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Everything posted by Mango

  1. Tele did you ever see GOTG and if so what were your opinions?
  2. Thanks, Rth! So for TMNT that's a 51-74% bump and GOTG its a 42-65% increase. And not very good for EX3. Since it is only a bit past 7pm EST (so there is still a lot of business to be done there, let alone the rest of the country) do you think they have a solid chance of increasing?
  3. My bad. My motto is "everyone on the internet is a man until proven female"
  4. Yeah, its typically referred to as "Easter" in English speaking countries. "Eastern" is a direction.
  5. Think he meant "Easter" which helped Cap earlier in the year.
  6. Like these are literally the exact same posts/ arguments from every other day this week just reworded slightly.But in all fairness I guess that's what this place is for so I'll stop.
  7. Can we not argue about Turtles and Guardians today?
  8. I would love for this to happen. I really want a Bad Boys III with the original cast and crew (including Bay of course). That said if any one of those factors were not involved, my excitement would fade quickly.
  9. Buncha ungrateful cocks, people can be.
  10. Expected drops for TMNT and GOTG.
  11. The thing about 2012's weekdays that there will be some inconsistencies on is that the Tuesday increases were generally smaller than they are now, and 2012 didn't have the "Summer 2014 Thursday drops of death".
  12. Looking at the Monday before the drops all around seem a but smaller than this past Monday but I see what you mean.I think it should increase more than it did last Friday, though it probably won't hit nearly as high as 70%. Maybe 65%
  13. Is it not? I'm sure Turtles cut into some of the family audience but I'm assuming its still getting a good bit of families.
  14. I think Friday increases should be getting bigger as the month progresses. Hence why both GOTG and TMNT had near 60% Monday drops. Weekdays are getting smaller and Friday/Saturday increases should get bigger.
  15. I'm thinking a 53-55% drop for Turtles this weekend and a 39-42% drop for Guardians. Turtles should still win but I do think there is a slight possibility EX3 comes in 3rd place.
  16. So that's up 11% for TMNT and up 24% for GOTG. Great increases.
  17. I think so. TF4 seems to have sold around 27-28 million tickets, which is around 10 million lower than TF3 which was already a good ways down from TF2. I could see TF5 falling to the low 20's, if not high teens. TF4 doesn't seem to have gotten a very good audience response when compared to the others. Only way I'd buy a ticket at this point. (Just to see the trainwreck)
  18. I counted Expendables III for Tues/Wednesday. That's why I think Guardians will miss a 20% + Tuesday bump and drop a bit more on Wed. EDIT:: Nevermind had my dates mixed up. For some reason I thought Ex.3 was coming out on Wednesday.
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