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Top Horror films of the last 15 years: All opinions welcome

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I Guess Horror, Gore, and zombie films will be Included?1. Battle Royale2.Let The Right one In3.Bubba Ho-Tep

4.Ringu5.Audition6.The Lords of Salem7.Shaun of the Dead8.House of 1000 Corpses9.Anti-Christ10.28 Days Later11.Identity12.The Descent

13.The Devil's Rejects14.Red State15.The Host16.Zombieland17.The Ring

18.The Sixth Sense19.Insidious 20.The Texas Chainsaw Massacre21.Drag Me To Hell22.Trick r Treat23.The Cabin in the Woods24.Pandorum25.Dawn of the Dead26.The Orphanage27.The Blair Witch project28.The Faculty29.Saw30.REC



33.The Crazies

34.Hostel Part Two


Edited by ThatMovieGuy
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thanks for all of your lists guys. I will comment on them later on today. the funny thing about the Devils Rejects is it is a hard film to get through. But it is an amazing film imo.

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This thread should be closed because none of you listed one of the most intense horror films ever made... High Tension. A French film by Alexander Aja originally titled Haute Tension.. The title of the film says it all. The tension is at an all time high throughout the film. The ending is not perfect and divides people, but there is no denying the first 40 minutes of this film will have your knuckles completely white.Also, 28 Days and Weeks Later are sorely missing from most people's list. Those gave us a fresh take on the zombie genre and they did it with excellent craft.

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This thread should be closed because none of you listed one of the most intense horror films ever made... High Tension. A French film by Alexander Aja originally titled Haute Tension.. The title of the film says it all. The tension is at an all time high throughout the film. The ending is not perfect and divides people, but there is no denying the first 40 minutes of this film will have your knuckles completely white.Also, 28 Days and Weeks Later are sorely missing from most people's list. Those gave us a fresh take on the zombie genre and they did it with excellent craft.

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That's your review? Wow. Incredible baumer. Very beautifully written and it truly captures the essence of the movie. Awesome write up man.

Thanks so much. Nice of you to say.
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In no particular order because I'm such a horror freak, I simply cannot rank them.. I'd have to have these in my list of top 10 horror films of the last 15 years

The Others – this is a tense horror film that takes you back to the horror of old school. Where the scares aren’t in your face but the tone and atmosphere build up to the point where you are waiting for something to scare the shit out of you. The tension and story are superb along with some damn fine acting on Kidman’s part. The kid’s in this one also deliver in very creepy fashion.

High Tension – As I said in my post before, the first 40 minutes of this film will have your knuckles white. There is no holding back with this one. Director Alexander Aja brings the tension in full terror mode from the moment you see that truck pull up to the house in the middle of nowhere. From there, this movie will have you gripping your sofa. Might be my favorite.. maybe...

The Descent – A bit overrated by a lot IMO, but still a solid horror film nonetheless. Delivers on the scares and the tension being built up by not being able to see what’s going on in the cave just the way the poor women in this film really make this a nightmare.

Strangers – Piss all over me if you want for this inclusion, but seeing this in theatres in 2008 really worked me up into a scare. I went home that night with my gf and found myself checking all the corners of the house and making sure everything was locked. Again, I’m a sucker for tension and this movie was intense. I could not, for the life of me, imagine having to live through this ordeal. People tend to laugh at this movie and I still don’t quite get why. It’s terrifying IMO.

28 Days Later – Danny Boyle himself, dipped into the horror genre and I can’t thank him enough. He brought some serious craft and direction to this zombie movie with a fresh take on the cliché genre. Excellent action and watching those fuckers RUN, not walk, for the first time on screen gave me the chills.

28 Weeks Later – Not nearly as strong as the original, but an incredible follow up, either way. The opening 10 minutes or so of this movie are enough to make me sit through the rest. Those are some of the most intense 10 minutes ever put to film. Damn that was fun.

The Devil's Rejects – Zombie directs here and I must say I have a love hate relationship with this guy because he gave us solid throwback horror like 1000 Corpses and this gem here, but then fucked my childhood obsession, Halloween, to hell. Barring what he did to my beloved classic, this movie kicks ass in every way. He brings back the retro 70’s horror that I fell in love with the moment I saw Halloween and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. He definitely shows his love for the classic 70’s horror here and pulls it off very well. Kudos to making me feel like I was watching a grindhouse movie.

The Orphanage – Very underappreciated Spanish horror flick here with a lot of spooks and great storyline. I think this film is very much like The Others, so if you like that one, this one will be a fun ride as well.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre – say what you will about remakes, but this one somehow, some way managed to not disappoint which I was ready for it to do in every way imaginable. When you try to remake a classic movie like TCM that is pretty much the holy grail for horror buffs, you’re walking on eggshells. They gave us a fresh new look that lost some of the grittiness of the original, but the pull no punches, in your face horror they brought was terrifying in every way. People who say this was nothing close to the original are kidding themselves because of their bias love for the classic. I’m not saying this is better or even as good, but this one awesome.

Paranormal Activity – What can I say about this one. My first time discovering this was online and that whole “Demand it Now” campaign. Well I did and showed up to a limited engagement midnight screening. The house was packed, no one in the audience really knew what to expect because this was before it became a sensation (at least a whole month before it took off on a nationwide scale) and boy was it incredible. I wanted to cry with joy when it was over because this movie relied solely on tension, story and the build up. It left you squirming in your seat waiting for something to happen through the use of slow build up. When those night scenes came up, the entire theatre got deadly silent and you could feel the tension. This is horror at its finest. May not be the best on my list here, but I remember it fondly.

Edited by Letsuseournoggin
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I love your choices Noggin....except for Strangers. I hated that film. Here's why:http://www.imdb.com/...ews?filter=hate :)

You weren't kidding when you say you hated Strangers :lol:Hey I completely respect your opinion, but I guess I was able to suspend disbelief while watching it in theatres. I think the slow build up and tense atmosphere did it for me and I always question how people would react in the most extreme situations. A lot of people fall apart when put through tests like these and I think they delivered it in a manner that allowed me to go with it for an hour and a half. But damn it, now I'm going to notice all the shit you pointed out next time I watch this and probably hate it. <_<
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I like your list baumer, but I am not that high on the PA series. The first one didn't make me want to see the 2nd and so far I still haven't. Maybe that can change things for me. And while I wanted to like the Fourth Kind, I really didn't enjoy it.I would probably replace those with the 28 Days and Weeks movies. I could fiddle with the order, but overall, you have a very solid list :)

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I Guess Horror, Gore, and zombie films will be Included?1. Battle Royale: Excellent film, I guess I never thought of it as a horror film, but you are right, it is2.Let The Right one In: I enjoyed both films, but the original is better imo3.Shaun of the Dead: Good film, but more comedic to me4.House of 1000 Corpses: Loved this one as well5.Audition: I didn't like it all that much. I'm not sure why. It was horrific and violent but something just didn't jive with me6.Red State: I think we're really toeing the line here if we call this horror. A great film for sure, but horror?7.The Devil's Rejects: Made my list too8.The Descent: Second tier for me9.The Ring: Made my list10.The Host: Didn't like this one at all. The terrible acting and stupid plot points ruined it for me11.Saw: Great film12.28 Days Later: Enjoyed this one13.The Cabin in the Woods: Innovative for sure14.Dawn of the Dead: Would make my top 20.15.Anti-Christ: Can't find it here 16.Bubba Ho-Tep: Want to see it17.The Orphanage: Yes, great film, very spooky18.Zombieland: Yes, great film, but more comedic19.Halloween: Hated it20.The Texas Chainsaw Massacre21.REC: Made my list22.Hostel Part Two: Not quite as good as the first23.Pandorum: strange but enjoyable 24.The Faculty: Really? Good but a bit prosaic imo.25.The Crazies: Made me list26.The Blair Witch project: Made my list27.Insidious / Daybreakers (Tie) Good/not so good28.The Sixth Sense: Terrifying29.Drag Me To Hell: Fine film, but not close to top 2030.Trick r Treat: I think I'm teh only horror lover who didn't like this film

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You weren't kidding when you say you hated Strangers :lol:Hey I completely respect your opinion, but I guess I was able to suspend disbelief while watching it in theatres. I think the slow build up and tense atmosphere did it for me and I always question how people would react in the most extreme situations. A lot of people fall apart when put through tests like these and I think they delivered it in a manner that allowed me to go with it for an hour and a half. But damn it, now I'm going to notice all the shit you pointed out next time I watch this and probably hate it. <_<

I think horror is so subjective, maybe moreso than any other genre except comedy. If the Strangers got to you, then it did it's job. I hate it, yet I love most of the Friday the 13ths. They have the dumbest characters in the history of film. :)
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I like your list baumer, but I am not that high on the PA series. The first one didn't make me want to see the 2nd and so far I still haven't. Maybe that can change things for me. And while I wanted to like the Fourth Kind, I really didn't enjoy it.I would probably replace those with the 28 Days and Weeks movies. I could fiddle with the order, but overall, you have a very solid list :)

I don't think anyone likes the Fourth Kind. It scared the freakin shit out of me....go figure
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In no particular order because I'm such a horror freak, I simply cannot rank them.. I'd have to have these in my list of top 10 horror films of the last 15 years

The Others – this is a tense horror film that takes you back to the horror of old school. Where the scares aren’t in your face but the tone and atmosphere build up to the point where you are waiting for something to scare the shit out of you. The tension and story are superb along with some damn fine acting on Kidman’s part. The kid’s in this one also deliver in very creepy fashion.

High Tension – As I said in my post before, the first 40 minutes of this film will have your knuckles white. There is no holding back with this one. Director Alexander Aja brings the tension in full terror mode from the moment you see that truck pull up to the house in the middle of nowhere. From there, this movie will have you gripping your sofa. Might be my favorite.. maybe...

The Descent – A bit overrated by a lot IMO, but still a solid horror film nonetheless. Delivers on the scares and the tension being built up by not being able to see what’s going on in the cave just the way the poor women in this film really make this a nightmare.

Strangers – Piss all over me if you want for this inclusion, but seeing this in theatres in 2008 really worked me up into a scare. I went home that night with my gf and found myself checking all the corners of the house and making sure everything was locked. Again, I’m a sucker for tension and this movie was intense. I could not, for the life of me, imagine having to live through this ordeal. People tend to laugh at this movie and I still don’t quite get why. It’s terrifying IMO.

28 Days Later – Danny Boyle himself, dipped into the horror genre and I can’t thank him enough. He brought some serious craft and direction to this zombie movie with a fresh take on the cliché genre. Excellent action and watching those fuckers RUN, not walk, for the first time on screen gave me the chills.

28 Weeks Later – Not nearly as strong as the original, but an incredible follow up, either way. The opening 10 minutes or so of this movie are enough to make me sit through the rest. Those are some of the most intense 10 minutes ever put to film. Damn that was fun.

The Devil's Rejects – Zombie directs here and I must say I have a love hate relationship with this guy because he gave us solid throwback horror like 1000 Corpses and this gem here, but then fucked my childhood obsession, Halloween, to hell. Barring what he did to my beloved classic, this movie kicks ass in every way. He brings back the retro 70’s horror that I fell in love with the moment I saw Halloween and The Texas Chainsaw Massacre. He definitely shows his love for the classic 70’s horror here and pulls it off very well. Kudos to making me feel like I was watching a grindhouse movie.

The Orphanage – Very underappreciated Spanish horror flick here with a lot of spooks and great storyline. I think this film is very much like The Others, so if you like that one, this one will be a fun ride as well.

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre – say what you will about remakes, but this one somehow, some way managed to not disappoint which I was ready for it to do in every way imaginable. When you try to remake a classic movie like TCM that is pretty much the holy grail for horror buffs, you’re walking on eggshells. They gave us a fresh new look that lost some of the grittiness of the original, but the pull no punches, in your face horror they brought was terrifying in every way. People who say this was nothing close to the original are kidding themselves because of their bias love for the classic. I’m not saying this is better or even as good, but this one awesome.

Paranormal Activity – What can I say about this one. My first time discovering this was online and that whole “Demand it Now” campaign. Well I did and showed up to a limited engagement midnight screening. The house was packed, no one in the audience really knew what to expect because this was before it became a sensation (at least a whole month before it took off on a nationwide scale) and boy was it incredible. I wanted to cry with joy when it was over because this movie relied solely on tension, story and the build up. It left you squirming in your seat waiting for something to happen through the use of slow build up. When those night scenes came up, the entire theatre got deadly silent and you could feel the tension. This is horror at its finest. May not be the best on my list here, but I remember it fondly.

Oh my god I forgot probably the best horror movie of the last 10 years. So ashamed.

Let the Right One In/Let me In - take your pick. They are both a breath of fresh cinematic air. These aren't just great horror movies. These are straight up incredible films. They really embody awesome movies with great acting, great drama, great stories and chilling atmostpheres. Beautiful films.

Edited by Letsuseournoggin
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I don't think anyone likes the Fourth Kind. It scared the freakin shit out of me....go figure

I liked the idea behind it and thought it could be good, but yeah, it just didn't work for me I guess.As for the PA series, I want to like it. I like the idea behind it since i like suspense. Maybe one day I will give the others a chance, but the first one took me out of the movie too much so it took away almost all the tension for me.
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