta absorbs them.

As the group leaves Metru Nui, Vakama creates the legendary Mask of Time, which he unsuccessfully tried to do as a Matoran, from the Great Disks. Makuta pursues and in the ensuing battle, Lhikan is killed protecting Vakama. In an anguished rage, Vakama knocks the Mask of Time into the sea and defeats Makuta in combat using his newfound concealment mask power. The Toa combine their powers to seal Makuta in a protodermis prison and move on to the surface, emerging on an island they name "Mata Nui", in honor of the Great Spirit and attempt to find a way to awaken the sleeping Matoran.



Post Credit Scene: An angry, malevolent spider like figure lurks inside the remains of Metru Nui, tying up capsules into a web.



Edited by YourMother the Edgelord
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Title: January Gem

Director: Ben Stillèr

Genre: Comedy/Satire/Mockumentary

Release Date: January 19

Major Cast: Ben Stillèr (Marcus Greene), Jack Black (John Buckland), Will Ferrell (Andrew Nader)

Theater Count: 2,875

MPAA Rating: PG-13 (Language, drinking/smoking)

Runtime: 94 minutes (1:34)

Production Budget: $30 million


Plot Summary: Marcus Greene is a director with a well-deserved reputation for making expensive movies that frequently flop. He puts too much effort (and budget) into making state-of-the-art special effects and neglects important elements like plot or genre elements. One day, after yet another of his critically panned big-budget action blockbusters flops severely, he tries a different strategy. His goal is to make a genuinely good movie in January, which is usually a "dumping ground" for bad movies doomed to fail. 


He hires two actors, John Buckland and Andrew Nader. Buckland is a notorious prankster, and Nader is known for being both naive and easily frustrated. Buckland's zany pranks infuriate Nader and annoy Greene, but as the three men work on creating this movie, they find themselves getting along. Buckland learns that sometimes he needs to be serious, and Nader accepts that he can loosen up when the time is right.


The movie "January Gem" fulfills its destiny, being a strong comedy movie that succeeds in the month of January.


[Some scenes within this movie are satire clips of the Michael Bay style of movies, showing the prior "work" of director Marcus Greene in contrast to his more modest efforts in January Gem.]





Edited by Electric
moving a movie to its own post
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@Electric I'm just now noticing Penny Press since it's not in its own post. Ron Howard is already taken for the $120 million tentpole Life After Death from @Hiccup23. You'll need to pick another director. Remember to check the list in the first post when you choose a director to make sure they're not taken.

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Genre: Sci-Fi/Detective Thriller

Cast: Liam Neeson (Arnold Hackett), Madeleine Stowe (Dr. Lorraine Bennett), Josh Charles (Conrad Dunning), Priyanka Chopra (Dr. Ramya Bhatia), Hiroyuki Sanada (Dr. Saito Donakowa), Saïd Taghmaoui (Dr. Stephen Jalal), America Ferrera (Dr. Isabelle Morales), and John Cusack (Administrator Morrow)

Directed By: Timothy Van Patten

Release Date: 10/12

Theater Count: 3074

Running Time: 105 Minutes

Budget: $45 million

MPAA Rating: PG-13 for some violence and brief strong language


Plot Summary: 2082 C.E.




We zoom in on the Moon and see in the Mare Frigoris the several large modular buildings of the International Lunar Research Station (ILRS). Inside one of the outlying buildings, a middle-age man is working in a small lab of sorts when suddenly a popping noise is heard followed by a hiss: something has caused a decompression of the chamber. Immediately the doors to the lab clamp shut, sealing the man inside and the man can do nothing but pound on a door as the air and pressure is sucked out into space. We then see the man, semi-frozen by the airless vacuum, slumped against the door.


The film then journeys to Earth, where a man in his late fifties, Arnold Hackett (Neeson) is giving a lecture at a university on blood spatter in low-gravity environments. After the lecture Arnold is on his way home when he gets a phone call from a friend who works for the United Nations’ Extra-Atmospheric Regulatory Division (EARD), which is the controlling body for all multi-national space exploration and research missions. The friend asks to meet. At the meeting the friend asks Arnold to come out of early retirement to investigate a suspicious accident at the International Lunar Research Station, since Arnold is the man who figured out the bizarre double-homicide on the ISS II fifteen years earlier. Arnold is eventually convinced.


We see a couple scenes showing Arnold tidying up affairs and then he is flown to the launch site for the next supply trip to the ILRS. It’s been nearly ten years since Arnold has been in space so he’s a little uncomfortable as the ship takes off and zooms the 230,000ish miles to the Moon. Arnold arrives and is met by Conrad Dunning (Charles), the head of security for the ILRS. Dunning says his team’s main task is to prevent rival scientists from stealing one another’s research so they have no real ability to investigate matters like this. Arnold is taken to meet with Administrator Morrow (Cusack) who supervises the facility for the EARD. Also present is Dr. Lorraine Bennett (Stowe), the EARD’s chief scientist at the station and a mediator between the various national groups at the station and the administration. Dunning explains the circumstances of what happened and wants to get Arnold investigating right away. Lorraine protests a bit because of the need to get clearance and consent from the nation running the lab, Russia. Morrow is a little exasperated and tells Lorraine to get clearance ASAP and Arnold can investigate first thing lunar morning, since the lab is sealed.


Arnold settles into his quarters on the station and is invited by Lorraine to meet other leading scientists at the station. He agrees and is taken to a dinner where the lead scientists for various nations are present: Dr. Ramya Bhatia (Chopra) (India), Dr. Saito Donakowa (Sanada) (Japan), Dr. Stephen Jalal (Taghmaoui) (E.U.), and Dr. Isabelle Morales (Ferrera) (U.S.). Arnold gets peppered with questions about what he does and his explanations of zero-g blood spatter analysis and computer data tracking intrigues them. Saito is the most hostile to Arnold’s presence, insisting it was an accident pure and simple. Isabelle and Stephen are more suspicious of the death. During the dinner and afterwards Arnold and Lorraine seem to have some chemistry.


We then see Dunning take Arnold to the sealed lab, which is sealed because of decompression, so they have to wear spacesuits. Arnold identifies where the leak in the compartment comes from and Dunning says that it may have been a mechanical failure. Arnold says the only way to be sure is to see where the corresponding exit point is, so the two venture outside the station onto the lunar surface to investigate the compartment’s exterior. Arnold finds the source of the leak, a handful of weakened rivets and bolts that caused a minor buckling of the metal plating. Dunning says it’s too much to be simple structural failure. Arnold agrees and says they have a murder.


Arnold presents this to Morrow, who is skeptical but still disturbed. Morrow asks what the next step is and Arnold says he has to check all the records about airlock doors opening and closing in the hours before and after the murder. Later Arnold is working, starting to examine and cross-check names, locations, and times on the records when Lorraine stops by to chat. She says the scientists are now all aware of the murder designation and they’re getting jumpy. Arnold says they can rest easy since he’s never failed to track down a killer yet. They talk a little more and it becomes clear there’s a little flirting going on.


Arnold goes to find Dunning to ask for more records and Dunning pulls him aside to talk in private. Dunning says that Arnold’s murder designation has gotten him thinking and he recalls three accidental deaths over the past fourteen months that in hindsight seem more suspicious. He asks Arnold to take a look at the files and Arnold agrees, curious.


We see a meeting of various scientists with Lorraine, who is trying to keep the peace. Saito is still hostile to the notion of the EARD violating sovereign territory on the Moon through an investigation but Ramya reminds him that every nation that agreed to share responsibility on the ILRS delegated control of the station itself to the EARD. Saito’s antagonism is still not diminished. Stephen is getting nervous about having to share an enclosed station with a killer.


We see Arnold going through the files Dunning gave him and we see he doesn’t like what he finds. Cut to Arnold storming into Morrow’s office, asking why he never mentioned three suspicious deaths before. Morrow said they’re all clearly accidents and Arnold laughs and points out indicia that show that the deaths are highly suspicious. Morrow is incredulous that Arnold could know all this from some paper and computer screens and Arnold replies “It’s my job to notice the things fuck-ups like you miss.” Morrow is cowed and promises to lend aid Arnold.


Arnold brings Dunning into the investigation and says the key is to learn how all four murders are linked, since the odds of multiple murderers being in a relatively small population is tiny. The other three deaths were a researcher from China, whose lunar buggy exploded from a fuel tank rapture, a maintenance worker who run out of oxygen while repairing structural issues in the E.U. sector, and a scientist from the U.S.A. who was ejected from an airlock at an off-site lab before he could get his suit fully on. Arnold says he’s cross-checked the airlock records and only two people exited and re-entered the station in a suspicious-enough timeframe: Ramya and Saito. Arnold asks Dunning to check on their connections to the four dead people while he re-examines the records to see if there are further clues in the three old accident reports.


While this investigation goes on we see Lorraine meeting with Morrow, who is now very edgy and nervous and tells her about there being multiple murders now instead of one. This leads to Lorraine visiting Arnold and talking to him about his investigation and she persuades him to keep the news quiet since if scientists think a serial killer is stalking the corridors it’ll create massive cabin fever. The two talk some about their personal backgrounds and we learn Lorraine was a computer specialist before advancing into low-gravity physics studies. They’re close to kissing but Lorraine says she should go.


Meanwhile the scientists continue to get more and more uptight and on edge, which leads to a couple fistfighting in a communal lounge. Ramya helps break it up and talks to Stephen, who is growing suspicious of Saito. Stephen is thinking he might be able to figure out some things.


Dunning visits Arnold to update him and Arnold says that there may be forensic evidence left behind at the USA off-site lab since it was cleared out shortly after the death there. They go straight to Isabelle and inform her what they need to look at. Isabelle agrees to take them to the lab. Because of procedure, a log entry is made by the departure.


She drives the three to the lab and Arnold uses the data in the accident report to retrace what happened and he realizes that the system controlling the airlock was hacked into remotely, causing it to engage and eject even when it was supposed to be manually controlled. The investigation is interrupted by a power surge in the lab and instruments going haywire. They realize that someone is hacking the lab to try and kill them and they hear the hiss of air being released and decompression beginning. To make matters worse, a computer panel explodes from the power overload which causes fragments to tear one of their three spacesuits. With only two usable suits, Dunning tells Arnold to take Isabelle and go, which they do reluctantly. There are some obstacles with doors and sealed compartments trying to block the two in, and it looks like they are trapped in an airlock that is close to venting some corrosive gas, but Dunning is able to, in spite of the thinning air, reach a manual override and let the other two out before either suffers a loss of structural integrity to their suit. Dunning then collapses from asphyxia.


Arnold reports this to Morrow, whose mental state grows even more wobbly. He defers decisions to Lorraine, who suggests they arrange for a temporary evacuation of the station and repopulate it at a later time. Arnold hesitantly says that may be necessary.


Later, Arnold has some drinks to mourn the loss of Dunning when Lorraine arrives at his quarters. She consoles him and the two drink some more and talk. It’s clear a bond is forming between them.


After a couple short scenes showing a darkening mood across the station, we see Arnold going through Dunning’s’ research and sees that he had done some connections before his death. It seems that the dead scientists were working in fields similar to those of Saito, helium-3 research, and in the case of the dead maintenance worker he was doing repairs after mechanical failures had disrupted the E.U. helium-3 activation test. Arnold has security bring Saito in for a chat and he questions the man about his work and his connection to the deceased. Saito denies all involvement and suggests that Arnold is getting old and ineffective, which is why Dunning is dead. Arnold smashes Saito’s face into a table for that comment and has him let go for now.


Meanwhile we see Stephen doing some tracing of various records and something surprises him Next we see him approach Arnold with some findings, saying that there was an unauthorized entry into the computer log system shortly after the death of the Russian scientist. He says this means that there could have been a third person outside but that record was scrubbed. Arnold asks if Stephen can detect if other hacks had been made. Stephen says he can so long as he as a timeframe. Arnold tells him to look for shortly after he, Dunning, and Isabelle left for the American lab. Arnold is then called in by Morrow who is angry. Arnold says that investigations are a slow process and they’re dealing with a professional saboteur who will kill to cover his or her tracks. Morrow says that Arnold has 72 hours, then he’s ordering a temporary evacuation, at which point the culprit likely will slip away as a result.


Arnold digs into the helium-3 research going on at the ILRS and sees it is a very competitive racket, as the first country who figures out mass helium-3 mining and conversion into fuel will have a monopoly on the energy market for decades to come. He decides to bring Lorraine into the investigation since as the head science officer she has details on every operation on the station. She is reluctant to divulge proprietary research information but he persuades her that saving lives now is important. She tells him that the two groups making the best progress now are the Indian team (Ramya), and Japan (Saito), the two groups coincidentally unaffected by mishaps so far. Arnold is unsure which of the two is behind the killings, or even if they’re working together, but he knows time is running out.


As Arnold sleeps, Stephen works, digging into the computer records. He finds some of what he looking for and dictates a message to Arnold that says he found that someone hacked the exit log entries within minutes of Arnold, Dunning, and Isabelle going to the off-site lab. He’s also forwarding some interesting maintenance records. He says he’s now going to try and backtrack the hacking source via digital footprints. However as he types, a power surge hits his room and the electricity surges from the computer into him, killing him.


Arnold wakes up to hear about Stephen’s death and realizes that the killer is not only skilled, but also keeping abreast of certain developments. After interviewing some security guards he learns of recent conversations between Stephen and Ramya and has her brought in for questioning. Ramya is politely defiant and says she has nothing to do with these deaths. Arnold says if it isn’t her, its Saito, so unless she can provide something incriminating him then she’s still a suspect, especially since her background shows computer science skills. Ramya cannot provide such information though she says she has nothing to do with this and she didn’t even want to be posted here.


Arnold goes through Stephen’s last message to him and finds the attached maintenance records to be intriguing, since they provide clues about who was able to access the Chinese lunar buggy that exploded. Stephen’s notes show that the logs are too perfect, too neat, and actually wipe out a whole section of time where maintenance for the vehicles would be up and running. Stephen’s attached notes show that there is a pattern to vehicle maintenance and in ensuring the eradication of access it wiped out the access notes for the regular maintenance for normal vehicles. Since the Chinese buggy was only in maintenance for a very brief period of time, only a small window of people could have gotten in to tamper and only two regular maintenance checks fit in that window: the EARD’s own buggies and the Japanese buggy. Arnold smiles.


Saito, his face bandaged a little, is playing pool with others when Arnold comes in to ask him to come to a holding cell quietly. Saito laughs and says Arnold’s got nothing to frame him with and when Arnold says he has plenty of electronic evidence showing Saito’s involvement Saito frowns. Saito suddenly charges Arnold and the two engage in a brief hand-to-hand fight but Arnold ends up winning easily, breaking one of Saito’s arms. Arnold has security take him away.


Arnold is congratulated by Morrow and Lorraine, and Morrow says that the station can go back to normal. Arnold says not quite, while there is evidence connecting Saito to some of the events, there are some holes. For one, there is evidence of a hidden third EVA shortly before the Russian scientist was murdered and additionally Saito was transiting on the lunar surface when Dunning died so he couldn’t have hacked the off-site lab. Arnold says either they have two multiple murderers, or Saito was working for someone. Morrow says Arnold just doesn’t have the evidence yet. He is convinced Saito will confess under proper interrogation back on Earth and says Arnold will join Saito on the next ship, in just under 48 hours. Arnold grumbles.


News quickly spreads of Saito’s arrest and Arnold starts packing his things well ahead of schedule. Lorraine comes to apologize about Morrow but Arnold says that Morrow may be right, since the only way for him to be proven wrong is for someone else to die. Lorraine laughs and calls Arnold morbid and Arnold says over 30 years of solving crimes tends to make one so. They briefly kiss though both acknowledge it’ll be the last for a while.


We see Ramya at work, having been delivered a box by a security guard who says it was marked for her in Stephen’s quarters. She goes through it and finds some data discs marked “urgent.” She uploads them to her own workstation and after a minute her eyes go wide.


Arnold is approached by Ramya, who says she has information. She explains Stephen had left data marked for her since he had confided in her prior to talking to Arnold. She says that Stephen had always suspected Saito and had tracked a log of communications from his transmitter. She gives the list to Arnold who after quickly reading it tells her to gather all the research Stephen and he did and then says “listen to what I say next very carefully.” He immediately goes to Saito’s cell, telling the guard he has an important question. The guard lets him in but they both find that Saito has committed suicide by hanging himself via shoelaces. Arnold looks perturbed.


Arnold storms into Morrow’s office. Morrow says that it’s a pity Saito wouldn’t get a trial. Arnold says that Saito committing suicide is very convenient, especially since he now knows that Saito was communicating with someone else in direct proximity to all of the murders. Morrow asks who and Arnold says Morrow knows the answer to that question. Morrow sighs and says “you got me.” Morrow says that helium-3 research is the next phase of the energy market and it’s too valuable to let any country control it. Morrow says Saito felt the same way and agreed to disrupt the other nations’ progress and now EARD will be able to control helium-3 development and make it a tool for the United Nations to bring all of these countries in line. “The way to the world finally working together starts here, with us controlling the blood flow” Morrow says. Arnold says it’s a pity Morrow’s plan won’t work. Morrow laughs and says “don’t you know, accidents happen on this station all the time.” Arnold replies “don’t you know, I already forwarded all my findings back to Earth.” Morrow, furious that he might be implicated after all, summons guards to take Arnold to an airlock and seal him there.


As they get near the airlock Ramya pops out from a corner and jabs a guard with a syringe of sedatives while Arnold knocks out the other guard and takes his weapon. Ramya is surprised that Arnold predicted this and Arnold says it’s takes a long time to develop such a talent. He says Morrow expects him to have an accident in the airlock so Ramya shows him where a spacesuit is and Arnold after putting it on fakes a guard’s voice in a communicator to say to Morrow that “Arnold is in the lock.” Arnold then goes into the airlock and seals it and sure enough it suddenly opens though with his spacesuit Arnold is able to go outside and survive. A sweeping shot shows Arnold traversing the exterior of the station and re-entering through a far side airlock. Arnold then goes into super-cop mode, marching through the administration section and disabling several guards with well-placed shots that don’t kill and martial arts moves. He goes back into Morrow’s office to see that Morrow has apparently shot himself. Arnold sighs.


We cut to the next supply ship arriving at the station and it brings a clean-up crew to sort out the mess. Arnold is debriefed by his friend from the beginning and says a couple things still don’t add up. The friend says they might be nothing and Arnold says it’s possible, but there’s one last thing he has to check. We see him in a lab where Morrow’s body is kept along with the gun that killed him. Arnold engages in some old school CSI work and shakes his head at the findings, especially after Lisa gives him a report on ventilation ducts in Morrow’s compartment.


Lorraine is on an observation deck when Arnold comes in. Lorraine says it’s a shame Arnold is leaving and Arnold says he just has one last bit of business to wrap up. Keeping his distance, Arnold says that Lorraine was good, very good, but she just isn’t a master criminal. Lorraine looks incredulous but Arnold says “I found two sets of fingerprints on Morrow’s gun and I found buried in the station’s life support records that for a couple minutes the O2 levels in his compartment dropped substantially, not enough to kill, just enough to knock him out for someone to arrange a fake suicide. Did you really think I wouldn’t check? After all of your work being the computer specialist covering Saito’s tracks, setting up all those electronic accidents and hacks, you failed to cover up physical evidence 101.” Lorraine sighs and pulls out a small device and says she could vent the station’s entire atmosphere into space, or cause a reactor overload, or any number of disasters that would wipe people out here. Arnold simply says “You won’t. A person who goes to your lengths to hide her involvement and protect her safety won’t suddenly throw her own life away.” Lorraine sighs again and tosses the device at Arnold’s feet. “Right again, detective” she says sadly. Arnold secures her hands behind her and says “It’s a shame, because before we would only have had a couple hundred thousand miles between us. Now it’ll be a jail cell, and wouldn’t you know it, a handful of steel bars are a bigger barrier than the cold of space.” He waves in for a couple guards to lead Lorraine away. Then he goes back to the observation deck to look up at Earth and sadly smiles with a shake of his head. “Guess at the end of the day life’s the same no matter where you are” he says to no one in particular and walks away from the deck as the camera holds a shot of Earth.



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The Film

Release Date: July 13th, Y2

Studio: Red Crescent Pictures

Genre: Horror

Director: Juan Carlos Fresnadillo

Theater Count: 2,773

Shooting Format: Super 16 film

Aspect Ratio: 1.85:1

Release Image Format: 2K DCP

Release Audio Formats: 5.1, 7.1

Production Budget: $5 million

MPAA Rating: PG-13 for sequences of terror, language, violence, and suggestive and thematic content

Running Time: 92 minutes

Major Cast: Taylor Kinney (Isaac), Olivia Wilde (Ann), Parker Mack (Kevin), Rose Byrne (Karen), Owain Yeoman (John)


Plot Summary:

Inspired by an actual urban legend from Thailand, in which an outdoor film screening was held in a remote jungle clearing that was attended only by a crowd of silent people who were later allegedly found to have been ghosts when the projectionists questioned the local villagers afterwards and found none of them even knew about the screening at all. More directly, it is a remake of the 2007 Thai horror film Pee Chang Nang by Songsak Mongkolthong, which was loosely based on the legend.




Urban legend states that on Friday, July 13th, 1984, in the sparsely-populated North Maine Woods, a company was hired to erect an outdoor screen and show a film deep in the forest by persons unknown. The projectionists arrived and screened the film to no audience, but halfway through the movie, dozens of people appeared from the woods and stood silently in front of the screen. As the film ended, the phantom audience vanished in the blink of an eye.


In the present day, a paranormal researcher named Isaac (Taylor Kinney) is hoping to re-create the event in an attempt to conjure and document the paranormal phenomenon associated with it. It is 2018, and July 13th is falling on a Friday again for the first time since 2012. It will not happen again for another eleven years. He has extensively researched the tale, and now the only thing he still needs in order to stage his screening is the actual film that was shown in 1984. In an attempt to find it, Isaac tracks down one of the original projectionists who did the screening in 1984, Charles Long. However, he is very ill - both in body and mind - and living out his last days in a nursing home. He is unable to form a coherent sentence, let alone help. His nurse suggests Isaac should come back and try again in the morning.

That same night – Saturday, July 7th - Isaac's girlfriend Ann (Olivia Wilde), a nurse with a bandage covering an injury on her face, arrives at a train station and attempts to kill herself by jumping in front of the moving train. She is saved by an eighteen-year-old man, Kevin (Parker Mack) - the only other person in the station - but is ungrateful. When she arrives home, Isaac, unaware of the suicide attempt, removes her bandage revealing a small but deep cut on her cheek. He discusses his research with her and tells her she must take her medicine to make the pain in her stomach stop.

The following morning, Sunday, July 8th, Isaac, Ann, and two other members of the investigation team, married couple Karen (Rose Byrne) and John (Owain Yeoman), return to the nursing home. Charles is asleep, clutching something tightly in his hand. Gently, Isaac removes it. It's a small crucifix, cheap and worn. Karen, who is recording the session on her camcorder, runs out of space and goes to switch in a new memory card. When she turns back to the bed, Charles is missing. The elderly man attacks Isaac, trying to to take back the crucifix. The others subdue him, and in exchange for giving the crucifix back, Isaac demands to know where the film from 1984 is. Charles says he doesn't know - that the other projectionist, Peter, was supposed to burn it. Begging for his crucifix back, Charles catches sight of something behind Isaac which horrifies him. Charles faints and Isaac runs to find a doctor.

Meanwhile, Kevin, whose father is an old friend of Isaac, arrives at Isaac's office with some documents he had requested. Since Isaac is out, Ann is the one in the office. She immediately recognizes Kevin from the train station and treats him coldly, telling him to leave as Isaac does not like people to be in his office when he is out. Kevin asks why she is there, and she says she's the only exception - he gets upset if she's not around when he needs her. Kevin insists he is supposed to meet with Isaac to discuss the documents as soon as possible.

With Charles returned to bed with his crucifix and resting comfortably, Isaac returns to his office with John and Karen. Together with Kevin they look through the documents. Ann hangs around in awkward silence. Kevin discovers a possible lead - Peter, the other projectionist, may have taken a job at a nearby movie theatre after the legendary screening. Suddenly Ann leaves the room, and Isaac follows her, concerned. As he catches up with her, she says her stomach still hurts and that she needs to lie down. Isaac asks her to come to the theatre with him because he doesn't want to leave her alone at home, and Kevin passes them in the hallway as he leaves the office. Ann storms off silently, and Kevin asks if he can accompany Isaac to the theatre. Isaac agrees.

On Monday, July 9th, Isaac, Kevin, Ann, Karen, and John arrive at the movie theatre. It's a small-town, single-screen cinema that's seen much better days and is about to go out of business. The employee leads them to an old storage room in the basement. On the way they pass another room, haphazardly boarded up, with obvious scorch marks around the doorframe. The employee informs them that was where Peter killed himself. He had locked himself inside with the film he'd screened in the forest and started a fire, apparently trying to destroy the film. When the fire died down and the first responders opened the door, they found that everything in the room, including Peter's body, was incinerated - except the film, which was somehow still intact. It's been locked away in an otherwise unused storage room since.

The group retrieve the film from storage. On the film canister is a label displaying its screening dates; there are only two. The most recent is the forest screening in 1984. Before that, it was shown at a church in a small unincorporated community in the northwestern part of the state. Isaac asks if the theatre still has a working film projector, and it turns out they do. The group decides to watch the film in the theatre.

The film is bizarre - some sort of silent documentary, it seems. There are shots of a forest, and of a ringing church bell. Then what seem to be out-of-focus shots of people being zipped up into body bags. As it plays, the group notice some of the empty seats in the theatre creaking and opening, as if someone invisible were sitting down in them. Soon every seat in the row behind them has opened. Out of the corners of their eyes - and in the corners of the frame - they and we see faint glimpses of people in the seats - an arm, a leg, a shadowed face, a strand of hair. But whenever anyone, or the camera, looks directly at the seats, they are empty. 

The film continues its barrage of seemingly unconnected, foreboding images. As Kevin watches, dirt and small pieces of insulating foam fall onto his face. He looks up and sees, in the dim light reflected from the screen, the ceiling tile above him cracking. Suddenly, an arm breaks through. Then another, and another, until there are dozens of them reaching down through the ceiling. He screams just as whole rotting corpse seems to fall through the tiles, about to crash down on him head-first - then the film ends, the vision ceases, and the empty chairs close themselves back up.

The next morning, Tuesday, July 10th, Kevin stirs in bed in his little apartment above his father's store where he works. He hears his father having a discussion with someone downstairs, and his name is mentioned. Kevin swiftly dresses and heads down to the store, to find Ann is looking for him. The two step outside to discuss the previous day's events. They realize neither of them can remember when they actually left the theatre or how they got home. Neither is entirely sure whether they experienced anything paranormal in the theatre, or if it was merely a nightmare they had afterwards.

Meanwhile, John and Karen are at the ruins of the old church in the unincorporated community of Grey Point. A local tells them the church had burned down on Friday, July 13th, 1979 - the day the film was shown on a screen outside the building. No one is sure who arranged the screening or how the fire started, but the screen burned down first and collapsed to the ground, landing on members of the small audience that had gathered to watch it. However, the investigation afterwards found no bodies, and no one claiming to have escaped the screening. Some say there was never any living person in the audience at all. The local man advises the two not to look any further into the matter, saying he suspects unholy forces were at work. As they get back in the car to drive away, John realizes he cannot see the man reflected in the car's mirrors - only when he turns to look at him out the rear window.

That night, we see Isaac and Ann sleeping in the same bed, though hardly "together," each turned away from the other, not touching. Isaac is startled awake by a sound coming from the living room. He finds the specter of the dead projectionist, Peter, sitting at his living room table, frantically writing something on a piece of paper on top of the film canister from the old theatre. When he turns on the light, the ghost disappears along with the paper. As Ann enters the room to check on him, Isaac opens the film canister, removes the reel of film, and notices something he hadn't seen before - sheets of paper hidden under a thick layer of dust at the bottom of the canister.

Meanwhile, Kevin is working late in Isaac's office, looking over books and documents he's found about Grey Point. One of the books on the desk opens by itself, pages flipping as if blown by some invisible wind, until it stops on a page with a photograph of a young woman. Kevin is startled by a noise behind him, and turns to see the same young woman standing there in the office with him. She is holding out a clasped hand, as if offering him something. Cautiously, he approaches, and she opens her hand, revealing a flame. The flame quickly spreads all over her body, and she burns away to nothing before his eyes while shrieking like a banshee.

John and Karen arrive in their car to pick up Kevin from the office. Karen decides to wait by the car while John goes inside. As she glances around the street, she sees shadowy figures watching her from the rooftops of all the buildings surrounding her. Frightened, she climbs back into the car to wait. The car doors lock themselves, and as she tries to open her door in vain, she hears someone else's breathing inside the vehicle with her. When John and a shocked Kevin return to the car, they find the windows all steamed up, impossible to see through. They are able to open the doors with no trouble, and find Karen unconscious inside. They wake her up, but she can't remember what happened and says she feels tired and dizzy. They have her lie down in the back of the car as they drive away.

During the drive, the two men become very distracted by Karen's loud, pained groaning. When he turns back, however, Kevin sees that she is asleep, and her mouth is closed. John races back to Kevin's home as they realize there is something in the car with them which they cannot see. As they approach their destination, burnt, near-skeletal hands with long, chipped fingernails rip through the upholstery of the back car seats, something tearing its way into the cabin from the trunk. One of the hands clasps itself over Karen's mouth, shocking her awake and muffling her shriek. The car comes screaming down the street, taking a hairpin turn far too quickly and nearly colliding with a bus, before slamming to a halt in front of Kevin's home. The two men leap out of the car and drag Karen out of the backseat, slamming the doors shut and locking them. John and Karen have Kevin call them a taxi.

The next day, Wednesday, July 11th, John meets with Isaac in his office to discuss the frightening encounters the group has had. Isaac, however, is more interested in the papers he found in the film canister, which it seems Peter really had written on while he was alive. Peter's notes are mostly illegible, but one passage is readable - "it only works on Friday, July 13." Isaac is fascinated by what that could mean. They watched the film on the wrong date and are already seeing ghosts - what does it do differently on the correct date? John expresses doubt about continuing with the experiment, but Isaac insists that once they recreate the screening in the forest, it will all be worth it and they will have their answers. Isaac leaves to go be with Ann, who he is worried about being home alone.

Ann is researching the North Maine Woods online when she hears footsteps in the hall outside her bedroom. She goes to investigate and sees a door at the end of the hall open by itself. She backs into her bedroom and closes the door, only to turn around and scream at something she sees in her room. Meanwhile, John arrives back at his house and finds Karen cowering in a corner of their bedroom, clutching a knife. There are cuts on her arm, and at first John thinks she has been attempting suicide. Karen, in shock and not making much sense, tries to warn him about something - and a ghost lurches out from under the bed, grabbing John and attempting to pull him in. Karen lunges at the ghost with the knife and it disappears.

Back in her house, Ann is hiding in the closet, clutching her stomach in pain. We see there are deep, half-healed scars on her abdomen. The sound of something moving around in her room is loud and clear. Suddenly, it stops. Ann cracks the door open to peer out cautiously. As the camera pulls back, we can see a female ghost hiding on the other side of the door, ear pressed against it, listening intently. Isaac arrives home, but does not check on Ann. He goes straight to his study, where he begins examining Peter's notes again, seeing if he can decipher any more. Ann is left alone in the bedroom with the ghost, too frightened to call out to her boyfriend.

The following morning, Thursday, July 12th, Isaac calls John and informs him that he was up late thinking things over and fell asleep in his study. He suggests they should interview the theatre employee who watched the film with them, to see if he has been experiencing strange things as well. John says he can't go, because he needs to look after Karen. He does say Isaac should stop by when he has the time, though, as he wants to introduce him to a reporter who may be useful for - as he pointedly puts it to Isaac - "YOUR research."

Ann has fallen asleep in her closet and is startled awake by the sounds of someone moving about her bedroom again. The closet door flies open - but it's just Isaac, who has finally decided to come check on her. Though she's obviously horrified, he only asks her what's wrong once, and when she doesn't answer, he simply tells her to get ready to leave.

We cut to an hour or so later. Isaac and Ann arrive at Kevin's place to pick him up. The three arrive at the movie theatre and enter the building to find it is apparently empty, and the door to the projectionist's booth locked. Isaac instructs Kevin to pick the lock. Meanwhile, Isaac catches sight of what he thinks is the employee on the stairwell and follows him down into the basement. The scene intercuts between the two pairs. Kevin and Ann manage to break into the booth and are overwhelmed by the stench. Isaac, meanwhile, finds the employee standing inside the burnt-out room in the basement where Peter died, the boards on the door busted open. As Isaac approaches him, Kevin and Ann discover his dead body buried beneath unspooled strips of film. The employee's ghost lunges at Isaac, bursting through the door and chasing him up the stairwell. Kevin arrives and drags him out of the stairwell just in time.


Isaac and Ann drop Kevin off back at home. Kevin explains he left without telling his dad, and that he'll be furious. Isaac volunteers Ann to go into the store with him and explain where he'd been, to try and smooth things over. As they enter the store, the exhausted Ann nearly collapses. Kevin stops her fall and helps her stand back up, as Isaac watches intently from the car. Angry, Isaac calls Ann's cell phone. He scolds her, asking why she let Kevin touch her like that - if she liked it, if she wanted it. Ann tries to defend herself - Isaac was the one who sent them in together, after all - but Isaac won't have it. He asks her if she needs "another warning." Obviously frightened, Ann backtracks and tearfully apologizes. Isaac tells her she will have to find her own way home, hangs up, and drives away.


Isaac arrives at John's house and finds the journalist, Tyler, waiting for him. Tyler immediately declares his skepticism regarding anything supernatural, but says he can probably be persuaded to help for the right price. Isaac asks where John is, and Tyler says he and Karen aren't home - John had said something about Karen being sick, and they had left abruptly. Tyler and Isaac negotiate terms, and Tyler agrees to accompany him into the forest on the 13th for the screening. As they two go to leave, they find John standing silently in the doorway. Solemnly, John tells Tyler to leave so he can speak with Isaac alone. Tyler obliges.


John tells Isaac he has to resign from the project. He simply "can't stand to see Karen this way," he says. Isaac asks if Karen is still at the hospital, and John says no. Isaac asks if she's back in the car and goes to look. He finds Karen's dead body slumped over in the passenger seat, a knife sticking out of her back. John approaches him, drawing a gun. He says he sees Karen's spirit everywhere now, and he can't bear it. It's all Isaac's fault, he says. Isaac accuses John of killing Karen, but he denies it. "They" made her do it to herself, he claims. Suddenly John turns the gun on himself and pulls the trigger, the camera cutting back to Isaac's shocked face as he watches his colleague commit suicide. When the police arrive, Isaac is taken in for questioning.


Meanwhile, Ann has still not left Kevin's apartment. Isaac calls her, but she ignores it. She and Kevin have a heart-to-heart, and she declares she doesn't want to go home because there is "nothing there for" her. Kevin relates how his mother died when he was very young, and how his father hasn't looked at him the same ever since. Ann expresses her desire that they could run away and find some perfect place where they could live their own lives the way they see fit. Kevin reaches out to hold her hand, but she pulls it away and begins to cry. Still, she ends up spending the night with him - though it is entirely platonic.


The next morning, Friday, July 13th, Kevin calls a cab to take Ann home. As she leaves, she mentions how Isaac had told her about a crucifix one of the old projectionists in the nursing home had. From the way he described it, she says it may be the only thing protecting him from the ghosts. She suggests they need it more than the old man does now, and tells Kevin to try and get it. Kevin visits the nursing home and finds Charles asleep, clutching the crucifix, unattended. He tries to pry it from his grasp, but the man wakes up and begins fighting back. Ghosts appear throughout the room, closing in on Kevin. Desperate, he pummels the old man over the head, killing him, and retrieves the crucifix. But nothing changes. The ghosts don't vanish. The crucifix was not protecting him from the ghosts; it was simply his last comfort, his faith a refuge from the constant onslaught of terror. Kevin flees the hospital and calls Ann's phone, and she answers with, "did you get it?" - but then, suddenly she hangs up.


Isaac has finally been released by the cops after an all-night questioning. He's on the phone in his office with the company he's contracted to set up the screening in the woods that night, confirming they've received the film, location, and payment. He reminds them that even if he does not show up, they are to proceed with the screening anyway.


Isaac heads to the hospital where Ann works to look for her, but is informed she didn't come in for work that morning. As he goes to leave, he sees Charles lying in a hospital bed in an otherwise empty room. Confused, he approaches the old man, only to suddenly be attacked by his ghost as it lunges out of the bed.

We cut to that afternoon. Isaac arrives at Kevin's apartment. He says to Kevin that he now believes the only way to stop seeing the ghosts is to watch the film on the correct date. Kevin asks if he is sure it will all be over after the do the screening. Isaac does not answer directly. Instead, he simply asks Kevin if he is well-rested enough to drive. The two head off into the woods together in Isaac's car, with Isaac telling Kevin that Ann is riding with the reporter, Tyler, and will meet them there. John and Karen, he says, have backed out of the project.

The pair arrive in the woods just after dark, at the same clearing where the screening was held in 1984. Three projectionists have set up the screen and other equipment in the clearing and are loading the film, though it is so old and is such poor condition they're not sure it will be able to play all the way through. Isaac tells Kevin they must stay in the woods just outside of the clearing, to keep from interfering with the experiment. The projectionists should not know they are there. At the same time, Tyler arrives nearby, setting up his camera. Ann is nowhere to be seen. When Kevin expresses concern about her, Isaac tells him to go back to the car, get his cell phone, and call her to ask where she is.


Kevin obliges. As he calls, we cut to Ann lying in bed at home. She picks up the phone. "Did you get it?" she asks. Suddenly, Isaac steps into the room and slams the door behind him. Ann hangs up the phone. Isaac asks where she's been, but doesn't give her time to answer - especially once he sees a packed suitcase at the foot of the bed. He accuses her of planning to run away with Kevin, but she denies it, saying she "knows better now." But when Isaac, enraged, demands she say that she loves him, she cannot bring herself to do so. Suddenly, Isaac goes silent. He picks up a framed photograph of him and her from the nightstand. He asks her to look at it and tell him what she feels. When she doesn't answer, he smashes it into her face, the glass of the frame shattering.

Back in the present, Kevin is still waiting for Ann to answer, which she of course cannot. Isaac appears and hits him over the head with his flashlight, and he collapses to the ground. Rapidly we intercut between the past and present. Isaac drags Ann into the bathroom and locks her inside. Kevin tries to stand up, as Isaac accuses him of being a backstabber. Ann bangs on the bathroom door, begging to be let out, saying she will be good. Kevin insists he doesn't know what Isaac is talking about. Ann hears something behind her in the bathroom. Isaac shouts incoherently at Kevin. Ann turns to see the ghost from her bedroom lurking behind her. Isaac kicks Kevin in the head, knocking him out.


In the clearing, the projectionists begin showing the film. Isaac returns to the edge of the clearing and greets Tyler, asking if he sees anything strange. Nothing seems to be happening. Tyler mentions that he brought along several other photographers in case anything turned up, and that Isaac will be humiliated in every media outlet in the area if nothing pans out. Suddenly, screaming is heard from within the woods. Tyler and the projectionists are frightened, but Isaac is stoic. He knows it's only Kevin. Kevin, bloodied, bruised, and blindfolded, hands tied behind his back, is running blindly through the forest. He trips and falls, struggling to free his hands. Lured out of the woods, perhaps by the screams, the photographers begin to emerge into the clearing. They watch the screen and the surrounding area carefully, looking for any signs of paranormal activity.


Suddenly, the film ends. The screen goes blank, and Isaac sighs. But then it becomes clear there are more silhouettes on the screen than there are people standing in front of the projector. Tyler, Isaac, and the rest of the photographers wander into the field and stand in front of the screen. The photographers begin snapping pictures, the flashbulbs on their cameras casting gigantic silhouettes of both the visible and invisible audiences. "Where are the ghosts?" Tyler asks, looking around. "I thought they were supposed to show up on this side?"  A look of realization dawns on Isaac's face as he stares back at the screen.


Kevin manages to free himself and remove his blindfold. He runs into the clearing to find it empty. There's no sign of Isaac, Tyler, or any of the other journalists. Only the perplexed projectionists remain. Frightened, they ask Kevin if he's real. He says of course he is, quite confused. The projectionists explain how the oddest thing had happened - these people appeared out of the woods in the middle of the film, and then, when it ended, they just disappeared. Just before the projector is turned off, Kevin glimpses Isaac's silhouette on the screen, seeming to pound on it from the other side, trying to escape.

The next morning, Kevin arrives at Isaac and Ann's house to check on Ann. He finds her still locked in the bathroom, horrified and hysterical but physically okay with the exception of the cuts on her face. He tries to comfort her, saying that Isaac is gone and can't hurt her anymore. "What do you mean," she weeps. "He's right behind you!"

Kevin turns around, and sure enough, Isaac's ghost is standing behind him. Isaac may be trapped in the spirit world, but Kevin and Ann are still open to the spirits. The film ends as Isaac attacks the two with an enraged, unearthly shriek.



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Title: Penny Press

Director: Robert Zemeckis

Genre: Period Drama

Release Date: September 28

Major Cast: Tobey Maguire (Jeffrey), Zachary Gordon (Dahill), Kate Winslet (Florence), Elizabeth Banks (Paula)

Theater Count: 3,209

MPAA Rating: PG-13 (Language, thematic elements/dark imagery, drinking/smoking scenes)

Runtime: 134 minutes (2:14)

Production Budget: $40 million

Plot Summary: 


Jeffrey was a successful stockbroker in the late 1920s when he first had his son, Dahill. But as the Great Depression struck, he and his wife Florence were forced to give up a glamorous lifestyle and Florence had to work to help support her family. Dahill never knew the "roaring 20s" as those older than him remembered. He knew only of the Great Depression and the beginnings of the New Deal. 


Only 7 years old in 1935, Dahill already showed a knack for writing. His teacher, Paula, encouraged him to write creatively. His stories were beloved by kids and adults alike. But as Jeffrey's hours were cut at his new job, money was even tighter than usual. Dahill had an idea... he was going to start selling his stories! He started with handwritten stories and would sell them for five cents each. People really enjoyed them and they were selling really well.


After a couple of months of this practice, Dahill was able to save up enough money to buy a typewriter and produce stories much more quickly. He was able to sell these short stories for 25 cents each, and with the amount of publicity he was getting with his writing talent, he was able to help his parents make ends meet, making up for the money Jeffrey lost when his hours were cut.


He keeps going on his writing but also makes sure to focus on school, especially as he gets older. As World War II comes around, his dad is too old to be drafted, but both his parents are able to find better work, and encourage Dahill to focus on his studies. Dahill understand that education is important and does very well in high school and goes to college.


Finding himself drawn toward creative writing because of his positive experiences in the past, Dahill quickly finds himself choosing an English major with a focus in creative writing. Graduating from college as part of the class of 1950, Dahill finds himself uninspired by his first jobs and puts most of his energy into writing once again.


But instead of just selling stories himself, he is able to write a full-length novel and convince a publisher to distribute it. He becomes a successful author, with many of his stories focusing on the Great Depression. 


The ending scenes of the film show Dahill as an older man, talking to a reporter about the inspiration of his first childhood stories. He had recently found some of his oldest stories that he had never published and opted to publish a bunch of them in an appendix with comments from him now, reflecting on his writing back them.

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Damnation Alley


Studio: Cookie Pictures

Genre: Post-Apocalypse/Action

Director: Nikolaj Arcel

Producers: Sebastian Peters, Joe Carnahan

Budget: $75 million

Release Date: June 1st

Theater Count: 3,511

MPAA Rating: R

Running Time: 107 minutes (1 hour, 47 minutes)

Cast: Matt Damon, Liam Neeson, Anthony Mackie, Michelle Monaghan, Nick Robinson, Jai Courtney, Jackie Earle Hayle


Plot synopsis: A remake of the 1977 post-apocalypse film "Damnation Alley", most notable for its use of the Landmaster.



Set in an alternate 1977, First Lieutenant Jake Tanner (Damon) holds ICBM silo duty at an American air force missile base in the Nevada desert under supervision of Major General Eugene "Sam" Denton (Neeson), who is constantly criticizing Tanner much to his frustration. On their way to duty, Denton talks to Airman Tom Keegan (Mackie), an aspiring artist. When the United States detects incoming nuclear missiles from the Soviet Union, Tanner and Denton launch part of the retaliatory strike. They manage to fend off some missiles but it ends up being too late and most of the Western United States is immediately wiped out.


Five years later, the Earth has been tilted off its axis by nuclear detonations of World War III; radiation has mutated giant scorpions, the planet is wracked by massive storms, and the sky is in a perpetual aurora borealis-like state. Tanner has resigned his commission and is seen scouting what remains of Las Vegas. He gets attacked by a giant scorpion which he kills by ramming it with his vehicle and driving it into an abandoned casino. Meanwhile Keegan, who has also left the Air Force, has been painting as an artist in one of the base's out-buildings. Tanner returns to the base and is informed of a lone transmission coming from Colorado. Tanner declares that impossible since no contact has been made with Colorado since the war ended and there's been no reports of life in the area. Later an airman falls asleep in a bunk and drops a lit cigarette onto a pile of Playboy magazines, which causes the entire base to catch fire and explode, killing most of its inhabitants. Keegan and Tanner are unscathed, as are Denton and Lieutenant Tom Perry (Courtney), who were in an underground garage bunker.


With much of the base in tatters Denton reveals that he's been considering going to Colorado to find the source of a lone radio transmission. Tanner tells him it's a long way out filled with dangers but Denton has a plan. He and the remaining others set out in two Air Force "Landmaster II," giant 12-wheeled armored personnel carriers capable of climbing 60-degree inclines and operating in water. The Landmaster from the original film makes a cameo in a scene where Denton calls it an "older generation model" that has aged gracefully but is sadly unfit for the terrain ahead. They must cross "Damnation Alley," considered "the path of least resistance" between intense radiation areas thus named by Denton. Along their journey one of the Landmasters becomes disabled in a storm and they are suddenly swarmed by mutated "flesh stripping cockroaches". They manage to fend them off but Perry is killed in the process, having been grabbed and eaten alive by the cockroaches. The remaining men press on and pick up two survivors in the ruins of Salt Lake City: a woman, Janice (Monaghan), and a teenage boy, Billy (Robinson), discovered in an abandoned house. Later they fight off a band of crazed gun-toting mountain men they encounter in the ruins of a gas station. The crazies take Janice and Nick hostage but they manage to free themselves while Denton sacrifices one of the Landmasters by using it as a bomb to blow up the gas station, killing most of the crazies with it.


As they continue their journey, the remaining Landmaster develops a problem with its drivetrain when they cross the Utah-Colorado border. Denton comments that it was "designed to use spare truck parts", semi-trucks in particular. They head to what remains of Grand Junction in search of spare parts. A large storm comes upon the group and they take shelter for the night. They are intercepted by what remains of the crazies, led by a mohawk-sporting Drex (Haley). They fight them off but Denton is fatally injured in the process (pushing Janice away from a bullet meant for her). The group escapes Grand Junction but are pursued by the crazies who sport their own vehicle similar to the Landmaster. The two vehicles end up racing along the Colorado river when Tanner slams the Landmaster into the crazies' vehicle, sending Drex and his gang off a cliff. Tanner is too late to stop the Landmaster and they too drive off a cliff, but they manage to emerge. Using the Landmaster's amphibious capability, they reach land. They hold a funeral for Denton before they must move on. As they are making repairs, they hear a radio broadcast of music and an attempt to reach survivors. After making contact, they set out to locate the source of the broadcast. In the final scene, they reach a surprisingly intact Denver and are greeted by its relatively few inhabitants.


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Studio: Cookie Pictures

Director: Jon Favreau

Producers: Sebastian Peters, Jon Favreau, Ralph Zondag 

Genre: Sci-Fi / Adventure

Release Date: June 8th

Theater Count: 4,030

Budget: $165 million

Running Time: 120 minutes (2 hours) [Temporary]

Composer: James Newton Howard

Rating: PG for sequences of peril

Based on: Disney's Dinosaur (2000) and Dinosaur/Countdown To Extinction (1998) at Disney's Animal Kingdom



Chiewetel Ejiofor as Aaron Derry

Karen Gillian as Sue Brooks

Charlie Day as Chester Bradley

D.B. Sweeney (voice) as Aladar

Max Casella (voice) as Zini

Alfre Woodard (voice) as Plio

Hayden Panettiere (voice) as Suri

Julianna Margulies (voice) as Neera

Remaining cast TBA

Plot synopsis: In a near future humanity has perfected time travel and managed to determine the exact day and date of the meteor strike that wiped out the dinosaurs. Tasked with retrieving a dinosaur specimen for research purposes, paleontologist Aaron Derry leads an expedition 65 million years into the past. However, a technical malfunction with the time rover strands Aaron and his team in the cretaceous period and they now have a matter of days to get the rover back in operation and return to the present before the extinction-level event takes them with it.






We upon up on a grassy field some 65 million years ago. A Iguanodon mother and her children walk on screen, and they start feeding on the grass. Two of the Iguanodon pups are seen playing, wrestling and biting each other like dogs would before their mother tells them to knock it off and get back to eating. More dinosaurs start walking on screen including Hadrosaurs, Triceratops, Sauropods etc.


Cue the music (from 0:44 onwards):





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