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Big Hero 6 | November 7, 2014 | Now available on home video

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Rightly so. It reflects a pretty severe problem of constantly catering to boys over girls. It is a discussion that needs to be had.

Problem is, it seems to be working for them especially for princess themed films. It's a problem but I don't see them changing a winning formula
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Problem is, it seems to be working for them especially for princess themed films. It's a problem but I don't see them changing a winning formula

The whole thing is pretty bizarre. Disney tried their hardest to hide the fact that Tangled and Frozen were princess musicals to get the boys to watch them, and they ended up being Disney's biggest hits. If boys hated these type of movies so much, wouldn't word of mouth have killed off both movie's legs after the opening week? :wacko:

Edited by Mojoguy
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Problem is, it seems to be working for them especially for princess themed films. It's a problem but I don't see them changing a winning formula


Correlation, perhaps, but not causation.


The marketing for Tangled was chosen based on the lower than expected response to TPatF. Disney surmised that it was due to the overly girly nature of the film that it didn't get any boys to watch, and thus they had to scramble to come up and find a way to sell Tangled, which was due to be the final princess film. Of course Tangled succeeded, and princess films were saved, which was obviously due to the marketing, right?


Wrong. TPatF had a lot of factors working against it. The release date was terrible. Disney's tried that mid-December date multiple times and they've always had less than stellar audience responses, even when the film has been well liked (Emperor's New Groove, anyone?) Beyond that, the following weekend saw the release of Avatar, which took EVERYONE's attention. And then right after that was both Chipmunks II and Sherlock Holmes. TPatF tumbling in the face of that competition is entirely expected.


Plus, it was also going up against The Blind Side, which turned into a surprise leggy hit that women liked to go see. And New Moon, which while typical of the one-weekend-wonder stance of a Twilight film, was still huge. Put it simply, the holiday market in 2009 was completely saturated. And TPatF was a risky venture from the getgo: traditionally animated and such. It didn't fail because it wasn't marketed to boys. It just had too many things working against it.


Tangled didn't succeed because of the marketing, although it may have helped get butts in the seats opening weekend. (Which may be true for Frozen, as well.) It faced far weaker competition down the line: the third Focker and Narnia films, and Tron Legacy. Hardly a comparable lineup. And it helped a lot that it's a much stronger film that TPatF.


Disney might take it that in order to succeed they need to market their princess films to boys. I think it's much simpler than that: they just need to make sure their films are good... and not get shy about taking the strong release dates. Get those two down, and at this point, the audiences will just bring themselves to the theater.

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Ok I agree with all that, but the does or doesn't boy-centric marketing work isn't the main question here is it? The more important point here is whether or not disney thinks that it works and based on the trailers for the past few films and their success they'll be inclined to think that it does,and they'll probably do the same for the next female-centered film. Why would they market any differently than they did for frozen and tangled?

Edited by Rsyu
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It's expected that Disney's next fairy tale musical is going to be Giants which is based on Jack and the Beanstalk. Looks like it will be the next Aladdin. Disney isn't even going to have to hide the main character in all the trailers! 


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The next princess film isn't going to hit for several years, so we probably won't know until then what path they're going to take.


BH6 is pretty boy friendly at the start, so I could see them playing it pretty straight, like Wreck-it Ralph. Zootopia and Giants will remain to be seen, but they could be much the same.

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Looks like Disney is going to be spreading out its fairy tale movies out and releasing one every 3 years which is smart. The Disney Renaissance era's biggest mistake was releasing so many musicals right after each other, which probably overwhelmed the audiences and led to its decline.

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The next princess film isn't going to hit for several years, so we probably won't know until then what path they're going to take.


BH6 is pretty boy friendly at the start, so I could see them playing it pretty straight, like Wreck-it Ralph. Zootopia and Giants will remain to be seen, but they could be much the same.

BH6 and Zootopia look very boy friendly. The question is how much will girls be interested in them? What will the expectations be after Frozen? :thinking:

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BH6 and Zootopia look very boy friendly. The question is how much will girls be interested in them? What will the expectations be after Frozen? :thinking:


They will have to highlight the two girls in BH6, Go Go Tomago and Honey Lemon, quite a bit in promos. They are basically Mulan and Rapunzel reimagined as superheroes so it should work just fine. One of the two protagonists in Zootopia is a female (the detective bunny). That could click in a Dory/Finding Nemo way.

Edited by Spidey Freak of Highgarden
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Why pay $10 to see a trailer that'll just be online days after? Odd.


What Neo said, and I'm interested in both films so I'd be killing 2 birds with one stone.

Also movies are $7 where I'm from so not at all odd. 

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I got better things to do with $10 than to spend it with the intent to just see the trailer.

Especially considering it's likely to play in front of a movie at some point that I would be seeing anyway.


Waste of money imo.



What Neo said, and I'm interested in both films so I'd be killing 2 birds with one stone.

Also movies are $7 where I'm from so not at all odd. 


I can underline and put it in italics too. 

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^^^^Cool. It adds variety to one's passage. Where is SK, I only wish for $7 films to return.

SK=South Korea. Films are still relatively cheap here thankfully, especially if you have member discount benefits.
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Will you give us BH6 news?

Come on now, we can't wait.

We all loved Frozen quite a lot!

Show us what you've got,

It's starting to get late!

We don't even need a trailer,

Just some stills will do,

We don't want to wait til July!

Will you give us BH6 news?

Maybe Zootopia news,


*go away, Internet!*


Okay bye...



June 13th, no trailer with HTTYD2



Will you give us BH6 news?

Or show a clip at Comic-Con!

I know that Elsa still may fill some needs,

But now were making pleads,

To see how you'll go on! (Hang in there Rob)

It gets a little tiring, all the quiet talk,

just watching the films pass by



Nothing at ComicCon or D23 either, things are getting bleak.



Disney, are you still in there?

Is your next film still happening?

They say be patient, and I'm trying to,

I'll save $8.50 for you,

Just let me know how it's been,

We all just want this movie,

We really do,

Please just tell us the truth,

Will you give us BH6 news?

Edited by Spaghetti
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