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Weeken Actuals:

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Two items of note regarding THG:#1- This is the first Sunday that was larger than Friday(Up until now, THG looked like a Fri-Sat movie)#2- This comes directly after its first Thursday that was larger than the Monday in the same weekGreat WOM plus the lack of any blockbuster type competition is definitely allowing THG to level out.

Chicks dig it. When chicks dig something it becomes huge and that applies to geek movies. Geeks alone mean nothing. It`s when chicks start digging geek flicks that those flicks go stratospheric. Edited by fishnets
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In true Lionsgate fashion, THG's underestimation was the third-smallest of the top 13 (surpassed only by Titanic and the overestimates TLO). And LGF overestimated both Friday and Saturday, and if it were not for the unexpected rise on Sunday, LGF would've had a 5th straight week of overestimation.So... what the heck is up with this Sunday bump?The Sunday estimate-vs-actual difference, as a percentage of the overall weekend's estimate-vs-actual difference:

109% - TLAM 99% - TLO (virtually all of its overestimation came from an overestimate of Sunday)152% - THG 90% - Chimp 99% - Stooges 76% - Cabin 10% - AR831% - Titanic (its Friday/Saturday were very overestimated)139% - 21JS 52% - MM129% - Wrath 86% - Lockout
With only a few exceptions, the lion's share of the over-/underestimates could be attributed to getting Sunday wrong. Was there something that happened this past Sunday...? Edited by C64K
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666 two weeks in a row? So apparently Satan himself is now controlling THG's fate. :P Hey fine with me if he wants it to get to 400m. :lol:

That would make it the highest grossing movie with an actress getting the top billing, no? Kate and Leo shared the billing.
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That would make it the highest grossing movie with an actress getting the top billing, no? Kate and Leo shared the billing.

Yeah its held that title since it passed The Blind Side. Once it passes ROTK and DH2 it will also be the highest grossing book adaptation.
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Well IMDB seems to indicate Tucci and Bentley were billed before Lawrence. Strange, but not entirely out of possibility since they're more known.

Oh, come now, BENTLEY? No fuckin way! He hasn`t been relevant since American Beauty. Imdb.com is full of shit. Edited by fishnets
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Yeah its held that title since it passed The Blind Side. Once it passes ROTK and DH2 it will also be the highest grossing book adaptation.

Shrek was a children's bookcorr.. but not Shrek2 Edited by Rudolf
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Not arguing that JL shouldn't get top billing just saying that's not always how it works.

That`s true, unfortunately. Cause now we can`t claimthe highest grossing female-led flick from Bella. :angry: Edited by fishnets
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