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CAYOM 3.0 Year 2 Discussion Thread

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Okay in alphabetical order cuz I don't like ranking things I don't need to I am interested in:


Blood & Fur: Outfoxed

Final Destination: Resurrection


Lilo & Stitch

Mass Effect

The Odyssey: The Counsel of the Dead

Spark: Homeward

Star Fox


And if y'all screw any of these up thou shalt be met with wrath.

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30 minutes ago, The Shape of Pasta said:

Oh lord....I have high expectations to fill. :sarah:

Wether you do it right or wrong seeing you try to rip off my dialogue writing style is going to be a delight.:sparta:

Edited by cookie
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Time for mine.


10.) The Number One Dime

- In case if the new Family Guy teaser was an indication I’m hyped.


9.) Mass Effect

- Love the series and Numerator Pictures


8.) Notes From The Otherspace 

- The premise is intriguing and the cast and crew are excellent.


7.) Solitary 

- You can not go wrong with Nolan - @Ethan Hunt better deliver


6.) Star Fox

- I want to see how my animated video game movie maker rivals deliver and the game is great


5.) The Odyssey: Council Of The Dead

- Although it didn’t make my top ten, I loved the first.


4.) Blood and Fur: Outfoxed

- Al Pacino


3.) Pillars Of Eternity

- Also excited about this


2.) Spark Homeward

Have yet to read the first but heard great things.


1.) The Prince Of Egypt

- One of my favorite animated films ever.












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37 minutes ago, The Shape of Pasta said:

Also...my most anticipated of Y3.


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Prepare to be disappointed.

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8 minutes ago, YourMother the Edgelord said:

Time for mine.

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Since I've yet to say much in Solitary I will reward you by saying that the three main roles will be filled by Casey Affleck, Sorisa Ronan, and Harry Styles 

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12 minutes ago, The Shape of Pasta said:

So I may or may not have actually written a credits sequence for Spark: Homeward.....and it may or may not be necessary to read to understand the plot.


You're lucky I'm not doing a full on description of the opening credits montage for Mass Effect.

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It’ll be interesting to see what wins the tech categories this year. There’s definitely quite a spread and I don’t think we’ll see two movies dominate like last year.


Actress is WEAK. I predict Fisher to win, but I can see Farmiga sneak a surprise if @cookie put Fisher at 5th (and I think he did....)


Actor and Supporting Actress are tossups, but I think Odenkiek should win Supporting Actor. Original Screenplay is between Parvelli and Blank, methinks.


Obviously @4815162342 is rightfully going to win best picture.


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Yeah, tech categories will be interesting to see unfold. There is no clear sweeper in the fold as of this moment IMO.


Best Actress will probably go to Fisher despite @cookie's passive thoughts towards the film in question. Best Actor is a toss-up at this point (Although I'll be ecstatic if Jackman wins). Supporting Actor will most likely go to Odenkirk. Supporting Actress, I guess whichever performance the viewer liked the most.


Best Picture and Director are in the bag though, no questions there.


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