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YourMother’s Don’t Go Spring Breaking My Heart Y5 Reviews

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Steel Streaks



Surprisingly touching, Steel Streaks effectively delivers on combining the theme of debates about intelligence and well done popcorn entertainment with the relationship of RAID-1 and Aria making a delightful blockbuster, but as for the dong?


No but it’s an A



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Rest of April

Miserable Fans:

Don’t get me wrong, the leads are good and the satire is good, but for a parody comedy, there’s not much to really laugh at until during the end where we get some good glimpses of the manic energy. 



Veggies In The Rain

It’s cute and inoffensive as it’s nice to see some of my childhood back. Though it could’ve been a way shorter film.



Best Friends

Yeah, I didn’t care for this one either, aside from Tatum and Paul, there’s nothing really special about this one. 


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The Drowsy Chaperone

A solid musical full of catchy songs and fun characters. What’s not to love?



Call of Duty: On Our Accord


So this is going to be the Fast and Furious of CAYOM. Big dumb fun spectacles with likeable characters. I dig it.




In The Valley


@Xillix I love your disaster movies but frankly, this one wasn’t good. The scope of the tornado looking is there but the characters fail to raise on the occasion. Though to be fair, I understand it was rushed but I just wasn’t there.



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I had a shit ton of fun with this film, it’s beautifully animated (that lungfish scene makes me want to vouch for Best Visual Effects) and very funny film. The characters although most except for the villain are fully fleshed out, are breathed to life by their voice actors. Storm Reid as Lili is a good example of that and I found her and Raz’s relationship somewhat cute. The plot while good, needing to explain more about it’s world and rules but you should be able to follow it.




Edited by YourMother the Edgelord
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