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Everything posted by Talkie

  1. So was La La Land, yet another example of Hollywood's self-love. All of the nominees were perfect Oscar bait, that's why they were made and nominated.
  2. Could be like women who proudly call themselves bitches, I suppose. That word makes many of us ready to fight but others take it as a compliment.
  3. Fishnets bounces around other movie sites, still grinding the same ax. She is completely obsessed, but I suppose all of us would be too if Miranda Otto had run over our dogs and stolen our boyfriends.
  4. For reals? It's not nice to speak ill of the departed, but I had her on ignore for years. Does she know what the word "cochofle" means? I guess we'll never know.
  5. Don't be ashamed. Just watch it as soon as you can. You're in for a great experience.
  6. Rope and Rear Window are classics, of course, but my favorite Jimmy Stewart/Alfred Hitchcock collaboration is Vertigo. For some reason, I find Stewart at his most compelling when he played characters who teetered on the edge of psychosis, perhaps because he seemed so square and conventional on the surface. Scotty was emotionally fragile from the start of the film, and watching him fall deeper and deeper into delusion is entrancing. Vertigo is one of those films I make a point of watching at least once a year, along with North By Northwest.
  7. You get a like for the Hitchcock shout-out. All of his films are fascinating psychological studies that far surpass anything made by the current crop of so-called auteurs. Hitchcock, Welles, Huston, etc., were greater than any director working today, including a certain technology-obsessed one.
  8. We saw Lego Batman after John Wick 2, with a dinner break in between. Out of all the Batmans (Batmen?), Lego Bats is now my favorite. The writers were able to skewer Batman's longstanding character foibles and tropes (dead parents, anyone?) while maintaining an affectionately playful tone. They get that he's a super messed up guy who is more of a loser than he realizes and did a skillful job of laying all that bare in a hilarious, kid-friendly way, leading the Caped Crusader to more growth by movie's end than all of his live-action appearances combined. The gags and in-jokes came so fast and furious that I was laughing from the opening right through to the end credits. The adults in the audience were having more fun than the kids at times because so many call-backs to previous films flew over the little ones' heads. All of the goofy villains from the Silver Age and other media got huge laughs. The Lego Batman Movie had much more humor and heart than The Lego Movie, IMO.
  9. I just got back from a John Wick 2/Lego Batman double feature. We loved both of them so much. The crowd for JW ranged in age from twentysomethings to a few folks who were in their seventies and everyone seemed to have a ball. The action was just insane! It reminded me why I loved Matrix-era Keanu so much. He kicked all the ass, but it wasn't so effortless for Wick that it seemed ridiculous. The hand-to-hand fights, especially with Cassian, were wonderfully brutal. There hasn't been another movie with action sequences that were so well choreographed and filmed so coherently. I felt submerged into John Wick's universe, with its elegant quirks and near-constant violence, and it was glorious. Throughout the movie, some squeamish men kept letting out little screams whenever Wick dished out a headshot or cracked a bone. At one point I thought that the guy next to me was going to run out of the theater.
  10. See, this is how people here set movies up to be "failures" in their own eyes by overestimating box office potential. Then some will construct a false narrative around their own over-prediction that they (and others) treat as truth.
  11. Universal has deep pockets and an army of lawyers. It can bleed TMZ and PETA dry if it chooses to. Hopefully, it chooses.
  12. I haven't watched it yet. Maybe I'll rent it just for fun. It's what SATC was for my work friends back in the day. The best thing to come from this movie are the parody ads.
  13. The reviewers for Slate and Indiewire need to pull the sticks out of their butts so they can unbend and have some fun.
  14. It's fucked up that their non-replies are accompanied by John Wick 2 gifs and pics.
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