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Everything posted by Talkie

  1. Didn't Scott say that he had four sequels planned, only to whittle that down to two? After this, Fox will probably pull Blomkamp's script out of the bin and give Sigourney a call.
  2. I was surprised to see the notice as soon as I logged in. I took a few weeks' break from this forum precisely because the omnipresent nastiness became depressing. Once it started detracting from the fun of following box office and movie news I bailed. It's better to get pure numbers from the trades and BOM than to wade through endless snark. it will be interesting to see how this experiment in positivity/less negativity works.
  3. Maybe when the actuals come in it will. Though I've no doubt that the fudge will be strong with Fox on Monday afternoon.
  4. I like SS more than BvS, too. But then I enjoy having a doctor stick syringes in my eye more than I enjoyed watching BvS.
  5. I can believe that. The Cloverfield porn parody made much more sense than the ridiculous original, too.
  6. We went to see this yesterday and I'm so glad we did. It really delivered monstrous fun and plenty of thrill. The effects were truly incredible. There was no point at which I felt that Kong or the other monsters looked fake or obviously like cgi. Much of the action takes place in daylight and the cinematography allowed the audience see exactly what was happening. After the latest Godzilla that was a relief. The action was so intense that at times I found myself in shock. Outstanding job by Vogt-Roberts. The human characters were given just enough development that I cared a liitle when they started getting picked off by various monstrous creatures. Landsat got the worst of it. Any publicity is good publicity, I guess. It's ridiculous that Kong is still being played as a fool for blondes after 80 damn years, though. They could have had him do his half-assed bonding with Hiddleston, instead. Even damn dirty apes are hot for that guy. ?
  7. This promo pic needs to be hidden because of potential spoilers and ridicule:
  8. Usually, there are at least 8 (eight) pinned threads. Above those are the subforums. It's a pain in the ass to scroll past all that on a phone. All I'm suggesting is some restraint in pinning topics that should sink or swim just like the film threads do.
  9. Frankly, the next "problem" that needs to be addessed is the massive number of pinned posts on the box office discussion forum. The pinned posts not only make scrolling past then a pain, but they push 8 - 10 film related threads onto the second page. As a result, threads for upcoming and recently released films can end up buried fairly quickly. There is just too much clutter on the first page. Why not let all but a couple of the pinned threads float like all the others? Each weekend's box office threads should be pinned, of course, But do all of the others absolutely need to stay at the top of the forum? Some of the pins could be in the speakeasy, others might be put in an administrative topics subforum. Just do something to kill the clutter. Please!
  10. There is that, which is plain stupidity on the part of people who open spoiler tags. Nobody forces anyone to look. Those who lack the common sense to avoid clicking on spoilers deserve derision more than protection, imo. But the bigger problem is people who can't (or don't want to) stop themselves from hinting about major spoilers after seeing movies. Banning that kind of behavior is something I can agree with. We should be able to read threads without feeling like we're walking through a minefield of almost-spoilers and guessing games.
  11. Is it possible that Lego Batman's audience appeal was blunted by the fact that both BvS and The Killing Joke were fairly family unfriendly films? The Lego films are primarily aimed at kids, but two Batman films prior to LB were more or less unsuitable for the youngest viewers. BvS was a rather dark and brutal PG-13 affair, while TKJ went straight into R-rated rape and mayhem territory that no parent would take a child to see. The fact that TKJ is animated makes the situation even dicier. Parents who had to forego taking their kids to those movies may have been reluctant to risk a trip to see Lego Batman. Sure, the ads and trailers made it seem like a fun adventure, but there could have been a reluctance to trust the studio not to throw the same "dark and gritty" themes into The Lego Batman. Without families to fuel it, TLB couldn't reach the level of The Lego Movie. At least, that's my theory.
  12. I distinctly recall that we were forbidden to even say whether we liked or disliked TFA when it came out. There was a ban threat for posting something so innocuous. You should be able to understand why this new policy makes some of us leery of a return to that sort of heavy-handed moderation.
  13. Sony threw Cameron's script in the garbage, doused it with gas, burned it and pissed on the ashes. Cameron had Spidey popping his cherry on top of the Brooklyn Bridge with MJ, for one thing. Was that in the version you watched?
  14. I missed SM3 in the theater because I was in hospital when it came out. That was a bullet dodged. Even after I was given two (2) copies for Christmas, I knew better than to watch this cinematic abortion. There was always this sense that it was something best left unseen, lest it taint my love for Raimi's first two Spider-man films. Unfortunately, my streak of good luck and better judgement was ended when I watched this video. It was horrifying. Did Sony's overbearing interference drive Sam Raimi mad? Was Tobey infected with insanity in a cinematic version of folie à deux? Whatever happened on that production, the end result was hideous.
  15. So now I guess I have to watch The Room before this comes out. Thanks a lot, Franco!
  16. There's no need to change the title. If Avatar is a franchise, as you claim, its inclusion is already implied by the title as it stands. "Franchise Wars" implicitly includes all franchises. So it's in there, if you squint hard enough.
  17. To be completely fair, Avatar isn't a franchise yet. It needs to have at least one sequel in order to be considered a franchise, a condition that it may or may not meet sometime in the next century.
  18. I only skimmed the last few pages, but apparently, a hair & makeup Oscar has become the ultimate in mainstream critical validation now. All of those people who wasted their time working on the Best Picture winner must be in despair knowing that their efforts weren't worthy in the hairstyle and makeup arena.
  19. Civics classes, history classes, even math/technology/STEM classes can and will use HF as a jumping off point for discussion about the obstacles faced by women and people of color who pursue careers in the tech field.
  20. It's wrong to hold the presenters responsible when it was the accountants/producers who are supposed to make sure that the right envelopes are given to them.
  21. There are honestly many classic musicals that make anything from the last fifty years look like shit. Current filmmakers are lucky that their efforts aren't judged by comparing them to films from previous decades.
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