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A Marvel Fanboy

China Box Office Thread | Deadpool & Wolverine- July 26

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This just make me mad and sad at the same time.


The film could be so much better without all the shameless product placements, unnecessary scenes that serve no purposes apart from showing off some random Chinese actors and without that Bing Bing girl who added nothing to the plot the movie would've been 20 mins shorter. They screwed up the movie to suck up to Chinese market and now you' tell me that people in China don't even like it???


Paramount decided to sacrifice global markets to please one but in the end they seem to please no one.

I think TF4 would be doing more or less the same numbers if there were not those Chinese elements. The current Chinese elements in TF4 are not well received (at least on social media). People think they are unnatural and obstruct the film.


People go to see it because it's Transformers, not one or two Chinese roles or locations.


For smaller Hollywood movies like X-MEN, adding Fan Bing Bing helps a lot. Because of FBB, many extra audience gets to know the movie is coming.


The only major benefit TF4 gets from coproducing with Chinese partners probably is the great release date.


Chinese local brands would still flock to Paramoun/Hasbro to do product placements even without China Movie Channel.

Edited by firedeep
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OW should be at or slightly over $95m


To put it into perspective:


After 2 days, TF4 surpasses EoT total

After 3 days, TF4 surpasses Godzilla/ASM2 total

After 5 days, TF4 surpasses CA2/DOFP total and becomes # foreign film 2014

After 9 days, TF4 becomes #  film 2014

After 10 days, TF4 surpasses TF3 total

After 15 days, TF4 should surpass Avatar total for all time #1


It will break every single record that occurs during the first three weeks of film release in China.


Are you sure you want it to hit $250M?  [READ BELOW]!!!




If TF4 breaks $250M in China, I will put up firedeep's topless picture here. :wub:

Edited by A K A
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Lol, TF4's gross is just from another stratosphere.  


It's one of the rare juggernaut in China, like Avatar and maybe the Avengers serie if TA2 took off the same way to a lesser extent of course.

Im still gasping at the 60-70M made in 2 days in China-WTF!!!



COngrats Optimus and  M. Bay...DAmn!

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Saturday number in China looks to have beaten the domestic number. This gives it a strong shot to beat domestic OW, mighty impressive. 

Most Impressive Dru.... This thing could beat Avatar as the number 1 film of all time

in 2 weeks.. Holy shit.. China loves Optimus and Grimlock!! --


 Cant wait to take back what is  ours when Juggernaut 2016 comes in.  Hold onto the record

for Now Prime keep the benchmark warm for us...:)

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TA2 will be released on May 1st 2014 in US. It almost has zero chance to get a day and date China release. The max target for TA2 is around $200m (1.24B RMB). It may not even match TF3 (1.1B) if it gets a bad release date or has quality problem or anything.


TF4 should reach $250m with this opening. Cant see how TA2 matches TF4.


In fact, three years has passed since TF3 (2011), still no foreign/Hollywood film comes close to TF3 total except James Cameron and Transformers itself.


Despite 3~4 movies per year, better leave Marvel to Phase 4 (post-2020) to have a run with Transformers films in China.

Avatar 2 is coming fire :D

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No matter how Avatar's record which is 10 consecutive weeks NO 1 @ China Box Office will remain!  ;)

Thank god AKA friend.... Feels like a crying moment to have Optimus beat

the greatest movie experience I have ever had... Good to see there are records 

that Avatar 1 will hold nto... Avatar 2 is going to go for 350-400+M in China.. Just wait and see :)

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I see TF fans talking of preferring a director than Bay. Saturday appears to be just 210m yuan $33.5m. Everything back to normal ...

32M is normal?You do realize its a new record...
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You know box office record is the least precious thing in China box office ... A 580m RMB $93m OW is on par with most pre-release expectations/predictions.

Right. That's what the headlines will be tomorrow. "As expected, 93M from China"......
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You know box office record is the least precious thing in China box office ...


A 580m RMB $93m OW is on par with most pre-release expectations/predictions.



Desipte all those IMAX shows, average ticket price was just a bit over 42 yuan .... 


Early WOM is not encouraging. People are saying it will only get 9x multiplier from OD or so. (FI, 150m OD means just 13.5m total, falling short of Avatar in this case.)


Not really.  Take you as an example, you never expect it will do well in China based on what you said on Friday, don't you?   :rolleyes:

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