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Everything posted by SpiderByte

  1. You got evidence for this (that Captain Marvel, a movie completely unrelated to this one in every way, got similar test reactions) or are you just randomly making shit up again?
  2. It's clearly filmed before his death, and there's no real way for him to have faked his death since his illusion stuff was broken. He didn't fake being shot.
  3. Idk if it's come up but one of Mysterios Stark crew is the guy Stane yells about how TONY STARK BUILT THIS IN A CAVE WITH A BOX OF SCRAPS at.
  4. It is in the movie. The scenes of him at the bodega, fighting the mob and getting his passport aren't though. They're going to be a short for the home release.
  5. <spoiler>My theater got a huge pop for JK Simmons return. Also huge gasps when Mysterio blows his identity to the world. He straight up puts Peters face in Times Square.</spoiler> The explanation for the Elementals is that drones project illusions, but use weapons to cause real damage (gunfire, Sonic cannons, etc) Edit: I saw the Chinese Clip and surprisingly it actually uses a different take when Mysterio says Peters name. The one in the US statics out for a second like Peter is going to avoid having his name exposed, but then cuts back and the Bugle puts a headshot of Peters face up.
  6. Yeah, the phrasing of the ads does not indicate this is only for the weekend. Remember, regardless if whether it will or won't, however they don't Disney thinks it's enough to beat the record, meaning it's likely not that short.
  7. 2021 is gonna be Shang-Chi, Doctor Strange and Black Panther (plus possibly Spidey 3 sanwiched in July). Plus with Twoicide Squad there is ZERO way he can get two big budget blockbusters out that fast.
  8. They did release a part of it for a BTS featurette. It looks like the story beats were essentially the same but Woody's entire characterization was different. They changed it since they realized they needed the audience to actually like Woody in order to make his jealously of Buzz sympathetic.
  9. Why not? Black Panther was Black History Month and Captain Marvel was International Womens Day. If casting really is underway, between that and having a director/writer on board it's looking a lot like this'll be the first after Eternals, which would put it in the February 12th slot. Feige said Coogler only just started outlining Black Panther 2, so it can't be that, and Strange is reportedly the May 2021 slot. Process of elimination.
  10. Plus, while February was BP1/Black History Month, November would be a great slot if Disney planned for another Oscar run (which, as a sequel to a Best Picture nominee, is basically a given).
  11. Wow, EVERYTHING is bombing this summer that isn't Disney (well, Disney proper) or Keanu. Wonder what the Dark Phoenix hold will be
  12. Friday 20.6 Saturday 20.4 Sunday 250 Total 291, PIKAMANIA RUNS WILD
  13. People need to realize that Endgame is in completely uncharted territory. There's no comparable metric to run something like this on because no movie has ever done it.
  14. Pikachu COULD over perform but no tracking really indicates so. If it's over Endgame this weekend it'll be by a thin margin, like 1-2 million.
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