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About Frankie

  • Birthday 09/21/1972

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    Jacksonville, FL

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Straight-to-DVD (2/10)



  1. I'll never forget the craziness on the Mojo forums of those first two Avatar weekends. That was one of the wildest 1st to 2nd week swings in people's attitudes I've ever seen after those numbers were announced.
  2. http://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2009/10/26/man-of-extremes Cameron can be no chill at times it seems. The quote about Verhoeven in that article is one of my all time favorites
  3. It's only happened once for me. I've exprienced shock, awe, boredom, disappointment, joy, and a whole host of other emotions watching films, but only once have I ever been angry about seeing a film. For once I finally understood people ranting about wanting their money back. It was a very odd feeling.
  4. I'm curious about this. I also wear 3D glasses over regular glasses and I've never had a problem. When you say it doesn't work, do you mean that it's too uncomfortable? Or do you not get a 3D effect?
  5. Gail Simone recently had a twitter thread discussing the fact that comic shop owners have told her that with very few exceptions (most notably Watchmen and Wonder Woman) CBM almost never have any impact on sales at all. They are very puzzled over the phenomenon. Intuition would lead us to think that successful CBM should certainly lead to a spike in comic sales, but it is rarely true.
  6. Back when Night Watch was in theaters I saw it at the local AMC and when the film got to the 2nd or 3rd reel it was upside down. For a minute the audience just sat there puzzled thinking it was some weird stylistic choice that the director was using for the scene. Once it became clear that wasn't the case I notified management. They gave us passes to come see the film at a later showing since it wasn't something they could correct on the spot.
  7. Batman 89 hype was something unreal. The marketing was just everywhere. Every newsstand and magazine rack was like a posterboard collage for the movies. Arguably the biggest musical artist of the time had a completely goofy and awesome song in heavy rotation on the radio and MTV(which was a complete and utter juggernaut in those days). You couldn't buy snack foods or visit a fast food restaurant without having Keaton and crew plastered all over the packaging. I was 16 at the time and I remember one of the entertainment mags put out a special issue in the months leading up to release that featured photos and breakdowns of all of Batman's gadgets from the movies and had a centerfold of the Batmobile. That thing was reverantly passed among my friends like it was one of Dad's stolen Playboys. Not even any of the Star Wars films released since have accomplished the level of marketing carpet bombing that Batman 89 achieved.
  8. Lurking in here these last few pages has made me feel older than dirt. My first theatrical superhero flick was Superman '78 at the age of 6. All of you young whippersnappers don't know how good you have it with your CBM Golden Age. Now get off my lawn.
  9. I love showings like that. Put the armrests down and stretch out across three or four seats. Best thing edver.
  10. I'll see anything scripted by Sorkin and when I tried to get a couple of my friends who I would describe as definitely in the "cult" to see it with me they seemed pretty offended by what they described as inaccuracies about Jobs' life. Maybe a lot of Jobs fans felt the same way.
  11. The Abyss was my favorite movie for most of my 20s. I have a similar opinion about the The Abyss extended editions. I enjoy the extended cut, but to me the film just works better in it's original theatrical form. I think I'm just about the only person I know who feels that way.
  12. It was beautifully shot and the acting was definitely top notch, but I guess I just didn't connect with it like most seem to be doing. There were several stretches of the film that bored me, and the only times that really engaged me were all of the moments between Phoenix and Adams. I'd say it's my least favorite Jonze feature so far, but that being said I'd still give it a B.
  13. I'm starting to become a little distressed about the fact that almost none of my friends are planning on seeing this in theaters. I'm dying to see it as soon as possible, but the main response I'm getting from most of my friends is "I'll wait 'til Blu Ray."
  14. I'd call it a B- There were some very funny scenes, just not enough of them for me to rate it any higher.
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