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Hotel Artemis (2018)

Grade it  

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There's real potential here, but the person who called it the series finale of a HBO show was not wrong.

Pretty, stylish, but no Atomic Blonde. The big culmination of characters was completely inorganic and forced.



"Oh, we just COINCIDENTALLY have this thing that these people would like....but they don't know that we stole it. So in reality, we really could just keep fucking quiet."

"Oh no, someone saw that we treated a cop!.......and nothing really came of it."

"Oh, will she kill him?.......She did. Well, that was anti-climatic."


That's basically how I can describe this entire movie - anti-climatic. 

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I agree with @Morieris.  There's a lot of really good parts here but they kind of go nowhere.  There's some kind of pen worth millions, and none of it is explored.  The cop thing, same thing.  And how Nurse finds out that the Wolf King killed her son is so very random.  Charlie Day's character doesn't really do much either.  


Still it's mildly entertaining and Foster is a hoot.  Bautista stands out as well.  But over all,it's kind of disappointing.



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they set up these characters and gave them nowhere to go. The somber ending with that 'once your in, you're in for life' message was non-climatic. they were likable characters. I needed to know about the card that houses a gun making template before I wonder how he knew what it would make. I wonder how the walls are plaster not concrete in those old buildings, and how the escape hall connects to the entrance foyer.  If only the cop were her estranged daughter the circle of bleh would be complete. Still a fun ride for the first half. 

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All style, no substance. It worked until I realized I didn’t give two shits about any of the characters. Jodie Foster remains a national treasure though. I hope she starts acting again a little more regularly.



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Hotel Artemis is an enjoyably trashy movie for the summer, served mostly by its cast. This is a group of eclectic characters, most of which could anchor their own movie, and the roster of character actors that take on the roles are fun and able to deliver memorable performances. In particular, Bautista, Day, and Boutella make the most of their limited screentime, and it’s nice to see Foster and Brown in leading roles. 


Pearce’s script is slightly convoluted, and although it has great set-up in the first half, the payoff leads a lot to be desired. His direction is fine for a debut but isn’t that memorable outside of the nice brooding atmosphere that is slowly forgotten as the film goes on. Martinez’s score is the only other thing of note to be found here, and that also falls to the problem of being frontloaded.


Still, if you want to watch great actors do their thing, it’s hard to get much more bang for your buck than in Hotel Artemis, and on the side, you’ll get a nice bit of some pulp fiction on the side. An pleasant, if somewhat forgettable, time. C+

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