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Everything posted by SpiderByte

  1. 4chan, known place where nobody ever makes shit uo for attention. I'll take a link just to laugh about how fake it must be. There was just wondering for Spider-Man that entirely hinged around something that was debunked almost instantly
  2. Got a strong feeling that tracking will change when the rating is revealed. They spent a long time saying it'd be R.
  3. That doesn't rule out SHIELD being involved at all. I'm certain this story will involve how Hawkeye was sent to kill her but recruited her instead.
  4. They already said they're pulling the non-exclusive Disney stuff from Netflix (so yes to Civil War and Ragnarok leaving but not Daredevil or Punisher), and already announced there's a (unnamed) show on the service. Feige's more or less said he's not interested in mid-budget blockbusters (at least under the main banner), so I doubt we'll see stuff like original films there. We'll get the movies released on there for sure, but as far as originals I think that'll be mostly from the TV side. Thirty bucks says Hannah John-Kamen returns as The Ghost for this one. With her being part of SHIELD and this being a prequel I'm almost certain it'll happen. Also the obvious ones like Renner, Jackson, and Gregg.
  5. The "I don't see much story or plot" argument is done out for every kids movie ever. Trailers for animated movies are never narrative based. For submission: the trailer for UP: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ORFWdXl_zJ4 Note the complete and utter lack of any of the SUPER FUCKING DARK parts of the movie
  6. Still though. It is the odd one of the bunch: * Marvel's first black solo lead, majority black cast, third highest DOM of all time * The culmination of 10 years of worldbuilding and franchises colliding together to create a force that (from the seems of it) is at least on par if not greater than Star Wars in terms of getting people to come opening weekend * Wacky shrinking hijinks with Morpheus
  7. In terms of 'could have been', Bryan Cranston was originally planned to either be a recast Ross or take Ross' place in the story in Civil War. There's even concept art that's very clearly him.
  8. I have a feeling that'll change once the Lion King trailer comes out. People said the same about Jungle Book at this point too.
  9. https://twitter.com/ScottWamplerBMD/status/988843017841733632 https://twitter.com/ScottWamplerBMD/status/988843017841733632
  10. Stepping out of the dark to put my money where my mouth is: 200+ mil.
  11. "Might be" based off a crew call? Come on. And Ant-Man was meant to start in June and didn't start till August and nobody's saying that'll be delayed.
  12. "There are too many characters in this movie!" There are literally only two other characters aside from Venom so far and they are literally a love interest and the villain. Take a chill pill.
  13. Divergent did fucking tank towards the end though. Straight-up cancelled Ascendant.
  14. From the looks of it, the first time they transform is the third act. Laaaaaaaaaaame.
  15. The weirdest thing is they went for this low-budget grounded Chronicle vibe but gave the movie a 150 million dollar budget. Also, side note: Having email notifications added be the 'default' selection for the forum is very annoying.
  16. If they pull something big at the Super Bowl it could bring hype, but it feels definitely deliberate they avoided showing any actual fighting or heavy VFX stuff so far. Especially since you'd think they'd pimp out Cranston in the marketing.
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