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Everything posted by Cmasterclay

  1. This question is pretty tough to answer, because when I was a kid, I could watch movies many, many, many times and not get bored. Since I've gotten older, I rarely watch films more than three times. But in my lifetime, I'm pretty sure I've seen Episode IV-VI over 100 times each. Jurassic Park and Independence Day are up there in a big way, too, as is Raiders of the Lost Ark. Recently, the most frequently would be the four times I've seen TDK and TDKR, as well as the Departed. I inexplicably saw MIB 3 three times in theaters this year.
  2. I think that being able to get fantastic performances out of actors as a director is just as impressive and important as having fantastic vision and shots. Maybe it's because I still act on stage, but directors certainly have a major role in the quality of the performances. This is especially true for Russell, considering that previously, Bradley Cooper hadn't shown any sign that he had that kind of talent and De Niro had been mailing it in for years. Ang Lee is a great example of the other kind of directorial brilliance- Pi is a gorgeous film because of the shots and ideas Lee worked with. Tarantino, IMO, is the best combination of both.
  3. 5/5Django UnchainedSilver Linings Playbook4.5/5ArgoZero Dark Thirty4.25/5 LincolnLes MisLife of PiHaven't seen the other two yet.
  4. Yea, I've been critical of the decision in the past, but the Oscar nominations make it easier to sell, WOM is out there to build buzz, and it will provide excellent counterprogramming to the action and horror doldrums of January. It turned out to actually be a wise choice.
  5. Yea, how did Beasts get nominated for the two major awards and get left off in the category that even people like me who haven't seen it know was universally incredible?Lincoln is a lock to win, just like Benjamin Button.... oh wait. If Affleck had been nominated, Argo would still be the favorite. Because he wasn't, Lincoln still is, but Pi, SLP, Amour, and Argo still have solid shots. Lincoln is a great movie, but not a lock for anything.
  6. I haven't seen Amour or Beasts of the Southern Wild yet, but it's a tragedy that Affleck and Bigelow were left off. The final chase in Argo and one particular scene in the middle of ZDT are absolute masterclasses in directing tension and anticipation- Affleck deserved to win, based on that aiport scene alone.Sad about Leo, but happy for Waltz! Rooting for Django in everything I can, but since it is highly unlikely it takes home best picture, I'd also loved to see Silver Linings Playbook win in that category.
  7. Final Predictions for nominees- unlike most people, I actually think the love is spread around alot due to it being a great year and the lack of consensus. I see a high number of nominees.Argo Beasts of the Southern WildDjango UnchainedLes MisLife of PiLincolnThe MasterMoonrise KingdomSilver LiningsZero Dark ThirtyIf something gets knocked out and replaced, either Marigold or Skyfall will replace it. I have a sickening feeling the best movie of the year, Django, may get snubbed.
  8. I think Waltz and DiCaprio are by far the two best supporting performances of the year, but DeNiro was absolutely fantastic in SLP. He rocked it. Arkin and TLJ gave two of the more overrated performances of the year- outshine by Goodman and Spader in their own movies. Also loved SLJ and, in a performance way too many forgot about, Tom Hardy in Lawless.
  9. I actually am moving Argo to the top of my list. More passion and love for it than Lincoln, and alot more consensus than ZDT or Les Mis.
  10. Trey Songz has nothing to do with boy bands or pop, he's sex-tinged R&B.
  11. Trey Songz is the man, I own his last three albums. With Usher becoming too techno and Chris Brown being a garbage human being, Trey is the reigning king of R&B. And even as a straight man, I can say the dude's probably the best looking man alive.
  12. I see next weekendHaunted House- 26ZDT-23GS-21 (Gosling could be this year's Tatum with a more friendly slate, this is his moment to shine)
  13. I think it's gonna be big, but it would be unwise to doubt Haunted House. Huge trailer reactions, box office pedigree, aiming for a specific demographic, and i honestly think it looks like a great guilty pleasure. Plus, Gangster Squad has alot of buzz among both young men, for the action, and young women, for the Gosling. One of the better January weekends in a while.
  14. True, but one more ring for Brady or Manning plus a few more typical MVP type years puts them on top of that list, just a little later than expected.
  15. I agree with high end predictions for Zero Dark Thirty- between Oscars and controversy from both sides of the aisles, the buzz is huge. Plus, the Bin Laden historical story is much more well known than Argo and more relevant than Lincoln. And the trailer is great. I see 23 opening and who knows how high total.
  16. Well, the killer gene was once so synonymous with Tom brady that is might as well be called the 'Brady gene' at this point. With the loss in the Superbowl and the Manning hype, there is whispers that the guy is angry and more on a mission than ever before. Tom Brady on the biggest mission of his career is just a terrifying concept. It's the only reason I have the Patriots making the Super Bowl over the Broncos, who most are picking.
  17. No doubt the Texans have struggled the past month, and if they make it to the next round against the Patriots that's certainly cause for concern. Atkins, Mike Johnson, and Dunlap are top notch pass rushers, but the offensive line is the one position in the NFL playoffs where talent triumphs over momentum, and a healthy Texans line has the best center in the NFL and a top drawer LT. Plus, Matt Shaub knows that if he's ever gonna prove himself as a QB that can win a Superbowl, he has to start by winning today's game. Let's see if he has a 'killer' gene after all.
  18. Oh of course- I just won 400 bucks in one league myself lol
  19. I don't think they're mutually exclusive- I love both equally. My two favorite pastimes. I go on here, then I go on ESPN, and vice versa.
  20. That's part of it, but it's really hard to lure kids of this generation to baseball because it is quite frankly a boring sport that takes too long. The NBA and NFL are much more fun to watch. Fantasy football is also an incredible factor.
  21. Bengals have a mediocre offensive line- Watt is gonna crush Dalton. And the Texans o-line is good enough to stop the strength of the Bengals pass rush. I feel your pain though- going in Lambeau against a pissed off Rodgers is gonna be rough for us Vikes.
  22. I think the playoffs is the main reason January has always been a movie 'dead zone', because otherwise it's a perfectly fine month. When it comes down to seeing a movie that I might want to see and watching RGIII live tomorrow, the choice is clear. Most of America would agree with me.
  23. National Football League, which in American tops movies, politics, and religion. Go Vikings!
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