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Everything posted by Squaremaster316

  1. They still call his earlier works masterpieces, which I vastly disagree with. Then guys like Whedon are hellaciously overrated after the Avengers, as well as his godchildren Atlantis: TLE, Buffy movie, Titan AE, Alien 4.
  2. To follow up, One of the two Burton's films is my pick for most overrated CBM ever made. Also, you could replace Nolan with PTA and my statements would be no different.
  3. Your opinion, fine. For me: top 10: TDK>BB>TDKR>XM2>Superman 2 (Donner)>Sin City>Hellboy 2>Scott Pilgrim>First Class>X-Men
  4. In a nutshell. It's one thing to kill off established characters, but you have to have good buildup and proper reactions by the rest of the cast to make it work, otherwise, they may as well be one of the hundreds of extra's in a Roland Emmerich film.
  5. No offense, but you sound like a Marvel sucking-twink when you make a comment like that. I thing ONE Marvel film made by Favreau is overrated, but Elf is even moreso, and all of Whedon's work is HIGHLY overrated, and since we're on the subject of bad fans, NO ONE has more detestable pieces of rat excrement for fanboys that him.
  6. Iron Man is far from one of the best superhero origin stories, and don't even get me started with the amount of unjustifiable praise Elf gets, it's watchable but nowhere near a Holiday 'classic'.
  7. A show with numerous badly written and unlikeable characters and terrible plot threads that lead to lackluster conclusions, The overblown "continuity b/w episodes/character development" that its followers preach is nothing that shows like Deep Space Nine and Babylon 5 didn't do first and better.
  8. Joss Whedon Tim Burton Jon Favreau Guy Ritchie
  9. I don't see HOW anyone can compare it to Shaun of the Dead.
  10. The Mist (2007) has one of the best, most refreshing film endings ever.
  11. So glad this tanked at the box office. It also rubs egg all over the face of anyone who says that Marvel has any impact on making actors marketable.
  12. The final battle in the Avengers was mostly technically sound, but quite dull and tedious.
  13. I have never been so bored during a final "climactic" fight scene in my life. All I saw was Loki making Geico a fortune. It's no wonder no one took the fight seriously, it never feels like there was any threat of human casualties.
  14. Neck and neck with the film by that Shamwow guy for worst comedy/film or the year.
  15. Lori was so utterly detestable in this (granted, she was no picnic to be around in the first film either).
  16. Between The Avengers and Iron Man 3, Mark Ruffalo's Bruce Banner is a poorly written/handled character and the most blatant example of a walking plot convenience since Natalie Portman's Padme.
  17. 1. THE DARK KNIGHT RISES 2. Skyfall 3. Zero Dark Thirty 4. Django Unchained 5. Moonrise Kingdom 6. Lincoln 7. Chronicle 8. The Master 9. Wreck it Ralph 10. Seven Psychopaths
  18. A 3.8 Friday translates to around a 12.5M - 13M weekend.
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