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It's at 79, so it's very close. Could still go up since it's only at 47 reviews. I'm just glad it's nowhere near the 64 that it was at earlier

Yeah, me hoping for 80 is acting spoiled given that we were wondering whether this would be rotten a few days ago.

And the reason I think it's a pipe dream is because it needs 8.5 freshes for each rotten, which given the consensus for this might be difficult.

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even many of the positives seem kind of half hearted.

It's a flawed film. It's just a matter of whether they each found themselves enjoying it overall or not.

At any rate, it's still got a 7+/10 average rating, which judging from the reaction so far seems to be exactly what it deserves.

Edited by tribefan695
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Someone may have already mentioned this, but don't you guys think Brave is getting so-so reviews because people expect too much from Pixar? Considering that it may finish between 70% and 80% on RT, is it really on Madagascar 3 level? I still haven't seen neither of them, but the first two Madagascar films were obviously "mediocre but fun", I really like Madagascar, but I must admit the films are pretty uninspired. And even if Brave is way weaker than other Pixar stuff, I don't think the studio would put out something so generic like Madagascar (let's forget about Cars 2 for a second).

Sometimes I feel that some animated films get good reviews just because they're bright and colorful (come on, aren't all Pixar and DW animations bright and colorful anyway?). I still don't get how Puss in Boots got a 83%, it's one of the worst animated films I've ever seen in my life and I can't believe that Brave won't be able to get a higher tomatometer. I guess critics go for stuff like Madagascar and Puss in Boots thinking "Oh, this is just another bland cartoon... no, wait, it's actually fun, I'll give it a fresh review" and for Brave: "Another genius movie from Pixar... no, wait, it's only a fun flick, rotten review coming"

Anyway, I'm glad reviews are getting better.

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Its average rating is actually an improvement on Puss and Madagascar's, but it's possible that studio expectations may affect whether the mixed reviews come out fresh or rotten, since the overall tone of their review is likely to lean more negative with Pixar, which may explain why How to Train Your Dragon got such an astronomically high T-meter but a relatively modest 7.9 average rating on par with A Bug's Life and Monsters Inc.

Edited by tribefan695
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Someone may have already mentioned this, but don't you guys think Brave is getting so-so reviews because people expect too much from Pixar? Considering that it may finish between 70% and 80% on RT, is it really on Madagascar 3 level? I still haven't seen neither of them, but the first two Madagascar films were obviously "mediocre but fun", I really like Madagascar, but I must admit the films are pretty uninspired. And even if Brave is way weaker than other Pixar stuff, I don't think the studio would put out something so generic like Madagascar (let's forget about Cars 2 for a second).

Sometimes I feel that some animated films get good reviews just because they're bright and colorful (come on, aren't all Pixar and DW animations bright and colorful anyway?). I still don't get how Puss in Boots got a 83%, it's one of the worst animated films I've ever seen in my life and I can't believe that Brave won't be able to get a higher tomatometer. I guess critics go for stuff like Madagascar and Puss in Boots thinking "Oh, this is just another bland cartoon... no, wait, it's actually fun, I'll give it a fresh review" and for Brave: "Another genius movie from Pixar... no, wait, it's only a fun flick, rotten review coming"

Anyway, I'm glad reviews are getting better.

Yeah, I'm thinking ever since Up and Toy Story 3 came out (Toy Story 3, IMO, is the best animated film in existence and was truly one of the most epic theater experiences I've ever had) Pixar has been set up for some unreasonable standards. It's quite unfortunate, really. I saw Cars 2 last year and I actually liked it. It was even better than Ratatouille. Screw the critics!

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Screw me too, I guess. It's a terrible movie with badly written characters.

You know, whenever someone defends Cars 2, they always concentrate just on its visuals or how "fun" it is. They don't talk about how Mater's character was so likable or how his relationship with McQueen was so touching. I've yet to hear a good defense for that plotline.

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Lightning and Mater were unnecessary in Cars 2 IMO. That's what I got from it during my 2nd viewing. If they had just written a completely separate storyline around Finn and Holly, it likely would have turned out much better.

I've said this before, but I love Cars and the world it started. It didn't need to drag the original characters into the 2nd one since the world allows for different storylines, and it DEFINITELY did not need that much Mater.

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Screw me too, I guess. It's a terrible movie with badly written characters.

You know, whenever someone defends Cars 2, they always concentrate just on its visuals or how "fun" it is. They don't talk about how Mater's character was so likable or how his relationship with McQueen was so touching. I've yet to hear a good defense for that plotline.

And you never will. That said, the spy movie part of it was great.

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Well, I really don't think Cars 2 is better than Ratatouille and I agree that it's a bad film. But I'd say it's slightly worse than Kung Fu Panda 2 (God, this one was so unoriginal) and better than Puss in Boots and Monters vs. Aliens. But yet, all this DW stuff managed to get good reviews.

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Well, I really don't think Cars 2 is better than Ratatouille and I agree that it's a bad film. But I'd say it's slightly worse than Kung Fu Panda 2 (God, this one was so unoriginal) and better than Puss in Boots and Monters vs. Aliens. But yet, all this DW stuff managed to get good reviews.

I liked both Puss and Monsters better than Cars 2 mostly because their narratives were a lot more focused. They may not have been very original, but they were pleasant enough and had likable characters at the center.

I'm not huge on KFP2 for much of the reason I don't like Cars 2, though. I found it confused and hollow, but since I didn't walk out hating any of the characters I still think it's much better than Cars 2.

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Someone may have already mentioned this, but don't you guys think Brave is getting so-so reviews because people expect too much from Pixar? Considering that it may finish between 70% and 80% on RT, is it really on Madagascar 3 level? I still haven't seen neither of them, but the first two Madagascar films were obviously "mediocre but fun", I really like Madagascar, but I must admit the films are pretty uninspired. And even if Brave is way weaker than other Pixar stuff, I don't think the studio would put out something so generic like Madagascar (let's forget about Cars 2 for a second).

Sometimes I feel that some animated films get good reviews just because they're bright and colorful (come on, aren't all Pixar and DW animations bright and colorful anyway?). I still don't get how Puss in Boots got a 83%, it's one of the worst animated films I've ever seen in my life and I can't believe that Brave won't be able to get a higher tomatometer. I guess critics go for stuff like Madagascar and Puss in Boots thinking "Oh, this is just another bland cartoon... no, wait, it's actually fun, I'll give it a fresh review" and for Brave: "Another genius movie from Pixar... no, wait, it's only a fun flick, rotten review coming"

Anyway, I'm glad reviews are getting better.

I agree. I think Brave is suffering from not being an instant classic curse. Though I also kind of feel that since the focus is on a chick, it may be getting it's unfair due of criticism. Critic's bias have all been in the blogs since Lola Versus came out.



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