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CAYOM Year 6: Part 1

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A couple "fillers"


Title: The Enigma

Genre: Horror

Cast: Unknowns

Rating: PG-13

Running Time: 98mins (1hr, 38mins)

Budget: 15 million

Date: March 11

Theaters: 3,185



In 1962, in an ordinary house in a small town, a father killed his son and daughter, hanging them in the basement. He ties his wife up to their bed upstairs and lets her try to wail as he skins her face, then slits her throat. He then takes his own life with a bullet to the brain. The police found all the bodies three days later, already decaying. The house was taken off the market, and no one thought anyone would ever buy it, so it was set to be demolished, but for whatever reason, it never was.


Instead, the house got repaired. It had been fifty years since the incident, and no one even really remembered it anymore. So after it was fixed up, it was placed back on the market, and a family of four (a dad, his wife, and their two children - boy and girl) moved in. It was ordinary at first, a happy life in the quiet house. The parents had to spend time away from the house, so they hired a babysitter. She would do the laundry and things, but the laundry always had to be done in the backroom, with the door that led down to the basement. She could hear children playing down there sometimes, and she assumed it was the kids she was watching (but in one scene, we see they are actually in the kitchen next to the laundry room, while the sounds of children playing come from the basement). Meanwhile, the kids themselves begin to act like they're playing with someone(s). The babysitter is confused by this, but thinks they're playing with imaginary friends. But they have given their friends names - Molly and Alex.


The parents don't think much of this, although the mom says that every day when the babysitter leaves, she seems all too eager to go, sometimes frantically so. The mom sometimes has to convince her to come back the next day. The dad doesn't know what's up with the babysitter, so he thinks maybe they may need to find another one. But the kids like her too much.


Slowly, strange thinks start happening. The power goes out during the night, and the dad has to go down into the basement to turn the switches back on. The viewer gets the chilling sensation that someone is in there with him, and at one point, it looks like a face pops up in the background. When he turns the switches on, the light in the basement cuts on, and there are two nooses hanging from the ceiling. The dad looks at them, gets close, and is about to touch them, when the lights die, and the power in the house goes out again. He goes to turn it back on, and when the light in the basement comes back on, one of the nooses is shaking, as if someone had brushed by it. The dad goes back upstairs.


In another scene, the babysitter is in the kitchen cooking lunch. She calls for the two children, Sam and Daisy, to come for lunch. Sam and Daisy keep staring at her, then laughing as with someone, and the babysitter goes upstairs to fix their beds. She keeps looking at the door that is locked at the end of the hall (when the family first moved in, they were told it was just an old room that no one used). The babysitter hears a low whispering voice beyond it. She leans against the door to listen to the whispering. She tries the door, but it's locked. The voices stop.


There are several other creepy little scenes like that, but finally something happens that upsets this comfortable balance, and ups the creepiness. The babysitter sends Sam and Daisy outside to play one rainy afternoon. She's watching TV, but the TV switches to cartoons. She doesn't know how it happens, but she switches it back, only once more it goes to the cartoons. She hears laughter...children's laughter, coming from the couch right beside her. She is alone in the room. The power cuts off, and she can see her reflection in the TV. A woman's face appears right behind her...only, the woman doesn't have a face, as it has been cut off. The babysitter looks over her shoulder, and the next thing we see is some force is dragging her down the stairs and into the basement. She screams all the way, and the door slams shut. We can barely see her in the darkness, but we can tell she is being tied to the noose. She fidgets there, then there's a low revving sound and the lights flash back on. In that split instant, we can see the faceless woman brielfy, but the lights cut back off. The babysitter breaks free and runs back upstairs and out the house, screaming at the top of her lungs. A silhoutte stands in the upstairs window to the room that was always locked.


She never comes back, so the mom has to stay home with Sam and Daisy. Things are normal for a while, but little creepy things start picking up again, and she goes to the room upstairs too when she thinks she hears a window break up there. She has a key to the room, and she goes inside. It is very dark, and she has to use a candle to see. The bed is old and mildewy. The room smells awful. The bathroom beyond is dark, and when her candle passes in the mirror and we see her reflection, looking away from it, we momentarily see the faceless woman's reflection pop up as well, but when the mom looks at the mirror, it isn't there. She goes into the bathroom and checks it out, then returns to the bedroom and peers at the window to see if it has been cracked, but it's intact. She leaves the room, but on her way to the door, she spots a small hole in the wall. She goes to it and realizes it looks like a bullet hole...where a bullet went through. She feels it, tracing it with her fingers.


The mom, Abigail, is curious about this and asks her husband Mark about that strange room. He says he doesn't really know much ab out this house's history, but it's been here a long time. He's heard some rumors in town though, that something happened here many years ago, but it never sounded too severe. He brushes it off, thinking the house is perfectly fine, but Abigail begins pouring her time over old books about household murders, learning about a story of a father who, duranged, killed his entire family. She looks through images of the aftermath, the decayed children's bodies in the basement, the faceless mother with her throat slit, and the father with his brains blown out. It looks familiar, the setting, and she thinks it may be the room she had been in. She suddenly feels heavy breathing on her neck, and she looks up startled. The viewer can see a man standing over her shoulder, leaning down to look at what she's looking at. He is breathing hard, because he has a gaping hole where his mouth was. "Mommy," Daisy's voice says, and the man is gone and Abigail looks back to her kid. Abigail asks her what's up, and Daisy asks who the weird woman was at the end of the hall. Abigail looks past her and sees the back of a woman standing in the open doorway to the spooky room at the end of the hall. "HEY! Who are you!?" Abigail shouts, and she says she's going to call the police, but just as she steps into the hall, the door at the end slams shut powerfully. The lights flicker.


Police do come, but they can't find any sign of someone being ther. Abigail is outraged and is convinced she saw someone. She discusses it with Mark as they try to sleep that night. He says he thinks she was probably letting her mind get too caught up in those stories she was reading, but she is mad by this and pleads with him to believe her. Then she says that she thinks the murders took place here, and when she shows him the pictures of the kids hanging in the basement, he tells her that he did remember seeing a couple nooses down there. Abigail says she doesn't like this. She thinks the house may be haunted, and that it may not be safe to stay here. Mark says they can go to a hotel tonight, but when he goes to his door, it is locked and he cannot open it. It's like something's holding it in place from the other side. A child screams, and they recognize it as Daisy. They scream and try tearing down the door to get to her. When they do, they go running downstairs. They find Daisy in the laundry room, but "something" grabs her and yanks her into the basement. The door slams shut. They try prying it open but they cannot. A part of the wall begins to peel away, and writing in what looks like blood spells out, "You can have her back, if you bring me back my kids."


Over the next several scenes, they try to find out what they can do to help this ghost, and to get Daisy back. They know it's not safe to live in the house, but they have to stay there to find the children. They don't want Sam to stay though, but he insists. He knows where Molly and Alex were. At night, he leads them to the tree house out back, but the tree house has a nasty surprise waiting for them. The man with the hole for a mouth grabs Mark and flings him from the treehouse. Apparently, he dies as his body lies mangled on the ground below. They cannot go in the treehouse as it is not safe, so now Sam is crying, saying "he" is torturing Molly and Alex. Abigail runs with Sam back into the house, but when they get inside, the faceless woman is standing in the kitchen. She faces them, and now we see her fully, her face and neck ruined and frightening, decaying and bloody. She lets out a wail, like the one she had when she was dying, and the wail is so terrifying that Abigail runs. They get trapped in the bathroom of the creepy room upstairs as the man with the hole in his mouth tries to get them, but they hide in the bathtub. The water cuts on and a hand comes out of the drain, grabbing Sam to pull him into the drain, squeezing the life out of him. Abigail frees her son and they bolt from the room.


They go down to the basement to find the two ghost children. They finally find Molly and Alex after a scary few scenes, with a number of jumps, and the dead father is preparing to hang them again. Abigail distracts him, but he goes for Sam instead, tying Sam to the noose. Abigail can hear Daisy's voice beyond the walls, calling to her. She tries to save her son from dying, but the ghost is holding him, killing him. Then, the faceless woman shows up, and she saves Sam by prying her husband's hands away. She is there to take him back to Hell, or something, as she wails her terrible wail, even frightening him, and Abigail holds Sam and covers her own ears to sound out the wail. The lights keep flickering, and finally when they cut back on, the ghosts are gone, and they find Daisy lying on the ground, unconscious. Abigail takes her two children upstairs and out of the house. The police and an ambulance come. Mark is taken in the ambulance. He is in critical condition. They go to the hospital, and Abigail promises her kids that everything was going to be alright now.


The last scene shows Abigail waiting in the waiting room. Sam is sleeping, but Daisy wakes up. Abigail brushes her hair and tells her that she was beautiful, calling her Daisy. Daisy says her name is Molly.



Title: Senior Citizens

Genre: Comedy/Drama

Cast: Teens

Rating: R

Running Time: 101mins (1hr, 41mins)

Budget: $25 million

Date: March 25

Theaters: 2,827

PLOT: In waht would appear to be a raunchy high school comedy, a couple teens are planning a spring break trip to Florida. They hope to get the attention of some of the hotter girls at the school. But the trip doesn't go exactly as planned. In fact, it turns out that, although fun at times, it brings out the worst in them, as their friendship becomes jeopardized over their old girlfriends, when they learn that one of them slept with the other's girlfriend. They begin hating each other, and one of them is left out of the partying, but a girl who likes him tries to talk to him about it. In many ways, it also explores the transformation of a high school teenager, as the teens realize that graduation is coming soon, and they'll have to go on their own ways, as the friends are going to different schools. But he and the girl are planning on attending the same university, and their paths may cross again. She kisses him, and he reveals he is still a virgin. The comedy explores realistically the feelings of being a high school senior, dealing with popularity, sex, drugs, and the complications of work and friendship. The friends evaluate where they stand and realize they probably can't really be close that much more anyways, as they'll be leaving for different schools soon, but they patch things up, although we can tell they'll never quite be best friends again. They're going to go on their separate ways, but they'll stick it out together until then. The film isn't completely dramatic though, as there are many comedic instances, and overall it is fun and surprisingly down-to-earth, not a typical raunchfest. The movie ends on a high note for the main character, as he and his new girlfriend prepare to go to college together.

Edited by The Creator
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Minotaur 3D


Date- February 26

Genre- Creature Horror

Rating- R

Theaters- 2,128 theaters

Budget- 8 million

Running Time- 97 minutes or 1 hour and 37 minutes

Studio- Number 2 Productions

Director- Vincenzo Natali

Plot: In the Iron Age a shadow loomed over a lonely village of Thens. For every three years, eight village youths are stolen from their families to the capital of the Minos Empire and placed in the underground labyrinth to be a sacrifice to the Minotaur, the Minoan god. Theo, haunted by the loss of his love, Fion, in an earlier sacrifice, is convinced that the beast is not a deity and that his love still lives within the labyrinth. His father Cyrnan, the village leader, tries to reason with Theo not to go but Theo is driven by blind rage and made his way in with seven other youths to be sacrificial lambs. However, Theo intends to kill the Minotaur. Along with his fellow captives, Tyro, Danu, Vena, Morna, Didi, Ziko and Cyrnan, they are placed in the labyrinth by King Deucalion, with the youths slaughtered one by one by the Minotaur. However, Theo is aided by Deucalion's voluptuous sister, Queen Raphaella, who reveals that her mother gave herself to the most disturbing actions to create a living god, the Minotaur. As the Minotaur grows,so does its appetite when it murdered Deucalion's brother, resulting with the human sacrifices to appease the Minotaur while ensuring Minos's survival. Theo, along the way, discovers the labyrinth is connected to an underground vent and Tyro tempts theMinotaur to crash into one of the vents, but is unsuccessful, as the Minotaur eats him alive. Theo then tempts the Minotaur and in the process, the Minotaur breaks his left horn, but continues to charge after Theo. As Theo runs back towards the enlarged vent, he scratches the walls and generates a spark that ignites the whole labyrinth, and dives into a pond of water whereRaphaella was waiting for him. They emerge from the water as the flames die out, but the beast is still alive and attempts to charge at them again. Theo takes the horn out of the rubble from where the vent was, and just as the beast attempts to kill him, stabs the Minotaur through the mouth and continues on charging until it hits a collapsed rock formation which impales the horn

through the Minotaur's head and finally kills it. Once out, they find Deucalion near death from the explosions decimating the palace as Raphaella smothers him to death, ending the cycle of fantaism and starting a new age.

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The Archivist


Genre: Mystery/Drama/Thriller/Sci-Fi/Action

Theaters: 2,705

Date: April 8th

Director: Tony Gilroy

Cast: Jim Strugess (Oliver Adamson), Carey Mulligan (Anne Lichard), Ted Levine (Rep. Peter Johnson)

Runtime: 124min (2hr, 4min)

Budget: $55 million

Rating: PG-13 for intense sequences of action, language, and some disturbing images


Plot: A young archivist must engage in a battle of wits with an unknown stranger to prevent a national catastrophe. 


In the near future, information has become increasingly valuable. The populace has become much more knowledgeable over the years, and many crises that are found in current times, such as climate change and economic woes, have all been worked out. This is helped by the spread of a gene called Optim, which allows those who have it to become more adept at understanding their world and retaining knowledge. However, with a stronger age of information than ever before, information can be deadly, and many people, especially criminals, will do anything to get their hands on top secret information. In effect, the world has become a safer and yet more dangerous place at the same time. 


Oliver Adamson is a young virtual database manager at the now high tech National Archives. This agency has required much more employment over the decade with the world's new emphasis on knowledge and information, and the National Archives was a place of information storage. Oliver's advanced computer skills and ability to memorize many things make him one of the most valuable workers in the facility. Everyone who works at the archives respects him greatly. Oliver works with a young but equally capable woman named Anne Lichard. The job is the same as usual, with the facility receiving many files and works each hour. It's a hard job for all of them, but it is very much important in today's society.


However, one day, Oliver receives an email sent by an unknown sender. This mysterious person has sought out Oliver for the reason that he wishes to play a game of wits with the young man. Oliver finds this strange, considering how he has not been a figure presented in any major news. Why would anyone go after him, and why would he challenge him to a battle of wits? The man goes on to say that he knows that Oliver is especially intelligent, and only he would be able to truly provide a formidable challenge for him. The rules are simple: Oliver must face the many puzzles and challenges provided by the man, and if he loses, or tells anyone about the game, then he will set off a powerful bomb, based somewhere underneath the capitol city, that will kill everyone in the capitol, including the president. Oliver realizes that he has no choice but to play this game.


First, he must crack a code which gives a special location, and he must travel there by the end of the next day. Oliver soon finds out that this place is an abandoned mall on the outskirts of Washington DC. He starts his car to travel there, but he soon finds that he is being chased by police drones. The man must have secretly hacked into the drones recently, interfering with their memory and convincing them that Oliver was a man charged with murder. Oliver is able to escape, but just barely. He arrives in the mall, and it is, as expected, completely empty. He suddenly hears a phone call coming from one of the stores, so he goes to pick up the phone. It is the man again, and he has another game for him to play.


Oliver realizes that he must continue to play with the clues of this mysterious man, and he becomes increasingly distant from Anne Lichard. She becomes very concerned for him, wondering if he is caught up with something else. She has no knowledge of the game that Oliver is playing. Oliver eventually beats many of the riddles, which involve much action and thinking, and he is eventually brought to the last puzzle. The man admits (perhaps sarcastically) that he was going to miss him, and that they game they were playing has proven to be quite fun. As for the last task, it doesn't even involve solving a riddle, but rather a test of humanity. Oliver's last task is to kill Anne Lichard. If he does not do in 48 hours, boom goes the capital.


Suddenly, Oliver becomes horrified. Will he choose to let hundreds of thousands of people die, including several prominent political figures, just to save the woman he loves? Oliver decides that he will not choose, and he must find the man himself. After doing much investigation, with the help of the archives and advanced data tracking from the times where he contacted him, he is able to find a man who does not live far from the capital city, the one who wanted to play this game. On the last day of the games, the president is presenting a major address to the public on this day, and the bomb will go off with over a million people in range. Stopping this man is a huge priority.


Oliver grabs a gun and drives to a house in a nearby neighborhood, where he is greeted by a man named Peter Johnson. Oliver notices that he is a representative in the House of Representatives. Oliver asks to look around his house, and Peter, who recognizes him as well, heartedly allows him to do so. When Oliver goes down into the basement of the house, Peter grabs a baseball bat. Oliver investigates the basement, with much writings on the wall and PDAs full of information, and he is soon stuck from behind.


Oliver, now tied to a pipe on the wall by handcuffs, is greeted by Peter. He was certainly the man who presented the mysteries. He was motivated by his disapproval of current politics, and how the nation needs to be completely reset, and this was the path to salvation. Peter, however, admits that he is impressed by his ability to find him. Meanwhile, Anne is investigating files left by Oliver, and he discovers a letter left by the mysterious man. She now knows about the game he was forced to play, and she alerts Federal Security to stop the event and order everyone to leave the city. However, it is too late. The event has already started, and it would be too late to get everyone out before the bomb is set off in two hours. 


Peter, impressed by Oliver's ability to find him, gives him a special devices, with one code on it, as well as a special device for entering letters to create a code. However, Peter says that there are two codes, one that will destroy the city, and one to set off of the bomb. Peter leaves him to take drive away from the radius of the bomb, while he leaves Oliver to solve this riddle. The code on the paper is MORTQIUSUNASATE. That couldn't be the code, as it would be too obvious. In the nick of time, as the president is giving his speech, and Anne looks from the crowd in horror. Oliver soon realizes that the code is a word scramble: REMAIN STATUS QUO. He enters the code, and the bomb is deactivated. By this time, Anne is able to alert the intelligence community, even though the  city is already saved.


Johnson receives a life sentence for attempted mass murder, and Adamson is soon appointed to be the head archivist of the United States, and he marries Anne Lichman. He now works closely with the intelligence community to investigate threats of national security. All was well once more.

Edited by Spaghetti
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Genre: Crime/Comedy

Director: Miguel Artera

Cast: Michael Cera (Johnny)

Runtime: 86min (1hr, 26min)

Budget: $10 million

Rating: R for drug use throughout, language, and some sexual humor

Date: September 23rd

Theaters: 2,168


At a liberal arts college in New England, a group of best friends, led by charming slacker Johnny, who accidentally invent a new synthetic drug in their chemistry class. Just for kicks and giggles, they all try out their creation, and they are surprised to find that it provides a rather enjoyable high. In fact, the drugs action is presented in a trippy animated sequence with many odd elements and a wide array of colors. They decide to name the new drug "Kaleidoscope" because of the crazy visions that the drugs give. Word gets around about the drug quickly in the school, and people really want more of the stuff. They all find it hard to recall the recipe for Kaleidoscope, but after some trial and error, they get it working again. Johnny and his friends soon find that they are reaping much profit from the drug, and word is getting out that the new drug is really strong across the nation. It even makes national news, but not i a good way. Of course, the college faculty is not happy with the four of them for selling an untested substance to peers and others, although it's admittedly impressive that they were able to create such a drug. Either way, the gang of friends is expelled from the school. Before the four of them leave, however, they realize that with the spread of the drug, some criminal syndicates have gotten hold of the drug without paying, and given how much they have consumed, they owe the creators of the drug a whole lot of money. Rather than pay it off, they will simply kill them here and now. The friends are soon on a madcap chase around the small town by a gang of criminals, until Johnny tricks them into getting high off of the drug. They foolishly accept, and they lose sight of why they were even here in the first place. The news soon comes out that the drug actually has no dangerous side effects, other than the fact that it creates crazy hallucinations. It's basically like LSD, but it won't kill you. Everyone is relieved by this, and the friends are allowed to attend the school once again.

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Things Not Seen


Director: Andrew Clements (writer of the book)

Genre: Teen/Drama/Sci-FiDate: February 19

Studio: Blankments Productions

Cast: David Henrie as Bobby Phillips, Emma Watson as Alicia Van Dorn, Bryan Cranston as Bobby’s Dad, Kyra Sedgwick as Bobby’s Mom, Julianne Moore as Ms. Van Dorn, Damien Lewis and as Mr. Van Dorn.

Music by: Danny Elfman.Runtime: 96 minTagline: Invisible


Plot: Robert Phillips, known by his nickname "Bobby", wakes up one day to find that he can no longer see himself. Upon discovery, he heads downstairs and tries to convince his parents that it's not a trick. He drinks a glass of orange juice, which to the astonishment of his parents, seems to make a spoon float in the air. After a brief argument with his mother, Bobby is told to stay at home until his parents decide get back from work (His mother is an English professor, and his father a scientist.) After his parents are gone, Bobby heads to the library, bundled up to conceal his secret invisible self, and after a brief walk around, he hurriedly leaves, bumping into a girl. His scarf comes off so he's scared she will freak out. He helps to retrieve her things, and realizes she's blind when he hands her back her cane. 

Upon returning home, he gets in trouble because he left the house. His parents leave to get dinner and Bobby watches TV and takes a nap. When he wakes up, the TV says that there was a major three car crash. He sees one of the cars is his family's car. The Police then come to his door and check on him. After they leave Bobby goes to the hospital to see his parents. 

When he gets there he takes off his clothes (so he can be invisible) and goes to find his parents. He can only find his Mom. After talking to his Mom he uses money she gave him to get a taxi and he goes home. He returns to the library the next day. He goes naked this time, and stumbles upon the blind girl in a listening room. He enters the room with her permission and they start talking. He learns that her name is Alicia, and befriends her. Together, they try to find the 'cure' for his predicament. Part of Bobby's journey to become visible involves invading the Sears-Roebuck corporate headquarters. During which he steals a list of names of people who previously complained to Sears about a "bad blanket". Bobby uses this list to locate Sheila Borden, who became invisible a few years prior to the events in the book. She tells him never to tell anyone who she is. Bobby tells Alicia, however.


Later Bobby texts Alicia. She tells him maybe if he gets under the blanket again, his problem will be reversed. Bobby crawls under the blanket. He awakes to find several loud voices. His mom and a random agent come into his room. Bobby doesn't realize that he is visible now, with several people staring at him naked. He quickly covers up. Later he goes to tell Alicia the news. She doesn't take it well, feeling that Bobby doesn't need her anymore. Bobby goes home and tries calling and txts her. Finally, she replies with a poem. Bobby goes over to her house to tell her how much he loves her...poem.

Theaters: 2,569

MPAA Rating: PG-13 for language and sensuality

Budget: $20 million

Edited by Break-It Blank
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Best Friends

Genre: Comedy/Drama/Romance

Director: Jason Reitman

Date: December 9th

Theaters: 2,748

Runtime: 107min (1hr, 47min)

Rating: R for language and some alcohol use

Budget: $20 million

Music: Rolfe Kent

Cast: Bradley Cooper (Jonathan), Charlie Day (Kevin), Rose Byrne (Claire), Pierce Gagnon (Sammy), Emily Blunt (Molly), Jeffrey Tambor (Jack)


Plot: A successful husband must help his best friend from high school, who lost his way in life.


When the two were in high school in Akron, Ohio, Jonathan and Kevin were the best of friends. They were both class clowns, making other people laugh in crazy ways and, more often than not, getting in trouble for it. However, once graduation came, things began to change. Jonathan had strict parents who wanted him to attend a high quality school in New England, while Kevin was only able to get into a nearby community college. The two still kept in touch in college, but as time progressed, each of them grew increasingly distant from one another, and they just faded away from each other’s minds.


Jonathan was able to get a job as a manager for a local real estate company, and he also met a kind woman named Claire. The two soon got married and they had a boy named Sammy. The family now lives back in Akron, OH, the site of Jonathan’s childhood. Kevin, on the other hand, did not do so well. His carefree and foolish personality remained throughout his life, and as a result, he wasn’t able to find a job to pay for his already cheap apartment. Even worse, he’s had a few instances in a local jail for two occasions, once for public indecency, and the second for getting into a drunken fight. Kevin still tried to maintain a positive outlook on life, but it became hard for him to keep doing so if this is what life really had in store for him.


It is a Saturday afternoon at Jonathan’s house. Jonathan is at the stove, making grilled sandwiches for his family. The scene is pretty calm, with Claire checking her emails and Sammy playing with his toys. After lunch, Sammy asks Jonathan a question. Out of boredom, he decided to explore the attic, and he found one of Jonathan’s yearbooks. He wanted to know which one was dad. Jonathan, smiling, points out a picture of him, one where he is hanging with Kevin. Sammy asks if he remembers the person who he was with in the picture. Jonathan soon thinks for a moment, and in a lesser voice, he tells him that it was just an old friend who he had to part ways with. Jonathan soon leaves, remembering the times he had with Kevin, but that was all behind him now. He was different from who he was in High School, and he laments Kevin’s new life, which was just getting bad before the two stopped talking.


At a small, rundown apartment building near downtown Akron, at the same time, we see a messy apartment and a man sleeping on his couch. He soon gets up as a result of strong knocking on the door. It’s the landlord of the apartment building and he’s extremely furious with the man, who introduces himself as Kevin. Kevin had not paid his eviction notices before the deadline, not to mention the awful state he keeps his apartment in. As a result, the landlord has had the last straw. Kevin is being kicked out right now, and he has three hours to pack his bags and leave. Kevin asks for a second chance, saying how he’s starting to find a job that might work out, but the landlord won’t have any of it. Besides, this was probably his fourth or fifth chance. Pretty soon, Kevin takes several trips to the nearby dumpster, and he is left waiting outside the building with only his suitcase. He had nowhere to go, and this was his biggest low in his life. He longed to relive the days of his high school glory.


That night, Kevin is lying out at the same curb, but he’s bought some fast food to eat. He convinces himself that the world is his own place to live, and that he’s coming back to be stronger than ever. He yells at nothing, which causes many pedestrians to give him a look of confusion. Meanwhile, Jonathan and his family had just gone to the movies, and they were on their way home. Jonathan soon passes by Kevin in the street, and he stops the car. Jonathan looks at Kevin, shocked that he was now without a home. He had no idea that his life had come to this. Kevin soon looks at him, and he becomes very excited. Kevin recognized him instantly, and he was more excited about this encounter than Jonathan was. Kevin soon begs him to take him in, just for a little while. Jonathan, thinking for a second, tells Kevin to give him a moment, and he closes the window. He and his wife soon get into a debate over what to do. Claire says that he just can’t take a homeless guy off the street just because they were once friends. Besides, he might run off in the morning and steal some things. However, Jonathan feels bad about just leaving his friend out in the cold, so the two of them compromise. They’ll let him stay for a few nights, but then he has to leave. Kevin, ecstatic by the news, gets into the car.


Kevin sits next to Sammy, who tells him that his daddy told him about the friend. Kevin smiles at him, just as Jonathan goes over some rules for the house. They’re mostly pretty obvious ones, such as “don’t steal anything” and “don’t have friends over without our approval,” and if Kevin breaks one of the rules, they’re kicking him out, no expectations. They soon arrive at the house. Kevin and Jonathan carry the suitcases to a guest bedroom, where Kevin will be sleeping. Kevin admits that this is far better than any of his prior sleeping conditions, and he thanks his friend for doing him this favor. He soon crashes. Later on, he and his wife are in bed. Claire hopes that he would be able to trust him for the time that he is here, and Jonathan re-assures him that he’s essentially harmless, if how he was in high school was any indication.


The next day, a Sunday, involves Jonathan setting his alarm early to make sure that Kevin didn’t make off with anything. He goes into the guest bedroom, and he is shocked that Kevin isn’t there. He runs down the stairs in anger, thinking that he must have stolen something, but he instead finds Kevin sleeping on the couch. He must have woken up and gone downstairs, only to fall asleep once more on the couch. Jonathan gives a sigh of relief to seeing this. Throughout the day, Kevin doesn't exactly prove to be a great house guest. Everyone except for Sammy is annoyed by him in multiple instances, especially Jonathan. However, he and Sammy are getting along well. The two play video games together and talk about cool games coming out soon. Sammy says that Jonathan rarely has any time to play with him, because his work schedule has made him so busy. Jonathan overhears this, and he decides, to prove Sammy that he will play with him, to make it a three player game. During the game, Jonathan realizes that his gaming skills have diminished over the years, and he is easily beaten by Sammy and Kevin. He still smiles at his son having fun with their guest.


The next day, everyone has to go into work, except for Kevin. Jonathan soon gets an idea. As part of his job, Jonathan has to work closely with a house construction company, and their work force is getting rather skimpy. They could afford to hire more workers, and Kevin may be a suitable candidate, but Jonathan needs to get him the job first. At his office, he talks to his co worker, Molly, who says that she can arrange an interview between the construction company employer and Kevin to get a job. Jonathan thanks Molly for this, and she soon makes a call to the employer. On the road home from work, Jonathan thinks about any suits that he has that will help Kevin find a job. He eventually finds one suit that might work. It fits him pretty well. However, Kevin decides that getting a job at a construction firm would not be very much fun. Jonathan tells him bluntly that this may be his only shot at a job, and that he’ll do fine on the interview, with some practice at the very least. The two eventually go into work one day, and Kevin is ready to be interviewed. He meets the boss of the construction company, who look at him and mutters to himself, “this will be an interesting interview.” With Kevin’s lack of concern and focus, the interview is an utter disaster. Jonathan receives an email from the employer shortly after, saying that he wouldn’t hire him if he were the reincarnation of an ancient god. However, Emily admits that she had a liking to him.


Jonathan brings this news to Kevin in less scathing terminology. Kevin is slightly disappointed, but he’s fine staying at the house for a little while.  An irritated Jonathan considers kicking him out now. He only promised a stay of a few nights anyway, but he became a bit generous, allowing him to stay a week and a half so far. He’s been behaving himself pretty well, and he’s definitely trying to do his fair share around the house. That, and Sammy seems to like him a lot. He lets him stay until he can finally get a job, but he insists that he will cave to him no more. The two compromise and decide to get drinks at their favorite club from childhood, Cool Jack’s Crazy Shack.


The place is a tavern with a set up of a few arcade games, several TV screens, and memorabilia scattered across the walls. Jack welcomes the two to his place, especially Kevin. Kevin was definitely a regular at this place, and he knew Jack well. Jack is the owner and main bartender of the place, and he’s just as carefree and loose as Kevin is. The two drink to the fact that the interview happened, not that it was a complete disaster. Much to Kevin’s surprise, Emily is also there at the bar. The two begin to talk it up, and they seem to get along very well. They even dance together with songs from the jukebox. Meanwhile, Jack and Jonathan are talking at the bar. Jack tells him that Kevin’s been having a bit of a hard time lately, and this place was the main thing that still made him happy in life. However, Jack was getting close to retiring, and due to the lack of business, the bar may close for good. He asks Jonathan not to tell him this, because it might hurt his spirit. He agrees to this, and he and Kevin soon go home. Kevin talks about how he might have a bit of a crush on Jonathan’s co-worker, but she’s actually quite an awesome girl. In fact, the two agreed to meet at the tavern again on a later date. It seems like things were going to start getting better.


The next few weeks pass by with some progress, but not very much. Kevin has applied to many jobs over this time period, but he seems to be landing none of them. However, Jonathan and his family are beginning to open up more to Kevin, and the four of them do things together amicably while Jonathan and Claire try to teach him a few tricks to get back up on his feet and start his life anew. In fact, the family goes to a local video game tournament, where Kevin, Jonathan, and Sammy enter as a team. The three of them eventually get to second place. They lose the championship round, but they still had a good time, while Claire and Molly were cheering them on the whole time. The family, along with Molly, decides to go to Crazy Jack’s Tavern to celebrate.


While the family sits at a booth in the place, much like any other restaurant, Charlie and Molly are chatting at the bar. Jonathan is happy for the two of them, as is Claire. She was mainly convinced by their time spent together at the video game tournament, and how it seemed like the lot of them was truly having a good time. She can’t remember the last time that they were this happy. It’s quite ironic for her to say this about watching someone else play video games, she admits. Even Jonathan reminisces about the time that the two spent together, including their trip to the bar they day they graduated from high school. At the bar, Jack tells Kevin that he probably had a little too much to drink, and how he should probably lay low for a little bit, Kevin insists that he’s perfectly fine, although he is acting rather clumsy and he is clearly slurring his words. Meanwhile, a fellow bar patron begins to hit on Molly, not realizing that she is with Kevin. Kevin soon gets up out of his stool and tells the man to knock it off. After he refuses, the two get into a fight. The fight becomes very intense, and it’s even taken outside. Molly, Jonathan, and Claire look onto the scene in horror, while Sammy begins to cry. The man that was becoming a role model to him was doing something so mean and violent. The police soon come and arrest Kevin. Before they leave, Jonathan comes up to him. He says that he’ll pay for his bail, but after that, the deal is off. Kevin is no longer welcome to stay with the family. On the car ride home, Sammy says that he doesn't want Kevin to come back, and the two parents admit that they agree with him, and how they won’t let him come back. Jonathan tucks Sammy into bed that night, and he apologizes for Claire, for thinking that his  former best friend could be helped.


In the local jail, Kevin has a panic attack. He is angry with himself for losing control at the bar, as well as causing the only person to believe in him to lose hope. He truly thought that this was going to be his ticket to a better life, but this was all he got. However, Kevin knows that he is truly to blame here, so he sits in the corner of the bar, feeling sad and sorry for his actions that night. He is soon able to read a local newspaper, one that depicts the fight that happened at the bar. In fact, it’s in the main section of the newspaper, but it’s fortunately not the front page article. However, he soon finds something in the article that makes him feel worse. It reveals that Cool Jack’s Crazy Shack is going to close soon, due to the owner retiring. After glancing through the rest of the newspaper, Kevin crumples the Newspaper into a ball and throws it. After sitting in silence, he soon gets up, realizing that he has an idea.


Later on, Jonathan decides to go to the prison to visit Kevin. Claire believes that this is not a very good idea, but Jonathan insists that Kevin truly needs a companion at this point in his life, even if he is certainly mad at him. He goes to visit Kevin, who is truly gratified to see him. Kevin, with little hesitation, immediately shows him the newspaper. Jonathan asks with an odd glance if he wanted him to see the story of his arrest. Kevin grumbles and turns the page to a regional video game tournament, where the first place prize is huge. It’s so huge, that it might allow Kevin to buy the bar and keep it from closing. Jonathan thinks that it’s a stupid idea. Kevin asks Jonathan if it was a stupid idea to take him in when he had no hope. Jonathan says that, quite frankly, it did not have much payoff in the end for either one. Kevin admits that this wasn’t a great way to say his words. Rather, he wanted to say that being with him helped him to change and become more responsible, and he promises that the bar fight was a one-time thing. He ends this by begging Jonathan to be in a team with him and Sammy for the tournament. He’ll be released before registration even closes. Jonathan sighs, and the screen cuts away. We then cut back to Jonathan’s house, where he drops a stack of video games on the kitchen table and tells him that they’ll need some practice.


The day of the video game tournament soon comes, and the teams mostly consist of college age kids and teenagers. The tournament lasts a couple days at a nearby hotel. This is quite a competitive group, especially compared to that of two thirty-something men and an 8-year old. Claire and Molly are both there, even though they are both still mad at Kevin. The first round commences, and Kevin, Jonathan, and Sammy just barely win. They continue to win several rounds and they eventually reach the championship. Given their plight, a lot of people begin to root for them in the audience, and they are a highlight of local news coverage of the event. Even Jack and the bar patrons are watching the event live. However, their dreams soon become dashed. They lose the championship round, and their prize, while still substantial, is not enough to win back the bar. The family soon becomes saddened, even if the prize was quite impressive. The money would still be enough to get Kevin into a small apartment for a little while, but it won’t be enough to buy back the bar. However, the winning team decides that they were also going to use the prize money to save the very same bar from being closed down. After some thought at the bar, the people begin to cheer again, for the bar is saved. Jack breathes easy knowing that his place will be in good hands.


After the tournament, the family is celebrating in their hotel room, when Kevin knocks on the door. He wanted to apologize for everything that he has done that bothered the family, but he reassures all of them that he has finally found a way to get his life back on track. The winners of the contest are going to manage the bar together, and they’ve already agreed to employ Kevin as one of the bartenders. The family forgives him and decides to let Kevin celebrate with them. In the end, everyone is better off. Jonathan is now able to bond with his son more and even Claire decides that she might want to try some of these games, and Molly decides to forgive Kevin as well. The two get married, and it’s an awesome video game themed wedding. Jack retires happily, and he attends the bar regularly when Kevin is the tender. Jonathan decides that everyone has a capacity to get their lives back up when they fall. All they would need is just a little bit of a push.

Edited by Spaghetti
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Unbalanced 1& 2 RereleaseDate- February 7th (One week)Genre- Horror/Psychological/Found FootageRating- RTheaters- 2,291 theatersBudget- N/A Running Time- 258 minutes or 4 hours and 18 minutesStudio- O$corp PicturesDirector- Ariel SchulmanActors- Unknown

Plot: The previous two films are rereleased into theaters for one week marathon. Unbalanced opened on February 7th three years ago too!! :) There is an intermission between the two films. Each film has about 10 minutes of unreleased footage. Before the film there is a 10 minutes preview of Unbalanced 3.


Unbalanced 1: http://forums.boxoffice.com/index.php?/topic/4908-cayom-year-4-part-1/page-5


Unbalanced 2: http://forums.boxoffice.com/index.php?/topic/6279-cayom-year-5-part-1/page-3

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HIGH LIFEGenre: Comedy/Drama/FantasyDirector: Spike JonzeCast: Ryan Gosling (Christian), Michelle Monaghan (Rebecca/Jane), Paul Tei (Karl)Rating: PG-13Running Time: 111mins (1hr, 51mins)Budget: $50 millionDate: September 16Theaters: 3,038


The movie begins with the sun rising over the Pacific. A man looks out of the glass-walled Malibu beach house, a glass of whiskey in hand. He drinks from it, watching the sunrise, and a woman in a revealing red dress sneaks up behind him and places her hands on his body, steering him toward her. She beckons him to follow her, and they go into the bedroom. As they do, the man closes his eyes. When he opens them again, he is in a park, wind blowing through the trees. “Laura!” a voice calls. He sits on a bench, and a little girl in a red dress is running through the grass. Her mom calls to her, telling her it's time to go. She runs to her mom, and they leave the park. The man on the bench closes his eyes, and we're back to him lying in bed, covers around him, and the woman lies next to him, sleeping. He whispers her name, “Laura,” and holds a lock of her hair. It's odd; she must be twenty-five now, but he looks like he hasn't aged at all.


“No...I'm not a pedophile. Jesus, why would you even think that?!” his voice says, in narration, as we follow him through his Malibu beach house. He goes on to say that he's not like ordinary people...sometimes he doesn't know if he's even a person at all. No, it's not that. He can't age like normal people. Well, maybe he can't age at all. “So no, I wasn't attracted to Laura that day in the park. Hell no! But you have to think of it like this...every woman I've ever loved has been younger than me, and by the time they become the age that I look, I look no older than I was then.” While he says this, we see some scenes go by in a comical fashion of him with various women, throughout the decades. A 1950's “housewife-turned-naughty” changes to a 1960's hippie sharing a blunt with him then pushing him down to rock his world, then becomes a 1970's disco diva, “grooving” with him in a night club, then locking lips. The women keep changing, but he never does. He looks the same through all the scenes (different hairstyles, clothes, etc.), but all the same age. In narration, he explains that he cannot age, that he has been granted his wish of immortality, of being forever young.


“I think it has to do with the legendary Fountain of Youth.” A scene cuts back to the 16th Century as the same man is riding on a boat through a dangerous and thick jungle, Ponce de Leon at the helm. He speaks fluent Spanish with the others on the rowing boat. A snake twirls around a tree. It's rather exotic looking here. They go down a bend and find themselves passing through a vine-covered area, where a magnificent fountain waits. The man challenges Ponce de Leon to a duel, wins, then takes a sip of the water. “But really, that's can't be it...I'd remember that, but I have no memory of that life, or what life I had before this one.” And we cut back to the same man, now in the modern day, jogging on a beach. A woman smiles at him as she runs by, and he looks at her over her shoulder and ends up jogging into a fat man, apologizes, and keeps going.


The man explains that his memories don't last forever, not like him. While his body will always be around, his memories sometimes fade. So he doesn't have too certain an idea of how old he is, but he can remember bits and pieces of things from his past. We see a montage of his past life, from flirting with 1920s flappers to fighting in World War II. He says he remember having a mother, and we see a montage of him as a child, then as a teen going off from home, and finally of him sitting as his mother's side as she dies and he tells her he loves her. But he can't remember how long ago it was when she was around. It seems with every year, he loses some part of himself.


“So it's hard to be immortal. I just can't die.” We see him staring out at sea. He walks off into the water, keeps going deeper and deeper while bystanders come out, some shouting out, trying to get him to stop. He walks until the war is going over his head, as though he should be drowning. He closes his eyes, trying not to fight, trying to let himself drown. “Just end it already,” his voice whispers far in the background. And then there's a loud whistling sound that cuts across the screen, and he re-emerges from the water. The onlookers are amazed he's still alive, saying he was under for over thirty minutes. They asked how he did it. “It's really simple. You just got to know that no matter what, you can't drown,” he says, to a news camera and everyone on sight.


It cuts to a TV screen showing the news report. The man, who introduces himself as Christian (at least that's what he thinks he was named before this all happened to him), turns the TV off. The door to the house opens, and Laura comes in. She tells Christian that they were going to have some friends over tonight, and she asks if that's ok with him. He says it's fine, and she tells him she's going to freshen up. Christian pours himself a glass of whiskey and looks out at the setting sun beyond the glass walls.

It's night time, and the guests arrive. A dinner party becomes quite rowdy and hopping. The drunker Christian's friends get, the more stupid they become. They start throwing things around, getting rowdy, and start “wrestling” each other. Christian is withdrawn from it somewhat. He seemed to be having a good time at first, but he sits back to let his friends fool around. One of Laura's friends keeps giving him looks, and he keeps staring back at her. They never really look at each other at the same time, one always looking away when the other catches them looking at them. Laura starts talking some nonsense, and Christian drowns it out. We can hear his thoughts about various thinks, like a drunken man whose mind keeps wandering. His thoughts make some obscene remarks about taking Laura right there on the table in front of everyone, to taking Laura and her friends right there on the table, to throwing the table out the room and taking Laura, her friends, and Amy on the floor instead. “Amy?” he thinks...”who's Amy?” A memory tries coming on. He can see a woman's face, but it's blurred. “Too much to drink,” he thinks to himself. A loud crack sounds, and he realizes one of his drunk mates had fallen onto the table. “Where there goes that plan,” he thinks.


Christian stands out on the balcony, drinking a beer. The woman who was looking at him earlier comes up to stand beside him. She places a hand on his, then takes it back, apologizing. He says it's fine. She introduces herself as Rebecca. He says that's a nice name. “Rebecca...I knew one, didn't I?” he thinks, but Rebecca's voice drowns out his thoughts. She says Laura talks a lot about him. She seems to like him a lot. Christian says he's heard a lot about her too. “No I haven't,” his thoughts say. Rebecca pushes back her hair and looks at her feet. He tells Christian he has something on his face, and she goes to touch his face, but he grabs her by the wrist, stopping her. They both lock eyes, and Christian moves his own hand to remove the smudge on his face. He lets go of her. Laura is coming that way just now, and Rebecca says something then goes. Laura starts to talk to Christian, but his thoughts are running wild again. In the midst of so many thoughts going on various tangents, one picks up over the others, “Who am I?”

There is the same woman whose face was blurred before. She and  Christian lie in the grass together, counting the stars. Christian points out constellations and makes up names for them. She laughs. But her laughter starts to fade. Christian's eyes pop open from a dream. The woman in it looked a lot like Rebecca. Laura is getting up beside him, already dressing. Christian sees the time. Laura says she has work and she'll be back later. She kisses him goodbye.


A couple of Christian's friends show up and want to play pool at the bar. They go down to the bar and have some drinks and play pool, catching up on old times. Through their conversation, it becomes obvious that the others all met at college, but they met Christian later. They regale themselves with some wild frat stories, which Christian feels left out of. They ask him where he went to college, and he says he can't remember. “Must not've been very good,” they say, but one jokes that maybe it was so good, that that's why he couldn't remember, and they all laugh. Christian's phone rings. He answers it, and the voice on the other end tells him there has been an accident. The voices of his friends fades out around him as he listens, the voice on the other end a murmur that, as the scene shifts, becomes the voice of an officer relating the events of a car crash to him, and in Christian's mind we can see what happens. Laura is walking across the street to her favorite clothes store, when a car swerves out of control and hits her. Christian is now at the morgue, and he identifies her body. In his mind, he sees the little girl from the park, running to her mom as thunder roars. The Christian on the bench looks at the rain as it starts to come. Christian in the morgue goes to sit down. The man talking to him tries counseling, but we focus once more on Christian's thoughts. “That's the hard part. They always die...and I can't die.”


There is a funeral. Sobbing people, people dressed in black, and Christian, in white but somber looking. Rebecca approaches him afterwards, telling him she's sorry. She looks distraught, and Christian says he knows she must be feeling bad too. It was her best friend. He tells her he's sorry. She wipes away tears and says she can't stand to go home tonight. Christian tells her he can sleep in his guest room. She says she doens't know if that would be wise. What would Laura think? Christian says he doesn't mean it like that. But he can tell she doesn't want to be alone. She looks worse than he does. He takes her home, and shows her to the guest room. She says she can feel Laura here, and that makes it worse. Maybe she should go home afterall. Christian implores her to stay, and he brings her some wine and tells her to settle down and go to sleep. It may be better in the morning.


Christian stays up drinking whiskey. Images of the same girl keep popping up, but Rebecca's features start taking over hers. She's older now, but he looks the same age. “Why do you never seem to get older, Christian?” she asks, running her hand along his smooth, young-forever face. He says it's the aftershave he uses, and she laughs. “You're funny,” she says, and the memory goes away with Christian staring into the mirror at himself. “I never age,” he says aloud, and Rebecca is standing in the door. He realizes this and she apologizes. She was just seeing if he was still up. He gets up and goes to her and he asks her if she's alright. She says she's shaken up, it's not easy. She asks him how he's feeling. He says he's tired, and he sends her back to bed. He goes to lie on his own bed. “Who was she?” he whispers.


“You know how, if you're immortal, you can do anything. You're like Superman, without the kryptonite.” Christian is narrating as we see him riding a bike up a hill. He sees a beam, and he goes to it. Some spectators watch in horror as Christian walks on the narrow beam that crosses over a high hill. Police arrive, telling him to step down from the beam and turn back slowly. Christian looks over his shoulder at them. The beam wobbles, and Christian doesn't try to catch himself as he almost falls, but he balances himself. The police tell him that he doesn't have to do this. “Do what/” Christian calls back. They think he's trying to kill himself. Christian scoffs at that, laughing, and says it's not that simple. They try reasoning with him, and he says, “Oh for the love of God, shut up.” And he walks casually back to them, no fear in his eyes. They take him into custody.


Rebecca arrives at the police station. She finds Christian waiting. She asks what happened, and he says that he was arrested for a public outburst. The police thought he was drunk or something. Rebecca asks why he called her, and he says he couldn't remember his friends' phone numbers. She looks at him, thinking that it's odd that he could remember hers, but he doesn'ts ay anything about it. As they leave the station, she asks what he was doing, and he says he was practicing his cat-walk. She doesn't understand, but he asks her if she wants to go hang out at the bar. She stares at him, confused. “As...a date?” she asks, and he says, “No, just as friends.” She denies the offer, but he pushes her, saying it will be fun, and a good way to forget things, and she agrees after some pushing.


And they're getting drunk at the bar. They keep ordering more drinks, talking more, getting to know each other. But they're drunk, and they're firing off random comments and remarks, say things about each other they wouldn't say if sober, and keep ordering more drinks. Christian sways drunkenly and passes out on the pool table. Rebecca laughs and then falls herself. There is a woman again, the same on, who looks like Rebecca. She's in her 50's now, and Christian still looks 20-something. He brings her some flowers and sets them in a vase of water. She thanks him, and as he's working on something, she remarks how it's so strange...he never ages. Christian goes to her side, asking her what she means, but knowing the answer. She says he looks the same age as when they met, thirty years ago. Christian says he has a secret to tell her. Something she may have guessed at. She asks him what he's talking about, and so he reveals it to her. He says many years ago, so long ago he doesn't even remember when, he met a man in the woods. As he starts to explain, his voice becomes blurred, we can barely distinguish what he's saying, and the woman starts blurring too...the memory vanishing.


Christian wakes up in a jail cell. An old man sits on the bench in the corner. He tells Christian that he was a drunken mess when he came in here. Christian asks what happened to the woman he was with, and the man says it doesn't matter. She's out now. Christian asks what time it is, and the man says it doesn't matter. Time doesn't matter. Christian looks away, but the old man continues. He tells Christian he seems odd. Christian asks what he means, and the old man says that there's something about him, something about the way he carries himslef...it doesn't fit with the image of him. Christian says he doesn't understand. The old man asks him how old he is, and Christian says he doesn't know. The old man says that's just it. He seems lost...in something, but he can't place what it is.


“You probably think that because I'm immortal, I can just go and do anything without the risk of being harmed...that I could save a bank from being robbed, or rob the bank myself.” Two scenarios play out. In one scene, Christian is in a bank, waiting in line to cash his pay check. Here, the sceen splits in half. In both scenes he's waiting in line. On the left side, men in masks rush in and order everyone down on the ground. In the right side, he places his own mask on and fires a gun, then aims it at the clerk and tells her to open the safe. On the left, everyone is going down to the ground, but Christian remains standing. The robbers look at him and tell him to get down. On the right, security surround Christian as he is getting the money from the safe. On the left, the robbers get mad that he is defying them, but when they shoot him, the bullets don'ts eem to harm him. The same happens on the right as security shoot him. In both scenes, he does not die from the bullet wounds. The scenarios end with Christian standing in a bank. “But that's not what I do. I try to fit in,” the narration continues, and he approaches the clerk with a check to cash. An old man in the line next to him sees him. “Christian...is that yuou?” Christian looks over at him but doesn't recognize him. The old man says, “It's me. Jeff! From Stanford.” Christian seems to recognize him, going to him and asking how he's been. Jeff says he's been good, but looks at Christian and says time hasn't done anything to him. “What's your secret?' Jeff asks, and Christian says he wouldn't believe it. Jeff says he'd like to catch up, and Christian says he's not sure if that's a good idea. Jeff asks if he's busy now, then maybe they could later. Christian looks at his watch: it doesn't tell time. “On second thought,” he says.

They're at a Starbucks catching up. It's been more than thirty years since they graduated Stanford together. Jeff can't believe how Christian looks the same, but he knows that face, and knows it can't be anyone else, not after all the stuff they went through together at the university. Jeff really can't understand how Christian does it. He asks how Samantha is, but Christian says she died. “She died?” his thoughts echo. “Who died?” Jeff was saying something, so Christian comes out of his thoughts to listen. Jeff tells him about his life since leaving Stanford. It's been pretty remarkable, and yet Christian can't relate, as he doesn't remember everything that's happened. He says some things, but not much, and Jeff still can't get over the fact that Christian looks so young. He thinks Christian must be bewitched with some wonderful magic, and he wants to know if he can share it. Christian laughs, but Jeff says he's serious. He reminsces about a time at Stanford when they both talked about being young forever. “Do you remember?” he asks, but Christian shurgs his shoulders. “Well, it looks like at least one of us succeeded at that,” Jeff says, laughing.


“Even my friends age.” Christian narrates. We see scenes play by of him with a group of friends. They're all young and acting a fool, trying to impress college chicks at a lake party. Then they're in their 30s, struggling with wives, in their 40s with kids and mid-life crises. Christian still looks the same. They're in their 50s, at a reunion, and Christian shows up, looking the same age, and they're all baffled. They reminisce about the lake, about fun times they had together, but Christian is distracted. The montage ends with Christian standing in the background at a funeral of one of his friends, staying out of sight, and leaving before it's over.


“Hey, it's Rebecca. Leave a message.” Christian has his phone, trying to call Rebecca. He gives up and sets the phone down on the table next to him. “It's not that important,” he says. Suddenly, the phone rings, and in a humorous scene Christian leaps for it, suggesting the exact opposite. “Rebecca, hi!” he says. She asks what's up, and he says that, well this is awkward for him, but uh...she left something of hers at his house. She asks if he can just bring it over to her place, cause she's not feeling too well and can't go out to get it. Christian says that will be fine.


He shows up at her place and knocks on her door. He holds up a piece of lingerie. The door opens, but it's not Rebecca who answers. It's one of her friends, and when she sees it, she bursts out laughing. Rebecca comes and sees what's going on, and she gasps. Christian hides the lingerie behind his back, and he says, “Sorry, wrong address.” Over her friend's shoulder, Rebecca is making nasty looks at him. But her friend recognizes him. She says he was at that party at Laura's place...wait, he was Laura's boyfriend. Christian blushes, and he can see Rebecca looks nervous. He says he was just returning this....he was wondering who's it was, as it was left at the party, or something, but it wasn't Laura's cause it had someone's initials on it, and he assumed it was Rebecca's. She says it was hers, coming up with an excuse about how she must've taken it off. Too many drinks, you know. She takes it from him and thanks him for driving over here to give it to her, and he says he had it in his car and he was in the neighborhood, so it didn't matter. Her friend asks why he had it in her car, makes up a joke about how he keeps girls' lingerie, and then taunts him about it, jokingly calling him a freak and coming up with unclever nicknames about it. Christian fakes laughter, then says he'll be going now, but the friend says he should stay. They were having a wine-tasting contest...or something like that. It's hard to put a name on it. Basically, they're just loving drinking all the wine they can get. Christian says he shouldn't, but she draws him in. He looks at Rebecca, who doesn't say anything.


Once inside, they start drinking the wine. They try to get Christian to taste it all, but he's trying to turn most of it away, in an amusing scene where it seems like the friend is forcing him. Rebecca laughs as he spits out some of the wine, or as it spills on his nice white shirt. They take his shirt off to wash it, and they leave him on the couch while they go “talk” in the other room. He hears laughter, and he covers his chest with his arms folded. The friend says it's too bad it wasn't on his pants too. Rebecca playfully smacks her on the shoulder and they laugh. Christian says it's almost like they're trying to get him naked, and they joke about it, then the friend spills wine on her top and says “Oopsie,” Faking a blush, she removes her top. Rebecca looks at her, wild-eyed, and she says maybe that's not a good idea. Christian insists on going now, the friend seems disappointed, and Rebecca gives Christian the manliest girl shirt she can find in her closet. She apologizes for the way her friend was acting, saying it's all the wine, and she thanks Christian for giving her the...well, you know. “Maybe I'll see you around,” Christian says, and Rebecca says she'd like that.


“What am I doing? She's Laura's friend! What kind of freak am I?” Christian thinks. He's riding in a taxi, lights blaring around him, and they pass the spot where Laura was hit in Christian's mind earlier. He stares at it, can't take his eyes from it, and instead he sees a different woman now. It's the same woman who's been popping up in his thoughts. She looks like she's 60 something. Christian comes to her side as she lies in a bed. He asks her if she wants to sit up, and she says she's fine lying down. She just wants to lie there. She's sick, and Christian worries about her. He gives her some soup, and she thanks him. He tells her that he'll always be there for her. She says she wishes she could say the same. There is a sad look on Christian's face as the old woman who looks like Rebecca lies in the bed, sick.


Christian is drinking alone at the bar. The bartender tells him to watch his limit this time. Christian plays it cool and sips casually from a beer. A woman approaches him but he says he's not interested, and so he goes on drinking alone, until a man sits in the stool next to him and order a drink. He asks Christian why he's drinking alone, when they're all these sexy ladies around. Christian says he's not interested. The man asks if he's taking a break, and Christian says something like that. The man introduces himself as Karl. He says he knows what he's talking about. Sometimes you can't handle being tied down. But live wild, and young, he says. Be young, and you'll never get old. Christian tells Karl he has no idea. Karl says he lives to party and parties to live, so he has a pretty good idea of what it's like to be young, but if Christian thinks he knows it better than he does, well then, he must have a pretty great life. Karl asks Christian if he's interested in going to a party, as his wing-man. Christian says he's too old for that, but Karl says that's nonsense. He can't be older than 25. That's plenty young to party hard. He convinces Christian that it will be a good time.


They show up at a beach house, where a wild party is going on. There are hot girls in bikinis, and a lot of drinking and a line of cocaine. Karl is trying to get Christian to loosen up. He convinces him to experiment a little. Christian becomes so drunk he finds himself doing belly shots off a woman's body. Karl is egging him on, and the two of them become hammered. The police show up at the party. It's busted, and Christian and Karl race out onto the beach, taking a case of beers with them. They run and laugh and shout at the top of their lungs, police chasing them. They escape over the sand dunes, skid through moonlit sand, and race onto a dock, where they stop at the end to catch their breaths. “Woo! Hell yeah!” Karl shouts. Christian pants for breath, and Karl says that was fun. He says it's great to be young, to be able to live. Christian says he feels like shit, and he goes to his knees and pukes into the sea. Karl laughs and says that's what getting effed up is all about. “Woo!” Christian blacks out on the dock.


He wakes up in an unfamiliar house. Karl is asleep on the couch snoring. Christian checks his phone and finds he has three missed calls from Rebecca from last night. He checks the messages she left. She wanted to talk to him about something, and wanted him to call back when he got this. He does call her back. She asks him to meet her at a cafe at 1. Karl is awake now, and he tells Christian they need to do this more often. Christian says he doesn't know about that, but Karl says he told him something last night, but he was so screwed up that it must've been gibberish. Christian asks what he told him, and Karl says that Christian said he had some kind of strange magical power, like immortality or something. Christian says he doesn't know what he's talking about. Karl laughs and says that all he knows is that if he was immortal, he'd be living young and not worrying about anything.


Christian shows up at the cafe. Rebecca is waiting for him at the table. She gets up when he approaches, and they sit down together. He asks her what's up. She asks him what he thinks about her. He says she's nice, but she says she means, does he like her. He says he does, and she asks how much. He says he's not sure if this is the right time for this, but Rebecca says she wants to know if she can trust him with a secret. He says he's good at keeping secrets. Rebecca says she wants to know she can trust him. He promises, and she asks him if he'd be willing to help her, if she needed it. Christian says he would do whatever she needed, and she tells him it's dangerous. Christian asks what this is about, and she breaks it. She tells him that she really likes him. She thinks it's awful, since Laura was her best friend. But she can't help it. He asks if this is her secret...and she says it's not all of it. She's afraid to say the rest. She thinks he'll think she's crazy. He says he won't, but now she feels so embarrassed that she can't. She just wants to know if he likes her, and he says he does. She tells him she wants to be able to see him again, without the awkwardness...she feels like something's supposed to happen. Christian says he'd like to see her often.


Christian's memories replay, a woman who looks a lot like Rebecca. She is young, like him, and they walk hand-in-hand on a beach. And now, we cut to him and Rebecca walking on a beach, talking, just talking that's all. Christian shows an amusing side of himself, a very laid back and human emotion. He doesn't let the dam of emotions down. Here, he is calm, compassionate, and he tells witty stories about some made-up past when he went to Stanford in the early 2000s (we briefly hear his thoughts, telling us that he can't have gone to Stanford then...not if what Jeff says is true). She is impressed with him, and she talks about how she used to study art, but that didn't have many promising opportunities. So now she's a waitress, but she's waiting for a moment to shine. Christian says he thinks she'll get it, and she laughs and asks what makes him say that. He says she's too pretty not too, and she says that's so corny and throws sand at his face then runs off. He blinks the sand out and chases her, rolling into the sand.


The months go by. Christian is standing looking out the glass windows at the sun setting on the Pacific. Rebecca shows up behind him and lures him to the bedroom. They go in, and Christian tells her that she's beautiful. She undresses and pushes him onto the bed. We only see her from behind, and brief shots of them kissing.


Christian has a visitor. It's Karl. Christian asks him how he found out where he lives. Karl says he told him about it. “Did I?” Christian asks. Karl says he has really bad memory. Christian asks what Karl wants, and Karl says that's a very disrespectful way to treat a friend. Christian rolls his eyes then offers Karl a drink, but Karl rejects the offer. Christian says that's very un-Karl like of him. “Ah you know me too well,” he says. He says he was thinking about that funny thing Christian told him about...about how he's “immortal” or something. Well, he decided he would look into it, based on what he knew about Christian's past, which was little to go on, and he found some stuff on him. He pulls up some pictures on his phone, of Christian when he was at Stanford...he looks exactly the same, and it's in the 1960s. Karl says that's spooky, but he found more online, a description of a World War II veteran whose picture resembles Christian's face freakishly. Karl says Christian has been there, all of these places, many more perhaps. He's got to be 100 years old, but he looks no older than 25. Karl says it's spooky, and he didn't think he could believe it...so he looked it up. He wanted to know how someone could be immortal, and he started reading about it. Maybe he drink some elixir, or maybe a goddess gave him a kiss. It's all written in legend. But he can't find exactly how it happened. He asks Christian if he remembers. Christian says he can't remember things. Every day, it seems, parts of his memory slips away. He forgets things...people sometimes. They go away with the years. He asks Karl why he wants to know. Karl says he wants to find this elixir. Christian tells him he can't possibly want to be immortal. Karl says he does want to be young forever, but he will be young forever in his own way. He can be sixty and he'll still be partying hard. No...he wants to find it because of something Christian told him, that night they were together. “You really don't remember, do you?” Karl asks, and Christian says he was totally hammered then. Karl says that Christian told him that he wants to die. “I said that?” Christian looks surpsied. Karl says it wasn't that exactly. He says Christian had said he wants to be able to die. He seems upset about it...he said something about losing someone because she was mortal, and he could never be with her. Just then, Rebecca comes home. Christian looks at her, and Karl introduces himself. She says she'll be out in a bit and goes to change. Karl looks at Christian, and he asks if that's the one. Christian says perhaps it's best if he goes for now. Karl says he will, but he thinks they need to look into this, find a way to reverse this. When they reach the door, Christian asks him if he really said that, and Karl says yes.


Christian is lying awake staring at the ceiling. Rebecca looks at him. She asks him softly what's wrong. He tells her to go back to bed, but she says she can tell he's troubled. He says it's best they don't talk about it, but she says he's been acting odd recently. “Is it about Laura?” she asks. Christian turns to face her, and he says it was never about Laura. He brushes hair out of Rebecca's face, saying she's the most beautiful person he's ever seen. He kisses her. She tells him that she loves him. He's silent for a moment, and he says he loves her too. He holds her as she falls asleep, and he stares off at the wall.


“I'm afraid to lose her,” Christian is telling Karl. They are going through all of Christian's old things, trying to find a link to his past, some answer to how he became immortal. Karl tells Christian that this has happened a lot...it must've. He's immortal, and he loves mortals. Christian says once they find out how he became immortal, they still may not be able to fix it, reverse it. He can't die. But she will one day. Karl tells him not to think about that, but Christian says it's hard not to. He doesn't want to lose her. Karl asks him if he's told her, and he says he's afraid to. Karl tells him she needs to know what she's facing.They can't find anything in Christian's old stuff, just a lot of memories that Christian can't remember.


Christian and Rebecca are on a date. Over dinner, Rebecca notices Christian is being very quiet. She asks him if something's bothering him. He asks her if she remembers when she asked if she could trust him. She says she does. He says she never told him her secret. She says she doesn't think he'll understand it. Christian says he has something he has to tell her. He wants her to promise that she won't think he's crazy. She says this is making her scared, and so he starts by telling her that he's afraid to lose her...afraid he'll wind up forgetting her, like everyone else. By now, she's confused and scared by this conversation. Christian says it's hard for him, because no one else has to deal with this, no one else has to go through this. They say death is an end...but it cannot be for him. He has no end. She's scared, worried, and he breaks it to her about his immortality. He tries coming off about it in a good manner, tries not to make her afraid, but she looks upset, thinks he's saying something crazy. He says she promised not to think that. She says this is hard to believe. He tells her he can show her. Now she's really afraid, but he takes her from the restaurant and they go to the roof of a tall building. Christian goes to the ledge and looks over. Rebecca screams at him, begging him to step away from it. He says he wants her to see that this is real. She says he's scaring her, and she's crying. He goes to her and holds her, asking her if she believes him. She cries, saying she doesn't understand why he's saying this. He says he does not want her to be hurt, when she realizes in the future that he cannot age with her, that he will never age. She tells him he's being crazy, but he says it's all that way. It's all worse for him, to see them age, but he can't age with them. It hurts too much. He goes to the ledge again, and she tells him that if what he says is not true, and he jumps over that ledge...she can't bring herself to finish it. She tells him that if it is true, and he jumps over that ledge and lives, she will never want to see him again. “Because I'm a freak,” he says, and he says that's for the best. “No...because I can't stand to see you hurt,” she says. He tells her he'd rather be hurt than see her hurt. She tells him not to do it. He says this is what's best for them, and he lets himself fall backwards. “NO!” she shouts, and he falls several floors and smacks the ground.


His voice keeps whispering, growing louder, “Who am I?' Who?” And we find him and the woman that looks like Rebecca sitting together. She is 70 something, sitting in her rocking chair. He sits beside her in his. They don't say much at first, just sit together, an odd picture...he looks like her grandson. She tells him that his “aftershave” is working particularly well today...but then again it always has for him. She asks him how he feels, being in his 20s for the rest of his life. He tells her she does not want to know how he feels. She tells him she loves him, she always has. She's not feeling to well, so he carries her to bed. He goes down to fix her something to eat, a bowl of soup with some medicine. He goes back to her, and she's dozing off to sleep. His presence stirs him back awake. She looks at him, in his young face, and she tells him he hasn't changed a day since they met. “I wish I could've stayed the same for you,” she says. He tells her to take the soup, it will be better for her. She pushes it away, and she tells him not to forget what the old man told him. He looks at her, uncertain, and says he'll never be able to find that old man again. “I think you will...if you know where to look,” she says. She's quiet, then says she needs another pillow. He brings her one, and she closes her eyes to go to sleep. He holds her old, frail hand in his young, smooth one. Her breathing is light, and soon it stops. Her chest stops heaving. He looks at her, lying there on the bed, peaceful.


His eyes pop open. He's lying in a hospital bed in casts. “Who was she?” he says out loud. Karl comes in right then. He asks Christian how he's feeling. Not so well, apparently. He broke some bones. Christian asks what happened. Karl says he's not certain, but they found him lying outside a parking garage, as though he had fallen. A fall like that could've killed you...well not you. Christian asks how Rebecca is, and Karl says she's left town, had to get away. She didn't want to come see him, she was afraid of what she might see. Christian says he understand, and this way is better. Karl says he thinks they shouldn't give up...there has to be a way to reverse this. Christian says that's not possible. He can't even remember how it happened. Karl pulls out a book, a journal. “Do you recognize this?” Christian shakes his head. Karl says he found it buried beyond all of Christian's possessions, in a box with some pictures of a woman. “Who was the woman?” Christian asks, but Karl says it doesn't matter. The journal's what's important. It was the woman's journal. In it, she wrote about his condition, how he never changed, never aged. She said he would sometimes forget things, that his memory would slip, but she found a way to help stop that. She would make him repeat his experiences to her. He used to regale her with wonderful stories of his many pasts. Oh what a great time he had had in his life, his long brilliant life. The woman says that she knows she will die one day, and there may be no one for him to tell those things to...she just hopes he can repeat them to himself, so he won't forget them, won't forget where he came from, so that maybe one day, if he gets tired of it, he could find the old man who gave him “the coin”, and he could change this. “What coin?” Christian asks. Karl says he's not certain. He was hoping maybe something would click with him. Christian says he doesn't remember anything about a coin.


Christian is lying in his own bed now. He has the journal, pouring over it. He's trying to remember the woman who wrote it. A picture of her forms in his head...the woman who looks like Rebecca. The name on the front page says Jane. Christian repeats that name to himself. “Jane...who were you?” he asks, wishing he could remember. He's looking over some parts of the diary dealing with his story of how he met an old man with a coin. There was an old man in a woods. Christian closes his eyes, struggling to remember. A woods. An old man. A coin. They form images in his mind, but they're blurred and they don't come together. But then he starts thinking of Jane instead, and she keeps getting closer and closer in focus, until finally he can see her before him, in his mind, looking like Rebecca. He can see the house they lived in, grew old in together (or in his case, stayed young).


He decides to go to that house, because in some part of him he can somewhat remember it. He drives out in the country, looking for it. Karl comes with him, together searching for the house. Karl tells him about a legend he read up on, about how an old man once came to a young man in a woods with a coin, and told him the coin would give him one wish. The young man tossed the coin into a well and wished he would be rich. The young man was given great wealth, but he could never learn to appreciate it, could never find respect or love for it, or for himself, or for others, and found only greed, and he was killed in his sleep, his wealth taken from him. The coin was two-sided, or so the legend says. Karl says that legend sounds a lot like what the journal was indicating about Christian. Maybe it had something to do with it. Christian says he cannot remember. They continue to drive out into the country, taking them far off into nowhere, not entirely certain of where they're going. They seem lost, but something is pushing Christian forward.

They pull into a clearing in a woods. There is a house there, old and decaying, uninhabited. It looks worn with age. Christian says this is it. They walk toward the house, and a memory recurs of the house as it was being built, with Christian and Jane there, watching it and thinking how great it will be to have a place of their own. Back to the present. They go inside the old, decaying house, looking for anything. As Christian feels along the walls and old furniture, he gets fragmented memories of Jane, of the two of them in that house. They're making him feel sad. Karl asks him what he's seeing, and Christian says he feels like he can remember her. They continue to look through the house, and Karl says he has found something. Christian goes to him and sees a photo album. He begins to look through it, and they are images of him and Jane, dated back to the early 1910s and 1920s, the last of them in the 1930s. In them, we can see how Jane ages but Christian remains the same age. Karl says it is remarkable. On the last page of the photo album, there is a piece of paper tucked inside. Karl pulls it out. It's a map, with various areas in the woods circled, some with red x's on them. “What do you think it is?” Karl asks. Christian holds the map, studying it, and he says he thinks Jane must've been looking for something...the coin perhaps. “Or the well you threw it in,” Karl says. Christian looks at the map hard, trying to remember. “I don't remember throwing it in a well, but then again, I hardly remember it at all,” he says.


They're in the car puzzling how they can find the well. It could take years, and they may not even be looking in the right place. Afterall, Christian had been around for more than a hundred years, and who knows how long before that. He could have gone to the well a long time before he met Jane. Christian studies the map. He says he doesn't think so. He thinks he must've told Jane where he threw the coin, must've linked it to a general area. That's why she was searching in the areas on the map. But she must've died before she could finish it. “But why would she never tell you about this?” Karl asks. Christian says she did. “You remember?” Karl asks. “No...but she wouldn't have kept something like this from me. She probably meant for me to continue it, after she was gone,” Christian says. There are just too many places for them to search. Christian believes it a waste. Karl says he will do it, even if it takes years to find the well. Christian asks him why he care so much what happens to him. Karl says he  feels different when he's around Christian. There's something special about him...and not just the fact that he can't die from a bullet, or from jumping off a parking garage. He changes people. They're quiet, then Karl says, “Don't you think it's odd? How Jane looks strikingly like Rebecca. Coincidence?” Christian ponders on it, and he says he thinks they need to see Rebecca again. There was something she was going to tell him.


Christian tries calling Rebecca, but she never answers. He calls several times, leaves several messages, telling her it is urgent she answer. She won't, and he's left to stand in the dark by himself. He stands still for a moment, then picks his phone back up and leaves her another message, this time saying it has to do with Jane. He waits a moment. His phone rings. When he answers, Rebecca speaks to him, having been crying. Christian tries talking, telling her this is very important. Rebecca says she doesn't know who Jane is. Christian just asks if they can see each other. He needs her help. Rebecca says she doesn't think they need to see each other, but Christian tells her that his life depends on it. Rebecca says what does it matter, if he can never die. He says he needs her help...so he can change that. “Please,” he says. She tells him where to meet.


They meet at a quiet pub. Christian waits for Rebecca to arrive. When she comes in, she looks emotionless, but he can tell she has cried a lot. He tries to comfort her, but to no avail. She says she doesn't understand all of this, it's really complicated, and she's scared. He says he never meant to make her afraid; he just wanted her to understand fully why they couldn't be together. She says she would rather he lied to her, than for her to know that this was true. He tells her not to be afraid of him, but she says that's not it. It's her. He's confused, and she says she doesn't know who this Jane is, but she gets memories some times. This is what she wanted to tell him about, that day at the cafe, but she was afraid to. He asks what the memories are about, and she says they're about him. He tells her things sometimes, in these memories, weird things, and that's why she was afraid when he told her he was an immortal, because it just like the memories. She doesn't know who Jane is, but she thinks somehow she has her memories, or some of them. Christian says she looked just like her, that maybe she was Jane in a past life. Rebecca asks who Jane was, and Christian says he can hardly remember, but whoever she was, she was important to him. Rebecca says that the person in the memories who Christian talks to was his wife. Rebecca never understood these, always thought they were weird dreams, but they felt so real. Christian asks what happens in these memories, or dreams. Rebecca says there's one, where Christian talks about how he forgets things. He says that things only stay in his memory for a certain period of tiem, and then they go, so that it's like he can't remember being immortal, at least for a while, until he's with someone and he realizes he doesn't age. But with time, he'll forget that person too. This Jane wanted to make sure he could remember, would always know he was immortal and wouldn't forget things or people. Christian says he wishes he could remember everything. He hates forgetting.


Rebecca says there's another memory, one that sticks out most. It's something about an old man and a coin. Christian says that's what he's searching for. That has to be the answer to this riddle. Rebecca says it's a story, that Christian, or whoever it was that looked like him in the memories/dreams, told to this Jane...told to her. There was a woods, and Christian was a young man hunting in the woods. He comes across a deer but an old man shoots it before Christian can. The old man feels bad about stealing Christian's kill. To make up for it, he offers Christian a lucky coin. The old man says that this coin will give you one wish, and that wish would come true. Now Christian had seen the deer die, had seen people die, and he was afraid of dying, so he went to a well (Rebecca describes it, as we see this in flashbacks) and, as the old man instructed, tossed the coin in, wishing that he could be young forever, could be immortal. The coin falls until there's a tiny little splash. We jump back a few minutes, to him talking to the old man as the old man gives him the coin. Christian asks him if his wish would always be true, and the old man tells him that it would so long as the coin remained in the well. We see the coin now, sitting at the bottom of the well.


Christian says he can remember that...it was there. The coin was a thing of legend. It's wish always had side effects. His memory loss, a way to block out his experiences, and the people he loved. Rebecca asks him where the well was, and Christian says he can't place it. Rebecca says she has a memory of him telling her that he could not remember where the well was, but together they would look for it. Christian shows her the map, and Rebecca says it would take them too long to look for it on that map. Christian looks like he's struggling, trying hard to remember where the well was. Rebecca's voice whispers as he closes his eyes, telling him to concentrate. He can see him and Rebecca, him and Jane, going in reverse, blurred out memories and some vivid ones. He sees the old man, the well, the coin, but they're blurry. He's trying really hard, but the memories are fading fast, the screen blurring around. His voice cries out, a narration, a thought, wanting help, wanting to know the well's location. Where is it? His voice is crying out for it, wanting to know. The well. Where's the well? It's a blurred well, in a blurry woods, the edges fading away.

Christian opens his eyes. He says he can't see where the well is. Rebecca tells him his name was Christopher a long time ago. He asks what that means. She says that when she first had a memory of him, it was as him named Christopher. She didn't know what it meant, but she recognized him when she saw him at the Malibu beach house...only he was Christian. His name changed with time, just like his memories. So when he told her he was immortal, and the memories clicked with that, she began to look it up. She found his birthplace. There was a woods around his house. There must've been a well there. Only the woods were big, so the well could be anywhere in there. So that's why she went out of town. To find the well herself. Only, when she found the house he was born in, there was nothing left but a forest. It's not marked on that map of Jane's. But she thinks that's where it's got to be, buried in that woods. The well is somewhere there, near his old home. He says that's brilliant. He wants to go there, to find the well.

They're in the woods where she mentioned his birthplace was at. Karl was with them too. Rebecca says she wasn't certain where to look when she got here. Christian says it doesn't matter. He remembers something. He closes his eyes and then looks off in one direction. They follow, and they go a while, and he can see a spot. He says that's where he shot the deer. He can feel where the old man was, and the memory of it is now less blurred than it was, no coming into focus. He knows he has been here before. They keep going, down toward the creek. There's running water, and vines cover a well in the ground. They stop, and Christian knows this is it. The coin was down there. They look down into the well, shine a flashlight. There are hundreds of coins down there. It's too dark to find his coin. “Do you think they're all wishes?” Rebecca asks. Christian thinks up a way to get his coin out. The only way is to go down himself. Rebecca says it's dangerous and she's afraid, but he reminds her he cannot die. “You can once you get the coin out,” Rebecca reminds him. Karl says he'll do it, but Christian says he's lived a much longer life than Karl has, and it's his coin.


He goes down with the flashlight and lands at the bottom. It's dark and he shines the light about searching for his coin. The coins look the same, all old and worn by water and age. It may be impossible to find his in the well. “Do you remember what it looks like?” Karl shouts down to him. He's struggling to see the coin in his mind. He starts grabbing some, but they burn his hands. He pulls his hands back, the agony too much. His eyes wander around some more, desperately trying to find his coin, and then he spots it, lying in the midst of the coins, it's face recognizeable. He reaches for it, pulls it up, and then with theirhelp pulls himself from the well.


When he gets back on solid ground, he shows them the coin. He says this was it. Rebecca asks if he's certain, and he says he's positive. He can remember it now...all of it. “Everything?” she asks. He says it's coming back to him, a lot of memories he had forgotten, a lot of people nad places. He had been around for a long time, a long time. His memories fly by before him, a life time, several lifetimes, flying by on screen, of all sorts of interesting things he's done and people he's encountered. He tells Rebecca he must be mortal now. She goes to him and kisses him on the lips.


Christian is staring out at the sea, contemplating. The sun is setting. He is alone for now, but Rebecca comes to sit beside him in the sand. She says nothing, but she takes his hand in hers. He says it feels like this is how it was supposed to happen. He's supposed to be able to grow old, and he's not afraid to. He tells her he wants to grow old. They sit there on that beach, and as the sun sets, time must be shown going by because they're faces get wrinkly and old, and by the time the sun is fading, they're an old couple sitting on the beach, watching it fade.

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Mr. Rogers Goes to Washington


Director: Cameron Crowe

Genre: Period/Drama
Date: October 14 (4 theaters); October 21 (812 theaters) ;October 28 (2,876 theaters)

Studio: Blankments Productions

Cast: Michael Sheen as Fred Rogers, Jennifer Garner as Sara Rogers, Kevin Spacey as John O. Pastore, Dane DeHaan as Tom, and Thomas Haden Church as the head of PBS.
Music by: Thomas Newman.
Runtime: 106 min
Tagline: Rogers vs. Senate


Plot Summary: Mr. Rogers goes to speak to a subcommittee of the Senate to plead for more PBS funding.



The film opens with a quote by the real Mr. Rogers, “There are three ways to ultimate success: The first way is to be kind. The second way is to be kind. The third way is to be kind.”

1969. Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood season 2 has just wrapped production. Our hero, Fred Rogers, wraps up work, and says goodbye to everyone on set. He drives home to his loving wife, Sara. Their kids are off at summer camp, and they spend the night together on a romantic date. We cut to the next day after they sleep, and, after a morning swim, then Fred takes their dog for a walk. On the walk, he sees a little boy, who runs over to him. He smiles at the boy, and tells him they’re actually neighbors. The boy screams in delight, and Fred walks back to the house happily.


However, life isn’t perfect. When he arrives home, the phone rings. The head of PBS is on the other end of the line, saying that Mr. Rogers’ Neighborhood could possibly be cancelled. Fred is in a short panic, and he asks why. The head of PBS says that their funding is going to be cut by President Nixon. Fred will take none of that, and demands to be able to speak to the Senate. The head of PBS says he’ll see what he can do.


Fred walks around thinking about what is going to happen if the show is cancelled. Although he is slightly worried about his and his employees' income, he is even more worried about how the children of America would survive without their educational television. Sara wakes up and asks him what the commotion is, and Fred explains that his show, and all other educational children’s shows are going to be cancelled thanks to a $20 million funds cut. Sara tells him that’s terrible, and Fred says he is going to speak to the Senate on the subject.


Sara is apprehensive, and tells Fred not to speak the Senate, in fear that he could embarrass himself to the family. Sara tells him nstead to just take the loss like a man, and begin writing a book. Fred is aghast, asking his wife why a book would be better than a show, and Sara answers that a book is much more respectable than a TV show. Fred adamantly disagrees, and the phone rings again. Sara picks it up to hear the head of PBS tell her that Fred has a date with the Senate in two days. Sara says that he won’t be doing it, but Fred steals the phone back, and says that he will take two plane tickets.

Sara and Fred go to the airport, and on the plane continue arguing over the book or TV series. Fred stays by his opinion that TV allows him to reach more children and help the world more. Sara vehemently disagrees, telling Fred that TV is trashier than a book. A little boy then runs up to Fred, saying he loves his TV show. Fred decides to prove a point, and asks the boy if he’s read any good books lately. The boy responds that he hates reading, and Fred smiles at his wife in response.


Sara and Fred arrive at their hotel, and spend the night in separate beds, Sara still being incredibly annoyed. Fred wakes up early the next day ready to walk the dog... until he realizes that he is in Washington D.C. He sees his wife asleep and walks over to kiss her, and then goes downstairs to the pool for a morning lap. He then heads off to meet with the chairman of the subcommittee he will speaking to, John O. Pastore. Pastore takes an antagonistic approach to Fred, telling him that government-funded television is a thing of the past. It’s almost the 70s, and the world needs less television and more straight learning. Fred strongly disagrees, but Pastore says for him to save for tomorrow, he is not allowed to hear his testimony until the actual proceedings.


Fred heads on back to the hotel by walking, but is stopped by a group of kids, excited to see their favorite neighbor. Fred says hi to each and every one of them, until he tells them to run along. The kids leave, and out of the blue, walks a teenager. The teenager introduces himself as Tom to Fred, telling him that Mr. Rogers is a freak pedophile for hanging out with those kids. Fred explains that Tom is confused; he would never do anything harmful to a child. Tom looks at Fred like he’s crazy, and then Fred tells him to walk with him. Fred asks him if there’s trouble going on at home. Tom tells him to lay off, since he’s a freak. Fred relents, but buys him an ice cream cone anyway. Tom looks as Fred like he’s crazy, but Fred says that he just wants to talk to Tom.


Fred tells Tom he has two children and he loves them very much. There’s nothing in the world he loves more than children, and he can tell Tom is having a hard time. Tom is reluctant, but Fred says Tom doesn’t have to say anything. Tom eats the ice cream in silence until he breaks down crying. Tom asks Fred if it’s his own fault that his parents are splitting up. Fred is surprised, but gentle with Tom. He tells Tom that he is special just the way he is, and that his parents splitting up has nothing to do with him. He tells Tom that he can sense greatness in him, and with a little more time in life, he can see Tom becoming a great man. Tom sniffles a bit, but is overcome with happiness from Fred’s kindness. Tom thanks Fred, and then Fred says he better get on his way, he needs to get back to his wife. The two part ways.

Back at the hotel, Fred meets with Sara, and she apologizes for the way she acted the previous night. Fred forgives her, and the two head to bed, sleeping in the same bed this time. The next day, they both wake up bright and early for the hearing. Fred and Sara have a romantic swim in the hotel pool. They head out, and they wait outside in the chamber together. Fred is called in, and he kisses Sara goodbye. Pastore looks at annoyance at Fred, and tells him to speak. Fred speaks of the need for social and emotional education that public television provided. He passionately argues that alternative television programming like his show helped encourage children to become happy and productive citizens, sometimes opposing less positive messages in media and in popular culture. He even recited the lyrics to one of his songs. Fred speaks for a good six minutes on the subject, and says thank you. He begins to leave, but Pastore tells him to sit back down. Pastore then tells Fred that that was wonderful, and he just earned the $20 million in funding.


Fred walks out and hugs his wife. Sara asked how it went, and Fred says that he thinks he just saved PBS. The two kiss, and then head back home on the plane. They quickly get to their house, and begin getting ready for bed. Fred then tells Sara that he is planning on writing a book for her. Sara is happy to hear this and their light goes out, ending the film. Over clips of Mr. Rogers Neighborhood, we learn via text that Fred Rogers wrote more than 36 books and his show lasted a total of thirty-one seasons. Mr. Rogers lived a long, happy, life, dying at the age of 74. The film ends with the credits playing on the right side of the screen as footage of Mr. Rogers accepting his Lifetime Achievement Award at the 1997 Emmy Awards.


MPAA Rating: PG for thematic content and brief language.

Budget: $30 million

Edited by Break-It Blank
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Date- September 9th

Genre- Drama
Rating- NC-17
Theaters- 1,567 theaters
Budget- 5 million
Running Time- 85 minutes or 1 hour and 25 minutes
Studio- O$corp Pictures
Director- Paul Verhoeven
Actors and Actress- Unknowns
Plot: The film follows the lifestyle of four prostitutes. Two are male and two are female. We learn about their hard lifestyle and their struggle to get out of the sex business. At the end of the film one of the guys and one of the girls escapes their depressing lifestyle. 


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The Life of a Prophet


Date- June 3rd 6

Genre- Historical Drama

Rating- PG-13

Theaters- 2,954 theaters

Budget- 30 million

Running Time- 145 minutes or 2 hours and 25 minutes

Studio- O$corp Pictures

Director- Spike Lee

Actors and Actress- Unknowns


Plot: The film opens with the birth of Muhammad. Muhammad was born to his mother Amina, into the Quraish, the then ruling tribe of Mecca.  Up to the age of eight, he was raised by his grandfather Abdul Muttalib because Abdallah, his father, died in Yathrib a few weeks before Muhammad was born. Amina, his mother, died when he was six.  After the death of his grandfather, his uncle Abu Talib then assumed responsibility for raising Muhammad.  Abu Talib was a businessman involved in trade and Muhammad went with him on business trips and encountered both Jews, 280 miles to the north in Madina, and Christians also to the north and to the south in Nejran. At 25 years old, Muhammad was hired to manage the business of a wealthy widow named Khadija who was 15 years older than he.  He went to Syria and traded there successfully.  Apparently this impressed Khadija.  She ended up proposing to Muhammad later and in 595 they were married.  They had two sons and four daughters:  Zaynab, Ruqaiyah, Fatima and Umm Kulthum.  Muhammad and Khakija were married for 25 years until Khadija died at the age of 65 during the month of Ramadan, well after the start of Islam. Around 35 years of age, Muhammad assumed the habit of going outside of Mecca to Mt. Hira for meditation and contemplation.  There was a cave where he often went for solitude. It was during one of these times of meditation that Muhammad said an angelic being appeared to him. This disturbed Muhammad and he told his wife Khadija that he thought he had been visited by an evil Jinn.  Jinn are supposed to be living beings like people, but not angels, who were created from fire and are invisible, yet dwell on the earth.  A short time later, in the year 610, while in a cave on Mt. Hirah, Muhammad said that the angel Gabriel appeared to him and commanded him to recite. This recitation became the Qur'an. In these encounters with the angel Gabriel, sometimes he would see the angel, other times he would only hear him, and at others he only heard the sound of a bell through which the words of the angel came. Muhammad could neither read nor write so he was instructed to memorize the words given to him by Gabriel.  This complete recitation, which Muhammad received over a 23 year period, ending in 632, the year of his death, is known as the Qur'an. Initially, Muhammad doubted that he was being called by Allah to be a prophet. Others, including his wife and a cousin, counseled him by saying that Allah would only be truthful to him and would not allow him to be deceived. Muhammad became convinced. 

It became the mission of Muhammad to proclaim the truth of Islam, given to him by Allah, through the angel Gabriel. Muhammad called the people of his area to repent from their idol worship, to do good, and to serve the one and true God, Allah.  He taught that man is God's slave and it is his duty to submit to God and obey him.  He said that the Day of Judgment was coming and that a man's works will be weighed on that day.  Those whose good deeds outweigh their bad may, by Allah's grace, be saved and enter Paradise which is full of sensual pleasures. The unsaved go to hell. He also teaches that women are lesser than men and says women can be mortgaged. His first converts were his wife, Khadija, his cousin Ali, and his adopted son Zaid ibn Haritha.  Soon afterwards, Abu Bakr also believed. In his first three years of proclaiming Islam, he had 40 converts. Though his continued preaching brought only a few converts, it did bring much opposition.  The ruling tribe, the Quraish, tried to get Muhammad to stop his preaching by appealing to his uncle, Abu Talib. But, Muhammad adamantly refused to stop proclaiming the message he had received.  Because Abu Talib was very influential in the Quraish, Muhammad's life was protected and he was able to continue his preaching -- which angered many people.  The Quraish began to persecute the Muslims by beating them and boycotting their businesses.  Often times, during public prayers, Muhammad was accosted and mocked.  His followers were likewise treated poorly.  But, Muhammad remained steadfast. Because of the persecution, the Muslims moved to Abyssinia, Ethiopia today, and were protected by the Christian ruler there. After a time, he returned to Madina and continued his preaching.  More converts joined his ranks and more idolaters sought to defeat him.  This is because the message of Islam was socio-political. Islam covers belief, society, behavior, ethics, etc.  This monotheistic belief system threatened the lucrative business that grew around the pilgrimages to the Ka'aba that so many Arabs enjoyed. The ruling tribe, the Quraish, soon found that within their reign a small band of believers, a small "country" unto themselves, was rising up.  The ruling party became more and more concerned and feeling threatened by the Muslims, they became more hostile towards Muhammad. In the year 620, Muhammad lost his beloved uncle Abu Talib (who never became a Muslim) and his wife Khadija.  After a few months Muhammad sought comfort by marrying the widow of one of the believers named Sawdah.  He also later married Ayisha, the seven-year old daughter of his friend Abu Bakr, who he took into his home three years later. Muhammad had 12 wives including a nine year old girl. Muhammad gathered his followers in 622 and moved to Medina.

In Medina, he preached about Allah and monotheism and urged all people to return to the true faith of Abraham.  At that time in Medina, he would pray facing Jerusalem, as did the Jews who were very populous in that city.  He preached about repentance, one God, and forgiveness of sins.  His first sermon in Medina was on a Friday.

Gradually, however, the Jews began to disapprove of him and his movement. He confronted them and told them they had misread the Scriptures. This estranged the Jews in the region and finally one day while praying, he suddenly changed direction and faced Mecca. He said the Ka'aba, in Mecca, was the true place of worship since it was built by Abraham. After two years in Medina, the Muslims were not fairing too well financially and that, combined with mild persecution, prompted a revelation to come to Muhammad permitting him to raid passing caravans. This he did and the Muslim financial problems were solved. Soon afterward, there was then a significant battle at Badr where Muhammad, with 350 men, defeated an army of 1,000 men. This boost gave confidence to the Muslims, encouraged more converts, and made the Quraish even more uneasy. In the fifth year of the Hegira, the Quraish tried to destroy the Muslims but failed. By now the Muslims were too strong so the Quraish never again tried to defeat them. Muhammad then set his sights on Mecca. At one point in 628, Muhammad took 10,000 men and entered Mecca unchallenged. The leader of the Quraish converted to Islam. From there, Muhammad's movement gained further momentum. In 631 two tribes joined Muhammad. They were the Hijaz and Najd. From this time on, many battles ensured. There was the Battle of Uhud and the Battle of the Trench. Muhammad signed a treaty with the Quraish tribe. And eventually, Muhammad had conquered Mecca and he destroyed all the idols in Mecca. Muhammad was aging and getting weak. He eventually fell ill and died in the presence of his favorite wife, Aisha, and her father, Abu-Bakr. He was buried in Medina in his own house. His father in law, Abu-Bakr, then became Caliph, the religious leader of Islam.

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Vampire Academy


Date- August 19th 

Genre- Horror/Romance

Rating- PG-13- violence, language, thematic elements, and sexuality

Theaters- 3,225 theaters 

Budget- 35 million

Running Time- 120 minutes or 2 hours 

Studio- O$corp Pictures 

Director- Chris Weitz

Actors and Actress- (Rose) Megan Fox, (Lissa) Ashley Tisdale, (Dimitri) Charlie Cox, (Christian) Matt Barr, (Mason) David Henrie, (Mia) Emily Osment, (Victor) Nicholas Cage, and (Natalie) Maggie Q


Plot: Guardian in training Rosemarie "Rose" Hathaway and Moroi princess Vasilisa "Lissa" Dragomir are brought back to their school St Vladimir's Academy from where they had run away two years back after accident causes Lissa to lose her parents and brother. On returning Guardian Dimitri Belikov, who was the leader of the team of guardians sent to retrieve the two, assigned to be Lissa's guardian. He offers to mentor Rose in her guardian training as he feels she has potential and with training can make up for the years she has lost. He also believes Rose can be an excellent guardian to Lissa due to the presence of a rare one-sided psychic bond to Lissa which allows her to know the latter's, emotions, thoughts and whereabouts. Rose agrees knowing this is the only way she will be allowed to remain and on graduation be Lissa's guardian to whom she is fiercely protective. Though they soon fall into the academy life, they find that Lissa has lost her social standing among the other Moroi royals owing to her running away and decide to keep company with Lissa's "cousin" Natalie Dashkov who is the daughter of sick and dying Victor Dashkov. On the very first day back they find that another Moroi student, Mia Rinaldi, who is dating Lissa's ex-boyfriend Aaron holds a grudge against Lissa(and by default Rose). Mia finds every opportunity to insult Lissa and is in turn insulted and threatened by Rose. Lissa finds a friend, Christian Ozera, much to the irk of the ever protective Rose. Christian's parents had turned Strigoi (undead vampires) of their own will for immortality and had been killed by guardians. Rose mistrusts Christian because of his family history, also it is implied that she is jealous of Lissa's interest in him. Rose in her turn starts falling for Dimitri. Things start getting worse when Lissa starts finding dead animals in her room along with threatening letters. Lissa starts going into depression and engages herself in self mutilation. It is revealed that though she has not specialized in any elemental magic (Air, Water, Fire and Earth being the four elements), she has a miraculous ability to heal which was witnessed by Rose and their earlier teacher Ms.Karp two years back. Rose finds out that this gift is shared by Ms.Karp who is then taken to a mental institution. This incident along with her increasing depression was what had caused Rose to run away with Lissa. While attending Sunday service, Rose hears that the Moroi saint St Vladimir could heal people, and suffered from some form of depression (given as fighting inner demons). Also he was protected by his loyal companion the "shadow kissed" Anna with whom he shared a bond. On returning from a shopping trip with Lissa, Victor and Natalie, Rose has an accident and on waking up deduces from what Dimitri tells her (that she had a miraculous recovery) that Lissa had healed her. She reaches into her bond and finds that Lissa is lying on the attic of the Church bleeding from self-inflicted cuts. Her reporting this incident causes a slight break in their friendship. Somehow discovering this, Mia insults Lissa calling her unstable causing Rose to punch her and break her nose. Though unable to follow her owing to being detained by teachers and guardians, Rose reaches through her bond while in her room and finds that Lissa is being kidnapped by some guardians who assault Christian when he tries to save her. She tries to go and warn Dimitri and instead ends up nearly having sex with him. They stop when Dimitri unclasps a locket gifted by Victor from her neck and he manages to throw it away. It is later revealed that Victor had charmed the locket with a lust charm which causes people to act on already existing attraction letting go of the inhibitions. Through the bond Rose finds out that Victor is the one who kidnapped Lissa and plans to use her to heal his genetic disease. He reveals that Natalie was the one who left the animals in Lissa's room to see her heal them after accidentally catching her doing so while following them. He also reveals that Lissa had specialized in the rare fifth element Spirit, and that her bringing back Rose from the dead after the accident was what caused them to have a bond, which was also what had happened to Anna and was why she was called "Shadow Kissed". Also using spirit is what was causing her depression. Though Lissa heals him for the time being, the school guardians are able to reach the place and rescue her. On returning Victor convinces Natalie to turn Strigoi by killing while feeding and gets her to break him free. She injures Rose who was visiting Victor, but is killed by Dimitri. Dimitri reveals that he too feels for her but cannot have a relationship with her because of their age difference and because he won't be able to guard Lissa whole-heartedly if she is near him.

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Frogs, Frogs, and More Frogs 3D


Date- June 24th 6

Genre- Horror Comedy

Rating- PG-13- scary images and language

Theaters- 2,771 theaters

Budget- 15 million

Running Time- 77 minutes or 1 hour and 17 minutes 

Studio- O$corp Pictures 

Director- Vincenzo Natali

Actors and Actress- Unknowns


Plot: The small town of Sideways is invaded by a host of giant man-eating frogs. Mike and Bob stand up to destroy the man-eating frogs. In the end they successfully destroy all the frogs. 

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The Twenty-One Balloons 3D


Date- December 9th 6

Genre- CGI Animation

Rating- PG- mild action and humor

Theaters- 3,571 theaters 

Budget- 65 million

Running Time- 95 minutes or 1 hour and 35 minutes

Studio- Barbarian Animation Studios

Director- Chris Meledandri

Actors and Actress- (Sherman) - Voiced by Ben Stiller and (Mr. F) - Voiced by Ray Romano


Plot: The film begins in medias res with the rescue of Professor William Waterman Sherman, who was picked up by a steamship whilst floating among a strange wreck of twenty deflated gas balloons in the North Atlantic. Sherman, a recently retired schoolteacher, was last seen three weeks ago leaving San Francisco on a giant balloon, determined to spend a year drifting alone. The world waits breathlessly to find out how Sherman could have circumnavigated the globe in record time and landed in the ocean with twenty balloons rather than the one with which he began his journey. After several days' rest and a hero's welcome, the professor recounts his journey before a captivated audience. Sherman's flight over the Pacific Ocean was uneventful until an unfortunate accident involving a seagull forced him to crash land on the volcanic island of Krakatoa. He discovers that the island is populated by twenty families sharing the wealth of a secret diamond mine — by far the richest in the world — which they operate as a cartel. Each year, the families sail to the outside world with a small amount of diamonds, to purchase supplies for the hidden and sophisticated civilization they have built on the island. Each family has been assigned one of the first twenty letters of the alphabet, and lives in its own whimsical and elaborate house that also serves as a restaurant. The Krakatoan society follows a calendar with twenty-day months. On "A" Day of each month, everyone eats in Mr. and Mrs. A's American restaurant; on "B" Day, in Mr. and Mrs. B's British chop house; on "C" Day, in Mr. and Mrs. C's Chinese restaurant; on "D" Day, in Mr. and Mrs. D's Dutch restaurant, and so forth. Sherman's first friend on the island, Mr. F, runs a French restaurant containing a replica of the Hall of Mirrors. The houses are full of incredible items, such as Mr. M's Moroccan house, which has a living room with mobile furniture that operate like bumper cars. The children of the island invented their own form of amusement that combines elements from merry-go-round and balloon travel. Sherman’s time on the island is filled with great fun and adventure. When the volcano on Krakatoa erupts, the families and Sherman escape on a platform held aloft by twenty balloons. As the platform drifts westward around the world, the families parachute off to India and Belgium to start their new lives. Sherman remains on the platform and finally descends onto the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, where he is rescued. The professor concludes his speech by telling the audience he intends to build an improved balloon for a year of life in the air.

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Paranormal lamronaraP 2


Date- October 14th 

Genre- Supernatural Horror

Rating- R- terror, scary/disturbing images, and language

Theaters- 3,009 theaters

Budget- 5 million

Running Time- 79 minutes or 1 hour and 19 minutes

Studio- O$corp Pictures

Director- Wes Craven


Previous Film: .2M limited opening at 3 theaters/6.1M wide/11.7M on widest weekend/40.4M domestic finish/16.0M overseas/56.4M worldwide


Plot: The police arrive at the house and quickly find Tim’s dead body but Michelle is missing still. That night while police search the house, Michelle’s possessed body attacks them and kills them. She quickly escapes the home and attacks other people in their homes. In the morning the massacre is discovered and Michelle is gone. The next few nights the same thing happens and people quickly begin to leave the town. The police lock down the town. Michelle attacks a few police before getting shot. The spirit however regenerates her body and she becomes alive again completely healed. Finally an exorcist comes and after an intense exorcism releases Michelle and destroys the spirit. Michelle now free from the spirit goes to Tim’s grave and promises to live the rest of her life for him. She is taken to court so it can be decided if she should go to jail or not. 

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Texans Hate Zombies

Genre: B-Movie Horror/Comedy
Cast: Bruce Campbell (Bill), Evangeline Lilly (Marcia Dalton), Sam Trammell (Leslie Dalton), Freddy Rodriguez (Fernandez), Taylor Kitsch (Wallace), Walton Goggins (Agent Norris), and Kurt Russell (Ezra)
Director: Sam Raimi
Release Date: 9/9
Theater Count: 2547 theaters
Budget: $22 million
Running Time: 87 minutes
MPAA Rating: R for extreme graphic zombie violence and pervasive language throughout

Plot Summary:


I made a pair of classic B-movie zombie films in the old CAYOM. However I have lost the original Texans Hate Zombies so I am turning the sequel into the original (the only connection between the two is Bruce Campbell and that his wife died in the first one).

Bill (Campbell), a former sheriff, has retired and lives at Lake Brownwood, Texas to mourn for the loss of his wife in a past zombie attack. His neighbors are Marcia and Leslie Dalton (Lilly and Trammell), who have a lake house nearby but live in the small city of Brownwood not far away, where Leslie is a deputy sheriff. The first couple scenes show Bill living a quiet life and spending a little time with the Daltons before they return to Brownwood. We then see a scene between Bill and Ezra (Russell), Bill’s old war buddy who has since become a pacifist and a preacher. Ezra wants Bill to let go of his past and find peace but Bill finds it hard.

Elsewhere we see Fort Hood in Texas, where a crazy government agent, Agent Norris (Goggins), wants to start a military coup in the USA for his secret bosses but needs to start a crisis to justify it. He decides to use the HRT (Human Reanimation Toxin) in a giant toxin bomb that will start a zombie outbreak at the fort and then continue to spread the HRT across the state so there’ll be tons of zombies that the military will need to kill. He wears protective gear and after killing several guards assembles the toxin bomb and sets it off, causing thousands of people in the fort to collapse and die…and then come back to life as zombies, who begin to roam and snack on soldiers and civilians who were outside the radius of the bomb (this is done in a sort of campy slo-mo montage with over-the-top gore and melodramatic music). The chaos allows Fernandez (Rodriguez), an illegal immigrant held prisoner; to escape with several other illegals and they manage to find a truck and escape the base. Before they do though, a couple of them are bitten by zombies and Fernandez spots Norris, who thinks Fernandez has figured out what went on. Norris kills everyone in his path as he finds his car and pursues Fernandez to kill him as well as continue spreading the HRT.

Back in Brownwood we see a few scenes of the Daltons going about their lives and their jobs (Marcia is a teacher). Leslie in one scene has to deal with Wallace (Kitsch), who is a racist, foul-mouthed, drunken gun-loving redneck who likes to cause trouble in various ways. After these scenes Fernandez and his companions arrive in Brownwood and the couple illegals who got bit are now very sick and close to death. They decide to drop the two sick ones off at the hospital and while leaving are found by Norris, who tries to kill them in a shootout. All the other illegals except Fernandez are killed, who wounds Norris before Leslie and other deputies arrive and subdue him. Fernandez tries to explain everything but Norris says he is a federal agent chasing dangerous Mexican criminals and the deputies buy his story, though Leslie is unsure. Fernandez is taken to jail and Norris is forced to stay at the hospital to get his wound fixed.

The next day we see some more scenes of life in Brownwood, with Leslie feeling more unsure about Norris’ story and Fernandez scared in his cell. On the TV there is news that there is a 50-mile radius military lockdown around Fort Hood (Brownwood is 100 miles away) but no one knows why. Wallace pops in again to hit on Marcia and insult her husband but Marcia is tough and kicks Wallace in the groin. Bill comes into town to do some shopping and bumps into Marcia after Wallace getting embarrassed and she convinces him to stay for dinner. That night Leslie has to stay late at work so Marcia and Bill have dinner alone. Meanwhile the two sick immigrants finally die and while the doctors try to revive them they reanimate into zombies and tear the doctors to pieces. They then start to roam the hospital, which sends people into a panic. In the panic Norris is left unattended so he is able to go get his gear, put on his bio-suit, and set off a mini toxin bomb that kills everyone in the hospital and turns them into zombies who start to roam towards the small city. Norris is able to get out and goes to find Fernandez and kill him.

The zombies start to arrive in Brownwood and begin to attack people, though it’s treated at first as some killer thugs. The first couple police people to show up are quickly overwhelmed by the zombies which start to break into homes. Bill and Marcia are in that neighborhood and have to deal with a zombie in the house’s backyard. Marcia is paralyzed with fear but Bill after a couple seconds unleashes his pent-up rage and smashes the zombie to pieces with a shovel. Covered in gore, he looks at Marcia and says “I…Hate…Zombies.” They decide they need to find Leslie. Leslie meanwhile is still at the sheriff station when lots of calls for help begin to come in, too many to respond to. The sheriff tries to coordinate the officers what to do when Norris enters the station with a machine gun and starts blowing the officers there away, though Leslie and a couple other deputies are able to escape into the back area and block the door. Fernandez is there in his cell and says he told them the “federale was loco.” Leslie lets Fernandez out of the cell and says they all need to figure out what is going on so they leave through a back door. Norris breaks through the door too late and lets out a ridiculous-looking scream of rage.

More zombies pour into the residential areas of Brownwood and it seems that people are taking less time to die and then come back to zombiehood, indicating the HRT is mutating. Wallace is with a bunch of other drunk rednecks who get the idea that they can handle the zombies on their own, so they load up with guns and beer and drive around in pickup trucks shooting at every zombie they see, though they pretty much shoot everyone due to being drunk. They kill a fair number but then the two pickup trucks crash into one another due to the drivers being drunk and the zombies quickly attack them. Wallace is the only one who gets away and he is super freaked out. He runs into Bill and Marcia, who are trying to make their way downtown but find that there are too many zombies in the way. A couple of them try to attack but Bill is returned to full zombie-killing mode and bashes them up. Since downtown is blocked off, Bill says he has a friend they could try to go to. Meanwhile Leslie, Fernandez, and the other deputies are holed up in a store as they see people fleeing down the street. The deputies want to go find their families so Leslie lets them go so he can go find Marcia. Fernandez stays with him since he has nowhere else to go.

A lot of people are holed up at City Hall, which is surrounded by a couple hundred zombies. But the people look like they are holding them off. This makes an on-looking Norris angry. “You stupid hicks don’t get to win!” he shouts as he jumps onto the roof of City Hall and drops his last small toxin bomb into an air vent (though he keeps one special vial). He leaps back onto other rooftops as the doors to City Hall open and instead of people hundreds of zombies come out. Bill, Marcia, and Wallace arrive at Ezra’s house to ask for help. Ezra says he has heard about the zombies and was ready to go find Bill when they showed up. He says they’ll need to go to his church to see if people have gone there for help. Marcia finally gets a signal on her cell phone and calls Leslie and tells him to go to Ezra’s church to meet up with them all. Eventually they all unite at the church and Marcia and Leslie kiss in joy. Dozens of people have come to the church and ask Ezra to help them. Ezra lets them all inside and gives a sort of speech. He says he knows they all want help from God to survive this, but God will only help if they help themselves. He opens the top off a pew and pulls out guns that he begins tossing to the people. Bill is amused and says he thought Ezra was a pacifist. “Zombies don’t count” Ezra replies as he hands Bill a shotgun. Wallace, who is still totally freaked out, says he has no faith they’ll survive. Ezra hands him a Bible and tells him hope lies within, and sure enough when Wallace opens it he finds a pistol hidden inside.

Lots of zombies begin to come near the church to attack and the armed civilians outside start to fire with their new guns, killing lots of zombies. But more and more zombies come, some of them moving fast and athletic, indicating the HRT is mutating even more. “Quick zombies, the worst” Bill says and Ezra nods in agreement. Eventually there are too many and the civilians panic and flee, allowing zombies to feast. Wallace is one such victim, torn into several pieces by several hungry zombies. The survivors flee into the church and block the doors, which shake as the zombies try to get in. Ezra says there is a secret underground passage under the rectory that will lead to a safe exit, saying he built it as part of his zombie plan. Bill tells Leslie and Marcia to take the others to safety while he and Ezra hold off the zombies. Leslie, Marcia, Fernandez, and a few other survivors flee through the passage while Bill and Ezra wait. They reminisce about the good ol’ days and say they wouldn’t go out any other way. Meanwhile, Norris is using some technological thingamajig to look for heartbeats and detects several heartbeats moving from the church. Norris cackles and goes to intercept them.

The zombies break into the church and find themselves getting blown to pieces by Bill and Ezra, who are armed to the teeth. They blast so many zombies to shreds that they essentially do an interior paint job with blood and bone and gore splattering the walls. Ezra though gets bitten a couple times before they are able to kill off the zombies. Bill tries to deal with Ezra’s wounds but Ezra says there is no time since more zombies will come soon. He tells Bill to get going and reveals he has an explosive vest on so he’ll take out as many zombies as possible when the time comes. Bill nods and leaves down the passage. Soon more zombies come in and surround Ezra, who smiles before activating the explosives, which demolish the church and everything in it.

Leslie and the others exit the passage to find a clearing…filled with zombies. They get to work and start shooting and hacking zombies left and right until they’re all gone, with Fernandez saving Leslie from a zombie bite at the end. Before they can relax, Fernandez is shot by Norris, who laughs and says nothing can stop him now. Fernandez however gets back up and attacks Norris and the two wrestle and end up shooting one another, with Fernandez dead and Norris dying. Norris pulls out the vial he saved, says “F**k it” and drinks the contents, which causes him to mutate into a tall, muscular super zombie. Zombie Norris roars and attacks the survivors, killing the few random people who are with Leslie and Marcia first while they shoot at him and wound him a bit. Zombie Norris shrugs off the injuries and attacks them and is about to rip them to pieces when its head explodes. Zombie Norris falls, revealing Bill with a shotgun. “They never realize no one wants them here” Bill deadpans as he helps Leslie and Marcia to their feet. They go find a car. Leslie and Marcia plan to drive as far from Brownwood as possible and live wherever they end up. Bill however says he is going to stay since Texas is his home. After Leslie and Marcia drive off Bill walks to a convenience store to load up on supplies and while there a zombie enters to menace the woman working there. Bill gets the zombie’s attention, says “Don’t Mess With Texas,” and with a smirk shoots his shotgun at the zombie, the film ending in a freeze-frame of that shot.

Edited by 4815162342
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The Different Ones

Date: July 8th

Theaters: 2,763

Genre: Sci-Fi/Drama

Director: Mike Cahill

Cast: Brit Marling (Emily), Armie Hammer (Jack), Jim Steugess (Peter)

Budget: $30 million

Runtime: 92min (1hr, 32min)

Rating: R for some violent and disturbing images and language throughout


A tale of three superpowered humans who try desperately to adapt to regular society.


After a freak car accident several years ago near a power plant, three teenagers were left with abnormal superpowers, such as telekinesis and great agility. However, these four people were secluded from society, referred to as freaks and outcasts rather than the heroes depicted in comics of super-powered humans. As a result, all four of them were forced to move away into their own lives, realizing that they have very little choice but to suppress their powers from others. However, each of them has different opinions on the truth of their powers. Their stories are interwoven to one another and told throughout this film.


Emily, one of four teenagers, is now the mother to a young five year old boy. She tries to act like any other person in her suburb, but she sometimes uses her powers around the house to make chores easier. Her husband knows about these powers, but he promises not to tell anyone about them. One day, she and her son are playing in the street, when the son accidentally loses his basketball in the street, and he runs out to get it. Emily is reading a newspaper about an oncoming asteroid that may kill half the world's population if it collides with Earth. Just as this happens, a car coming too fast down the street approaches the boy. In a reaction of fear and panic, Emily lifts the car telekinetic-ally and throws it right over the child, saving his life. However, the car is totaled, and the man driving is clearly injured. Emily soon grabs her son and runs inside the house. She soon has to cope with seriously injuring a man, even if he almost killed his son, and if her powers truly make her an freak of nature.


The second teenager, Jack, is a the leader of a criminal syndicate underneath New York City. He stuck fear into the hearts of the other criminals in the city thanks to his great powers, and he became an undisputed leader of a new gang, The Lords of the City. The Lords are also familiar with the story of the asteroid. After his organization is discovered by the police, they raid their base, a warehouse near the city harbor, and Jack uses his powers to suffocate and kill the policemen. Jack soon became shocked at his actions. Was he going to far with his powers, killing figures of law? Committing crimes and operating drug sales were one thing, but the murder of police may have been seriously crossing the line.


The last one, Peter, is a magician living in Southern California. He uses his powers to perform magic tricks and wow audiences across the globe. He has won many competitions and is one of the most famous celebrities in America. However, when he realizes that his manager got into a shady deal with a gang in New York City, he needs to go to the city and handle this matter himself. When he arrives at the city, he meets Jack. Jack becomes shocked to see someone else with his powers, but he remembers that Peter was with him in the car accident, and he becomes relieved to meet an old friend.


Near the end of the film, all three of these stories are intertwined. After Emily loses control of her powers once again, she is found out and brought to shame with society's standing. At the same time, they realize that they may be the only hope of saving humanity from this asteroid. With the three together, humanity may stand a chance of continuation, and it would finally prove their worth as heroes. The three of them activate their powers, and they decide that they have to carry out this mission, even if it kills them. As the three examine the asteroid, the film ends.

Edited by Spaghetti
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The Improper Exchange

Director: Seth MacFarlane
Genre: Comedy/Romance
Date: March 4
Studio: Blankments Productions
Cast: Anne Hathaway as Sasha Salone/Joe-in-Sasha's-Body, Zach Galifianakis as Joe Liners/Sasha-in-Joe's-Body, Seth MacFarlane as Mr. Magical Pineapple, Mila Kunis as Sam Meyer, Mark Wahlberg as the guard, and Jennifer Lawrence as Jennifer Lawrence.
Music by: Walter Murphy.
Runtime: 99 min

Tagline: The Biggest Switch Ever.


Plot Summary: A magical pineapple switches the bodies of a loser hobo and the world's biggest supermodel.



Sasha Salone is the world's biggest supermodel, with no regard to anyone else on the planet. When she's in New York City for her biggest show yet, a two-day show that could get her to star in a movie with Jennifer Lawrence, she bumps into a hobo named Joe Liners. Joe apologizes to Sasha, but Sasha won't take any of it and runs off. Joe is smitten by the two seconds of seeing Sasha, but gets sad he won't ever see her, blaming his own ugliness for the reason why she ran off. Later that night, he goes to the store and is in the mood for a pineapple. He buys a  pineapple, but on the way back to his place, the pineapple begins talking to him! The pineapple introduces himself as Mr. Magical Pineapple, and gives Joe one wish. Joe wishes that he would be beautiful enough for Sasha Salone. Mr. Magical Pineapple knocks him out.


Joe wakes up on a gorgeous waterbed in a hotel. He walks to the mirror to see he has switched bodies with Sasha! Someone knocks at the door, and Joe asks who it is. Sam Meyer, Sasha's secretary walks in, and she says that Sasha needs to get dressed for work. Joe says okay, and shoos her off. He then realizes that he, as a supermodel, needs to change his clothes. He smiles in a perverted way. Meanwhile, at Joe's place, Sasha wakes up in Joe's body and begins freaking out. It's the day of the biggest show of her life, and she needs to look her best... She then realizes whoever actually belongs in her new ugly, male, body must be in her body, so she runs off to her hotel.


Sasha runs into the hotel, but is stopped by security. She tries to flirt with a guard, but it surprisingly works, as the guard says he has a thing for beards. The guard tries to get Sasha to have sex with him, but Sasha definitely does NOT want to have sex in her new body, and so promptly slaps the guard in the face, which knocks him out. Sasha goes up to her room, and walks in on Joe naked, making poses in front of the year. She is in awe at her body being switched with such a dweeb, but she runs up to Joe, yelling at him for ruining her life. Joe looks at her in his own body, and says that he didn't know he was that fat. Sasha takes off her shirt to brawl and they fight, but then Sam walks in, seeing them both naked. Sam askes who the naked man is, and Joe answers, saying that the man is his new lover. Sasha looks at him in disgust, but Sam buys the lie, and she leaves.


Sasha punches Joe one more time, and asks him what did this. Joe doesn't know, but he explains a talking pineapple granted him a wish. Sasha asks him if he can remember where the pineapple went, and he can't recall the information, but he remembers where he bought the pineapple. They both get dressed to find the pineapple to get themselves switched back. They begin heading out when Sam stops them, saying that they need to get ready; the fashion show will start in an hour. Sasha tells Sam to go in her own place, and Sam looks at her weirdly, and then asks Joe what to do. Joe says that Sam can go and be in the fashion show for once. Sam is overjoyed, and the swapped two leave.


Sasha and Joe make it to the store, but they hear a call over to a donut shop across the street. They look, and see Mr. Magical Pineapple standing there. They go in, and start yelling at him, but Mr. Magical Pineapple stops them, and tells Sasha she gets one wish. She yells in frustration that she wished she knew how to switch back into her old body. Mr. Magical Pineapple laughs, and asks why didn't she just wish  for her old body back. Joe laughs while Sasha screams in anger. Mr. Magical Pineapple tells her to calm down, and he explains that in order to switch back, they need to achieve the special talent of the body they're inside of. Sasha asks what she must do, but Mr. Magical Pineapple says she's already become a loser, which is Joe's special talent. Joe takes offense to this, but Mr. Magical Pineapple says he must become a champion model by the sundown of the next day, or Joe and Sasha will be stuck in each other's bodies forever. Mr. Magical Pineapple then tells them he will help them out. He snaps his fingers and boom, Sasha and Joe are back in the hotel room.


Sam runs in, revealing day one of the fashion show just ended and everyone loves her. Sam then quits, saying that they asked her back for the next day, and Jennifer Lawrence might go with her for the role Sasha wants. Sam runs out as quickly as she ran in, and Sasha begins teaching Joe how to model and be sexy. Joe is very slow at picking this up, but Sasha is actually patient with him. After a romantic montage and EIGHTEEN HOURS LATER, he has become... decent. They rush off to the fashion show, and Sasha registers Joe for the show. It turns out it's a very bizarre elimination fashion show based off "The Hunger Games." Jennifer Lawrence explains that she loved being in the movie so much, she had to make a fashion show based off it for deciding the person who gets to play her adopted beautiful sister.


The rounds go on, and somehow, Joe keeps on being successful. Meanwhile, all the secretary's are hanging out in a box seat with Jennifer Lawrence, and, since Sasha is the only person in a guy's body there, Jennifer Lawrence begins flirting with Sasha rather awkwardly. The final round soon arrives and it's between Sam and Joe. Sam puts up a good fight, but Joe wins! The bodies are immediately switched back... and Sam immediately attacks Sasha, calling her a crazy tyrant. Sasha fights back in an epic slap, but Joe sees what's happening and jumps down. He punches Sam, and Sam yells at Jennifer Lawrence, telling her that the assault is not appropiate, and Sasha should be disqualified. Sasha and Joe kiss romantically, and Sasha tells Jennifer Lawrence she doesn't care about the role anymore; she has found something besides fame to care about. Jennifer Lawrence is touched, but also doesn't care for Sam. She explains to Sam that this was "Hunger Games" themed; assault should have been expected. Sam is kicked out, and Sasha gets the role. She kisses Joe again, and through the credits, we see Sam finding Mr. Magical Pineapple, who gives her a wish. She wishes everyone could see her for who she really is, the most considerate person around. Mr. Magical Pineapple rolls his eyes and switches her body with a dog. We then see Sasha and Joe get married a year later, and they walk the red carpet at the Jennifer Lawrence movie.


Theaters: 3,403
MPAA Rating: R for language, nudity, sexual content, and raunchy humor
Budget: $50 million

Edited by Break-It Blank
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Avatar: The Last Airbender – The PromiseDirector: Michael Dante DiMartino & Bryan KonietzkoGenre: Animated/ActionDate: March 25Studio: Blankments ProductionsCast: Zach Tyler Eisen as Aang, Mae Whitman as Katara, Jack DeSena as Sokka, Jessie Flower as Toph, Dante Basco as Zuko, Greg Baldwin as Iroh, Grey DeLisle as Azula, Jennie Kwan as Suki, Mark Hamill as Ozai, Nika Futterman as Smellerbee, Cricket Leigh as Mai, Olivia Hack as Ty Lee, Phil LaMarr as Kuei, James Garrett as Roku, Jen Cohn as Ursa, Jim Mesikimen as General How, Jason Ritter as Sneers, Linda Cardellini as Mori, Tom Kenny as Mayor Morishita, Mindy Sterling as Mayor Nishi, Tara Strong as Mrs. Morishita, Mick Wingert as Ho Tun, Kristen Schaal as Penga, T.J. Miller as The Dark One, John de Lancie as Kunyo, Stephanie Ann Mills as Hei-Won, Lauren Lipson as Yee-Li, Laurie Elliot as Won-Yee, John DiMaggio as General Mak, Niki Yang as Xing Ying, and Dee Bradley Baker as Momo/Appa/Animals.Music by: Jeremy Zuckerman.Runtime: 110 minTagline: The fate of the world rests in its hands.Plot Summary: An adaptation of the comic series.Plot:

The film begins with an updated opening sequence signaling the end of the War. Team Avatar meets with Earth King Kuei and decides on the creation of the Harmony Restoration Movement. Afterwards, the group goes to the Jasmine Dragon, where Aang and Katara kiss for a short while before being interrupted by Sokka, who makes a reference to "oogies". Team Avatar then takes Appa for a ride, where Zuko asks Aang to kill him if he ever becomes like his father.A year later, Zuko wakes up, sensing that someone is approaching with an intent to kill him. While his guards disregard his claim, they are knocked out by the assassin. Zuko begins attacking the assailant with firebending, eventually managing to defeat her. After unveiling her face, Zuko orders her to give him a reason to let her live. When the assassin, Kori, claims that her entire life has been ruined by the Harmony Restoration Movement and that her father is the mayor of Yu Dao, Zuko spares her and takes her back to the colony.Upon arriving in Yu Dao, Zuko argues with Morishita over the benefits of the Harmony Restoration Movement. When the mayor refers to Zuko as being weaker than his father, Zuko has a flashback to his first confrontation with his father as Fire Lord. Ozai dodges Zuko's question about his mother, instead inviting Zuko to have tea with him and accept his advice as a past Fire Lord. As Zuko leaves, Ozai claims Zuko will return. After a fiery outburst against Morishita, Zuko is called a traitor by the mayor.Approaching the Fire Nation, Aang is consoling Mayor Nishi about returning to the Fire Nation. He claims that life will be better, while the mayor remains skeptical. After landing in the Fire Nation, an Army officer orders that the cargo ship be reloaded in light of Zuko's withdrawing of support for theHarmony Restoration Movement. Aang, Katara, and Sokka immediately leave for Yu Dao, where Zuko is staying. At the Beifong Metalbending Academy, Toph's students are looking out of the window at a crisis happening in Yu Dao. Toph tells them to get back to their lessons and, after hearing Appa fly above, leaves the school to find her friends. She uses earthbending to leap onto Appa, where she hears about Yu Dao's crisis.Aang is meditating, calling on Roku for help. Roku reminds Aang that he needs to keep balance and that Zuko is creating imbalance. Aang agrees, but says he must talk to Zuko first. After arriving outside Yu Dao, Aang meets up with Smellerbee, informing her of the situation before taking Katara over the city walls on his glider. Once inside, the pair are attacked by guards who insist that people are only allowed to enter with Zuko's permission. Katara defeats the guards and tries to attack another who charges at Aang, but before she can, the waterbender is grabbed by Zuko, who admonishes her for attacking his "people". Aang separates the two with airbending, prompting Zuko to retaliate. After blocking the attack, Aang enters the Avatar State, intent on killing Zuko. Katara manages to calm him down, and Zuko agrees to talk.Zuko gives the couple a tour of Yu Dao, pointing out how heavily integrated the lives of the citizens are. He also explains how he found out that the city's mayor married an earthbender and had a daughter who was also an earthbender. Zuko reminds Aang that the Fire Nation put effort into building Yu Dao into its current state and that they deserve to stay. Katara proposes a conversation with Kuei concerning the matter, to which the Avatar and Fire Lord both agree. Aang and Katara leave Yu Dao, landing outside to speak with his friends.While Aang and Katara are inside Yu Dao, Sokka and Toph remain outside with the protesters. Sokka suggests that the group calm down and is hit by a small rock. Toph raises herself into the air on an earth column and forces silence upon the crowd. After flying over the walls, Aang explains the situation to Sokka, Toph, and Smellerbee. Smellerbee is angry that Zuko is not leaving and gives Aang an ultimatum. She says that she will lead the Freedom Fighters in a revolt if the Fire Nation has not left within three days. After leaving, Aang thanks Katara for helping him out of the Avatar State. Katara accepts his thanks by embracing him, prompting Sokka to make another reference to "oogies." Toph explains the concept to Katara by licking her hand, prompting a grossed-outresponse.At the Fire Nation Capital, Zuko returns to his palace where Mai awaits. Sheattempts to console him, citing his lack of sleep. She brings in the Kyoshi Warriors as his new set of guards to protect him from assassins. That night, Zuko wakes up again. When he checks outside, Suki and Ty Lee claim that nothing is wrong. Zuko leaves to get a drink, making tea and taking it to the Capital prison. He kneels before Ozai's prison cell, asking for advice.Aang, Katara, Sokka, and Toph are riding on Appa's back in the Earth Kingdom. Sokka begins to get uncomfortable as he sees Aang and Katara cuddling and begs Toph not to leave him with them. Subsequently, Toph decides to bring him to appraise her metalbending school.After they land, Toph explains to Sokka what inspired her to start teaching metalbending. As Sokka meets her students, they inform Toph they have been kicked out of their school by a firebender named Kunyo, who is starting another class in the art of firebending. He claims that as the new Fire Lord declared, they are taking what is rightfully theirs. Kunyo also thinks there is no such thing as metalbending, until Toph bends a metal spear around his head. As the two of them prepare to fight each other, Sokka interferes, coming up with a less destructive solution. He suggests for the two classes to face off in a competition in three days. The sole condition was whichever team forced a member of the other team to sit would net victory. As Sokka and Toph exit, Toph worries that her students cannot bend metal yet, and after seeing Kunyo's students train, she is sure that her own will be defeated decisively.Avatar Aang and Katara finally find themselves in the Earth Kingdom. On the way to the Royal Palace, Aang meets a group that refers to itself as the Official Avatar Aang Fan Club. They ask Aang if he would be willing to spend the night in their clubhouse, which has been designed to look like the Western Air Temple. Aang gladly accepts, but Katara is unsure of her position with the group, and feels jealous.In the Fire Nation, Zuko asks his imprisoned father for advice, regarding the colonies as the ongoing dilemma regarding their fate weighs heavily on the young Fire Lord. Ozai begins telling Zuko a story, involving them, having a vacation on Ember Island. Zuko, then only three years old, witnessed a turtle crab being attacked by a hawk. He rescued the crab as fast as he could. After rescuing the crab, Zuko realized he was condemning the hawk to starve. Zuko stood on the beach, debating whose side to take, until a wave washed him in the sea, forcing Ozai to dive in the sea and save him. However, Zuko did not understand how this story could help him with the Fire Nation colonies, and he left his father's cell.The following morning, Zuko brings in tea to his father's cell and again confronts him concerning the significance of the tale, to which Ozai sternly responds that either decision he would have made regarding the fates of the hawk or the turtle crab would have been the correct one, because the Fire Lord's decision, by divine imperative, would always be the right one.A bitter argument then ensues between father and son, with Zuko angrily denouncing Ozai's lack of belief in right and wrong and promising that he, Aang and The Earth King would come to an agreement as to the fate of the colonies. Ozai responds that he's heard rumors regarding the Harmony Restoration Effort and chides his son for continuing to pursue a negotiated settlement to the crisis. Ozai believes the Earth King will stiffen his resolve this time out and use force to remove the Fire Nation colonials from Yu Dao to save face following years of incompetent rule and past Fire Nation humiliations. He says if Zuko were a true Fire Lord, he would defend the Fire Nation colonials with equal vigor because his subjects are an extension of his divine will. However, when Zuko firmly places faith in Aang's efforts to resolve the crisis because he is on the side of right, Ozai angrily declares that the Avatar is a relic of the past attempting to impose his will on a situation that can only be decidedby force and implies his son trusts Aang's judgment over his own. When Zuko fails to respond to the obvious insinuation, an enraged Ozai then orders his son to remove himself from his sight. As Zuko angrily departs the prison, his departure is witnessed by Suki, who had secretly followed Zuko there, concerned over his frame of mind.Back in the Earth Kingdom, Toph's students are training hard, but to no avail; they still cannot metalbend. In the other room, Sokka and Toph discuss her students, and come to the subject of how she recruited them. She explains to Sokka that her bracelet found them. When she was in public, the bracelet would shiver ever so slightly, especially around emotional people. Toph hypothesized that the people who made her bracelet shiver could be metalbenders, so she recruited them but, it was still a theory, because none of them has bent metal yet. Sokka offers Toph his service as a 'motivational bender', saying he would motivate her students. Putting a headband on, he attempts to inspire them, but Toph and her students seemed skeptical. Sokka makes them take a strong stance, close their eyes and feel the Earth. He then starts throwing coins at them, hoping that the students would metalbend, but only achieves knocking them down. After seeing his failure, Toph starts making fun of his methods and headband.Aang becomes distracted by the fan club, enjoying spending time with the girls. Growing more jealous, Katara reminds Aang of the main reason they are in the Earth Kingdom. The two leave, and Aang tells Katara even though it was a silly fan club, that the girls reminded him of being back with the Air Nomads. Sometime later, Aang and Katara greet the Earth King. Earth King Kuei thanks them for taking care of the Yu Dao protest a few days ago. Kuei thinks that Zuko desires to keep the colonies, contrary to their past agreement. Aang and Katara suggest setting up a meeting between him and Zuko.Toph's students continue their training, but still cannot metalbend. Toph is so disappointed and worried that she doesn't even yell at them. Sokka suggests Toph a new idea; they have to get her students really emotional, to get them to metalbend. Both of them try to figure out a way to get the students emotional. For Ho Tun and Penga, its doom and shoes. It turns out that The Dark One, as revealed by Toph, has a name that really embarrasses him, which is the cause of his spiteful behavior. Toph agrees to tell Sokka the name, only on one condition; Sokka must not reveal it to anyone. He gives Toph the idea to construct something out of metal. Toph shows him the armory below the school, containing kid-sized Fire Nation armors. Sokka instructs Toph on what to build.Aang and Katara meet up with the Earth King Kuei, saying that they wish to talk to him about the situation in Yu Dao. They inform him that Zuko has withdrawn his support, and inform the Earth King that it isn't about the Fire Lord being greedy and wanting to keep his land. Katara especially persists Fire Lord Zuko has some legitimate concerns about what would happen to his people. Either way, Kuei is not pleased by the news.Inside the Fire Nation colony of Yu Dao, Kori Morishita, the colonial earthbender, trains with her firebending and earthbending cousins, preparing themselves to defend the city from the growing threat of battle following the massive anti-Fire Nation protests outside the city gates days earlier. Kori's boyfriend, Sneers, appears following the end of her training session, and she learns from him that he was leading the protests together with Smellerbee. An argument ensues to which Sneers gives Kori an ultimatum as to where her loyalties lie, either with the Fire Nation or the Earth Kingdom. Kori angrily responds that she is both an earthbender and a citizen of the Fire Nation, and in return tells Sneers to choose between her or Smellerbee, before storming off.Meanwhile, Sokka and Toph's students are enjoying the night outside, sitting down near a campfire. Sokka tells a scary story about a 'winged boar spirit' that haunts the mountain, when suddenly Toph comes out disguised as the 'winged boar spirit', which she made due to Sokka's request. The pupils scream, but The Dark One easily discovers Toph inside of metal winged boar. In order to get him emotional like the other pupils, Toph then says his name: Moo-Chee-Goo-Chee-La-Poo-Chee the Third. After all of them are emotional, Sokka attempts to inspire them to beat the firebending rival class. The students, however, are too panicked to listen.While Aang and Katara are eating, the Earth King enters, proclaiming he has come up with a decision; He is going to enforce the Harmony Restoration Movement by ordering his troops to march on the colonies. Aang and Katara try to dissuade him, but fail. Earth King Kuei goes as far as to say that if Aang does not join his cause, he stands against him.Sokka meets Toph in front of the metalbending school. Sokka tries to tell Toph about another idea for motivating Toph's students, but Toph interrupts him, telling him how she achieved metalbending. She tells him that when she first performed metalbending, it was in a tiny, metal cell when Xin Fu and Yu were taking her back to her parents. The thought that she was going to be made intosomething that she is not caused her to experience pain and pressure, and from now on she will not try to make her students be something they are not: metalbenders. Unbeknownst to Toph and Sokka, Ho Tun, Penga, and The Dark One listen in on the conversation and decide to stay, and do their best to become metalbenders.Aang and Katara decide to travel to Yu Dao to evacuate the colonists before the Earth Kingdom's army arrives. Yee-Li, who is spying on the couple, sends a messenger hawk to the Yu Dao Chapter of the Avatar Aang Fan Club stating that their help will be needed.The next morning, the rival firebending class comes to the school. Their teacher is ready for the match and taunts Toph. Knowing that her students cannot metalbend, she says he already won. Ho Tun suddenly enters and bends a few coins of metal, hitting Toph. The other two students are also present and start metalbending at the firebender students. They release a barrage of coins at their opponents, causing them to win the match and their school. Afterwards, the students explain to Toph and Sokka how Toph's words inspired them to learn metalbending.Back at the Fire Nation Royal Palace, Mai confronts Zuko, and they have an argument. Mai, upset that Zuko is keeping secrets from her, tells Zuko that she believes he cares more about his secrets than about her, and Mai tells Zuko that she is leaving him, and then exits despite Zuko's pleas that he still loves her. As she leaves, Suki enters the throne room, asking him if she or the Kyoshi Warriors could help in some way, and that they are worried about him. She then states that she, specifically, is worried about him. General Mak enters the throne room, reporting that the spies from the Earth Kingdom have sent a message saying that the Earth King and his army are ready for an invasion of Yu Dao.In the Earth Kingdom, Kuei has gathered his soldiers, ready for war. Near the Earth Kingdom, Fire Lord Zuko has gathered his fleet, ready to fight for the sake of the colonies.Avatar Aang and Fire Lord Zuko stand on a cliff in the midst of a driving rainstorm with the specters of Roku and Ozai standing behind them. Below, on the mud-soaked battlefield, Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom troops clash as lightning rends the sky. Zuko shares his doubts about the course of action he has chosen with Aang, saying that while he wants to protect his people, he feels that all he can hear is Ozai's voice, which he blames on Aang's decision to not kill the former Fire Lord. While Ozai's ghost tries to convince Zuko that only the Fire Lord can decide what is "right", Roku tells Aang that Zuko has become too unstable, and that he must keep the promise he made to him when the firebender had more clarity of mind. Zuko, overcome with despair, again asks Aang to kill him, who finally agrees and goes into the Avatar State. As he does so, Zuko has a vision of his mother shedding some tears and tells her not to cry. Just as Aang is about to finish him off, both of them awaken, revealing the sequence was just a dream. Aang, on Appa hoping for peace, and Zuko, on a ship prepared to fight, both head toward Yu Dao.The next day, Aang and Katara reach Yu Dao, where the Avatar tries to warn the local civilians to evacuate the city. However, they are immediately attacked by earthbenders, firebenders, and someone throwing axes. Aang chases the axe-thrower into what turns out to be an ax factory and, after knocking him down, he discovers that it is Sneers. Several other resistance fighters break into the room, led by the colonial earthbender Kori Morishita, and try to convince Aang to join them in defending the city against the mob of protesters. However, when Aang tells them that both the Fire Nation and Earth Kingdom are sending armies to the city, they are somewhat less confident.At that moment, the Yu Dao branch of the Official Avatar Aang Fan Club, led by Xing Ying, enters the factory. Although initially pleased to see them and their costumes, Aang is horrified when he finds out that its members have been tattooing themselves with the traditional and sacred Air Nomad arrows. Feeling that his culture was immensely disrespected, Aang storms out of the building and hardens his view that the four nations must remain separate to maintain balance – and thus, that all the Fire Nation citizens must be expelled from the city. He leaves for the city gate to wait for General How, who is leading the Earth Kingdom army to attack Yu Dao.Zuko meditates on his ship and has a conversation with a portrait of Uncle Iroh. While he feels that his intentions are good and justified in that he is protecting not only people but their relationships with one another, he is worried that his actions are exactly what his father would do if he returned to power, and more specifically questions if his call to battle is justified or not. He wonders if it matters that his reasons are different if from the outside it looks the same. He touches the scroll painting, saying how he wishes Iroh were with him, and how much he misses him. A soldier enters to announce that the ship has arrived at the Earth Kingdom, and Zuko puts on his helmet and leaves the room.Katara leaves the fan club to search for Aang, and finds him meditating on the roof of the city's front gate. Aang tells Katara that he has figured out why the four nations have to remain separate; the power imbalance means that the stronger nation will always hurt the weaker one, whether by conquest, like the Fire Nation to the Earth Kingdom, or by simply making the culture a joke, like the Air Nomad Fan Club. Katara reminds Aang that Guru Pathik and Huu told him that separation is an illusion, and that the four nations are really all the same, but Aang responds that he does not want them to be the same. He explains that he loves the culture of his people, as everything about it makes the Air Nomads different from everyone else, and as the last Air Nomad, he has to preserve it. He has to restore the separation of the nations to prevent their corruption, even if it means going against his Air Nomad principles and killing Zuko.Meanwhile, at the Beifong Metalbending Academy, Sokka waits with Toph for Aang and Katara to pick him up. However, Suki arrives first, in a Fire Nation war balloon. She explains that she knew where to find them because Master Kunyo had lodged an official complaint about a "dirt girl" and a "snow savage" taking over his school. She says that she needs them both, and they go with her, leaving Toph's students behind. 

Back in Yu Dao, Katara attempts to tell Aang why she's changed her mind about the Harmony Restoration Movement, only to be interrupted by Smellerbee and her protesters. Despite Aang's efforts, Smellerbee initiates a mob to attack Yu Dao with a stone battering ram. When Aang stops her, she reveals that the battering ram was merely distraction in order to prevent Aang from noticing the drill break through their walls, subsequently plunging the city into war.Meanwhile, Sokka has Toph sneak the three of them below into one of the Fire Nation's tundra tanks, and as they attempt to slow down the fleet, Sokka has Toph metalbend the screws on all of the Fire Lord's tanks while the army drives toward Yu Dao.By this time, Smellerbee and Longshot have confronted Sneers, and after Smellerbee discovers Sneers' relationship with Kori, it almost appears that the Freedom Fighters are going to change their minds about the attacks; however, a protester interrupts the conversation by wreaking havoc on the town, causing Aang's efforts to resolve things peacefully to be utterly washed away. Aang attempts to separate the fighting, claiming to be on the side of Smellerbee and Longshot, who want to drive out the Fire Nation, though before anything else can happen, Earth King Kuei's army arrives.Soon after the Fire Nation army arrives, led by Zuko, General How implores Aang to kill the Fire Lord, as it would leave the Fire Nation army devoid of leadership and utterly disabled. After Aang argues with the general, Sokka's plan is put into motion, and Toph dismantles all of their tanks, leaving the warriors on foot to charge into war. Enraged by the upcoming violence, Aang drives himself into the Avatar State, yelling at Zuko. However, Katara snaps him out of it and gets him safely away from the chaos. Here, Katara tells Aang her true feelings regarding the Harmony Restoration Movement, explaining that when she saw Kori and her multicultural family, she also saw her and Aang's own futures as an Air Nomad and Water Tribe family. She then implores Aang to clear his head somewhere quiet and figure out what to do, even if that means that they cannot be together. They share a kiss, and Aang flies off.Aang confines himself far away from the battle and instantly contacts Avatar Roku, who confesses his relationship as great-grandfather to Zuko, and insists that Aang fulfill his promise to Zuko for the benefit of the world.Meanwhile, the battle rages on as Aang's Yu Dao fan club and the rest of Team Avatar attempts to calm down the troops. Suki and Toph fight off a team of firebending soldiers when Toph's metalbending students arrive to save them in the nick of time. All the while, Katara uses waterbending to propel herself up to Earth King Kuei's war balloon, convincing him to enter Yu Dao so he can see the lives he is trying to change with this battle.As the fighting intensifies, a bright beam of light erupts in the distance. Avatar Aang flies into the city and separates the earth, stopping the feud and causing Fire Lord Zuko to plummet to his doom; however, Aang grabs his hand and saves him from what would be a fatal fall. Aang then shows Kuei that the King is fighting not only the Fire Nation, but also the Earth Kingdom itself, the Water Tribe, and the Air Nomads. Aang explains that there is a whole new world to understand and that this world did not need to be separated. Kuei realizes that Aang is right, and Zuko too realizes his fight was not the work of his father's hatred, but the right choice all along, causing the Fire Lord to collapse and the fighting to end.Four days later, Aang confronts Roku's spirit, explaining that he spared Zuko's life against Roku's will because he cares about him and the people he is close to. Roku insists that Aang has put the world in danger by being indecisive, causing Aang to tell him that there is nothing more he can teach him now since the world has changed so much. He subsequently breaks off his Fire Nation amulet and burns it in his grasp, cutting Roku off as his spiritual mentor, causing him to shed tears as he has now lost a very good friend. Just after, Iroh alerts Aang that Zuko is awake. The two begin to talk and Zuko says that he was wrong to ask Aang to make that promise with him. He says to Aang that in making the promise he had forced Aang to be the person to decide what right and wrong was for Zuko. However, he says that with this whole experience he's discovered that he has to make decisions for himself now, and he is sorry he ever put the pressure on Aang to do so. He also explains to Aang that he thinks it might help him be better at peace if he connects with his mother's side of the family. He says that he wants to attempt yet again to search for her, and Aang encourages him to do so.Later, Aang holds a meeting with the Fan Club girls of both the Yu Dao club and the one in Ba Sing Se. He explains that he wants them to continue the culture of his people and dubs them the first Air Acolytes, as Katara admires from afar.Zuko then visits a mental institution and asks the only remaining person he can think of who is able to coax the whereabouts of his mother out of the imprisoned Ozai. A mentally unstable Azula is then wheeled in before the young Fire Lord, guarded by two matronly caregivers and bound in a full-length straitjacket. It is apparent that her year's convalescence at the asylum has done nothing to cure Azula of her mental illness. The Fire Nation Princess appears paler and thinner than before with her long black hair in wild disarray and dark circles under both eyes that still glisten with madness. Upon hearing her brother's request, Azula marvels at the task before her, stating that there has not been one day gone by that she has not wondered what had become of their dear mother, Ursa. Ursa's hallucinated reflection suddenly appears in a corridor mirror beside her, assuring Azula of her unconditional motherly love for her.

Theaters: 2,865MPAA Rating: PG for some action, thematic content, and crude humorBudget: $30 million 

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