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Everything posted by Mango

  1. Getting out of school/work are completely different situations than supporting 'Murica though
  2. I always felt Spider-Man should have been PG. There's barely any language at all (very mild at that), no nudity (Dunst nipples in the rain doesn't count), and the violence is so stylized it's practically lifted from a cartoon. Hell, the only thing I can think about from the entire film that was PG-13 worthy was Goblin getting impaled by his glider. Everything else is so PG you'd figure it would compensate.
  3. Pretty sure the one theater that added it this weekend is kicking themselves in the ass about right now.
  4. Wanted to like it a lot, tried to like it, couldn't like it. It starts off promising and doesn't really waste much time getting into the plot which is good but after that it just starts going downhill and by the third act it finally just loses it. Kind of the definition of a "mess" if you ask me with bland cinematography, one-note characters, and every video-game zombie cliche' there is (which is ironic because from what I hear the book's zombies were much less cliche'). The last act with the teeth-clicking zombie was laughable. Brad Pitt tries, but doesn't have much to work with, and I know it was a film he really wanted to get done but things just didn't work out this time. I give it a C-.
  5. After this I want a Tele rundown of every single MCU film from Iron Man to GOTG. Detailed paragraphs on what he didn't like.
  6. Not gonna lie Tele these last handful haven't really wow'd me. They were sort of expected. These next few I'm hoping to blow my mind.
  7. Going off what I believe to be a fairly conservative look at the weekend for AS - Fri - $16.4 (+115%) Sat - $23 (+40%) Sun - $13.8 (-40%) I get $53 million for the weekend, which would be a 40.6% weekend-to-weekend drop. That's the lowest I see this going. It might actually end up in the $60's, and boy would that be something.
  8. This ain't going below $50 million this weekend. $60 million seems likely tbh.
  9. American Sniper continues to amaze. If this somehow hits $60 million for the weekend I wouldn't be surprised. I do expect next week with the Superbowl, Sunday will be so deflated that it will likely cause for a much lower than normal weekend... but I expect an incredible hold the weekend after. Honestly this will probably play well into the spring.
  10. 2014 was so shitty for box office the best run out of its films happened in 2015.
  11. I can't believe how seriously fucking amazing Bradley Cooper is in this film. I just can't. I've grown to like him a lot as actor but once I saw this I walked out thinking I just saw one of the best performances ever. Like, give this man all the oscars. Solid direction from Eastwood but Cooper really put the movie on his back and carried it. The movie as a whole was pretty good, I give it a solid B.
  12. No way man "how do you say get the fuck out of the way in Chinese" totally felt natural and unforced.
  13. I want AS to end up winning the year because it would be awesome and a middle finger to Hollywoods current agenda of "big budget, franchise/reboot, only PG-13".
  14. If that by some crazy chance happens; fuck $400 million, I'm going straight to calling $600 million. Joking aside a $50 million or so second weekend is looking incredibly likely now.
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