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China Box Office Thread | Deadpool & Wolverine- July 26

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If it really does 30M+ OD than TA2 would be at or near 200M by Sunday. At that point I would think it 350M is the low end with a shot at 400M. 

FF7 made 30m its first Monday the day after its 64m opener. It was at 251m on sunday after a remarkable 89m weekend.

How can TA2 make 200m, 13m more, mon-sun with less screens.


The way I look at it FF7 has the "extra" weekend day advantage in the run by starting on sunday. they have the same amount of weekends going forward and I assume Ta2 will lose screens as fast along the way. It would have to pick up some serious ground in week 2 with 50% or better holds


Edit: with tues opener I doubt it can get anywhere near 200m by sunday

Edited by M F Lawrence
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    TA2               FF7      
Day Yuan % +/- Last Week Total $ Tot   Yuan % +/- Last Week TF4 vs FF7 Total $ Tot % Cume
Sat             51 - MN          
Sun             347       398 64  
Mon             185 -46.7%   #DIV/0! 583 94  
Tues 200     200 33   167 -9.7%   -16.5% 750 121 269.0%
Wed 160 -20.0%   360 59   137 -18.0%   -14.4% 887 143 142.4%
Thur 130 -18.8%   490 80   115 -16.1%   -11.5% 1002 162 101.2%
Fri 142 9.2%   632 104   142 23.8%   0.3% 1144 185 78.2%
Sat 226 59.2%   858 141   226 59.0%   0.2% 1371 221 57.2%
Sun 185 -18.1%   1043 171   185 -18.1% -46.6% 0.2% 1556 251 46.8%
Mon 95 -57.96%   1138 187   73 -60.6% -60.5% -23.2% 1629 263 40.9%
Tue 90 -5.26% -55.0% 1228 201   64 -11.8% -61.4% -28.4% 1694 273 35.7%
Wed 75 -16.67% -53.1% 1303 214   52 -18.6% -61.8% -30.1% 1746 282 31.8%
Thu 60 -20.00% -53.8% 1363 223   45 -14.1% -60.9% -25.0% 1791 289 29.3%
Fri 71 18.33% -50.0% 1434 235   59 31.1% -58.6% -16.9% 1850 298 26.9%
Sat 113 59.15% -50.0% 1547 254   92 55.1% -59.6% -19.0% 1942 313 23.5%
Sun 92 -18.58% -50.3% 1639 269   69 -24.6% -62.8% -25.0% 2011 324 20.7%
Mon 47 -48.91% -50.5% 1686 276   26 -62.3% -64.4% -44.7% 2037 328 18.8%
Tue 45 -4.26% -50.0% 1731 284   26 0.0% -59.6% -42.2% 2063 333 17.2%
Wed 38 -15.56% -49.3% 1769 290   24 -8.8% -54.8% -37.6% 2086 336 16.0%
Thu 30 -21.05% -50.0% 1799 295   31 32.5% -30.2% 4.7% 2118 342 15.8%
Fri 35 16.67% -50.7% 1834 301   67 114.6% 14.2% 92.6% 2185 352 17.2%
Sat 56 60.00% -50.4% 1890 310   66 -2.1% -27.9% 17.9% 2251 363 17.2%
Sun 46 -17.86% -50.0% 1936 317   39 -40.9% -43.5% -15.2% 2290 369 16.4%
Mon 23 -50.00% -51.1% 1959 321                
Tue 22 -4.35% -51.1% 1981 325                
Wed 20 -9.09% -47.4% 2001 328                




Here you go. If it could replicate FF7s tues-sun then it would have to hold 50% week over week which TF4 was able to do much of its run just to barely beat TF4. It would have to hold 40-45% to get close to to FF7 which consistently fell 60% until the holiday week hit.

Edited by M F Lawrence
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Monday(5/4/2015) estimates
#/Title: Daily(yuan)~Total(yuan)~Total($)
1.Silent Separation: 16.1M~250M ~$40.3M
2. Furious 7: 15.1M~2315M~$372.9M #1 all time grosser
3.Helios: 12.5M~141M~$22.7M
4.The Left Ear: 10.3M~410M~$66M
5.Home: 2M~ 134M~$21.6M
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Yeah but FF7 did Mon, Tues and nearly wed after its huge opener.

TA2 opens on Tuesday, not Monday.

TA2 OD could match FF7's first Monday or Tuesday, but not locked.

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I wouldn't take this as a good news if I were you, more like another over-estimation.

AOU would be lucky to get anywhere close to 300m let alone surpassing it. The movie has no appeal to the older generation unlike FF7.

Yeah and Transformers had? Sorry but avengers 2 appeals to a much larger audience than FF7 even if not a very varied audience. Its much more of what the Chinese like and they have loved most Marvel movies. There was a reason we were already expecting this to gross between 200-250m when we were expecting something close to 150m for FF7. Maybe this is a little over-estimation but its definitely gonna come close to this.

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    TF4               FF7      
Day Yuan % +/- Last Week Total $ Tot   Yuan % +/- Last Week TF4 vs FF7 Total $ Tot % Cume
Fri 195     195 32                
Sat 223 14.4%   418 69   51 - MN          
Sun 213 -4.6%   631 103   347     63.1% 398 64 -37.9%
Mon 123 -42.1%   754 124   185 -46.7%   50.3% 583 94 -23.9%
Tues 112 -8.9%   866 142   167 -9.7%   48.8% 750 121 -14.8%
Wed 95 -15.7%   961 157   137 -18.0%   44.8% 887 143 -9.2%
Thur 84 -11.0%   1045 171   115 -16.1%   36.6% 1002 162 -5.6%
Fri 87 3.4% -55.3% 1132 186   142 23.8%   63.5% 1144 185 -0.5%
Sat 130 48.8% -41.9% 1262 207   226 59.0%   74.7% 1371 221 6.9%
Sun 118 -9.0% -44.6% 1379 226   185 -18.1% -46.6% 57.3% 1556 251 11.0%
Mon 54 -58.33% -56.1% 1433 235   73 -60.6% -60.5% 35.2% 1629 263 11.8%
Tue 53 -1.85% -52.8% 1486 244   64 -11.8% -61.4% 21.5% 1694 273 12.1%
Wed 43 -18.87% -54.5% 1529 251   52 -18.6% -61.8% 21.9% 1746 282 12.3%
Thu 39 -9.30% -53.7% 1568 257   45 -14.1% -60.9% 15.4% 1791 289 12.4%
Fri 42 7.69% -51.8% 1610 264   59 31.1% -58.6% 40.5% 1850 298 13.0%
Sat 62 47.62% -52.2% 1672 274   92 55.1% -59.6% 47.6% 1942 313 14.2%
Sun 58 -6.45% -50.8% 1730 284   69 -24.6% -62.8% 19.0% 2011 324 14.3%
Mon 26 -55.17% -51.9% 1756 288   26 -62.3% -64.4% 0.0% 2037 328 14.1%
Tue 28 7.69% -47.2% 1784 293   26 0.0% -59.6% -7.1% 2063 333 13.7%
Wed 23 -17.86% -46.5% 1807 296   24 -8.8% -54.8% 3.0% 2086 336 13.6%
Thu 18 -21.74% -53.8% 1825 299   31 32.5% -30.2% 74.4% 2118 342 14.1%
Fri 16.7 -7.22% -60.2% 1842 302   67 114.6% 14.2% 303.6% 2185 352 16.7%
Sat 15.5 -7.19% -75.0% 1858 305   66 -2.1% -27.9% 325.8% 2251 363 19.2%
Sun 25.3 63.23% -56.4% 1883 309   39 -40.9% -43.5% 54.2% 2290 369 19.7%
Mon 12 -52.57% -53.8% 1895 311   15 -61.3% -41.9% 25.8% 2305 372 19.7%
Tue 13 8.33% -53.6% 1908 313 p 15 -0.7% -42.3% 15.4% 2320 374 19.6%
Wed 11 -15.38% -52.2% 1919 315 p 15 0.0% -36.7% 36.4% 2335 377 19.7%
Thu 6       316 p 15 0.0% -52.2% 150.0% 2350 379 20.0%
Fri 6       317 p 19 26.7% -71.8% 216.7% 2369 382 20.5%
Sat 6       318 p 30 57.9% -54.5% 400.0% 2399 387 21.7%
Sun 6       319 p 23 -23.3% -41.0% 283.3% 2422 391 22.5%
Mon 6       319 p 15 -34.8% -0.7% 150.0% 2437 393 23.2%

Now that I look at it. Normally the last week drops off 70-90%.

42% drop for Monday is remarkable considering it follows a 3 day holiday and big hold. Shows there are a lot still out there that want to see it. If the week continues to hold strong and the weekend plays out like weekend 2 and 3 percentage wise, it looks like yhis.


Any new openers this weekend? I wonder how many screens it could keep, It could get interesting if tuesday surprises us.  >15

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