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Everything posted by Mango

  1. Well, that's what we all thought about IM2 as well.
  2. So I saw GOTG for the 5th and final time tonight. Gotta say while I did love it I really didn't forsee this; but my grandparents and I had nothing else to do over Labor Day weekend. I have now seen it more than any film since TDKR.My grandma loved it (mainly Groot and Drax) and my grandpa thought it was "okay, but not as good as the one with Thor and the rest of those guys".Also with noting my grandpa is the only person I've ever heard refer to the Avengers as "Thor and __"
  3. That is an outrageous amount. So how much are marketing budgets for the more mid-sized budgeted films? Like, would a $50 million film typically still have a $100-150 million marketing campaign?
  4. Its not really a flop or a success. It's in that middle grey area.
  5. Also as far as comic book films go I'd have to say 2014 has been another top tier summer with GOTG/DOFP. Not quite as good as summer 2008 with TDK/IM1 but definitely on par if not a bit better than 2012 with TDKR/Avengers.
  6. The domestic gross is pretty good, especially considering the long history of the franchise, but that overseas gross is just fantastic.
  7. My theater had the DOFP and Dragon 2 expansions shared. Dragon got two matinee showings and DOFP got two evening showings. I was close to seeing DOFP one last time.
  8. I was speaking in reference to DOFP, but yeah that is probably the best victory of the summer.
  9. Let's look at the real victory here. It killed both ASM2 and Godzilla.
  10. Overall I'd have to say this has been a damn fine August.
  11. GOTG is going to have the best multiplier out of any MCU film.
  12. Wow this is an awesome weekend for GOTG.
  13. I wouldn't feel sorry for them, I'd imagine it will be a very nice break.
  14. I was just about to say, that Sin City number has to be Paramount'ed. Why the hell would that film have the only sub-30% drop in the top 10 when the family appealing films like GOTG and TMNT couldn't even manage it?
  15. Just an example, but I have seen a few people on here mention that they have "unique" tastes before. Which is all fine, that doesn't rub me the wrong way at all.
  16. I totally pointed out GOTG's Sunday estimate was too high yesterday. Oh well, its good to be right. It's still a fantastic number for Guardians.
  17. I didn't direct it at one person in particular, it just seemed relevant to post.
  18. I try to respect everyone on here's opinions (not to say I don't engage in these debates as well) but when you go out of your way to mention how "unique" your taste is and how pretentious it is to like movie A or brand B... that in itself is kind of pretentious and the word we typically use to classify this mindset is "hipster".
  19. Looking at the numbers, I think this might be the first weekend GOTG was overpredicted for the weekend. Sunday's 29.6% might be a bit on the optimistic side, seeing how the weekday drops (and by extension, Sunday to an extent) are getting bigger along with the Friday/Saturday boosts, we might be looking more towards a 33-35% drop (for Sunday). That's still a fantastic hold for the weekend though.
  20. This is the second long-awaited B-movie comic book adaptation sequel that Eva Green has headlined this year to underperform compared to the original.
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