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Everything posted by Squaremaster316

  1. The best 3rd part of any trilogy? No. The best 3rd part of a CBM trilogy?
  2. A brilliant debut for Nolan! The way was layered storytelling at its finest. I also enjoyed the transformation and development of the central character, who basically wanted to do something more with his life, even if it was taking him down a dark path.
  3. Best zombie film ever, it takes itself seriously while offering clever social satire. It's not the kind of film you just pop in and watch with a couple of friends with beer and pizza, but is a more substantial film than others of the same genre.
  4. Not as well written or as clever as Dawn of the Dead, but something I'm more likely to watch when I'm bored.
  5. Almost 4 years later and Inception is still being talked about as a mind-blowing film. The Matrix isn't referred on any level except the bullet time sequence. I'm simply stating my opinion, just like anyone else on this board. Since you decided to bring up Inception, answer me this. How is anything in that film even remotely as flawed on a fundamental/logical level as the Matrix' plot of "using humans for heat energy to keep the machines running for years" when their power source would most likely be depleted in a week, if that?
  6. Fixed. The entire plot of the film is so fundamentally flawed that it completely collapses in on itself. Far more pretentious than any film in Sci-fi with the exception of its sequels.
  7. Spider-Man 2 has some pacing issues and some poorly written comedy moments, not to mention the entire scene with Doc Ock throwing a car at Peter when he wants him to give a message to Spider-Man, then follows up by throwing him into a wall.
  8. One of the most up-its-own-a$$ films the sci-fi genre has ever produced.
  9. Less biased? All you do is go around spamming posts about TDKR's faults and exaggerating them while ignoring similar faults in other films.
  10. As opposed to getting thrown back into a solid brick wall, only to not have your spine shattered. Or having fireproof legs when a huge firey explosion goes off less than 20 feet from you. Or where billowy blouses and yoga pants are apparently fireproof to temperatures lightly over half that generated by the Sun. OR getting yanked out from under tons of debris by your human hand without having it end up like that scene from The Blob. OR putting on an areal show where a normal person can carry several people in one arm without tearing their shoulder out of its socket.
  11. More: When TOny uses the door of an ice cream case to shield himself from the explosion, his legs are left exposed. He should have severe burns on his lower half.
  12. Pretty much defined the "get beaten in the first fight, then come back stronger to win the rematch" formula. A formula that is still pretty effective to this day.
  13. What a gross oversimplification of Nolan's filmography. That's like saying The Social Network is a fantastic Fincher film, and then dismissing Se7en, Fight Club, TGWTDT, etc. Same with Tarantino. Pulp Fiction is Awesome, but forget Reservoir Dogs, Kill Bill, Basterds, Django. Even without TDK, Nolan still has Batman Begins, The Dark Knight Rises, Insomnia, Prestige, Following, Inception AND Memento. That alone is a list that most directors DREAM of having on their resume.
  14. While the action scenes are slicker than Bourne (though a bit too slick and blatantly choreographed), the story, characters and acting are WAY below it on a massive scale. Bourne felt like a story with action scenes woven into it, Haywire felt like an action set piece with a story tacked on with a rivet gun.
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