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Thrylos 7

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Everything posted by Thrylos 7

  1. My deal is that IW broke the ow record and couldn’t even reach 700 million after that in the U.S, it is all relevant. The rest of your post, whatever....
  2. Agreed. It is losing steam way too fast. I hope the U.S final result can push it past Avatar worldwide. It was the , not so great after a record ow, U.S result that prevented IW from passing TFA worldwide, I hope we don’t have a repeat here.
  3. Doesn’t it have an 150 million production budget, before marketing costs ? Does a studio invest almost 250 million $$ for this kind of results ? I mean taken as what it is, a Pokémon film, it isn’t doing bad but i wonder what the studio’s expectations were to make such a big financial investment.
  4. Depends on the U.S number. Doesn’t look promising. It will be close though, very close.
  5. At least you have the decency to acknowledge your overprediction, kudos.
  6. Exactly (.......) I just mentioned what would be considered underperforming after the more recent revised forum projections because if we go a bit further back in time.....
  7. Agreed. I don’t even get the reasoning for this movie to actually exist but whatever. At least I guess the budget will be low. Is Eternals supposed to come out next summer, this has all the potential in the world and yes I know that they are unknown and this is completely irrelevant to its box office potential. Eternals has the potential to be much bigger than GOTG.
  8. Being beaten by spider man worldwide would be underperforming , at least according to what the majority of the forum has been preaching for over a year , though truth be told many thought TLK would be bigger than endgame back in the day.
  9. Honestly reading the Alita, Pokémon, Mary poppins returns e.t.c threads feels like entering the twilight zone.
  10. Yes that is exactly what I am saying , a few million give or take. Whatever the mindset here was that guardians of the galaxy would fail cause “nobody knows who they are”. Some of you are too fixed in these things. Also Mary poppins returns would be huge because the previous Mary poppins film blah blah blah. I simply don’t believe that BATB was a success because of an animated film over 25 years ago. I don’t believe that 90% of the people that watched this, esp. the female crowd, gave a shit about the old cartoon film.
  11. Agree to disagree. Even I loved the teaser and could care less about “beauty and the beast”, the cartoon, the show or whatever else that nostalgia supposedly came from. This teaser was beautiful, no wonder it made a splash. My opinion is that BATB succeeded on its own merits and most of its audience (mostly female) didn't care or even completely ignored the previous versions. Of course the tale of BATB is far more timeless and classic than a successful cartoon film that was launched almost 25 years ago (TLK).
  12. I will be shocked if TLK does over 1.5 billion WW, nevermind 2 billion. People should really dial back on bringing up the nostalgia factor, apart from Star Wars I don’t really believe in that factor and society has changed drastically over the years. “Beauty and the beast” didn’t perform well because of nostalgia, I believe there was no nostalgia whatsoever. It performed well because from the first trailer it was obvious that it would grab a good portion of the movie going audience. TLK seems ....flat, for a lack of a better word, and i can’t see what demographic it is aiming at. In fact I would bet on the new spider man beating it worldwide just like aquaman demolished the last Marry Poppins movie (another movie that some people were heavily pimping last summer because of nostalgia). Obviously TLK will not do MP numbers but I still doubt about its potential to do monster numbers . We will see I guess.
  13. I doubt we will have any over 2 billion films until Avatar 2. The amount of money is too big for most blockbusters to reach and a movie still needs a perfect storm to reach that milestone. 2 billion is still too much and will be too much for the foreseeable future. The only recent movies that have reached it is the first proper sequel to the original Star Wars films , helped by an amazing U.S result, and the two Infinity Saga films (where everything worked perfect for them). Obviously I am leaving the two Cameron phenoms out since they are older and don’t even apply to the usual blockbuster rules. (hence why they were n.1 and n.2 for a looooooong time).
  14. So it will only do 150 million worldwide in the weekend ? I mean I don’t doubt it but I don’t get it. This movie has been killing it OS, even with China normally slowing down, why would it suddenly have an OS weekend similar to the U.S one ? It would go from a 2.8/1 OS/U.S analogy (in Wednesday) to an almost 1/1 analogy in the weekend.(65/70million U.S, 75/80 million OS for it to have an 150 million weekend)
  15. The weekdays OS have been far stronger than U.S, why are some people predicting a similar gross from the U.S and OS in the upcoming weekend ? Going in the weekend with around 2.330 it seems that 2.5 after the weekend should be a lock (65-70 U.S and around 100 OS). What’s this 2450 that I am reading about, that would indicate a total collapse overseas. Am I missing something here ?
  16. Except that no other movie had passed the unadjusted gross of titanic up until now except avatar so this comparison is silly. TFA didn’t even come close, IW didn’t, no Harry Potter movie did, no Jurassic film did e.t.c. Passing titanic is not something that is common so some people should stop acting like it is, nevermind that endgame will pass Avatar too.
  17. I am a marvel fanboy and I find these drops mediocre to bad, in fact other marvel fanboys do the same. In fact most people writing about meltdowns are not marvel fans.
  18. So an extra year of thousands of posts by the Cameron fanbase in every thread? Disney is cruel beyond belief....
  19. It is the only event WORLDWIDE. 5 billion in 12 months. The rest are just movies that did good somewhere, one in the U.S the other in Japan and so on.
  20. The only event in 2010’s is the infinity saga films and the MCU in general. Maybe if the Star Wars films hadn’t fizzled so fast they could be in the discussion. All the other theories and narratives (from TFA to WW2) are just to make people feel less sad that these two movies destroyed their favorite franchise. Now we give awards for 2nd weekend in the U.S, 3rd weekend in Lichtenstein, 4th weekend in Burma e.t.c.
  21. I am not judging SW movies by Solo, i am judging disney’s attempt to make SW an MCU-light . The downward trend was evident even by rogue one , solo just solidified it hence many SW plans were put on ice or completely abandoned. The MCU , on the other hand , will have three 1 billion dollars plus worldwide films just this year. When SW films make over 20 billion in 10 years and that is without counting the non-MCU marvel films then we can talk.
  22. The MCU also has 22 movies in 10 years and started as an independent studio. Disney attempted to pull off something way more conservative with Star Wars and failed spectacularly.
  23. The only true event of the 2010’s is the infinity saga movies with about 5 billion in 12 months . The rest is just to make some folks sleep better at nights.
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