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Everything posted by Squaremaster316

  1. Funny, I challenged you with a Thor/Cap both under 400M domestic and you refused to accept. In fact, the only stip was that you change your font. I guess that makes you a "mod editing coward who pussied out", huh?
  2. As opposed to you constantly screaming and spamming forums with comments about how "this, that and the other" M. Studios film is going to make 400M domestic? Why should he or anyone else accept a Loser-leaves-town bet when you've balked on them several times yourself. Oh, and just a word of warning, it's not usually a good idea to flat out state that you're going to heckle the [mod edit] out of someone unless you're looking to get banned without needing to lose a bet.
  3. http://forums.boxoffice.com/index.php?/topic/2090-bet-thread-pm-fmpro-for-locked-bets-only/?p=740580
  4. He shouldn't have to accept http://forums.boxoffice.com/index.php?/topic/2090-bet-thread-pm-fmpro-for-locked-bets-only/page-37#entry740580
  5. TA2 has a significantly higher chance of grossing less than its predecessor than AV2 does.
  6. One of the top 10 worst films ever made, along with XMO: Wolverine and Mummy 3.
  7. Next Monday will show significantly stronger drops. Or they may be regular drops relative to strong weekend drops.
  8. Looks like crap, just like every Madea film, or hell, any TP (a fitting acronym) film in general.
  9. 1/2* out of *****, henceforth known as the default Tyler Perry setting.
  11. Vaughn hasn't been in a decent comedy since 2005, or decent film since 2007.
  12. I see, so the ground soldier, fighter pilot, Lois, Martha, people about to be lazered by Zod, and the rest of the planet were just figments of everyone's imagination.
  13. Truth is, I don't really care. I just saw everyone on here declaring "WAR" against CF/TDK and decided to join in on the fun.
  14. Nope, it's not even better than Batman Forever, Carrey is more subtle/reserved than Pierce.
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