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Thrylos 7

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Everything posted by Thrylos 7

  1. This new thread will be people whining about why the other thread was closed
  2. I have no numbers just anecdotal evidence but when i bought my ticket for opening day (April 25) in my country, Greece, the biggest multiplex of the country only had some shitty seats for all showings available and that was last Monday with a ton of screens and showings. Mind you that presales aren’t really a big thing here and endgame’s opening day is 3 days before orthodox easter when most people are leaving Athens. In fact I thought that it would open a week after the global opening because of that but it seems to be doing smashing regardless.
  3. You are seriously the best poster here by a mile, along with Baumer. Every post of yours is full of common sense and logic amongst a sea of stupidity.
  4. I got tired of this forum and the constant fights and abandoned it many months ago but I seem to remember tons of people swearing left and right about how and why Marry poppins was going to be the big hit of Christmas. Anyway aquaman was fantastic, by faaaaaar the best DCCU film, and I am rooting for it to do amazingly well.
  5. Yeah that top 5 was oozing with quality....
  6. No, they know what they are talking about because, behind the satire and jokes, they analyze each film very well and they are obviously knowledgeable when looking at their reviews of much older films. I don’t care if they dislike a film that I like or vice versa, what they have to say , even if I disagree, is interesting and well put.
  7. The half in the bag guys are amazing. Their reviews, their satire are amazing and they actually know what they are talking about. More subs than that grace person and waaaaaaaay more views per video , usually over a million views .
  8. Yeah what is that supposed to be saying ? I have written time and time again that mods are very generous to people that use personal attacks, and sometimes very extreme personal attacks .
  9. Am I supposed to be one of the people that get defensive ? If nothing less I am the exact opposite , I actually overstate when something does less than my expectations and haven’t shied away from the fact that I find AATW performance disappointing. That doesn’t mean that I can’t have fun with a butthurt fanboy like Napoleon who has been crying for years every time a dccu movie underperforms or outright flops and is trying to have fun with a movie that will do better than his darlings.
  10. Will still crush justice league worldwide and possibly man of steel. Imagine a failed ant man film doing better than a Batman+Superman +Wonder Woman film and a solo Superman film.
  11. Come one man, Wonder Woman is the citizen Kane/apocalypse now/The Godfather of the dccu and the few dc fans are oversensitive over it. Let them spew their bullshit, it’s the only thing they have left when we are living on a time when a “flop” Ant man movie will make more than a justice league film worldwide. Have some mercy on the poor folks, just say yes to everything they write.... 😉
  12. Nope you are as transparent as they come, it’s some other people that are usually acting “holier than though” that are showing their true colours while providing some fantastic entertainment 😀😀
  13. Or maybe the opposite great success huge increase over the first why are people disappointed ? no sequelitis for MCU End of discussion. You’re welcome.
  14. Mid thirties for the first to mid fifties for the second is an increase of around 60% which on a nationwide scale would give AATW around 91+ million , way higher than any current estimate so I don’t see what’s so bad in your theater. Close to 60 in your theater would mean a 70% increase which would translate to a 97 million weekend nationwide.
  15. Logan is a spaghetti western disguised as a CBM, that doesn’t make it the best CBM , not even close. Secondly there’s nothing really iconic about Logan ,outside of a few fanatics of the fox X-men films, the rest of the movies he was in didn’t exactly set the box office world on fire, we aren’t talking about spider man or Indiana Jones or Batman here. A “freakin” ant man movie , that’s the same attitude that was projecting GOTG to be marvel’s first big flop a few years ago in this forum. What exactly is wrong with the ant man concept that people are downplaying it so much ? Going by that attitude a ton of “just entertaining” movies that were big box office hits over the years should have flopped because they didn’t seem so “serious” or “epic”or whatever the hell else some people mean.
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