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Howling Commandos

Studio: Endless Entertainment 

Marvel Entertainment

Release Date: 7/3/Y3

Genre: Superhero/Action/Comedy

Director: Matthew Vaughn

Rating: PG-13 for some scary images, prolonged sequences of action violence, a brief rude gesture and some language

Budget: $120M 

Theater Count: 4,150

Format: 2D, 3D, Dolby Cinema, and IMAX 3D

Runtime: 135 minutes


Millie Bobbie Brown as Lilith Quartermain

Chris Evans as Clay Quartermain 

Mark Strong as Merlin

Chewitel Ejiofor as N’Kantu

Tiffany Haddish as Skeleton Jill

Benedict Cumberbatch as Frank

John Cena as Gorilla Man 

Channing Tatum as Warwolf

Bill Skarsgärd as Zombie

Emily Blunt as Tilesti

Alex Hirsch as Thaddeus

Cara Delevinge as Pageant Winner

Joe Manganiello as Main Guard

Byran Cranston as Sherman Helms



We opening with an injured woman being chased off by vampires holding her 2 month old baby. The woman hides the baby in the alley, calling a friend of hers, she then tries to run but the vampires use a form of telekinesis to hold in place, choking her. The vampires ask her for the child but she refuses. A vampire lunges at her but a Frankenstein like monster wearing glasses hits a vampire square in the jaw. A werewolf in soldier garb appears from the shadow and helps the Frankenstein monster. A few vampires try to fly away but are caught in a rope made of bones held by a gorilla. The Howling Commandos appear and kill the vampires. A group of soldiers arrive to clean up the mess. Another man in a blue vest and solider gear, leading them. The women thanks the commandos and they leave. The agents congratulate the Commandos for exterminating the last of Dracula’s vampire army and now that they have taken care of all the magical threats they can retire. The man in the vest rushes to the woman asking if she’s okay.


Clay: Breathe Judy. You’re going to make it. Just breathe.

Judy: Clay you’ve been my best friend for what feels like a while. I need you to take care of something for me.

Clay: Anything.


Judy points to the alleyway, and we hear a baby’s crying. 


Judy (raspy): The important thing is she’s safe now but... I know I’m not going to be there to take care off her.

Clay: Judy, please stop talking like that. You’re going to be fine.

Judy: Clay. I already am fine. But she isn’t promised me she’ll be safe. 


Clay holds on to her hand as she’s about to pass.


Clay: I know. And she will. 

Judy: ... Goodbye old friend.



Judy succumbs to her injured and dies is rushed to the hospital. The baby cries but Clay approaches the baby.


Clay: Shh... Shh... You’re going to be okay. I promise I’ll keep you safe.


Clay sings the baby a lullaby effectively calming her, becoming comfortable with Clay. 


Clay: There’s my girl. My little flower, Lilith.


13 years later, we see a government prison in New Orleans, disguised as a swamp. A guard (Joe Manganiello) holding a plate of mutton and rice walking down the hallway. We see an assortment of different things in cages, criminals, terrorists, but they get more bizarre in prisoners, like aliens, and most strangely a man dressed up in wizard garb, wearing magic draining mysterious handcuffs.


Guard: Hey, your lunch is here.

Merlin: Ugh, this was the same meal as yesterday. Soon I’ll be out of their wretched place and make my dream come true. Tell me Johnson. 

Johnson: I never gave you permission to address me like that.

Merlin: And I wasn’t asking. So Johnson, you know what’d be my perfect world. A world like medieval times. You know with dashing knights, fabulous wizards, beautiful princess and a king to rule them all. However as fantastic and whimsical that world is the ones who get the worse reputation are the monsters in it. I believe these so called “freaks” need justice and I plan on delivering. As you know I wouldn’t be here without my magical abilities but unfortunately these tight and rather predictable handcuffs prevent me from doing good.

Johnson: Eat your damn meal and shut up. You’re haven’t been able to leave ten years ago and you won’t for another ten years. No. Not even until then. You’ll be in here until Kingdom Come if we have too.


A loud explosion is heard outside.


Merlin: Speaking off Kingdom Come.

Johnson: Just stay put you psychic psychopath.


Johnson rushes outside to see what’s going on. Tilesti (dressed in a sprite like costume with green wings with a red jewel on her head and a ruby necklace, holding a rusted bronze staff.) attempts to break out a Merlin. Although despite her efforts, she quickly becomes outnumbered by a group of guards with extremely powerful stun blasters. Using the necklace on her, Tilesti summons Zombie, a gray humanoid mindless but extremely strong henchman, using her necklace, who manages to help take out the guards in a rampage and free Merlin shattering his handcuffs. The three hijack a jet and leave.


Tilesti: So now that you have your freedom, what’s next in your plan, my lord.


Tilesti does a little curtesy bow and commands Zombie to do the same.


Merlin: To cause some havoc of course.



Luckily, a mildly injured guard survives the massacre, rushes into a room, and sees his boss, Sherman Helms watching a horror movie warning the girl not to go in there only to be startled by the guard.



Sherman: Jesus, Johnson. You scared me, you better have a damn good reason to be here.

Johnson: (panting) Sir, Merlin has escaped. 

Sherman: Hmm. This is serious. And judging by the ass whopping of the other guards, perhaps the army alone isn’t enough. Initiate Dark Protocol, it’s our only other option.

Johnson: Yes, Sir!

(The guard runs out of the room)


Howling Commandos


Meanwhile, in Babylon, New York, we see Lilith, a young teen who happens to be half vampire is struggling through the life of middle school as to the fact she was homeschooled and feels out of place socially and the fact of her strange mannerisms (wearing all black, being an introvert, her eccentric mannerism). She gets into a fight with a bully and her powers show. Her adopted dad and top government agent, Clay Quartermain picks her up along with some government agents and mindwipes everyone who witnessed the event. Lilith feels immense sadness of being a freak. Clay assures her she’s not a freak.



Clay: Lilith, I have worked for over twenty years and have seen some funky shit, and by no means are you a freak.

Lilith: What other kids turns into bats? 

(Lilith turns into a bat, showing her point, and flies down on her bed)

Clay: So what, you have a few weird quirks but your still my daughter. Hell those weird quirks are even kind of cool. 

Lilith: Why do I even bother? You just don’t get it. Do you know how hard it is to make friends or even find someone? Do you think a guy would want to be with a vampire chick?

Clay: Look I may be your dad but anyone as friend, as a boyfriend or whatever would be lucky. If I were your age right now. I’d definitely hang with you.

Lilith: You’re a parent. You’re supposed to stay stuff like that even if it’s not true.

Clay: If only you saw yourself, the way I see you. I’ll give you some space kiddo. Dinner is in the kitchen if you are hungry.


The next day, Clay is called into work urgently, and despite reluctance takes Lilith with him to work. Clay and Lilith head to Clay’s workplace in New York City, ARMOR, a huge hustling and bustling building filled with government agents. Clay reintroduces everyone to his daughter. Sherman pulls him aside to tell him their situation. Clay learns about Merlin’s escape and is asked by his boss to send the Howling Commandos, due to them being the only force capable of stopping a threat like Merlin. Clay also reveals that Merlin used to be a member of the Commandos but went rogue. Taking Lilith with him, the two drive to the Howling Commandos base in New Jersey.


Lilith: So who are the Howling Commandos?

Clay: The government has employed what some would call “monsters” to fight the fights others can’t.

Lilith: So like the X-Men or Avengers for monsters?

Clay: Yes.

Lilith: Is there a werewolf on the team?

Clay: Yes.

Lilith: Dracula?

Clay: Dracula’s dead and he was a supervillain. 

Lilith: A zombie?

Clay: You’ll see when we get there.

Lilith: Oh. Are we almost there yet?

Clay: No.

Lilith: Ok. Are we almost there yet now?


Upon arrival, they stop at a seemingly normal house but in a deserted neighborhood. Clay rings the doorbell only to get no answer, but then suddenly greeted by a woman who seems to be inebriated.


Drunk Woman (her speech is slurred): Holy crap! It’s the pizza guys. N-can-tooth get out here with the money. (hiccup)


N’Kantu appears in human form dressed in a maroon suit looking slightly annoyed.


N’Kantu: Please excuse my sister she’s had a bit too much to drink and is very sick. Though I have to ask who are you.

Clay: Clay Quartermain of ARMOR. 


Clay quickly shows them his badge and lets him in. The two salute him and turn their watches to 12:00 showing their true monster appearances. The woman turns into a walking skeleton (Skeleton Jill), and the man turns into a mummy (N’Kantu), 


Clay: This lovely lady is Skeleton Jill.

Skeleton Jill: Nice to meet you.

Lilith: It’s very nice to meet you too ma’am.

Clay: And this ball of paper is N’Kantu.

N’Kantu: Charmed.

Lilith: It’s a pleasure to meet you too.

Clay: Where are the others?

N’Kantu: They are inside.



The four walk inside the house, we see a Frankenstein creature (Frank) tinkering with machines while a talking gorilla (Gorilla Man) arguing with a werewolf in biker gear (Warwolf) over a football game. Lilith asks why isn’t a human during the day. The biker annoyed comments that’s he just a hairy man. Clay tells the group that Merlin has escaped and they are needed to track him down and bring him back. Frank, the scientist and inventor of the group, picks up that Lilith is half vampire, the group are ecstatic to meet another monster but N’Kantu calms them down but asks Clay if she’s a new teammate but Clay refuses to let his daughter join. Before they can finish converse, Frank says he finished his magic detection machine (or MDM for short) found a magical heat signature in a nearby town called Transylvania. The Howling Commandos suit up and go, while Clay calls the ARMOR agents to get ready for clean up and takes Lilith with him and goes to pursue them as part of cleanup. Lilith in awe, asks Clay if she can go to help fight but Clay refuses not wanting her to get hurt. 


Merlin, Tilesti, and Zombie, in civilian garb and disguises, head back to their hideout in Transylvania. The town is desolate and abandoned. Old hut like houses litter the streets. We see rusted pitchforks on the ground. Merlin picks up a pitchfork and has a look of fear and anger on his face. Tilesti puts a reassuring hand on his shoulder as the three walk back to the library. Flashbacks show Merlin’s childhood revealing he and his parents were outcasts in life secretly as wizards and soon became found out. Eventually his parents were killed leaving him an orphan and craving revenge. Once inside, he and his group search for his book of spells and relics, the Odyssicon. He finally finds the Odyssicon, searching for an item revealing it to be the Staff of Legends, a relic so powerful it can enhance the users magical abilities exponentially. Finding it, Merlin tosses his book aside and circles three objects needed to create the staff, a princess, a dragon and a powerful weapon. Seeing it as the perfect way of getting revenge, Merlin tells Tilesti and Zombie to get the circled objects create the relic. Tilesti and Zombie leave Merlin to pursue the items. Merlin looks into a crystal ball revealing that the Howling Commandos are on their way. Merlin goes to face off the Howling Commandos. Although he easily seems to be a force to be reckoned with he grows tired. Merlin conjures up an army of demonic gargoyle like creatures made out of bronze, to stop them and teleports elsewhere. The Howling Commandos along with Lilith and Clay are attacked by gargoyles. The Howling Commandos fight the bronze gargoyles with much ease, despite the numbers. N’Kantu uses his mummy paper to whip the gargoyles around and uses blasts of scarabs, Warwolf, picks up his blasters and starts shooting the gargoyles causing them to turn into rubble. Gorilla Man thrashes about shattering gargoyles left and right. Skeleton Jill grabs two katanas and starts slicing up the gargoyles however one lifts her into the air but using her bones she gets on top of one and harness one as glider slamming into the other gargoyles stabbing them one by one. Landing on the ground, the gargoyle she rode tries to get away but she throws a katana at it causing it to crash as rubble rains down on her catches the sword. Frank uses brute strength with each punch causing them to shatter. Clay attempts to get Lilith into safety not wanting her to be hurt but gets grabbed by a gargoyle. Rushing in to defend her father Lilith unleashes her vampire powers and saves her dad while beating the gargoyles into a pulp. The main gargoyle attempts to attack her but she uses a weak telekinetic attack to disarm it. The Howling Commandos are impressed with Lilith fighting skills as is Clay. Lilith begs her dad one more time to stay and help fight. With much reluctance, Clay allows it temporarily until they defeat Merlin, due to her talent and perhaps hope she finds happiness.


Lilith spends the week with the Howling Commandos training and bonding with the members, mainly the upbeat Skeleton Jill, who becomes an older sister like figure to her and N’Kantu who becomes a mentor like figure to her. Lilith even manages to warm up Warwolf. Frank gathers the group showing he found another magical heat signature in Brooklyn but this time not belonging to Merlin. N’Kantu, being cautious, decides they should go just in case if there’s a coincidence. The group except for Lilith switch into their human disguises as she naturally blends in. Lilith jokes asking they have some sort of jet or some sort of gigantic creature. N’Kantu draws a circle around them and using Egyptian incantations, teleports them to Brooklyn. Frank uses his portable MDM to locate the same source but the signal becomes staticky. Gorilla Man, knowing a local in disguise, Thaddeus, an elf spy for ARMOR, asks him about what he knows about magical disturbances.


Thaddeus, under the disguise of a homeless man, reveals that he saw both Tilesti and Zombie head to local beauty pageant and reveals they were holding a sheet of paper with three things, a princess, a dragon, and a powerful weapon. N’Kantu is immediately suspicious on how he knows all of this, Thaddeus reveals he was eavesdropping on them, surprised that they didn’t notice anything. The group rushes to the pageant only for it barely missing the ending, seeing a woman being crowned the winner for her drama piece (said drama piece was very bad but she won due to being one of the judges daughter). Lilith turns into a bat to look around the building. Lilith spots both Tilesti and Zombie kidnap the winner and alerts the others. The group gives chases to the kidnappers, Tilesti brings the mannequins for the dresses to life into grotesque monsters to fight the Commandos while bringing two of them with her to guard the winner. Lilith, N’Kantu and Gorilla Man manage to get through the mannequins to fight the dastardly duo. Gorilla Man gets into a fist fight with Zombie who manages to barely get the upper hand. N’Kantu and Lilith manages to fight Tilesti, who’s magic is no match for the two of them. N’Kantu using his mummy paper binds Tilesti to prevent her from escaping but Zombie knockouts Gorilla Man and tackles N’Kantu, Tilesti fires a beam of energy at Lilith hurting her. Lilith manages to shake it off but loses control of her powers allowing them to escape. 


Back at the base, Lilith is saddened and blames herself for letting them escape but Warwolf reassures her that she just needs to practice more and they still have time. The group tries to help but makes it worse unintentionally. Lilith still feels like a freak, but Skeleton Jill console her by giving her a pep talk, reminding her she’s the best of both the magical and the normal worlds. The group (in their civilian disguises) takes Lilith out to a Dave and Busters style restaurant to raise morals. The group orders from the menu. (Skeleton Jill orders a big plate of food which she eats. Lilith checks under the table to see if food falls on the floor.)


Lilith: So how do you eat? 

Skeleton Jill: I really don’t know. To be honest I don’t get how I can even digest. 


A waitress with a heavy southern accent clears up their table and grabs their plates.


Waitress: Would any of y’all want any dessert. We have a bomb banana cream pie. 

N’Kantu: No thank you. I am stuffed.

Gorilla Man: I’ll take five of those banana cream pies.


The waitress laughs as if Gorilla Man was joking but he stares at her with a deadpan face and realizes he’s serious.


Waitress: I’ll have dat for you in a jiffy.


The waitress takes the dishes and leaves.



Lilith: So how did you guys gain your powers. Do you have a backstory? Chemical accident?

N’Kantu: I am actually 3,000 years old. 

Lilith (jokingly): I can see that. You don’t moisturize. (The group chuckles a bit at this, even N’Kantu). 

N’Kantu: Point aside, I was a pompous prince but I always wanted more and decided to dabble in the magic arts and was killed for it but on the day of my death, my mummification went wrong and I have to roam the Earth as a magical mummy.

Frank: You know Frankenstein, the book. That’s basically my story, however I was unfairly vilified and slandered. Just because I look like this doesn’t mean I’m a murderer.

Gorilla Man: I’m a gorilla who evolved to learn speech.  

Skeleton Jill: I was a just a party girl who dated the wrong guy. Turns out there’s a right and wrong way to break up with a guy, especially one who’s a witch doctor. Now I’m a bag of bones who can’t party no more at least like I used. I can still kill it on the dance floor. 

Warwolf: I was a solider in the Afghan War, got bitten by a werewolf but for some reason I could never shift back into my old self. ARMOR found me and wanted me for the team. 

Lilith: So how do you guys handle, life like this. 

Gorilla Man: Life. It is what it is. Sure do I wish I can blend in with everyone yes. But you know what I’m glad I have my family with me. Others may call you freak but even if you think it’s true. The only opinion of yourself that matters is y... 


The waitress returns with the pies which Gorilla Man scarfs down humorously.


Frank: As Gorilla Man was saying only your opinion of yourself matters in life.


Skeleton Jill puts her hand on Lilith’s shoulder assuringly. 


Skeleton Jill: You are the best of both worlds, you just need confidence. I mean you kick ass during the day and party the night and can blend in. (Lilith smiles a bit and is clearly touched at Jill’s kind words)


Lilith looks to the corner to see a Dance Dance Revolution like game.


Lilith: Holy Crap! It’s Danced Pantsed.

N’Kantu: And that is? 

Lilith: Only the best dancing game ever. Come on you guys have got to try it.


The Commandos all attempt to try the game with some doing well (N’Kantu and Gorilla Man are great at it surprisingly), and others not so much (Frank is laughably bad at it and so is Warwolf). Finally, Lilith takes her turn and kills it (dancing wise), earning the admiration of the patrons watching. Lilith gains more confidence in herself. The next day, N’Kantu helps train Lilith to help her completely master her emerging psychic abilities as he too has somewhat mastered the craft by having a clear mind. Lilith thinks about the positives in her life (her dad, her new friends and a bit in herself) mastering the skill.


N’Kantu calls in the group to reveal that Frank fixed the MDM to track on Merlin. Frank traces their location once more to reveal that they are in the woods. The Commandos head to the forest in order to catch them. Tilesti senses them coming and she and Zombie take the lizard. Merlin appears out of the shadows to saying he’ll take care off it. The Commandos find just Merlin and are confused wondering where Tilesti and Zombie are. Merlin reveals that the two already got the lizard for him. Hand spring out of the ground and bind the group, and using his dark magic, Merlin creates a magical undead scorpion monster using the decomposed parts of animals in the woods. Lilith turns into a bat and gives chase along with Skeleton Jill how separates her limbs. Warwolf fires his blasters at the scorpion but it knocks them away. The scorpion uses its many barbed tails to strike the group. Frank and Gorilla Man grab one of the tails and rips them off but it grows more. N’Kantu uses his paper to bind the beast while flinging energy beams at him, but the beast breaks free and throws N’Kantu into the trees. Lilith and Skeleton Jill chase Merlin throughout the forest throwing multiple obstacles in the way including creating a chasm. The two eventually manage to capture him, thanks to Lilith finally mastering her telekinetic abilities. The scorpion is about to strike but using his claws, Warwolf stabs it causing it to screech in pain, stunning it momentarily. Gorilla Man and Frank tangle it with it’s tails and N’Kantu delivers the finishing blow killing it causing it to explode causing chunks of decayed animal flying everywhere making them humorously to stink.


The Commandos bring Merlin to ARMOR for questioning. Clay is extremely impressed by the group especially in Lilith. However, N’Kantu believes it was way too easy. Clay interrogates Merlin but gets nowhere. Merlin reveals he was holding back on purpose so he could get near the strongest weapon. Tilesti and Zombie burst in ARMOR fighting their way through. The Howling Commandos try to stop both of them. Warwolf, Lilith and N’Kantu stay and fight while the others attempt to get everyone to safety. Although Warwolf is able to best Zombie, Merlin’s magic proves to be to strong for both Lilith and N’Kantu. Tilesti holds up Clay threating him to reveal ARMOR’s strongest weapon. Merlin reveals to surprise of everyone it’s Clay due to his high involvement and his morals, noting the man makes the Excalibur. The three take Clay and fly away, Lilith chases after the three, turning into a bat, and tries to use her powers to stop them but accidentally hurts Clay in the process. Merlin reminding her she’s still a monster no matter what she looks like or what she does, and that like he did should accept being one and become one. Merlin then smacks her out of the sky crashing into the grass. Merlin then decides to destroy ARMOR, although many agents manage to get out just in time. Blaming themselves and feeling ashamed, the Howling Commandos go into hiding but Lilith plans to go along to save her father and the world herself. 


Merlin finally having everything he needs kills the model using a spell that makes her bloat like a balloon until she pops, throws in the lizard and plucks a hair from Clay. The cauldron erupts spewing blue smoke, coating all over the town. Merlin grabs his old staff and dips into the elixir causing the staff to fuse with the brew creating the Staff of Legends. Using his new powers, Merlin has what he calls “some fun” and transforms New York City to turn into a medieval village. Merlin attempts to enslave the citizens as revenge but the people refuse to listen. Merlin shows his power by horribly mutating Clay. His face contorts into a dragon like snout, crude wings erupt from his back, scales slowly fuse with his skin eventually replacing his skin, his eyes turn a sickly yellow, his fingernails and feet turn into claws, his hair still remains but two horns center in the front of his head, and a tail emerges from his backside with a sharp tip. The citizens although horrified still attempt to fight but Merlin create a spell turning the citizens into strengthened, undead, plague infected monsters. Noticing how much more of a challenge they can be, he conjures them all knight like armor. Lilith stops by the woods they went early, and looks in the reflection of the pond, considering giving up, disappointed in herself, but she decides to stop blaming herself, finally accepting herself as who she is and inspiring and rallying the Commandos to fight Merlin. 


The Commandos invade Medieval New York City to face off Merlin. Tilesti, Zombie, their undead army and Clay stop them. Lilith is shocked and horrified to see her father changed but becomes more motivated to stop them because of this. Lilith freezes a small amount of the army into place and uses her strength to pummel them. Frank tears through the army beating them severely, flinging them around like ragdolls. Warwolf blasts his way through the army and tackles Zombie fighting him. Zombie throws Warwolf into a building, Warwolf uses his fangs and claw to slash Zombie. N’Kantu tries to fight Clay but seems outclassed, Lilith attempts to help but is unwilling to fight her father, Clay although still brainwashed refuses to hurt his daughter focusing only on N’Kantu. Noticing this, Lilith runs at Clay hugging him begging her father to come back. Clay although still a dragon/human hybrid is free from Merlin’s control. The two embrace and Clay admits his pride in his daughter and how he was always proud of her.


Skeleton Jill, Frank and Gorilla Man although outclassed by her magic, they unintentionally manages to break Tilesti’s necklace freeing Zombie of her control, who stops fighting Warwolf. Thankfully for his freedom, Zombie helps the crew subdue Tilesti and fight the remnants of the army. Meanwhile Lilith and N’Kantu fight Merlin, Merlin puts Lilith under a spell while he fights N’Kantu offering her to be a chance to feel “normal” under his rule if she helps him. Lilith immediately refuses saying she’s already normal just a little more unique. Lilith and N’Kantu manage to take out Merlin, thanks to Lilith being able to tap into a stronger power, amplifying her abilities, and knocks Merlin out by smashing a large piece of stone on his head as N’Kantu delivers a finishing blow. The others manage to efficiently subdue Tilesti but the army keeps on multiplying. Using Merlin’s spellbook, N’Kantu reverses the spell turning the citizens, Clay and city back to normal. The citizens have no memory on what happened and go back to their lives as the team rushes back to base.


ARMOR congratulates the Howling Commandos for saving the day and putting Merlin and Tilesti into custody. Zombie officially joins the Commandos, the commandos also try to make Lilith a member which she surprisingly declines wanting to continue her school life as well but promises to help whenever they need her and visit frequently. Lilith and Clay return back to Babylon. Lilith becomes more confident in herself and returns to school with pride making new friends as well. Lilith and Clay also have dinner with the Commandos (outside of their disguises) at Clay’s house. We hear the conversation continue as the camera zooms out of the the house and slowly focuses on the night sky.


The credits show a comic comic book style 2D animation sequences.



Mid Credit Scene: We cut back to the night sky from early as we zoom into a wIndow. We see Dracula (Matt Damon) sleeping on his bed and suddenly awakens from his slumber, sensing a disturbance in his powers, predicts he think he found where his daughter is, he walks to a window, promising to reunite for a greater purpose. The camera pans to reveal Dracula’s castle and bats fly at the screen as the camera turns to black.




Side note: Special Thanks to @Isle of Pasta

Edited by YourMother the Edgelord
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Going to do show musical chairs once again:

Conductive- January 18th - 3D and IMAX

Howling Commandos - July 3rd - 3D, Dolby Cinema and IMAX 3D

Alpha Flight - September 6th - 3D, and IMAX 3D


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57 minutes ago, Xillix said:

Peyton Reed is already directing Street Sharks this year, as claimed in the advance schedule thread and note here since this thread was posted ;) 


@YourMother the Edgelord

Oh than James Gunn.


Also Howling Commandos is finished and completed for July 3rd in 3D and IMAX 3D. Can you please add it @Xillix?

Edited by YourMother the Edgelord
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2 hours ago, YourMother the Edgelord said:

Oh than James Gunn.


Also Howling Commandos is finished and completed for July 3rd in 3D and IMAX 3D. Can you please add it @Xillix?

Yeah the only reason I didn't was cuz you were trying to use an unavailable director :P

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Studio: Infinite Studios 

Release Date: 10/11/Y3

Genre: Drama/Sci-Fi/Young Adult

Director: Greg Bertlanti

Rating: PG-13 

Budget: $30M 

Theater Count: 3,278

Format: 2D

Runtime: 115 minutes


Jenna Ortega as Tally

Kevin Quinn as Peris

Cameron Boyce as David

Sophia Lillis as Shay

Cate Blanchet as Dr. Cable



Three hundred years in the future, the government provides for everything, including plastic surgery operations. Everyone on their sixteenth birthday receives the “pretty” operation which transforms them into the society's standard of beautiful. After the operation, new Pretties cross the river that divides the city and lead a new life with no responsibilities or obligations. There are two other operations available, one to transform Pretties into “Middle-Pretties” (adults with a job), and another to transform Middle-Pretties into "Crumblies". Former cities have decayed after bacteria infected the world's petroleum, making it unstable. The old society, so dependent on oil, fell apart when cars and oil fields exploded and food could no longer be transported. People who lived before this catastrophe are called "Rusties."


Tally Youngblood is almost sixteen. Like every other Ugly, she awaits the operation with great anticipation. Her best friend, Peris, whom she has gained a crush on, has already had the operation. Peris, has a personality strange change and becomes passive aggressive towards her. Motivated by her desire to be with him, Tally sneaks across the river to New Pretty Town. There she meets Shay, another Ugly. They become friends and Shay teaches Tally how to ride a hoverboard. Shay also mentions rebelling against the operation. At first, Tally ignores the idea, but is forced to deal with it when Shay runs away a few days before their shared sixteenth birthday, leaving behind cryptic directions to her destination, a “renegade settlement” called the Smoke, where city runaways go to escape the operation.


On the day of Tally’s operation, she is taken to Special Circumstances, a division that is likened to monsters and blamed when anything weird happens. Dr. Cable, a woman who is described as “a cruel pretty”, is the head of Special Circumstances. She gives Tally an ultimatum to either help locate Shay and the Smoke, or never become a pretty. Tally cooperates and Dr. Cable gives her a hoverboard and all the needed supplies to survive in the wild, along with a heart locket that contains a tracking device. Once activated, it will show the location of the Smoke to Special Circumstances. Dr. Cable in order to keep an eye on her sends Peris along with her. Following Shay's clues, Tally and Peris sets off to find her friend.


When Tally and Peris arrives at the Smoke, she finds Shay, her friend David and an entire community of runaway Uglies. Tally is captivated at the Smoke community, learning more while Peris is still condescending. She is reluctant to activate the pendant and it eventually becomes clear that David is in love with her despite Peris’ pressuring her, promising as soon as she takes care of the situation, Peris promises to ask her out, after her Pretty operation of course. Tally finally sees how shallow Peris has become after becoming a Pretty. Tally takes a walk outside and runs into David. After a conversation, David takes her to meet his parents, Maddy and Az, who are the original runaways from the city. They explain how the operation does more than cosmetic nipping and tucking. It also causes lesions in the brain to make the people placid, or “pretty-minded.” Horrified, Tally decides to keep the Smoke secret and tries throws the locket into a fire but Peris stop her. The two engage in a fight, and Tally injuries Peris, breaking his arm in the fight. Peris runs back to base and Tally throws the locket in the fire. However, the flames' heat causes the tracker to activate, giving away the Smoke’s location.


The following morning, Special Circumstances arrives at the camp and Tally makes an effort to escape. She does not succeed and is caught and taken to a rabbit pen, where other caught Smokies are kept, tied up. Eye scans are taken of all the captured Smokies, identifying from which city they fled. Tally is then taken to Dr. Cable, who explains how they found the Smoke. Dr. Cable thinks Tally purposefully activated the pendant at first until Peris arrives telling her the truth. After being ordered to retrieve the pendant, Tally finds Shay and the two escapes on a hoverboard. However, Shay sacrifices herself to draw attention away from Tally. After a long and stressful chase, Tally manages to hide in a cave where they cannot track her heat signature. There she finds David also hiding and together, they begin to plan a rescue. Tally and David go back to his house, where they find evidence that Special Circumstances took Maddy and Az. David leads Tally to a secret stash of survival equipment where they find everything they need, and load them onto the four hoverboards stashed there. As Tally and David travel back to the city to free their friends, they fall in love. Arriving at the Special Circumstances complex, they discover that Shay has already been “turned” and is now a Pretty. Tally and Peris have a final fight, and Tally barely wins but deforms Peris. Devastated at what happened to his face, Peris runs off, vowing revenge. After meeting Dr. Cable, David knocks her out and takes her work tablet, which contains all the necessary information to reverse the brain lesions created by the Pretty operation. Tally and David then free all the Smokies held in the complex. As they escape the complex, Maddy tells David that his father, Az, is dead.


Once everyone is safe, Maddy begins working on a cure using Dr. Cable’s tablet. She then offers it to Shay, who refuses, not wanting to become a “vegetable.” Since Tally feels responsible for her betrayal, she decides to become a Pretty and take the cure as a “willing subject”. To convince David to let her go back to the city, she tells him about her involvement with Special Circumstances and searching for the Smoke to betray them. While David is absorbing what Tally admitted, Maddy advises Tally to go back with Shay before she changes her mind. Once there, Tally announces to a Middle Pretty, “I’m Tally Youngblood. Make me pretty.” A now Pretty Tally and Shay sip soda near a pool, while David with the Smoke plan on their next move.


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Studio: Infinite Studios 

Release Date: 3/1/Y3

Genre: Teen/Family/Comedy

Director: Thor Freduental 

Rating: PG for crude humor and suggestive themes

Budget: $12.5M

Theater Count: 3,012

Format: 2D

Runtime: 90 minutes


Neil Sethi as Jake 



Jake is a new sixth grader at Darkwood Middle School who recently moved from Ohio. Jake, for his book smart ways and things he like, is deemed nerdy, and has only a few friends. Jake tries to survive sixth grade through the advice of others, his friends, his family and his older brother. Jake eventually becomes popular but shallow upon this. Jake after a recollection decides to not want to be cool after seeing how he and others are shallow. Later Jake gives a speech about how people should not be shallow and accept others causing Jake to win back his friends. Jake loses some popularity but gains the respect of his peers and stays close with his true friends.

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Please replace Witches with Battletoads (Animation/Comedy/Adventure) - Directed by Tom McGrath - 3,765 theaters - 3D - 9/20/Y3


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Studio: Endless Entertainment (through the Endless Animation division)/Animated by Sony Pictures Imageworks 

Release Date: 4/19/Y3

Genre: Animation/Comedy/Adventure/Action

Director: Tom McGrath

Rating: PG for animated action violence, mild peril and rude humor

Budget: $85M 

Theater Count: 3,765

Format: 2D and 3D

Runtime: 102 minutes (with a 5 minute short)


Donald Glover as Alex Garfield/Rash

Charlie Day as Kyle Spatz/Zitz

Chris Pratt as Chad Davis/Pimple

Ginnifer Goodwin as Princess Angelica

Steve Zahn as Professor T. Bird

Anna Kendrick as The Dark Queen

Danny Devito as Minizilla

Abbi Jacobson as Miss Appear

Danny McBride as Big Jaws (Way Big Jaws)

Patrick Warburton as Chunk

Ashton Kutcher as Alpaca

Topher Grace as Ray

Jordan Peele as The Red Prince

Keegan Michael Key as The Blue Prince




The Black Sheep (traditional animation in CGI background)


A black sheep is ridiculed by the rest of his flock on the farm. However one night a hungry wolf breaks in the farm. The wolf walking on two feet, tries to attack the sheep but steps on multiple rakes, getting repeatedly hit in the face. The wolf then tries to set a Wil-E-Coyote style trap for the sheep but that fails and he gets caught in it. Eventually the wolf uses a lawnmower and combines it with farm tools creating a mech. The black sheep constantly tries to save himself and his flock. The flock wakes up and see the black sheep in trouble and help him take down the wolf by tricking him into falling into a pond. The wolf’s mech shorts out and explodes. The Black Sheep gains the love and respect of his flock.





Back in high school, Alex Garfield was the new student at Steryo Tipikal High School. Alex befriends Kyle, the nerdy kid at school, and saves him from being bullied. Alex and Kyle also befriend the jockish but kind hearted Chad Davis by helping him with an important assignment. Every Saturday, the trio would hang out at an arcade playing video game. Although they remained friends, later in life they eventually drifts apart with both of Alex and Kyle after going to college and Chad doing his on thing.


10 years later, Alex works as a video game designer. Chad’s ego became bigger and became a rich fashion model and Kyle, who often feels ignored in life works an ordinary desk job. Alex secretly misses his old friends, often looking back on the old days. One day Alex brings in Kyle and Chad’s to test the game to hopefully respark their friendship. The trio tested the a game called Battletoads by playing the game as the 'Toads in a sort of virtual reality simulation. The trio do some awkward bonding together and agree to come back next week but as Alex is about to leave both Kyle and Chad come back to get back the keys they left behind at office at night. Upon finding the video game unit still turned on, they tested it to see if it had been tampered with. This was a trap and they were transported inside the game into the land of Rethos, transformed into the Battletoads, Alex turns into the leader of the Battletoads, Rash. Kyle turns into the comical and beloved Zitz. Chad turns into the brute and bold Pimple. The three argue about their predict with Kyle and Chad blaming Alex. However before they can continue arguing, they are attacked by an gruff ogre named Ogre who had just beaten a army of soldiers. Using their newfound abilities they easily beat Ogre but accidentally cause him to fall off a cliff. The trio are overseen by a group of civilians, and are quickly taken to the princess of Rethos, Princess Angelica. Rash informs Angelica of their situation and she agrees to help them get back to their world, but if they help her take down the evil and looney Dark Queen, who’s been on a streak of conquering planets.


We then cut to Destra, a huge moon that looks similar to New York City in design but with a castle like skyscraper in the middle, there’s also a gigantic coliseum nearby. We go inside the castle to see The Dark Queen watching the earlier event through a crystal ball after flipping through channels like a TV learns of the Battletoads and tells Minizilla, her disgruntled butler to come here. She then tells Minizilla to get her some chips and then calls him back before he can get them to get her a soda as well and then to summons her army and her battleships as well reminding him to shine them as well. The Dark Queen then gets her refreshments, yelling at Minizilla for getting the wrong chips. Meanwhile back at Rethos, Angelica introduces them to the gadgeteer of Rethos, Professor T. Bird, a humanoid bird with glasses and a lab coat, manic inventor who gives the Battletoads black suits. Pimple, confused comments on their stylish but what’re for. Bird shows the suits are immune to harsh weather, glide, protective to most impact and produce sparking water after a mission to rehydrate. A loud explosion is heard outside and the heroes run out. We see The Dark Queen in a parade ship style cruiser with a statue of herself on top of it. The mouth of the statue opens and hundreds of droids fly out. We then see a shark in a robotic suit called Big Jaws jump out, as well as Minizilla feeding The Dark Queen grapes. The Dark Queen mockily happy greets Princess Angelica, her sister. Angelica ask her why she’s here. The Dark Queen says the usual, conquering planets, trying to conquer your kingdom and comments on her having new friends but forgets what animal they are supposed to be asking Minizilla but he doesn’t know as well. The Dark Queen says they’re the things that pre teens dissect in science class. Zitz ends the ramble saying they’re toads. The Dark Queen thanks Zitz and then immediately send her army. The droids fight the Angelica’s soldiers but the Battletoads even the odds and easily defeat the droids. Big Jaws charges at Angelica but Zitz faces him in a fist fight, the two are evenly matched but Pimple and Rash help defeat Big Jaws. Forced to retreat, The Dark Queen recalls her soldiers promising to return. Meanwhile in the ship, Minizilla asks why did she let them lose so easily, The Dark Queen retorts she wants to test them but still puts in attacks throughout the month.


During the week, The Battletoads popularity grows and become famous recurve luxurious along with Rash and Pimple egos and the two’s hostility. Zitz gains some confidence and unlike the two isn’t self absorbed. The Dark Queen does another attack the next day but this time the attack is so unpredictable, the soldiers and Battletoads are unable to keep up. Big Jaws in a mech rushes to the castle. The toads stop him but Rash and Pimple’s arguing and egos get in the way, causing Big Jaws to get the upper hand and knock the two of them into a nearby lake unconscious. Zitz barely defeats him by using the mech against him and goes to help defend the princess, but as soon as he gets in the castle he faces The Dark Queen who easily beats him using her magic but before she can finish him she and Angelica get into a magical fight but she wins. The Dark Queen captures Zitz and Angelica and tells her troops to round up the citizens taken them as prisoner too. Professor T. Bird barely escapes via his spaceship, the Dreamweaver, a small but luxurious ship and retrieves the unconscious Rash and Pimple. However, the Dreamweaver was attacked by fighter ships and sustains damage and the trio becomes lost in space.


Rash and Pimple wake up to see The Dark Queen take Zitz, Angelica and the citizens from afar. Professor T Bird tells them what happened while they were knocked out. Feeling guilty at their egos getting in the way, the two set out to make things right and save Zitz and the people of Rethos, despite the two’s hostility still lingering. Professor T Bird does some searching and finds out that Destra is about a galaxy away and it’d take approximately 3 days to get there. Rash suggest they need to recruit an army first. However the ship starts to smoke up before they can debate on what to do next, causing Bird to land at a nearby planet.


Meanwhile, The Dark Queen celebrates her successful conquest of Rethos with Big Jaws and the droids back on Destra having a dance party (The song “Rock Your Body” by Justin Timberlake plays during the party). Minizilla informs her that T Bird, Rash and Pimple escaped via watching the crystal ball. The Dark Queen tells Big Jaws to hunt down T Bird, Rash and Pimple. Minizilla asks what to do with their prisoners. The Dark Queen says to have the prisoners as slaves for her mine, throw Zitz in the Battlepit, and bring Angelica. Angelica is suspending in anti magic handcuffs and chains. The Dark Queen gloats to her sister about all the things she’s done, controlling what rightfully hers. It is revealed that Angelica and The Dark Queen (Heather) were in line to be rulers of Rethos and the best of friends, but Heather’s cocky additute and ego caused Angelica to be selected as she was deemed as more of a fair ruler. The two drifted more apart as the years go by due to Angelica’s training. One night, their parents advice Angelica to toss aside Heather despite Angelica’s refusal. Hurt and angry, Heather then tried taking the kingdom by force but Angelica was forced to stop her. Angelica apologizes to The Dark Queen for what happened during the years and it seems to be working, only for The Dark Queen to shout “Just Kidding!”, laughing on how she should’ve seen the look on her face, and leaves Angelica in a white empty room. Big Jaws then bring a vast amount of drone with him and leaves in a fishbowl like spaceship. The Dark Queen then goes into her room which is eerily childlike (the room itself is extremely messy, a dragon like bed) but still feels glum. She goes through a short montage of finding some sort of other passion, like panting, writing and even acting and eventually goes back to bed. She lays down on her bed feeling unfulfilled after finally conquering the planet she wanted. She has a humorous debate with herself as she goes back and forth as a therapist and patient. Minizilla walks in confused and disturbed, bringing her batteries for the remote. 


Zitz, with a collar on his neck, is throw into the Battlepit, a huge coliseum for fights. Zitz then meets and befriends Chunk, a buff and tall hamster with a giant hammer who is also a fighter in this arena who gives him the rundown explaining The Dark Queen forces the strongest warriors from each planet she’s conquered are forced to fight for her and if they don’t fight or fight good enough they receive electrical shocks from their collars. Chunk is then called out to battle a wolf like creature but with two heads and breathes fire. The Dark Queen watches below with opera googles in hand as Minizilla is the commentator. Chunk efficient beats up the wolf and wins but badly burned. The wolf is sent to a prisoner cell underground having being eliminated. Chunk tells Zitz he’s next wishing him good luck. The Dark Queen sends the unbeatable Destructor the Deadly, an adorable bunny rabbit. Zitz is confused until Destructor turns into a big dragon like rabbit. Zitz barely beats Destructor by tricking him by making a carrot sculpture to distract him and have the gate close down on him. Impressed, The Dark Queen congratulates Zitz, excited for tomorrow’s fight and invites him for breakfast tomorrow. Chunk is also impressed with his friend, and the two go to the den for gladiators meeting other warriors, like Alpaca, a llama that spits acid and the leader of the gladiators, Ray, a shifty rat fighter, and Man Bat, a mute bat but technological gifted warrior over dinner. Zitz plans a breakout but at first Alpaca and the other gladiators refuse out of fear but Chunk gets the gladiators to agree, convinces them because of Zitz’s skill, they may have a chance. Zitz is then heard Angelica in his mind through a crude psychic communication, although she has been extremely weakened, offering her support advising him to use her sister’s weakness against her.


Meanwhile, Rash, Pimple and T Bird arrive at Xantos, a small moon full of the most dangerous bounty hunters. Although despite their wariness they ask for help but get laughed at and the bounty hunters decide to rob them. Rash and Pimple prepare to fight but a hooded figure tells the bounty hunters to stop. The hooded figure reveals herself as Miss Appear, a chameleon like woman who agrees to help having a personal vendetta against The Dark Queen for wiping out her people. The bounty hunters reveal themselves as workers for The Dark Queen and call Big Jaws giving them their location. Rash, Pimple and Miss Appear fight the various bounty hunters but Before they can leave, Big Jaws destroys the Dreamweaver and invades the bar. Miss Appear gets the gang using a secret exit, along with her power of invisibility, to her spaceship, Scrappy, a rusted and worn out ship. T Bird is annoyed believing her ship won’t be able to get away but thanks to Miss Appear piloting and it’s surprisingly fast speeds, they get away just in time. T Bird awestruck asks Miss Appear advice on how to make his ship go that fast. Miss Appear suggests they head to Nikrew, due to they’re the only planet nearby that The Dark Queen hasn’t invaded due to it not being in her tastes. The four arrive at Nikrew, a steampunk like planet and go to meet The Red Prince. The Red Prince is sunbathing at a nearby beach. Rash tries to convince him to help them but he refuses, mainly due to being at odds with the Prince from the other half of Nikrew, The Blue Prince. The Red Prince says if he can get to talk to The Blue Prince to settle their debate, he and the full army of Nikrew will help. The four go on a perilous journey to the other side of the planet with many close calls including getting lost in a maze full of monsters and Pimple saves Rash. The two slowly gain a respect for each other again having finally reached the other side of Nikrew.


Zitz goes to breakfast with The Dark Queen, planning on gaining her trust but nervous due to his awkwardness but remembers Angelica’s advice along with some tips from the gladiator. Meanwhile Chunk sneaks out to investigate the mines noticing a key problem in the system. Zitz and The Dark Queen have a nice simple conversation with Zitz sucks up to her but his compliments are too effective causing The Dark Queen to fall for him much to his dismay. However before anything can happen, Zitz is summoned to the Battlepit for another fight, fighting a centipede like man, who he quickly beats due to strangely help from The Dark Queen by pitting things slightly more to his advantage. 



Back on Nikrew, the four go to the other side of the planet which has a more advanced side to it. After having trouble filling an appointment with the receptionist using a futuristic Windows like device but ten time more difficult, are able to convince the receptionist to schedule them in, but have to wait two hours. The four meet The Blue Prince who is very self centered but convince him by using his ego against him to meet with The Red Prince. However the two bicker immensely when meeting over which side is better. T Bird notes that both of the princes are basically the same. Pimple notices a major similarity that the bickering that the two princes is similar to his bickering with Rash. Rash noticing this too reconciles with Pimple mending their friendship. Moved by this, the two princes reconcile as well seeing how bad their fighting was for others. allowing them access to their army, but suddenly Big Jaws, his droids, and the bounty hunters from earlier return to take down the four. The Nikrew army and T Bird (armed with a stun gun like weapon) quickly fights the droids with much ease but struggle against the bounty hunters. Miss Appear emerges next to two of the hunters, butting their heads into each other. Rash uses his tongue and wraps it around a group of them and flings it into a building. Pimple bulldozes through another group of bounty hunters. The Red and Blue Princes battle two with the Red one using a steam powered blaster gun and the Blue one uses a sword that sprays waves of bullets. Big Jaws attacks in his Way Big Jaws mech but due to Rash and Pimple’s teamwork takes him down. Big Jaws along with some of the bounty hunters get away though thanks to Big Jaws planing a hasty retreat.


During the dinner, Zitz seduces The Dark Queen into taking off his collar before asking to be excused to “freshen up”. Zitz, wearing a wire tells the gladiators to go along with their plan. Chunk, Alpaca and the rest of the gladiators break out of the Battlepit by disarming the guards. Alpaca and some of the gladiators head to the underground mine to free the slaves while Chunk and Ray free Angelica. Chunk asks Zitz to get The Dark Queen to reveal the location of the ship. Zitz manages to get The Dark Queen to talk revealing it’s in the control room by suggesting the two of them should go on vacation. However as soon as the group rushes to the control room it’s revealed to be a trap. Alpaca notices Ray is missing as well until he sees Ray without his collar with the shock remote electrocuting all the warriors leave the citizens and Angelica defenseless. Ray enters the dining room much to Zitz’s confusion, revealing that it was he betrayed the group and was a mole for The Dark Queen. Zitz, angry calls him a dirty rat. Ray says confused “Well due to my body I’m a... oh wait you mean a traitor, that was obvious too.”. The Dark Queen acts as if she was in on it, quickly hiding a locket she made for Zitz in her pocket and a ring and has them being executed tomorrow. Ray knocks out Zitz and bring him to a dungeon room in chains with the other gladiators. Everyone gives up hope but Zitz encourages them not to give up.


Rash, Pimple, T Bird and Miss Appear head to Destra on the Scrappy, flying at supersonic speeds (with their bodies changing in art styles.) finally arriving at Destra. However the place is armed to the teeth with robotic guards. Miss Appear takes Rash and Pimple asking T Bird to cause a distraction and if he need help press the big orange button. T Bird draws away the attention of the guards by blasting of a rocket. Rash, Pimple and Miss Appear sneak into the castle. The three agree to rendezvous at the entrance. Miss Appear heads to find a ship, while Rash and Pimple heads to the basement. Rash and Pimple free everyone and embrace with Zitz. Noticing his gladiator garb, Rash asks what is for but before they can finish, Zitz replies back saying it’s a long story. Miss Appear while taking our guards along the way gets into the ship room to snag a ship only to fight an armed Ray. Miss Appear using her camouflaging skills to her advantage beating up Ray and grabs the Dark Queen parade float ship but Ray alerts The Dark Queen quickly via a button.


Miss Appear pilots the ship, but an army of robotic droids come out of the woodwork. The Dark Queen arrives furious and order the guards to get them. The Toads, Miss Appear, the Gladiators and Angelica fight of the army but although they are doing work they’re seriously outnumbered. Using her magic, The Dark Queen turns Minizilla into a kaiju like monster. Seeing they need help, T Bird clicks the orange button which turns Scrappy into a metallic creature with wings helping them greatly fighting off Minizilla. Pimple says celebrates their success only for Big Jaws and his bounty hunters arrive to his annoyance but Miss Appear presses a button on her gauntlet, signaling the Nikrew army and the princes to help. It’s an all out war, the Nikrew army fights the droids, lances and blaster clang back, bounty hunters fights Alpaca and his gladiators, as the princes fight off Big Jaws, T Bird and Minizilla have a fight (similar to giant monster movies where the monsters fight each other), while Angelica and the Toads barely holds off against The Dark Queen. Seeing an opening, Miss Appear goes to get the ship and evacuates the citizens. The Dark Queen fed up grabs Angelica, and the two get into a brutal fight. The Dark Queen injures Angelica severely and prepares to give the finishing blow, the Toads chase after her. Although her magic is powerful using a series of diversion and teamwork, the Toads and a weakened Angelica manages to defeat her, by trapping her into Angelica’s previous chains. The robots are destroyed, the villains are arrested (except for Minizilla how manages to sneak away after being turned back to normal), and using the extractor from earlier T Bird gets Angelica’s powers back from The Dark Queen. The group heads back to Rethos for a huge party in the Toads honor. Angelica thanks the Battletoads for their bravery saying that the reason they were bought here wasn’t because they needed help but the Toads needed help, with Zitz becoming more confident, Pimple becoming more humble and Rash having his friends back. Angelica sends them back using a video controller sending them back to the real world. Rash asks what if they need them. Angelica says she has her ways and sends them back.


Alex, Kyle and Chad wake up back in the human world, at the same night as before. The three celebrate but part their separate ways as the sun comes up. The three go on to lives their lives and every Sunday, they go to an arcade to play video games together and hang out.



An end credit scene shows Minizilla in the castle, finishing watching the movie advises the audience to clean up their mess and not to except a big scene about some stronger villain to come back and destroy them. Minizilla then changes the channel watching a Rick and Morty like show next.



Edited by YourMother the Edgelord
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SWAT Kats 2: The Viper Strikes

Release Date: September 6th, Y3

Studio: Rising Crescent Pictures

Genre: CG Animation/Action/Family

Director: Kevin Munroe

Theater Count: 3,225

Premium Format: 3D

Aspect Ratio: 2.40:1

Image Release Formats: 2K DCP, 2K 3D DCP

Audio Release Formats: 5.1, 7.1, Auro 11.1, DTS:X, Dolby Atmos

Production Budget: $70 million

MPAA Rating: PG for animated action violence and rude humor

Running Time: 106 minutes

Major Voice Cast:

Ryan Reynolds (Jake/Razor), Vin Diesel (Chance/T-Bone), Jessica Alba (Callie), Crispin Glover (Dr. Viper), Ving Rhames (Commander Feral), Matthew Lillard (Hard Drive), Billy Crystal (Mayor Manx), Bill Nye (Dr. Zyme)


Previous Film Grosses: $135.2 million domestic / $386 million worldwide


Plot Summary:



We open with the SWAT Kats, Jake Clawson (Ryan Reynolds) and Chance Furlong (Vin Diesel), aliases Razor and T-Bone, training in their hidden lair beneath the Megakat City junkyard. Razor has developed a special obstacle course with animatronics standing in for both villains and civilians. The duo turn training into a competition, competing for the highest score. T-Bone barrels through, finishing the course in far less time. However, Razor ultimately wins by taking his time and being sure not to hit any civilians. T-Bone says this is unfair, but Razor reminds him that the two are vigilantes, with Commander Feral (Ving Rhames) of the Enforcers already out to get them. If they injured any civilians for real, they'd lose their good standing with the public and be arrested for sure.


Meanwhile, downtown at Megakat Sci-Tech Labs, the old and easily-distracted Mayor Manx (Billy Crystal) and his Deputy Mayor, the far more competent Callie Briggs (Jessica Alba), are checking in on a city-funded project. They meet with a pair of scientists, Dr. Elrod Pervis (Matthew Lillard) and Dr. Neal Zyme (Bill Nye), who are working on a special formula to rapidly accelerate the growth and reproduction of plants. They hope that they will be able to use it to transform the desert surrounding Megakat City into fertile farmland, in order to provide fresh, healthy food to the masses for reduced prices. Or, at least, Dr. Zyme does. Privately, Dr. Pervis is more interested in selling it to a major food corporation for a big payout. 


The scientists demonstrate their latest formulation for Manx and Briggs, and it seems to work wonderfully, turning a kernel of corn buried in sand into a full ear of corn within less than a minute. Callie wants to stay behind and ask more questions, but Mayor Manx rushes her along, eager to get to a fundraiser he's holding for his re-election campaign at the local golf course. Soon after they leave, Dr. Zyme is shocked and dismayed to find the ear of corn from the experiment has mutated into a hissing, biting plant-creature. Realizing the formula is a dangerous mutagen, he goes to dispose of it. Dr. Pervis offers to do it for him, but instead stashes it away inside his own private locker.


As they are leaving, Manx and Briggs pass another lab where a private company is developing some top-secret tech. Callie notices one of the scientists (Matthew Lillard) walking into that lab appears out of place. Not only is he acting shifty, but he's got a big blonde mohawk as opposed to the neat, short hairstyles of the others. Sure enough, after he enters the lab, he slams the door shut and barricades it, pulling out a laser blaster and declaring he's there to rob the lab. Callie pulls out the communicator the SWAT Kats gave her at the end of the previous film and summons them with the push of a button.


Our heroes race into their custom jet, the Turbokat, and streak through the skies to the lab building. They arrive in mere minutes, landing on the roof. As they arrive at the scene of the crime, though, the thief has already got a hold of what he came for - a secret new device known as the "Surge Coat," a coat which allows its wearer to enter computers and other electronics and travel through the internet and power lines. The SWAT Kats break into the lab, but the thief uses the Surge Coat to escape through a computer into the net. Just then, Commander Feral and the Enforcers arrive, late as usual, and the SWAT Kats are forced to beat a hasty retreat while Callie explains the events to the Commander.


Meanwhile, Dr. Pervis uses the commotion to try and sneak away with the mutagen. He monologues to himself about how he's sure he can sell it to some weapons manufacturer or military group for millions of dollars. He sneaks through other, empty labs, trying to make his way to the rear exit unnoticed. However, Commander Feral - not believing Callie and the scientists' story about the thief disappearing into a computer - orders the Enforcers to sweep the building. They barge into a lab where genetic experiments are being performed just as Dr. Pervis is passing through. The Enforcers order him to stop, and as he rushes to flee, Pervis trips and collides with a test tube full of genetic material from a viper, which mixes with the mutagen when he drops it. The mixture splashes onto him, and he begins to transform. Shocked and agonized, he leaps out through the closed window as his fur falls out, leaving behind green scales. The Enforcers rush outside, but not in time, as the mutating Dr. Pervis hides in the sewers.


Back in their lair that evening, T-Bone and Razor discuss the day's events as Razor searches the internet for signs of the thief. He soon realizes that the thief, who calls himself "Hard Drive," has become a malware program of sorts and is hacking into Megakat Bank in order to steal money from some of the city's richest residents - including Mayor Manx. T-Bone wonders aloud whether he might be working with Dark Kat, but Razor dismisses the idea. In the several months that have passed since the events of the first film, there has been no sign of Dark Kat at all. Besides, stealing money seems to be beneath him.


Mayor Manx is just winding up his fundraiser and, after the game, decides to head over to the Pro Shop to by himself some new golf clubs. However, his cards are all declined for insufficient funds. He pulls out his phone and checks his accounts to find all of them have been completely emptied. In a panic, he calls Commander Feral, who informs him that he's much too busy looking for the mutated Dr. Pervis to assist in his financial troubles. He then calls Callie, who usually handles the city's finances. Callie is pretty sharp, and puts two and two together immediately. She contacts the SWAT Kats, and they confirm Hard Drive is behind the theft of the mayor's money. Razor, being the technical and mechanical genius that he is, is already working on a program to try and stop him. However, he'll need a sample of the code that the Surge Coat runs.


To that end, Razor and T-Bone sneak into the Megakat Sci-Tech Labs after sunset. As T-Bone keeps watch, Razor downloads the data he needs onto his Glovatrix, the heroes' multi-purpose weaponized gadget gauntlets. T-Bone hears a noise and goes to investigate. It turns out it's just Dr. Zyme over in his lab, staying late trying to make the plant growth formula non-mutagenic. Suddenly, from the shadows, the mutated Dr. Pervis strikes! He's now a part-kat, part-viper monster, with a long, striped tail and elongated snout, his whole body covered in green scales. His mouth holds a pair of enormous, razor-sharp fangs. He leaps at Dr. Zyme, and T-Bone barely pulls him out of the way in time!


Just as the download finishes, Razor hears the commotion and rushes to assist. Pervis is clearly trying to kill Dr. Zyme, and T-Bone is getting fed up with all the ducking and diving and blocking in such close quarters. He raises his Glovatrix, ready to fire a mini-missile - and Razor stops him just in time, pointing out the explosion would get Dr. Zyme too. Instead, Razor fires a sticky-web-net from his own Glovatrix, capturing the mutant and pinning him to the wall. The SWAT Kats demand to know what's going on, and Pervis - who now calls himself "Dr. Viper" - swears that he will become the ultimate supervillain and turn Megakat City into the seat of his mutant empire - but that he must dispose of Dr. Zyme so that the secret of the mutagen will be his alone. He uses his fangs to rip out of the net and escapes into the night, leaving Dr. Zyme absolutely mortified. The SWAT Kats advise Zyme to seek protective custody with the Enforcers.


The next day, Razor has prepared his program. When Hard Drive attacks the servers of Megakat Casino, the SWAT Kats jet over there at the speed of sound. While Hard Drive causes havoc in the casino, making the video slot machines go haywire, the lights flicker and flash, and draining the casino's huge account for paying out jackpots, Razor uploads his program into the building's network. Hard Drive is booted right out of cyberspace and back into the real world, where a waiting T-Bone rips the Surge Coat off of him. The criminal tries to put up a fight but is easily outmatched by the SWAT Kats' martial arts skills, and the vigilantes manage to capture him in a web-net. Once again, though, Feral and the Enforcers arrive with perfectly terrible timing, forcing our heroes to flee - leaving Hard Drive and the Surge Coat behind. The enforcers take the villain into custody and confiscate the Surge Coat.


En route to Enforcer HQ, the transport van carrying Hard Drive and his coat is attacked from beneath when huge, mutant vines erupt out of the sewers through a manhole! The vines constrict and crush the van, forcing it to a stop. When the Enforcers try to fight back, more vines smash through the road and capture them. One grabs Hard Drive by the ankle, dragging him and the coat down into the sewers, where he comes face-to-face with Dr. Viper.


Dr. Viper makes a proposal. He still needs to eliminate Dr. Zyme, who is currently being held in protective custody at Enforcers HQ. He's used his own DNA to recreate and enhance the mutagen, and plans to take over the city with an army of killer mutant plants. However, he doesn't want to play all his cards to soon, while Dr. Zyme is still around. So he needs Hard Drive to enter the Enforcers' systems, disable the security systems and generally cause havoc, allowing Dr. Viper to sneak in and take care of Dr. Zyme. In exchange, he will grant Hard Drive immense riches and allow him to keep his personal freedom once his mutant empire is established. Being in no position to turn him down, Hard Drive accepts.


The SWAT Kats are busy working their day jobs in their civilian identities at the junkyard when they get a call to tow away the crushed Enforcers transport van. Though there is no sign of the vines - or any of the van's occupants - it doesn't take long for Jake and Chance to realize something's up when they arrive on scene. They tow the vehicle to the junkyard, and upon their return, decide to investigate. Chance finds a broken-off thorn from one of the huge mutant vines stuck in a seat cushion, and gives it to Jake, who heads down to the lair to begin analyzing it with his equipment.


Hard Drive climbs out of the sewers in his Surge Coat just outside of Enforcers HQ. He uses the Surge Coat to upload himself into the video stream from the external security cameras, and in seconds he's taken control of the building's systems. Alarms blare everywhere, jail cells open up, the armory is locked, communications are scrambled, and Dr. Zyme is trapped in his room with a single Enforcer guard. Dr. Viper follows closely behind, accompanied by a trio of mutant, acid-spitting sunflowers which walk on their roots. With little effort he manages to force his way into the building, making a beeline for the trapped Dr. Zyme.


Chance sees the local news reporting live from Enforcers HQ on the beat-up old TV he and Jake keep in the front office of the junkyard. He rushes down to the lair and informs Jake that they need to get into action ASAP. Jake hasn't made enough progress with his sample to develop an anti-mutagen, but Chance remarks they'll just have to destroy the crazy plants the old-fashioned way. The pair suit up and jet off to the scene of the crime.


Though the security cameras are offline, Commander Feral spots Dr. Viper heading for Dr. Zyme and cuts him off. He manages to kill one of the mutant sunflowers and injure Dr. Viper, but the remaining flowers melt his blaster with their acid spit and corner him while Dr. Viper continues on towards Zyme. T-Bone appears from around the corner in the nick of time, firing bladed boomerangs from his Glovatrix to cut the sunflowers in half. However, they simply regrow in a matter of seconds! He activates the mini-flamethrower in his Glovatrix, burning the killer flowers to ash. Commander Feral begrudgingly thanks the vigilante, and exclaims that he has to go protect Dr. Zyme. T-Bone tells him that Razor's already on it, but may need backup. The two run off towards the room where Zyme is being held, with Feral assuring T-Bone that he'll arrest him and Razor once everything is settled.


Razor arrives at Dr. Zyme's room just before Dr. Viper, and blasts the door open with a mini-missile. As he goes to enter the room, though, Dr. Viper sneaks up on him and tail-whips him into a wall! Feral and T-Bone appear, and T-Bone attacks Dr. Viper while shouting to Feral to get Dr. Zyme out of there. Feral insists that he doesn't take orders from vigilantes, but when T-Bone points out he doesn't even have a weapon, Feral sees that it is the best option. He swears that he'll be back to arrest Dr. Viper and the SWAT Kats as soon as Zyme is safe, though.


Dr. Viper is highly agile and super-strong, but knows he is no match for the SWAT Kats without backup. He calls out to Hard Drive for support, and, listening over the security cameras' microphones, the digitized villain activates the HQ's defenses and has them target the SWAT Kats. Soon wall-mounted laser turrets all throughout the HQ are blasting away at our heroes, forcing them to duck and dive and deploy the special reflective shields that pop out of their Glovatrixes. Dr. Viper escapes, running off to find Zyme and Feral. T-Bone follows him while Razor heads to the command room to try and stop Hard Drive.


T-Bone doesn't make a whole lot of progress, his pursuit slowed by the constant laser fire. Thankfully, Razor is smaller and more agile and gets to the command room quickly. He runs his program on the Enforcers network, booting out Hard Drive, who he is then easily able to defeat in melee combat and capture in a web-net. He leaves him there for the Enforcers to deal with. With the lasers deactivated, T-Bone picks up speed - but is too late. He catches up to Dr. Viper only to see the villain has himself caught up with Feral and Zyme. Dr. Viper injures Commander Feral, wrapping up Zyme in his tail and kidnapping him, before disappearing back down into the sewers.


Razor arrives, and he and T-Bone discuss searching the sewers for Zyme and Viper. However, as they talk, the ground begins to shake! Enormous, 200-foot tall mutant plants burst out of the ground all around Megakat City, crushing cars and small buildings, wrapping around skyscrapers like ivy! Callie and Mayor Manx are watching the news in the mayor's office on the top floor of the towering Megakat City Hall when a gargantuan vine slithers up the building, its tendrils smashing through the windows to attack them!


Callie calls the SWAT Kats on her communicator, and the pair realize they need to get back in the Turbokat to try and deal with the wicked weeds. Commander Feral tries to tell them they aren't allowed to leave, as a group of Enforcers approach to arrest them. However, our heroes are able to reason with him. They need to save the Mayor and Deputy Mayor, which means they won't be able to rescue Zyme. But as co-developer of the mutagen, Zyme may be the only one able to make an antidote. Feral and the Enforcers need to save him. At first, Commander Feral tries to insist the Enforcers can handle it all on their own - but a simple glimpse skyward, where the plants are swatting Enforcer helicopters out of the air by the dozens, proves him wrong. He accepts, leading a group of Enforcers down into the sewers while the SWAT Kats take off in the Turbokat.

Our heroes jet off toward City Hall, where Mayor Manx is cowering under a conference table and Callie is trying to fight back against the vines with anything she can. Whenever she manages to damage them, however, they heal in seconds. The Turbokat's weapons prove equally ineffective. T-Bone relates to Razor how the flamethrower worked against the mutant sunflowers, but Razor retorts that setting the entire city ablaze wouldn't exactly be helpful. They have no choice but to bide their time, distracting and slowing down the ferocious flora in hopes that Dr. Zyme can be rescued and provide a solution.


In a makeshift lab in the sewers, Dr. Viper is preparing a custom batch of mutagen to use on a tied-up Dr. Zyme. All of Zyme's attempts to reason with his former coworker fall upon deaf ears. Viper is insistent on turning Zyme into a mindless mutant slave. Just as he prepares to inject Zyme with the mutagen, Commander Feral and his group of Enforcers burst into the lab. With expert timing and precise aim, Feral blasts the syringe of mutagen right out of Viper's hand. The villain wraps his tail around Zyme, threatening his life should the Enforcers come any closer. After a tense standoff, Feral orders his troops to drop their weapons, which he does as well. But while Dr. Viper gloats, Feral produces a small, hidden laser-pistol from within his uniform, blasting away at the mutated madman! Dr. Viper is driven back, and the other Enforcers re-arm themselves, joining in on the assault. The mad scientist is forced to retreat deeper into the sewers, swearing that his killer plants are unstoppable.


As the SWAT Kats continue their holding pattern around City Hall, blasting away at the vines to keep them from getting to Manx and Briggs, Feral unties Dr. Zyme. He demands that Zyme create an anti-mutagen with Dr. Viper's equipment, and the frazzled scientist agrees to try. A tense montage ensues, cutting back and forth between the SWAT Kats, the interior of City Hall, the general chaos and destruction all over Megakat City, and the lab where Dr. Zyme is working feverishly. Finally, Dr. Zyme finishes his work, producing a large batch of anti-mutagen.


Commander Feral oversees the mutagen being loaded onto a fleet of Enforcers helicopters, to be sprayed over Megakat city like pesticides on a farm. The SWAT Kats pick up radio transmissions detailing the plan, and provide the helicopters air support as best they can, blasting away at the giant plants trying to knock them out of the sky. After a few hectic minutes of swerving between skyscrapers playing defense for the choppers, the plan works. The giant killer plants wither away and die, and the city is saved! Still one to do things by the book, Feral orders the Enforcers to apprehend the SWAT Kats - but, predictably, they escape arrest in the Turbokat.


Several days later, cleanup and rebuilding is just getting underway. Hard Drive has been imprisoned, and the Surge Coat returned to its rightful owners. Dr. Viper's whereabouts remain unknown. Callie stops by the junkyard to get her car, damaged in the plant attack, repaired. Chance obviously still has a huge crush on her, stumbling over his words as they talk. Jake decides to take advantage of this and asks Callie about how the SWAT Kats saved her from the giant vine, watching Chance fume and struggle to avoid revealing his secret identity as Callie heaps praise on the vigilantes. Chance gets his revenge by "accidentally" dropping a wrench on Jake's foot. As Callie leaves, she remarks that she hopes the SWAT Kats will always be around when they're needed - despite what Feral thinks of them. After all, Dr. Viper is still out there...


The film ends with a quick shot of a dingy, damp underground laboratory. Test tubes filled with green liquid and pots holding biting plants of various varieties cover all the tables. The camera zooms into a pitch-black corner, and Dr. Viper's piercing yellow eyes open up, appearing as if from nowhere. His evil laugh plays over the beginning of the end credits.



Edited by Xillix
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@Xillix I’m pushing Alpha Flight back too. Going to assume Battletoads isn’t replaced with Witches due to it being unfinished.


Also is Rising Crescent new?

Edited by YourMother the Edgelord
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2 minutes ago, YourMother the Edgelord said:

@Xillix I’m pushing Alpha Flight back too. Going to assume Battletoads isn’t on their due to it being unfinished.

Okay, and correct.


When to for AF? Your post still says July 3rd which is way out of date, lol.

Edited by Xillix
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1 minute ago, Xillix said:

Okay, and correct.


When to for AF? Your post still says July 3rd which is way out of date, lol.

Out of Y3. Heading to Y4.

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10 minutes ago, YourMother the Edgelord said:

Out of Y3. Heading to Y4.

Oh wow giving you that much trouble huh? Okay then.


Well screw it, then I'll just put SK2 back there and keep SSSS where it is.

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Just now, Xillix said:

Oh wow giving you that much trouble huh? Okay then.


Well screw it, then I'll just put SK2 back there and keep SSSS where it is.

Yeah, that’s why Howling Commandos came out so soon.

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16 minutes ago, YourMother the Edgelord said:

Also is Rising Crescent new?

Nah they've been around since Y1. Family/kid movie division of TriCrescent alongside Gold and Red.

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He-Man II: The Revenge of Skeletor

Release Date: May 31st, Y3

Studio: Gold Crescent Pictures

Genre: Action/Fantasy

Director: Robert Stromberg

Theater Count: 3,983

Premium Formats: 3D, Dolby Cinema & IMAX 3D

Shooting Format: Digital 4.4K (Arri Alexa LF) (Post-converted to 3D)

Aspect Ratio: 2.40:1 / 1.90:1 (Select scenes, IMAX Digital version and some IMAX with Laser screens) / 1.44:1 (Select scenes, IMAX with Laser)

Image Release Formats: 2K DCP, 2K 3D DCP, 4K DCP, 4K Dolby Vision DCP, 2K IMAX Digital 3D DCP, 4K IMAX with Laser 3D DCP

Audio Release Formats: 5.1, 7.1, Auro 11.1, Dolby Atmos, IMAX 12-channel (IMAX with Laser DCPs only)

Production Budget: $150 million

MPAA Rating: PG-13 for action and fantasy violence, mild language, and suggestive content

Running Time: 122 minutes

Major Cast:

Lance Garrett (Prince Adam/He-Man), Dave Bautista (Skeletor), Shailene Woodley (Teela), Liam Hemsworth (Buzz-Off), James Marsden (Stratos), Carrie-Anne Moss (Evil-Lyn), Dominic Purcell (Webstor), Viggo Mortenson (King Randor), Julianne Moore (Queen Marlena), Jackson Rathbone (Mekaneck), Justin Long (Voice of Orko), John Tui (Beast Man), Kellan Lutz (Mer-Man), Nathan Jones (Trap Jaw)

Previous Film Grosses: $169 million domestic / $525.9 million worldwide


Plot Summary: 




The pre-credits scene is set in Snake Mountain, shortly after the end of the first film. Skeletor (Dave Bautista) is poring over ancient documents, assisted by Evil-Lyn (Carrie Anne-Moss). Beast Man (John Tui) and Trap Jaw (Nathan Jones) are arm wrestling in the background as Mer-Man (Kellan Lutz) swims around in a small pool in the corner of the lair. In the documents, Skeletor discovers the description of a spell which he hopes will allow him to defeat He-Man, claim the power in Castle Grayskull, and rule over all of Eternia! However, as Evil-Lyn points out, the spell will require a great deal of preparation. Skeletor says this is good. They will take their time, letting the heroes of Eternia lower their guard as they work in the shadows and the outskirts of the kingdom. By the time He-Man and his allies realize what's happening, it will be too late.


Skeletor cackles out his evil laugh, leading into the title sequence.


After the opening, we catch up with Prince Adam (Lance Garrett) in the courtyard of Eternia's royal palace. He's training with his friend Teela (Shailene Woodley) as he was at the start of the first film. However, his skills have greatly improved since. Their sparring match ends in a draw. As they settle down, Prince Adam laments the fact they have less time to train together now that Teela is captain of the guard. He is still worried about Skeletor's inevitable reappearance and wants to be as prepared as possible. Teela agrees, noting that it's been nearly two years since they last saw him. They both suspect the evil sorcerer is planning something big.


As the two re-enter the palace, Adam's mother Queen Marlena (Julianne Moore) calls him into the throne room. He bids Teela farewell and goes to meet with his parents. His father, King Randor (Viggo Mortenson), is busy planning Adam's 21st birthday, which is coming up in three days. There will be a grand ball at the palace, and many fine maidens to court the prince. Randor and Marlena are concerned that Adam has no one to be his queen when he takes over the throne. They are hoping he can find a bride at the ball. They also scold him for not paying enough attention during his tutoring in diplomacy and economics. 


Prince Adam is uninterested by the whole thing. He is He-Man, he says, a great warrior sworn to defend Castle Grayskull and the kingdom of Eternia. He has more pressing matters than marriage and books. He brings up his concerns about Skeletor, and it's clear from his parents' expressions that they've heard this all many times before. They reiterate that Snake Mountain is being closely watched by their scouts, but that there has been no apparent activity. Randor points out that he and Marlena will not be around forever. Adam must be ready to ascend to the throne whenever the time comes, and that means being able to serve Eternia's interests with more than just his muscles and sword.


Elsewhere in the palace, Teela visits the court wizard, Orko (CG character voiced by Justin Long), in his mage's chambers. She asks him to make contact with Mekaneck and his team of scouts, who are watching Snake Mountain. Orko seems concerned about her, feeling she's being paranoid. She's asked about Snake Mountain every day for a long time now, but nothing has come of it. Still, Orko complies, and opens a viewing portal allowing Teela and Mekaneck (Jackson Rathbone) to see and speak with one another. Mekaneck, like Orko, assures Teela there has been no suspicious activity. He suggests she try to focus more on affairs at the palace, now that she has to oversee the entire royal guard.


We cut to an underwater utopia - a beautiful, sparkling city of pearls, located, as an onscreen caption informs us, at the bottom of the Sea of Rakash. The entire undersea sequence is free of dialogue. Mer-Man swims into frame, stealthily navigating his way into an underwater cave. He feels around the jagged rock walls until he discovers a hidden button. Pressing it opens a secret corridor, down which he swims into a treasure room. Two fish-men guards wielding golden spears notice his arrival and attack, but Mer-Man defeats them in weightless melee combat, knocking them out cold. The room is filled with sparkling riches, but Mer-Man takes only one thing - a black, jagged gemstone. He makes his escape before reinforcements arrive.


Mer-Man returns to Snake Mountain through a secret entrance from an underground river in a deep cavern, avoiding the scouts. Skeletor is pleasantly surprised he's succeeded in retrieving the gem, which he calls coridite. With it in his possession, he explains, there are only two more ingredients required to make his evil spell work - and the Eternians still don't expect a thing. The next piece of the puzzle is ambrosia, a highly-prized substance produced in the Mystic Mountains by the indigenous Andreenids, humanoid bee people.


Skeletor tries to decide whether to send Trap Jaw or Beast Man, but laments both are clumsy brutes unsuited to the stealth required for such a mission. Evil-Lyn is busy making preparations for her part in the plan. As he contemplates his dilemma, webbing shoots out from the shadows and captures Beast Man and Trap Jaw like gigantic flies! Skeletor demands the attacker reveal themselves, and a voice calls from overhead. Clinging to the ceiling is Webstor (Dominic Purcell), a spider-person, who claims he has come to dedicate himself to Skeletor's service.


Skeletor's other minions are immediately suspicious of Webstor's motives, however, Skeletor believes he is the perfect candidate for the mission in the Mystic Mountains. He offers Webstor the mission as a test - if he succeeds, he will be allowed to join the ranks of Skeletor's elite servants. Should he fail or betray Skeletor, however, he will be killed. Webstor agrees.


Back at the palace, guests are beginning to arrive early for the birthday ball, which is now just two days away. One of them is Stratos (James Marsden), leader of the flying bird-people of Avion and an ally of He-Man's from the last battle with Skeletor. Prince Adam is happy to see him again, but also bugs him with lots of questions about whether he's seen anything odd that could be related to Skeletor and his goons. Stratos insists that all is calm in Avion, and that he would have let Adam know if anything was amiss. After all, Avion is just one of the many client states of Eternia, and so it is Stratos' duty to report back to the Eternian royal family. Prince Adam admits that he's not really up to speed on the way communication and diplomacy works between the Eternian government and its client states, and Stratos echoes his parents' concerns that he really ought to know.


After chatting with Stratos, Adam finds Teela and expresses his wish that he could just take her to the ball instead of dealing with all of his suitors. Teela asks if that means he has feelings for her, and he awkwardly denies it. It's clear that he does, or at least thinks he might and is struggling with the idea. Teela shoots him down anyway. The point of the suitors is to find a future queen, and she cannot be the queen - she has to honor her late father's legacy in running the royal guard. She can't leave that behind for a life in the monarchy. Besides, she likes Adam as a friend and sparring partner, but not romantically. After these conversations with his friends, Adam returns to the throne room and speaks with his parents. He agrees to take the ball seriously and give the suitors a chance, and spend more time and attention on his royal studies. 


The next day, Webstor arrives in an Andreenid city in the Mystic Mountains. There is an enormous hive-like structure built into the side of the mountain, a sort of factory where workers produce ambrosia to send back to the queen in their capital. Keeping a watchful eye over it all is the lord of the city, a relatively young, but proud and regal Andreenid (Liam Hemsworth). The Andreenids speak in a foreign language of clicks and buzzes, with their dialogue subtitled. No one refers to the lord by name, only in honorifics.


Webstor stealthily enters the ambrosia factory, sneaking through corridors along walls and on ceilings, webbing up guards to silence and immobilize them along the way. However, the container of completed ambrosia he needs is in the middle of the factory, totally in the open. He is forced to dash through the factory, immediately drawing attention to himself. The lord of the city, and several workers, begin to pursue him as he tries to make his escape. The lord wields an ancient, magical axe, from which he can release arcs of golden energy by swinging the blade.


There is a prolonged chase sequence across the mountainside as the Andreenids fly after Webstor, who runs and crawls and climbs and web-swings his way toward a system of underground caves he can use to escape. There are several close calls, including a moment when energy from the city lord's axe severs a web strand in mid-swing, forcing Webstor to launch another and just barely avoid splattering himself against a cliff. In the end, though, Webstor reaches the caves and seals of the entrance with a web. By the time the Andreenids cut through it, the villain has disappeared into the maze-like caverns. The lord of the city tells the others he must inform the queen of what has happened. That means a trip to Eternia's royal palace, where the Andreenid queen is one of the guests of honor for Prince Adam's ball.


The palace is quite a distance from the Mystic Mountains, and the lord arrives on the evening of the ball. As he searches the bustling palace for his queen - looking quite out of place with his axe - he catches the attention of Teela, who asks who he is. "Buzz off," he replies, and Teela takes this to be his name. Irritated, he explains he was telling her to mind her own business. Teela says as captain of the royal guard, an armed stranger in the palace IS her business. Sighing, the Andreenid replies that his name is unpronounceable in Eternian tongue. "Buzz-Off" will suffice as a nickname if she insists on addressing him in such a "primitive mammalian language."


Though it's a thoroughly unpleasant exchange akin to getting blood from a stone, Teela finally convinces Buzz-Off to explain that he's there to inform the queen of an ambrosia robbery. Teela doesn't find this news terribly concerning, but is worried about the magic axe. When Buzz-Off refuses to relinquish it, Teela decides to accompany him on his search for the Andreenid queen to make sure he doesn't start any trouble.


As the ball gets underway, King Randor and Queen Marleena introduce Adam and kick off the dance. There is a long line of suitors for the prince, most of whom he finds terribly uninteresting. There are so many hundreds of people in attendance that Buzz-Off and Teela can't seem to find the Andreenid queen at all. At one point, a bored Adam notices them wandering the ballroom and steps away from his current suitor, jokingly asking who Teela's "date" is - with a tinge of jealousy. This angers Buzz-Off, and he refuses to speak with Adam until Teela reminds him that Adam is Eternian royalty and Buzz-Off is honor-bound to respect him. Begrudgingly, Buzz-Off explains his presence, and Adam, correctly paranoid, immediately assumes Skeletor is behind the theft. Teela and Buzz-Off both think this is ridiculous.


Adam is called back to dance with his next suitor, an unusually beautiful young woman in an expensive-looking purple gown. Adam compliments her appearance, but his mind is elsewhere. He's horribly distracted, still theorizing in his head about Skeletor's involvement with the ambrosia heist. He is so distracted, in fact, that he fails to notice when the lady slices off a small lock of his hair and takes it for herself, hiding it within her dress.


In his mage's chambers, Orko begins to freak out. He's detecting powerful dark magic, and he thinks he knows who it is. He races to the ballroom, trying to warn Prince Adam. He gets there and sees his target trying to make a hasty exit. Orko screams out and casts a spell over the whole ballroom, which, miraculously, works as intended. Everyone is shocked by the sudden interruption, and Orko has to redirect their attention to where it belongs - the woman fleeing with a lock of Adam's hair, who has been revealed by the spell to be none other than Evil-Lyn! 

The vile sorceress, having been found out, decides she needs to create a distraction to secure her escape. With a powerful enchantment, she brings the giant stone statues of historical Eternian figures in the ballroom to life, commanding them as evil golem warriors. Most of the guests panic and flee. Prince Adam pulls out the hilt of his Sword of Power from within his clothing, the blade forming itself from mystic energy as he draws it. He raises the sword to the sky and bellows out - "BY THE POWER OF GRAYSKULL! I HAVE THE POWER!"


In a flash of magical white light, Prince Adam transforms into the all-powerful He-Man! Which, yeah, pretty much just entails his party outfit being switched out for barbarian garb, at least visually. But of course, he's now imbued with super strength granted to him from Grayskull's magic. He quickly begins battling the golems, his immense strength nearly a match for theirs despite the huge size difference. Orko, Teela, and Stratos, who has been watching things unfold, leap into battle to help him, though they mainly serve as distractions to keep the golems from ganging up on He-Man.


At first, Buzz-Off doesn't seem to want to get involved in the battle. However, he spots the Andreenid queen across the room. He races towards her as she is cornered by a golem. He doesn't reach her in time. Luckily, He-Man does, pushing her out of the way and taking the golem's mighty blow himself. A humbled Buzz-Off thanks He-Man curtly, bows, and then joins the fight. The energy slashes from his axe prove powerful enough to sever arms from the living statues, and he becomes an invaluable asset during the fight.


By the time the golems have been defeated and reduced to rubble - along with most of the ballroom - Evil-Lyn has disappeared into the night with Adam's hair. Our heroes convene, along with King Randor, Queen Marlena, and the Andreenid queen. Marlena and Randor apologize to their son for doubting his suspicions about Skeletor, and Teela and Buzz-Off likewise concede it's likely the ambrosia theft is somehow connected to this incident as well. He-Man forgives all involved, admitting that even with all his worrying and shirking of his royal duties he could not prevent what had happened. He needs to take more responsibility, but for now the current threat must be dealt with.


He-Man requests Stratos, Teela, Buzz-Off, and Orko accompany him to Snake Mountain in the hopes they can stop Skeletor before he has a chance to enact his plan. He offers them the chance to decline, given they all have important roles to serve elsewhere, but stresses that whatever Skeletor is planning cannot be good for any of them. All of them - including Buzz-Off, with his queen's permission - agree. Orko attempts to conjure a portal to teleport them to Snake Mountain, but unfortunately, he bungles the spell and they wind up in the wastelands several miles away from Skeletor's base of operations.


Evil-Lyn is far less clumsy than Orko, and manages to teleport herself back to Snake Mountain with no trouble. She presents Skeletor with Prince Adam's hair, and the evil overlord remarks that the preparations are complete. He brings the hair sample over to an altar where he mixes it with the stolen ambrosia, crushed coridite powder, and several other magical ingredients which he presumably obtained before the movie began. He begins an evil incantation, and dark, unnatural stormclouds form over the mountain.


This, of course, catches the attention of Mekaneck and his Eternian scouting team. As luck would have it, though, they need not send word back to the palace. He-Man, Teela, Stratos, Orko, and Buzz-Off arrive at their camp just then. After quickly catching Mekaneck up on the situation, the group decide to simply storm the mountain. However, unbeknownst to them, Webstor has been monitoring the scouting party all along, clinging to the side of Snake Mountain. The arachnid fiend returns to Skeletor and informs him of the heroes' arrival. Skeletor commands him, Evil-Lyn, Beast Man, Mer-Man, and Trap Jaw to attack, giving him time to finish his intricate incantation.


The two groups of warriors meet at the base of Snake Mountain, and an all-out melee erupts. The battle is chaotic and disorganized, each combatant trading blows with others on the opposing side seemingly at random. It drags on fruitlessly, with no side seeming to gain the upper hand even though the heroes outnumber the villains. Eventually, though, the stormclouds above Snake Mountain unleash a powerful bolt of lightning which seems to shoot into the heart of the mountain itself. Evil-Lyn excitedly exclaims that "it is done." 


Soon Skeletor emerges from the mountain, the ram's skull atop his magic staff glowing, surrounded by a misty cloud of dark energy. He-Man tells his allies to hold off the evil minions while he deals with Skeletor personally. The sinister sorcerer welcomes the confrontation. He-Man charges in, swinging his Sword of Power. Skeletor seems oddly defensive in his tactics, dodging and blocking the warrior prince's blows, not slinging any magic, waiting, it seems, for an opening. Then he finds one.


Skeletor jabs the top of his staff into He-Man's abdomen, and the evil cloud of magic is transferred off of the ram skull and onto He-Man's body. The hero falls to his knees in agony, the dark mist draining away his magical strength. Skeletor cackles triumphantly, and inhales. The mist flows off of He-Man and into Skeletor's mouth, as well as the bony holes where his nose and eyes should be. The villain's already-huge muscles bulge and inflate, the power of Grayskull surging through his form. He grabs the weakened He-Man by the neck, hoisting him into the air.

"Now, fallen prince," he declares, "I HAVE THE POWER!"


Skeletor tosses He-Man with his newly-stolen strength, the drained hero flying through the air and colliding with Stratos, the pair collapsing onto the ground. Skeletor bellows out an earth-shaking laugh, blasting off a round of explosive orbs from his staff, sending the heroes scrambling. The battle devolves into a one-sided affair, Skeletor's body and magic both greatly enhanced, and He-Man weak and badly injured. The heroes are driven back further and further, all the way to the camp where they reunite with the other scouts. All the while Skeletor demands their surrender, gloating about how nothing can stop him from conquering all of Eternia. And why stop there, he wonders. Once he rules Eternia, he can take all the power from Grayskull and become the "master of the universe!"


He-Man realizes his only chance is to win with his mind, not his strength. Though too weak to fight, he takes command of his friends, allies, and the scouts, devising a plan to play to each of their strengths. We don't hear the details of the plan, but it turns out to be a complex multi-pronged assault with plenty of diversions and backups, avoiding direct combat with most of the evildoers - especially Skeletor. At mutliple points it seems like the plan has been foiled. Webstor captures the scouts in his webbing as they try to flank the evildoers. Skeletor and Evil-Lyn blast Stratos and Buzz-Off out of the air. Mer-Man holds off Mekaneck with a vicious assault. And Trap Jaw and Beast Man team up and overpower Teela, capturing her. Skeletor and his minions surround He-Man, warning him this is his last chance to surrender. He seems to comply...


...And then sneaky little Orko casts the spell he'd been preparing unnoticed the whole time, an intentionally-botched portal spell! The portal opens directly beneath Skeletor, and the evildoer is unable to escape! He is sucked away to parts unknown, screaming in shock! The heroes use the distraction to escape and strike back at his minions, driving all of them into the portal as well - except for the agile, crafty Webstor, who scurries off somewhere unseen. Orko explains the botched spell could have sent the villains almost anywhere across time and space - but definitely nowhere on this planet.  There is much rejoicing and praise for He-Man, though he credits Teela for teaching him everything he knows strategy-wise. It's... a little flirty. Teela just chuckles.

Back in Eternia proper, a celebration is held for Skeletor's defeat. All those involved are given the highest possible honors. Buzz-Off is made the official Andreenid ambassador to the palace. Mekaneck is excited that he no longer needs to spend months at a time away from home watching Snake Mountain. The others are concerned that Prince Adam no longer possesses his He-Man powers. However, he points out that he still has his Sword of Power, and the source of the power still resides within Castle Grayskull. He and Orko will work on a way to recharge the Sword of Power in case He-Man's strength is ever needed again. For now, though, he will focus on his duties as prince and his preparations to take over the throne some day.


And they all lived happpppily ever after.... riiiiiight?


Mid-credits scene:

Webstor has found his way back into Snake Mountain. He retrieves a strange device he'd stashed away within the corridors. He travels to the throne room and activates the device, using it to send a voice transmission to his TRUE master, declaring Skeletor is gone and He-Man is powerless, leaving Eternia ripe for the picking, ready to be claimed by the might of... Hordak.


Edited by Xillix
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