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Everything posted by BoxOfficeFangrl

  1. Didn't they change the name back to The Post? Seeing lots of ads for Battle of the Sexes during the US Open naturally. Happy about the reception so far, tennis movies need a better representative than Wimbledon!
  2. Overall, it's not bad enough to be a good bad movie, it's mostly dull with a lot of characters taking stupid pills for the story to work. If you have a cheap matinee price where you are, that's the most I'd recommend a person to spend if seeing it in theaters. Forgot to mention the poor editing, it is very obviously sliced and diced, especially where the "love story" for Dane and Alicia is concerned.
  3. If you really want to know... I covered my face, half from embarrassment and the other to hide my laughter. But Vikander has on a nice nightgown during all these scenes, I have to say.
  4. Pros: Good turns from Tom Hollander and Holliday Grainger, Jack O'Connell wasn't bad , either Unexpected racial diversity (just with a supporting character and background actors but still more than 99% of movies of this ilk) Cons: Chemistry-free leads (especially bad when the movie's other young lovers actually do generate heat) Idiot Plots galore Military Metaphors + Sex Scenes = Major Cringe Everything about Zach Galifianakis 4/10 (really 3/10 but I gave it an extra point for the diverse casting)
  5. Sounds like Oldman delivers in The Darkest Hour and will only lose if he says something controversial from now to next March, or less likely (IMO), the "Churchill is #problematic" narrative takes off. John Lithgow has won a lot of awards for playing him in the outrage era, but that's TV and attention gets divided a lot more than with the Oscar race. Also, Oldman went off about the Golden Globes a few years ago, it will be fun to see if they snub him for a nomination even as he's the Oscar frontrunner. .
  6. Harry Styles could have had two movies in theaters this weekend! Weinstein explains (back in 2014, lol): Amazing, he wasn't cast in Dunkirk for another two years and that still got made/released before Tulip Fever!
  7. Yeah I feel like a bunch of other movies about the "Old South" even more offensive will slide under the radar and run on TCM or wherever without much controversy, because they are not nearly as well known. A couple of years ago a discussion about GWTW came up on another movie forum I visit, and the international posters really didn't see it as glorifying the South so much, they were like, "What are you talking about, it shows the South losing, Scarlett the protagonist realizes the past is gone pretty quickly, all the other white characters sit around pining for the good old days and get nothing done." They felt like if people viewed GWTW as a documentary, that was on them for being idiots. I think the imagery of the happy/docile slaves, the slave girls fanning the sleeping white ladies, the dialects, the things about GWTW that people find most inflammatory, don't resonate as much for people less familiar with those stereotypes, because a person's not from America or is young and oblivious to how those images have been used throughout history. Or a person just looks at the movie as an artifact of a time and place in how it portrays black and white characters. I don't think those angry guys were marching in Polo shirts with tiki torches because of 80 year old movies, especially such a female-oriented one like GWTW. As a black person I've come to understand that some white people will simply never identify with someone who doesn't look like them and as such will always look for a way to justify the transgressions of their ancestors. "That's the way things were" or "maybe they had slaves, but they treated them well", etc. It doesn't make slavery any less awful to have engaged in, because they didn't beat or rape anyone! But you have some people who feel it does and will always have more empathy for their predecessors than mine, and I don't know how much that is going to change no matter how many movies you ban or statues that get torn down. Disclaimer, obviously I am not saying all people who are white try to justify slavery or the Civil War!
  8. Looking forward to next weekend, I think this might surprise: BOM lists it opening in 370 theaters, Instructions Not Included made $7.8M in 348 theaters, and a number like that would be enough for #1 next weekend. OTOH Hazlo Como Hombre just has one of Eugenio Derbez's kids rather than him in it. But it probably outgrosses Tulip Fever...
  9. The only thing I can think is that Weinstein likes to tinker with his movies endlessly and it probably didn't cost that much to replace DeHaan, I mean, voice actors often record their work separately and animated movies routinely have different casts for international releases already. This move was announced months ago, it's not like Harvey booted him after Valerian's opening weekend or something, or there were bad reviews for his voice work. I get replacing the voiceover with something like Her, that had awards hopes and got judged by a way different standard than a small animated kids movie.
  10. Why wouldn't Kim Kardashian or The Rock see Leap? They probably watched it with their young daughters. It's just as well that Dane DeHaan's voice work in Leap got replaced, he's going to have enough flops this year as it is.
  11. Probably more than that, it has to be at some second/third run theater that isn't charging $9 or $10 per ticket or maybe a drive-in. Are there still dollar theaters anywhere in America still?
  12. The cynic in me is hoping he hits all the precursors, usually each show tries to use a different clip to mix things up, they would be hard pressed with Rylance. Literally never heard of Patti Cake$ until this thread, the lead reminds me of a grown up Honey Boo Boo TBH...
  13. Harvey moved Tulip Fever to Labor Day weekend at the last minute, embargoed reviews until 1 PM on September 1, I swear the hold that movie has over him has caused him to lose all his brain cells. Did Inception even get re-released for Oscar season? Dunkirk is a little different, maybe more like Gravity in being able to sell the theater experience. It will probably be on streaming and DVD by awards season, a re-release would only do so much. I don't see Dunkirk winning BP, it's too big and has too many detractors to make it in the preferential ballot system. Keira Knightley got in for a pretty unchallenging performance in The Imitation Game more recently, but yeah. Although some would say Rylance didn't do very much in Bridge of Spies and won, and his reviews for Dunkirk are strong enough, but it's a very competitive year. I think he probably wins the BAFTA, Dunkirk is just massive in the UK. War Room was pretty leggy, it didn't start out in 3,000 theaters though and the Kendrick Brothers are at Spielberg/Nolan status among faith-based moviegoers. The Nolan vs. La La Land talk is funny because during the PR tour for Dunkirk he had big praise for LLL, said he saw it in theaters three times. It would be hilarious if his next movie was a musical! I think he enjoys f***ing with people a little bit.
  14. The song came into my head as soon as I saw the title. The gospel play is kind of its own sub-genre within black theater, there are plays named after songs and some have been made into films, IDK if there is same thing with Contemporary Christian/rock. Amazing Grace is a hymn but it's probably been used as a movie title. Dennis Quaid is the star? Curious about which 2010s bad boys will be making heartwarming family films in 20-30 years time...
  15. Not sure if serious, but Elizabeth Olsen is the younger sister of twins Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, now best known as fashion maven socialites but they first came to fame as Michelle on Full House.
  16. There are naysayers who won't credit DiCaprio for being a draw ("...he just picks good scripts!") so an actress, any actress, but especially one who gets people bent out of shape like JLaw...lol, don't hold your breath. But then the "draw/not a draw" arguments often end up being very simplistic and tedious and go in circles, for some it's really about stars they like vs the ones they don't. The middle ground that stars can help but the material matters too isn't exciting enough, I guess.
  17. In the age of helicopter parenting is "losing it on prom night" still a thing? Even *mumblemumble* years ago when I was in HS, there were school sponsored all night parties for kids with strict parents who wouldn't let their teenagers go out just anywhere all night. Though the daughters could give the boring chaperoned party the slip... Also a movie with that premise in the late 2010s will be generating a lot of thinkpieces about it being problematic and the patriarchy and promoting outdated/stereotypical gender norms, you watch... Definitely saw the new IT preview during Monday's finale of The Bachelorette, mother! and others as well. Wut. Is that Barbie's neighbor Amazing Amy?
  18. Emma Watson only got the role after Alicia Vikander dropped out and as for Tom Hanks, he probably didn't have to work that much and made a few mil. His role is fine, the movie around it just needed to be different. They reshot the ending, it was even worse in the book. If the movie had actually been The Net v2.0 it could have been a reasonably diverting thriller. I knew Minions would not have the best WOM when my sister and BIL who like everything--I mean, one year they saw Wild Hogs for their anniversary date and looked at this as time well spent--described Minions as "...interesting".
  19. Jigsaw doesn't seem real to people, a teen/adult sexual relationship does, plus the US has a weird streak of prudishness while simultaneously being fixated on sex. Sometimes America surprises me with its reactions but this is not one of those times. The creative team behind CMBYN made the choice not to age up Elio, the defense so far seems to be that the age of consent is lower where they were, and anyway, anyone objecting is homophobic. I seriously hope SPC has a better strategy for dealing with this controversy than that. Interestingly in the weekend box office thread you have someone labelling Luc Besson a criminal because he complied with age of consent laws that the poster just thinks are too low. Maybe they are, but this was a heterosexual situation, I just think the, "CMBYN only bothers people because it's gay guys!" argument is reductive and dismissive, it plays a part but not the only one. IMO pretending that everyone is just hunky dory in the 2010s about onscreen pairings of under-18 girls and much older men, bringing up Tom Cruise and his costars or JLaw/Bale, like those are remotely the same thing as what's going on here, is presenting a skewed picture of reality.
  20. Yeah, Selma was $20M and Hidden Figures $25M, and those had more commercial potential than Detroit on paper, but the price tag can only get so low on period films if it's portraying the larger world and not just some isolated setting.
  21. The movie is so old Alicia Vikander made it before The Danish Girl, and she won the Oscar for that a year and a half ago!
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