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Everything posted by Squaremaster316

  1. This over any scene in the Toy Story series as far as raw emotion goes.
  2. 15 minutes of plot stretched into a 2 hour running time.
  3. Seeing as how TDK hits a higher mark than Toy Story 2, being a "poor man's" comparison is no big deal. TDK > TS2 TDKR > TS3
  4. Agreed, the only films in that ten-figure club that are on par or better are TDK, Skyfall, ROTK and... nope, that's it.
  5. Easily superior to any big budget blockbuster put out since TDK.
  6. Aside from Large Marge, there isn't a single thing about Pee Wee's Big Adventure that is memorable, much less funny.
  7. Absolute garbage. Leonard Nemoy should have ended his affiliation with Transformers after the 80's 1/2* out of *****
  8. This film has a lot of problems, both in plot and especially in character aspects, but the one thing you will NEVER hear me make a fuss about is how "Dark" it is.
  9. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5I0EbZL8J5c http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y9EceIZykHE
  10. When it comes to visceral and kinetic action, Nolan is easily in the same group as James Cameron.
  11. As opposed to 8 primes sacrificing their lives by using their bodies to hide an artifact instead of, oh, I don't know, killing the guy who's after it? The epitome of brainless plot holes. P.S. Bay wishes he had the talent to make a film as good in as many aspects as TDKR.
  12. One of the worst pieces of cinematic excrement that has EVER been put to celluloid. Completely bereft of a single redeeming quality, and topped, or should I say "bottomed" only, by XMO: Wolverine for worst film of the year.
  13. Pot, kettle, black. For you to say that a film is horribly written and then defend the merits of significantly worse written films hurts your credibility to "educate" someone on what a bad film is. You don't like TDKR, that's fine, but trying to convince others that your opinion is law and fact is trolling at the lowest common denominator, to say nothing for that asinine "50 films better" blog you posted. While I'm at it, here's, in my opinion, a list of the directors with two or more films to their directorial credits who's worst film can go toe-to-toe with (and are of roughly equal quality) with Nolan's worst: Stanley KubrickHayao MyazakiPaul Thomas AndersonEdgar WrightDuncan JonesJuan Antonio Bayona And that's it., feel free to disagree if you want.
  14. Glad nothing from Bay made this list, the prime definition of a no-talent con artist.
  15. Seeing as how it completely kills your credibility to judge other films as lesser quality, why not?
  16. Stale story and bland protagonists. *1/2 out of *****.
  17. I`m not the one acting like a self-righteous jerk. My opinion is not wrong, it's impossible for an opinion to be wrong, but instead of you simply disagreeing with it, you're acting like a total jackass. I said myself that the film was flawed(hence why I don't give it a full ***** rating), but you decide to act like a complete and utter troll and post asinine threads about films that are, in your own narrow opinion, "better". Every single film you've mentioned is worse on a technical and fundamental level than TDKR, IMO*. *That's abbreviation for IN MY OPINION! In summation...
  18. Nope, an exceptionally well written film with a few issues that make it less tight that its two predecessors. Like I said, calling it problematic (flawed) in places is one thing, calling it worse than Die Hard 5, Movie 43 or Red Dawn is another.
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