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Everything posted by WhiskeyTangoFoxtrot

  1. http://variety.com/2014/film/news/box-office-captain-america-rio-2-both-aiming-at-46-million-weekend-1201156277/ Not really saying anything different from THR:
  2. I absolutely don't want Rio to win over Cap… but I wouldn't be surprised if it took No. 1. I just don't want a 59% or > drop for TWS. That's really it. If it manages to also stay on top, then awesome. I feel like family movies are really tricky to predict ​even the apparently shitty ones.
  3. Why would you post that… I kid. But that Cap number, as much as I want it to be accurate, can't be this early in the day? Jesus, I'd love a sub-50% drop this week for TWS. GET ALL THE MONEY CAP!! All. Of. It.
  4. Dude… that is a high projection for Cap. Hoping DAT CLASSIC MARVEL BUMP holds for Sat.
  5. 600m should be a sure thing… anything higher than that? Would be awesome, but not holding my breath. Still, this movie deserves to billion dollar at the B.O. of all the Phase Two movies. How much did TDW make again?
  6. I am jealous of every single person (who either liked it or didn't) who gets to see this before me. I've heard enough praise for Chris' performance that I'm salivating over seeing this when I can.
  7. It pretty much rocked the April OW record, and improved tremendously on TDW, so epic win for me. It's also given Chris Evans a great opening weekend headlining his own movie. I'm really happy. (Although I kind of think Nikki's tweet reads like the movie *failed* somehow by not reaching $100mil LOL! I'll live though…(
  8. TDK pulled that from real world issues, just like Cap did. Both used them to tell stories about their respective protagonists. The only thing is that TDK came first, so I guess to some it looked like Cap was aping it. In TWS,
  9. It didn't have to try to "be the dark knight". It had to try to be a well done Captain America/Steve Rogers movie. For me, it absolutely succeeded. The broader themes of freedom and preemptive strikes were used to define who Steve Rogers is and his importance to the twenty-first century, IMO. It didn't need to go any deeper than that in regards to the poltical issues to make it a great film experience. I know there's a need to compare every CBM to TDK or The Avengers, but Marvel's doing something different, I think.
  10. I wore a Cap sweater to my screening. Some dude wore his hoodie with the wings and eyeholes and everything. There's not much "dressing up" during these things in my neck of NorCal
  11. I'm legit shocked that SFO is on the list for top 3 locations. I didn't think we cared. (So many hippies around here… LOL!)
  12. It's a fantastic opening, no doubt! Perspective. We need it LOL!
  13. I hate being even a little disappointed at such a shiny number as a possible $90+ opening for Cap. Still can't help but feel let down by a sub $40+mil. Friday. Even though that's big.
  14. I'm sorry, why are we NOT talking about either It's Always Sunny… or Louie? Because both shows >>>> everything else (except for True Detective or Breaking Bad.) (Or Buffy or The Wire (RIP)) ETA: The Wire does NOT suck!
  15. Watch the first two to maybe four seasons, then skip to the finale. Which… is probably how the series should've gone. I hate it when shows are needlessly strung out over years.
  16. Thanks! Little lower than we were all hoping/thinking, but still amazing for this movie.
  17. I was expecting maybe $7-8mil on midnights… this number kind of broke my brain. Now I'll be disappointed if anything below $95mil DOESN'T happen!
  18. Awwww… dislike Yeah, Maybe Cap 3 will do better since it's closer to the summer.
  19. Do you think that's because of reviews? Or is it because it's not premiering during the summer like the first CA did? It just seems like the better movie overall than CA1, so I guess Cap's simply not a popular character overseas.
  20. Well, that single-handedly elevated my opinion of Bale. That's really generous of him.
  21. I saw more films than I thought I did initially once I listed them. Heh.
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