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Everything posted by Mango

  1. Other people know about us?
  2. Nice, beat Iron Man 3 even without 3D. At this point a $50-55 million OD is a real possibility.
  3. Well Oz had Franco as a lead. The male lead in Cinderella is literally Prince Charming so I doubt a lot of guys expect to relate.
  4. I just personally didn't like Divergent and I'm glad to see it decreasing.
  5. In all fairness it would make sense to go through and adjust the handful of 3D films that made the list down to what they would be without their respective 3D grosses. Doing so for example would put Avatar closer to TDK and Thunderball. Obviously it's a rough estimate and could be off by several million, but it would be effectively "in the ballpark"
  6. Never said they were against them, just that their standards for what deserved one have definitely gotten more relaxed. People are going to eat this shit up, btw. When I was at the Cinderella screening Friday night I actually heard people talking about this announcement. Seriously, if it does $500 million I won't be surprised.
  7. Cinderella will have great word of mouth. It will definitely flirt with $200 million. Also Kingsman is holding on very well... loving it.
  8. Just got out of Cinderella. Liked it! Fucking huge crowd though and could've done without crying babies
  9. Lol I was planning on going, just not tonight initially.
  10. Just got asked to go see Cinderella tonight so I guess that's what I'll be doing.
  11. What we learned today is that Tele is a little bit of a Cameron fanboy. Great list Tele, the handful I haven't seen I'll work on seeing.
  12. Clearly, the 60+ crowd came from Transformers 4. More evidence for this is "highest since 2011". In 2018 when we get TF5 that 60+ crowd will be right back in the theaters.
  13. Pretty much what I asked upon seeing it. According to imdb this has a $65 million budget, so I take it they're coming out swinging.
  14. Lol, okay. I was just making a joke that wasn't even really "condescending" at all. More poking fun at another generally panned film being saved by China.
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