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Everything posted by messipotamia

  1. that's good to know, hey atleast superman isn't going up against cheung long (jackie chan), cos that would be worse considering zodiac did 100 mill + in china didn't it?
  2. 490 mill? I think that's quite a stretch, but then again I was certain of a 85-90 million opening so what do I know!!
  3. That really is too bad, but to be honest I'd be very happy with anything over 30 million (about quadruple the SR number), not sure if that will happen but we'll just have to wait and see. Also on a happier note, MOS now looks likely to take over 300 million so I'm quite happy.
  4. LOL yeah OS......ASM was a monster at 490million. I think doubling SR's take (191) would be a triumph! and the MOST anyone should expect from a reboot that's trying to regain some respect for the character. My estimate is still 270-300 million anything above that is gravy.
  5. I'm just hoping for 300 million +. I for one never ever expected this film to touch IM3 or ASM numbers, that is a job for superman (sequels)!
  6. 'honestly half of iron man'3 take ain't bad, I always tended to compare this film to SR rather than a monster like iron man. IM3 made about 13 mill in argentina so MOS could make 6.5 mill overall, which is way bigger than SR's 1.9 mill or so.
  7. Juni I hear that you're the expert on Russian B.O. (or atleast knowledgable) so how much do you expect MOS will do in Russia ?keeping in mind that its opening on the same day as MU and SR did a abysmal 1 million back in 2006.
  8. SO am I to understand that MOS is close(ish) to avengers exlcuding previews?
  9. Any idea what numbers we're looking at for the weekend
  10. hav u actually seen it? cos to be honest, reading your posts you're coming off as awfully silly.
  11. Thanks Sam, hmmmm DKR didn't do as well as one might think, wonder why that is.
  12. Guys any predictions for MOS gross in Russia, it's opening directly against MU mind you.
  13. Anything over 20 mill would be amazing since that means it doubles SR's take. Still I predict 14-15 mill is a realistic prediction.
  14. In that case it can make more than 20 mill right? (that would be a jump from SR's 13mill)
  15. Holly hell, the intouchables made over 400 million overseas!!!!! What a monster! I had heard of the film but had no clue it was such a hit; that even dwarf's pi's take considering the difference in the movies' budgets!
  16. LOL happened to me too once, I said a movie's cum instead of cumE. I guess we all have a bit of "lois lane" (occasionally misspell) in us.
  17. Our estimates are pretty close, but I honestly hope we're both wrong.
  18. So olive just out of curiosity what do you think of MOS's pre-sales?
  19. Interesting, SR did decent numbers in Denmark if I remember correctly. On a positive note, Im glad WB had MOS teaser during champion's league final, that was a good step.
  20. Superman and star trek are quite different, trek has never been a hit worldwide, it is -like many of you have said- an "american" product, while superman is a world wide icon and the franchise has proven it's self to be a titan in the past (STM has made an excess of 590 or so internationally and while I don't have the figures for SM II I know it's still one the highest grossing superhero movies in places like japan and spain) so the potential for breakout OS numbers are there, just not for a reboot coming off the heals of SR. I personally think that 270-300 is the most this film will get but if it's received well by the general public with 2-3 yrs of hype build up, the sequel can most certainly do dark knight, spiderman numbers.
  21. Oh god I hope so, nothing would make me happier than for you guys to come back next weekend and tell me "we told you so", but honestly I am sure that MOS will do modest buisness at best, I just prey that the movie won't get butchered by the critics tomorrow night.
  22. Yeah but you have to remember that the spiderman franchise was already an established monster overseas and ASM benefited from that good will, while superman's hasn't had a major hit since superman 2 more than 30 year ago.
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