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Everything posted by Squaremaster316

  1. Poorly developed, underutilized characters (including the single worst utilization of an new character ever in Angel, whether you are familiar with him or not), nonsensical character decisions, poor dialogue, terrible practical effects, atrocious pacing, too many characters in general, underdeveloped plot threads (Rogue/Iceman), and much more. * out of *****
  2. One of the better superhero origin films. A great cast combined with a solid storyline make for a successful start to a franchise. While some characters weren't utilized as well as they could have been (Scott, Sabertooth) the ones they did focus on were great. **** out of *****
  3. If anything, the film doesn't take itself seriously enough, either with the plot or the idiotic and pointless "comedic" moments, like the bathroom scene and boxing match.
  4. A poor man's Prestige. It takes a typical Romeo/Juliet story (normally released during February of each year like clockwork) and does nothing new with it. The villain is the same generic abusive jerk seen in Titanic and various other tired films and the twists are weak and predictable.
  5. I have waited so long for this... ................................................................ WORST.... FILM.... EVER!!!!! This abomination was a total disaster in every single measurable aspect! From the terribly executed and ridiculously repetitive cliches to the horrible acting to the atrocious CGI and green screen (especially compared to the equally budgeted Star Trek which came out a week later) to the insane rushed nature from start to finish (particularly the scene where his Father dies, then finds out the other guy was his real dad, in less than two minutes) to the pointless insertion of comic characters purely for the sake of clumsy fan service to the insanely contrived and pointless "faked death" storyline which made no sense whatsoever, and do I even have to point out the ridiculous Adamantium bullet and the numerous can of worms that opens up? The dialogue is idiotic and ends up inadvertently revealing info about characters too early in the most unsubtle way possible, such as Kayla's mind control ability. This film was supposed to fix the problems with X3, but instead ends up compounding them. Just a complete and utter hack job all around, whether you like the X-Men series or not. -***** (Negative 5) out of *****
  6. Easily the best period piece/magician film of the year. ****3/4 out of ***** The Illusionist was nothing more than a tired "true love" story that does absolutely nothing new with the cliched Romeo&Juliet trope, complete with stock characters and weak, predictable twists.
  7. You've got to give it to Nolan, with two such brilliantly written and directed characters in Hardy's Bane and Anne's Selina Kyle, he has officially risen in the ranks as one of the master film makers of the 21st century. Kyle's brilliant, subtle transitions from shy, awkward maid to stylishly alluring Catwoman to screaming hysterical woman in bar and all of the intricate nuances in between such as her gradual warming to Bruce Wayne (which is also an allegory for softening up to the rich as she lowers her veil of contempt for the "1%" and seeing them for something different underneath). Hardy's Bane is simply a beast, easily the best villain of 2012 and one of the most brutal, intimidating villains to ever come across the big screen, the Darth Vader of the 21st century. Yet another aspect of THE DARK KNIGHT RISES that makes it a superior quality piece of film-making is the remarkable layered character development of newly introduced characters, such as Joseph Gordon-Levitt; with every scene he's in, we get to see more and more into his characters emotions, beliefs, talents. We see his frustration of being stuck in a position where he can do some good, but is stuck with tools that clash with his beliefs, such as guns (You can see it in his subtle, nuanced facial expressions), and his detective skills to see beyond Bruce's playboy persona help paint a vivid picture of his eventual ascension to continue Batman's legacy. It's also a remarkable piece of brilliant storytelling at it seamlessly connects to previous the subtler, underlying symbolic theme from the first two films. BATMAN BEGINS talked of Bruce becoming a symbol for Gotham; next, THE DARK KNIGHT showed an example of those who were inspired by him being imperfect as successors; finally, THE DARK KNIGHT RISES shows someone who can take up that mantle thanks to his mentality, skills, and relationships (Gordon), therefore validating Bruce's reason for becoming THE DARK KNIGHT in the first place. Just pitch-perfect storytelling that takes the audience on an incredible journey and enriches their minds as it does.
  8. Aside from the last 7 minute action scene, there's really little for this film to offer.
  9. Tension without unnecessary humor. I love it! *****out of *****
  10. Pretty much the general consensus. Its strengths greatly outnumber and outclass its weaknesses.
  11. One of the biggest eyesores in cinematic history. It almost felt like Burton was doing a parody of himself with the production design.
  12. Robert Downey Jr. is good, great even, but it's simply a case of someone being a show "saver" rather than a "stealer", Bridges plays a generic, money-grubbing businessman, Paltrow is pretty much a vessel for Tony to tell what to do every step of the way with nothing in the way of proactive, and Terrence was so one-dimensional and devoid of character that it is arguably his most forgettable role ever.
  13. Crap, pure crap. A completely directionless script that has no idea what to do with its villains, badly executed cliches, flat acting, terrible use of "humor" a beyond ridiculous Deux es Machina that creates a ton of plot holes and leaps of logic, bland action, useless side characters, and endless annoying banter trying to pass itself off as "witty". * out of *****, and that's being generous.
  14. The Good: Some set pieces, Elfman score, quotable lines from Nicholson, nice looking batsuit The Bad: Other set pieces that look like props, Prince soundtrack, Vicki Vale, Knox, not very functional batsuit, pacing, majority of the plot *** out of *****, the 6th most overrated comic book film of all time (Though it used to be my #1 on that list).
  15. Christopher Nolan gives his magnificent Dark Knight Trilogy a brilliant sendoff with this well paced, developed, nuanced finale. With iconic characters given their best depiction ever and lesser known characters treated with the respect they've craved for years. Everyone in the cast gives a riveting performance and helps carry the film in its more dramatically intense scenes. Hans Zimmer proves to be an invaluable commodity as his epic score gives the film the extra tension that less talented composers would end up making seemingly cheesier. With magnificent, adrenaline-pumping action set pieces to appease those with a taste for the grand and monumental, THE DARK KNIGHT RISES brings Batman's arc full circle in magnificent ways that so many other trilogies fail to do. ****1/4 out of *****
  16. In every single measurable capacity, THE DARK KNIGHT RISES is far superior to KOTCS. Better plot, better characters, better plot twists, better development, better action/effects.
  17. An absolutely atrocious mess in every single measurable capacity.
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