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The Creator

4.1 "The Iron Bell Tolls"

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Season 4 is set to begin now. You will find some nice surprises in store for you this week. For now, let's get a round of introductions out of the way. We have several new players joining us this season...and some unexpected ones. You'll find out more on who all is in later, but for now, you can expect a lot of twists...the first of which will be coming this week.


To those who are new, Box Office Alliance has always been a fun game to run, and the players tend to highly enjoy the creativity and energy of the game. You can get with them in finding out how things work out. You will all be paired off into your partners tomorrow...or will you? Partner Selection is as always one of the most exciting parts of the game, and each season introduces partner selection in a different manner. This season, how will it go down? Find out soon.

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Basic Rules


Weekend games - Each week, usually on Wednesdays, a set of questions will be posted for the weekend game. The questions cover subject matter like opening weekend gross, percent holds, per theater averages, totals, etc. They get trickier as the game progresses. You and your partner work together to answer these questions, and they are due every Friday, usually by 5:00 P.M. Eastern time (although the deadline is adjusted for certain ocassions).


Partners - This is a team game. You are assigned a partner, and together with your partner, you answer the weekend questions. You want to outscore the other teams. If you win, you are immune that week. Points are awarded based on your placement as individuals and as partners. Over time, partners may break up, and others may be added onto your team.


Point System - Points are awarded on merit, skill, placement, and other factors that are deemed point-worthy. Points are deducted for no shows (or strikes) and other negative factors. The amount of points awarded will change as the price of immunities change. Points are used to pay immunities (and at times may serve other purposes) so that you can be immune from The Challenge.


Immunities - The price of immunities goes up with the passing of weeks and the greater accumulation of points. The price of immunity may start out at 1 point (or 3 points) on week 1 but go up to 5 or 7 points by Week 3. Immunities are purchased to abstain from The Challenge. The winning team(s) (usually the top 3 teams) are immune automatically and do not have to purchase immunities.


The Challenge - These are weekday question challenges, usually held between two players. The winning team selects the players, and once immunities are sorted out, the two highest ranked (by the winning team's selection) players who are unable to afford immunity(ies) are sent into The Challenge (note, some times the number of people in The Challenge varies, with other possibilities being 3 or 4 players and multiple eliminations). The players compete via PM with me on questions covering typical matter like weekday gross or per theater average. These Challenges are typically held on Tuesdays or Wednesdays, but sometimes Thursdays. The loser(s) is eliminated and his partner reassigned to a new team based on the winning team's choice.



If there are any questions about the rules, please ask and I will answer.

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Every season, I do something different for Partner Selection, and thus, it has become a favorite part of the game. In Season 1, players picked their partners; in Season 2, players were assigned partners based on pre-game quiz; and in Season 3, players gained partners over a 4 week game period after winning each week. But now...just how will partner selection go down this season?


There are a good number of people who signed up this season...including a handfull of new players, among them JohnnY and the legendary 4815162342, who participated in a special episode last season. Last season saw a number of legends die off, and others born. This season is a chance for redemption...and so, it will be a battle of legends. You will not all know your partner yet...but some of you will. In fact, the first match is...



The Legends

This is a two-punch powerful team. Both players have participated in at least one season of Box Office Alliance, and their skill guaranteed their high finishes. Ironically, they both competed against each other once last season, and now they stand together this season. They are...

Riczhang and Baumer!



As for everyone else, you will be PMed specific sets of instructions that will determine who your partner will be. However, it may take a while before you find out your partner, as this will be part of the fun of the game.


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And also, it's time for the premiere game of the season.


4.1 "The Iron Bell Tolls"


DEADLINE: Friday, March 15 at 5:00 P.M. Eastern (4:00 P.M. Central)


Predict the following (answers must be PMed to me):


1. The Incredible Burt Wonderstone's opening weekend gross


2. The Call's opening weekend per theater average


3. Oz The Great and Powerful's weekend gross


4. Jack the Giant Slayer's percent drop


5. Identity Theft's weekend gross


Overall, a very straightforward, easy start to the season. You should be good.

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It will be coming soon...unfortunately, I've been on boosy ass 10 hour work shifts the past three days, combined with school. I literally do school from 8-2 then work 2-midnight. So I've had no time for anything these past few days.


Just quit your job and drop out of school then all those issues will be over. You owe it to us downtrodden Aliancers :P

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"The Iron Bell Tolls" (Season 4 Premiere)


The flags raise over the ashes of a battlefield. In the rumble, Baumer lies, cast down after a harrowing match. His eyes are lowered. Before him, standing high above the ground, towers Riczhang...the Lone Warrior. Riczhang does not gloat in his success, for he shares his status with Baumer. He lifts Baumer to his feet, acknowledging him as an equal. Their war was not a war against each other as much as it was a war for survival. And now that they have survived...it is time to pick up the ashes.


The hardest part after a storm is rebuilding. It's a challenge to find the missing pieces and mend what has been broken back into what was once whole. Some times, we can never completely mend what has been broken...fragments lie ruined for ever, way beyond repair, and the memories are often all that remain. It represents a hugely tremendous display of human endurance to overcome tragedy, to fix what the storm cast down. But through alliance, it is possible. Through alliance, players can work together to form a new home.


...and now we stand at the start of another season, ready to mend what was broken. In the dying fires of last season's terrifyingly exhilerating match up, only Riczhang and Baumer remain standing. Across the Champion Battleground lie the remnants of Box Office Alliance's greatest allies, the greatest legends. But now, some have been trapped, lost in time perhaps...and they cannot quite resurface to engage in another exciting battle. And so, new allies emerge, and those who can stand will work to form new alliances...work to resurrect the battle. The new forces arrive, and now the emerging allies face a new threat...one that will be revealed in time.


Enemies-turned-allies, Riczhang and Baumer now stand above all others as "The Legends." The duo, who placed first and second last season, are currently the only players merged into an alliance. But more alliances will now form, and the exciting Season 4 is set to begin. Let's get to it!



We will start by evaluating the score set by "The Legends."



The Legends

Baumer: 70.71%

Riczhang: 82.53%

AVG: 76.62%


This is a decent score for the start of the season. But how are other players going to manage against this, when everyone else was an individual this week? Well..."The Legends" set the benchmark. For everyone who scored higher than the 76.62% score, you're safe. Everyone who scored lower...well, we'll get to that. Let's look at the scores of the new players. There's a handful of them...and some are quite familiar:



24Lost: 70.63%

4815162342: 76.06%

Chasmmi: 75.42%

Jay Salahi: 59.29%

JohnnY: 64.48%


Ah...some familiar faces. 4815162342 (a.k.a. Numbers) appeared as a boss antagonist last season in the semi-final round. He represented the Stage 1 foe in a triple round outing that also featured Bigm10 and The Creator. And now, he has risen from the ashes to join up in the game as a new player. And yet, his score didn't top the score set by "The Legends." In fact, none of the new players matched that score. But Numbers was closest, and because he led this pack...he gets a special treatment, including immunity...but we'll get to that in a moment.


Let's look at another player who some of you have deemed "fresh meat". Ironically, this player far outdates the majority of you, as this player is a veteran from Season 1. It's been a long time since we saw you last, but let's give it up for...


EmpireStrikesBack: 67.11%


Empire posted a respectable score, but it too fell short of "The Legends'" average. But this isn't over yet.


The remaining players are veterans. Many of them were cast down from their legend status last season in a series of trivial affairs. So it will be a struggle for them to come back up to their A-game...but for some, that will be possible. But there is one player above all others who has failed this week, and he remains trapped and must be rescued before he can be made an ally and be a true contender in this game...and that player is


TOTEM...who scored 0.00% this week, thanks to a no show. There will be a repurcussion forthcoming.


But there are a couple players who didn't have far to recover. These players are new and haven't really formed a legend status yet. They are:


ChD (now ChFloppit): 59.87%

Iceroll: 70.52%


Neither player managed to reach the heights set by "The Legends"...so far, not so good for the majority.


Next, we are rejoined by a player who sat last season out but who has always been a crucial player in the game. He hasn't achieved legend status yet, but he is a very consistent player.


SchumacherFTW: 67.17%


Another player didn't show up this week and unfortunately will be suffering from this no show. It's a long time player, yet one who rarely makes it far in the games for some reason. It's...


TAWASAL...who scored 0.00% this week



And it would appear as though no one trumped "The Legends" this week. Baumer and Riczhang will be rewarded, but the rest of you will have some challenges to face now, challenges that will determine new alliances...and new eliminations. But it seems we are forgetting a very crucial player this week...ah, yes...


FAKHIR...Fakhir was eliminated early last season, and thus it's likely he may have been forgotten by some. Perhaps he was a legend in the making, one who got cast down too early. And so it would be unthinkable that he could pull off the upset...but he did. Fakhir posted a remarkable score of 85.77%. Kudos!


But wait! There's more. Another player scored higher than "The Legends" this week... In a surprise return, Spaghetti strung up 80.24%. The pastafan had previously appeared in a few episodes in Season 1, but he has been largely absent ever since. It is great to have him back!



What does all this mean? Where are The Legends? ...we will find out. Stay tuned!

Edited by The Creator
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