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China Box Office Thread | Deadpool & Wolverine- July 26

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With that OD number, $25-30M 4-day OW and $70-80M total is in play.

Really?? I'd be so happy if it could make $80m. :lol:

Funny, the Hiccup-Toothless dynamic was the strongest point of HTTYD2 for me. The strong connection and friendship between them allowing toothless to overcome the control of the Omega proves that I think. Animated films are tricky to predict in China so anything over $40 million is pretty sweet in my opinion.

That's how I see it too and that's why I found that part of the movie pretty touching. For me the first movie showed HOW their relationship had started and HTTYD2 proved to us how strong it was.

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Funny, the Hiccup-Toothless dynamic was the strongest point of HTTYD2 for me. The strong connection and friendship between them allowing toothless to overcome the control of the Omega proves that I think. Animated films are tricky to predict in China so anything over $40 million is pretty sweet in my opinion.

It WAS the strongest point. Just like what we got of Woody/Buzz together (particularly the scene in Al's office where Buzz is trying to get Woody to come back home) was some of the strongest stuff in TS2.I just wonder if the film would have done BETTER if it had been MORE about Hiccup and Toothless. The family stuff was great, but my audiences were often dead silent during that stuff. The serious dragon-war stuff seems to have been a bit too intense for some kids - and even I detect a bit of muddle in that stuff. (It could have been a turn-off in the domestic market, where comedy and "heart" drive animated successes, and action-centric ones have a history of underperformance unless they deliver something more.)And THAT SCENE would have probably benefited from a clearer reconciliation denouement between Hiccup and Toothless at the end.

Hiccup yells at Toothless out of grief and anger, his mom says "It wasn't his fault", and Hiccup repeats it once when he's trying to bring Toothless back. And only in a general sense - not specifically "You didn't kill Dad. You wouldn't do that, Drago made you do it."

Something has hampered its performances overseas. Even with the World Cup sucking off Latin American sales, even with TF4 and Apes kneecapping it, no matter when/how well it has opened, no matter what's against it in weekend two (sometimes NOTHING), in almost every market it dropped O/U 50% from OW. Something is common - not sure if it's mixed WOM from people who saw it, or kids not wanting to see it a second time. It's confusing to me. One of the biggest HTTYD Tumblr fangirls was visiting relatives in Spain and saw it on its opening week, it was full of kids, they cried, her...cousin's?...son cried the worst his mom had seen him do at a movie, but after it was over he was talking about how he couldn't wait to see HTTYD3. But I wonder if that kid, or other kids like him, were actually eager to see it again so soon after. In Spain, it dropped 60% - admittedly, against TF4, but it still dropped hard.I enjoyed the movie, make no mistake, but perhaps it needed a bit more story/script polish? I sometimes mull over whether the film would have been stronger if Chris Sanders had co-written and co-directed again, he was just as important to the first film as Dean DeBlois was (and Lilo and Stitch was also a collaborative effort between the two). I WISH he could come back for HTTYD3, but he's doing Croods 2.I hope Dean and Bonnie Arnold and co. learn from whatever contributed to HTTYD2's underperformance, and use that knowledge in the making of HTTYD3. The only thing I somewhat worry about is if Katzenberg or others at DWA will be pushing for the next film to be more juvenile in reaction - sort of like how when George Lucas took a more active role in Return of the Jedi, he watered down the mature stuff that Lawrence Kasdan, Irvin Kershner and Gary Kurtz had brought to The Empire Strikes Back. I know that Katzenberg and Bill Damaschke were two of the biggest supporters of both HTTYD1 and HTTYD2, but I still feel a little nervous is all.That's part of why I wanted a breakout market. Maybe if it breaks out in China, that could provide some reassurance that the direction they're taking will pay off SOMEWHERE?

Edited by TServo2049
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Biggest Animated movie OPENING DAYs

1. Kung Fu Panda II - 67M(OD)  617M(total)

2.Ice Age 4 - 35M  450M

3.Boonie Bears - 32.4M  247M

4.Despicable Me II - 24M  320M

5.Monsters Uni. - 22.8M  210M

6.The Croods - 22M  395M

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Thursday Top 5 est.

1.How to Train Your Dragon 2 32.6M/$5.3M NEW

Posted Image

2.Brick Mansions 6.5M/$1M, Total:165M/$26.6M(14 days)

3.Brotherhoods of Blades 5.5/$0.9M, Total:62.8M/$10.1M(8 days)

4.The White Haired Witch of Lunar Kingdom 4.7M/$0.8M, Total:376M/$60.6M(15 days)

5.The Continent 4.2M/$0.7M, Total:613M/$99M(22 days)

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