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South Korea Box Office

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Can it be the biggest of all time?I saw that Avatar made 105 million.Seems possible.


The primary metric for measuring a film's success in Korea is admissions. By that criteria Avatar is still the biggest with 13,624,328 admissions. Currently roaring currents is on a unprecedented run. When it makes it past 4 million admissions by today it will be the fastest film to hit 4 million (5 days). Avatar on the other hand took 12 days to reach it. Roaring currents is hitting all the right notes too, generating a media sensation and bringing the 40+ age group to the theatres which is a critical swing group for a film to reach 10 million admissions and beyond. 

Gross is more difficult as avatar had the benefit of higher ticket price in the form of 3D tickets and a high 3D format percentage (nearly 50%) whereas roaring currents only has 2D format but if it gets close to the admissions number then beating the gross is possible too .

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<Roaring Currents> recorded a remarkable seat saturation of 87.6% on Saturday, practically a full house for every one of it's 7,605 showings. It has also broken a record every single day thus far:


day 1: Biggest opening day 

day 2: Biggest weekday Score, fastest to 1 million admissions

day 3: Fastest to 2 million admissions

day 4: Biggest Single day admissions, fastest to 3 million admissions


Day five (Sunday) will be another record for fastest to 4 million admissions. The opening week looks to finish somewhere in the vicinity of 4.5 million admissions. To put this into perspective, this will put <roaring currents> close to the final total of <Edge of tomorrow> currently ranked as the 4th biggest film of 2014, after just 5 days of release. 

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<Roaring Currents> recorded a remarkable seat saturation of 87.6% on Saturday, practically a full house for every one of it's 7,605 showings. It has also broken a record every single day thus far:


day 1: Biggest opening day 

day 2: Biggest weekday Score, fastest to 1 million admissions

day 3: Fastest to 2 million admissions

day 4: Biggest Single day admissions, fastest to 3 million admissions


Day five (Sunday) will be another record for fastest to 4 million admissions. The opening week looks to finish somewhere in the vicinity of 4.5 million admissions. To put this into perspective, this will put <roaring currents> close to the final total of <Edge of tomorrow> currently ranked as the 4th biggest film of 2014, after just 5 days of release. 

Is the film that great? These records are just mind-blowing.

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Is the film that great? These records are just mind-blowing.



I liked it but I don't know how foreigners would perceive it to be truthful, it plays a lot on patriotism. Admiral Yi Sun-sin is one of the most revered figures in Korean history and this film depicts one of his most famous battles. Currently Korea is in turmoil politically, and a lot of people are turning to the hero figure of Yi sun shin who saved the country to compensate for their frustrations. Choi min-sik is a really competent actor too and he brings Yi sun-sin too life very well. 

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I liked it but I don't know how foreigners would perceive it to be truthful, it plays a lot on patriotism. Admiral Yi Sun-sin is one of the most revered figures in Korean history and this film depicts one of his most famous battles. Currently Korea is in turmoil politically, and a lot of people are turning to the hero figure of Yi sun shin who saved the country to compensate for their frustrations. Choi min-sik is a really competent actor too and he brings Yi sun-sin too life very well. 

So it's more the case of the movie that got released in the right place at the right time then. :D I figured that much. I know great movies make great money but when a movie could break the number of records it must have done more right things than just being great.

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Unbelievable numbers for Roaring Currents. It's great to see a local movie beat all the records :)


Dragons 2 did pretty well considering how huge competition is at the moment. It looks at under 30% drop for the weekend and it has great week days,


BTW why are all local big movies released so close to each other? We had two big movies in 2 weeks and 2 other big movies are suppose to open in upcoming 2 weeks.

Edited by chimpo
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Unbelievable numbers for Roaring Currents. It's great to see a local movie beat all the records :)


Dragons 2 did pretty well considering how huge competition is at the moment. It looks at under 30% drop for the weekend and it has great week days,


BTW why are all local big movies released so close to each other? We had two big movies in 2 weeks and 2 other big movies are suppose to open in upcoming 2 weeks.


There was an interview at the beginning of the summer where representatives from the 4 chains for the 4 movies said they were hoping for a win-win situation where they could all benefit by drawing more people to the theatre, making the pie bigger for everyone if you will. Whether that will be the case remains to be seen but by the looks of things, roaring currents will win the summer by a country mile. 

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Well, I'm not glad at all about this local success, not when Guardians of the Galaxy is released :angry:


I think a balance is important for the long term health of the box office in general. Hollywood+foreign releases dominated the first half of 2014 with the local film shares dropping below 50% for the first time in 3 years. I like GotG as much as anyone but a local hit was long overdue.

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I haven't seen Korean Horror movies appearing on the chart, do studios still make them?


Horror films have been weak this year, so far there has been <Occulus>, <mourning grave>, <bunsinsaba2> and <JU-ON: The beginning of the end> that made the top 10 for any notable length of time. Of the above, Only mourning grave is korean. Bunsinsaba2 was produced in china though with korean director and actress. JU-ON is japanese. 


Upcoming is <The Tunnel>


Posted Image


Doesn't really strike me as scary but quite a few people seem to be anticipated for it so we'll see :)

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you should make one and debut in SK...  Thai's horror movies is good too... 

I don't live there anymore but I'd make a good horror movie if I ever had a chance. I've watch so many of them to know how to make a good and scary one. ;)



Horror films have been weak this year, so far there has been <Occulus>, <mourning grave>, <bunsinsaba2> and <JU-ON: The beginning of the end> that made the top 10 for any notable length of time. Of the above, Only mourning grave is korean. Bunsinsaba2 was produced in china though with korean director and actress. JU-ON is japanese. 


Upcoming is <The Tunnel>


Posted Image


Doesn't really strike me as scary but quite a few people seem to be anticipated for it so we'll see :)

Thanks, I haven't seen any of them so I'll be checking them out. I love Asian horrors but I've been too busy with all the blockbusters so I lost tracked of them for a while.


What are the scariest or the best Korean horror movies out there? I've watched a lot of them but I'm not sure if I've missed the good ones.

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I don't live there anymore but I'd make a good horror movie if I ever had a chance. I've watch so many of them to know how to make a good and scary one. ;)



Thanks, I haven't seen any of them so I'll be checking them out. I love Asian horrors but I've been too busy with all the blockbusters so I lost tracked of them for a while.


What are the scariest or the best Korean horror movies out there? I've watched a lot of them but I'm not sure if I've missed the good ones.


A tale of two sisters (Rating: 8.69), Black house (Rating: 6.52), The Chaser (rating 9.09-closer to a thriller though it's rated R), Posessed (rating:7.88),  Deranged (rating:7.26), death bell (6.81), Killer toon (7.23) are the ones that were critically and/or financially successful. 

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A tale of two sisters (Rating: 8.69), Black house (Rating: 6.52), The Chaser (rating 9.09-closer to a thriller though it's rated R), Posessed (rating:7.88),  Deranged (rating:7.26), death bell (6.81), Killer toon (7.23) are the ones that were critically and/or financially successful. 

Thanks! I've seen ATOTS but I'm pretty sure I haven't seen the rest. I'm going to check them all out!

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South Korea Daily Box Office (08/03)

-   Admissions (Adm total)  Gross  (Weekly %) [sc] Title

01. 1,253,653 (4,759,288) $9.64m     (--)     [1,586] <Roaring currents> :blink:
02.    199,614 (2,114,154) $1.59m (-34.4%)  [689] <How to train your dragon 2>
03.    169,554 (4,470,516) $1.31m (-78.2%)  [542] <Kundo: Age of the Rampant>
04.    158,812    (579,685) $1.32m     (--)       [515] <Guardians of the galaxy>
05.      15,637      (62,174) $113K       (--)       [177] <Free Birds> 
06.      13,256 (3,981,407) $101K   (-89.4%)  [126] <Dawn of the planet of the apes> 
07.        5,528      (46,379) $44K    (+29.6%)   [47] <Atilla Marcel>

08.        5,176      (32,841) $31K         (--)        [22] <The Pirates> PREVIEW 
09.        2,060        (8,561) $16K         (--)        [41] <Tokyo Family> 
10.        2,055      (10,311) $17K         (--)        [34] <Quantum Love> 

Total admissions: 1,815,824

Roaring Currents Cume: $35.272 million
Dawn of the planet of the apes cume: $30.576 million
Kundo: Age of the Rampant cume: $33.416 million 
How to train your dragon 2 cume: $16.602 million
Guardians of the Galaxy cume: $4.68 million

Current Presales
Roaring Currents 70.3% (218,826)
How to train your dragon 2 9.4% (29,227) 
Guardians of the Galaxy 5.2% (16,188)
The Pirates 5.0% (15,493) 
Kundo: Age of the Rampant 4.0% (12,379)

Edited by Rsyu
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Those Roaring Currents numbers are insane.  Could it do $100m?


I'm thinking it's definitely possible, the presales are still huge even with the massive weekend coming to an end. The pirates (new local film released next week) looks pretty weak in comparison. 

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4 million admissions (number of days)
-Restricted to just 10 million admission films

-5 days-
Roaring currents (2014)

-8 days-
The Thieves (2012)
The Host (2006)

-11 days-
Haeundae (2009)

Frozen (2014)

-12 days-
Miracle in cell no.7

-16 days-
Masquerade (2012)

Edited by Rsyu
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