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Results and Standings (Fake increases lead, Cedar jumps, 24lost solidifies)

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Yes, I can see where the confusion would come from that question movieman. I did mean it the way Fake has it illustrated but it is not clear and I can't expect you guys to read minds. I will wait to see if they do finish with more than the other five films and if that is the case, then the answer no matter what will be yes. But if it does not then I will have to give both the yes and no answers full points.

I think the wording was pretty clear......

Will TDKR and The Avengers combined make more this summer than the other top 5 films combined (domestic only)?

It says 'other' top 5, that means excluding TDKR and Avengers. It should have been obvious.

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Yes, now that you put it that way Fake, it does make sense.I will keep it as is. It will be for spots 3-7.Thank you for helping out.

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I put IA4 at #2 internationally this week, but Ted is putting up quite a fight.I won't be surprised if Ted pulls an upset, especially since China numbers tend to get underreported with estimates.Both should get 30-35M weekend.

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But Baumer, your question is pretty obvious:

"Will TDKR and The Avengers combined make more this summer than the other top 5 films combined (domestic only)? As in the next 3? Yes. IF the next 5, then, no."

So, by that alone, you were asking for #3-#5. But then the last part, "IF the next 5, then, no", just conflicts with what you were asking in the first place.

I think you should go with the question you asked originally, As in the next 3!

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Like I said infamous, this is not a game where you post your answers and then ignore it for a week. I made an entire thread about tips for the game. If you didn't read it, sorry, but you should have. I don't want to break out the violin here but I put a lot of work into this game (I realize players put a lot of time in too) and I try to address every issue and concern players have with the game. That issue was addressed. The question stands...spots 3-7.

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Sorry B but your wording was extremely poor for that question. The "other" top 5 could mean spots 3-5 as in the other movies in the top 5 or as Fake put it the other top 5 outside of TA and TDKR. If you specifically meant the "next" top 5 you should have said the "next". And if you clarified it somewhere in the thread why didn't you clarify it in the original question? How was I supposed to know to read through the whole thread to find the answer to something that I didn't even know needed answering?And who would've answered yes to that question if they knew you meant spots 3-7? Even with TA ridiculously overperforming by about 200m that none of us saw coming the answer will still end up no. The people who put yes should at the very least not lose points and I think you should do what you said you were gonna do. That was fair.

Edited by MovieMan89
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He specifically said 3-7. And who the hell would think the next 3 would top TA and TDKR? Its so obviously the next 5.

Um plenty of people at the start of the game? You're looking at it now that we have the results. But people's average predictions for TA were about 350-400, and for TDK it was around 450. If we say the 2 of them together were averaging between 800-850m in predictions at the start of the game, lets look at the next 3 top predictions. Most people had TASM at 275-325. Brave was between 225-275. And Prometheus predictions were between 200-250 on average. Add those together and you get an average range of 700-850. So it could have been close for some people. Certainly a lot closer than spots 3-7 at the beginning of the game since nobody had TA and TDKR doing close to 1.1b combined which is what anyone should have known the movies between spots 3-7 would at least gross. Really it as an easy question either way, but at the beginning of the game it made far more sense if it was to mean spot 3-5.
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I have to agree with Moviman89 on this one.I read the questions as whether or not TA plus TDKR gross would be higher than the rest of the top 5. In other words, spots 3, 4 and 5. Not spots 3-7. Not even sure why there would be a question about what he meant. I didn't think there was anything wrong with the wording, hence I had no reason to question it. If that's not what Baumer meant, then I had no idea he had clarified it.But, I suppose I'll have to just go along with whatever B decides to do about it.

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Yeah obviously I'll go along with what Baumer decides as well, I just think it was an unclear and poorly worded question. Though at the time I thought I understood it perfectly (to mean spots 3-5). I would have never in a million years answered yes though if I had known it was spots 3-7 just for the record.

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Sorry B but your wording was extremely poor for that question. The "other" top 5 could mean spots 3-5 as in the other movies in the top 5 or as Fake put it the other top 5 outside of TA and TDKR. If you specifically meant the "next" top 5 you should have said the "next". And if you clarified it somewhere in the thread why didn't you clarify it in the original question? How was I supposed to know to read through the whole thread to find the answer to something that I didn't even know needed answering?And who would've answered yes to that question if they knew you meant spots 3-7? Even with TA ridiculously overperforming by about 200m that none of us saw coming the answer will still end up no. The people who put yes should at the very least not lose points and I think you should do what you said you were gonna do. That was fair.

That's why I made an entire post about it. An entire thread actually.
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But again guys, if I make an entire thread that says "Tips for The Game" shouldn't you maybe read it?

I browsed over it, I just missed that apparently (again I wasn't looking for it). Anyways, score it how you want, I just would greatly appreciate in the future if there's another instance of a question that's worded somewhat confusingly if you could go in and edit said question to make it more clear.
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I understand where u are coming from movieman and you are not one to complain at all. I'll have to revisit this question in a little bit. I do understand that not everyone read the tips thread. And it is worded cryptically. I'll get back to you on that.

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I understand where u are coming from movieman and you are not one to complain at all. I'll have to revisit this question in a little bit. I do understand that not everyone read the tips thread. And it is worded cryptically. I'll get back to you on that.

Appreciate the consideration B. I guess if I am in the minority on this though you should score the answer the way you meant the question to be. No point in making exceptions to accommodate a select few. Looks like junkshop and Ariadne understood it the same as me. Anyone else?
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